What a $1,100,000 Charter Looks Like

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all right guys here we are the day has come it is the day where we pick up guests so I'm after this about to go to the airport in the taxi and uh go to the FBO the guests are coming in by private jet and then I'll bring them back to the boat give them a quick tour around the boat then we're going to throw lines and cruise our way up to San Tropez it's about a seven hour passage we should get in about 10 o'clock or so this evening and then uh spend all day in San Tropez tomorrow and then we're going to cruise up the courtiers or uh Khan antib nice and then Monaco for a couple of days and then finally back to drop off in nice all right stick around guys and check out the rest of the video thank you [Music] just on the way to Santa pay Seven Hour Cruise I'm just about to put the mains down on the table but we've got to get quick so it doesn't get cold [Music] here we are first day we've got guests on board and we've just anchored up in central pay last night so we're going to head on into the bakery and get some local treats for breakfast and check it out I've never been here before so I'm pretty excited so let's go [Music] oh sound effects what's your name Mark Thompson king of pigeons babe bro somebody has to do the work eh [Laughter] don't worry one of Dean's followers will be like that's the yard Chef Guys it's okay absolutely unbelievable look at all these pastries wow [Music] [Music] fresh little crew tree they're going to be so stoked [Music] oh truffle [Music] that thing's got four drumsticks and three thighs have you seen this oh he's getting frisky there my ball dinner to kill the bag amateur move left the baguettes in the supermarket it happens it happens guys where wait where are we [Music] okay here we are uh day two we've just spent the morning in San Tropez the guests this morning had their breakfast the chefs went ashore and got some fresh pastries after breakfast they went down a couple went and got massages hung out in the spa a few went for a swim and then after that we ran them ashore they went for a walk around town tooking in the sights and the shops of San Tropez they've now come back on board it's a little after 12 about 12 30 and we're moving our way around to pomplon beach where the guests have lunch reservations at uh Club San con sank for this afternoon one of the big beach clubs here in San Tropez really cool spot and then after that we'll be relocating up into the Khan Captain area this this evening so here we go guys thank you very much [Music] foreign [Music] she just sold recently at the Miami Boat Show she's 115 meter Larson launched in 2021 uh super cool boat she actually just sold as the largest brokerage deal in history she was listed at 330 million dollars and sold quite quickly so uh she probably sold pretty close to that amount which is 330 million dollars wow pretty crazy [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] so today we've had a pretty chill day guests were off for dinner they're going to Eden Rock chef and R we've just been prepping catching up and making sure we've got everything ready for tomorrow and the day after we've also been looking into the next Charter starting to plan menus starting to get Provisions in and starting to do orders great all right guys it's day four of Charter we're going to be picking up anchor from capanti and heading around to go anchor off in World France for the day as you can hear we've got the anchor wash on it's time to prep the rest of the anchor for pickup so what we're going to do first of all we're going to pick up our claw next we're going to make sure the teeth are in the break put around attention perfect she's under tension now I can put the brake on take this off break is off and start hauling anchor all right so we'll be picking up anger [Music] why [Music] copy good luck up and down up and down ankles at the bottom all right good morning day four uh we've just picked up anchor over at a cap Dion tube we've just come around the Headland and now we're heading over to wilfranch in about 30 minutes time the Pilot's gonna arrive the little pilot boat comes alongside us the pilot hops over he climbs up the ladder and then comes up to the bridge and he guides us into Ville French where we're going to spend the next uh day day and a half we pull into the bay we pick up a mooring ball there and we sit there once we arrive in vilfranch we're going to drop all the Tenders in the water all the toys in the water we're actually gonna put the ski boat in the water for the first time give her a try and then uh guests are going to go ashore for lunch and then after lunch come back a few more massages in the spa hang out and then dinner on board later this evening awesome what a great day foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so we're just approaching The Mooring ball here on the bound we're just coming in nice and slow uh you can see the boys up forwards the guys in the back are pulling their tender in got the pilot here organizing everything a couple minutes we'll be we'll be tighter and then uh full speed all the toys in the water and uh enjoy our day here in Bill crunch [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] good afternoon woke up this morning it was a beautiful day I decided to drop lines off The Mooring boy in Villa French took a slow cruise over to Monaco we just got here now easy docking post locking with the new deck boys and it all went good as you can see behind me we still have all the Grand Sands set up from the Formula One might take a little walk later just to get a walk on the truck we're going to chill here for two nights and then I think we the weather depending we're gonna head out go have some fun for the next couple of days stay tuned [Music] so so excited we're here in Monaco just stopping off to do a quick version while the guests are up for a really nice lunch down the road and yeah just doing a little quick stuck up thank you [Music] grabbing some brownies for shawna's birthday Chef's birthday on board [Music] so as you can see there was a successful provision and now we're heading back to the boats before the guests get there [Music] okay good morning it's uh day six uh beautiful day the sun is out that's nice and warm we're here in Monaco Harbor still yesterday afternoon we came in Span around squeezed her in between the two boats here and and docked up nicely last night we spent the night here the guests went out for a dinner and then came back and watched a movie on board today we're spending most of the day here later this afternoon we're going to pull back out head back out to Anchor you know drop the toys in go for a jet ski go for some water sports and then and then move on again for a dinner offshore later this evening at a three-star Michelin restaurant in Menton it's going to be a great one [Music] thank you [Music] thank you okay cool it's day seven about Charter the guests had a really cool dinner at mirazur last night a three-star Michelin restaurant in Menton and we stayed there for the evening and then sailed over here this morning as you can see we're in capferat Beautiful Anchorage in the south of France loads of boats oppos here Orient is here couldn't really be better so we'll see what happens the rest of the day [Music] morning everyone we are currently at anchor between cap fret and Billy you just behind me the guests have just gotten off board they're going to go and have lunch at a really stunning little quintessential restaurant and explore the area whilst they're out we're pulling up anchor we're going to head off to nice where the guests will meet us a little bit later and we're going to have an awesome send-off Barbecue on the swim platform the crew is going to join the guests and we'll be able to reminisce about all the great experiences they've had they've really had a fantastic trip lots of massages lots of naps a bit of water sports and of course exploring all this amazing area and all of the history it has to offer and we're wrapping things up tomorrow's drop-off day it's going to be a really busy day but uh stay tuned and we'll fill in on how that all works [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we put them in the Sprinter van and they're on their way now to the FBO to board the private jet and fly back to the States today we have the ecpy charter show it's a show for Charter brokers in the Mediterranean here they'll come on board tour with yacht and hopefully book us some Charters during the summer last night we had a big crew and guest barbecue where all the crew came out all 20 of us along with the guests we had a couple of beers together had some wagyu steaks some burgers some pizzas in the oven and uh and it was really just a good bonding experience to for the guests to meet the crew a little bit more personally so thanks for watching guys stay tuned next week as we uh we took film today and we do the ecpy show and you can get to meet the crew a bit more meet the Brokers and another great tour of the boat thank you very much for watching thank you
Channel: Motor Yacht Loon
Views: 524,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: charter, charter yacht, loon, loon yacht, luxury yacht, mega yacht, mega yacht tour, mega yachts, motor yacht, motor yacht loon, motoryacht, st tropez, super yacht, super yachts, super yachts tour, superyacht, superyacht charter, superyacht tour, superyachts, yacht, yacht charter, yacht loon, yacht tour, yachts
Id: Hrfpp5DTWBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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