A brief history of the Western Handplane | Hand Tool Shootout
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Wood.Work.LIFE.
Views: 7,091
Rating: 4.8449612 out of 5
Keywords: jack plane, hand tool shootout, handplane history, hand tool, shoot out, hand tools woodworking, hand tool woodworking, woodworking, rali 260, antique hand tools, wood planer, stanley handyman, stanley bedrock, hand tools, wood plane, fore plane, stanley number 5, veritas, jack plane shootout, hand tool rescue, wood work life, goodmanham plane, hand plane shootout, best wood plane, best hand plane, hand plane review, hand plane comparison, hand plane, best hand tools
Id: eucP2hN_Kwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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