Render 3D in REAL-TIME with USD in DaVinci Resolve!

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The DaVinci Resolve 18 beta disrupt and among some other really cool features it introduced initial support for USD inside of fusion now keyword there is initial while we don't have a ton of official communication on this yet it doesn't feel like this feature is fully implemented into the program later in the video I'll cover why I think that there is more to come and what features I would like to see but first what is USD well it stands for Universal scene description it's a framework that was developed by Pixar for interacting with their scenes in real time now DaVinci has the ability to open one of those UST files so that we can interact with it inside of fusion this framework contains everything you need for the 3D Scene It has your geometry materials animation and so on but once we get that inside of fusion we can re-light it and then render it using the store and render engine and to accomplish all of this Blackmagic design has introduced 13 new notes that can be found in the effects Library under USD so once we're inside of fusion how do we actually import these USD files well we use the U loader node and it can import three different file types the USD Z usdc and USDA if we go to the media pool you can see I already have one of these files imported and I added an infusion all I have to do is drag it down into a fusion composition it adds in the UL order node which is referencing the file path over in the inspector if I view this off on the left viewer you can see it's going to load in this Tin Can object it already has a default light in the scene it's called the camera light just so we can kind of preview what's going on and you'll notice that this object already has all the textures and materials baked into the actual file if we go to the effects Library we can open tools and come down to USD so now we can find all of the different USD nodes that Fusion has to offer just like your traditional 3D system we need to end it with a render node so clicking on the loader node let's do shift space and type in render and it's automatically going to select the USD version of this node when we hit enter it's going to add that in let's connect this up into the media out and then view the media out in the second viewer now the framing is not quite right so let's add in a camera so we can change where it's actually looking to do this click on the U loader node and do shift space and type camera again it's automatically going to select the USD version when you hit enter it's going to add add in this you emerge node for us and if we view this one off in the first viewer we can now see the camera appearing in here let's click on the camera and then drag the position back so that way the can comes into frame and an easy way to position cameras is going over to the transforming the inspector and checking use Target so now the camera is always going to be looking at this point in the middle so that means if we bring the camper up it's going to tilt it down so that it is still looking at the tin can now like I mentioned a really cool feature is that we can re-light these scenes so in the effects Library let's take a look at some of the lights that we have I'm just going to use the sphere light for now but there's a ton of different options if I add this in and connect it into the merge node you can see it's going to add this light down right here in the middle but if I move it around you can see it's not going to affect anything on either of the two views and that's because we're still using the camera light which is the default light in all the scenes so to change that come up to the top right here and in this drop down menu select scene lights and set a camera light in the preview mode we can see the reflection of this light on the tin can here but we still don't have that showing up in the final render let's go to the render node and then over in the settings here we have lighting we can set this one to be seen as well and once we do that you can see the light is reflecting off the tin can and that's a really cool thing about the storm render engine how fast it actually is as soon as I move this light it's already updating in the final render now this can still looks really dark and that's because it is very reflective material so we need to have something for it to actually reflect in order for it to become more visible let's delete the sphere light and add in this dome light now this one's really cool because we have the ability to add in a texture and by default it's just going to use this beach scene that's pre-loaded into the program if you've worked in other 3D programs this is essentially your environment light or environment texture we can select a custom texture by coming to this browse menu and then finding an image and then importing it into the program and these Reflections update really fast it's really cool to see how responsive they've been able to make this and that's the case for the final render too another feature that we have is a transform mode after the camera let's add in the U transform node and this is a really cool feature if you want to get a camera to orbit around found an object since the camera is off to the side if we add in a transform note it's going to set the pivot point to be in the middle here again so that means if we change the wire rotation it's just going to perfectly orbit around our object and we can change all of these settings while keeping the tin can centered in the frame you can see this is really cool and a ton of fun to play around with in the inspector we also have the ability to add in our own shapes so let's drag this node in and then connect it up into the merge node now if I move it off to the side you can see we just have this Capsule that's appearing let's go to the shape and then change it to be a cube I'm going to bring the size up so that way it's a little bit easier to see and then give it a little bit more spacing in between the tin can now over in the material we can change how this actually appears like adding a metallic look so that way it's reflecting and if we bring the roughness down it becomes a lot more clear what you're actually looking at and the cool thing too is we can easily change the shape while still keeping the same material and just like before we can change the camera and it's all updating in real time if we right click in the viewer we can get a bunch of different options for the USD rendering like if we come down to shading we we can change it to a points render so now it's only going to render the actual points of the geometry in the scene or if we go there again we can change it so it only does the wireframe if we do flat shaded it's going to show us the objects without any smoothing so you can see all the individual subdivisions in these objects in something like the shape we can change this just using the base subdivisions to make it a little bit more high quality if we right click again we can change that back to smooth shaded so that way it all looks smooth in the U renderer node we also have a couple other features like changing the camera the render type even though we only have storm as an option for now and enabling the Sky Dome so that way we can see whatever image in the background and if we move the camera that's going to move the background here as well so you can do some really cool stuff that way now this is where I start to get the feeling that this feature isn't fully implemented yet one huge thing that this render engine is lacking is the ability to Output Shadows if we actually want to use this to render objects to put in the scene we need to be able to render Shadows but I have a strong feeling that this feature is going to be coming in a future update and here's why on the welcome screen for The DaVinci Resolve 18.5 beta it didn't announcer's initial support for USD and initial implies that there was something else coming down the road and in the what's new PDF under the USD section it mentions having an in the Box Shadow GPU renderer and right now we can't do Shadows so they must be adding that later on in the final reason inside of fusion if we come in the preview right click come down to lighting there's a Shadows box even though it's disabled so we can't actually adjust it yet and while this isn't actually proof that it's going to be coming I have a strong feeling it's going to be in DaVinci Resolve before it's out of the 18.5 beta and a couple other things I would really like to see is first off depth of field we have that in the traditional render system under accumulation effects so it'd be really cool to see that in this new render system it'd also be cool if we could have some sort of text node like the text 3D but have a USD version of that and maybe even have the ability that we can import our own geometry like an obj file or an fbx mesh I'm not sure if some of the stuff is possible but if they find a way to do it it's going to make the system way more powerful than it already is if you'd like to learn some of the new stuff that Blackmagic designs introduced check out this video where I cover the multi-emerge tool it's a really cool new feature that adds a ton of possibility in Fusion if you guys have any questions about this USD system please let me know down in the comments below but with all that being said I'll see you guys next time for the next video
Channel: Jake Wipp
Views: 11,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 18.5, davinci resolve 3D, davinci resolve USD, how to use USD davinci resolve, universal scene description, universal scene desciption daivnci resolve, fast 3D davinci resolve, importing 3D objects davinci resolve, davinci resolve fusion USD, fusion universal scene description, reflections in davinci resolve fusion
Id: m3w35k3ioEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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