9 Must-Eat Restaurants in Tokyo, Japan (Watch This Before You Go)

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we're in for this trip to Japan we change Tokyo with the express purpose of having epic foods and we did exactly that here are my 9 favorite restaurants that you just have to check out okay guys we're in the basement of the Tokyo department store in the b1 level it's right by a supermarket tucked away in the corner but we've heard really good reviews of this sushi spot it's called your rican ties into sushi and what we ordered today is this guy the fatty tuna set and the seasonal sushi look at what we have here the fatty tuna said it's a bluefin collar so they asked us that they want wasabi inside and we said yes so the Wasabi's action for you inside don't need to add any additional wasabi melt-in-your-mouth wow this is good this is only 1,500 yen which is about 16 canadian dollars this is a steal look at how many pieces you get [Music] don't mind me over here that the scallions on this roll fatty tuna as well oh he musn't dab the soy sauce but it's a bit of a dye stuff tuna just as not as you don't taste the fat as much just because it's all mixed in together but the scallions really complement the flavor gives it kind of a little bit of a sweet taste and a little bit of a different texture as well so Chantelle here has the seasonal sushi chef I'll say that the sushi scent wasn't as good this fatty tuna was the bomb definitely good enough look at this work of art so coming to Eureka was definitely a very good choice the sushi kheer was absolutely superb and at really good prices so if you come here definitely get outside and it was pretty much ready once we got here so what I got here is this has radish yuzu and tempura of flying fish I've no idea what that is but they recommended it so we're gonna give this a shot it's supposed to be the best food on in town a little bit we got some scallions here as well I've been seeing them making it fresh so I know this is good [Music] like is that it's a bouncy texture you can tell it was made fresh the yuzu gives it a nice like sweet and sour kind of chase actually the radish is really really good I don't know how they made this but very good really good bounce it's like not like the frozen udon you have back home it's not soggy at all the reason why we knew cold udon was the thing to get was because funding Lee enough we were standing in front of two guys one of the guys actually works at another futon place in your Tokyo Station and he said like you got to do the cold if you really wanted to taste proper food on and have it fresh way to go because otherwise when the students said that it basically sits and I guess does get a bit suck so I also got the cold noodle as well so this one here comes with the shrimp tempura chicken and also the rice yeah yes that's the lady supplying the flying fish cake like this is it's like wow it is really bouncy chicken I just had nice and juicy yeah tender really good I'm really surprised like I'm really surprised worth the wait well it's the end of the night and what better way to end off our day by coming to Shinjuku and piss Ali this I think memories Lane is the ultimate name for it but essentially it's this really narrow alleyway that's been filled with all these like yakitori different restaurants all the way through we found some ramen as well other barbeque places but we didn't know where to go so we just picked the first one that we saw pretty much near the entrance and this is where we are at so what we got here is the six piece yakitori for nine hundred yen and that is everything from like meatballs so I think liver gizzard chicken scallion so excited to try all these different things beer to wash it down the right way to do it to yakitori oh nice soy glaze on top like teriyaki sauce so many choices Wow his chickens good liver if this is liver not usually a big fan I won't stop Chuey all right so I'll be the first to admit that the yakitori here is a premium level but still pretty good now just the ambience is awesome beers great kind of a really neat place to come out with friends and just really the end of the night here in Tokyo but there's one thing you got to know so we just paid the bill and we found out that there is a sitting feet at least at this place for 300 yen so 300 yen per person that means 600 just for sitting here and then the order comes on top so what we thought was going to be 1,400 turned out to be 2,000 so we made it to Tsukiji fish market we went down an alley and into a small entrance that you never would have noticed but this is motor Donny a friend recommended to us and it's essentially a very local sushi restaurant all the freshest ingredients obviously straight from the market and so everything here I mean the ambience is really local really a really intense experience what we have is basically the two dishes in front of us we've ordered the sashimi which is 1,200 yen and we also have 12 piece New Guinea which is 1,500 yen it looks amazing so we're gonna start with the sashimi tuna sashimi move the fresh really fresh this really has an assortment of a fatty tuna you might be snapper over there we with clams egg this might be Sabah I'm not too sure mackerel I think this is a mackerel over here with the ginger on top and here kind of the same but in negative format like an octopus delicious completely authentic I love it mostly locals a lot of Japanese that come here so knowledge was actually at all so this is a let's try the big Toro still melt in your mouth not quite as good as your D key but really good the other part about this place no lineup at all opens up at I think was like 10 o'clock or 10:30 but we got here open the door we got to see right away so most of Diamond was a big hit we really loved the sushi that we had here now coming down this small alley we never would have thought that there would be something here but all the locals seem to know to come here so if you want some sushi and have a hyper local experience most Dante's the place to come in Tsukiji so in Japan there's pretty much a restaurant for any type of dish that you love back home and we love our tempura we are actually in a specific tent for a restaurant we're in a department store called mat tsuya this restaurant is called tempura shinjuku soon that hatch so we got pretty much the same set between the two with pretty much a collection of different Emperor's from shrimp to vegetables assortment of things I guess we're gonna find out but our first dish has made it here with the miso with even a tomato soup we got rice what we're gonna be doing now is basically we got our tempura sauce we got the salts over here and in the radish so there's a specific step for how you have tempura what you do is essentially you dip it in the soy sauce you touch the salt so I guess we got that we're gonna pick some salt and then a try the wasabi soy because that's gonna it's kind of different I'm gonna put the salt here you're gonna touch the salt we're gonna put some radish just a little bit of radish on top this is the proper way to have tempura there's a grated radish and then you eat the batter itself is not salty at all if you have it by itself you know I can taste the salt that's why you got to actually dip it in that salt to get a bit more flavor mmm you got a bit of wasabi I like this wasabi salt there okay so this one is vegetable tempura looks pretty funny I have no idea what kind of vegetable it is [Music] mm-hmm it's like the leafy perfect level of Christmas it's not super oily it's nice that you can balance out the flavors as you wish amount of soy sauce the amount of salt that you want amount of radish oh this is eel nice big pieces of shrimp in there so if you're looking for a plots tempura experience this place is the one to come to this is a highly anticipated place we are on ramen Street is a Tokyo Metro we are in a place called Brooklyn Asia probably pronouncing it wrong but essentially is one of the top-rated ramen restaurants Kuril on the street we put on put in our quarters and kind of interesting that you use a machine you press a few buttons you put in some money out comes your ticket you get back in line and once once you got a table like we do now we gave them my tickets and they're gonna make our ramen my special ramen has a run I'm really excited to try there it's got everything from the scallions to the seaweed we got this nice piece of pork right here nothing to tell it's not the ten stuff that you get looks like a really nice [Music] a really nice balance this has a bit of spice to it so the nice kick okay so the pork is not hot all the way through it's a bit cold in the center but noodles are good it's a nice bully broth not too salty I do want to show you guys the egg cuz that's really for me what makes a good ramen place kids the egg there we have it you still got the wet part of the egg inside oops just right on the outside they don't mess around it's a nice balance of flavors not overpowering so I had a bit of a taste of chantels dipped noodles and I'll say that I think there's a bit too strong of a tuna flavored taste it almost like canned tuna better than that obviously but it's it's really strong and it's a really thick broth so that's why you kind of dip it in and you kind of have a taste but definitely for us maybe not not our jam so I really love that this place is right in the subway station you can pretty much get off of work or wherever you're transiting through come down here on the underground come to ramen alley or ramen Street and pick any one of these I think this is obviously the most popular one because at the corner and there's obviously the long lines all the time but pick any one of these and you're gonna get really good ramen here at Tokyo Station we are in a restaurant called nakiya cheering Tsukiji fish market and so it's 7 o'clock right now considered to be late to come to one of the better-known sushi restaurants but we want to try something a little bit different because we've been here before wanting to come to a smaller place one that doesn't have a lot of lines and serves up sushi in a different style when I kinda specializes in is essentially sriracha bowls rice bowls and so what I have here we ordered two different things and I specifically wanted the Toro and sea urchin so mine is just these two things a whole lot of it and it looks absolutely beautiful you might get to tears you also have kind of this pickle and you also have Chantell also has a different trait and what she has is a different jirachi that is I guess considered a mixed bowl and so this mix bowl has everything from Unni to road to shrimp crab scallop salmon that might be snapper octopus tuna that is certifiably melting your mouth how it works is that once you're outside the lady takes your order you just really point out what you're looking at you put in your order and once your seats ready you come inside this narrow restaurant there's not a lot of space as you can see basically we sat down and the food came to us in literally 30 seconds so if you're coming to Tsukiji fish market and you want to have fresh fish on kurachi then the chi is the place to come so underneath the subway tracks is this crazy establishment it's called yakitori taun taun all they do is basically yakitori open late and in the evenings for like a salaryman and people that you know are getting off work travelers like us there definitely other tourists around us but they specialize in skewers and some other things we got our first item here this is Jaco wasabi excited to try this because this is one my favorite izakaya items but there's basically gonna be a stream of skewers coming our way second up right now are the yakitori green peppers so for our third item we have chicken balls our fourth dish this is cartilage through these are chicken cartilage pieces sound scarier than it actually is but this is really good we did in the soy sauce this one our fifth and six skewers we have chicken and pork so I think we did both of these like the salt style smoking you can definitely taste the salt flavors go in you got a bit of skin on top it's not overcooked it's really tender actually this is a amazing experience here at yakitori taun taun I'd say like out of everything that we've had here so far like one of the newest experience is way better than that memory lane piss alley the atmosphere of it all with the the trains running through a lot of locals using this as kind of a connector between different parts of one sided tunnel to the other a lot of traffic it's like there's so much energy so much excitement everyone's kind of half drunk but yes I highly recommend this spot definitely come here when you got some time want to do yakitori this is a spot to come through Tokyo so we're at the legendary okonomiyaki place in the Asakusa area called soma taro it seems a really awesome in terms of ambiance ton of famous people have come here but you are here for the Japanese pancake of course so we've ordered two different okonomiyaki what's kind of neat about this place is that you pretty much DIY your own so they've given us some instructions it's in the English menu and surprise that actually a lot of people here do speak English so it's really easy to get in an order so we're gonna get this done this is the Domo q10 it's got steamed cuttlefish steamed shrimp egg cabbage and minced beef and pork lots of batter of course and the second one that we ordered is called mochi ten and Moshe ten is rice cake cheese and corn piping hot they got the fans here of course cuz it's it's it's live in hot right now so what I'm doing is I'm just mixing it up right now here goes look how packed it is with all the goods okay so it's five minutes on five minutes the other side the way you do it is basically you you paste on this sauce next is Mayo and you kind of go nuts with it and then finally the green stuff break it up into pizza slices and we're ready to eat something special about making her very own and then it was on to round two with our second attempt and the mochi ten cutting it up into pizza slices it's really sticky though I think it's kind of why we got this one cuz we wanted to try something different look at these rice cakes mmm got much more of a chewy texture in there kind of like a mochi okonomiyaki worth it that was superb but very hot okonomiyaki place here in Asakusa they'll say that it was incredibly delicious and made with love [Music] [Music] yeah there's not a lot of other better ways to spend $10
Channel: Going Awesome Places
Views: 608,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Going Awesome Places, Japanese food, best food in Tokyo, visit Japan, Tokyo Japan, what to eat in Tokyo, things to eat in Tokyo, things to eat in Japan, yakitori ton ton, uoriki kaisen sushi, tokyo restaurants, must eat in tokyo, tokyo foodie, rokurinsha ramen, tokyo ramen street, shin udon, piss alley, memory lane, tsunahachi tempura, motodane, nakaya, tokyo food guide, best sushi, food ranger japan, japan food tour, where to eat in tokyo, mark weins japan
Id: QB8ma8-SpSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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