A Better Way to Pray: Week 1, Day 4

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welcome to gospel truth with Andrew Wommack a teaching ministry that focuses on God's unconditional love and grace in the new covenant we have boldness to enter into the holy of holies by a new and living way for so long I was just always reaching out towards God where are you lord but when I heard Andrews message it was just like the light bulb went off and I just like knew God is here with us and now here's the injury welcome to our Thursday's broadcast of the gospel truth today I'm continuing to teach on a subject that I'm entitled a better way to pray I just started this on this last Monday and we're just now getting into this I have this teaching in book form I also have CDs and DVDs we also have this book in Spanish and I would like to encourage you to please get this I tell you this teaching on prayer is powerful and I'm just in the beginning of it and I know many of you don't know where I'm going with this but I'm gonna be hitting some of the sacred cows of religion concerning prayer that have negated the power of God in your life there's a reason why most people's prayers aren't effective and a lot of it has to do with religious traditions and doctrines and men so I've taken the approach this week that Jesus took in Matthew chapter 6 where before he started teaching on what prayer was he taught on what prayer was not and he says hypocrites love to pray and I've been countering a lot of religious traditions and doctrines about prayer I tell you this is good stuff and over in Matthew chapter 6 we ended with the Lord's Prayer what's commonly called the Lord's Prayer in Matthew chapter 6 well that same thing is said right here in Luke chapter 11 it goes through the same thing in verse 2 it says and when you pray say our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done as in heaven so in earth give us day by day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we also forgive every that is indebted to us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil but then immediately Jesus goes into this teaching about prayer and I just want to warn you upfront I am going to totally counter the way that this has been taught because I believe that it has been taught wrong and the context makes it very clear look at this in Luke chapter 11 verse 5 he said unto them which of you shall have a friend and shall go unto him at midnight and saying to him friend lend me three loaves for a friend of mine and his journey has come to me and I have nothing to set before him and he from within shall answer and say troubled me not the door is now shut and my children are with me in bed I cannot rise and give thee I say unto you though we will not rise and give him because he is his friend yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needed and people take this and teach that this is the way that we are supposed to approach God like this man who needed something and his friend wouldn't give him what he needed because he was his friend but just because of his importunity he figured I've got to get rid of this guy if I don't give him what he wants he's going to keep me up all night long and people actually teach this as the way that we are supposed to approach God that there is a resistance on God's part he really doesn't want to answer our prayers but if we will just stay at him if we won't quit if we will just badger him eventually God will let us go and give us what we need because of our in portunity that is not what this is teaching it's teaching the exact opposite of this now follow this thinking he's saying which of you shall have a friend that if you go unto him at midnight last for three loaves how many of you have friends that if you were to call them they wouldn't help you I had Bobby Andy and one of my friends he's one of our ministers he's on my board he ministers in our Bible College he was staying at our lodge and he was ministering in our school and it was about 10:35 at night or something like that and his key wouldn't open up the front gate and he couldn't get in and you know what he called me alack 10:35 I had just turned off the light and gone to bed and I was in bed exactly like this is describing but because he was a friend Jamie and I both got up we began to start making calls we got people over there we helped him and gave him what he needed he didn't have to badger me you know when Jesus said which of you shall have a friend that would treat you this way the truth is no friend would ever just say hey I'm in bed my wife is in bed my kids are in bed leave me alone it's late forget your need I'm gonna think about myself friends don't treat you that way now some of you may be thinking well I have friends that would treat me that way well they aren't true friends they may be acquaintances you might know somebody like that but a friend doesn't treat you this way the point that he's making he's making a comparison or I probably would be better to say he's making a contrast he's saying you don't have friends that would treat you this rude why do you think you have to badger God and just stay after him and he's not prone to give you what you asked for but if you will just stay after him he will give it to you because of your importuning know what he's doing is say people treat you better than this if you expect this good of treatment from people well then why would you think that God would treat you any less than a friend and see the context will bear this out because in the very next verse it says and I say unto you ask and it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for every one that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be open if a son shall last bread of any of you there's a father will he give him a stone again this isn't a real comparison it's a contrast it's saying that even earthly parents treat their children better than this if a child was to ask his father for a piece of bread would you give him a stone of course the answer to that is absolutely not you wouldn't take your little kid and give him a rock and have him bite into it and break his teeth and hurt him you treat your children better than this and then he goes on to say sorry if he ask a fish will he for a fish give him a serpent if your child asks for a fish would you give them a poisonous serpent in return no parents don't treat their good parents don't treat their children this way in verse 12 he says or if he shall ask an egg will he offer him a scorpion none of us would treat our children this way this isn't comparing God to the parent who gives his child a rock or a serpent or a scorpion it's saying that we treat others we treat our own children we treat our friends better than this why do we think that God is so set against granting us our answers to prayer and he kind of sums it all up in the next verse in verse 13 if ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him he's saying if you expect better treatment than this from people how much more should you expect good treatment from God when we approach him in prayer and yet religion has presented that God is liable to say no to you God is liable to let you suffer God is putting these problems on you to cause problem in other words religion comes along and says Oh God gave you a stone instead of a piece of bread because that's actually better for you God gave you a serpent instead of a fish God gave you a scorpion when you asked for an egg this is a way that God treats you see this is what religion is done we have blamed God for our problems religion will come along and say God put this sickness on you God caused your child to die God is the one that calls these birth defects God is doing this to make you a better person it's basically what Isaiah chapter 5 verse 20 talks about that in the end times people will call evil good and good evil and it's happened and the church is one of the biggest propagators of this saying no God is the one who's letting you suffer God has done this God is in control of everything God is sovereign nothing can happen but what God wills it and allows it that is not true they are making God like what Jesus is teaching against ears like God is a father who gives a stone to somebody who asked for bread he gives a serpent to somebody who asks for a fish he gives a scorpion to somebody who asks for an egg no this isn't making a comparison it's making a contrast if you could expect better treatment from than this from people then why do we think that Almighty God our Heavenly Father who loved us enough to send Jesus somehow another loves us less than not this person over here you know I've used this exact logic on a lot of people I remember ministering to a man one time who was really in bad shape he had been on a vacation and on his vacation he nearly died they put him in the hospital for a week expecting him to die and he just kept hanging on so finally they allowed him to rent an ambulance and they drove him home his wife called put the phone up to his mouth because he was so weak he couldn't even hold the phone and I said don't you dare die until I get there and I went over and I started talking to this guy and I was saying I was telling him God wants you well it's God's will for you to be well and he says I know God can do it but I don't know if God really wants to do it I don't know if it's God's will for me to be well and so you know what I did I started using this exact same logic right here and I just pointed to his wife and I said do you believe that your wife loves you enough that she wants you well and he said absolutely and I said you hadn't treated your wife perfectly you've sinned against her you've done things wrong you aren't the perfect person and he says that's absolutely true and I said but with all of your problems and even knowing that you aren't the perfect person is there any doubt that your wife wants you well and he said no and I said if she had the power to just heal you do you think that she would want to see you so weak that you couldn't even hold the phone that you couldn't get up and go to the bathroom and or leave yourself that you have to be totally waited on you your diapers have to be changed and I said do you think that that's what your wife law and he nearly got mad at me like no that's not what she wants and I said and you think that God Almighty who loves you infinitely more then your wife does somehow or another doesn't have as much compassion on you as your wife and when I put it to him that way it just totally disarmed him and he says well I see what you mean he and he began to recognize that God wanted him well here's another example it's the exact same thing I've used this same logic on a number of people that I was ministering in Colorado Springs one time and I was talking about it's not God's will for us to be sick the God didn't cause the problems in our life God doesn't sovereignly make things happen and there was a man there who had his daughter in a wheelchair and his daughter was born I don't know exactly what it was but she you know the lights were on but nobody was home she couldn't talk she was in a vegetative state she was a quadriplegic she had to have her diapers changed she was about 12 years old and yet she was just like a brand-new baby she was just there but she wasn't there and when I got the saying that God didn't will for this that it was God's will for her to be well this man got mad and he left because one of the ways he had you know a defensive technique that he had dealing with this problem was to say that God caused this it was God's will God had some redemptive purpose in his daughter being in this vegetative state and in a wheelchair 12 years old and he got mad and he stormed out and the man who brought him to my meetings went out after him and talk to him out in the parking lot and he said look why don't you stay and talk to this guy and ask him what he means maybe you've misunderstood him maybe he can explain himself or whatever so after the service was over this man came up to me and he was he was angry and he was telling me how offended he was saying that God didn't want his daughter in that state that it was God that made her this way this was God's will she was glorifying God and I tried to reason with him and share some scriptures but he had scriptures that in my estimation he was misinterpreting in his estimation I was misinterpreting scripture and we just hit an impasse and I wasn't going to convince this guy because he had just been prejudiced to believe that it was God's will that his daughter be that way so you know what I did I mean he was standing behind the wheelchair his daughter was in the wheelchair I was in front of the wheelchair and I just got to looking at this guy and I said what kind of father are you that you don't even care about your daughter you don't care if she ever gets out of this wheelchair you don't care if she ever runs and plays like a normal kid you don't care if she ever gets married and has a relationship you want your daughter to be in this vegetative state and Paul when I said that this guy was already mad he got livid and he got mad at me and he says you how dare you say something like this he says I would do anything for my daughter he says I would pay any amount of money I would take her any place in the world and then he says if I could I would take her place I would be like she is so that she could be like me and he was angry and just spewed this stuff out at me and then I turned right back and I said and you think God Almighty loves her less than you do now see he could argue doctrine with me and he could do all these things but when I brought it down to a relationship he knew he would do anything for his daughter and he was a flawed human being if a sinner a man who had failed and sinned loved his daughter enough to want her to be well well then how in the world can we come off with saying that God Almighty who has all this power send his son to this or some hour and other loves us less than we love our own children and yet see this is being said and reproduced every single day through religion people saying well you have to pray and you have to petition God and you just have to stay after him and it's your importuning you're just gonna have to wear him down and that's the only way that you'll ever get God to move and do things man that is an insult against God and that criticism of God is one of the very reasons that people's prayers aren't working because it says in Galatians chapter five verse six that faith works by love the real motivation the heart of faith is love and if you don't understand how much God loves you if you think that somehow or another he's just sitting there with his arms folded saying you hadn't begged enough you aren't holy enough you aren't desperate enough there's other people that need it more if that's the impression that you have of God then you do not really understand the love of God and that very lack of love is what's hindering your faith again Galatians 5:6 faith works by love you got to understand his love these verses are not saying that we need to approach God as being this friend who doesn't care about us he's more concerned about his own comfort he's not willing to get up in the middle of the night he wouldn't do it if it was just us but he's going to get up and give us what we asked for lest we just wear him out if you have that kind of an impression of God then you and that impression is what is stopping your prayers from being answer instead it ought to be just like he's saying here but I'm saying unto you I'm not this friend this mate you might be able to imagine this happening among human beings but I'm saying unto you if you ask the Father it shall be given unto you if you seek you will find if you knock it will be opened unto you everyone that asks God receives and he that seeks finds unto him that knocks the door shall be open see what he's doing he's contrasting and he says God's love for us is infinitely greater than our loved one among another and if we could expect better treatment than this from people how much more should we expect it from God let me turn over here to the 18th chapter of Luke and share another passage on prayer that is often misinterpreted just the same as the one I was using in Luke chapter 11 in Luke chapter 18 it says in verse 1 and he spake a parable unto them to the end that men ought always to pray and not to faint saying there wasn't a city a judge which feared not God neither regarded man and there was a widow in that city and she came unto him saying avenge me of mine adversary and he would not for a while but afterward he said within himself though I fear not God nor regard man yet because this Widow trouble with me I will avenge her lest by her continual coming she weary me and the Lord said hear what the unjust judge saith and shall not God avenge his own elect which cried day and night unto him though he bear long with them I tell you that he will avenge them speedily nevertheless when the Son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth this passage has been used to teach that God is like this unjust judge and he is not prone to give us what we asked for but he is susceptible to just being worn down that we can badger him and stay after him until even though he doesn't really care about us he doesn't care about what's right he will do it because we have just asked him so many times we'll wear him out that is not right that is a terrible thing to say about God and yet religion is basically teaching there and saying that this is the way God is he's not prone to answer your prayer but you can wear him down you can just keep after him and not quit until you force God to do what you want him to do that is not what this is saying it's not a comparison it's a contrast it's saying you would expect better treatment than this from a judge an unjust judge even a person who doesn't love God would treat you better than this if you expect this better treatment from a judge well then how why don't you think that God will answer your prayers look at this in verse 7 it says and shall not God avenge his own elect which cried day and night unto him though he bear long with them people will say this is talking about God will bear along with you he may not answer your prayer speedily he might not do it quickly but eventually you can wear him down no it's talking about God will avenge his own elect which cried day and night unto him though he talking about this unjust judge bare along with them he's making a contrast not a comparison God is not an unjust God he is not going to sit there and not give us what is rightfully ours he's making a contrast and he says God will avenge his own elect which crying to him though he this unjust judged bear along with them in verse 8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily the very fact that Jesus said God will avenge us speedily completely takes away any interpretation of this parable that would mean that we have to prolong our request to God and just wear him down and eventually get it by default no this is teaching just the opposite I'm telling you God is a good God he wants to bless you more than you want to be blessed I have people come to me and say would you just please pray that God would make me the person that I'm supposed to be and I said I can't pray a prayer like that God wants you to be the person that you're supposed to be more than you want it I said there's no reason to approach God and beg God and ask God to move in your life and do something he's already provided everything you will ever need God wants you success more than you want it well then why I pray well that's a good question and I'm just about to get to where I can answer that but I'm running out of time today let me say this that I'm gonna end our first teaching in this series today the first teaching in this album it's a five-part album the first teaching is entitled hypocrites love to pray now we are going to continue to offer the book in English and in Spanish we're going to offer the CDs and the DVD albums but the way we give our materials out is that we ask for a donation of some amount we have a suggested donation and we ask people to give towards the expense of this but not everybody is able to give our there's many people that just won't give they don't value it that much and many times the people who need the teaching the most are the least able to afford it so what we do we we say for a suggested donation we ask you to give something but if you don't give anything we will send you this first teaching in this series on CD and it's entitled hypocrites love to pray today will be my last day to make this total free offer to you so if you would like to get this entire album and don't have any money to give or don't want to give any money you could receive them one at a time as a free gift my partners have enabled me to do that I encourage you to listen to our announcer he's going to give you all this information and I encourage you to please get these materials on a better way to pray they would be a blessing to you and then join me again tomorrow as we continue this teaching on a better way to pray entries complete teaching titled a better way to pray is available as a book in either english or spanish today andrew would like to offer this book as his free gift to you go to a WMI dotnet to get your copy today the individual topic highlighted on today's broadcast is available as an audio CD for a gift of any amount when you write or call we encourage everyone to give because there's a blessing and giving but if you're simply unable to afford it Andrew and his partners will provide today's teaching free of charge this is the last day we'll be offering this teaching so be sure to respond today a better way to pray is also available as a CD or DVD album made from our daily television broadcast and as a companion study guide each of these valuable resources is available for a gift of any amount when you contact us this entire series is also available for audio download absolutely free from our website go to a WMI dotnet to see all the ways you can get this teaching we want to say a special thank you to the grace partners of Andrew Wommack ministries your gifts make it possible to put free ministry materials into the hands of many people in need if you're not already a grace partner we ask you to pray about becoming one today you can become a grace partner or order resources through our website and a WMI dotnet while there you can discover more product details and download additional free resources or call our helpline monday through friday from 4:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. mountain time at seven one nine six three five eleven eleven to write us use the address on your screen we appreciate your generosity and hope to hear from you today [Music] before you were even formed in your mother's womb God already had determined a purpose for your life a god-given purpose God has a purpose to train you and what you're called to do and I tell you Cara's Bible College is the place for that man if you want a life change come to Karras come on the kids the next two to three years could be the most powerful time of your life if you sit under the word for four hours a day for five days a week for two or three years I guarantee you you are gonna have God speak to you and start revealing purpose to you every one of you are created for a purpose do you know what that purpose is welcome to the awm minute a small glimpse on how your partnership with Andrew Wommack ministries in Karis Bible College is making a difference in lives around the world lives like Vanya Currie a surgical nurse from Texas who is diagnosed with ovarian cancer having struggled to find a cure Vanya found our Karis Bible College musical God with us where the song hem of His garment spoke directly to her situation I just saw this like love of God racing through time to get to me I just really felt connected to God's story from there Vanya believed it was God's will for her to be healed and studied Andrews teachings until his revelation became her own today thanks to the free materials made available by our friends and partners she is completely healed to see Vaughn use full healing journey visit a WMI dotnet today the trajectory of your life is about to change forget what has gone on in the past forget all the dealings of people that you've had pray for you forget all the doctors reports they have come against you in the past God had a future for your life and it's good you have to say it the power of God is voice-activated and you have to speak words [Music]
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 17,833
Rating: 4.9033818 out of 5
Id: b6cGX0bx6G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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