#912 WOOHOO! I Finally Got My 3D Resin Flower Coasters To Work

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[Music] g'day guys welcome back i am going to attempt a flower so i find these really difficult to do but i'm going to have another try i'll just have to keep practicing but i'm only going to do one mold at a time because i don't want to waste too much product i am using today the stone coat countertops art coat so i've got 60 grams of part a 60 grams of puff b that's two ounces of each and hopefully that'll be enough it's a quite i've just mixed it up it's quite a thick like high viscosity resin and you can see all the bubbles in there but hopefully the torch will get rid of those so when i've used a thin resin before it didn't work um it kind of all fell through like the color just falls through i don't think the resin is thick enough to hold the pigment in place it just drops through to the back that's the back it's still pretty but just you know not what i wanted looks more like intestines or worms so that was a that was a thin resin um i have to look back and see what i use but that was just a little practice one i didn't video it um oh hang on i made my scale i am going to weigh what i'm doing i'm just going to put that there i've got something else drying just over there so i have to be on to this little spot here all right so i'm gonna go grams put that on zero it hopefully it'll work okay on this puppy pedal pad sometimes they don't like being on a yeah i'm gonna have to put something hard under that hang on one sec i don't like being on a soft surface put a little tile there uh i'll just put that underneath and we'll go again zero it so they don't like being on a surface that's not hard now what i'm going to do is because i'm only going to do one coaster i'm doing two colors i'm doing yellow and orange so i'm only going to put 20 grams in each cup because i'm not going to need a lot am i just to do petals for one probably get away with less than that but i'll put in 20 19 20. um change that 0.7 of an ounce for those that want to know so that's that one and zero it again and 20 grams again see if i i'm a measuring person that's 21. so if i measure something and it works and i want to replicate that again i need to know how much i've got in there so that's why i'm doing it let's move that out of the way for now so that's my reasoning behind it uh that one is going to be for my glitter and i've just got i found this just a little orangey kind of a glitter i'll just put a little bit of that in i need a tiny bit for my center so there we go don't need a lot at all and i'm only doing one coaster so i don't need a lot i'm just a little dribble really look at that all right let's see if that's enough hardly worth it isn't it just to make a little paste so yeah that's that's all that's in there not much at all all right so that can sit there now my alcohol inks i've got sun bright yellow by pinata and tangerine by pinata so let's give those a shake shake shake shake these ones don't have balls in them i think it's only the metallics that have got balls in them that will give that a shake anyway now again i've written this down i'm going to put four drops and see what that what the color looks like one two three four so that's the yellow and then the tangerine i can add more i just want to see what it looks like with four one two three four okay we'll stir those up now this is probably not the traditional way that other people do flowers and well maybe there is i don't know um i think they put their color in first and then put the white petals on i'm doing it the other way i'm doing my color and my white in the same cup and then i'm having clear in there so that's what i'm doing and i'm writing everything down so that as i said if it works then i can replicate that and get the same results again yellow doesn't really look as if it's holding its color as well as the orange did just looks clear to me but what i'm going to do now is i'm going to put my white in and i'm using this one here carsten craft white now people say add drops it's really hard to add a drop because it's a it's a thick paste so you put a drop in and that has this long long train behind it but i'm going to try and put in two one see how it has a dr train behind it and then two that's it it's all i'm going to do and this is a trial for me one drop per 10 grams so i've got 20 grams two drops so don't squeeze just let it drip out you can see one drop sort of forming at the top there just let it drip in one it's hard to do too it kind of gets followed by that little train so let's mix that up and just see see what happens see the colors changing obviously it's getting lighter so this is where like don't put too much alcohol ink in first because it's going to change when you put your white in and then you can say okay that's enough for i want to add more ink but you can see the two drops of the white has really changed that color which is fine for me i don't think i want to put any more alcohol ink in i'll put the lid on that one i'm thinking i might have to put some more of the yellow in there because you can hardly see the yellow but let's see what happens when we start to mix it because once you mix the white in then you can really see the the shade of color that it's going to be it's a bit hard with when you don't have the white because you can see through onto the stick and the stick see how the sticks kind of died now with the yellow so the stick looks yellow but then the liquid is actually still pretty clear so that looks pretty white doesn't it let's add another one two three four i'm gonna go four again and i think that should be plenty obviously the yellow is not as strong a pigment as the orange is because it does need a lot more which makes sense i mean it's a much paler color isn't it so that still looks white to me i might have to add more but i'll write down what i've done you see that still looks way too white a little bit another four one two three four and just keep going i guess until i've got the color that i want i want yellow pale yellow but yellow nonetheless and it's not like i put in lots of white to make it change color it's only got two tiny little drops right so that's a very pale yellow no i still want it darker than that one two three four what was that is that 16 now i have to watch back on the video and write it down hopefully it's not too much i'm hoping i'm still under the 10 percent of resin but you know they're only drops it's not like i'm adding teaspoonfuls and he drops i do want to get a yellow okay it's looking more yellow now i think i'll leave it i'd better not push the push the boundaries and um try and put too much alcohol ink in all right so those are those there now um and now i'm actually just going to there's my they're a little bit dark aren't they if i've got a lighter one might be all right i'm actually going to let that sit now for a little while and thicken up a bit and i'm going to come back and check on it in a little while oh and i've also got i'll show you i've got a heat gun i did i got this one because this is called an xu1 it's just a little one some of them are huge like they come out to here and i just wanted a little one so it's just got a low and high that's it so i'll be using that today for the first time all right i'm gonna put you on pause and um get my gloves off i'm going to come back to you in a little while once my resin is thickened a bit and we'll see how that goes i'm back uh doesn't seem to have changed the thickness of it very much but as i said it'll just be down to experimenting um i'm happy for you guys to come along and experiment with me we'll try different amounts of cast and craft we might try different white pigments we'll try different resins um we'll have different wait times we'll just do some experimenting so yeah we'll do that now i went and got these piping bags just got them from ebay so i got the smallest ones that they had i'm just going to pop it inside the little cup there like that push down and the other one so one for the orange and one to be yellow i did just use initially i was just using the um little ziploc bags but i just find these a little bit easier to handle okay so orange into one it's still really fluid and yeah probably way too much orange resin to do petals on one flower on one coaster if i'd made up a little bit more resin i could have done two but anyway no point wasting resin if it's not going to work is that i'll do my experiments just one coaster at a time and then when i figure out how it works and what works then and only then will i move up to a set of coasters although from what people have said even though you know they've maybe made flowers lots of times each time they do it they get a different outcome so i don't know um now i'm going to pour some of the the clear in there and just spread it push it into all the little edges there and you can see it's a little bit thicker it's not flowing on its own to the edges i'm just helping it some of the resins i use they would just you know float i guess it would get there eventually it's just taking its time and the other thing is like it may also come down to the thickness of the amount of resin you put on here do you think hey look i might even have enough for two shall i try and be sneaky and do two what do you reckon um let's do it i don't want them to be too i don't want them to be too thick i just i have a feeling that maybe um a thinner coaster might work better i'm not sure but i'll just put this here for now whether or not i'll use it i don't know i've still got a little bit of quite a lot of resin left in my cup though haven't i let's let's pour it out let's do two let's live dangerously i didn't think i'd have enough resin for two but i'm not filling these up to the top so i guess that's probably why because i'm not filling them to the top they're probably probably half full at this stage and i just want to see if the actual thickness of the resin plays a part in the actual outcome of the flower okay so that's all i have no idea if they're level because now one's up and one's down okay um now i've waited so that this can thicken up so i don't really want to heat it to get the bubbles out do you know what i mean i did while i was waiting i put a tiny little bit of gold in with that just so that it wasn't so kind of orange because i've got yellow and orange resin i thought maybe the gold would kind of act as a little bit more of a yellow tone whoops spilt a bit i don't think that will matter actually i can feel that it's a bit thicker now it's just kind of sitting there but this there wasn't very much of this so i guess it thickens faster because there wasn't very much maybe all right so that's that'll be that one there okay now the exciting part i am very new at all this so i'm just going to do my best i'm going to start from there and i'm going to do some petals i want my lines to be relatively thick okay now i've got a little bit left and i'm going to do the yellow petals on this one and then i'll go through and put little yellow ones in that one swipe the end okay here we go same thing with the yellow the yellow feels thinner and that is no doubt because it's got more alcohol ink in it so obviously it's going to be thinner isn't it yep whoops didn't do that one very well i was getting towards the end and it wriggled okay so now i've still got enough in these that i can do some smaller yellow ones inside that and then i'll put the smaller orange ones inside that let me just wipe that tip again so i've got a blob i'm going to pick that up so i don't drip okay now i'm just going to go on the inside of each of these i'm doing it you guys i'm doing it look at that i did it and i've still got a tiny bit left oh there you go i didn't realize i could get two out of that now let's do the same with this one oops i better hang on to the the end so i don't get plastic into my coasters and just follow the same pattern but just do the orange and i'm running out just had enough look at that oh all right let me just put these in the bin over here and i'm going to wipe my hands with my baby wipe or like my gloves i should say just get that resin off i did need my gloves on um so i can pick up my new heat gun now when i've done this i've only ever used it um my little embossing tool but let's try the heat gun and on low and see how that goes so i'm going to basically just try and push that color down a bit okay excuse the noise [Applause] might take a little while to heat up did these take a while to heat up oh look i'm popping bubbles look at that i didn't know i was gonna pop but i never thought these would really work well i've never this is the first time i've ever used a heat gun now previously when i've done this my um my petals kind of all blew out of the way like they this the the when i was using this one well where is it when i was using that um it was actually blowing my petals away so that kind of tells me that maybe my resin was a little bit too thin now i'm just going it's going to go around in circles here basically just heating that up a little bit and pushing it down let's do the same with this one oh look i'm popping bubbles i can see them pop maybe this is going to be my new best friend my new tool [Applause] so i don't really want to move the petals i just want to heat it and kind of push it a little bit down don't want them to be you know pushed out of shape but i'm just wondering if the heat actually um helps oh look you guys oh am i even in frame with two oh look i'm sorry i didn't realize you weren't even in frame because i did two so sorry there we go um yeah look the heat oh look i'm sorry guys my bad i forgot that i've zoomed you in and i was only doing one you see oops what's going on i think i'm about to my battery's about to go um i'm going to come back to you i'm going to charge my phone quickly and i'm going to come back to you in half an hour and we'll see how it's changed because i just put you on pause when i left for all that time and um i think my battery is going flat now but look you guys it's doing it it's doing it am i focusing i don't know if i'm focusing maybe it's not focusing because match is running low it's working oh i'm so excited all right i'm gonna go and charge my phone i'll come back to you we'll see what's happening in half an hour back soon hey guys it's about half an hour later now this was the one that had the big petals in yellow and the yellow was the one that had more alcohol ink in it it does look a little bit more kind of wispier on the edges i'll show the other one in a minute so this one the yellow and the orange have blended more and the edges are wispier this one over here you can see the difference so this was the one with the orange petals on the outside and as you can see the orange petals have kept their shape a lot more they're more defined on the edges they haven't gone as wispy so the orange was a little bit thicker so i don't know if it was because the orange was thicker because it didn't have as much ink in it to thin it out or the fact that you know less ink has a different effect but it's probably because it was thinner i look i don't know but i really like this one i like how we've got the darker petals around the outside and then it all kind of blends in the yellow blends like it gets darker on the outside and then lighter and lighter and lighter and you can see the sprinkles and i don't know i can't tell at the moment whether or not any of that pigment has dropped through to the back we won't know until we de-mold them tomorrow but um yeah that's what they're looking like so far so yay i can't believe it's actually working oh my gosh i do prefer this one though it's my favorite all right i'll see you tomorrow for the unmolding and hopefully they won't change too much so excited you guys i've been trying this so many times and this is any time it's worked all right i'll see you tomorrow hey guys it's the next morning and it's time for the great unveiling demolding now with the stone coat countertops it's always still bendy the next day which is something i don't like about this resin i like to be able to demold it and paint it the next day but i'm going to take it out anyway because i'm just too curious now this was the first one this was the one that had more alcohol ink more of the yellow alcohol ink in it so i'll just do this carefully i've got my glove on so i don't get fingerprints on it because it hasn't hasn't cured yet as i said still bendy but i want to see a few bubbles in the corners look how soft it is i need to find a resin that is low bubbles look at it bending i don't know if i should take it out i need to find a resin that's low bubbles um there's a nice thick consistency but um will set overnight because it's still a bit tacky so there it is i'm going to put a glove on my other hand as well all right let's have a look at the back maybe i shouldn't be touching the back oh look at that it's more of the more of the orange on the back what do you think i think it's a little bit too blended but it's still pretty isn't it so that's that one i think i'd have it that way try not to get any fingerprints on it i'm just going to pop it down what am i going to put it that might have dust on it hang on find somewhere to clean to put it i put it on a piece of non-stick baking paper because you know the back's still um it's not wet but it's tacky so any bits of hair and things would stick to it i probably i should have waited but i was just too eager eager beaver right now this is the one that i'm thinking is going to work better because you can actually see the little petal shapes a little bit more clear and i love how that orange fades into the the yellow in the middle you can just see a little bit of glitter i'm thinking i'm going to prefer the top here but who knows so the thing i have learnt with doing this flower pour for you is a thicker resin works better um and you need to wait until it thickens up that one i like that one better look you can see you can see through the petals there maybe the other one just had too much um ink or pigment no ink yeah because you can still see through those and that's so pretty so depending on what resin you're using and this is just what i've learned i'm i'm no expert you know that i've only been pouring resin for about six weeks depending on which resin you're using um if it's really thin you're gonna have to wait until it thickens and even if it's a thick resin wait until it thickens that's what i've learned i've tried doing these with thin resins and that don't work oh look at that looks like a sunflower so when see the blobs on the back there that's the pigment paste that's kind of fallen through um in my experience because you've got either too much pigment paste or your resin is too thin so it's just kind of fallen through now that's it is still quite a nice effect depends on what you like i guess i just think that one's so much prettier and more delicate so i would have that side showing but anyway that was that was a great learning experience for me and hopefully for you too so have a play with your resins and get it don't don't pour your petals until your resins really thick like almost about to go off that's what works for me anyway but i will continue to uh play with this and do more experiments because i haven't quite got it just yet um but yeah that was fun enjoyed that let's see if we can zoom in a bit more there's the other one there all right i will no doubt be doing more of these until i get it right i'd like to do a pink and white one so um yeah stay tuned thanks for watching um i'll do a little video of the the finished product in a minute so don't go anywhere uh
Channel: Pouring Your Heart Out
Views: 41,807
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Keywords: #resinflowers, #resinflowercoasters, #resincoasters, #3dresinflowers, #howtomakeresinflowers
Id: Nb9a9db0Tqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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