Building The Nantahala Retreat #32 | Painting with the Perkins Crew

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folks i want you to look at this ray cannot help himself injured or not he's painting we are back for another episode of building the nantahala retreat today we're going to get the primer sanded down on our walls and we're going to get paint going on our walls today's video is brought to you by valspar paints my man happy birthday hey thanks bud yeah i got you something oh i don't even want to see it oh a brand new pretty paint brush i don't need this three hey it's the pro stiff just like you love it i don't like stiff um i'm painting up here bro no cutting i don't need this thing you said pick a room i'll take all upstairs [Music] birthday boy is going to do a demonstration of what we're starting with today sanding pole sanding pad and we're sanding the primer demonstration so we don't want to take the material off we just want to knock it down it's just a nice easy okay i think everybody gets the idea you're just making the making the drywall surface smooth by sanding it smooth that's fine i want to mention that if you skip this step your paint finish is not going to look very good no terrible it'll look rough in spots and smooth in spots it looks like his house this makes it all look even which is great i may have told you guys this story before but one of the first houses we built we didn't sand the walls like this and we kept just painting the walls coat after coat after coat to try and make it look good and it just never did look good and then later we found out oh sanding the walls is the way to go to make the finish look nice and even so that's when we started doing that it's hairy yeah we're going to check out one spot that you can see really defined if you put a light against it at a shallow angle that's what we're saying off of there that stuff we got a hairy situation in here pro tip if you're doing this yourself every now and then your pad is going to get these clumps of uh built up primer on them and if you don't get them off like that you're not really sanding anything that spaces the sandpaper off the wall just enough you want to know your sanding right yeah i mean you don't want to not be sanding [Music] we're bringing in our paint another pro tip label where it goes on the can because sometimes this factory label just gets covered with other stuff or gets messed up with water so there's a no confusion method here if you if you can read jamie's handwriting i would mark the can itself not just the lid too because you always take a bunch of legs off and then you got cans going around i would actually mark the can itself too not just the lid but that's me that's just 48 years of experience talking i took jason's advice we got the colors on the can as well thank you i guess i don't know anyway this color is called latte that's a great idea now it's on camera i mean it's an idea [Laughter] we got a we got a problem here man oh no that's why you don't do that i think so that didn't work no i should have wrote it in a different place oh on the side underneath the handle yeah that would have done it he didn't say that did he he didn't know what he so a lot of people ask me why do you do your own painting you're a contractor why don't you just hire someone to do it and then just build more houses to make more money and my answer is i really don't mind painting i like keeping our project right on schedule so we can get in on the very day the drywall is finished instead of waiting on a painting contractor in his schedule it also gives us a good chance to look at every single inch of the drywall finish as we prime and paint it make sure everything is good and up to our standards and that's just our business model it's not everybody's business model but we like to just do a low volume of houses and do most of the work ourselves and we find we just have less headaches doing it that way versus doing a whole bunch of houses and just being the quote contractor where we drive around and just check on things and put out fires that just doesn't sound fun to me you ready for your first real like carpentry lesson wait this isn't carpentry at all but it's good to know how to paint so we're going to teach you how to cut in and it mostly has to do with how you get the paint on the brush okay so first tip here is do not stick the brush like all the way in to the metal hole here i'm gonna stick stick it in about that much okay now if you go try to cut like that look at that see that fat bead up top that's me against the ceiling or something not good so second tip after you dip you're gonna wipe away the paint on one edge and that's gonna be the edge that's up against your ceiling so now you see you're doing a lot better okay see that don't have that bead now the third tip is you're going to dip wipe and you're going to come in a little below the ceiling yeah about quarter inch 3 16 and get some of the bulk of the paint off then you're going to come back with a now more fine tuned amount of paint on there and make the final cut did he just call you a dip wipe and then just do it again and again and again until you paint that and what's that move called oh that's like the dip wipe dab swipe don't forget that you got all that anton you got it all right okay okay let's see what he's got now we're gonna mock up the ceiling here oh he's left you gotta do it the other way oh okay all right i got a mocked up ceiling transition here for you see that that's your ceiling oh man it's gonna dip wipe okay all right he's got it on the correct side of the brush nope let's go that way gonna come in just a little below get the bulk of the paint off now you're gonna want to come in with the brush at a at a sharper angle like that yep and see that little blob on top let's go and get down and and you just want the there you go that's what you're looking for right there feel that feels good it's getting a little weird [Laughter] do you know what we do to people that block paint on the ceiling i don't i don't either but we'll figure something out they don't do anything i've tried to get fired for like two years [Music] we're working down the wall another pro tip is don't roll straight across your receptacles like roll around them because you'll pick up scuzz from and that's where that stuff came from was just yeah yeah you came across that picked up little skies so we'll um kind of just wipe it out wipe that out hey let's take a quick break from our video to thank our sponsor for today valspar paints valspar makes it easy for pros to get all the quality paints and supplies they need for professional jobs they have easy access online at or you can get it at your local neighborhood lowes with paints and stains formulated with pros in mind they've got your back on your next project with a wide range of quality products pros have access to personalized advice with the valspar team of pro specialists offering tools tips loyalty rewards and more find your local rep through our rep finder at also make sure to talk to your rep about valspar's trial program promotions and special events in your area we really enjoyed using valspar paints on this project it was a good quality product and it was easy to buy i think you'll enjoy using it too so make sure to click the link in our description to find out more and thanks again to valspar for sponsoring this video hey jamie ray was holding out on us he's got a power sander in his truck is that a power sander all day yeah didn't he know they were in there doing it with like just regular poles oh man oh well let's move on to the roller okay this is a really important tool around the job site when when we're painting so my main tip with the roller is don't dry roll okay and you'll know you're dry rolling if you're pressing really hard on the wall to get the paint to come off the roller onto the wall at that point you're smashing all the little fibers flat and you're losing your texture this will leave kind of an orange peeled texture very slight light texture but if you're pressing too hard means you don't have enough paint you're not leaving the texture that's less than one on that jamie i'm sure will give you lots of other tips so many that you're just going to think about it all night okay there you go [Music] he's been on the bachelor in paradise before he fell in love with kendall he lives in chicago and she lives like california they dated for two years and they broke up because she wouldn't move to chicago and then they bring kendall in do you know what he's talking about no i just it's the bachelor in paradise show dude this is insane right now little painters pro tip now these are really good roller pads these are pretty like the you know professional grade really nice ones but if you have a cheaper one it's a good idea if it's brand new to take some painters tape like that and wrap your roller one good time don't you think it's gonna make it not paint very good actually it's just it's just doing that oh that's good that helps a lot yeah so let's try again okay get her started wrap your roller i'm not gonna do the whole thing but basically you'd wrap your roller like so give it a good squeeze okay and then pull the tape off and that would get rid of any loose like kind of lint kind of stuff see this is a good roller so not really doing anything but if you had a cheap roller this could really save you some time not getting junk on the wall pulls all the fuzzies out of the fuzzies off so what you call it yeah this is um that feels good yeah that does feel good wow looks like a it's like man and my cat i don't have a cat but you know if i did what's gonna happen next here is we're gonna actually show a time lapse that ray filmed while he's rolling around following jamie in his wheelchair and we've never tried this before and we don't know what it's gonna turn out like but you're about to see the clip right now hey i gotta hand it to ray here he's figured out something productive to do every single day even though he can't really walk so that's pretty awesome a lot of times we just have him run a camera which actually saves the rest of us a lot of time so we can keep on working but i know he'll be back at it soon and we've really appreciated him showing up even when he's in pain to do cool stuff like this [Music] three o'clock we're done with one coat on everything which is pretty awesome but we're not going to second coat it needs a second coat right it does got to have it it kind of evens out the sheen uh covers any sprockets or thin spots if we did a second coat now then we would have to do a third coat later right so we're still gonna bash everything up when we put the floors in trim everything yeah so instead of touching up like a third coat we're going to wait and put our second regular coat on later when things are done and we'll have to be more careful because there's gonna be floors and trim and stuff we can't get paint on but i think overall it's still less painting time which is all what we want less painting time faster painting so we're going to call it right there and we'll pick it back up tomorrow okay anton it's time yeah what did you learn about painting i learned how to cut and then i learned to paint with an edge where you go from you paint a stripe and then you paint the stripe next to it so that you don't paint the same area twice yes that's brilliant a lot of people don't know that but now you do i do all right thanks hey thanks for building with us today we really appreciate it if you've enjoyed this video please remember to subscribe give us a thumbs up that really does help the youtube logarithm hope you have a great week and we'll see you on the next one [Music] i'm not i'm not really sure this is the right wall for the blue oh really well it's an accent wall there's only one wall is blue in this room so this has got to be it you got to make sure this is the right wall did you already check no well it's in that message that she sent we better check well if it's wrong i don't know good luck painting another color over that all right um master bedroom wall behind bed has one small window facing parking lot yes okay mermaid's deal continue mermaid's tail was that the color mermaid's tail never seen that i could say that that might be mermaid's tail there you go there's a real american tool belt you like it yeah i do yo nice tabasco [Music] you
Channel: Perkins Builder Brothers
Views: 62,316
Rating: 4.9838204 out of 5
Keywords: Building, Carpentry, Paint, Walls, Fast, Easy, How, To, Construction, Valspar, Design, Perkins, Tips, Pro, Tricks, Hacks, Painting, Cost
Id: qNuNQ_hV8UU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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