$9.25M Superyacht Sea Trial : Princess Y85

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[Music] oh [Music] [Music] princess yachts gave me a shout they said we've got a brand new y-85 going out on its final extended sea trials the weather's good why don't you come along and i thought about it for all about a hundredth of a second i said yes please so i'm down in plymouth with the guys from princess yachts basically the idea is that before each boat goes out at the end it has a serious sea trial just to be a final shake damage where everything is perfect and that's what they're doing today so one thing to mention is that the guys down here are taking the covered situation very very seriously so it's masks on on all times on the boat um when there's other people about even on the fly bridge and outside so you're gonna see guys with masks and me in a mask and that is that's just non-negotiable so that's the situation there but uh this is the boat it's a y85 now i do have a full tour of one of these on the channel i'm going to try and do a walk around this one as well while we're out at some point but as i say there is a full tour of one of these on the channel already so i'll put a link to that in the description this is going to be mainly about going boating on one of these boats and uh the idea today i think is to head down to foye which is about 20 miles away it's an hour's run and an hour back again and have a little look at tafoy as well hopefully which is absolutely beautiful if you've got time and just generally give the boat a thorough workout at the same time it is a magnificent piece of kit as you can see and this i think you're going to enjoy coming boating with us on a princess y85 so mouse gone and rock and roll here we go so the engines are already running in fact if i just step back off for a second you can see the exhausts underneath and the water coming out that's the water cooling from the engines but it is exceptionally quiet even from right here by the exhausts you can probably hear that but uh but only just let's head on board we'll have a walk around as i say at some point but for the minute we're gonna head up see what everyone's up to i'm ready to crack on good afternoon everybody so this is the team we've got emma who is from the uh princess marketing she's organized this along with george this is the skipper ed and i've completely forgotten your names i'm sorry gareth and luke and these guys are also from princess yachts so this is the team you'll see them about and uh yeah i think we're all set to go bathing when you guys are we are excellent let's do it so it's late february and it's chilly but it's absolutely beautiful so this should be great so basically what's happening now is the guys are untying the warps that are securing the boat to the key and ed the skipper is up on the fly bridge let's get everything ready you might hear the motors just nudging it out of gear he's just basically taking the weight off the ropes as they're undone so okay all clear is fairly self-explanatory yeah we're now untied let's go for the flybridge and see what's going on so ed's at the helm and with the mask and the hat and the sunglasses he does look a little bit like he's stealing it so this is all done really on the engines and the thrusters i think i'm right and saying it is yeah yeah just driving like a standard twist screw uh-huh so the wheels left alone really at this stage uh yeah pretty much uh under some three knots is very little use of the rudders apart from them to maybe create a bit of prop wash yeah um in this case just grabbing off of the top it's easier to just split the throttles and hold the belt really yep it's a big boat to maneuver do yeah do you get nervous and we're used to it now i yeah i'm quite used to it to be honest yeah i do quite a lot of it so it doesn't phase you all this um not too much i enjoy it it's my favorite part of my job really it can be quite sort of not challenging but but it's nice to get it right isn't it it's incredibly satisfying too many of the boats i love it and i actually find that the bigger the bait quite often uh sort of easier it is uh generally the more power you have and the slower she sort of responds to the elements yeah i was about to say that actually because that's pretty much my experience as well you get on a big boat and everyone thinks it's going to be a nightmare but it sits steadier in the water they don't get blown around as much as greater draft obviously you've got greater windage as well but uh you know the incredibly powerful hydraulic thrusters that you have and uh obviously having um large twin twin mans yes you can do quite a lot with it absolutely yeah so this is king point marina that we're leaving at the minute this is not actually the factory this is a marina near the factory where they keep some of the boats um the factory they're currently not letting anybody who's not a factory employee in again for the covered situation as i mentioned earlier taking it very very seriously but um but this is often where the sea trials are run from in any case there's usually quite a few princesses tucked away in here and this is the uh the routine and out of it you wouldn't want to meet somebody coming away in the same sort of boat okay i've just been given an official princess mask a part of the team now can't see where i'm going but i'm looking good we are off this is fantastic this is my first boat trip of 2021 and i'm doing it in style let's go check out how things are looking on the fly bridge but how fast is this just under 22 knots at the moment 22 knots that is effortless so what we've got in this 1900 horsepower engines yeah yeah okay so we just got just short of 4 000 horsepower punching us through the sea it's absolutely glorious okay it's really hard to convey the sense of majesty and power of these things when they're doing this it's just staggering so instead i'm going to see if i can show you we're going to walk around the decks the most obvious thing is the amount of water that we're displacing look at that this is just awesome absolutely awesome if i wasn't playing the mask you've got to see the grin we just stopped so the skipper can come downstairs and change the lower helmet listen because it's actually quite a chill breeze out here today so he's just swapped over and we're throttling back at the speed again now everybody has decapped inside so i'm gonna go and join them thank you very much it's a fantastic visibility today yeah see down to the dodman uh-huh nice there you can see grabbing head which is our heading right now basically steering at 272 degrees 2000 rpm 500 liters there 22 knots 23 knots over the ground that's a really comfortable cruising speed isn't it she's dead comfortable yeah yeah and i have to say as well very very quiet so we can sit here we can have an all-purpose conversation it's quieter than sitting in the car actually when you're driving longer on a main road or something it really is very very peaceful in here it is and that's this is with the doors open as well that's true actually i'm gonna go shut them yeah most of what we can hear at the minute is the turbo whistles so once you close the doors wow wow that is impressive that is almost silent isn't it it's just a hum gentle hum from the engines yeah it's pretty cool yeah that is impressive uh it's uh it's a hell of a way to travel especially on a day like today yeah totally just fantastic and it's interesting to see the visibility so i'm sat at the helm station and you've got a really good view here out over the front um it's certainly a very comfortable place to drive a boat from a lot of people they drive these on the fly bridge but you can sit down here on a day like today when it's lovely blue skies but a fresh wind and it's just a very comfortable way to travel you can even watch the uh the waters screaming past the bathing platform on the camera and that thing you can see flicking across it that's the end side up on the fly bridge let's take a look at the gauges so we've got 2 000 rpm and uh what we've got fuel burn on there yeah just just that 252 pounds 252 uh so about 250 per engine so about 500 in total per hour just a range out three months so that's radar going on there yeah we've got the radar scanning yeah and uh and that's just another pair of eyes effectively i guess it is yeah it's just another navigational tool that you use when uh when you have it yeah absolutely today it's not necessarily necessary okay it's not running it is there a lobster spot dead ahead one cable got that george yeah this is a diagram of the fuel system on board okay we've got two day tanks just over here in a main bunker tank yeah the capacity on this boat is 11 000 liters okay but these day tanks are 1475 each the main bunker tank is 8050 liters right so the engines run off of the individual day tanks and we pump fuel from the main bunker tank through fuel polishes or fuel fuel filters yeah fuel fuel fuel chip filtration system uh into the day tanks and then the engines will run off of those but we can switch it all about so we've got all of the valves below and all the plumbing so that you can run both engines off of one day tank or off the bunker tank or vice versa so we can swap it all about a lot of versatility yeah with any of it yeah but it's a very um reliable system currently got an auto so as these day tanks drain uh once they get to 50 they will then pump fuel from the main bunker tank through the fuel polishes and into the day tank so you've always got a ready supply of of uh recently filtered fuel ready to burn awesome and in terms of fuel burn and range and so on what are we looking at this um realistically at high speed you could be looking at up to 400 nautical miles about 20 knots yeah and then at slow speed 10 knots you could be looking up to 1500 nautical miles uh leaving you a 15 reserve right so some feral range to it then uh yeah yeah she's um she's fit for purpose for sure yeah cool one thing you notice one on these boats is people talk about the helm position and the relationship of the steering wheel the truth of the matter is you very rarely use it when you're out here at sea it's all done on the autopilot so there's a little button down over there our heading is on the screen as you can see 302 and if you want to change direction you just alter the the heading on the autopilot steering wheel hardly gets used at all i've just realized that i must film from the main owner's cabin because that always looks spectacular so we're going to head down here and around and down that's up to the other cabins further forward you can hear how quiet this boat is even down here we go into here we're now just in front of the engines pretty much the engines are back behind this bulkhead in fact there is a heads in behind first of all i think yes that's access from over here it might detect a very slight lifting noise there but that is super super quiet but what we came to look at is this look at this that is spectacular cool let's head back on that in fact no let's look over here first that is the cornish coast going past in the distance i don't know how you can see it we've just passed lou and we're heading on down the coast to foye let's head on back up wow nice boat isn't it that's probably the understatement of the year atlantic bay just opening up here it's a really sort of absolutely stunning spot so we're going to drop that hook around there awesome yeah that'd be great this is such an incredibly peaceful and relaxing environment up here we've got this beautiful little dinette area next to the helm so we can sit congrate here and have a chat watch the coast slip by it's just a really really lovely way to go voting so our skipper's filling in the log he's very professional and every 30 minutes we get what are you actually recording there yeah just that we're approaching foy our log reading yep that's pretty much it really cool meteorology cool so we are just off before you know so we're going to head up onto the fly which i think we can get a bit better view and have a trundle in because it really is a beautiful beautiful little area a long time since i've been down here actually yeah i was just sticking out there's lovely thanks george buttoned down um yeah have you done the shoe dance this is living psja so foi oh it's it's actually spelt flowey f o w e y but it's pronounced by locals foy is straight in there so we're gonna have a little nose in and just show you what foy looks like it's a very pretty little town in cornwall and then we're going to potter back out and anchor and show you some other stuff you've got your throttles port starwood engine we're going to leave them as they are for a minute and just follow my instructions with those and then you've got your helm here with your rudder indicator just up here but there's also one just down oh well i'm sorry over the top of this screen here you can see yeah so what i'd like you to do for now is just see that red beacon up on the cliff there just keep the blade pointed at that fork please and uh if you hold that with your left hand with your right hand i like you to press the sync button here then push the right hand lever there forward until you come up to 1000 rpms just a bit it's just a big grip you know 3 000 likes um thank you very much can you see that big posh house right on the top of the hill there yeah yeah please is it's my favorite place to come foyer is looking pretty spectacular but can you imagine what it looks like from the shore cruising into here in a near 90 foot super yacht it must look spectacular okay oh [Music] [Music] [Music] i think i'd like to quote mr clarkson here when i say power [Music] so so anchoring is happening so this is atlantic bay just outside the foyer it's going to be pretty busy in the summer but today in february we have it all to ourselves look at this absolute paradise well we've stopped for the guys to run through some systems checks the idea of these trials is to get the boat a really thorough test before it's dispatched so rather than just checking everything on the pontoons they're taking out to see everything is run everything is thoroughly checked over a period of time make sure everything is 100 but for me well it's just a really fantastic day out look at this february boating super yacht style you
Views: 351,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Princess Y85, Princess yacht, Princess boat, sea trial, test drive, boat, boating, boat life, yacht life, yacht, yachting, fun, joy, bliss, boating fun, superyacht, super yacht, superyachting, Millionaire, millionaire lifestyle, super rich, luxury, luxury lifestyle, luxury living, luxury homes, luxury travel
Id: o1MpTdznBYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 51sec (1911 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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