9 Recent Sightings of Cryptids

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nine recent sightings of cryptids welcome to crypto funds ride a number nine is Bigfoot a live Michigan camera feed of two baby bald eagles was photobomb and some say it might have been none other than bigfoot initially only the two baby Eagles could be seen in the camera frame as they nested in a forest in Beulah Michigan but then a dark figure on two legs can be seen through the trees below you can see pictures from the video that seemed to show the figure although the pictures are admittedly blurry it halts then walks through the trees and jumps over a branch after landing on a slope a few feet below the figure disappears into the shadows many people including a Bigfoot expert said the lack of details made the video nothing more than intriguing while others said it was just a human in an ape suit do you have any thoughts number 8 skunk 8 it is also known as the Mayaka 8 and is a hominid cryptid that inhabits North Carolina Florida and Arkansas a Florida man claimed to capture this elusive creature on film while visiting the Mayaka state park in Sarasota County you can see images from the video here but the videos poor quality makes it difficult to discern any features or details it's basically a dark figure in a field the witness described the creature as a large hairy hominid running upright on two legs no word on whether the creature needed a shower or not reports of the skunk ape date back to the 1940s but were most common in the 1960s and 70s number 7 old stinker think werewolves only exist in the movies or in literature residents of Hull a city in the UK believed they've encountered a werewolf called old stinker a creature first sighted there some 200 years ago it's said to be a huge hairy beast with red eyes and was called old stinker due to its bad breath eyewitnesses in town reported seeing an 8-foot tall half-man half-wolf creature that was eating a German Shepherd as it vaulted an 8-foot high fence the fearsome beast was sighted in areas around the farm stand drain man-made channel nearby the sightings prompted a local team of paranormal enthusiasts to search for the creature and one night they spotted the monster crashing through some nearby foliage unfortunately it was impossible to photograph due to the dim lighting while the creature left trampled bushes and uprooted plants in its wake the hard ground made it impractical to detect any footprints the paranormal team claims their werewolf Hunts will continue with every full moon the locals there seem to take the werewolf sightings quite seriously number 6 mermaids are known as mythical creatures that are half woman half fish and the male equivalent is called a man well a man named Paul Jones was taking a walk along a beach in Norfolk in the UK and claims to have found a mermaid washed up there on the shore but this one appeared to be out of her element having left her warm tropical environment for the chilly waters of the North Sea she also appeared to be quite dead images appear to show the decaying body of a human-like creature with a fish tail while the tail and head seemed to be intact the midsection of the body is rotting the pictures were posted online and many seemed to support the claim that these pictures do in fact represent an actual mermaid others think it's a dead seal because a large colony of the animals are known to reside in the region but we may have a better explanation mr. Jones Facebook profile reveals that he is an expert modeler specializing in creepy figures number five Yeti sighting 2016 seems to have been a busy year for Bigfoot we told you about the cryptids purported photobombing in michigan well a few weeks before that the creature was allegedly spotted in Wales although to be fair the man who encountered the beast described it as a Yeti Jason Parsons a Bigfoot enthusiast says he had a close encounter with a gorilla like creature in the woods of nearby carefuly mountain in Wales mr. Parsons shot video from which you can see an image here like so many other images of the cryptid it's difficult to discern any real details without using your imagination still the British Bigfoot research seems to believe the footage represents quote something quite significant and quotient that's their words number four Kraken released the legendary sea monster was said to inhabit waters off the coast of Norway and Greenland now some conspiracy theorists claim the monster has actually been located using Google Earth using a particular set of coordinates the sea monster is said to have been swimming near the coast of Deception Island near Antarctica and it appears to be 100 feet long from head to end other theories suggest it could be a long-lost plesiosaur or even a UFO but our friends over at snopes.com say the creature is actually a rock formation known as sail rock a small volcano located around the southwest spot of Deception Island and located at the same coordinates you can see in this picture that the rock does resemble a ship sail so what do you think is the rock a Kraken or is it the other way around number three Cleveland Ohio was the location for some UFO sightings recently some mysterious footage was shot and a series of photos captured the craft as it moved silently through the skies multiple witnesses say that prior to the crafts appearance the skies had been sunny but after the object appeared strange swirling dark clouds appeared out of nowhere in the pictures you can see the black object appears to have the familiar disc shape of so many UFOs and witnesses claimed this one was spinning above them and appeared to be solid and had circuitry on its top UFO enthusiasts seem convinced this is the real thing do you think it's a hoax or could this be a case for the x-files number two Wow how do you like this Bigfoot and here he is again whatever it is the creature must rack up a lot of frequent flyer miles well now we have word that Bigfoot may have been spotted on Mars or his skull anyway alien hunters claim to see a giant alien skull and images originally captured by NASA's Curiosity rover these alien hunters known as paranormal crucible claimed the skull was obviously alien in and speculate that it might represent the remains of a sasquatch or even some sort of bizarre alien creature well actually you had us at sasquatch admittedly this one is a stretch but it is a way we help you discover nature and all of its mysteries even if they show up on Mars [Music] number one lizard man this cryptid is said to be a reptilian creature standing seven feet tall and lives in the scape ore swamp near the farming town of Bishopville in South Carolina the swamp monster was first spotted almost thirty years ago in 2015 the lizard man of scape ore swamp made another appearance a photo taken by a woman on a cell phone shows a bizarre-looking creature that she swears is the lizard man it's an impressively muscled creature walking upright with clawed toes and clawed fingers the lavender-colored critter also has a long kangaroo like tail red eyes and a snub nosed face now we thought it looked like barny the dinosaur on steroids do you think the lizard man is real well you know what he does have his own twitter account at lizard man SC so maybe you can ask him for yourself
Channel: Epic Wildlife
Views: 756,206
Rating: 4.3681316 out of 5
Keywords: recent, sightings, cryptids, cryptozoology, amazing, weird, scary, mysterious, unexplained, strange, spotted, caught on tape, camera, seen, famous, creatures, mythical, mystery, biggest, explained, captured, proven, proof, scientific, research, crypto, animals, monsters, weirdest, history, nature, epic wildlife, paranormal, bizarre, real, fake, analysed, body, evidence, rare, exists, mermaids, bigfoot, lizard man, conspiracy, yeti, bigfoot on mars, old stinker, werewolves, skunk ape, crpytids caught on tape, ufo, big, fun
Id: 3d2kcKUF54k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2016
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