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hey everybody well today I've got a fun little trip planned going to fly the Queener from anomy Wisconson over the Wisconsin border into Minnesota and pick up my son Connor and my dad David in Lake Elmo Minnesota from there we're going to zip up to duth take a couple turns around the harbor then drop them back off in Lake Elmo and quick back to monamon quick and easy little trip it's a beautiful day so let's go flying for a [Music] [Music] [Applause] got to love the sound of those 400 horsepower iio 720s after they put those on the queen air it became a magnificent airplane the original engines were a little underpowered a little temperamental and these are much better these 8 cylinder 720s are considered bulletproof and I just love them sounds like a warb bird unfortunately I don't get to listen to him very often I never get to hear him outside the plane where everybody tells me it sounds really cool because I'm always well you know sitting in here okay engine run up brakes are set 1200 RPM engine instruments look good so our temp still a little low fuel pressure's good oil pressure is low oil temp's still a little low 1500 RPM mag and feather check and altern a check boots let's try the boots first stage [Music] good second stage good boots are good vacuum system is good alternators alternators are good we're all set so before take off checklist boost pumps on fuel selectors on Main props full forward mixture is set trim is set green radios are set y dampers off P heat good flight controls free and correct we all set monom traffic queen air 80 Echo parting 27 will be westbound [Applause] not okay one more time for stupid gas on the mains undercarriage down mixture set props pull forward seats locked trims are set fright correct nobody coming looking good got a little bit of a right crosswind here but shouldn't be too bad we've got students on this Runway so I think I can it [Music] up up and away okay coming through th000 ft boost pumps off left Bo left boost pump fuel pressure stays steady right boost pump also steady good to go okay short little 20 minute flight to Lake Elmo no reason to climb over 1500 ft well it's a sunny day in Western Wisconsin Eastern Minnesota and the flight schools are busy so I got a lot of traffic coming up today into Lake Elmo got to sneak under the class Bravo it's not really sneaking underneath the base of this SE segment is 7,000 ft so I think I can miss that see them at three Delta 5 miles to the southeast will be ENT stra in 31 full stop more traffic Lake Elmo traffic queen air 800 Echo Quebec 9 mil Southeast we'll be straight in for 32 Lake Elmo all right switch to the main tanks coming down bit shut up landing gear horn okay before landing gear Landing boost pumps on fuel selector main got amp off autopilots off gear propellers he blower and I'm coming down here nicely at the runway in sight we're going to be along straight in for 32 the runway is 3500 ft long a little shorter than I'd like but not a problem for the queen here so much we got the wind pretty much right down the runway so we should be able to handle it okay 4 miles away still a little little ways out turnning on fin Lake ELO traffic queen air 800 Echo Quebec Four Mile final 32 full stop Lake Elmo traffic 737 2 m for the Arnav 32 Lake Elmo traffic on the Arnav Lake ELO sa position again we are two miles out one and a half miles now for the Arnav 32 and Queener has the traffic at Lake El site we'll be behind you are you are you Landing youing for [Applause] usog okay there's our gear speed gear coming down one two three wheels in the window give us some flaps uh maneuvering 3000 ft boost pumps on so pre-landing checklist boost pumps on fuel selectors on Main yacht ampers off auto poils off gear is down double check down propellers to go heater blower off Landing light on I think I'm going to have to do a go round she's going to be [Applause] slow it would have been too close Lake Elmo traffic queen air 800 Echo Quebec do want to go around 32 Lake Elmo traffic 737 uniform is clear of all runways left down 32 Lake gear coming down again yeah tried slowing down as much as possible she probably would have been off the Runway by the time I got there but there's no reason to push the situation Lake Elmo traffic queen air 800 Echo Quebec left base 32 Lake Elmo and one more time boost pumps on fuel on Main Landing geared down triple check got Flaps in or engine instruments look good or speeds good like ELO traffic Queener 80 Echo Quebec turning final 32 full stop Lake Elmo gas undercarriage mixture props pumps we're all good e and like traffic queen air 800 Echo Quebec clear 32 okay before takeoff before takeoff checklist boost pump on Boost pump's on Fu selectors main they're on the mains in the detents props full forward full forward mixture left full forward right half got them set trim set green what do we on here 12 that's a little bit much let's go back to seven trimmer set y damp off yamps off wait yep before take off trim y damp radio Set Radio set defrost pedo heat as required not needed and flight controls fre correct okay I'll do this do you want to take off you can do it okay that side it's weird it's shorter Runway there's uh Run's pretty much right down the runway so you like your seat is should be good Lake Elmo traffic Cen 80 Echo Quebec departing 32 Lake Elmo you're clear on the right clear on the left nobody in the cross traffic positive break gear coming [Music] up gear shows up throttle back to 25 in slow and smooth looking good bring it up back to 24 okay left boost pump coming off fuel pressure stays good R boost pump going off fuel pressure is good throttle back to 2200 22 in is 2200 RPM it's hard to see the vean of being a co-pilot there's 22 correct close enough Yep looks good there 22 squared all right let's give me uh go that way going that way we don't have to be going turn the heater on here now switch to the main tanks 10 more right cool was Jewel how is it flying it by yourself oh I love it yeah that's good he maybe a little left [Music] a beautiful day for [Music] [Music] flying [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so it's a little B bumpy out and it's surprising when we start losing even even going down 500 ft a minute without a power change you can pick up a lot of speed so right now we're doing 170 knots indicated and the bottom of the larc is 190 so we don't want to go much faster without slowing down and I would slow down a little bit why don't you bring it back to 20 in cuz the other thing you have think about is just cuz the book says you can doesn't mean you necessarily should in a 64y old airplane it's been around for a little bit let's be nice to the old girl I'm I'm hoping she makes it to 100 when you're my age we got a 100y old Queener sitting in the hanger that we're still flying be cool pretty cool D 74 Bravo golf 8 mil nice little grass fire up here it's a good brush fire got any guys are fighting it yeah it looks like a control burn we got trucks and whatnot out there trucks and whatnot oh yeah don't you know oh there there's got the control burn there you know with all the guy oh there's a there goes a helicopter Jes be there's a St Croy River Runway you know the other nice thing about having two engines is you can fly lower with a little bit more peace of mind right you know you're not like holy geez we're 1,000 ft and F engine dies we're going to be in the trees in about a minute yeah we don't have a time to find a good place to land call for help all that good stuff they like no we got two engines if we lose one we'll be fine we'll be [Music] good [Music] [Music] number trff going to going approach op you hear duth talking right now right yeah I just put up pulled up their Tower continue straight ahead and then we're going to maybe even give me a little bit of right and when we get to the shore we'll make a left turn and kind of cruise this way so that camera can can get it and we'll head back no big ships to go fly over okay the their airspace starts just on the other just inside in Shore so if you make this turn over the water we should be fine so make this turn make it a nice hard left oh you want to stay within yeah don't don't enter their airspace I'll give a little right turn here give myself a little more room sounds good that should be good crank your lefta it's beautiful gorgeous out today that's why we had to go flying baby it's going to snow this weekend got to take advantage of this good weather all right I got controls yeah have the controls yeah just take us straight down that way Roger I think we're early for ships I think it's well there's well I don't know if these guys are there's one probably part of a museum e oh those Shades see how they work Roger e for better tail winds on the way back the higher we go right side is now up to three dancing around three to four yeah I hit some turbulence back there it was just unfortunate timing it was weird you got it got it yours that's kind of nice that works really good stick it up there yep wherever it whatever will block the Sun the best it's the edges that hold so if you want to push along the edges there cool you got it I got it okay so that was a fun little trip up to delu with the guys now it's back to monomon for the ever exciting airport commission board meeting tonight okay just pass baldman where my skydiving school is in to anomy will be there in 6 minutes win is 330 1 Z 3 1 Z so still think I'm going to do 27 use some crosswind practice with this old gal kind of nice having a Tailwind on the way home final leg we're doing 170 knots and only 20 in of manifold pressure kind of chugging along no reason to be in a hurry I mean I'm still doing 170 knots which is just fine for short flight traffic skak is five to the Northwest um entering a left down and traffic 4923 Delta one M final 34 full PL traffic group one Del Midfield left downwind 34 we've got two three Del on site [Applause] 51 miles final for the it's always good to get a couple of flights in after annual and had really flown it much in the last year it's interesting on an old plane like this you know you really need to keep these planes flying or stuff will get sticky and not work right just like any plane really but it's a little more important with a big plane like this I mean you got two engines twice the systems tractable landing gear flaps di ice boots you know there's just a lot going on in the queen air and it's all 64 years old so special attention has to be has to be met and you know needed to get a couple of flights in before we take it on a long trip you don't want stuff breaking when you're on the road today if it broke anywhere between here and it's not the end of the world C come drive us get us in a car get it fixed but if we're halfway to Alaska that's something else so before we take our uh fishing trip this spring to Alaska I definitely want to put a a few more trips like this on the old girl and get both myself and Conor good current in it because these are planes that you need to fly a lot like I can hop my 182 after a 2-year layoff doesn't bother me in the slightest cuz I got so many hours in that the queen air I don't have that many hours in I probably have many traffic under 300 over you know spread out over 13 years so you know it's just I just don't get that much of a chance to fly it I don't have to CU people pay me to fly the airplane so I don't need to put gas in my own airplane as often as I should you know when you fly and Skydive every day you don't you don't really go grab your own plane for a pleasure flight you know use the plane for Missions go someplace do stuff not just go burn gas monom traffic queen air 800 ACO Quebec 6 miles west in B monom monom Trax left base 36 monom traffic 63 about 3 miles to the Southwest inbound and left down for Runway 31 traffic traffic Ser 23 Romeo downwind rway 36om monom traic fo TR final for 36om here we got students landing on 36 cuz that's most into the wind but I'm still going to take 27 I got them in sight they should be no problem for me as I enter my left tra 63 on a downwind 31 for traffic I see the second one9 traffic 23 train base 36 monom not many traffic Queener 8 z0 Echo correct and left down for down win for 27 we got the seus on base for 36 monom we'll let you [Applause] first monom traff number one4 traps here clear 36 at Bravo One going into the traic 23 Rome final all righty ple Landing checklist gas on the main gear speed so gear down the window I see the gear door on my side boost pumps on mixtures up a little bit everything else is good monomon traffic queen air 800 Echo turning left base 27 monomon put in about 40% flaps here at 100 indicated we'll drop that down on Final monom traffic queen air 800 Echo Quebec turning final 27 full stop monomon one more time gas undercarriage mixture props pumps are on we're all set so yeah we got a pretty good crab going here into that right crosswind it's about 60° crosswind at 10 knots not the end of the world I can handle that traffic 73816 is 4 miles south inbound for a left downwind Runway 27 anomy stabilized at 95 just to carry a little bit extra speed just because crosswind and stuff like that and to leave the crab in right to the end and we'll kick it out for not too bad drift a little left wasn't happy with that but I recovered monomon traffic queen air 800 Echo Quebec clear 27 monom all right well that was a successful trip all the way around it's good to spend time with my dad and my son exercise the queen air a little bit keep the keep the oil flowing and and keep my currency up and now it's time to do the airport airplane Shuffle in the hanger and put it all the way and that's about it thanks for flying with me see you next time and don't forget to keep your speed [Music] up [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music]
Channel: Kerry McCauley
Views: 7,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gsgVDcOi_OQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 51sec (2451 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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