A 3 Minute Demo of Portainer's Key Use Cases

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bainer is a powerful flexible container management interface that is designed to make working with containers easy in this video we'll be talking about some common use cases for painer the base element of all containerized deployments is of course containers and Porta makes it easy to deploy containers to your specifications across your infrastructure create and edit your containers through an easy to use but powerful interface deploy manually or automatically with giops on premise or in the cloud and on whichever orchestrator you use there's no need for you or your team to become experts in container orchestration painer gives you the tools you need to get up and running fast when a deployment isn't working as expected it can be difficult to figure out why especially when there's a lot of moving Parts involved with painer our intuitive UI helps you to get the information you need to identify the problem and resolve it as quickly and efficiently as possible letting you get everything back to working order you can check and adjust the configuration of your application view logs for your containers monitor container stats like CPU and memory usage tune the resources available to your deployments and if you really need to dive in you can access the console of your containers directly all from within the portainer interface from deployment to updates to cleanup managing the life cycle of your deployments is crucial for security performance and reliability with pora's get up functionality you can configure automatic updates for your apps or update them manually confirm they have updated as well as clean up after upgrades are complete Porta slots into your existing deployment workflow using web hooks letting your cicd pipeline work with Porta to fully automate your application management when you're working with a number of distinct environments especially when they're running different orchestrators having a central standard management platform is a huge timesaver Porta ability to manage Docker Standalone Docker swarm and kubernetes orchestrators means you can have one management interface for your entire containerized infrastructure you can also spin up new kubernetes clusters directly from within the portana UI manage your environment's resources and access and make changes as needed you don't have to give up your existing tools either you can use Porta as a proxy for your tooling giving you the extra security that Porta provides without losing functionality orchestration platforms like kubernetes are not secure by default giving all users full access to the cluster when you're deploying it scale with a number of different classes of users needing access this becomes a problem forer's arback capabilities help you to secure your environments by giving you control over who can do what on your environments as well as integrating with your existing authentication provider to provide centralized user management Porta keeps track of what happens on your environments through audit and activity logs and in case of disaster porta's backup and restore abilities let you get get your painer instance up and running again quickly these are some of the main use cases for painer but there's a lot more it can do including working with aged and iot devices and deployments check out our website for more information [Music]
Channel: Portainer IO
Views: 632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: container management, open-source, low code, docker gui, kubernetes gui, portainer, portainer ce
Id: p84Ydq0v9dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 17sec (197 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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