5 ways to identify your Maltese Puppy is Pure Bred or Not

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a pure of her dog is a dog that has been bred from parents of the same breed or variety this means that your Maltese should have been bred by two other Maltese dogs this also means that their grandparents and great-grandparents should also be of the Maltese breed knowing if your dog is purebred can help you have a better idea of his physical appearance Temperance and health there are five ways to tell if your Maltese is purebird number one inspect the tail Maltese dogs have a long-haired plumed tail which is carried over the back of them in show it's preferred that their tails tip lies to the side over the hindquarter number two purebred Maltese physical appearance The Maltese breed is a small dog and typically White this breed can grow up to seven inches high and seven pounds heavy a pure Maltese should have a pure white coat although they can come in lemon or tan in certain areas according to the American Kennel Club pure white Maltese are preferred among owners they are alert with dark eyes and short hair that curls at the tip they also have a naturally long tail that curls while having ears that drop close to their face their hair on their ears can be grown long which will blend into their coat it is not uncommon for a purebred Maltese to have noses that change in color their black nose as a puppy may turn either brown or pink as they grow older too this phenomenon may be caused by multiple factors including a lack of sunlight allergies and exposure to dry or cold air number three check his pedigree papers The Kennel Club and American Kennel Club will register your purebred dog as pedigrees if your breeder had given you a pedigree when purchasing your Maltese it is likely that they are purebird pedigrees will give you the details of your dog's ancestors of up to five generations they will also show you who they are and how they are like please ensure that your breeder is reliable as some breeders may be dishonest when giving away pedigrees number four purebred Maltese temperament Maltese are generally playful and Lively known as one of the gentlest breeds they'd love people thus being easy to train and please training purebred Maltese early is important to help them develop good behavior they can learn commands pretty quickly as compared to other breeds however can be stubborn at times they are also loyal to their owners and love their attention this also means that they are not able to be left alone for long and may result in them developing separation anxiety as mentioned purebred Maltese can become jealous if overprotected this means that they can act out when near strangers such as barking and becoming aggressive Maltese are playful and can be active indoors this means that they do not need too much exercise Outdoors do note that temperaments depend on how their parents are like if you would like to know more about your Maltese and their temperament you could arrange a meet with their parent through your breeder number five health problems purebred Maltese are generally healthy however are prone to certain health conditions some conditions include patellar luxation poor to systemic liver shunt Progressive retinal atrophy hypoglycemia white dog Shaker syndrome it is important to know if your Maltese is purebred so you can be aware of any potential health conditions they may have if you want a definite factual answer to whether your Maltese is purebred it is best you take a DNA test DNA tests are able to give you a solid answer on your Malteses breed as well as their ancestors
Channel: Animal Guide
Views: 98,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maltese, Maltese Puppy, Maltese dog breed, Maltese dog, Pure bred, Maltese pure bred
Id: oPfM0GhJc-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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