9 Things To Know Before Getting A Maltese Puppy

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nine things to know before getting a maltese puppy maltese dogs are as iconic as they are cute a lot these little white bundles of joy are the favorite lap dog read of many families and for many good reasons did you know that they were also one of the oldest dog breeds in the world however it's true originating from the island nation malta these dogs have been around for thousands of years not your standard fake dog breed in other words does this mean that they are good family pets or that they're right for you however what should you consider before getting maltese puppy here are nine things you should know one maltese dogs are a very loving and gentle breed maltese are one of the most popular lap dog breeds in the world these little cuties love to cuddle and to be petted which is exactly what their owners usually get them for for this breed the term personal space is simply nonsensical you can pet them anywhere everywhere and at all times they'll love it in fact it's fair to say that maltese are attention seekers they love to always be at the center of attention and they hate to be ignored this can make it a bit tricky to have a second dog or pet as they can get jealous can this be a problem if you haven't socialized and trained your maltese well then sure it might be a problem however as long as you've raised a good pup and you still give them enough attention there should be no problems two maltese are not very tolerant toward low temperatures much like the chihuahua and other small breeds coming from warm climates maltese dogs hate the cold especially when the weather is cold as well a maltese can easily get the chills develop a cold or even more the solution warm and cute puppy clothes of course well technically the best solution is to not get a maltese if you live in a cold climate however if it's chilly and damp outside having a puppy coat sweater or another cover with you is definitely a must three contrary to popular belief maltese are not yappy dogs when trained right most people tend to think that small dog breeds are yappy and while it's true that many small breeds tend to compensate for their lack of size with their voices the maltese aren't really a part of that group granted they are still dogs and any poorly trained and socialized dog can fall into the habit of barking at anything they hear so as long as you train your maltese not to bark which should be relatively easy it can be a perfect apartment companion four these dogs are fighters the above point isn't to say that maltese pups aren't feisty they definitely are these dogs don't hesitate to show strangers who's the boss and don't back down from a quarrel easily does that mean they're aggressive toward other dog breeds not really not unless you skip their early socialization but it is worth noting that you should keep an extra vigilant eye on them if unpleased in the dog park they can be too brave for their own good 5. maltese fall in the middle of the healthy or not scale when talking about pure dog breeds health is always important there are many breeds that are so popular that they're over bred to the point of having dozens of major health concerns at the same time others are still quite healthy thanks to responsible breeding practices the maltese breed falls somewhere in the middle there are many untrustworthy and irresponsible maltese breeders who breed maltese cups with little to no regard for their health what can you do about that for starters avoid getting maltese pups from pet stores puppy mills and unverified breeders instead only get your maltese clubs from reputable breeders that offer genuine health certificates of trustworthy shelters and rescues even then however some health concerns are just a matter of chance the main problems to look out for include hip and elbow dysplasia willowbrand's disease thrombopathia hypoglycemia reverse sneezing collapsed trachea white dog shaker syndrome consult with your veterinarian about these and other conditions common in maltese pups and don't skip on the regular vet checkups to always be on top of any situation that may arise 6. avoid teacup maltese pups one of the most controversial points about maltese pups is whether teacup maltese dogs are actually maltese or not our take they are not this is a toy breed that was specifically bred to be even smaller than the standard maltese dog as little as four pounds for an adult teacup maltese and while this may sound cute at first keep in mind that these teacup dogs have many times more health concerns and risks than the standard maltese this tends to lead to a life of constant health problems vet visits medication and problems not really fun is it that's why teacup maltese dogs are generally not recognized as a part of the maltese breed and aren't recommended for breeding or purchasing the poor pups are forced into lives of misery just because people love how small they are [Music] 7. this is a surprisingly energetic breed people don't usually associate lap dogs with high energy but maltese dogs defy this myth granted they don't need several hours in the park per day as other breeds the maltese are a mostly indoors breed they are very energetic for an indoor pup and need lots of play time every day if you don't have small kids and don't have time to play with your furry ball of white joy you'd do well to get it a second dog for company or lots of new toys every once in a while but then again if you don't want to play with your pup why take it in the first place 8. maltese are great with kids all of the above should pretty clearly show that maltese dogs are excellent with kids small fluffy gentle and loving when training how to behave around kids maltese are a very safe breed for families as for other dogs cats and other types of pets a maltese can work with those pretty well too a bit of socialization and training will be required but there's nothing inherently unmanageable for a maltese to share a home with other pets nine grooming is crucial for this breed this should go without saying but the maltese's gorgeous mane needs some care daily brushing and combing are needed and regular detangler spray and or conditioning oil is also recommended weekly baths are also a good idea aside from that don't forget checking your maltese's ears for infections and clipping the pup's nails from time to time is also a good idea this were the 9 things to know before getting maltese puppy but how to prepare for a new pup prepping for a maltese is relatively easy all you need is to pick the right pup from the right breeder and to be familiar with the possible health issues you should be on the lookout for aside from that the first couple of weeks of house training are crucial so you'd do well to read up on that as well from there the rest is just a matter of stocking up on dog toys and treats some warm doggy sweaters and coats a leash a food bowl and a dog bed and that's it you're now ready to get a maltese pup and have a decade and a half of fun and unconditional love
Channel: The Pets And Love
Views: 185,176
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Id: vbhzwIy74pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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