A Blueprint for Identity | Dr. Caroline Leaf | LWCC

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I have a lot of messages that I believe are very important for us in this day and age in terms of living the life that God has called us to live you know when I prayer I practice clinically for 25 years and in the 25 years that I practiced I had the privilege of working with thousands of students and adults and of people of all ages my youngest patient was about two and my eldest was about 84 so a whole range of people with all kinds of communication issues but underlying the common underlying thread if I had to give you they've everyone's obviously got their own unique combination of issues and everyone has issues all of us included in this room tonight but one of the underlying issues that really struck me was the fact that most honestly I can say 99.99 99.9% of the people that came through my hands and that still reach out to us through TV media emails as millions now the underlying thing is identity and that is actually confirmed from a research standpoint that the most common underlying problem globally with humanity is one of identity people don't know who they are and the evidence is all around us because all the isms and all the fighting and all the all the disagreements and all the description all the you know the way people are not agreeing and the splits in churches and this whatever you know what's going on in the world around us is very much based on people not recognizing who they are because the research shows that if you know who you are you won't be jealous or envious or threatened by anyone else you will actually realize that as you celebrate someone else instead of being jealous or envious or frightened or threatened by someone else you actually enhance your own brain health and your own physical health see we are designed as human beings to love others to really recognize the beauty in others and to not and love means not being judgmental and harsh it means recognizing the beauty of someone else's identity but we very caught off can't do that because we're so stuck in not understanding our own identity and it's so vitally important that we do recognize what our identity is and I know you've probably heard a lot of messages in your lifetime about your identity and things like your identity in Christ and all that kind of suffrages what I'm talking about but on purpose I don't use Christianese I'm going to talk the language of science and I promise you will understand most of it although you will probably have to listen to this a few times and it is being recorded and that's why I have books and materials but I want to honor your intelligence as well when I speak tonight because not only are you unique in your identity which we're going to talk about scientifically tonight but you're also brilliant you are highly intelligent human beings made in the image of a highly intelligent God you designed to think deeply you designed to love and you are designed to show the world what love looks like as you identify your identity you need to start asking yourself the question what does love look like in your life and in the world around you and are you reflecting the love of Christ as the water the glory of God is supposed to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea and our sea is made of water so if waters are covering water what do we have saturation we are designed to saturate the world with God's love but it's kind of missing if you look at the world that we live in today and I get so sad because if I look around at the number of churches in America alone I mean we we are based mainly in dallas-fort worth and we live in California as well and we we live I think there's about 50 churches in in a tiny area there are so many churches and if the churches are professing the love of Christ why are the churches not pouring filling up all over people begging to get in totally stuff to the ages why are not our people not queuing up at the door and why is the love of Christ not being shed abroad as the glory covers as the glory covers the seal the waters cover and saturates the Seas we are not reflecting God's glory enough and I'm talking in general terms because obviously there's the individuals that really are reflecting God's glory but I don't believe the church is reflecting God's glory because we are designed to reflect God's glory and bring heaven to earth but you cannot do that unless you know who you are and that is the problem the world is threatened by each other the church is just as bad as the world everyone's jealous of everyone else in the church we should be reflecting God's story we should not be jealous envious and wanting what other people have got and I'm sharing this message with to you with you tonight because I believe it's something that's very relevant for this day and age we need to start understanding identity because identity is tied up in love and it is the opposites of jealousy envy judging and kindness and fighting and all the rest of it and we are identifying with the love of Christ therefore we should be shedding his live abroad we should be reflecting his love we should be bringing heaven to earth and we do that with every decision that we make and you are making as a brilliant intelligent human being you are making decisions moment by moment of every single day and every decision that you make is changing your reality and because you are in relationship with those people around you and with everyone on this planet your decisions are affecting everyone else you not just you alone it is you in the world you are entangled in the world you are in relationship with each other in him we love move and have our being so every thought that you think is not just some random event with some harmless thing if we thought that you think he's coming from the depths of your identity and maybe that identity is skewed maybe it's not operating like it should but it will produce fruits and those for that fruit is so where are the words that you speak and the actions that you perform and whatever you say and do is it reflecting what love looks like is it a heaven decision or a hell decision what are you doing with your thoughts what are you doing with your words because if you know you identity you were afflicted to the world in Ephesians the first few chapters Paul talks about our identity our identity in Christ what does it mean to have a love nature what does it mean to have this mind that is making decisions that are in alignment with the nature of the love of God and then from from chapter 4 onwards Paul talks about what does this love look like in community so that your identity is meant to reflect love in your life and it's also meant to make a difference in community you are human living in a world with other humans and you're entangled so whatever you are is supposed to be changing your community so I want you to understand this concept through science because I know what I've said to you now you all say yes I know that you're not telling me something that's new I have an identity I know I mustn't be jealous I know am I simply envious maybe you didn't realize that jealousy and envy is going to give you brain damage well now you do okay so every time that you have envy jealousy and argue in fact with someone else you pretty much giving yourself brain damage so fortunately and you can change your mind and you can actually fix that damage with your mind so the way that you think is going to change how you identity is reflected so I talked about this message is called as you can see on the screen the perfect you and we're going to talk about the science of the perfect you you see when you were born you were born with a blueprint of this perfect you identity but it is up to you to grow that blueprint to grow into that blueprint to understand who you are and reflect that out to the world and that's why you'll see the perfect Jew is a blueprint for ID of your identity a blueprint is like a plan as you know a blueprint is like a pre like a a glimpse of what it's going to be like so for the rest of your life you are going to be developing your identity either in the perfect U direction which is on the side of the stage with the green plants which is the perfect you zone or the love zone and on this side of the stage where you see the wiry looking tree that is the imperfect you zone and that's the toxic zone that is fear zone as the scripture so clearly say we do not have a spirit of fear but a spirit of love power and soundness so your default mode is one of love one of power and one of soundness have you actually thought about that kind of identity you actually have an identity of love power and soundness so now we look to science to me see what can science tell us about what does this mean what does this love sound somnus and and power look like what does it actually mean these are not just words to be bandied around the word is alive and living as you know it means something so if you understand your identity in terms of your love power and soundness in terms of perfection being your default mode and I'm pointing to this side this is your normal natural because you're made in God's image god is love therefore your nature is love your nature is soundness and your nature is one of a blueprint of perfection so that is the default mode why on earth do we have toxicity in our life why do we miss the mark and why is there the instruction in the word so clearly to bring all thoughts into captivity all thoughts not to sum all thoughts into captivity and also to renew our mind and all those kinds of scriptures so there's something going on here there's something going on about we actually have to do some work to find out what this blueprint of identity is what does it mean to operate in love soundless and power what is the responsibility that comes with a love power and sound mind the perfect.you nature of man that you're developing and what does that look like in community because you're entangled in each other's lives so I want to read you a little part of a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson okay we'll see that are coming up on the screen and it is incredible just a line and it's incredible kind of encapsulates this whole concept insist on yourself never imitate you see your identity is so unique that there is something that you can do that no one else can do and your youness yourself insisting on being yourself means that you are reflecting the love of Christ into the world and you are saturating the the earth with God's glory but if you not being yourself if you're not in your perfect you if you are imitating someone else you're going to lose courage in who you believe you are you gonna lose and you're gonna lose insight into who you are you're going to feel all kinds of feelings that are going to take you away from the love zone and into the fear zone you're gonna step out of the perfect you and into the imperfect you and it is going to affect your happiness or peace the way that you deal with life and the things like rejoicing despite all those circumstances becomes just the scripture that you read but not something that's very easy to apply in your life and I guess it is difficult to plan your life because life happens but once you know who you are you start getting a different way of managing situations and you start doing what I call freaking out in the labb zone okay so that's what we have to learn to do we have to learn to make our bodies and our brains work for us and not against us so two things very quickly I'm a scientist as you heard so I'm talking about science science is not something that's scary it's not something that's in that's that is fighting against spirituality science and spirituality are very much one thing though there's one author of both okay so spirituality is the story and science is how does the story work okay so really science is vital in the church it's vital for us to understand the magnificence of who we are and how we function and how we function in community so we use the tools of science to understand humanity what has God created us and the world we live in so by honoring science we are honoring God because as Steven Hawkings who died this week as you as you may have heard an incredible scientist he said where there is life there is hope and that is so true where there is life there is hope and as human beings we are so incredibly complex and beautiful and intelligent and had this phenomenal identity and your identity is not the same as mine and there's something you can do that no one else can do so if you not function you're perfect you the whole world suffers how can I say that well scripture says that in him we live move and have our being and that we are in relationship and all the parts of the body envisions 4:16 has a function and all those scriptures well science tells us the same thing looking at the principles of quantum physics for example which is if it is a field that really helps us to understand how we function in our identity with is one of the main laws of quantum physics is called entanglement and entanglement means exactly what it says entanglement it means relationship it is considered the primary law of quantum physics let me tell you how interesting that is quantum physics is considered to be the most accurate of all sciences it is fundamental to everything about humanity and you'll see as I talk today and tomorrow and you'll see in my materials I have this concept simplified really in a bit down to a very basic accessible level we will see that what quantum physics actually says is that we are in relationship and that we are actually made of love and we live in love and we come from love and love is an energy force and they must be some supernatural sources that is the source of all love and 95% of people in studying quantum or that are involved in quantum physics dealing with this kind of this kind of thing the talking about energy etc believe that we come from some kind of supernatural force in other words 95% of the most accurate science scientists believe in God Wow okay they may not call it God but they're not scared to say the word guard we always think scientists are atheists not necessarily they not necessarily they just use a different language and this is what we've got to stop judging others we need to start listening because what we will see from quantum physics is that it is actually saying that if God wasn't looking nothing would exist and scientifically there is that they have actually proven that there is a source of energy is keeping us alive and it must be some supernatural beyond beyond what we can actually physically see so I know this is a lot to take in but I want to start off right up front showing you that science God is using science to show us that we need to understand our love nature we need to understand the power of our nature we need to understand that we are entangled in each other and that you're in relationship with each other so quantum physics primary law is one of relationships and relationship is that when for example two particles subatomic particles are in a relationship when they are separated by many millions of huge huge distances if one twit suspends this way the other one will spin that way because they are in relationship you see what we see from quantum physics is that there is no space-time dimension that keeps things separated so you may be 10,000 miles away from someone that hurts you and that you have forgiven haven't forgiven but though it's it's as though because of the laws of quantum physics which are God's laws you're that person it there every time you think a bad thoughts about that person you are actually damaging yourself and increasing your connection to that source of pain because that's naughty to the laws of quantum physics it's beyond space and time and as as though they standing right here next to you so this is why we need to forgive because if you don't forgive you damage your love power and sound mind you damage your you damage your perfect you and when you use your mind incorrectly in that way you physically damage your brain and your body because your brain is not your mind your mind and your brain are separates your mind works through the substrate of your brain the brain is physical substance and it's in the place and it's very complex but and it's very incredibly complicated and incredibly brilliant and wonderful how God has designed the brain but your mind moves through your brain and then your brain changes as a result of your thinking so when you think when I talk about mind I'm talking about your ability as a human to think and to feel and to choose in your unique way and in your unique way that no one else can do you see you make a lousy someone else but you make a perfect you so when you imitate someone else you lose your identity and when we start seeing these kind of things about ourselves you're not going to become proud you're going to become humbled because you start seeing what love really means and what love really looks like someone who is proud or he's fighting someone else they don't have an idea of their identity because you don't need to be jealous or envious or proud when you understand your identity are you starting to get this god is love love doesn't need pride pride and love can't go together so when you know who you are the pride goes the humility comes the love the reaching out for others they model that Jesus Christ laid out first when Jesus walked this earth that model becomes very easy to follow when we operate in our identity okay so we need to start insisting on being ourselves we need to never imitate again we need to find out who we are as its season if in the first chapters few chapters of Ephesians and we need to see what this looks like in community and that is a life long journey and science helps us along the way helps us to understand how to apply the words of God of the Bible the words of God the stories of the Bible the truths that we see in the Word of God into our lives in a very practical way okay so now look at the next slide this is urban Schroedinger a very famous physicist and he said the task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody sees did you get it okay so your task is not to see what no one has yet not not not to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought when I did my neuroplasticity research back in the 1980s I found that when you teach someone our research and prove that when you teach someone to think in a deliberate and intentional way you using their mind operating in their unique perfect.you identity they would change their brain in a positive direction the brain is made for love it is wired for love there is no structure there is no circuit there is no enzyme there's no protein there's no neurotransmitter that is designed for anything in the imperfect you zone we do not have fear circuits we do not have jealousy circuits we do not here have irritation worry anxiety circuits those are things that we learn to do those are the result of operating outside of our perfect.you nature so you has a thinking being as an intelligent thinking being you are thinking and you are feeling and you are choosing moment by moment of every day either in your perfect you or in your imperfect you so when we get instructed to bring all thoughts into captivity we are very clearly being told by the Spirit of God that you need to be self-regulatory you need to be very intentional about what you are thinking because science shows that whenever you think you are changing the structure of your brain right now as you are listening to me you are building networks you are changing the structure of your brain you are growing little branches called dendrites to hold the words that I am speaking and you are doing this at speeds faster than 400 billion actions per second consciously you not aware of this you have a conscious and mind in an unconscious mind but on an unconscious level 24/7 you are turning the you are turning the things of your mind into matter in your brain as you think you grow you are making matter out of mind you are always in a Genesis moment the question is is your Genesis moment looking like love or is your Genesis moment looking like fear are you operating in your perfect you or your imperfect you you control that reality you have free will I lay before you life and death blessing and cursing choose life so that you and your descendants may love you and your descendants may live you're in relationship you're entangled what you do have fix other people I just read a piece of research the other day about how when you are when you are in stress or when you are toxic towards someone else you are changing their genes you are affecting their DNA your your loved ones your the people that you are in deep relationship with you have the power to mess up their brains by your actions when we pour love on someone we change brain chemistry we change our DNA you see we as humans create matter out of mind we are changing our own brain you are your own neurosurgeon you are doing stuff in your brain and it's either going to be good for you or not good for you and you're not designed to live in the zone we designed to learn how to live in that zone so you have free world God's given you the ability to choose how much easier it would have been if God just made us all a bunch of robots they'd be automatically operated in love and they automatically worship God and love the way we wish that we should do but that is an actually lab coming with love is if freedom of choice because as you know you cannot separate love and freewill you choose to follow and believe in God you choose to love who you love the people around you you choose whatever you do you choosing that's not someone else yes you're influenced by your circumstances yes you have a story every single one of you has a story and yes you may have been exposed to the most terrible things in your life or you may be being exposed and that's all part of the context of your life and that is why we need each other because whoever's going through something is going to need other people to love them to give them the courage to then have the courage and the strength to face what they're going through with all the strength that they can muster you see we help each other in that way and as you help someone else your own healing according to research coming out of top Ivy League universities you will increase your own mental and physical healing by a factor of up to 68 percent so in the midst of your crisis as you were receiving love and help and support from others reach out and help someone and speed up your healing by 68 percent that is operating in your Perfect u that is operating in the love zone that is freaking out in the love zone you see in February last year uh we've got four kids well our son me but three girls and a boy and our son is also a child and he it was his 20th birthday and he studies at UCLA and he did a study abroad program in Rome and the day that he got there the day that he arrived in Rome he's first of all his suitcase got lost he had to go to the airport and find that anybody found that Nina went out for dinner with the professors to orientate to give you an orientation and afterwards they decided as a group of students just to go and hang out and have some fun their first night in Rome and they landed up in a really bad area of Rome by mistake and they got out of the car and as that Lubin as they realized my son realize could be been he interim a few more a few times before so he realized that something was wrong in the area so he was calling the uber like trying to get through be back calling one on his cell phone and calling his friends but his friends had kind of separated from him because there was a huge crowd long story short my son was noticed by some thugs and they pulled him into a back alley and beat him up but so badly that he nearly he could have died he phone he said he fell on the ground he was separated dragged into back Elliot's a long story I can tell you now without crying but I can tell you that I died in this moment that I'm about to she they dragged him her back Ellie's beat him up kicked him took his jewelry took his money took whatever and his cell phone had fallen underneath him and they didn't see it and so he picked it up he managed to kind of come around picked it up and he phoned me I was just coming out of preaching out of a conference any firm in all I heard was these tears mom mom mom I've just been mugged and in the sobbing I don't know where I am I can't find my friends I you in that moment I died I just knew the pain those of you you parents in this room you've got loved ones you did the pain is indescribable when you don't know what's happening to your child that shock that goes through you now I knew in that moment I knew in that moment that I hung on to and clung to the word obviously you know you pray merely immediately say did you if we give us your location you very pretty we are you location found on your phone God G the angels are with you I'm paying Jeffrey Jeffrey we are you kind of you commute when you do all those things in that moment but your heart is like you your whole body goes into shock and you have to make a choice and I thank God for the knowledge that I have about quantum physics and that's why I'm so so passionate about sharing and why I've written books about the stuff to help you because quantum physics is God's stuff quantum physics has helped me understand the power of pray it has helped me understand the power of love and I at that moment realized I had a choice to make I had to believe that God is who he says he is that God is beyond space and time that yes I might be thousands of miles away from my son but I am with him because he's mine he we connected I have to had to choose to believe that God is there that I'm speaking that word over all that stuff or I had to chew or I could choose to think where is he is he alive has he just been murdered because as he was talking to me the phone was taken away from him as he was talking to me all I heard was suddenly pounding fetor I hope spoke to him about 30 seconds and inside Leo LaHood was pounding feet and deep in a deep breath and I heard this loud noise I didn't know if my son had just been shot I didn't know if he had just been trafficked I didn't know anything for the next two hours I didn't know if he was alive or if he was dead and I had to make a choice in that moment what I was going to do I realized with my mind that I was going to activate the love power and soundness of Christ that was within mean in my identity and apply that in the situation and believe all the stuff that we know we supposed to believe and I could understand because of the power of an understanding of quantum physics I knew about leaving the on space and time some of the things that I'm gonna teach you tonight for tomorrow and there are in my books so I believed that the love of God is that he was immersed in that power and I knew he would and I believe I chose but there was a few moments that I actually really really panicked and I could feel my body honestly I could feel my body just packing up Mac stayed strong wonderful my other Mac was actually at home you just had a surgery so he was at home I was with my eldest daughter he was in tears I was in tears my other two kids we were in Washington my other two kids were in England in California we were all on the phone to each other we had all refrains whatever you know you did everything that you do to get the support the point is that I knew that I had to make a life-and-death choice each of us in our family knew we had to make a life in this choice and I was I claimed on the spot my son will live and not die but there was a moment where I said God is my child alive is he alive and I collapsed I collapsed I couldn't function for a moment I completely went into that zone and I realized this was doing him no good it was hard but I pulled myself up I freaked out in the love zone we did what we did and - and what had happened was SG if he was talking to me that guy's from the whole lot of those things had run often they turned around they saw him sit up and pick up the phone they came back they beat him up some more they knocked him out they took the phone so I heard them running off and I'm calling Jeffrey Jeffrey Jeffrey and it was them running off and then he got knocked out and he got woken up about 20 minutes later by some more thugs kicking him and stealing and sealing the lost of his whatever they could find it was I think it was his wallets and his bank card and whatever and the only thing they didn't take was his student ID anyway he managed to creep into crook when he woke up he managed to drag himself into a better little local bakery that was opening up to sod baking breads and things and they you know put him in a taxi and got him back to the school and got police say and that's when they found mini furnace but for two hours we were in a state of choice with my mind going all over the place all of us as a family and the Jeffrey said to me when we were talking he said mom there was a moment when I felt such intense fear I didn't know what to do but then suddenly I felt covered in love and then three months later he fermion he said mom what is that quantum physics thing that you teach called retroactive causation which is a big fancy word now my kids have grown up with us so they know these words he said explained that he said because I am so great he said I'm so grateful it's three months later I am so grateful that I am Alive but the feeling that I'm feeling now of gratitude I felt then three months ago three months ago when this happened so what happens is that you see God is not bound by space and time he's not waiting for your tomorrow he's not waiting for yours months down the line God is beyond space and time so God is always mmus God is nowness God is eternal so when you pray you are praying yes that was three months in the future his gratitude but I don't know what time in my life my prayers were covering him or my family's prayers were covering Jeffry but the point is that retroactive causation is a scientifically proven quantum physics principle that shows that the future listen to this can change the past because there's always an Asst in existence that if you don't know your identity if you don't realize what it means to live in love and to live and operate in this way and if you just give just come to church on Sunday and just say that sing and raise your hands and it's great and you get this high and you get a dopamine rush and you get in this rush and I'm not talking about dope I'm talking about dopamine which is a neurotransmitter in the brain and you get a temporary higher but then you go out into the world and you're just operating in lay in fear and in a lack of faith and that's not living in love God called us to follow him Jesus laid down how we should live our lives and that means that in those terrible situations in the easier situations in there from the honor scale of from the heart to the difficult to the easy to whatever you are supposed to be operating in a point where you bring every thought into captivity i had to capture my thoughts at that moment i knew that that years of pray for my son had reached into that moment the years as he was growing up i knew that whatever comes in the future was actually really in the past i know this sounds weird but god is not waiting for tomorrow Hebrews 11:1 is retroactive causation faith is the substance of things hoped for substance means it exists yet you are hoping for it the evidence of things not yet seen so you haven't seen tomorrow I hadn't seen three months down the line when Jeffrey would say that to me I don't know what's coming up in or do you but the substance and evidence already exists in ingredients form because you as an intelligent human being in your perfect you which is how you uniquely think feel and choose will need to take every thought captive and will need to renew your mind to the Word of God to the way we switch to what love looks like and operate and freak out in the love zone so yes there were tears yes there was anxiety yes we were we were in our heart was pumping but I knew enough about science to know that in order for me to pray in the correct way in order for me to make the right decisions I needed my body to work for me and not against me so when you freak out in the love zone the blood vessels around your heart will dilate and yes your heart pumping like crazy and yes you can feel your body tensing up and yes you can feel the adrenalin pouring through your body but the difference in this zone is that in this zone your body's working for you in your perfect you so as I was accessing the ingredients if I don't know what is what was happening and I don't know what but I just knew that he was gonna live and I declared that over his life whatever that ingredi I had to still participate I had to still pray I had to still make the phone calls make phone the Italian piece we found this we did all this kind of we had to do stuff we didn't just City we were in that moment applying but believing that the evidence and the substance in ingredient form existed of the hope and the evidence that we had not yet seen in that moment it took two hours for him to man off live with a life to manifest but we knew that it was there do you know what I'm saying when we tap into this always honest this eternal nature this nowness this constantly constants of God you are operating in a different zone so you go into you got to capture those thoughts I had to capture the negativity because if I stayed in negativity instead of the blood vessels around my heart dilating they would have constricted I was then setting myself up for a stroke or a cardiovascular event I was causing a breakdown in my body and I felt it so I stayed back I chose in my tears and my anguish as a mother to step back in the zone so that my blood vessels could dilate so I could get more oxygen into my brain so that I could think with clarity that I could pray what I knew I had to pray that I could help Mac and my kids through the situation there do you see what I'm saying so instead of killing myself one thought at a time I was giving myself life and giving myself life I spoke life and love along with my family in agreement with my friends and family into into Geoffrey's life and he felt it and he felt it and he experienced that retroactive causation you see when you pray you are praying but you're changing the past you're rewriting your story and Jesus came to show us how to rewrite our story and that's what you are able to do there is nothing in your past that has to be the destiny of your future there is nothing in your past toxic that has to be your destiny you can change it you can bring your thoughts into captivity you don't have to spiral down into mental ill-health where you feel tormented by chaotic thoughts that are consuming you you don't have to do that you have a powerful mind you have a Genesis made mind you can you can change your reality and yes it's terrible and yes maybe my son wouldn't have survived there were four kids into a three-month period American students that were attacked in that exact same space they were in a spot there was a whole plot going on where they were identifying these these kids and it was three they would work in groups of three and someone will be the spot or someone and then the other two would beat up the person three kids had been beaten up before Jeffrey all three died which is horrific but there's been some good that's come out of it because obviously we sent security reports through etcetera now these over the study abroad programs for all universities in the United States have changed their security thank goodness but still what are those parents go through what pain but they still hope they still do you see what I'm trying to tell you but it's a different mindset you have to shift your mindset you can't you can't go day by day thinking when all these crises happen that there is the church and there is life oh there is God and spirituality and his life they blend you have to renew your mind the only way you're gonna rejoice despite the circumstances is to stay in your perfect you zone when I was practicing I was trained to give to do extensive diagnostic testing on my patients and they would come in with piles of reports and lives that were broken identity shot through the roof no identity totally broken I saw the worst of the worst cases I decided to run a practice that reached out to that kind of practice for that kind of patient I worked in some of the worst areas in South Africa for 25 years I work with they had been raped beaten starving abused that doesn't make me a hero it makes me a human I reached out and I learned so much I would go into areas that no one came out of alive and obviously I came out alive I would work their day off today and what I saw was once you show someone who they are and you show someone the power of their mind they will change their lives I worked in school environments where we meet weave when I bought these principles in terms of how to control your emotions how to direct your mind how to learn how to book memory how to grow in who you are I sought me saw changes there was evidence those schools that were written off by the then apartheid government then they would just it was it was the pre apartheid and just prayer I was I was living in Africa in the pre apart in the apartheid area and the post apartheid era without separation I'm sure you all remember the word apartheid when people would say blacks and whites were seen as separate and it was a terrible terrible terrible time in South Africa's history and it's a global problem and still is pretty much a problem but I would go into those areas and work in those schools and those schools were written a lot of those schools were written off by all the in government and they would under the off the radar and those schools then I'd go there and teach this message I would work with hundreds and thousands of hundreds and thousands groups big groups small groups and our train teachers and but and with my team and we would teach them the message of hope that you have a powerful mind that you can learn that you have an identity that you can think that you can use your brain to change you can learn and that changed those schools that we worked in we reached 300,000 pupils I think people with one of our projects and all the schools that were involved in that particular project became the top schools recognized schools in South Africa in that particular year and in the years they often they were they weren't even getting students passing and suddenly they became top schools academically with nothing they didn't have textbooks they would share one textbook amongst a hundred people the teachers would write the textbooks on the wall on newsprint I mean I can tell you story after story about one day how a young girl crept into the one of the rooms where I was teaching and she was bleeding and it wasn't her menstrual cycle she had just been raped but she knew me and she wasn't gonna miss the lesson she wasn't gonna miss this message of hope the hope is that you have an identity you have a perfect you nature you have a powerful mind you have the ability to think and feel and choose and change your world and change the world of those around you every time you reach out and love and smile and do what it is that you only know how to do based you are changing someone else's brain chemistry you are changing someone else's so stimulating a quantum flow of energy through them which is the love of God flowing through them and you are changing how they function I developed a theory years ago to try and work around how to teach this concept and this is the theory and I'm not gonna go into detail about it you'll be happy to know we'll just look at the colors I have this image and you'll see this image coming up in all my books it says scientists develop theories are based on what we think this is the science of thought and how we think and how our mind changes our brain and how we had this identity and the power of our mind so all the stuff I've been saying is encapsulated in a scientific theory which forms a foundation of all the techniques etc that I've that I've developed so basically through God's grace that I've developed all that you'll see this image in all my books and a simple explanation applied in different contexts okay so the reason I'm showing you this is that one of the one of the things that I wanted to investigate was in the 80s we were told that your brain couldn't change I was told by my professors that your brain can't change now I knew that you could bring your thoughts into captivity and I knew that you could renew your mind so obviously you could change now your mind is not your brain and your brain is the physical and your mind is how you think feel and choose so therefore your thinking and feeling and choosing correctly you can change your brain you have the ability to change your brain so based on that I started researching what we call currently now since the mid 90s called neuroplasticity and that is the basic ability that we have as as humanity that when we think we can change the structures of our brain so we can change our destiny you can you can you can create a bad reality and you can fix that bad reality so as you make a wrong choice and wires into your brain it becomes something fixed you've created matter out of mind you've turned the subsidy you've turned the actuality into reality but if you don't like that and it's manifesting in the wrong way and with your mind breaking down or speaking toxic words and actions in your life etc you can change that and that's what I meant moments ago when I said that your your past is not necessarily your identity this is not who you are this is who you have become so therefore you can unbecoming and in the 80s you were told that that couldn't happen so I set out to prove it and I did show it I'd showed in my research that when you think you change your brain which means your change or intellect which means your change or emotions which means your change your ability to think your cognition which means you'll change your behavior whether it is academic whatever however it's going to manifest in whichever way that you do maybe you're in corporate business maybe you're at school maybe in both of those whatever whatever you're doing with your life when you change your mind you change your brain you create matter out of your mind which is very powerful so that's what this theory does and just this isn't one graphic I'm going to show you here just to give you some idea of how powerful your mind is and what it really means have a love power and a sound mind let me show you the power element as you were thinking now I really mentioned that you are literally taking my words which are electromagnetic you see the images you see my electronic is electromagnetic energy and quantum energy what you're hearing is a sound wave so acoustic energy plus quantum energy it's going in your brain it's firing through your brain your brain is firing up in response as you thinking feeling and choosing at 400 billion actions per second consciously you're aware of your thinking more or less every 10 seconds okay and that's very significant every 10 seconds so you've got all this amazing stuff going on in your brain and the result is that your DNA responds your genes your genes start switching on and switching off and you influence them so research shows that as your your mind signal your thinking is influencing your DNA it is the 98% factor influencing how you physically function you have 75 to 100 trillion cells in your brain and your body the quality of the health of every cell in your brain and body is dependent on how you think the latest oncology or cancer research shows that cancer is 98% what we're doing with our thought life the main shows these are not normal progression into is you become old that you have to get dementia they've shown it's a thought disorder so as we don't deal with our toxicity the unforgiveness the bitterness if you've lived a life of anxiety and constantly worrying we are damaging our brain because the parts of your brain that build your memories all in your thoughts build your memories so if you're building bad thoughts the physical structures of your brain that are holding those thoughts become damaged when it's toxic memories so you so just just worrying about getting Alzheimer's and I'm sure some of you here if you're honest with me you've worried about getting Alzheimer's because it's all over the news and how many every year how many more million people are going to have it do you know what I'm talking about have you had who has be honest here who's had a a secret little gosh I hope I don't get it who's who's had that fear okay so I'm gonna say something negative and in followed by something positive okay so hang don't don't hold just be calm when I say what I say about to say just the mere fact that you have worried about getting Alzheimer's has increased your chance of getting Alzheimer's by 63% so I know that only a few hands went up but I know it was a lot more of you that worried but now you're away you don't have to worry you get she reverse that statistic in an instant you can reverse that statistic you have that kind of power so if you indulge in worry and torment and anxiety and anger and frustration if you look at the glass always being half-empty if you look at if your mind sits or you don't have healthy mindset if you don't operate in your perfect you zone you are damaging your brain and making your life more difficult and you will feel it physically in your body and it will manifest in anxiety and worry and depression which are not diseases they are not genetic diseases we have been lied to as a as a public I've been involved in this research for years and I can tell you as a scientist that we do not have serotonin imbalances not even science it's just a way of selling you drugs yes we do have we do have depression and bipolar but they're not diseases those are adjectives you know what an adjective is it describes something the house the big house big is an adjective okay bipolar schizophrenia these are big words that describe a bunch of symptoms of people that have mind issues they descriptions for people that are in trauma you have a story your story is important you have a context you're going through stuff and you've gone through stuff so obviously it's going to affect you my son did have post-traumatic stress disorder for a season after that trauma all arrested but we weren't diseased we didn't need medication we had to bring our thoughts into captivity you don't want to disable your brain because whatever you put in your mouth is going to change the structure of your brain okay and not and psychotropic drugs do it in the wrong direction I'm gonna talk a little bit more about that tomorrow but just for those of you that are not gonna be here I have a lot of information on my website on mental health and a lot about and what all this how these drugs work and how they're wrong it's a to tons of stuff my my webpage is dr. leave calm and in my books I also have some explanations of that I mean that is a whole eight hour workshop on its own but let me tell you that God says very clearly bring all thoughts into captivity to Christ Jesus do not drag all thoughts into captivity psychotropic medications which are antidepressants anti-anxiety meds antipsychotics and some things like Ritalin which is a stimulant those do not fix your brain they damage your brain and for a season you may feel better because they tend to numb the emotions and that's not what we supposed to be doing they damage your brain but the good news is when you get your mind under control your mind can fix your brain your brain can heal and that's what I would always see write it as see the fewest told you all of us to tell you that when my patients walked into my practice they would come with a lot of stories a lot of sad stories and a lot of sometimes reports that of all the things that they couldn't do and I was trained to do a whole lot more Gnostic testing to tell them all the things more things that they couldn't do okay and I didn't do that I in desperation I started I did my research that's why I showed you that theory and I develop profiles to try and help people to first understand who they were because I really felt convicted that the first place to start was with identity if you've had years of people telling you that you can't do this and you're bad at that and failing at school and feeling anxious and people telling you that you're a diseased human being and that you this and you've got there and live with us and your skits are you gonna you gonna feel awful about yourself your identity goes you don't think you have any power you don't think you have any hope and where there is life there is hope to quote Stephen Hawking's again so I wanted to give my patients hope and I developed a series of profiles based on my research to show them first and foremost the uniqueness of they're perfect you how did you how did they uniquely think and feel and choose because as you think feel and choose those three together you are operating in your mind your unique mind and as you think feel and choose the minute you choose you now switch on the gene and you start building structures into your brain so the unique way that you think feeling and choose causes the genes to express in your brain and you grow little branches to hold your memory that's what I mean when I say you actually grow physical structures in your brain so if you think feeling and choosing in a very toxic way and you're tormenting yourself with thoughts and you keep staying there you are building damaging to brain which will then manifest as neurochemical chaos and quantum chaos in your brain and you will feel the depression on the end there anxiety and all those kind of things and they'll progress and lest you catch them so with my son and with all of us what we did was we didn't allow ourselves to think I mean I had to stop myself that phone call that phone called school if I think of it now I get that reaction but now it's more control I didn't allow myself to really spend time thinking too long about how how terrible what could have gone wrong I didn't stay in that bad place but I tried to I wanted to because it was almost felt easier to go down that negative Road but it's actually not easier to go down that negative Road the reason you feel that is because of the burst of emotions you're a human you feel pain you need to feel that pain but you need to feel that pain in the love zone because then you safe you safe in the love zone I'm not telling you to deny things don't don't suppress your emotions you've got to channel those emotions into the love zone you've got to speak those through so we would speak my son would phone me if it was the middle of the night for two hours whatever if he was having some he would phone me and talk to me if I felt that I was having a bad moment I'd wake up Mac and talk to him or he would talk to me or my kids so he open its dialog talk listen to that story I decided to look at my patients as I look at each of you and say what is your story tell me your story not what's wrong with you let's give you another label let's give you another checkbox and now the lot of tastes and give you once you know who you are and you have the story of your life being built and you get into your perfect you which I did with the profile that profile one of them have done a few one of those profiles is in this book called the perfect you okay so these are hot this feels like a huge part of this book that's got that profile I also have online programs which are like little courses that you do and there's another version of the profile and it's also called the perfect you I would do that profile with my patients and I would spin even if I spent the first few sessions first of all focusing on let's not look at your problem let's look at you who are you what you identity how do you uniquely think feel and choose that's what the profile would show them now you're brilliant you're amazing like I've said a few times so to even try and explain you with the profile doesn't even work because you're so brilliant but it gives you a hint at how you function how you you start it starts training you to understand that hey this is who I am said you learn to distance yourself from that and then to look at your life objectively and order to be able to say okay that's something I need a fix that's something I need a fix insert it's over there and I'm here that's not who I am in that way you can keep yourself calm and focus your body can work for you stress can work for you stress is actually very good for you helps you to have clarity oxygen flowing it's really good for your brain in terms of building good memories but if you stay here and you ignore that and you just focus on all the toxicity then the the word stress works against you as I mentioned earlier on and your body's gonna start breaking down you're gonna have foggy thoughts chaotic go down a black hole and I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about because I've we've all experienced it from time to time so just to prove to you how powerful you are one of what I've done a lot of research and one of the graph graphs that you see up on the screen now you'll see it says mind changes brain you'll see that there's two little three bar bars in AB it's a bar graph and it's three bars and the one is these like you can see they're different sizes okay so what happened was that I took I worked in a group of schools that this is this different types of research this research was I worked in schools with children that had been children and adults that had been identified as having major learning disabilities and various different types of dementia and autism and it was a whole kind of community okay and what I did was I introduced through the teachers and therapists a way of understanding how you think through the profile and then I've developed a five I developed a five-step technique on how you can actually control your thoughts and detox your brain and build your brain based on how thoughts form so when I talk about the science of thought we're not talking about you being able to create realities in your brain we're not talk about you creating physically the physical matter in your brain it's pretty much a five-step process that you go through and it's obviously very complex the five steps are simple simplified version but I mean no one's gonna listen in to me if I give you five thousand steps so I simplified it down to five basic things that incorporate a whole lot a whole way of thinking that teaches you how to discipline your thought life and when I did this in the schools what we had we what I did was first of all in this group of schools and in this community between 1991 and 1992 I looked for a trend and I wanted to see is there a natural improvement in people's cognitive and intellectual and emotional functioning in an environment does it in other words does this an organization naturally grow in intelligence the the humanity in in that organization and there's a little trend what happens is that we have across across the globe in organizations schools churches corporations what you'll have is like a little flow that happens you'll have ups and downs depending on happens each year but it kind of can be labeled off as being almost like a straight line but when you introduce deliberate and intentional self-regulation and it double deliberate and intentional thinking through for example the five steps that I've developed you actually then change that trend and you can see look at the jump in ninety three and this is one this is a study I did over three years with a huge group of people so the soon as you start teaching people to become aware of the identity to become aware of how they're thinking to bring those thoughts into captivity and you are going to change the way that people function so that graphic that we'd you see the jump that shows an improvement in people's academic functioning cognitive functioning emotional functioning and it was huge a huge improvement so what my research showed and many other people's research and since then because it's this kind of research is now very it's very there's a lot of it it's happening all the time people are showing how the mind can change the brain but back when I did this in the 80s and early 90s I was told it's ridiculous why are you even bothering to do that your brain can't change and it was honestly a handful of us in the world that we're working in this direction and now it's all over the place this research because now we know from brain technology and from changes in behavior etc that when you change your mind your behaviors will change so I'm just want to encourage you that these are science behind what God tells us when you change when you renew your mind that's what you're doing look at that graphic when you renew in your mind when you are lining up with your perfect Dubin you start understanding your identity that's why I would start with my patients first I would do the profile get them excited about their identity then I'd say okay now let's fix what's going wrong in your life whether it's academic or emotional cognitive whatever it was going on in their life communication wise we would then address that but from here as opposed to from here understand that so in the perfect you book the profile all this philosophy and quantum physics and a ton of stuff that I'm hoping to get through as much as I can over this weekend but you'll find it there then in this book over here switch on your brain you will find which I spoke about the last time I was here you'll find the five-step technique in here and it's also an online course program thing that will help you with that okay so I want you now just show you just kind of summarize what I've been saying and give you a little bit more quantum physics just to show you how quantum physics lines up so beautifully with the word of God and was I want you to get excited about the power in your mind okay so if the mind can change the brain in a positive or negative direction if we know we have power in our minds if we know the danger of thinking badly why would we ever step out of the perfect you I want you to ask yourself that question because you kind of all know that we made in God's image I mean you know that you know we must renew our mind you know you must bring more thoughts into captivity you know we must think on these things good true wonderful we read it all the time but why do we still miss the mark why do we still get toxic why do we still have depression and worry and anxiety okay number one you can't control the events and number one part of the answer you cannot control the events and circumstances of your life because the events and circumstances of your life are actually the result of other people's decisions okay but there is something you can control and that is your reaction okay your reaction that's why I started with the story of my son I started reacting wrong okay my first at first I panicked then I got better and I was in this this flux until I decided I mean I know what that is doing to my brain in my body I'm not gonna be any help to my son or my family in that zone but I'm gonna be a lot more help to my family and my son in the zone so I had to choose which direction I'm gonna go in but I had to be aware of that I knew my identity was one of power I know the power that's in my mind because I'm studying it not I'm not dissipated in the word but the story of the word has become alive through the science as a scientist I'm telling you tonight that right now at this moment you are creating your next reality do you like what you're thinking about when you go out of here and you talk to your your husband or wife or children or friend or you gossiping are you judging are you proud are you thinking that you better than that person are you operating in love what does love look like in your life because what love looks like in your life is gonna change how you function you were then gonna emit energy now before you think this is something weird where do you think energy comes from God Bishop Balki who was a bishop and a scientist 350 years ago said that God is always looking and because God is looking that is why we exist if God stopped looking we wouldn't exist anymore quantum physics has actually proven that now God doesn't need proving we do we need to be told what's actually what the truth of the word of God so science helps us understand the power of God that we don't just think God's a genie that we don't just use the God in a way that we shouldn't be using God and you might think I never do what I'm pretty certain that you've done it to X I've done it where you think ok goddamn you must do this you must do that meet me God is not a genie God is not there or bacon cool God is God huge love okay so now as quantum physics shows us that yes you may see me standing on the stage and you may see each other in this room here but your enemy can then break you down and we can look at you know you can look at your cells and your brain and we can go down to subatomic particles and we can go right we can go all the way down to what you're made of and what you'll get to eventually is waves you are actually a bunch of energy waves waving in gravitational fields just a couple of months back when they had the Nobel Prize winners three Nobel Prize physicist won the Nobel Prize for identifying or how to understand quantum gravity and quantum gravity will then is basically you and I we are waves of energy waving and hold onto horses eclair know this sounds crazy but just hang in there we are waves of energy waving in energy and that energy is a gravitational force and it has a source okay the source is love so as quantum physicists now I'm not talking Church anymore at the moment it is Church but I mean it is God stuff and it's all science for a moment these waves when they look at them they have the values of love they scientists have said this they actually say the values so what they do that what are they made of the substance of reality is actually this energy force that is good because we see when we operate in love when you translate back from the wave back to humans and I speak love to you and I'm reaching out in love to you and I'm listening to a story and I'm encouraging you and helping you I am emitting energy of love the energy of God is moving through me you know when you reach out and get in a rhythm I'm talking about getting in a rhythm with a spirit I'm talking the science of getting in a rhythm with a spirit when you get in a rhythm with a spirit man you listen to the Spirit of God every 10 seconds which is what we are calling to science able to do if you are talking to the Holy Spirit every 10 seconds which according to science you are that's what your brain is designed to do that means every 10 seconds which is six times a minute you are bringing the thoughts that you are busy thinking which are your reactions to the events and circumstances of life you are bringing them into captivity to Christ Jesus and you are saying okay god this is the situation what should I think what should I do and in that way you are communicating with energy the love of God is pouring through you you are having a communication with God and the Spirit of God is is basically laying down in your instinct in your gut feel in the spirit spoke to me whatever language you want to use but the Spirit of God is speaking to you and you are your love is in your love nature is in alignment with God because what they've also found is that these as sir roger penrose is an oxford mathematician he's a Sir Roger Penrose he is so brilliant he's considered one of the top mathematicians of the century and what he has discovered and are making a very complex thing that he work with Stephen Hawking's they worked on black hole theory and all kinds of incredible stuff that like I don't really understand and I listen to his lectures and I understand about three words of it but I've read tons of his stuff so I know I know his general theory and what he says one of the most powerful things that this guy says and I'm summarizing it okay is that we as humans are made of love and we are embedded in a universe that has as its that is in this spacetime dimension that Einstein you put of Einstein you've heard of the space-time dimension you've heard of relativity even if you don't know what it means what it means is that we live in a universe and this universe has values and those values according to Sir Roger Penrose are love and there's a mathematical equation a very very complex mathematical equation that explains this love so we have a mathematical way and a quantum way of actually understanding what we are living in and that is well give you a very practical example of what this very complex thing means when you've stood next to someone who's negative you know those people that you go and you within two seconds they're gossiping or they are just like so this is bad and that's bad and listen you actually scared to walk away because they might say something about you you know that kind but after ten minutes of being in that conversation you actually feel like you need a shower because you feel so and you can feel that and you know that energy hitting you you feel something's wrong you know what I'm talking about that is as not operating in the heaven to earth mode that is us that is that person or you may have done it yourself to other people you know sometimes when I get into get worked up about something you know Michael because he knows these terms so you'll throw them back in my face I throw them back at him too and my kids and we do it to each other you'll say you know I can feel that you've disrupted the love I can feel it you know and you know like like Mack will suddenly you know do something we say and we'll get irritated you know you'd use a body movement and I'll say you know I don't want that negative so it's negative photons I mean really I we talk to science language but in what's happening but you can feel it when someone gets mad at you it almost feels like you need a move back that is because you just this Raptor to the love zone now according to quantum physics they can see that they can prove it they've done and I don't have time to elaborate on experiments and there's tons and tons of references in my work if you're really interested to read further the point is they are God has given us the science to understand the reality of love and everything like you plug in your your your computer and it gets energy and you've got to charge it that's what we're doing we are charging when we plug in to God when we get in a them with the spirt we are plugging into that lab and in that lab moves through us do you know how a radio works let me give you a very simple explanation of how a radio works it's a box with fancy electronics it takes an electromagnetic non-physical wave it let moves through those electronics and out comes a sound wave a sound wave is considered physical it moves through the oxygen particles in the air and it hits your eardrum and it moves into your brain and you get a still you get quantum energy in your brain and you start thinking because you're hearing as you soon as you hear you start and just think and feel and choose so the electromagnetic is considered a non-physical wave it goes through this physical substrate and out comes something physical and experience so in other words you when you plug into the Holy Spirit you are tuning into the non-physical you are tuning into the spiritual the spiritual world what are the scriptures say about the spiritual and the physical there's a lot of scriptures that talk about fictional things are things that are eternal there is the non-physical the spiritual or eternal and the physical or temple you know those scriptures okay so we see in science and this is some of the signs that I've worked on for years is that the none conscious or the none physical is the spiritual so let me talk about the non conscious mind when we talk about and in a non-physical wave we're talking about the spiritual dimension and what science shows is that that spiritual dimension is actually 90 to 99 percent of who you are and the world that we live in and this is what what Sir Roger Penrose is referring to this there's none physical dimension the spiritual dimension has has the values of love and ethics and goodness embedded in it so when we are operating out of our perfect you out of rhythm with love out of rhythm with a spurt we will then speak that gossip and be physically or physically sending out the clanging Gong remember the scripture when you speak a word when you when you when you link into the Spirit of God you're gonna speak a word in season okay you get it getting this but if you don't shoot into the Spirit of God you're gonna speak you're gonna sound like a clanging gong you know that's so in other words when you don't tune into the glove of God you are gonna speak ugliness and toxicity if you don't bring those thoughts into captivity you know you're going to speak the wrong thing you're going to bulb because you whatever you speak whatever you do you actually first thought about and you thought about it now this is gonna shock you you've thought about it for at least 63 days and because you cannot say something without having thought about it for at least 63 days because it takes 63 days for something that you are thinking about to actually become strong enough with enough energy to produce words and actions so whatever you are saying and doing as part of who you are is something that you've spent at least 63 days thinking about so this is a night now if you go out of church now and you talk about these things that you're hearing now you might be thinking but it's not 63 days it's only a it's only a few minutes but that's your short-term memory within 24 to 48 hours everything I've told you it's going to most of it will go unless you actually do something with what I tell you which is read the book study the stuff get to know that's why we're supposed to meditate on the word daily and the word is not just the word of God the word is also what you do with your life it is everything that you do it's the knowledge that God has given you to do whatever it is that you do it to identity so we just think the word is just the Bible but the Bible is the story of how we supposed to be carrying out or identity to make a difference in community so we've got to think more nowness more eternal more of a realization the next time you speak something and you fight with someone or you say something that kind of shocks you well you built it you spend at least 63 days and maybe longer putting that in your head so you've been thinking about that this I just wrote a I have a podcast channel and a YouTube channel so you can subscribe for free and I recommend you do because I've talked about all kinds of stuff all these things and they're in podcasts you can listen to them and I did one recently on the on in response to the shooter's you know all the shooters that they're all the shootings that have been happening and I put in there I spoke about how because people always saying it's gun con trol which i agree with in its south could be good look at psychotropic drugs which do cause violence but those aren't the only two things what we have to look at is a bigger societal problem we have a situation of people not having an a recognition of the identity if you track the story of these shooters what they've done is wrong but why did they do it why are we in a community that kids are shooting kids and in schools so the very place and in homes because the majority of these things are happening in schools and homes and I mean this is a big topic on its own but just to give you an idea of what happens when we operate out of love when we operate out of love a child should be safe at home a child should be safe at school so we we see we see these places where child feels they should be safe they not safe why are they being abused at home are they're being bullied at school head that everyone has a story and those stories if we don't listen to each other stories if we don't start operating in love and empathy we are producing broken people we are responsible as a community for for people being in a broken state and instead of recognizing and helping and these all of these shooters or if you track their history they have all led the world though in some way through social media through something in their life maybe they I mean there could be as simple as squashing a being very cool and squashing a a beetle when they're young but showing signs of aggression this a child con doesn't have the linguistic skills of a child's in a situation that they can't express but it's abusive or in some way bully or something and as adults we don't allow them to express this can build up theirs in all kinds of things you know video games like trap but don't try to say President Trump said that it's going to a lot of trouble saying it was just video games violent video games will contribute but you're gonna have to be in a toxic state and then be in a toxic State you watching videos that are all killing so it's numbing you to killing but a lot of people play video games and they don't got murdering someone else a lot of people on psychiatric medications and they don't go moody although they do cause a lot of aggression and votes did you see what I'm saying there's a bigger problem it's the lack of love it is the lack of love in communities it's the lack of love in people recognizing that someone needs help and this is why the church is so foundational so foundational to changing our communities we need to be places of love we need a get we need to be in a process within the Church of getting into our perfect you so that we can reach out and tell the world this is a safe space you can come here no matter what we will love you we will help you you won't judge you and we need to tune into each other we've become so self obsessed with our sulky society uh there was a bunch of Easter that kind of work they literation see we become so engrossed in looking at the next feed on our Instagram and Facebook and I've done a whole lot of stuff in my books about social media I've got a new one coming out this year on with these principles that I'm talking about but essentially what we are so busy looking at the external and comparing ourselves we become obsessed with trying to make ourselves someone else we're trying to imitate someone else remember we are started I mean you try and imitate someone else you're going to become very unhappy very depressed and you're going to be looking for things that are not going to give you satisfaction but when we social media is not a bad thing it's a great way of communicating but it's how we are using it are we operating in love use your social media but instead of criticizing someone and gossiping about someone why don't you write something nice on their page that you mean not just to look good because everyone else that's fancy and important is commenting so you better comment along with them but genuinely mean that are you seeing the few kinds of things that you can start doing to change your community and where we tune in to others and not just tune into ourselves and in the perfect you state you'll see when I explained in the book the perfect you and you in the perfect you state it becomes you become very very aware of listening to others you're not so keen or you're not so desperate for someone to hear you you actually are able to listen and in listening you will be listened to you start tuning into others it's very hard to tune into anyone when you're in a toxic state of your imperfect you with your no identity getting caught up and tormented by your thoughts and frustrated and and angry about look at my life it's so bad and look what's happening to me and whatever yes bad things happen you can't control the events and circumstances you gotta get that phone call at 3:00 in the morning your kids are gonna do things that you wish they wouldn't do your boss is gonna do thing it happens we all know that but instead of falling apart and becoming tormented and toxic remember your identity remember to freak out in the love zone remember to get into the zone to make your brain and your body work for you so that you have clarity of thought remember in the zone you've plugged into the Spirit of God you've plugged into the the space-time values embedded in the universe you've plugged into truth and when you do that you will then have the Spirit of God filling you and you will have wisdom in how to manage that situation through your tears through your freaking out in your life zone I cannot stress enough how important it is to do this ok I'm going to continue this tomorrow morning because I don't know even know what the time is and how much I've gone over quota to a time heaven be kinescope brother Copeland's we heeded an 8 hour marathon the one time ok so I'm gonna stop here but tomorrow morning I hope you'll come back because tomorrow morning I'm going to start talking about if you look up there I'm gonna start talking about worldviews and choice the science of worldview and how this influences our identity and choice what does choice how do how do we choose what is choice is a science behind choice is it real because we live in a world that for the last 350 years has focused on what we call materialism it's focused on the physical it's focused on the 1 to 10 percent it's focused on the tip of the iceberg what do I mean by that and this is the last thing I'm going to share with you this evening just in preparation for tomorrow morning the iceberg you can only see the tip you've all heard this analogy before but underneath the iceberg scientists can't tell where an iceberg begins and where it ends because they all blend into each other and we know from science that ninety to ninety nine percent of the iceberg is actually under the water and it kind of feels each iceberg blends into other iceberg so it kind of feels like it's almost eternal in nature so it's a very good analogy to explain that who you are as a human your spiritual nature is eternal it is this under the iceberg it's huge its massive it's quantum in nature it works beyond space and time it's not bound by your tomorrow it is massive and fast your conscious nature is slower your physical the tip of the iceberg so what you can see is the tip of the iceberg but underneath the tip of the iceberg is this huge world there's a huge spiritual world that we are supposed to tap into because it is run by God it is created by God and it is all about love and when we operating that science shows us the sexual experiments when people have done experience when people are thinking love thoughts it changes the nature of how their brain is functioning they did an experiment of this really is the last thing just to prepare you for tomorrow they put people in a Faraday cage in a Faraday cage blocks of all electromagnetic and signals all chemical signals it blocks off a whole lot of signals so it kind of separates people so the only signal that can be operating is on a quantum level because quantum goes through barriers quantum energy and what they did first was they put two people that are in relationship said next to each other and they were just sitting next to each other and they were just thinking about how much they loved each other and good thoughts about each other they were then separated and put into each into their own Faraday cage so there was no physical clear couldn't see each other so there was none of the $0.05 has been activated there was no electromagnetic because when you stand next to someone you can actually physically generate if you can feel another person's electromagnetic energy when you look at someone your brain has got mirror neurons and that means that you actually can mirror you can you you mirroring mirroring like a mirror shows you your reflection when someone cries you cry with them in someone laughs you laugh with them and someone you want you you yawn with them we have mirror neurons in our brain that help us to empathize we have another structure in our brain called the insula that helps us to feel empathy for others so gods designed us with all these these sensory abilities to tune into each other so when you put people in a Faraday cage you block all of that you block the electromagnetic connection and you only have the non-spiritual operating and what they did with these people that had meditated and they how they love for each other was they they sin they separated they said in this in these Faraday cages they shone a torch in the one person's eyes and the areas that lit up in their brain that the person didn't have the torch running that only the one in the one cage in the other Faraday cage the same areas let's up in their brain as though the torch was being shown in their eyes as well because they were connected okay so that is has huge significance and huge implications you are connected you are entangled you you every sort count you need to find your identity because in finding your identity you are gonna connect with others in the way that God has designed you to connect and you are going to show love to others in the own in the way that only you can show because there's something you can do that no one else can do god bless thank you see you tomorrow [Applause]
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 231,287
Rating: 4.8525014 out of 5
Keywords: Mac Hammond, Lynne Hammond, Living Word Christian Center, Online Church, Live Church, Church Service, Church, Christian, Jesus, Faith Explosion, Faith, Jesse Duplantis, Jesse Duplantis Ministries, Jesse Duplantis 2017, Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, Kenneth Copeland, caroline leaf, caroline leaf lwcc, dr caroline leaf, caroline leaf mental health
Id: UPbStPztIV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 12sec (4812 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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