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hi there it's your favorite hairy Woodsman again bringing you some uh hard earned wisdom from the Deep Woods or at least I'll just sit there and talk a little bit uh and I have a message in this video that I find to be quite important actually and it's very simple do less yeah yeah do less now this is not coming from some hippie wandering around in the woods not not at all I am far from that and I am not one of those people who will uh you know uh curse at capitalism and all that no but I think that we have to look at society around us and recognize that it is changing now I have said before that we are moving into a system um that some people are calling techn feudalism I see it in a little little bit more uh I have a wider perspective on it and I've called it feudalism 2.0 where uh you know as the slogan goes um from the world economic Forum um you will own nothing and you will be happy you know I think we need to really look at how things are changing and what's going on and ask ourselves is it really true that the smart thing is just to work hard is that really the smart option now I think not I think that will not give you happiness um now I have I have a cup of coffee here now and uh there's a there might be a little bit of wind noise uh so we'll move into the cabin here uh and uh continue our talk there okay so here we are in inside one of the many wooden shelters that you will find here in the Norwegian Woods and I've uh I've been up here quite a lot actually up through the years um and uh if you have been following this channel um you will you you you may have seen me here in in one of the other videos um what is value what's value how do you measure value is it is it money is it time is it days hours uh experiences what is value I'm pretty sure that if you're if you have been paying attention during during the last few years um you would not say that money is value those two are different things and if you look at something like life quality what's life quality what does it consist of is it how much money you have well it's certainly a factor it it is it would be foolish to say otherwise but if you have what you need you know basic needs um Will adding additional money make you happier and my main message here in in this video is that I think time has come now to re-evaluate this Society on our place in society and do less do less and do only the things that you have to do to cover your basic needs and apart from that do only the things that you want to do for me moving forward now after half a century here on this planet you know I want less less commitments less work less appointments less obligations less work I want less of all those things that have taken up and occupied five decades well maybe not the first decade but you know when you start at school and from then on all those things I want less of that and I want more freedom laughter Joy waking up with nothing to do that day more hiking more time out in nature those joyful things I want more of that and all of these things that I want more of are things that you can't buy they don't cost anything you know this cup I carved it myself um but of course I did I I haven't made my own clothes and so on but I think I have a pointer and I think as more and more people are beginning to discover this that you shouldn't add more to your life you should subtract more and more people will will be looking at society and and just shake their head because we are told Now by our fine politicians globalist leaders and these people that you know um you should work longer uh they want us to work until we die so that uh we we don't get any pension and so on it's it's quite obvious that's their plan now you know and take up a mortgage to buy a house or just rent rent some place place in a city expensive place rent someplace for your entire life when people are looking at that now with a different mindset which more and more people are they see how crazy it is how ins saying that that way of existing is and I say existing because it's not really living is it never forget that this Society doesn't own you you're not a slave you know uh it seems like quite a few people have forgotten that but but actually you're free you're born free you can you can just do whatever you like now yeah I know I know people will be writing that I can't do that I live in a city I can't get out in nature and so on and so on yeah I I hear you but you know what everything's anything everything and anything is possible I had my neck broken in a car accident many years ago uh 3 days ago I think it was I uh competed in the Norwegian Nationals in powerlifting so if you think that you can't do it it's impossible I would ask you to think again you would be surprised if you really look at things and you ask some hard questions and especially you know do I really need to do this is this necessary is this job here that I hate necessary for me to have a good life maybe I could move out of this city to somewhere cheaper and do something else that would make me happier when you I mean when you start looking at things it's amazing what what you will see most people have options most people don't have to just exist with a miserable job and so on and so on you are free freedom is is there for the taking and just to clarify am I saying that if if you're you know young you should not take higher education no no if you want to go to university you know you should do that am I saying that um you shouldn't be u a high achieving uh person in your profession not at all many people find their passion or they they their work is their passion and I'm one of those people as a novelist so am I saying that no you shouldn't care about you know making money and and all the all of those things no no but everyone needs to realize that that in itself will not make you happy and it gets to a point where you have added so much to your life that there isn't any space there and that's when you will feel trapped that's when the happiness starts to fade away and vanish and that's when it's time to subtract things from your life and just let me add to the conversation here that I think it's very foolish to care about what other people think you know I mean look at me look at my hat I don't care about what other people think I don't care about what other people think about my appearance what I say I don't care about this YouTube algorithm and all that nonsense I don't care and through not caring about all these stupid things you will find Freedom you know know and freedom is important I think it's impossible to be happy without Freedom so people you know they they usually say that oh I just want to be happy but I think that what they're really trying to say is that I just want to be free you know so yeah that's my little talk for today and uh thanks for if you're still here thanks for listening I will be uh hiking uh back home now I'll finish my cup of uh coffee first and uh do subscribe to this channel if if you want I mean it's very easy to do it's just click on that subscribe button and uh then hopefully you know you will uh you will you might be notified when I upload my next video so um and you might enjoy that one as well hopefully you enjoyed this one if you're still watching okay have a wonderful day and uh you know take care of yourself and you load ones and uh be free [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen
Views: 569,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bjorn andreas bull hansen, bjorn andreas bull-hansen, bjørn andreas bull-hansen, bjørn andreas bull hansen, motivational talk, motivational speech, motivational video
Id: tKIaSgD0Ovk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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