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hello so whether you just started the game as a conjurer and looking to become a White Mage or just wanted to check out the job this guide is for you I'll be covering up to level 50 White Mage in this guide if you want more information on the later levels of the job I suggest taking a look at my idiot skills SL abilities guide to White Mage as I go over it there before we begin I want to State something important for any new players watching this video please do your class quests they show up underneath your main scenario guide which is usually in the top left corner of your screen class quests are very important as they allow you to get new spells skills and abilities as well as your job stone for White Mage later on so make sure to do them as you level up now let's get into it let's begin by talking about your spells and abilities up to level 15 on conjurer which by then you should have unlocked Stone cure Arrow Meda raise and the roll actions Repose Asuna and lucid dreaming stone is your main DPS spell this will be your main form of doing damage to enemies when you're not healing cure is a single Target heal that'll heal a targeted party member you can easily Target party members for heals by simply clicking their name on the party list and then casting the spell if you're on controller you can press up or down on the d-pad in order to select party members and then cast the spell arrow is your damage overtime spell or dot for short this dot will last for 30 seconds and should be kept on an enemy at all times especially bosses it's also an instant cast spell meaning you can use it while moving Meda is an AOE healing spell this should be used whenever your party's HP is getting low Ray will Resurrect The Fallen party member Ray has a long cast time so make sure you're safe when trying to lawn cast the spell going over the roll actions Repose will put a Target to sleep this spell isn't that useful however it can be in some solo content or if you're trying to run away from an enemy Asuna will remove a debuff from a targeted party member do note the only debuffs that can be auna are debuffs that have a white line above them if a debuff does not have this white line it cannot be a sunad so keep that in mind lucid streaming will gradually restore your MP this ability is very useful since your spells cost a lot of MP I'd recommend pressing Lucid when your MP is at or below 7,000 as this is a good amount to start gaining ATP back while still having a healthy amount to keep casting spells now to go over your level 15 rotation for conjurer this rotation is as simple as it gets as all you need to do is start an En counter with stone cast Arrow then spam Stone till arrow is around 4 seconds and then cast Arrow again to reapply the dot make sure to use your heels if necessary but otherwise keep dpsing you can easily practice rotations like these at the Striking dummies in Summerford farms in Middle lanosa moving on to level 30 this is where you can get your job stone for White Mage from your class quests you can equip the job stone by opening your character menu and clicking the bottom right slot of your character with White Mage unlocked and a level 30 you should have gotten Stone Two Cure 2 presence of mind the roll action Swift cast and the trait M and mend Stone two isn't upgrade the stone which means it does more damage cure 2 is a stronger single Target healing spell this should be used over cure even though it has a higher MP cost presence of mind is an ability that'll reduce your spell cast time and recast Time by 20% for 15 seconds this ability is very useful as it it's mainly used to do a lot of DPS very quickly or in some cases it can be used to help reduce the cast time of raise and your other healing spells the roll action Swift cast will make your next spell an instant cast this ility is super useful as it allows you to cast a spell while moving it can also be used to negate the cast time of raise meaning you can instantly raise a party member with swift cast so make sure to use it the train M and mend increases your damage and HP restoration by 10% the rotation for level 30 W Mage is pretty much the same except the addition of presence of Mind start any encounter with stone then cast Arrow after two stones use presence of mind then spam Stone till arrow is at 4 seconds and reapply it make sure to use presence of Mind anytime it comes off cool down before we go on if you're enjoying this video so far I highly suggest you subscribe and leave a like as it helps a lot if you want to support me even further here on YouTube you can hit the join button and become a member it's only a dollar a month and anything helps I also stream on Twitch every week so if you want to watch me live be sure to check out the twitch Link in the description below thank you so much for your support anyways moving on to level 50 White Mage you should have unlocked regen cure 3 Holy Arrow 2 medic 2 benediction the roll actions surecast and rescue and the traits free cure and M Men 2 regen will apply a Regen to a targeted party member this ability is an instant cast meaning you can cast in on party members while moving it's a good idea to put regen on a tank as you're moving through a dungeon as well Kure 3 is another AOE healing spell it is stronger than Medica however it has a shorter range and costs more MP I would still recommend using cure 3 over Medica especially if the party is grouped up together and you need a strong heal holy is your AOE DPS spell holy will also stun any enemies hit by it this is by far the best AOE DPS spell out of all the healers as the stun from holy can be very very useful for dungeons do note stuns will not last forever as the more you inflict stun on a Target the shorter the duration will be and eventually they'll resist it you should still use holy as an AOE DPS spell even after the stun gets resisted as any damage is better than no damage Arrow 2 is an upgrade to Arrow meaning more dot damage Meda 2 is an AOE regen spell its heal is smaller than Meda however instead it applies a Regen to all nearby party members this should still be used over Medica as this regen will help everyone regenerate HP over time for knowing when to use Meda 2 or cure 3 keep an eye on the party list and your MP if your party has lost a lot of HP use Kure 3 if they've lost a good amount but not a whole lot use Medica 2 and let the regen do its work if you don't have a lot of MP left and need a quick heal use Meda 2 benediction will completely restore the HP of a targeted party member this ability has a very long 3-minute cool down but it is the Saving Grace of any party member especially tanks if you ever see your tank or any party member very close to dying use this ability to save their life just be mindful that your tank may use their invulnerability skill and may not want to heal immediately going over the roll actions sure cast will make it so your spells cannot be interrupted and you cannot be affected by both knockback and draw effects this ability is useful for its second effect which is negating knockbacks not many early game bosses have mechanics like this well you'll sometimes be knocked back and you can negate it by using short cast before the knockback goes off so you won't be affected by it rescue will pull a targeted party member to you this ability has two uses saving a party member from a dangerous situation or to troll your friends by pulling them into a dangerous situation and taking both of you out either way this ability can come very clutch if needed the trait free cure can be a beginner's trap as it makes it so cure 1 will have a 15% chance of letting you use cure 2 without using any MP well this may sound good it really isn't pretty much in all situations cure 2 by itself is better than running the gamble of trying to proc freure even if you die lose all MP and lucid dreaming is on cool down I'd still suggest using cure 2 anyway as it'll guarantee you get a stronger heal over trying to gamble to get a stronger heal for free m and Men 2 is an upgrade to M andm making you stronger the level 50 rotation for White Mage is the exact same as level 30 for the AOE rotation simply spam holy and use presence of mind if you want to spam holy faster overall though White Mage is a really fun and good beginner healing class in the later levels of the job gets a lot of strong healing options and a pretty cool gimmick that makes it so you can do do a bunch of damage with one attack however before we end the video I want to give some tips on healing as a whole especially for new players whenever you're in a dungeon I highly suggest watching your tanks HP and healing them whenever they drop below half HP when their HP is above half use your DPS spells as a healer's damage is just as important as everyone else pretty much throughout most boss fights you should be dpsing as much as possible and only really stopping to use your healing spells when it's absolutely necessary to it's okay to let your party drop a little HP but not too far and especially letting them die you should also aim to use Swift cast on rays but don't be afraid to use it for a stonecast if you need to something that I forgot to mention in my other beginners guys is a technique known as slide casting this can be very helpful whenever you need to move around but still want to keep casting in order to slide cast simply cast a spell and move around the 40 second mark on the cast bar this is very ping dependent so it may be different for you but experiment and you should be able to find the timing for when you can slide cast with all of that I hope you enjoy White Mage going forward and I'll see you again soon bye hey everybody if you enjoyed the video you should consider subscribing to the channel and liking the video I have links to my Discord and other social media in the description below thanks so much for watching
Channel: Megastar FFXIV
Views: 2,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy, ffxiv, guide, mmorpg, dark knight, idiot's guide, class guide, job guide, black mage, thaumaturge, beginner's guide, xbox, xbox one, xbox series x, ffxiv xbox, xbox 360, arcanist, summoner
Id: FbM6Z7lYiGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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