10 Most Shocking Animal Mutations

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ten bizarre animal mutations number ten Maine lobster catches chimera when Ellen Robinson went traveling in Bar Harbor Maine he liked all commercial fisherman was hoping for a good catch what he caught instead was a 1 in 50 million discovery a chimera occurs when different cells or different species grouped together to form a single creature or a person yes there has been human chimeras who are the genetic equivalent of having non identical twins in one body talk about a great idea for a sequel to twins with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito this particular two-tone lobster is currently being preserved in Maine's Mount Desert oceanarium number nine rhino mice sadly rhino mice do not have tiny horns and run in mini stampedes with each other rather their mutated mice afflicted with Colangelo problems and skin disorders their condition leaves them looking like oversized raisins with legs here's a picture of either two Rhino mice from a scientific study or a regular rhino mouse hanging out with Keith Richards number 8 glass sponges can live for 15,000 years you may think of a sea sponge as something to use to wash your dishes one not particularly spongy looking one is a heck cyst in a lid or a class sponge a better name would be the ferrule of the sea or Keanu Reeves for that matter yes glass sponges are estimated to live up to 15,000 years making them the oldest living animals on the planet scientists think they evolved their current form 700 million years ago at which point had decided yep this is a good enough number 7 octo got the eight-legged goat sometimes animals don't simply grow extra limbs if they lose them a fusion with an underdeveloped twin sibling in the womb can occur which is how octo got the eight-legged goat was born this Croatian goat also had both female and male organs Zoran pep Eric the owner of the farm said I count his legs and I thought I was seeing things then I called my neighbor to make sure that I'm not crazy no new information or updates from the farmer since that has been officially said but that didn't stop Twitter from trying to find out what happened hashtag we need answers number six Italian war lizard rewiring their own guts in 1971 just ten Italian wall lizards were placed on an island in Croatia soon after that the croatian war for independence halted all plants for research to study these lizards and learn about their new habitats scientists were able to return 33 years later in 2004 and they found that 5,000 descendants from the original 10 lizards that not only had survived but destroyed the entire indigenous lizard population what's more fascinating about this is that the original ten were carnivores but the island had a low supply of insects and a large amount of plants so instead of migrating away like humans from salad options at a buffet the lizard developed cecil valves muscles that slowed food digestion giving them more time to break down plant cellulose experts say mutation this quick would be like humans developing another appendix over a few hundred years or better yet americans spent a nice evolving abilities to digest taco bell into car fuel number five snake with a foot found in china i woke up and heard a strange scratching sound i turned on the lights and saw this monster working its way along the wall using his claw said dean quashing from sunnin southern china missus Cushing 66 was so scared she got a shoe and killed the dangling intruder before putting it into a bottle of alcohol her tactic was much better method than Samuel Jackson's wouldn't have it panicked and yelled I'm tired of these mother snakes with these mush in legs the snake was 16 inches long and is now being studied at the life science department at China's West Normal University nan Chang snake expert long shoe said it's truly shocking but we won't know the cause until we've conducted an autopsy number 4 elephants are evolving to lose their tusks and avoid poachers there were about a million elephants in 1989 when the international ban on trade of ivory took effect of that number 7.5 percent of them were being poached each year fast forward to today and less than half of them are left so the elephants are evolving by responding with mutations and being born without tusks Queen Elizabeth National Park researchers in Uganda discovered that 15% of female elephants and 9 percent of males were being born without tusks experts hypothesized that making themselves less valuable to poachers by not growing tasks will help them survive unfortunately elephant tusks are used as tools to dig for water and roots and battle for mate attention which means mother nature decided poachers are a greater threat to elephants than tusks being grown to collect food and score number 3 Frank and Louis the longest surviving two-headed cat dip raza puss is a condition that causes areas of the face to be duplicated cats with this condition unknown as jános cats after the Roman two-headed God Yanis cats can rarely survive congenital defects due to digestion problems that slowly starve or cause pneumonia but Frank and Louie not only survived he triumphs Lee used all his nine lives to pur his way up to 15 years of healthy living and even made it into the Guinness Book of World Records that's an accomplishment most people with only one face haven't even done number two the Lord's survived by stealing DNA from other species Deloitte's which the Bee is silent are microscopic organisms that live in freshwater yet can survive out of water for years and if that's not weird enough as a species they haven't had sex in about 80 million years so don't feel too bad about not getting a date in a while experts in specie copulation are off the idea that a species reproducing asexually cannot survive since each generation would be flawed the Lords have defined these odds in the most horrifying way possible when they analyzed their DNA scientists found to be a genetic mosaic a single Deloitte had DNA from more than 500 different species these DNA thieves are even able to survive outside of the water for nine years why would they be outside of their natural habitat for that long maybe trying to fuse with our strongest land animals and take over the earth who knows number one man with a reptile heart imagine you feel the most painful chest pains and you dash to the hospital hoping you're not going to have a heart attack the doctors tell you that there's the good news and bad news the good news is that you're not having a heart attack the bad news is that inside your chest beats a cold heart of a reptile a 59 year old man who was admitted to the hospital with symptoms that had doctors and scientists disbelieved until they gave him an x-ray and found that he actually had the heart of a snake a reptilian heart with only three chambers instead of the usual four again the heart didn't just resemble a lizard's heart studies of the organ found that it was a real genetic mutated throwback a simple case of evolution getting drunk and forgetting which era it's in because you probably think this is made up here is what the scientists had to say in early stages of embryonic development the human heart resembles that of a fish in later stages of development the human heart now with fully separated arteria and partially separated ventricle resembles a reptilian heart
Channel: Epic Wildlife
Views: 4,993,490
Rating: 4.5142512 out of 5
Keywords: snake, strangest, animals, mutations, conditions, pets, top 10, unusual, mutant snake, giant snake, weirdest, bizarre, top list, repitle heart, octo goat, man, people, snakes on plane, animal mutations, medical conditions, embrace random, epicwildlife, epictooltime, body mutations, pet mutations, weirdest pets, shocking, human mutations, Mutation (Disease Cause), snake legs
Id: O_5WfI9YCqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2015
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