The Secrets of SRI RUDRAM || Project SHIVOHAM

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[Music] [Music] this doc film is inspired by this terrific film called the kashmir files why what and how it makes sense if i explain towards the end of this doc film my intention behind this doc film is to make people think about this specific and pertinent question why bharat has been the most inclusive pluralistic and culturally diverse civilizational nation in the world these are not my words but if you know the history of bharat or at the very least know the demographics of india you definitely know about its diversity don't tell me it's because of the constitution of the republic of india over hundreds and thousands of years bharat has always been a pluralistic and inclusive civilizational nation but what was the driver behind that no one cares to ask this question but this specific question is very very crucial given the times that we are living in so let's try and find an answer to this question and let's get started starting right from the top the title of this video why i name this video the secrets of sri rudram sri ram is a set of veda mantras that are recited in every siwalim every day maybe couple of times a day and these set of veda mantras called the sri rudrama hold certain incredible details that if one start trying to understand these veda mantras it is something beyond mind boggling yet a vast majority of us don't know the meaning of sri rama so it's a wealth of knowledge right in front of our eyes yet no one of us know it or at least most of us so that is the reason i chose to name this dog film as the secrets of sri rudram so what is sri rudram here it is siri rudram is a set of veda mantras part of yazuravaidam intended to pray and worship the supreme reality of this universe in cosmos revered as ishwara or parabrahma and as you know vedas span over thousands of years and so does sri rudram as well in bharat we have this culture of reciting sri rudrama for well over thousands of years needless to say that sri ram has incredibly rich heritage that is still being practiced in every shivalan even today rather what's very important is to understand the content and intent of sri rudra that's what we'll try and do next couple of minutes starting with a very basic aspect about sri ram om namah shivaya i'm sure you might have heard or practicing this mantra um namaste this is derived from sri rudram of azeruvaidam so let's take this a little forward so what is the meaning of this word specially the word and the translation is as follows rudra essentially is of two parts rook and dra rook means pain or suffering and dra means flow the one who causes a flow of pain and suffering is called as rudra in fact in hindi and couple of other regional languages in bharat we use this word rodhana or rona for crying or pain it is derived from this word rudra so rudra essentially means the one who causes a flow of pain and suffering and this has to be understood in right connotation there is another meaning for this word rudra it is two parts means enlightenment or knowledge and dra again means flow and rudra also means the one who blesses with a stream or a flow of knowledge so that is the meaning of this word rudra and sri rudram is all about praying and worshiping rudra as i said sri ram is a set of veda mantras derived from yesurveda so internally they are divided into two groups one is namakam and the other one is chamacum namakam is all about praising and worshipping iswara or rudra and namakam represents the core philosophy of bharat and chamakam as a subset of sri rudram are the veda mantras that are related to the wants and needs basically the wishes of the devotees and chamakam has very interesting details about the ancient history of bharat let me tell you an important thing sriram is a scholarly subject and by extension of course the vedas as well so i don't have enough expertise or exposure to talk at length about this subject but at the same time sri ram is an incredibly powerful instrument to the story that i would like to tell as part of this doc film so i will try to find my balance with respect to the depth of the subject so let us try and understand what is in namaka and this is the most important reason why i chose to make this doc film on the subject so let's go through five most important aspects about namakam starting with the first one demolishing the caste system and i'm going to read word by word with its translations what is in namakum and these are the veda mantras that are recited while performing abhishekam for any shiva lingam in any shivalayam and the next time that you go to any temple try to check with the priest over there what is the meaning of namakam and here it is a word bite word translation of five most important things about namakam namo who is in the form of various classes of people in the society namaskaram to you who is in the chief of all classes of the people namo vratay bhyou it means that every person every part of the society every group you call it kaas jaati verna whatever nonsensical categorization that we have or we might create for ourselves in each and every person it is you rudra who is present namo agriaya namaskaram to you rudra who is in the chief and the first and the top one in a family or in a group in the society who is in the messenger and in a servant it means that rudra namaskaram to you who is in the form of a servant in the society namo agria namaskaram to you who is in the form of the chief in the society just try and observe the comparisons that are being drawn here the servant and the chief both are revered as the manifestations of rudra himself namaste namaskaram to urudra who is in the form of a carpenter and making chariots who is in a potter and in a blacksmith these mantras says that rudra is in the manifestation of a carpenter a potter and a blacksmith namah who is in a hunter and in a fisherman namaskaram to rudra who is in every great person and in every weak person in the society like this the namakam goes on and on identifying different classes of the society based on their professions as manifestations of rudra himself now let me tell you why i've been reciting these veda mantras because these essentially demolishes the car system that we have in our society today there is a very fine nuance that you need to catch and understand here it is first and most important of all the scars-based superiority complex that i am born in a higher caste and i am superior to someone else who is born in a lower caste i feel so arrogant about it because it gives a sense of ego satisfaction and this sadistic pleasure of people unfortunately thrived over thousands of years and this is a very grim reality even till today and just in case if you are watching this video and if you feel that you are superior to someone else just because by the virtue of your birth i have a news for you you are not special deal with it and just now i gave an example of namakam which is part of sri rudram eventually azerbaitham historically how each and every person in the society is revered as a manifestation of rudra himself so if you think that you are superior because of your quote unquote caste then you are the biggest idiot that is walking on this earth at this point in time my only point is sriram which has been practiced and recited in every shivalayam over thousands of years says that each and every person of a society is a manifestation of rudra himself so where did this cause-based operation originate from don't tell me that brahmins created this cause-based operation today we are at least able to read namakam because they preserved it cars-based operation is present across the board in our society today at all levels let me put a very important question onto the table here it is first take a look at this graph this graph represents the world's gdp of different countries over the last 2 000 years by angus madison and as you can see the gdp of bharat it was almost one third of global gdp from 080 to 1080 and that's when 1080 and thereabouts the islamic invasions of bharath began and in around 1500s the european colonization of bahrain began and from then on the british dutch portuguese french danish swedish a lot of east india companies originated which colonized bharat and looted the wealths of bharat and china so why i'm saying all this here is the question the chandur-varana system of brahmana shatriya vaisya and sudra is a socio-economic governance structure that has been prevalent in bharat well over thousands of years and chaturvarina system is absolutely no way near to the current cause-based system that we have so 080 to 1080 bharata has been still following the chaturvarna system so the working section of the society is the backbone of any economy and what's even more important is prosperity and productivity these two go absolutely hand in hand they are directly proportional if you are prosperous you will be more productive and the more productive you are the more prosperous you become and if working section of the economy is getting oppressed and they're not happy and they're not prospering then how come the gdp of bharat is one-third of the global gdp so the pinpointed question is the working section of the society is the backbone of any economy and if cars based operation is institutionalized this is a very crucial word institutionalized into the culture of bharat as we read in our textbooks how did the economy of ancient india thrived back then between 080 to 1080 before these invasions at the same time let us not whitewash the cause-based oppression that is very prevalent in our society today so try to reconcile these facts and let me know what are your viewpoints about this question in the comments below i would like to read your responses so that is the first point about how sriram demolishes the cause-based view that we have created for ourselves today so let's move on to the other aspects about sri ram the second one is all about nature so here we go namo rook shape yo hari k shape view namaskaram to you rudra who is in the form of every tree in this nature namaste namaskaram to you rudra who is in every water body every river every stream every lake so these veda mantras part of sri ram establishes that every tree every lake and everything in this nature is a manifestation of rudra himself and from here on let me adopt an atheistic standpoint to make things more clear what's very important here is let us assume that eastward never existed and it is all our creation and there is no god in this world all religions are fake every religion whether you worship one god or 100 gods every damn religion on this planet is fake let us take that standpoint for a minute and with that atheistic standpoint if we try to read srirudram namo rukshebhyo every tree is a manifestation of this imaginary god and the people in this country bharath well over thousands of years have been respecting each and every tree as a manifestation of their cotton called imaginary god and protecting the trees and protecting the nature so what's wrong in it and in bharat for over thousands of years people who are part of the dharmic spectrum when they worship nature they have been ridiculed as idol worshipers whether a faith is true or not is secondary what are the final actions people of the dharmic traditions are worshiping nature and protecting it so it's very logical now what is the argument of people who don't subscribe to idol worship and rather oppose or ridicule it what is their logic in opposing and persecuting people who worshiped nature a question for them to think if they can think of who is in every blade of grass and in every form of a river yet who is in every green leaf and in every dry leaf what i would emphasize here is the ideology of our ancestors thousands of years ago with these mantras try to catch the ideology that is very important and talking of the ideology of sri rudram this specific line literally gave me goosebumps when i read for the first time who is in a dog and also the protector of dogs equating a person with a dog is often perceived as very derogatory but just try to understand the ideology of sri rama it is just mind blowing nama swab biaha namaskaram to you rudra who is in a dog shwapati bhistavo namaha namaskaram to urudra who takes care of dogs i cannot articulate is in a horse and also the protector of horses namaskaram to yorudrahu is the destroyer of all the sins and protector of all the animals and living beings like this srirudram goes on equating rudra with animals and these are not mere prayers on a lighter note there is an ancient scripture called as ashwa ayurvedam it is an ancient scripture on veterinary medicine to treat ailments in horses and that is part of adharvana veda so just try to understand the ideology and the deep sense of compassion that sri ram demonstrates towards human beings animals nature and everything in it up next the fourth and the most important aspect about sri ram the death here is what sri ram explains about the death and here is the translation namaskaram to tryambaka ishwara or rudra may i be detached from the bondage of death like a ripe cucumber from the stem but not from immortality let me break it down for instance take a mango a raw mango when it turns ripe it falls from the tree and as and when it hits the ground the mango gets dented analogically take it as a sense of pain due to the fall at the end of its life now take a cucumber a cucumber which already grows on the ground when it gets ripe it just separates itself from the climber the plant and that's about it it will not get hurt like a mango which fell from a height from a tree so the death of a cucumber is far more peaceful and painless compared to the death of a mango so the essence of this mantra is which means just like how a ripe cucumber at the end of its life so seamlessly has a peaceful and painless death give me such kind of a peaceful and painless death again the ideology of sireudram literally gives goosebumps probably this is the only prayer through which people wish for death a vast majority of us think that muhammad j mantram is to gain immortality because that means you are defeating death no that's not really the idea behind mohammed which means i want a peaceful and painless death the crux of mohammed in jamantram lies in its very last word i don't want to be immortal that's what it means one day when i die i want a peaceful and painless death i don't want to be immortal definitely i want to die one day and i have to it's not a matter of choice but that day when i die please bless me with painless and peaceful death rudra i pray to you this is the real meaning of mohammed india mantra and again i would like to reemphasize again and again the ideology of sri rudrama facing the most scariest thing in life head-on the death in such an eloquent and beautiful way it's just speechless the fifth most important aspect about sri ram is shiva vs vishnu who is superior can you believe that there are people who still fight over such kind of things well it's quite surprising to see the ignorance of people on those lines so i would like to briefly touch base on sri rudram from this aspect as well namo rudraya vishnave murthy may namaskaram to rudra who is also vishnu may he protect us from death the word vishnu means the one who is present everywhere omnipresent in fact the word vishwa is derived from this word vishnu and srirudram clearly establishes that rudra and vishnu are one and the same in fact if anyone reads srirudram and just the first slokam of sri vishnu sastranam ali as well where it says the very first two lines of vishnu-sastranam is nothing but the whole essence of sri rudram itself and if one reads both these scriptures one could clearly understand that the ideology behind sri ram and sri vishnu's astronomers is one in the same so that was briefly about namakam where i handpicked just five important aspects which i felt to be very relevant for the story that i am narrating now but there is an ocean of knowledge in namakum if you're interested you can try and read that now let's move on to chamacon which essentially gives great clues about the ancient history of bharat all these veda mantras are about wants and wishes so these things clearly tell us what were people wishing back then thousands of years ago and even till today as i already said srirudram has two parts to it the first part is namakam which has all the praises and hymns related to worshipping rudra and couple of examples we have seen that already now once the praising part or the worshipping part is done the second half of sri rudrama is all about wishing what we want so what do we wish for when we pray that's what is chamacon and to start with there are 36 essential aspects about humanity that are wished for the list is too huge i just gave it a glance here but just like namakam i'm going to pick five most important aspects about chamacon and let's go through them as i already said namakam gives us the core philosophy of bharat which is advaita which means each and every speck of this universe is one and the same everything is a manifestation of ishwara himself or herself while chamacum gives interesting details about ancient indian history and here is a sample as part of chamacon there are certain veda mantras which request for food grains and going by this we could try and understand what kind food habits people had back then and this part of jama kam as part of siri rudrama goes like this tillage chameleon and so on it says that bless us with maize rice wheat black gram sesame seeds green gram sorghum millets red rice and all types of food grains and these veda mantras are being recited well over thousands of years even till today you will find them being recited in shivalayam so these fine details as to how people were wishing about what kind of food grains i mean these are historical records about the food habits of people of bharat all over thousands of years moving to the second point in chamacum the metals in ancient bharat this part of chamakam is all about wishing for different kinds of metals which people used in their day-to-day lives back then and this is how the veda mantra goes hiranyam hum chummy and so on bless us with all that grows from soil gold is with me steel is with me lead is with me zinc is with me black iron is with me copper is with me like this the veda mantra goes on wishing for different kinds of metals this gives us great clues about how metallurgy thrived in bharat back then in fact i made a short documentary on how steel production was back in ancient india i'd like to explore other metals as well maybe in couple of days or weeks i will do a short documentary about zinc production in ancient india anyways coming back so this part of chamacon gives us how people of asian bharat were working with different kinds of metals and even today like i said maybe i'm repeating again and again but still today if you walk into any shivala these wishes are still being prayed every day as part of chamacon and eventually part of sri rutram it's quite interesting in the entirety of chamacon this specific section is very cryptic and very difficult to understand yet very very interesting before getting into chamacum take a look at this bone it is called as ishango bone dated to almost 18 000 bc that's almost 20 000 years old and the ridges what you see here these are the lines that were used for counting back then to put it simply ishango bone what you're seeing here is the oldest known mathematical artifact in the history of mankind counting this was before the numbers or anything of that sort was invented same way this part of chumacum as far as bharat's history is concerned it's one of the very few oldest known reference about numbers and this is very very cryptic here is how the veda mantra goes up and so on in the translation you might have already guessed oh rudra please bless us with the numbers 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 and the numbers 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 and 48 for prosperity and happiness very clear cut first we wish for certain set of odd numbers and then we wish for certain set of multiples of four now wishing for food metals health well-being all this is fine but what is the meaning of these numbers people give a lot of interpretations about these numbers but at least till now i honestly did not get any satisfactory answer so i don't want to interpret or push my opinion on this one i just would like to leave this translation here itself as i said this part of chamacon is very cryptic and i would say secretive i don't know who could crack the secret but the fact of the matter is we wish for a set of odd numbers and a set of multiples of four very interesting set of veda mantras and the cryptic nature of chamakam continues to other parts as well so moving on to the fourth aspect about chamacon it wishes for agricultural animals the cattle and here the veda muntram goes like this garbha and so on and here the translation is o rudra please bless us with cows with calves in their wombs and 1.5 year old bulls 1.5 year old cows 2 year old bulls two-year-old cows 2.5 year old bulls 2.5 year old cows and so on i mean i did not understand why exactly the elaboration has to be done in this way i mean you can simply say that please grant us good cows and bulls the healthy ones it could be written that way but what is the essence of chamacum by writing it this manner again i don't have any answer and i don't want to give any interpretations of my own so i'll leave the translation as it is wish someone could explain it but as i said this again shows the emotional connect between the humanity in bharat and the cows and bulls fifth and the last point about chamacon is as part of chamacon towards the end a lot of vedic deities are prayed like agni chandra surya saraswati pusha brahispati maitra varuna tvasta dhata vishnu ashwini deva and so on and the whole structure and process and procedure about the yagyam is also elaborated in sri ram which is the beating heart of the entire vedic culture yagnam that is elaborated at length in sri lanka so that's all briefly about chamakam now if we look at the entirety of both namakam and chamacal the one half of it represents the core philosophy of bharat and the second half of it represents the ancient history of bharat all in all especially focusing on the namakum aspect of it this very basic idea that everybody in the society is a manifestation of ishvara himself and we all have to live in peace and harmony with each other in a society not just human beings animals trees plants water bodies everything how humanity can live in close connect with nature peacefully coexisting in a society that is what sri rama establishes unequivocally now in today's language you call it the fundamental right secularism 24 25 26 whatever that you say is essentially a subset of this larger great and grand ideology of bharat which says and that is the reason why today bharat has been a very pluralistic culturally inclusive and diverse civilizational nation that is the reason we have these many languages that originated and diversified within the subcontinent many dharmic religions took birth in this place many scientific advancements took birth in this place all in all to conclude sri rama holds the soul and spirit of the republic of india what we know today and the foundational pillars of bharath are deeply rooted into the great grand philosophy of advaitha so circling back to where i started at the very beginning i said that this dog film is inspired by the kashmir files now let me tell you why what and how in the entire movie that one particular scene where the shivalingam is broken and lying in the dust and debris that specific scene had a very strong impact on me more than the other gory scenes that we have this one really hit me hard let me tell you why this is the main reason why people are persecuted over there people are idle worshippers people are like what not following a different kind of religion that is the reason the islamic terrorists killed thousands of kashmiri hindus so let's try to get to the root cause of it you could say come on it's a movie in just one scene but honestly speaking that is not just one scene it is history in a nutshell thousands of temples have been desecrated by the islamic tyrants over hundreds of years in bharat and even today religion is one very powerful entity which is swinging the geopolitical conditions and changing people's lives across the globe so it is really important for youth of today to question each and every religion for what they stand up to and the most powerful weapon to counter this religious violence is knowledge and intellect so that is the reason i chose to make this dark film to make people aware of what is the ideology behind a shiva lingam that was desecrated not in the movie of kashmir files but in real life in kashi vishwanath like this there are thousands of temples that were desecrated by the islamic tyrants over hundreds of years so it is quite important to clarify the ideology or the position of sanatana dharma as to why the culture is in the way that it has been over thousands of years and at the same time question the religious ideologies that say if you are not with us you are against us such kind of religious ideologies have to be questioned and the only weapon to counter such kind of religious violence is intellect knowledge debate discourse and i'm sure that the youth of india today are intelligent enough to question each and every religion and not just blindly accept anyone let me give you a concrete example that would set the record straight and solid take our national flag the national flag of bharath represents 1.3 billion indians and three most important values unity integrity and sovereignty of bharat as a nation it is not just a piece of cloth it is reflecting 1.3 billion hearts and these three values so it has to be revered with utmost care and respect right just like how an indian flag is a tangible object reflecting these values of the nation same way shivalingam is also representing the core philosophy of bharat then what is the meaning of a shiva lingam sri ram itself [Music] the significance and the idea behind shivalingam the literal meaning of the word lingam in samskorta means mark shivalingam is revered as the microcosm of the nature the universe and cosmos and everything in it shivalingam represents everyone everything in this universe so after reciting all these veda mantras of namakam and chamakam in sri ram where each and every speck of this universe is equated with ishvara himself at the end of it the whole of this world completely is represented through shivalingam and the one who worships shivalingam it means that that person is praying for prosperity health and happiness of each and every person animal tree river everything in this world that is the ideology behind shiva linga now you tell me if someone comes and says that now this guy is an idol worshiper we have to kill him and we have to break this shiva lingam what is the logic and reason behind such kind of an ideology in fact a violent ideology such kind of a rational debate has to happen because the world is meant for everyone to peacefully coexist and follow their respective religion or not even have one it's up to them no community has to be demonized nobody should be subject to any kind of religious violence and most importantly history should not be forgotten and even more importantly equip yourself with right knowledge and question each and every religion on a common pedestal without exceptions then you will get to know what is what and to make people think in these lines is the main reason i chose to make this dog film so that brings us to the last leg of this dark film i'd like to conclude with the same question where i started this dog film with historically and even today bharath has been the most pluralistic inclusive and culturally diverse civilizational nation why sriram is one answer but there are a thousand more answers yet to be discovered so keep asking this question yourselves and most importantly when it comes to religion or dharma try to question each and every religion or dharma on a common pedestal use your brain use your thinking ability and put each and every religion under spotlight and question are they willing to coexist peacefully with each and every one or not every religion without any exceptions then you will get to know what is the real truth we would like to conclude with tamaso walk us from darkness to light and as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Project Shivoham
Views: 170,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GlcEBZuA-Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 28sec (2128 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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