A $2,500 Paramotor - Flying On A Budget Pt. 1

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dude we're gonna ply it oh nice it's the whole package I can't believe it works it's the real deal [Music] [Music] how's it hanging what's going on today you can be art and change garage and everything it's beautiful I think today we're gonna talk about something a little different like budget paramotors and how to get in on a budget safely because a lot of people always ask me like I want to get into paramotors but I don't have eight to twelve thousand dollars to invest in brand-new stuff aside from the training factor today we're gonna take an example of a budget paramotor and kind of discuss where to look for used equipment and what to look for to make sure it's not a deathtrap I'm mapping us too loud so a little bit of background I have a good friend Josh who is a dirt biking buddy who uh I met him three years ago or so and he always wanted to get into flying I never really had the budget and he's like a serious competitive racer so as money goes into that and then recently he kind of set a budget he told me dude if you can find me a setup for six thousand dollars then I can do it and I kind of told them you know if you try and find something new in that budget it might not be the best thing try and find used and I eventually found just by talking to people this paramotor for twenty-five hundred I got him a wing for twelve hundred which he already has and is already doing some cutting training with but I just got this in the mail and it's kind of a question mark I don't I don't know this unit it's a pxp with a monster classic the engine is from based on the exhaust and that's gonna say it's either from 2011 or 2012 and it apparently has 25 hours on so it's a pretty good deal you know knew this would be like six $7000 paramotor it was just kind of a deal that I found talking to people I just have Tucker to come help me for me more support because I have to install a Fratto on it and just kind of figure out how to put it together give it the once-over and and see if it's you know determine if it's air worthy a lot of times when you look into budget motors twenty five hundred or so if you find a $2,500 motor on classified-ad it's typically not a great deal there could be something unsafe about it inherently by design or it's in really bad shape so one of the common questions is like where you find use para motor gear and the primary place I see a lot of people post off its a Facebook page called paramotor things for sale so look that up I'll link it down below but also things like eBay and Craigslist can work sometimes they're a little sketchier like people that like I have this fan in my basement they don't really know what it is but other than that word-of-mouth like if you get hooked up with an instructor they can call their friends and they can call their friends kind of find something that might be a hidden treasure so Shane yeah as far as engines go yeah what would you look for in a good used engine just the not the frame what I would say is what I looked for was a monster because I know the monster and this is a monster classic and I know it well and I know the problems that this year had like I know that it'll probably break pull start Springs this exhaust will probably at some point have to be replaced a cop 80 is a good one that's been around for 20 years or so and there's a ton of paramotors out there with the top 80 engine on it that you can get relatively cheap you could define them for 2500 pretty regularly so as far as the engines go I think the two that are known to be pretty reliable in the paramotor world the top 80 election mentioned good for small pilots and this guy here which is avatar as you moster that's I applied the most current one on the Scout that's another good one to look for this guy doesn't have a throttle right well we have some choices came with to chameleon was really bad for beginners and then what did you call this one baby's first throttle baby's first a little tight yeah the whole propeller safety thing it kind of goes hand-in-hand with decision-making and your gear when you setup a throttle anytime before you start the motor you want to make sure that the cable is free and it returns and your carburetor goes completely idle so that when you start it it's gonna be at idle the thing I always go back to is I just don't really start them on the ground I just start on my back so you're safer or strap it down that's always the best decision you know there's a ton of designs out there from like the late 80s of paramotor designs but I think generally speaking for me most important things are not so much strength of the cage because training can kind of make up for that but I think strength of the suspension system the swingarm system and geometry of the swingarm system I personally don't like hi Hank oints I know a lot of people flying prefer them there's paramotors out there from you know the early 90s that would not tolerate high G's and most para motors are not made for high G's or even certified for high G's I don't know if this one's certified but I can look at it and tell that the swing arms are super burly the suspension system isn't my favorite it's just a straight bolt but it is the giant bolt some of them out there are just an m5 bolt stuck in and I just know that if I fly one of those it's not something that I'm gonna go out and do repetitive full stall on have a problem the frame rigidity itself looks pretty good on this this also has an upgrade this is the harness that came with it the pxb harness and this guy upgraded to the Dudek power seat a lot of people love this harness so I know it's probably good but upon arrival the first thing I check on them on a on a pre-flight of a para motor the most important thing to me is not falling out of the motor next thing is things not falling out off the motor so that would be like the engine but the first thing I'm checking is the suspension system the straps harnesses seat board leg straps with buckles condition security of all that stuff next is crap flying off the motor and then what's gonna catch on fire that's kind of my pre-flight down-and-dirty not falling out stuff not falling off an actor [Music] all right so she's all in one piece we got everything set up throttles attach cages on prop song pretty much ready to see if it'll run overall impressions so far it seems like a decent deal like Shane said the motor itself kind of older technology so there's more potential for issues to happen the netting could be better it's not gonna save your hand if your hand goes into it and it's zip-tied completely on the last thing like overall ride quality I guess you could say promoters deal with torque and a lot of different ways and some are really good some are a little sketchy this one is what like more on the sketchy side yeah it's just a very intuitive I think if you kind of look at this centered up you can see that the bars are actually mounted off to the side rather than having little spacer blocks that go over here but what this also means is that when you're hanging from the harness you're directly in between these bars the engine is actually going to be off to the left side of your body which means when it pushes and it's going to y'all making kind of a weird effect the other thing is just to hang geometry of it where the pressed line is in relation to where the swing arm is mounted you can see that it's actually pushing higher so it's gonna sit really high up on your back which is actually really nice for launching in a way but it's going to kind of push you forward when you step on the gas yeah overall impressions I'd say it'll get you in the air it's not going to be the best thing ever but for three grand that's what you're getting I think we'll probably throw some gas in it see if I can start up yeah if the weather is good tonight I'll take it for a flight see how it wrong yeah get some gas and see if she starts out okay what do you think dude yeah that's good it's not that heavy bring it in buddy [Laughter] nice [Music] [Music] [Music] all right if you can't tell we we did not send it there was no sending to be had so not just flying of the three thousand dollar paramotor but I will say just a concluding thought the whole idea of this video was to show you kind of like what to look for to get a good deal on something kind of cheap and used but I would say if you're unsure about it don't buy it and the whole thing is if you can find a legitimate good deal motor with really low hours well put together strong harness and framing everything's that's great but the flip side of the coin is sometimes I see people buying really really cheap stuff like two grand and the motors not reliable it's been rebuilt the frame is sketchy and you're just putting yourself in too much danger flying something that hold that it's very hard to resist the urge to get in the air when you're like passionate about it but I would say if you can't afford something that you'll trust your life with just put it on the back burner for a little while wait until you can save up a little more money and get something that is gonna protect your life but yeah hope you guys enjoyed hope you learned something and maybe inspired you to get in the sport at a lower budget hopefully safely so I'm headed to Twin Falls right meow I'll see you guys in the next one for hopefully some base jump till then peace out [Music]
Channel: Tucker Gott
Views: 817,217
Rating: 4.7654681 out of 5
Keywords: paramotor, tucker, gott, tucker gott, paramotor crash, paramotor accident, paramotor training, paravlog, vlog, vlogging, motovlog, adventure, gopro, hero, flying, airplane, paragliding, people are awesome, adrenaline, flight, fly, extreme, pilot, av geek, aviation, extreme sports, action sports, flying car, take off, landing, fail, aviator ppg, team fly halo, scout
Id: pUHDZvjEcrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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