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battle Bond Greninja is actually referenced and seen in the family Villa of specifically in Mona if you go inside of our house in pocopath you can see a painting of what looks to be a Greninja undergoing its transformation into the special battleborn form which is really strange the ruinous Pokemon that correspond to the forces of nature now these legendary Pokemon are a little bit strange they may not look the coolest but well they are more interesting when it comes to actually capturing them to get your hands on these guys you have to go around in the post game and get your hands on all these different sticks all around the map and once you've got all of them you can actually go and capture these Pokemon they are all interesting and they are all legendary and if you do actually capture them you can finish a side quest with one of the teachers it's also a reference to Emi training specifically snacks for EV training if you go into nimona's dorm room you can see three boxes of Pokemon food and these ones are specifically going to be a Tyranitar Talonflame and Meryl these are specifically known to yield EVS in attack speed and HP respectively which are well the most common ones you would go for now one interesting one is that the actual names and locations of the bases in Pokemon scarlet and violet for the well team star is actually well specifically related to Cassiopeia so let's explain it basically the team star references are to the constellation Cassiopeia and which is also the name of the leader of the team and basically they all directly resemble the actual constellation in real life you can see that on the map and besides that the shape of the constellation is also named after the stars that comprise the constellation itself so you've got Sega rushbach kaf Navi and Shadow so yeah these are all supposed to be the actual stars that make the Cassiopeia constellation there might also be a reference to your rival Blue from the original Pokemon games in one of the Pokemon centers on one of the images it looks to be blue from the Kanto games of course we're just guessing but then there's also the classic diamond dust now you guys may remember that diamond dust was introduced back in Diamond and Pearl it's a special Easter egg that only happens on well a few occasions one of those occasions is January 12th the birthday of junichi Masuda the person who sort of introduced this specific little Easter egg because well it's on his birthday and was supposed to be a little fun thing that can only be found in snow Point City however in specifically Pokemon well skull and violet there is another one of these that can happen and it's going to be diamond dust which is of course as I mentioned a special weather phenomena and it will replace it on two days your birthday in the game so your trainer's birthday celebration will happen at this time as well and of course also December 31st which is New Year's Eve and these will be specifically seen at the glaciado mountain and speaking of your birthday you guys could actually get a celebration on your birthday when you visit a Pokemon Center on your birthdays the nurse will congratulate you by saying happy birthday and a bunch of confetti will shoot out it's also a mysterious plate in area zero and marks on a mysterious plate as well now these can be specifically found on plates deep in the caves in area zero and nobody knows what they're actually here for but it is engraved with a strange symbol and dots and what seems to be the paldea region map if one lines up the dots on the map it seems to roughly Point around important towns and cities on that map but again we don't really know exactly what the purpose of it is 100 did you guys ever wonder why is herba mystica called Herman mystica it's very odd well it looks like it possibly could be a reference to well hm which is hidden machines you guys may remember hate gems from back in the day if you actually played the original Pokemon games as they were the ways for you to Traverse the map and get past certain obstacles however in skull and violet we don't actually use HMS instead we get her the mystica which unlocks different ways for Corydon and meridon to move around the map and Traverse so interestingly enough it is the fact that herb mystica is H and M as well there's also a reference to secret bases from Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire a Backpacker makes a reference to this specific old school feature well his name is Backpacker Julian and you can find him in Los Platos at the Pokemon Center and it can also be found inside of the ruins of South province in area 4 and he talks about his own secret base so again we've talked about the treasures of ruin a few times but another one of the interesting things with them is the similarities between them and the tapus which is kind of interesting so first of all all of them share the base stat total which is 570 so both the tapus and the treasures have this the requirement for both is to well beat the Pokemon League and actually have a certain ride Pokemon and in the case of the treasures is to have the stakes which you know you need to locate all them and then we're right on cradon's ride ability one of them is located in Ruins and the other in shrines and then of course their signature move well one is ruination the other one is Nature's Madness one is fairy type the other is dark type in nature Madness case the user hits the target with the force of nature nature it has to targets HP however ruination which is a doctype that user summons a ruinous disaster and it has to targets HP their abilities in the case of the tapus is summons terrain and on the other hand the treasures half the stats of every other Pokemon on the field so kind of an interesting one but they have multiple similarities that seem to link the two together which is kind of intriguing now this one is actually outside of specifically Pokemon well scarlet and violet and can be found in sword and shield but if you guys as a player were to go to hotel Ionia in Chichester you can see that they decorated with oranges and grapes on the walls there and this seems to be a direct nod and or reference to naranjanuva Academy before the games were even announced now there's actually loads of little mini references to Pokemon that both are in Scala and Valas Pokedex and some that aren't even in there one of these for example can be found in Montana Vera where you can find an arch that's been made in the shape of a Lampent and you can actually see little lamps all around it which is well a Pokemon that actually isn't available in in the game but again there are a few of these references in there and we hope they will show up in the DLC speaking of teachers you guys can actually get tons of rewards just for helping the teachers and befriending them for example Salvatore the language teacher will give you a galorean Meowth if you help him out there's also a reference to Sonia from Pokemon sword and shield in a book called galar a history and if you read it a bit for yourself you can actually see where she talks about bidi destroying the stone side mural back in of course Gala palafin is based on Superman the reason for this is that it evolves at level 38 which is interesting because the first issue of the original Superman comic released in 1938 this is something that most you might have neglected but if you actually battle every single trainer in specific zones you're rewarded by the league rep now these League reps will give you different things that are always look located by the way at the Pokemon centers for example one of the most easy ones the one from the southern Province area one will give you a Thunder Wave TM however some of them will give you even better items like flare Blitz loaded dice stomping tantrum punching gloves and way more stuff like that so it would be highly recommended just to go and battle all the trainers if you want to get some of these items and also get full 100 completion the Pokedex entry for Crow gunk in Violet actually seems to be a reference to the crow Gunk wood statue in sino's Pastorius city as well as just well really any of the mascot ones you've seen before now what I'm referring to well basically if you read the pokesex entry it says it rarely fights fairly but that is strictly to ensure survival it is popular as a mascot if you trade a Pokemon with someone from a different country that plays the game in a different language you'll gain access to the Pokedex entry in both your language and of course theirs this does have some limitations but for the most part you'll be able to get access to entries that aren't like your own the bagging shops in Scarlet Violet seem to be a reference to the character baggin from Pokemon Legends Arceus he's a person who basically charges way too much money to add a single slot to your bag so did you guys know there are ribbons in Pokemon skull and violet as well now ribbons basically have been in most Pokemon games for a long time now and the way you really get them is that they're attached to a Pokemon when it is caught there's also now ribbons they'll be added to the Pokemon as you achieve certain tasks throughout the game like for example different marks however all these different ones are interesting got the probably a champion one once in a lifetime one wait once in a lifetime one what is that well basically that's a rare ribbon found extremely infrequently on Pokemon obtained in a surprise trade it has like about 1 in 100 chance so yeah it is given to Pokemon that are just randomly surprise traded and then there's a bunch of other ribbons which you can get your hands on but this one is probably the rarest one to get your hands on there are two different Academy Founders in Pokemon skull and violet the Naranja and UV Academy were founded by basically two different people uh one of them is this guy and then there is also this fella now the strange thing is to me personally I originally thought well that the first guy looked kind of like Albert Einstein but maybe maybe I was wrong however maybe these guys will show up in the DLC and will actually learn who they are and maybe they are the people that we've read about in the books now most you guys know by now that gimme ghoul is a Pokemon that's quite frustrating in Pokemon scarlet and violet but to get your hands on all the Gimme Ghouls and all the coins well you're gonna have to actually go and travel on top of all the towers which is something I would recommend doing anyways because when you climb to Towers you're now able to actually fast travel to them at any given point and also on top of each Tower you may find items such as TMS that you made required to get your hands on and of course you'll find gimme ghouls which you also need to get to get the evolution now let's talk about some actual in-game trades which most you guys may end up missing the first one has got to be in cortondo and that's going to be for Sanam now in Contender you'll find a girl on the main path who will actually be looking for a flabebe in exchange you'll get a snom and this snom will have struggle bug and powder snow as moves now that's not the only one if you want to get your hands on an original like an actual OG version of Whooper well you're gonna have to head over to cascafara and here next to the Fountain you'll find a trainer who has a Whooper from Well a different kind of region and to get that one you have to get a Whooper from specifically paldea and trade out with her and you'll be able to get yourself a uh well a specific Whooper that you guys may remember from back in the day the original one from Johto however there's also a final in-game trade and there's only really three in the game but this one's going to be for a Haunter to get this one you got to go to lavencia City and in the middle part of the battle Court a trainer will be here looking for a pinch urchin here's the thing though this Haunter unlike the ones in the past will actually evolve into a Gengar you guys remember back in the day from even like the generation like four games if you try to trade a Haunter it would have an item on it that would block it from actually evolving this time around though you can get your hands on hauntedkins which is actually its nickname and it will actually evolve all the way into a Gengar in area zero if you've actually finished all the game's actual story and return to the if you go inside of the Great creature you can find a hidden cave that contains well a bunch of the rare Pokemon from the game but also seems to contain some weird signs now these weird signs have been speculated to be connected to the well ruinous quartet like the four new legendaries which we spoke about in the beginning of the video but that's not all these could also be references to what's to come in the future in terms of the DLC to actually evolve your Char Cadet into one of the two coolest Pokemon in skull and violet dabbing amarok and Sarah ledge well you gotta do a little bit of a side quest now to do the side quest well what do you need well basically you gotta go get your hands on specifically two armors now to get these two armors well that's a little bit more complicated you will have to go and actually battle certain Pokemon for example Armor Road you gotta go and get 10 bronzer fragments and once you've got those if you go to zapa Pico and talk to the fella he will give you a specific armor the auspicious armor and if you have this and well use it it will evolve your friend Char Cadet into an armor Rogue however for Sarah ledge while you need 10 sinisty chips so you gotta go and battle 10 cinestees and once you've done this and you go back to the same guy but of course in Pokemon Violet version you'll get the malicious armor and once you have this you can use it to evolve your friend into of course A Serial ledge so most of you guys may know this by now but if you go to alfanata you will actually see Generation 1 Pokemon team Sprites on the walls of the giant Gym battle location which I think is a really cool reference but did you guys also know that there is interesting references in the terroristalized forms now every time a Pokemon terrestrializes in Scotland Violet they gain a sort of Crystal hat but the one for Ghost types is very unique as it looks just like the ghost from the Pokemon tower now this was a Pokemon that was actually able to be met in red blue and yellow in generation one and also got reintroduced in future remakes like fire red and leaf green however do you guys also know that there is a reference to Pokemon Black and White 2. this is specifically from a guy named Studio which is really funny because it's a joke on pokestart Studios a location that was specifically in Pokemon Black and White 2 after he defeated the verbank city Gym Leader and interestingly enough there's a reference to it here again with the guy you interact with actually having a logo from the actual poki style Studios on its shut there's also a reference to the alola map specifically in the language class if you actually play the game and you go through the language classes you will get to see images of alola but also of alolan Raichu on the background of the actual screen while the teacher is telling you all about it and you'll actually get to learn about where the location is of variants such as Lola Meowth alolan Vulpix and stuff along those lines if you guys played Pokemon Legends as yes you may remember Professor lavington well he actually makes an appearance in Pokemon Scarlet Violet in the background during a screen where we specifically get to see while the actual invention of the Pokeball how it came to be and well if you play the game you may notice this is also a picture and a photo of lamington and he's right there but yeah it's really interesting and read but I guess it's supposed to imply that he lived a long time ago and that the old Hisui Pokeball was how we kind of got our current day pokeable but that's not the only reference to Pokemon Legends Arceus actually well in the beginning of the game when you talk to clavel he talks about how back in the day we used ordinary paper and handwritten notes to compile our pokedexes whereas nowadays we have well actually well machine pokedexes or in our case Rotom dexes something I personally fully overlooked was actually the phone cases that you could have for your different well Rotom dexes and whatnot in this game but interestingly enough there are different ones you can receive there's ones for having save files in sword shield let's go Pikachu Evie Legends are CSM brilliant dominant shining Pearl interestingly enough the one for specifically Hisui looks a bit like the arc phone or the well the kind of phone you had back in that game to help you around the map which is kind of strange but it's just a cool way for them to sort of reference things from the past another cool little secret is actually in the start of the game depending on what kind of Nintendo console you're playing your game on the actual joy-cons on the switch inside of the player's room will actually match that of what your real life ones are so if you have a red and a blue one well guess what they're going to be red and blue in the game if you have white ones they'll be white and so on so forth and there is a little secret place that most people have never actually seen which is Penny's room now penny is one of the players you actually meet or the characters you meet throughout the game but it's really hard to ever actually see what the deal is with her but one time well there is an opportunity to get to see what's in her room when you enter it and she's got magazines that reference older Nintendo consoles there is one for the Game Boy classic Nintendo DS Lite and even the GameCube on her shelf which is really freaking cool the mysterious Pokemon terapogos was actually already hinted inside of the game in The Scarlet Violet book and referred to as the disc Pokemon soy was also the walking wake and iron leaves as both were in respectively the scarlet and violet books which then of course were revealed to be well totally different looking once they were actually released now we already talked about the treasures of Ruin but we're gonna be talking about Miss Rayford the person who actually well sends you out into the world to do the quest to get them it looks like actually has some interesting accessories one of her accessories is a marsh Shadow hair accessory another one is a tapu cocoa bracelet there's also an Articuno necklace and a lunala belt buckle which is really intriguing as she seems to be really interested in a lot of long lost legendaries now normally back in the day when we finish a Pokemon Journey we'd go and actually enter into the Hall of Fame however in this game it's a little different because basically after beating the champion instead you're going to have to complete all four main quests and be entered into the Hall of Fame badges which is a record of the Academy's honor students and graduates that achieved outstanding results so you'll be in a book instead of a giant robot machine
Channel: RuffledRowlit
Views: 65,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon secrets, pokemon secret, obscure pokemon facts, soulsilver facts, soulsilver secret, pokemon soulsilver secret, 5 star trainer card, event pokemon, forgotten pokemon event, secret pokemon, pokemon mythical events, obscure shiny, obscure shiny pokemon, pokemon diamond easter eggs, pokemon diamond pearl secrets, diamond giratina, pokemon diamond and pearl, pokemon diamond and pearl easter eggs
Id: hiLiInZxnOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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