£2,000,000 Yacht Tour : Sunseeker 68 Manhattan Pacific

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we are at the sunseeker factory in poole which is why i've got the full ppe kit i've got the lifejacket and i've got the hi-vis which they insist on very wisely as it's obviously a factory situation here and we're here to look at this which is a sunseeker manhattan 68 now the observant and the people who've been around the channel for a little while might say you've already filmed a sunset in manhattan 68 and you would be right i filmed this one out in miami but not this boat the reason i'm bringing this one to you is because this has a brand new layout it's called the pacific layout and it's designed particularly for the asian and american markets although of course you can have it wherever you want it's just those markets particularly like what they've done with this and i'm going to take you on board and give you the full tour and explain what the pacific version is all about because it is intriguing so we'll head on here there is of course a high-low platform so you can put a tender on here lower that down and launch it there's quite a nifty beach club area as well i'm going to show you that but i'll leave that until we do the deck areas i'm going to head inside first of all because that's where the pacific layout really shows itself so we'll step up here into the cockpit we've got the usual seating around the back here and the folding table so that will fold out for dining and then if we head on around here we'll head on to the interior now as we head into here the first thing we've got is the galley it's a galley aft layout as you can see it's a really nice size and i'm going to close that door again because it's lovely and warm in here the heating is on it's a rather chilly autumnal day they're very fresh and very nice so as i say galia layout you've got the big full height fridge freezer which is always nice so that's a really generous size we've got miele all electric cooking so the oven and the hob up on top and the double sink there's also a dishwasher tucked away in here and then there's more storage as you'd expect up around the top like this all very nicely done as we always find on the sun seeker and then opposite this area we have the uh the dining area or something you can sit and relax of an evening and have a drink this will fold out so if you are dining you can put some chairs over on the other side of it if you want to and you can make it into a really good size dining table but most of the time you probably need that folded up and then that gives you the cup holders a nice place for drinks now the interior on this one is silver oak so we've got this lovely light finish it makes us feel really spacious and if you remember the manhattan 68 and i will put a link in the description and also at the end of the video to the standard boat but on the manhattan 68 and it's still a model that's very much in existence this is simply an alternative layout in fact there's a lot of different options of this boat you would have a stairway on this side down to the master cabin this doesn't have that stairway this has seating over on this side and what that creates is a really great social area and what they've done with this boat basically and you'll see this in more detail as we go down to the lower deck is they've made it a three cabin layout rather than the four cabin and that is what creates so much more space up here because you no longer need that stairway over on this side but also makes a fantastic master cabin it's far bigger and it is really rather spectacular i would of course show you that but first of all i'm going to show you this there is a tv that rises up from behind the seti there so if you want to watch a movie of an evening you can do some really nice headlining and things like that in here as well this will pick it up there we go that looks really good and the lighting of course on so you can always put this funky lighting in and some nice detailing like the stainless steel here that's got this lovely wrap around and that actually acts as a grab handle and you can see it's got the wood on the inside it's all very sunseeker it's all very high quality and these lacquered finishes on here as well they just look so nice and that there [Music] is the bar and you've got the wine cooler right next to it but let's head on further forward because i'm keen to show you this so this is a storage area which you've gained again with this layout and it just makes this whole main deck if i come to here and point the camera backwards feel so open and so generous you've got the big windows as well of course it's fantastic this is storage so you've got little shells in here the av equipment also is in here that's down underneath there so that obviously links up to your tv and then a bit more storage in places like this and of course the helm is here as well that's over on this side there's a side access door on this one these boats are often owner operated and this one i'm pretty sure is going out to an owner operator client and i'll explain why i think that when we get further down the boat because there's another intriguing option on this one if you go and have a look at this you've got things like there's a phone dock here there's an ipad dock this is a control for the entire boat now what can we see that looks okay so if i push that you've got the home screen here can take us into the bilge systems we can come back we can go into ventilation for all the different cabins we can go into power meters see what the boat is consuming with the electrics the ac system is on here everything that you want to control the boat that's all controlled from here it's also a vhf radio that's up on the side here there we go thank you gentlemen i should turn off free shouldn't i we've got the rotating sunseeker logo in the center which is all very nice engine controls are here down here fire systems for the engine room and also the ignitions for the engines are all controlled from down there bound stern thruster you've got your multi-function displays of course and also a really good view out from here actually when i stand here like this because we're fairly well forward you've got these huge screens it's a really good place to operate the boat from sometimes the lower helm they feel a little bit compromised this doesn't it feels really good did i mention the side door i can't remember but there is a side door here goes straight out again for inner operation that is brilliant just means that two people can handle this boat really comfortably anyway let's head on down because i want to show you this layout so if we go on down here we've got a lobby area at the bottom of the stairs on the lower deck and then if we go forward so this is the vip cabin what's interesting down here is they've brought in some of the eucalyptus finishes there are different wood options in this medical you can have the eucalyptus or the walnut instead of the silver oak but here they've done like a dual finish so we kept the silver oak but then we've added areas like this in the eucalyptus you can see it up around the top here it just adds a bit of depth and interest i think that works really well particularly in a slightly smaller area like you have down here up on the main deck they've kept it all silver out to give a really open feel and you can see it again here this is in the dark wood and then we've got the lacquered finish here it's the detailing on these that really stands them apart and this is a perfect example of it av equipment so your tv is in here and of course there's stereo in here as well that kind of thing light switches are here these are programmable so you can have everything on you can hit buttons and get to a lower level sort of setting there if you want to storage of course all the way around here i'm not going to open it all but just to give you an idea again it's all beautifully finished and this is storage up in behind here as well moore's light switches by the bed so you have to get our bed to turn the lights off love more of this detailing like this headboard up here look at the way they finish that so you've got a stainless steel strip across you've got then this detail across here and then a different finish up above it that's fantastic there's a hatch up above and we've got the cushions on there at the minute which is why you can't see a light through it obviously if you were getting out that way in emergency you just push the cushions out of the way but it also gives more light and ventilation if you want it into here more storage along the top and then on this side that is your hanging locker and that if you've ever wondered how you would ever get from the bed up through that hatch well that's what that's for again we're seeing these brilliant finishes over on this side look at the way that this is lit you've got stainless steel you've got this high gloss finish here you've got the matte finish onto here so much depth and detail going into this it's just fantastic so as i say that is standard manhattan 68 as is the ensuite in here love this stone finish on here that was great we've got the the toilet of course and the sink and then there's a separate shower area in through here with the rainfall shower and again as you'd expect there's bits of storage dotted about the place there and down under the sink now if we head back out of this cabin and over onto the starboard side we'll discover a couple of things we'll discover this cabin and you've got two single beds in here really good sized cabin again the detailing love this light on the bulkhead and again bits of storage concealed about the place like so big windows on all these cabins as well which is nice av equipment lighting air conditioning controls and so on really good sized cabin and then the hanging look of this one is here you might notice these little turnbuckle things here the idea of these is that it's access to systems like plumbing and wiring and all that kind of stuff behind the scenes so if any maintenance is needed you have to start pulling the boat apart look i've even put plug sockets into here and again you see what i mean about the eucalyptus finish on these surfaces and then the silver oak on here and the way that it all turns in it just adds a bit of interest let's see up along here as well very nice indeed the other thing then that we have on this side is the day heads and of course this cabin would use this at night so that's in here toilet sink and again separate rainfall shower over on that side so that is all as per but where it starts to change is over here i mentioned this is a three cabin layout the standard manhattan 68 is a four cabin this will take you in to uh the fourth cabin in fact and then as i say the access up there would take you down to the master cabin which is full being further back not on this boat check this out look at that that creates a magnificent master cabin it's like a real luxury boutique hotel it's giving you a proper suite rather than just a room that's brilliant and of course a lot of people they don't want to sleep eight people on the boat all the time so this layout you can still sleep six but it just opens this right up for the owner and you know let's be honest who's paying for this of course you should have this level of luxury you've got more storage in here again you can see these removable panels you've got this lovely little area here be a nice place to work as well wouldn't it actually sort of separate to the to the main cabin there's storage then down along this side like so and then we head on back again now if this was cabin four it would have two beds like the uh the cabin on the other side that we just looked at and then this would be the back of the cabin of course and then we come back here this would then be the stairway from the main deck down to the master cabin so that's what's changed it's giving you this entire area right the way through here it's absolutely brilliant and again we've got these different finishes we've got this eucalyptus wood and then we've got this silver oak over here and then we've got this lovely matte finish and the stainless steel it's a feast for the senses it looks great it feels great it's superb you might notice a slightly crackly floor and that's because we've got sheeting over everything to keep everything perfect this is about to go out to its owner so we're just getting a sneak preview before it leaves so here we've got a bar area so as you can see glass is in that one and then underneath is a fridge and then we've got a massive hanging locker there a little bit of storage underneath it and then we step back again and that then is the main part of the cabin now again different options available over here this one's got the shaylon you can have a seti here if you want to you can even have a little desk here if you want to so although this is not a sort of a full custom boat there's a lot of bespoke options and they've made quite a few of these and apparently no two boats have gone out the same because there are so many different things that you can change and this new layout option of course then puts a whole new layer of that on again that beautiful detailing look at this the way they've done this in the high gloss and the stainless steel and the way it's lit by these and then this headboard across here it's just beautiful and this cabin it's just magnificent isn't it i mean this is a sub 70 foot boat and yet it feels like an 80 footer or an 85 footer when you're in here it's brilliant now one interesting thing about this layout is it's quite a long distance from here through to there out of that door and up which means if you had a problem in this area you've got to ask how would you get out of this cabin well if we go over here we'll find the ensuite and what's interesting is that they've put an emergency escape hatch that would take you straight through into the uh into cabin three the guest cabin over on that side and you go out through the door and up the steps so it means you've got two distinct separate areas obviously the normal way through there and an emergency access through there so that is a reassuring touch obviously something you hope you'll never need and almost certainly won't but it's there and it's nice to know that it is um sink in here of course and then we've got the toilet this is a nice big shower area in this one this is the biggest in the boat again as you'd expect for the owner very very nice and if we come out of here superb isn't it that shaylon that has got to be the ultimate place to take yourself away with a good book isn't it you've got the comfort there and you've got the view out of the window and there are of course blinds that drop down over these windows you have to have them open like this if we look up underneath you'll see them there we go and those circular sections if you're wondering those are opening sections so you can get plenty of air through here if you want to that's superb isn't it i didn't show you the storage on that side i'll just have a quick look at that just so you can see what we've got so big hanging locker here full of some of the spare gear for the boat at the moment another big window on this side again there's lovely finishes and then this long here is drawers like so and then more storage underneath i won't open them all lighting controls by the bed usb sockets by the bed all very nicely thought out and again look at the finishes look at the way they've done this with this lovely lacquered finish across here which incidentally get more storage and these are access panels that take you again down into engineering spaces like bilge pumps and that kind of stuff deep in the hull that is i think you'll agree a magnificent cabin let's press on a bit further but this is the bit isn't it you come around here and normally you'll be out of the cabin and gone and this is still all your cabin all the way up through here and into here superb as i say the standard four cabin layout is still available if you want to be able to sleep eight people you opt for that layout and away you go but so many people just aren't filling these boats with loads of different people and you better keep this fear for yourself and still have space for your kids or guests or whoever else because you've still got those two other decent cabins i think that's brilliant i think it works really really well and as i mentioned earlier they call it the pacific because this kind of layout which bit more sociable a little bit less accommodation biased is very popular in the united states and in asia but of course you know it's it's called that because that's where a lot of these are going to go but you can have this wherever you are just this is what you prefer opt for this i think i would actually i really think i would i think the amount of times i'd have eight people on the boat yeah this works well let's go back through here it's lovely and warm in here we've got the heating on it's heating and air conditioning you can see the control thread over here this little trap if i touch it there we go that's that fellow and we'll head back on out and i will show you the deck areas the engine space and the beach club but let's take one last look down here because as i say this is what i was talking about this has been kept all light colors in here they've kept the dark colors of downstairs that eucalyptus wood here they've kept it all really light and just so spacious with these big windows as well it's a very very nice specification on this one they've done a good job congrats to the owner if you are watching and i guess sunset might mention this video so you may well be i like your boat sir or madam okay we will do a tour of the decks a tour of the fly bridge tour of the engine room and the beach club so if we come around here this takes us up and forward decent sized side decks on this and a nice high rail as well it really is as all good boat testers say it falls to hand easily the ultimate boat testing cliche and then up here we've got another area for seating and lounging so seating all the way around here this table of course will fold out we've got cup holders out here as well these open up these are storage areas so ropes deck gear that kind of thing can all go into places like this and if we head on right forward these are speakers for this area more cup holders we can come right up to the bow then you've got the anchoring kit and those two silver fellows those are the buttons if you flip those up that's how you operate the winch and then there's a locker there to take you down into the anchor locker and that's how she looks from here now these sun landers you can lift these up of these areas here so um if we come around here i don't know there it is that just lifts up you can see dead simple just drops in like that and you can have that for lounging or run it flat if you prefer another thing i noticed actually was having a look around earlier in here quite a nice idea now these lockers but this one's actually got a deck wash that down there that's the tap and you can plug a hose into there so if you want to watch this forward area you don't have to run hoses down the whole boat very good i love these big windscreens these lovely stainless steel wipers on there so proper kit isn't it let's head on back down this side these chaps on the floor that's the water filler just there diesel filler and i think there's another one on the other side for ember rightly you come right back here these are rope bins so you can drop the warps when you tie off you can put the tails of the warps into there and then we come back around here look at the detail on your switches the way that everything's done in stainless steel and embossed rather than just stickers that is a classic sunseeker it's a quality machine again the stainless steel doors as well it's all just so nice and you know this is still going to be nice in years to come it's not looking nice today and then going to weather and then here we've got the steps up to the fly bridge now these are all lit underneath as you can see it's lovely at night there's a hatch across here the reason for that is because you can enclose this area there's a track here that goes all the way around so you can put canopies all the way around here close that down and this makes another area it's almost like a conservatory or just to protect it when you're not using the boat of course this then opens up on a gas strut like so and that will stay up there like that however there is also this little fella so that if you want to secure it properly there we go you can do that and that's not going to drop down or somebody grabs hold of it as they come up if you come around here now there are more options up here this has got seating around the back you can have a table here with seating around it like a circular table if you prefer you can have sun lounges if you prefer and i think there is also remember rightly another seating option as well with freestanding furniture so a lot of options to choose from here's what i mean about there although it's not a custom boat there's a lot of bespoke choices big table this of course folds out so if you want to dine up here you can put some director's chairs around it and you've got masses of space there let's come right to the back and take a look forward because it's a big area up here there's another one of these so you can secure this if you want to completely the hardtop on these is an option but they've told me that no manhattan 68s have yet gone out without it what you can do with this this is a white hardtop looks great but you can have black if you prefer or you can have silver and then you've got up on top you've got things like the navigation lights the antennas the radar all that kind of stuff is up there out of the way let's head on forward wet bar is here so um you've got the griddle there and then there's a sink very nice thing i'll wait on the drain on that just there and then underneath here you've got an ice maker and i believe you can have a fridge in there if you want it would make sense somebody wants to ask me if they could see inside an ice maker i don't know why but i listen to you guys and i'm going to show you there we go that's what an ice maker looks like inside so it makes the ice and it drops down they drop into there and say when you want ice you just pull that out it's got a little bit of water in there in a minute and and yeah that's your eyes i suspect they've been trying it out and made the ice and then not emptied it there you go this one's not completely pdi'd yet they're still working on it before it goes out it's going out in a couple of days i think lighting up underneath here as well and then you've got a big opening section overhead so if you want this open to the elements you can have it i mentioned we're in pool there's a pool key over here and then around here more seating sunbathing up on the front this i really like this is a place where people can sit back against here facing forward what a brilliant place to see it when the boat's underway and then finally up here of course you've got the upper helm so you've got the twin seats covered up at the moment you've got the twin simrad screen so that's all of your navigation and radar and all that kind of stuff your engine instrumentation is underneath that one bowen stern thruster on here there's a vhf radio that will clip in there so you've got control of that up here as well very nice indeed very nice indeed it's a big flybridge isn't it i think it's a boat that we can safely say punches above its weight it doesn't feel like a sub 70 foot boat especially with that layout that's brilliant okay so we're going to head down here and i'm going to show you the beach club area now again we've got one of these beautiful sunseeker stainless steel panels and what we need to press is enable and the beach club door open which is that one and that one and that will power that whole area of the transom up there we go if you're wondering this is a door that just swings across so you can enclose this area obviously quite a useful thing let's come down here and this is genius because all the stuff you might want when you're swimming so you can put towels here or um fins or whatever else you need maybe even dive bottles across the top here everything is here where you can get to it and it's ready to go that's a little seat that lifts up so you can sit there and put your fins on you've got lighting under here but you've also got a shower look at this so that straight down here brilliant for when you come out from swimming now i mentioned earlier that i thought this was probably an owner operator boat and i'm now going to show you why because this is access to the crew cabin if you specify it and this owner hasn't if you open this up what he has instead and i think this is a really good idea if you don't need crew and at this size of boat for a lot of people they don't what you have instead is a fantastic locker look at this it's huge because of course normally this will be beds for the crew and this is brilliant for things like inflatable paddleboards and the kind of stuff that you normally struggle to find a home for folding bikes maybe you know whatever you like and it means that if you're away on the boat for you know a month or two at a time and with this sort of this little layout that's probably entirely the sort of you should use it for it's just fantastic keep all your clobber like that as i say your paddle boards and your folding bikes all that tucked away here straight up and out onto the bathing platform to take them onto the shore perfect but what's quite clever this owner has opted to have this area and that's a toilet in there and in fact there's a shower as well so if you don't want to shower on the back or you just want to pop down and use the loo it's right there absolutely fantastic you're out swimming everyone's having a great time someone wants to use the loo straight in you're not having to go through the cabins you're straight into there i think that's a really nice idea i think it's a good use of that space obviously if you want crew you tell this is a crew cabin but if you're not perfect i'll show you one other thing while we're in here because this again if i might use my classic sunseeker term this is access to some of the engineering spaces again so down here we've got bilge pumps float switch so that means if any water gets in there fires the pumps off automatically and some of the plumbing and so on and you think that's great and all lovely and clean it's a brand new boat it's always lovely and then you suddenly notice hang on this is lit this is actually illuminated it's an area that most of the time nobody goes anywhere near unless they need to do a bit of work but it's all illuminated that is the kind of detail and there's many of them people sometimes look at these expensive high quality boats and go oh yeah we could buy an xyz cheaper you could but when you get into the real depth of quality and the thought and the engineering that goes into it and the solidity and the way that everything is so solid there is a reason why high quality boats are expensive and it's not just the name although they do have a very prestigious name it's because of the engineering that goes into them you do get what you pay for let's come back out of here the only area we haven't done then is the engines i'll do that next slip my shoes back on we will drop that one back down like so and then we'll come back across here i'll pop that one back down in a minute when i finished and if we go over here this then is the engine access this is the last bit to have a look at this has got one of these clever struts if you have a look at that you'll see it clicks it goes off center so you can't accidentally push that back down you have to deliberately move that into the middle before it'll drop so that's a very good idea and then we'll take this ladder down into the engine space and what we'll find in here is a pair of man 1000 horsepower engines the v8s as you can see pretty magnificent engines and these are giving the boat a top speed of about 28 knots cruising there for mid 20s you can opt for man 1 200 horsepower so 20 more power that'll lift the speed up to sort of 30 knots plus so if you want that level of performance you can have it but uh these thousand horsepower engines of course these are more than adequate for this sort of boat most people are cruising these around 20 knots and these engines will do that very well indeed we have a little wand around this side again you can see some of the engineering for example gyros so this is a gyro stabilizer these are fascinating things they spin at super high speed and that gives a centrifugal force that they can then push against to hold the boat level uh to stop it rocking what else have we got in here some of the hydraulics are over here we've got the exhaust systems again you can see the core of the engineering the way that everything's double clipped we've got the control boxes for the engines are over here all the electronics are protected behind these screens i don't know how you can see them but you can see all the circuit breakers in behind there rather than exposed plumbing for things like the drainage around the place generator is over on that side so that's giving you your 240 volt power or your 110 volt power if you're in america so you can power all of the domestic systems when you're out at sea we've got raw water strainers down here filters on the bulkhead oh it's also lovely and new i do like looking at brand new boats here's the water heater up here so that is the the hot water tank for your showers and you know wherever you want water basically it's a pretty decent engine room actually but what's interesting is they've not gone too mad with it it's all the space you need but they've they've kept it so that you know of course all this is cabin forward from here and the bigger you make this that way the less cabin that you have so uh it's a really good balance you can get right around these engines um but you're not actually taking up too much space to the engine room so that's what's giving you a lot of space inside incidentally these are on v drives so normally when i show you these engines i talk about the shafts going out the back and there are no shafts out the back of here the shafts on these engines run out this way and then go through a v so they do that like a v gearbox and then the shafts run back underneath and the reason they do that is to position the engines further back in the boat and again that's what gives you that space inside which is what's important to people very nice indeed that's the fire extinguishing system i mentioned that when we were up at the helm so that is automatic if you had a fire that was set off automatically but you'll see that there's a cable pull on the top that's so that you can manually fire off from outside if you ever needed to and then you've got these little blue photos here are some of the battery management systems so there you go that is the engine space i think that that is a pretty comprehensive tour of a sunseeker manhattan 68 pacific layout let's come back up here i'm going to finish off on the fly bridge and see if i can give you a little sneaky look at sunseeker's factory oh just i can pointed that out and then i forgot to do it there we go let's move that there there we go let's have a wander up here it is quite a spectacular place there so say it's in pool if you have a visiting pool have a walk down to paul key which is over there and you can gaze upon it but you can see there's a sun seeker down there but most of them are back here there we can see the factory across here that's a sunseeker 95 yacht in build there these two look like they're pretty much finished and i think that is a 68 sport yacht i think no 65 sport yacht got a tour one of those on the channel they're excellent really lovely boat that's a new model actually that came out at cannes and i don't know what you can see them from here but there are a couple of the super yachts right up through there some big stuff going on down here it's a very very impressive place so there we go we're going to finish off at the helm of course i'm going to sit down because the covers are on so i'm going to stand here and say thank you very much for watching i hope you've enjoyed that tour it's been really good to have a bit of time on one of these boats when we take you into every area and as i mentioned earlier i think that specific layout if you're not looking for maximum accommodation there's a lot to say for that i like it very much indeed huge thanks to you guys for watching and massive thanks to sunseeker international who've organized this tour we'll catch you on another one of these very soon take care bye
Views: 266,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sunseeker Manhattan 68, Sunseeker yacht, Sunseeker superyacht, Pacific, boat, boating, boat life, yacht life, yacht, yachting, fun, joy, bliss, boating fun, superyacht, super yacht, superyachting, Millionaire, millionaire lifestyle, super rich, luxury, luxury lifestyle, luxury living, luxury homes, luxury travel
Id: AQE7gDLb2ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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