Tokyo Ramen Top 5 Must Eat at Shinjuku | Japanese Food Guide

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in this video i'm gonna show you guys my top ramen shops in shinjuku [Music] alright so this has been a long time waiting after i did my shibuya ramen videos you guys have requested for me to do my top ramen shops in shinjuku and finally we're here shinjuku is known to have some of the best of ramen in all of tokyo and there's just so many spots so to try to narrow down to five was a little bit tough but hopefully you're gonna like my recommendations also in my shinjuku top 10 things to do video i pointed out a ramen shop which is one of actually my favorites but it's not going to be in this video because we've already covered it if you want to see that ramen shop definitely check out that video also if you guys want to see what i'm doing throughout the week or what i'm doing when i'm actually filming these videos definitely check out my instagram account alright let's get our ramen on number five men's show san francisco all right so this joint behind me is one of the healthier locations we're going to a really nice chicken broth and they also have a wagyu ramen that's to die for let's go inside michelin star restaurant mincho san francisco was originally opened in san francisco by japanese chef tomoharu shono and was later reversed imported to tokyo it's hidden away on the seventh floor of mirodo the shop presents a stylish cafe like interior attracting a large female audience when compared to most ramen shops what i love about this place is that they have customizable options so i threw down on the a5 black hair wagyu beef shoyu ramen the beef on top is from kagoshima silky smooth and extremely tender the soup was made from beef kenkotsu and bonito flakes creating a strong yet light flavor delicately placed on this large layer of beef you can see a soy sauce powder yuzu and garlic noodles are a medium thickness with a crimp style mixed distinctively with quinoa so this is wagyu beef it's probably going to be the most expensive ramen in this video it smells so delicious all right let's just take our first bite of this meat it looks so good look at that you can see that half of it is like still like red while the other half here is like it's cooked from the soup [Music] wow that meat is insane it's so tender and you can definitely taste like the fat because usually the wagyu beef is quite fatty and so you get all of that like luscious oils from the beef and what i love about it is that it's just like almost like disintegrates in your mouth but it's quite light like it's not that thick so it's really really easy to eat ah that's so delicious wow the soup is delicious quite light kind of like a fish base what's cool it has these yellow bits it's actually yuzu which is kind of like a citrusy lemon flavor if you've never had it before and it kind of like brightens up the soup taste i usually generally like kind of like a thick miso soup which is this is not it's just really really light and easy but it like pairs really well with the wagyu beef and this stuff is just so good even like when it came it was just all raw but like it cooks as you eat definitely with this one you get what you paid for michael ordered their basic menu python chicken ramen and egg on rice on the side this ramen is infused with a rare soy foam covering the top tender pork choshu half egg mizuna leaves and walnuts which add a nice crunchy texture the white soup is created using chicken and soy milk and is finished with a strong yuzu citrus blast the black powder is in fact a soy sauce powder made with a special kamebishi soy sauce which requires a three-year fermentation process to produce so let's have some of this wow the yuzu is really really strong this one it's also a chicken broth soup the thing that's hits me the most is the use it's really citrusy the soup itself has a foam on top and i thought it was going to be really thick by just looking at it initially the soup is quite light to be honest i think in terms of the soup my favorite is the wagyu soup they also have a spicy ramen here as well and they also have a matcha ramen which i just can't show you all four of them it's like too much of this place so definitely worth checking out if you want a matcha flavored ramen as well as a spicy ramen with like a chicken base oh and one more thing check out my japan shirt number four hosenka so this shop behind me has a deep flavored clear fish soup ramen that's amazing so this shop is relatively new it just opened last summer but it's already quite so you know that it's already built a name for itself let's go inside and let me show you hosenka is the second ramen shop produced by the owners hayashira ramen which is another popular ramen shop in shinjuku this is their tokusei ramen in english it means special ramen their golden dashi soup is mainly made with a premium sebring called kinmedai topped with a rare pork shoulder chashu loosen pieces of kinmedai bamboo sprouts chopped red onions green onions and a half boiled marinated egg and the whole weed straight noodles help accentuate the deep fish flavors it smells so good it has this like luscious still like red meat there's like red pieces of pork [Music] you could definitely taste like the hints of sabrina in here what i love about it is that it's paired with these like really nice thin pieces of meat so it gives it kind of like a unique and like interesting flavor it's like pairs really really well just try these like really really long pieces of bamboo that's just such an unbeatable texture what's amazing about this it still has the fish chunks let's like mix that in with the noodles [Music] i love that the noodles are actually pretty unique as well in this place it's kind of thin and it's made out of like you can see there's like the noodles have it's like kind of a brown grainy freckles in them like a special grain in the noodles but the thing is there's just so much flavor in the noodles and in the ramen and just like this whole dish that you think it's going to be like a super light dish but you don't really want anything after this like you definitely feel satisfied after eating this bowl i like this one the best michael keeps on saying she likes this on the vest they're all so good let's check out this egg and break it open wow this is like the most orange i've seen an egg in a long time volcano red looks like a a sunset orange just like from a special kind of chicken maybe just kind of like dip it into the sauce wow the egg just melts in your mouth like the center yolk part it's still a little bit fluid but there's still some of that like gristly texture to it what a beautiful way to prepare an egg to finish it off don't hesitate ordering the kinmedai tazuke which is eaten afterwards with your leftover ramen soup you just need to tell them when you're done and they'll come over and serve you an additional bowl of rice and soup topped with two small pieces of fish chunks and mild wasabi on the side all right so if you're still hungry which is like i highly doubt but sometimes i get hungry afterwards you can actually order ochatsuke here take the broth of the soup that you didn't finish and then you add it to some rice and it's like a good way because the soup itself is so flavorful it's so deep that you can add it to rice and still get a pretty awesome meal like a rice porridge if you will this is one of the things japanese people love to do is to have ojetsuke it's like a finishing off kind of meal and it's so delicious there's just so much flavor in this soup they even like have like some wasabi here that you can use to eat it give it just like that extra kick [Music] number three misoya hachiro shoten so this ramen shop behind me makes an awesome miso ramen and they have a killer spicy option which i'm about to go show you hopefully i don't dye this one because it gets super super hot let's go inside this shop is under the famous ramen shop group nan tute which is famously known for its creamy tonkotsu broth soup so without missing any flavorful notes misoya hachiro shoten also implements a creamy tonkotsu broth but in the miso variety the shop uses a special blend of miso from hokkaido to create its own special richness [Music] now this is a spicy miso ramen and it's complete fire the black oil on top is made from the shop's special burnt garlic oil made by taking garlic chips and frying them in seven different cooking times and then combining it with a sesame oil alright so this is the spicy miso broth you can actually choose the different levels of spiciness and i've chosen the geki kara ramen because i just love spicy ramen so much so this is like a tonkotsu based miso soup it's really thick look you can just see like how thick this soup is it's like cool because you can see like the different layers of broth it's quite oily and you can see like the fatty bits too and then it has like some minced meat right there let's just drink the soup [Music] that's good and like it has like some hints of almost like a chinese you can see that it has some egg in there the cha shoot itself looks pretty good it has like the fattier pieces as well it has some onions it has like a healthy portion of sprouts and there's just like a healthy portion of minced meat the noodles are quite thick and they're like quite large like in general it is spicy though just burning a little bit of my tongue it's not like super super hot but i feel like the more i eat this the spicier and spicier it's going to get that's nice like the the noodles itself like picks up the tonkatsu broth really well and like almost adds like like sweetness to it that's so good wow it's getting spicier and slicer you can like definitely taste like the chinese sancho that they have in here like gives it a nice like kind of numbing effect oh the meat is is nice and tender yogurt is just a little bit more but jesus is good man i'm sweating if you're looking for a spicy spot this is a good spot i like how they even like pan fried the sprouts so this is the regular standard ramen here i actually like this if you're not looking for something spicy you can definitely taste the soup in this one you can see that there's actually like a lot of like fat bits in this soup what a treat still like a tonkotsu based ramen flavors are just amazing the umami is just popping in the sun the one thing about this one is if you can't do spiciness then i recommend just getting like this version because it is like a mellow down like very flavorful soup and then the noodles are quite good as well the broth is even a little bit sweet which is nice number two oreno soda oreno soda is one of my favorite ramen shops in all of shinjuku odai is like the manly way to say me soda means sky so it's like my sky ramen and you can see by the line just behind me that this place is good and it's still early this line gets even longer they have a unique blend of pork and fish based ramen one of the things i love the most about this place is their unique toppings let's go inside so i can show you guys what i'm talking about oreno sora is a well-known ramen shop in takadano baba and this is their second shop as for the menu you can choose from three different types kakebuta soba tsukebuta soba and aya bukasoba this is kake butasova literally translated to poured pork noodle which is their standard ramen it's expertly combined with a beautiful duck choshu marinated egg bamboo shoots and noti seaweed and this is their aya soba it doesn't come with a soup but rather the noodles are pre-lathered with their luscious thick creamy sauce almost pasta like for those seeking a bit more acid they provide a lemon juice to round out the flavors i didn't order tsuke soba but it's a dipping style ramen you've probably already seen in my shibuya top five ramen videos i love this place like you feel like you're almost like in a hostess club like you can see like the black shirts and behind the black shirts they have like the name of the store written like in a silver glitter it's pretty awesome what i love most about this place is their ramen this is like a little bit different because it has a duck and then it has like the shredded pieces of pork it has a full egg and it looks like it's been marinated and it has like these really really thick pieces of menma that has some seaweed and then it has some really really thin noodles which i love oh that's so good it's kind of like thick and creamy it's like bursting with flavors that mommy is just kicking in this in the memo let's see i love that like soft crunchy texture of memo it's delicious look at that duck [Music] tenderlicious wow i feel like i'm in chinatown i just love the shredded meat here look at that you like in japan you don't get a lot of places that have shredded meat it's almost like one of a kind plus it's mixed in with a fork and fish frog giving it like a completely unique flavor i'm just blown away and number one manrai so if you guys are in a search for a hearty bowl of ramen or something unique then this is a spot it can't get more unique than this one let me go inside and show you get it show you manrai has been around since 1961 moving shops a few times and finally settling at this spot several years ago with its wooden chic interior resembling a classic japanese silver shop and check who's sitting at the counter mostly dudes that's a good sign for some healthy portions this is their standard bold chashu ramen this clear shoyu soup appears light and mild but it's deceptively strong flavored and has a deep umami taste their flat wrinkly noodles are a perfect complement to their broth and most impactful are these three insanely large pieces of pork mixed in with noti seaweed and green onions i just can't believe like how much meat is in here like this is like a man's portion look at that one two and there's like a third one that's very deep look how big that piece of meat is honestly that's huge let's take the first bite [Music] oh that's so tender oh look at these noodles [Music] that's so good so this is like a shoyu based ramen the soup itself is quite light in fact like it's not too salty it's not too sweet it's just like a mellow tasting ramen but it's super delicious it's like slightly oily um you can tell like just like looking at the soup but that could just be like the fats from the meat it even has some noodie and some bamboo in there i just can't get over how big this is [Music] this will definitely fill you up so basically if you want the biggest piece of meat ever in your ramen then definitely this is the spot to go because this is honestly more than a full meal like you'll definitely be filled after this so worth going here and if you're into natto then you can't sleep on their natto zaru the dipping soup is also a shoyu based broth but has a welcome tangy sourness and is covered in a beautiful yellow foam which is produced by whipping egg and natto in the broth all laden with several tender pieces of pork and bamboo shoots now i'm having maiko's skamin and basically if you've never had skaven before the soup comes separate to the noodles the noodles itself are like quite cold but then it like it soaks up all of the broth when you dip it in wow that's nice it has like a bit of like um acidity in here like sour refreshing taste but it's really nice just try the meat real quick not as big as the other bowl [Music] wow so this chashu like it's crazy because like the meat here is less but it tastes better because i think it's the broth like though the meat has like soaked up kind of like this vinegary kind of like soup base which is like insanely good what sets this one apart is because it has natto in it and so it's also drawing flavors from the natto base in here and you can see that kanata beans so if you're not a natto fan then maybe this soup won't be here to your liking but damn it's so unique and different you don't get this in a lot of other ramen stores another one this is amazing simply amazing all right so what'd you guys think if you liked it hit that like button if you want me to do another ramen video in here in shinjuku let me know in the comments or if you want me to go anywhere else in tokyo let me also know in the comments definitely check out my instagram and my japan merch all links are below also i already did a ramen video on shibuya so definitely check that out if you're interested and finally if you want to see more of my adventures in tokyo or japan i release a video every saturday morning and sometimes wednesdays now so hit that subscribe button or the bell button and i'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Paolo fromTOKYO
Views: 534,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paolo, ramen, ramen japan, japan ramen, japan ramen shop, tokyo, shinjuku, japan, tokyo ramen, ramen tokyo, shinjuku ramen, ramen shinjuku, ramen shinjuku tokyo, ramen shops japan, ramen shops in tokyo, tokyo ramen shop, shinjuku ramen shop, japanese food, tokyo food, food, things to eat in tokyo, things to eat in shinjuku, wagyu ramen, miso ramen tokyo, michelin star ramen, Best Ramen in Tokyo, Top Ramen in Tokyo, Top Ramen in Japan, tokyo ramen guide, 新宿 ラーメン, 新宿 おすすめラーメン
Id: eo82TCYB8IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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