$9,000 CASH HOUSE - Demolition // Framing - #22

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] a quick look and explanation of what's going on here so I ripped the ceiling out which was wainscoting and then there was just two two by fours run the full length spanning across here it was too short one's nailed together and some stuff scattered on the side I don't know why they didn't just run straight out from the house up to the front of the porch but they didn't so I tore those out as well and I think what I'm gonna do is just make my repairs and then apply the covering just directly to the underside of these so the ceiling in here is kind of fall to up higher it looks nicer so what has happened is the front of this porch has settled so those columns went down so the front edge went down and then that pulled away so pretty much everything is disconnected so the hips there are popped off completely from using yet so nothing's holding on I'm sure that 2x4 going down that is probably a little attached and then this is attached to the column and then right here this is kind of springing out right now sunny to get that fixed in there better so I'm not sure exactly how I'm gonna go back fixing this yet because it's not only pulled off but it's laid down you can see I think the nails right above the joist Pike too dark up in there but that has dropped probably six inches it's pulled out an inch and a half so I think I'm gonna try to jack up the front of the porch and then put some sort of blocks up under the column so it'll look like it's just some sort of little part of the column and so that'll lift it up this right here is super super slopes down probably more than I'm going to take out of it but it'll make it look a little bit better then I'll just kind of figure it out as I go [Music] the battery died so while y'all weren't looking not the handrails out of the porch jacked it up a little more put in some two-by-four supports took the jacks out probably gonna toss in a few more two by fours where it's not too big of a rat trap they were like two bricks that had been all kind of cemented up that acted as basis so the porch has a little bit of a definite and then of course it's sunk on the outside but that's better than sinking back there because if rainwater gets on it runs off of it not you know towards the house one of the columns fell out while I was doing this the columns are obviously way too short and I could do some sort of extensions and I understand that they have a little bit of a certain style that fits the house nicely but what I'm gonna do is make some box columns up for doing so I've got some two bites and then some two by sixes so I'm gonna make up boxes this is untreated lumber but what I'm gonna do is dip them in some treatment stuff and that will soak up in them because they are only usually rot towards the bottom so this porch has good overhangs then I've got this 2 by 12 which I'm gonna make sort of a base for the column so just want to tell you that and kind of show you this and then you can just kind of follow along from here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm about to do some work on the inside of the porch and I was using my level and saw that when I jacked the porch up I actually went up a little bit too high about an inch in a quarter is what it took to fix it so what I ended up doing was is I removed my posts they're just like bolted in and then held in place by the dirt basically so I back the lag bolts out dug around pulled the posts out while I had them out to cut them a little shorter I ended up wrapping and the bottoms of the posts I got a lot of comments about that and I'm not too prideful to not change something since I already had them out I went ahead and wrapped them with some painted aluminum now treated material will lead up aluminum but this is painted so that's gonna be a guard against that and of course I'm just adding to it there's nothing you can do to make anything in this world last 100% forever these posts already last a good amount on their own in direct contact with dirt the other question people ask me is did I just place these posts on dirt no there are footers down in those holes that I dug that's just one of those things that just happened without filming it so as far as footers go they're going to vary depending on where you're at how deep they need to be in the load that's being put on the autumn this is all very light so they're not you know some huge things or anything so these I just wrapped in aluminum these over here in the corner here on the other side they're just there to just be nailers for how I'm going to close this since I ain't worried about pulling those out to do that so I think that's that what I'm going to be doing on the inside I think I've settled on reframing these window openings to accommodate three windows and I'll have final replacement windows added into this porch as of right now I could change my mind in five minutes I don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Homemade Home
Views: 1,015,490
Rating: 4.9133129 out of 5
Keywords: renovation, house, home, fixer upper, invest, real estate, investment property, flipping, rental, foclosure, mortgage, first time home buyer, buying a house, selling a house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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