Out of context Bratz pt.4

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[Music] exactly let's get out there and make a way cool video yeah and it would help us get attention [Music] and what else do we all love parties get through that ball what are you waiting for did you say that oh hi sasha don't run it i can't get it off the stick allow me ladies [Music] hello girls cause maybe i thought you'd want to join my game a halo for angel i just thought it was a circle that's my favorite shape maybe the tweevels planted a chip in jade's brain maybe they have chips in their brains maybe they're all being turned into zombie drones for a worldwide chip-headed conspiracy wait i didn't know we had an agenda except maybe to chill like crazy [Music] not to worry i'll fix it no sasha burgers tacos [Music] knock him out boys hi this is chloe the jig's up it's now or never you'll never catch us copper hey hello hello he shared his secrets with us there are two calls for you chloe one from carrie and the others from susie right yes yep i'm totally sending out psychic vibes glad you caught them glad you caught them [Music] have like two minutes before i have to jet stones yeah check it out [Applause] pathetic don't worry i have this effect on girls all the time liam it's just that your hours though wow that flew by time for another biology adventure part seven the frog [Music] america's urban legends and the like mmm bon appetit evil mastermind has concocted a bone aging formula [Music] just look who's pitiful now cook your shoes gosh that is so hot for a night on the town with black eyeliner and smoky gray shadow then finish up the look with pale pink or natural lips go chloe yes sasha [Music] this is moving way too fast for me i so cannot handle it wait i got a plan stop the planet i'm getting off i'll soften him up nicole hi hello dog food exploded that clever miserly merchant who think of the eggs wilma wanna join us silly little girl silly little girl dangerous [Music] couch these clothes aren't even leather [Music] uh i think she means couture dylan you once got fired by berdine you got me fired by berdin will you go steady with me no no it's just that i've got so many things i want to do with my life before taking on any major commitments like what should you be captured or killed i will disavow any knowledge of your existence [Music] dylan your brain is so fried i'll have it your way are you mad that she dresses like a lamp angelina jolie oh calm down it's just a oh [Music] well hello there my makeup smeared so much i looked like a melting clown oh i'm a monster check out the hottie oh man that girl checked out like an angel [Music] people are such attention freaks a certified teen heart drop you're famous and i'm cameron i'm not famous when you get a taste of this you are gonna flip heads up hello my friends are totally mean to me yeah who is that fine babe [Applause] to jade may she stay as far away from us as possible things [Applause] do you know who i am [Music] girls congratulations for a job [Music] come out you show yourselves are all staple you senseless sir somebody wants to do me in move along ladies i'll handle it from here [Music] evil twins are always so evil marcus you drop that ball and throw some meat on the grill i said drop the ball billy bob nitro [Music] international fashion police come out with hands up show them the door hurry up but you can't be here i beat you [Music] [Applause] no a little go ahead chloe write something on the wall [Music] chloe what are we gonna do give me that then i heard like maybe a security guard coming so i ran down the hallway and like came in the bathroom and then this free came in and started pouring water from this glass thingy into our soda water what is up with that he pushed me into the toilet so i had to dry myself off before like went downstairs let's just say i like to play at small intimate places to a small select audience i am absolutely positively furious i'm not the type to brag hmm we have a bff secret handshake and you can't see it okay we can take care of ourselves trust me i didn't realize i had it so good [Music] where's she going she's not finished
Channel: Aritsxn
Views: 111,519
Rating: 4.979826 out of 5
Keywords: bratz, out of context, out of context bratz, bratz out of context, edit, bratz doll, bratz edit
Id: naDvyj7Gn0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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