96 ounce wagyu steak reverse seared on the big green egg thats right The Old 96er

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] what's going on everybody we got something special for you today up in canada we call her the old 96er i don't know if you remember the great outdoors the monster steak that john candy ate even the gristle guess what people here it is today mel is doing the old 96er reverse seared on the big green egg make sure you're hitting subscribe make sure you're hitting that bell you're following along we're doing epic cooks all the time thank you very much for your support let's get right into this now this came from a very special butcher friend of mine it's wagyu what 96 ounce full cut round steak why goo beef ladies and gent oh my gosh [Applause] oh i've been waiting to do this cook for quite a while i did one before but we weren't recording back then that was before the youtube days for mr mel we did one of these just for our friends and family it's absolutely amazing look at this steak [Applause] the 96 ouncer that's there now i've been thinking about what i want to do with this look at the size of it what do i want to do with this do i want to do salt and pepper garlic do i want to do a steak spice do i want to just leave it leave it pretty plain now this isn't going to be the most tender steak in the world obviously but we're going to do as best we can with the charcoal we're going to do it justice it is going to be more tender than usual because you can see by the marbling like we're in waiaku country here so we're uh we're pretty hopeful you know what i'm going to do i'm going to get that fenex pan out and i'm going to make some garlic butter to heat up while i'm while i'm reverse searing this well while she's cooking the slow cook for the first half we're going to get that garlic butter going and then when we sear her over the open flames and the charcoal we're gonna paint her down with garlic butter as a finish look at me look how excited i am so just to get started a little bit of pink himalayan sea salt right there we go pink himalayan sea salt and we're going to let her come up to room temperature while we go outside we're going to fire up big green egg like i said the 2xl do it in the 2xo get her nice and nice and warmed up oh look at that one more for good luck a little bit of salt never hurt anybody eh double flavor i'll salt the other half when i flip it this is awesome so as she's coming up temp a little bit we're gonna go fire the egg up we're gonna get ready for that then we're gonna reverse sear her we're gonna cook it around 275 300 degrees give or take until she temps out i want to say 115 ish pull that out get the flames just rolling and then we'll finish her off can't wait okay we're gonna get this bad boy fired up the 2xl my exil is what i like to call her last cook we did on this was a a pig i think so take a quick peek and see what we got here from around charcoal oh we're sitting ready yeah we're sitting here we still got tons of charcoal in there kick the vent open now i want this thing to be rolling around uh 300 degrees probably 300 degrees should be fine for a reverse here on a stake this size and that's how what we'll do we'll roller nice and slow 300 degrees give or take and then we'll pull the grate out get her just hopping get her just just hopping i can't wait you know what time it is everybody's firing the whole time everybody this coal is going everything's a bit frozen she's cold up here in canada get this going and then we'll get that steak out here once we hit the temp get the steak out here i cannot wait the old 96ers this is gonna be so deadly and there we go 325 350 that's what we're rocking right now reverse here got the grill cleaned she's hot everything's fantastic ladies and gentlemen the old 96ers about to hit the big green egg for the first time take a look at this beast come on look at the sheer size of this beautiful epic monster a monster got my awesome dowel strong tools here look at the size of it just huge i almost need a pizza peel for this thing you know what let's do it the old fashioned way oh yeah there she is right there ladies and gentlemen the old 96 are on a big green egg and make sure and push her together right we don't want her breaking apart here it's it's not the thickest cut right and she's going to want to separate in those in those crevasses which is something we don't want so we're going to let her go now i want to hit an internal temperature of about 115 degrees this is like i said it's not it's not the two inch the two loony thick rib eyes that we usually do she's uh she's a bit thinner so 115 is going to be nice we're going to pull her off let her rest while i pull those plates out and get this thing searing the heart of hell kind of sear and then we're bringing her back bounce her up a bit sear one side flip her over sear the other get that beautiful kiss of charcoal on her on the on the on the the board for a bit let her rest let her do her thing and then we're digging in i can't wait thank you very much follow along click and subscribe hitting the bell doing all of that stuff gotta be deadly okay so now steak's going reverse here cooking real nice i thought i would quickly do up that butter like i was telling you but we'll do it real quick real butter if you got it the wife hates me we're doing margarine no big deal same stuff ish bang not too much or tons whatever it's up to you and then we've got some garlic already pre-peeled because we're whatever usually i do fresh but today we're gonna and i'm just gonna knock this out nice big chunks get that flavor in there usually i crush it but we're in a bit of a time constraint here i got to get this out on the egg it's reverse searing it's probably halfway done three quarters of the way done we've got to go and check it and add this to the grill at that time so there we go garlic to butter to bubble away on the big green egg while it's doing that special little thing some barbecue seasoning whatever you got this is tumbleweed by uh prairie smoking spice my man rob absolutely amazing and then also they got a new steak steak rub and i'm gonna put that in there too there we go and now we're gonna let that cook down and this will be what we finished that steak with we'll paint her down with that while we're reverse searing over the open flames gonna be crazy let's head on out there double check the temps get this on the grill [Music] all right let's check this out real quick let's knock it out where we got 1 10 112 yeah we're one 115 here yeah we're ready to go 115 120. i'm ready to go i'm gonna throw this on i'm gonna come back with my platter slip her off and uh we're gonna let her rest a bit while we get her rolling all right she's at 120 now she's ready to go off i'm gonna pull her oh 120s we're going to let it rest let it rest i'm going to pull that grate out of there get my gloves pull that grate out of there and then we're ready to get the the fire just to roll all right we got her just raging you can see that charcoal is ready to go nice and hot get it going we're gonna give her the old flip uh for about a minute one side flip it we'll do four quarters four quarters today nice and easy nice and easy get that beautiful charcoal kiss her oh this is going to be just perfect just beautiful just beautiful so i'll show you absolutely love cooking steaks reverse sear over the charcoal or the flames just getting that kick up now oh yeah there we go just perfect oh there you go butter's not quite forgot to tell you we're up in canada everything's frozen here but there we go just beautiful wow this is gonna cook quick like i said it's thin right so i'm to pick it up flip it a quarter turn then we're going to roll it over for that last shot and we're done quarter turn right there boom oh i'm so excited for this just the smell of smell that beef already oh all right gonna flip it one more time gonna temp it not that it matters now we're pretty much done we're gonna pull it off we'll flip it one more time first [Music] get that oh just deadly butter on there oh yeah that's fantastic just gorgeous now she's pretty close to where we're going to need it right now so i'm going to pull her off put her on the board i'm going to let it rest for about 10 minutes before we slice into it so i'm going to see you in like a couple seconds come along just great here a little drizzly poo got butter there we go one more flip before we pull it there we go ladies and gentlemen she's a beaut clark she's beaut [Music] perfect i'm loving that and off she goes there she is she's going for a 10-minute rest before we do this beautiful slice up thank you very much just bringing this in with me see you in a minute [Music] bon appetit there she is ladies and gentlemen look at this beast can't wait to take a bite of this look at that [Music] guess what ladies and gentlemen 96 out wyatt right 96 ounce why is center cut cooked on the 2xl big green egg look at the [Music] perfect this is gonna be a feast ladies gentlemen i cannot wait i can share this obviously with my family i can't finish all of this but this is crazy epic cook shout out his soul mr john candy thank you very much for being such an amazing canadian icon giving us this love and appreciate you thank you all for following along click subscribe i can't wait to give you more deadly cooks like this oh this is very [Music] so good so good thank you very much the old 96. [Music] you
Channel: dark side of the grill
Views: 11,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old 96er, 96 oz steak, 96 ounce steak, steak, steak night, reverse sear, how to reverse sear, cooking a steak, steak on the big green egg, bge steak, over the fire cooking, steak over the fire, garlic butter, great outdoors, john candy, whole round, round steak, wagyu, wagyu steak, wagyu beef, big green egg cook, how to cook steak, how to cook a steak, how to reverse sear a steak, reverse seared steak, steak cooking, steaks, flame seared, searing, charcoal cooking
Id: xRK_7eJHr_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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