The Ancient Human Anatomy in SHIVA PURANAM || Project SHIVOHAM

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foreign [Music] the land of knowledge this has been one of the names of Bharat and rightfully so Bharat has an ocean full of knowledge right from Vedas purana smriti upanishads agama siddhantas the volume of knowledge that we have in Bharat is wide deep and complex Pancha siddhantika treaties on astronomy patanjali yoga shastra principles of yoga charaka samhita principles principles on surgery and Medicine rasindra mangalam signs of alchemy Vice principles of atomic theory Arya bhattiam principles of astronomy like this the list goes on and on and on and in Project shivoham we made detailed documentaries on many of these ancient Sciences philosophies and many other scriptures and this documentary is about a very ancient scripture that will fundamentally change your perspective and perception about the puranas let's get started I know what you might be thinking about the map of Bharat shown here we'll talk about it towards the end of the stock film and it is not about what you might be thinking authored 18 mahapuranas and of the 18 mahapuranas Siva mahapura this is the topic of interest for us today sivapuranam is one of the largest mahapurana and internally it has vidyaswara samhita rudra samhita um six books as we know today together make Siva mahapurana but there are many other books which are possibly lost and we don't have the full Siva puranam as it was many centuries ago in Seva mahapuranam of all the six books Uma samhita written in the name of ma Parvati this is where in Uma samhita the ancient human anatomy is DJ loved at an astonishing level of granularity right from the metabolism in human beings up until how the fetus gets developed month by month and a lot more details about human anatomy are detailed in Uma samhita and in this dog film let's try to understand the astonishing details about human anatomy as described in Seva mahapuranam by Veda vyasa maharshi there is quite a deep background and context about Uma samhita in sivapuranam but owing to the subject and the objective of this dog film let's directly cut across to the point of our interest it all starts with a conversation between Brahma and saputra sanat kumara and mahashrisu with him these are the words of Veda vyasa towards sanat kumara o muniswara to realize the materialistic and worldly Detachment please narrate to me how human beings grow in the womb and the process of their birth does sanat kumara starts narrating to Veda vyasa maharshi about the human anatomy for ease of understanding all the details narrated by sanat kumara I cut it into three different chapters in chapter one let's try and understand how metabolism in human beings is explained and in chapter number two it's all about pregnancy and fetus development and in chapter number three the psychology of the fetus when it was in the mother's womb so these are the three important parts of the entire conversation that essentially explains about human anatomy as described in Siva mahapurana two quick things before we move forward number one the chapters might appear disconnected but it does not you'll get to know the flow once we get through the chapters they're very much connected and relevant to each other and point number two the details about human anatomy in sivapuranam are really extensive I just cherry-picked few slokas to give you an essence of or rather the broad sense of how human anatomy is described in this ancient scripture so with that let's get started so let's get to the first chapter the metabolism in human beings the translation is the ears eyes nose tongue teeth genital anus nails are the receptacles of Mala which is the excrete in a human body sweat phlegm faces and urine together are the 12 places in the body where excretion happens and this excretion is a result of the flow of rasa all over the body Russell here refers to the flow of vital energy all over the body and excretion in these 12 places is a result of it that's what it means and this excretion is a result of the flow of Russell all over the body Russell here refers to the flow of vital energy all over the body and excretion in these 12 places is a result of it that's what it means a minute ago when we were discussing about the metabolism in human body it was mentioned that the flow of Russia is the cause and the excretion is its effect and in this sloka the rasa is further elaborated rasa means the vital energy in human body and the channels through which the Russia flows all over the human body is called as Nadi and this Nadi is not equal to nerves as it's commonly mistaken rather Nadi is a channel for the flow of the vital energy Russell in the classification of Nadi is more transversal in nature it essentially cuts through the nervous system muscular system and the skeletal system in a human body it's more of a ayurvedic way of looking at human body it is not mentioned here in the slokum but in ayurvedam the entire human body has 72 000 nadis spread all over carrying out vital energy flow to each and every part of the body and here in this slokum it means all the nadis present in human body are centrally connected and orchestrated from which is hot and from the heart the flow of rasa through the nadis all over the body are centrally orchestrated from the heart of a human being now let's connect to the previous one and read it together the flow of Russia is centrally orchestrated from the heart of a human body through the channels which are called as nadis and as a result of this flow of Russia excretion which is Muller happens in 12 places in human body so you're getting it right we're building on it so rasa is the vital flow of energy throughout the body orchestrated from the heart and as a result of it the excretion happens but what causes rasa here it is the translation is which is the inhaled air fills the minute entry points of each Nadi by aiding the flow of Russia all over the body thus Prana is sustained so basically here the respiration is being explained Prana which is the inhale Heir supports or augments the flow of Russia which is the vital source of energy what's important to observe here is Prana or the inhaled air is supporting the flow of Russia and it is essential to establish the flow of Russia but it is not the cause for existence of rasa but pranavayu is a very essential element in the flow of Russia throughout the nadis all over that's what it means the rasa which is the vital source of life is created due to two modes of digestion in a human body digestion of the food that we take this digestion process happens in two different modes and this very process is also the source for formation of skin and blood in human beings that is the essence of these two slokas so let's connect it backwards the food that we take gets digested and it causes rusa and the flow of Russia is augmented by the flow of pranavayu to all the nadis which are centrally connected at the heart and as a result of the flow of the vital energy rusa Muller is generated now that's the sequential process of human metabolism being explained in sivapuranam so like this the metabolism is further detailed out in sivapurana but to cut it short and move forward it further elaborates on the formation of the tissues in our body used after explaining the metabolism its effects and all here we get to the point where how the body tissues are formed and this is one of the slokas which explains just that the heat of the body and flesh are produced from the blood the hair on the head and the sinews are produced from the flesh from the sinews the bones are produced the nails and bone marrow are produced from the bones and this creation of body tissues is effect while the metabolic processes Remain the cause goes on detailing about how different parts of the body are formed the tissues its functions and lot more so moving next on to the most important Point while explaining the formation of different tissues and all there is a point where it starts explaining about the semen the semen is the source for the Genesis of progeny of a human being so now let us see how the life begins and that brings us to the second chapter and here is what sanat Kumar narrated to Veda vyasa maharshi about pregnancy and fetus development in human beings these slokas explain the biological Union of a man and woman the Intercourse that leads to conception it says that during the prescribed period post-monthly menstruation in a woman and with the biological Union of man and woman semen enters through the vaginal passage and mingles with the blood of the woman which results in the formation of Jiva and Jiva is life from here onwards it gets much more interesting sanat kumara explains Veda vyasa maharshi how the fetus in the mother's womb gets developed month after months and the translation is from the point of the Intercourse of the man and woman after five nights have passed in the fifth night the fetus assumes the shape of a bubble and in the seventh night the fetus becomes a muscular Mass the second month neck head shoulders backbone belly hands feet waist and lips are formed and in the third month all the joints in the body are formed Maasai is in the fourth month fingers and Palms are formed and in the fifth month mouth nose ears are formed by the sixth month of the pregnancy rows of teeth the private parts and nails and the orifice of the ears takes shape is by the seventh month of pregnancy the rectum the genitals as per the gender and the navel are formed by the seventh month the fetus is fully developed now it's very much possible that based on our current understanding of fetus development and pregnancy and the biology around it there could be discrepancies or deviations from what is mentioned in sivapurana totally possible but let's understand one thing this ancient scripture which was written some thousands of years ago articulates the fetus development in the pregnancy and the anatomy of human body so well which is 100 scientific and history it is the Deep Antiquity that leaves all of us in a sense of astonishment as to how such level of detail was possible of course you cannot reconcile in a very hard logical manner because this is a conversation between Brahma and Veda vyasa maharshi it is very much mystical metaphysical spiritual and scientific as well so let's leave it there and here are some more interesting details about the fetus this one is rather more about the construct of the womb thus fully developed fetus stays in the mother's womb covered by the embryonic skin here the placenta is being talked about the skin inside the womb of the mother the embryonic skin in which the baby is held matinee the child develops day by day by steadily taking in the food of the mother of all Six States through the umbilical cord two interesting things in the slokum the first one the baby in the mother's womb could taste all the tastes what the mother eats the sixth varieties of taste and all this happens through is the umbilical chord which ties the mother and the baby together through the umbilical cord the baby tastes all the food taken by the mother and the baby gets developed day by day like this there are a lot more details about the anatomy of the newborn baby like here are a couple of slokas for your reference the bones are 316 number for a newborn there are 500 muscles and there are 35 million hair follicles same way the solid fat in a newborn is 2.5 tulas and the blood is three plus all these are different units of measure which might be difficult for us to understand unless one is really in depth into the scriptures to understand what these units of measure are but bottom line is the anatomy of the newborn baby is also very well defined in Siva mahapuranam and that brings us to the last chapter of this dog film the psychological state of the fetus when it was in the mother's womb and in fact this chapter is the core purpose of why sanat kumara is explaining to Veda vyasa maharshi about the fetus development and the human anatomy hello imagine how it would be to drop a living person into a Melting Pot of iron imagine the torture that the person undergoes that's exactly how the fetus feels in its mother's womb that's because of the jatar Agni which is the gastric fire the acidic secretions the stomach of the mother when she feels hungry in that gastric fire the fetus or the baby feels very tormented the thoughts of the fetus flows like this it speaks to itself I am dead and born many times and in all these birds I have seen many types of worms feeling trapped in the mother's womb undergoing extreme torture the fetus starts to introspect itself it speaks to itself that I am born and dead many times and in all these births and deaths I've seen many mothers in my previous lives basically here the punar janmashid dhantam or the karma siddhantam The Reincarnation which is essentially an important and central part of sanatana Dharma that is being talked about and according to Siva mahapuranam the fetus can think introspect and speak to itself and the fetus says to itself and the fetus speaks to itself like this this time when my mother gives me birth and confers me with samskaram samskara means education nourishment refinement so when my mother gives me the samskaram I shall strive to live a life that does not have a rebirth again says to itself that as soon as I am released from this womb I will lose my current memory but I will set on a quest to acquire shivagnyanam which is to understand Shiva which is the ultimate and real knowledge and the only means by which I can escape the Eternal cycle of birth and death and finally sanat kumara concludes saying it is such is the transient Abode the body of the Eternal Soul the body is impure but the soul is eternally pure the body and its birth is generated due to the Past actions of that Soul resulting in the bondage of the pure soul and the impure body the essence of sanatana Dharma is every action of yours will have an inalienable consequence attached to it all of us are individually responsible for our actions and its consequences the soul is eternal but the body is transient that is why the body is referred as the body is the result of the actions that the soul has performed in his or her previous lifetimes that in her currently means that what you do today will Define your tomorrow and that's where brahmanasa Putra sanat kumara concludes eventually part of Siva mahapuranam explaining about the anatomy of human body and its ultimate purpose and a lot more now let's zoom out and look at it for one last time the ancient human anatomy as described in Shiva mahapurana by Veda vyasa mahashi this is how it looks like starting with the very basic a bottom-up approach the excretions in human body that's number one number two going one level above Nadi vyavastha the muscular and nervous system number three flows of Prana and Russia respiration and vital flow of energy number four sharir adhatu's formation of body tissues so one two three four essentially explains about the human anatomy the metabolism and a lot more and then comes number five garbadharana the Genesis of Life number six growth and development of fetus month on month and number seven the psychology of the fetus and the torture that the fetus undergoes and how the fetus remembers its past lives and speaks to itself that it don't want to be born again and this one should be the last time that I should be born that's what the fetus think and finally in the level 8 the feed is safe to itself that attainment of Shiva gyanam is the only way out of this eternal cycle of birth and death and that's how a person seeks to understand Shiva right after his or her birth my main objective in making a dark film on this subject is not to preach the spiritual aspects of sivapuranam or to try to bring forward the scientific aspects of Shiva purana it's none of these two it is just about introspecting our perception about the puranas as mythology so the word mythology originates from the Greek word Mythos which is eventually cognate to samskritam word mithya means illusion calling puranas as mythology or Illusion outright shows are ignorance we just saw how the spiritual and the scientific aspects are well intertwined and presented in Siva mahapurana in a dialectical and a simple manner our current understanding about the anatomy of human body is something that God developed last 500 years we'll see about that in a minute but the point here is Siva mahapuranam has the history of almost thousands of years it was written more or less During the period of Mahabharata there could be certain discrepancies or deviations but broadly if you see the essence of it it is very much correct scientifically the anatomy the biology of the pregnancy and all these things what our science might not understand today yet is can the fetus think what would be the brain activity of a fetus in civil mahapuranam it says that the fetus can think and introspect and talk to itself maybe a hundred years down the line we might discover that yes fetus also has a brain activity running through it so the point is outright calling puranas as mythology will just reflect our ignorance having said that there is no need for blindly believing in a book that's not a culture of Bharat you know what I mean so use your common sense and if you are interested in the subject do your own reading and research and then get to your conclusions interestingly Shiva mahapuranam is not the only scripture talking about the fetus development and the pregnancy and the biology around it there is also another upanishad called garbhavanishad ascribing to other banavedam written by maharshi peopleada even garbhav panishad explains in very detailed manner about how the fetus gets developed month after month in fact week after week I've already made a documentary on this subject and you can watch it should you be interested I'll try to leave the link in the description below let's also quickly flip through the history of the anatomy as we know today Leonardo da Vinci needs no introduction he's sketched how the anatomy of a human body would look like by examining on dead bodies or living persons in fact the sketch that you are seeing here on the screen is the one which he sketched about the fetus in a human womb and this happened approximately 550 years ago somewhere in Italy now just imagine the fact of the matter is during the same time while Liliana Da Vinci was trying to sketch how the fetus would look like based on his observations and experiments in Bharat sivapuranam existed with all sorts of my new details about the human anatomy and the pregnancy and the fetus development and a lot more absolutely no disrespect or discrediting Leonardo da Vinci for his great achievements I'm a big fan of him but strictly speaking somewhere the wheel was getting reinvented and Seva mahapuranam is a spiritual scripture I would say if you really get to the mainstream science scriptures like things are far more detailed exclusively in scientific Manner and this is the knowledge of Bharat which once thrived but now lost awaiting to be found again the greatest milestone in modern day Anatomy our understanding of the human body the greatest thing that ever happened was because of Andrea's visalius a Belgian scientist just few decades after Leonardo da Vinci he picked up the work of Leonardo da Vinci and Andreas wrote a book the Corpus humani where it explains about the minutest possible details of those times of the human anatomy he researched on the dead bodies understood the anatomy behind then he wrote this book The Corporation thus laying Foundation to the field of anatomy in the Life Sciences this map of the erstwhile akhand Bharat the moment I flashed this two diametrically opposite mindsets would have kicked in one is a hyper left bias saying that okay it's all sanghiratoric and all and there is a hyper right bias that we know it all let's quickly try to understand these two extreme biased mindsets just to protect ourselves not fall into the Trap of either of these two extremes the hyper left bias is a mindset which blinds people to know the truth and it blinds with religious political or ideological filters these people can accept Leonardo da Vinci's contributions on Anatomy but they have absolutely objections with Veda vyasa maharshis Siva mahapuranam just try to imagine introducing a chapter in school history textbook about Siva mahapuranam and the anatomy and the biological details mentioned in it these folks get rattled shouting out freedom of religion saffronization sanghi and all this kinds of nonsensical stuff that is hyper left and then comes the hyper right it's all about We Know It All We already knew this thousands of years ago yes we know that thousands of years ago but that has to be correct and factual what I mean by that is for example the distance to Sun given in Hanuman Chalisa this is absolutely a hoax you just open the Gita press translation of Hanuman Chalisa and you'll get to know despite Gita press translation which is a highly reliable source about Hanuman Chalisa clearly saying that it is not the distance between Earth and Sun that is mentioned rather it is just an arbitrary representation of the distance between Sun and Earth people believe the WhatsApp forwards because that gives a jingoistic pleasure in this case as well people have the mindset which blinds them with egoistic self-righteousness and jingoism and this mindset is also equally dangerous both these extremes they have one thing in common they sub word the truth knowingly or annoyingly so just be careful if you're really interested to understand the real Heritage of Bharat and its contributions in different fields of science math spirituality philosophy Etc don't fall into the Trap of these two extreme mindsets use your common sense stay balanced and let's move forward that is the bottom line as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Project Shivoham
Views: 287,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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