9 Toyota Tacoma Hidden Features You’ll Actually Use

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what's up guys my name is Jacob Henry I got nine cool hidden features on this Tacoma that I gotta show you let me pull in and we'll get to it [Music] all right guys jumping in it I gotta show you hidden feature number one first before I show you two which I promise will blow you away so the Tacoma is known for not having a lot of visibility in the rear view mirror so what Tacoma has done is made their headrests fold down giving you more Clear Vision when you look through the rear view mirror so if this still doesn't give you the visibility that you want now you could always pull the seat up and push this in now here's where hidden feature number two comes in this takes a lot of pushing down and it doesn't really lay flat so what I found out is that you could actually take out this head rest but pushing both clips turning it around and now see these two holes right here it's actually designed so you could put the headrest directly into it just like that and now when you pull this down it lays perfectly flat and gives you so much more visibility in the back so as you can see now there is so much room if you got a lot of groceries or if you haven't seen my last video I have a dog canopy that you can get at accessory for tacoma.com but just for you I'll put it down in the description for you guys to go get that way all the hair dirt gets trapped in that instead of on the seat but now because of this backing now you can have your muddy dog and it's not going to get under cloth interior or leather or whatever you have and it's actually going to be a lot more durable for that situation but also a cool thing about putting the seats down when you have groceries and stuff is Tacomas also come with these two little Clips on either side so that way if you have anything in a bag that you don't want to roll out of the bag while you're taking a turn or something always clip it on there and it's safe now let's get into hidden feature number three all right so hidden feature number three now I know everybody's dealt with this if you guys have one of these seats that fold up is your seatbelt Buckle they're notorious from getting lost inside when you after you fold it up and then you close it back down they're gone and when you have people in the back seat they're always like where do I Buckle so what Tacoma has done with the generation number three is something I think is genius is you lift these seats up to access the hidden buckles that you can never find they actually put in these little pockets on the seats that way you can just stuff the Buckle in there whenever you're not using it and if you do it on the right side then you don't have to take it out so these little pockets come in really handy because when you put the seat back they stay right here that way when you have people that sit in the back of your Tacoma which honestly I don't have a lot of people that do so they're going to stay in this little pocket for a long time but when you do your guests can just pull it out and there it is and they're never going to go underneath your seat ever again it wouldn't be hidden so while you're driving everybody goes where are they and you have to stop get out of the truck pull up the seat and then put it back and then do one of these motions again that's kind of awkward so always keep them in these little pockets they're not going to go anywhere and honestly I think it's pretty cool bravo bravo Tacoma hidden feature number four is more of a safety feature for you you're ever out and it's dark and you're in a parking lot alone and you don't feel safe down here you can see that the bed light there's an on and off now mainly people think that means when you're driving it's on or off so and that's that is true but when you turn off the car while it's still on it's going to not only stay on but illuminate the back of the bed so if you have anything back there and you need to get it and it's dark it's going to stay on for about 20 minutes now this won't kill your battery at all but it will stay on for 20 minutes and make people more deterrent from going to your car and breaking it in if they see that so I always like to keep it on just to know my car safe or if I ever need to get something out of the back I got light so what do you guys think about the hidden features that are shown you I want to know down in the comments section what you think and if you have any hidden features that I haven't shown you yet I want to see them down in the comments also if you're liking this video hit the like button and then also subscribe because I have more videos coming out that are like this and then also about mods that I'm doing and then much more but anyway let's get back to the video so hidden feature number five to wrap up everything in the back is now I bet everybody experienced when you're driving with the windows down you'll hear a rattling you don't know what it's from most likely it's coming from your seat belts they're just moving around banging against the door banging against whatever they find so a lot of people don't know is that the Tacoma has these clips right here these clips are designed so you just snap back and slide in your seat belt so when you're driving they stay right there and they're not going to make any more rattling so hopefully that's going to stop all the rattling while you drive and make your drive a little bit less noisy hidden feature number six now I've watched a bunch of reviews on Tacomas and here a lot of people complain about this one thing and it's sitting right in front of them now it's your gas cap everybody's complaining because when you take it off you drop it it's going to bang and scratch and just get gas everywhere in your Tacoma and they're always like there's no place to put it on here to hold it but actually the Tacoma actually has a place for it can you figure it out it is so simple it is right here and it just sits right there so for all of you that did a review on it hopefully you're watching so this is where it goes hidden feature for hidden feature number seven since I'm on a roll of Peruvian people wrong a lot of people don't know why but first if you don't know this cup holder this middle part you squeeze it and pull it out and it comes out now a lot of people are saying yeah it's a cool feature but they don't know why well here you go folks this is what it's for when you're having coffee that way it could sit in there and the handle has some place to go and it's sitting flat rather than if you take it put it in and it sits at an angle and then it's just jingling all the way so for the people that again that didn't know what it's for you're welcome hidden feature number eight is for all you iPhone users now if you're familiar with carplay which majority of all cars have it now so you're familiar with this so you might know this hidden feature but if you didn't now I'm going to teach you something so if you see these buttons or these little squares right here if you hold it it brings up Siri so that way while you're driving you don't need to be looking at your phone you could say Hey Siri call Mom or something along those lines but now you can drive safe and also use Siri all right guys as promised hidden feature number nine something that's going to change your Driving Experience for the rest of your life so if you look at the dash it's at one brightness some people like it brighter or darker so the odometer button you know you do that to change your trips and everything or even turn it off but you click it once the left and then you see right there it's actually turning down the brightness and then if you go all the way to the right hold it even turns brightness all the way up so however you like your dash now you can adjust it to your liking and uh enjoy your Driving Experience all right guys that's a wrap on this video hopefully I've shown you something that you didn't know and if there's more hidden features that I didn't cover I want to see them down in the comments and if you like this video please give me a thumbs up and hit that subscribe button while you're liking the video but until next time see you later guys [Music] thank you
Channel: Jacob Henry Tacoma
Views: 213,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyota tacoma, accessories for tacoma, toyota tacoma 2021, toyota tacoma accessories, accessories for a toyota tacoma, tacoma accessory, Toyota Tacoma SR5, Toyota Tacoma Hidden Features, 2024 toyota tacoma, 2019 toyota tacoma trd, sr5, 2023 tacoma trd pro, toyota tacoma 2023, tacoma headlights, tacoma, toyota, tacoma review, toyota tacoma mods, 2021 toyota tacoma, trd sport, toyota tacoma review, 2023 toyota tacoma, 2023 toyota tacoma trd pro, v6, tacoma center console
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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