You Won't Believe What the A-10C Warthog Can Do (Close Air Support)

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all right welcome everybody to the A10 2C warthog inside of DCs world today we're going to take a look at the scorpion helmet mounted queuing system and how to use it and how to employ weapons on targets now it's actually pretty simple to use once you get the hang of it there's a lot of acronyms so we need to get through those acronyms we got DMS which is data management switch and we have TMS which is Target management switch so we're gonna be using a lot of acronyms today so please try to keep up with those acronyms and we'll make a more in-depth guide cover a lot of that stuff here in the future so this is just more of a preview of how to use this thing because the A10 2C is a situational awareness monster so if we actually look over to the right we can see a bunch of x's on the ground those X's are actually friendly units and we want to stay away from those friendly units and we don't want to put any weapons on them so it's nice to have those X's there and let you know like hey we got friendlies here so we have a missile warning system launch that's bad put out some flares got some short ads here we've got some sa9s and some shulkas let's put out some flares here to get away from this situation and we'll use the helmet mounting queuing system to put some rounds On Target we're going to show you how to do that multiple different ways this thing is just an absolute King it's a beast rather at Cass that close air support and I love the A10 okay so we're probably outside the engagement Zone here so we'll turn right targeting pods on our right and let's do a little slight climb here turn on the autopilot all right so what do we need to do first well we need to make the helmet mounting queuing system our soy so how do we do that hat down switch once and you can see our asterisk is right there so cool we head down short makes it our soy now we can slow our targeting pot over here if we want or we can throw a mark Point here I usually throw Mark points because the mark points stay there so if we want to Mark point we just do TMS right short wherever the Maltese cross is looking what's a mark point so there's Mark Point Alpha so we know that there's bad guys at Mark Point Alpha so if they started shooting at us again like more short ads are coming at us we made a mark point we can just slew everything over to that Mark point and we know exactly where they are and we can start defending so how do we slew everything on over there well warning let me turn to the right here just real quick so we're not masked on the tgp we'll put it into altitude heading mode and autopilot on safety's on all right sweet so we have Mark point out but we just created that with our helmet mounting queuing system and it's still soy you can tell by the asterisk on the bottom left now how do we slew everything over there or how do we make the mark Point Alpha our speed well it's fairly simple it's TMS right long so hold TMS right long boom there's the wedding cake that is now our speed and we can also tell in the in the uh HUD here says Mark so that Mark point is now our speed so let's get that tgp over there so we can take a look so how do we do that well China Hat forward long so we hold that over boom that's what we're looking at and you can see a little Dash box right there that's what our tgp is looking at so now we need to make the tgp soy and it's fairly simple to do hat right long and you can see now we have a green box that's around the MPD so let's zoom in with the fov trying to have forward short and we can see we got some ifvs there there's a shulka and there's an sa9 so we want to take out this we want to take out this sa9 real quick so we'll put an INR mode real quick with DMS down short warning so we can turn because our targeting pod's about to get masked again and again using this helmet mountain queuing system just does so much for you so looking over there you can see there's our original Mark point we actually sued the tgp over and you can see this is the TTP right here with the dashed Square if I actually expand the fob out you can see the fov gets bigger and expand in it's smaller so how do we make this our speed well TMS up long boom that is now our speed and if we look at our Hood you can see right there where it said MX earlier or Mark earlier sorry it is now tgp so everything is slewed to the tgp right now so let's refine this Mark real quick that's the sa9 that's what we want to take out and we can bring up weapons several different ways a lot of people like using the HUD you can use the dismas uh page I usually like using the dismiss page just so I can look over the settings that I have in there but for today we'll just use the HUD so use the hood head up short puts a little asterisk in the hood and we can use DMS left and right to cycle through all of our weapons so we have Maverick selected we're gonna put a Maverick on this sa9 because we don't want to be inside the engagement Zone so we need to put the Maverick page up on the left MPD we can either click right down here with the associated OSB or we can use the Coulee head switch we just do cool you had left short it Cycles through all these but it doesn't make it soy because you have to use a long cooling head left along to make it soy so hope you had left long made it soy head left short just Cycles through all the different pages here let's turn on back so we can put a Maverick on that sa9 and we're going to show you how easy this is again it's a lot of different acronyms just bear with me once you get the hang of all these acronyms and how to use the hotas and the A10 this thing is an absolute Beast all right so path hold on the autopilot so we can look around there it is right there zoom in with the DMS switch into Point track mode and again we're gonna put a Maverick on that Target so we'll make the Maverick page soy a left long Cooley had left long sorry and then China Hat forward short to zoom in and let's turn towards autopilot this bad guy here trying to head forward long to make sure everything's slewed on over TMS up short you can tell we have a lock with a Maverick rifle we'll come off to the left put off some flares you can see the sa9 right now and he's like hey I'm about to engage this guy so we want to get away from him he's definitely looking at me we're just putting out flares just in case boom all right so that one's dead so that was fairly simple it was just a lot of a lot of different steps now I'll use TMs down or TMS apt long to reset the speed to the steer point so it's going to reset all the way back to our original steerpoint which was the initial position you can see with the wedding cake right there we have a number two wingman he's just holding over there so now let's just use the tgp instead of using a mark point how do we use the tgp without making a mark Point well that's pretty simple too just make the helmet mountain queuing system soy head down short see the asterisk now we do DMS or digital management switch right long boom tgp is now looking right at that location it doesn't look big I mean that's what she said but that's because it's always zoomed in so gotta make our targeting pod soy expand fov zoom out and we'll zoom out with the digital management switch and you can see right there boom that's our tgp so DMS right long so let's see if we want to take a look at these guys over here BMS right long boom and you can see there's our band gear not bad guys but those are our good guys there's all our friendlies right there just hanging out obviously they have x's on it so we don't want to do that so again element of queuing system soy TMS right long makes our last Mark Point speed so our speed is now on our Point Alpha now we just slew everything over trying to head forward along boom there goes our TTP looking right at that location again here's another sa9 right here let's quickly engage him so again we want to make tgp or soy so TMS forward long just to verify look at the hood it says tgp on the bottom left so we're nowhere golden there so we'll turn inbound here as I'm turning in China Hat forward long the slewall sensors to this location on the tgp so the Maverick will slew right over make the Maverick soy who he had left long China have forward short to zoom in TMS up short gotta lock rifle hold on hold on and we'll put out some more flares just in case this guy should be gone here in just a few seconds boom he is gone so that's just some ways to use this and there's plenty of different ways so another way we can actually use this is make the hammock soy and if we just start slewing so if we start slowing you see the little box we can put that wherever we want TMS forward long that makes it our speed China Hat forward long boom that's our new speed so let's get two in on the situation real quick we'll turn the autopilot on we'll say wingman to engage ground targets yeah there's two right there [Music] and it's always good to share your speed especially if you're on multiplayer so you can see that's two speed right there so we can actually take a look at what he's about to engage but first we'll take a look at the Tad and you can see our speed is off so how do we make it our speed our share our speed it is TMS left along so TMS left long shares our speed especially on multiplayer you definitely want to show your speed so everyone can see what you're looking at so let's reset everything real quick warning and we'll take a look at what two is looking at so we're sharing our speed and two is sharing his speed as well so he's being a good boy so take a look at what two's looking at make our helmet Mountain King system our soy bully head down short and then TMS up short on what he's looking at and that's hooking it and you can see there's a little dashed yellow line so we're basically hooked onto what two is looking at but we need to we need to make that our speed so TMS forward long boom that's now our speed China Hat forward long boom that's what two's looking at he's looking at this the shulker right here so two should be engaging the shulka here any moment that's just a very useful tool to see exactly what your wingmen are looking at so again we are at a Mavericks so we'll make our HUD soy and DMS on over to the CBU 97s now we'll make this ccrp and let's put some cluster bombs on this location so we see a group of Tanks right here we'll zoom in and we'll put it right there slew everything on over tgp is our soy and here we go in to put a CBU 97 on this location he was running in on that shieldka that's good there's our ASL two seconds one second boom one away if we look over here and come off to the left there's our CBU 97 2's firing a shield gun that's why we've got a missile warning launch but we'll put out some flares just in case because there might be another Shield gun or another short ad down here [Music] two is on fire right now all right our CBU 97 should be going off here any second good job too and CPU 97 is going off I want to thank all of you for watching my A-10 scorpion helmet mounting queuing system video we went over a lot today and there's a lot of acronyms but I assure you with practice you will go out there dominate the skies so really appreciate all the support lately and I'll be putting out some more A10 content in the near future take care foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tricker
Views: 25,841
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Keywords: DCS, dcs world, Eagle Dynamics, dcs tricker, digital combat simulator, warthog cas, scorpion a10, dcs a10, a10 hmcs, scorpion hmcs, dcs a10 hmcs, dcs a10 cas, dcs a-10c how, dcs a10 scorpion, dcs a-10 scorpion, dcs a-10 hmd, dcs a10 hmd, dcs warthog hmd, dcs warthog cas, A-10C Warthog Scorpion HMCS, a-10 scorpion helmet, a10 helmet, dcs warthog helmet mounted, dcs close air support, dcs a10 how to, dcs a10 tutorial, dcs warthog how to, dcs warthog, dcs a10 maverick
Id: xo2ov_jjfLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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