[9 HOURS] True Scariest Experience Stories to Avoid When Home Alone in 2021

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serious what is the scariest thing to happen to you when you've been home alone the scariest thing that happened to me i didn't know actually happened until the following day i lived in an apartment in a not so good part of a dangerous city with my boyfriend who worked nights one day our friend came over and called me to let him in our building in a hurry turns out this guy had been crouched by my car in the parking lot and had approached our friend and closed in on him my friend pulled out a weapon and the guy ran off upstairs i noticed that the guy had left a green bundle near my car and assumed he would be back for it it made me uncomfortable so i suggested we call the cops not five minutes after a cop showed up to ask where the guy had gone swat k9 and about 10 cars showed up and swarmed our area turns out the guy had escaped from county the night before with two other guys he was in jail for assault with a deadly weapon and repeated domestic violence offenses he had climbed the fence in the yard behind our building where our landlord kept his camper broken into the camper and stayed there the night before he had stolen all the electronics out of it as well as a butcher knife and was trying to break into my car before my friend showed up i had been alone the night before and had taken my dog down to the yard to go to the bathroom i noticed that the barbed wire on the top of the fence had fallen down and my dog was nervous but i brushed it off the guy had been in the camper watching me the whole time and i never knew it there had been a scratching in my ceiling for a while and my landlady was dragging her feet over having it looked into one night around 2 a.m the scratching became so bad it woke me up from a dead sleep i tried to reassure myself that whatever it was couldn't really get through to me and i would be fine until i could call my landlady the next day and really press the issue then some debris fell from my ceiling whatever was up there had managed to dig a small hole into my room i screamed and heard some scurrying away from my approximate location grabbed any stuff i needed for the next day got the fck out of there shut the door tight behind me and slept on the couch i called my landlady first thing in the morning and she had someone come while i was at work that day to check it out a mama raccoon had managed to get her way into the space between the roof and my ceiling and had given birth to a litter of kits the guy speculated that the kits were getting old enough to start wrestling around and that was likely what led to the hole in my ceiling luckily it was just small the size of a quarter so there weren't any angry raccoons hanging out in my room when i got home they were able to safely trap and release the whole little family but i still started hunting for new apartments asap i moved into my new place on may 1st someone tried to break into my neighbor's house while i was babysitting their kids i was 15 and i used to babysit for my neighbors down the block they had a really nice house three floors with a built-in garage under the house that connected to the basement it was the family's most used entrance of the house and they rarely locked the basement door as long as the garage was closed they also had the type of security system where anytime a door opens you heard deep beep beep after the parents left one night i was putting the kids to bed and i heard the beep beep beep i yelled out thinking it was the parents coming back for something but no one answered the system on the wall kept reading basement door open i was freaked out so i called my dad and asked him to come by since he was only a few houses away when he arrived he told me to stay in the kitchen while he checked the house but before he could we heard the beep beep beep again and then the garage door opened when we ran to the window to see if the parents were pulling into the driveway they weren't instead someone in a hoodie was running out of the garage door and into the woods behind the house my dad ended up calling the cops i'm still creeped out by it when i was around eight or nine my mom commuted to a major city about an hour hour and a half away so i would bring myself home from school about 100 meters away lock the door and watch cartoons or play neopets until she got home we lived in apartment blocks and one day one of the older male people in the apartment lost his wallet and he figured it must have been me keep in mind i've never stolen anything in my life or had any trouble with the law and i had no clue what he was talking about he came and banged on the door so aggressively that i jumped out of my skin and was belligerent demanding i open the door i rang mom crying and she jumped on a train to come home but she was an hour and a half away she called some friends and they came and got me and at that stage he had taken a break and gone back to his apartment but left his dry cleaning there when mum got back she stormed straight to his door and pounded on it like he had done to our door he came to the door all shocked and she demanded to know why he thought it was appropriate to bang on the door for an hour to scare a little girl he replied that he thought i stole his wallet mom asked him if he still thought i did and he said no i found it in the car park she looked like she wanted to kill him and forced him to apologize also in that same apartment block there was a hairline fracture on the sliding door that we didn't know about a strong wind blew and shattered the entire window inwards i was home alone then too that was scary as fck we lived outside a rural town and my mother always told my father not to leave me home unsupervised because it was a 20 minute drive from town if some accident were to occur anyway my dad was a completely irresponsible parent and so he ignored that advice and instead left me at home by myself at age seven however before he left to go back to a meeting he explained how to load and his 12-gauge shotgun under his bed with buckshot and told me if anyone comes to the door and tried to break in shoot them fast forward a couple hours my mother calls him and asks how everything is going he says i'm home alone she loses her mind and rushes out of work to come home and get me in her rush she forgets her house keys so she gets home and starts banging on the front door i didn't hear her voice at all so being the obedient child i am i go into my parents room load the gun and bring it towards the door i it and i don't know if my mom heard it or what but she suddenly stopped banging and yelled my name instead it's probably the only reason she's alive today i was really scared before i knew it was her but i assumed my dad was smart and told me the right thing to do my parents let me walk home from school alone when i was in fourth grade in my now adult opinion that's way too young so i walk home from school house is empty till about five when my parents get home so i'm doing my usual routine mountain dew code red doritos 3ds and toonami on cartoon network so i'm only home for about three minutes when i hear a knock at the door 99 of the time i stay quiet and just wait for whoever to leave but for whatever reason i actually go to the door and call out who is it stranger dude voice on the other side hey it's your buddy mike i don't have a grown-ass man buddy mike him in fourth grade my goes cold hard in my throat goosebumps cannot move paralyzed terrified dude says again hey open the door we gotta go and he jiggles the door handle really hard then he knocks again bam bam bam jiggles the door handle hard again him still like one foot away from the door i actually never moved since all of this started because i didn't want him to hear my footsteps after a minute of silence i heard a car door close and then drive away in still freaked the fck out for the next hour and worst thing was i was now super paranoid about walking to from school because obviously he followed me that day and i had no idea i was being tailed my house came with an alarm that kept track of movement in every room i set the alarm before bed but i woke up in the middle of the night because it was alerting me that there was movement going back and forth between my guest bedroom down the hall and into my office my alarm has a robotic speaking voice so in the dark i'd hear it say movement guest bedroom movement second floor hallway movement office etc i assume it was a glitch and nothing to worry about but i ended up turning that function off i also heard human footsteps above me in my attic once home alone while my wife was out of town but i posted that one already months ago clarification edit my original phrasing is confusing so i wanted to clarify i got up immediately and searched through my entire house couldn't find anything figured it was a glitch and turned the feature off the next day i didn't ignore the alarm that night my girlfriend and i both travel a lot for work pre-covered so it's not unusual for only one of us to be home on any given week last fall she was in san francisco and i was home alone for a few days we live in an apartment on the top floor of a building above us is a roof with a deck available to everyone middle of the night i get up to use the bathroom and on the walk back to bed i look over to the study there's a sliding door in the study leading to a balcony i immediately stop dead in my tracks i see the outline of a person standing on my balcony facing me i run over hit the lights grab a knife from the knife block and start dialing 9-1-1 the person is a kid no more than 16. he sees me hit the lights grab a knife in my phone and he immediately grabs the railing on my balcony and flings himself over i run over assuming i just watched someone kill themselves only to see him safe and sound on the balcony below me he then hurtles off that balcony he's jumping from floor to floor he hits the parking lot in the back of our building safely and then sprints off cops finally come and break up a party on the roof turns out he was just a drunk friend of someone on the second floor and got dared to do it also shout out to my dog for being asleep 15 feet from the balcony and not doing anything also shout out to my dog for being asleep 15 feet from the balcony and not doing anything i have cameras at the entrances to my house about ten years ago people broke into the house while we weren't home when i reviewed the recordings you see the back door get blasted open by a sledgehammer then you see my dog run up tail wagging the burglar started petting him he brought them his favorite toy then they moved off camera i then saw his favorite toy fly past the camera and then off camera then i saw my dog run for it he played fetch with them the last thing they did before they left the house was struggle to close the door while pushing my dog back in the house he still wanted to play he wasn't a guard dog though he loved everybody he was really awesome with my daughter and that's what counts well my house was sort of out farther away from town we had neighbors but they were few and far between there was a hiking trail opening across the street from our driveway which was very long and can't be seen from the trail my room had a large window facing out to the driveway anyway i was home alone cleaning my room and singing we are the champions extremely loudly as well as playing it on my tv looked up and suddenly see a manpower walking up my driveway very quickly it's obvious no one is home but me since there aren't any cars in the driveway so i ran to the front door which was open because it was hot af outside and locked it and closed and locked my window turns out bro friend did not like that i called 9-1-1 because he was still approaching my house and i was getting scared by his demeanor and while on the phone with the nine one one operator he started banging on my front window by the door and then the door itself he tried kicking in the door and tried breaking the window i went and hid in my mom's closet because it locked from the inside only with a knife until the cops showed up by the time they showed up he was gone and there were hand and shoes prints all over the door and front window and some hand prints on my bedroom window they found him about an hour later walking up and down my street he told them that he heard my pretty singing voice and just wanted to say hi he was also drunk but admitted to being sober at the time of the incident and started drinking after i rejected him he also told them that he planned to come in and have some fun with me after he found that i was home alone and that he was waiting for night time to come back so yeah had a lot of nightmares about that one one evening my dog who sadly passed away this year used to like standing on the stairs and looking out the window to watch the world go by one evening my parents went out and my dog was on his usual spot when i hear a very low growl i come out of my room to see to him and he growls again and shifts slightly but he's focused on the window and he doesn't budge his heckles are up and his body language is stiff i'm thinking it's a fox or cat that's triggered him but i'm concerned as it was the first time i had ever heard him growl i take a look out of a different window and i can't see anything i knew enough not to try to move any dog on whilst in that state a risk of dogs redirecting etc so i left him to it and eventually he comes and settles outside my room after pacing along the hallway for a bit but he won't come into my room when i call him he's just fixed in my doorway after an hour a police helicopter flies over and circles around the area but that's normal for that part of town and i don't make a connection i just figure something has spooked my boy the next day at around the afternoon we get a knock on the door from the police the evening before a young girl got followed off a bus and raped on a nearby green and the dirty bastard ran off and hid in people's gardens after he was done and tried a few people's doors and windows to see if they were open the police wanted to know if we'd seen anything unusual that evening my dad answered in the negative as he was out with my mom however i wasn't in when the police knocked and only heard about it later when my dad told me about the police the guy was eventually caught and charged as they traced the car to use to board the bus he followed the girl off from it wasn't his first offense either it was all over the local news i suspect the guy was hiding in our garden and my dog had spotted him and knew the guy was dodgy so went into guard dog mode which was unusual as he was a big soppy baby who loved everyone i miss him sitting in my parents farmhouse reasonably deep into the scottish highlands on a farm around five miles from the nearest small town overlooking a valley but on a small road that wasn't traveled on much anyway totally alone just chilling in the living room and something smashed into the window right beside me i f king shat myself a huge crow completely out of the blue flew hard into the window double glazed so didn't break but made a hell of a noise about three feet away from me i was freaking out how could a crow hit that window in the house having not avoided the house altogether i was on edge for hours afterwards it survived and eventually kind of limped and eventually flew away just a random occurrence but it gave me a serious fright all alone up there on a windy hill later on i could laugh as it left a perfect bird-shaped greasy mark on the window like something out of a cartoon story one i had developed a friendship with somebody who i known for a few years but never knew well we were hanging out a bit and she'd invited me around to hers for some drinks in the sun when i arrived at the address she'd provided i realized why it was so familiar i had spent a lot of time there growing up as my mom's childhood best friend lived there for a good few years there are two parts to the house the front of it is the original building and the extension is essentially another house in the garden both buildings joined by a long open corridor i told my friend i couldn't believe she lived there and explained about my mom's friend i also mentioned that i remember being absolutely terrified of the extension in the garden it always felt like there was somebody there watching me and i couldn't stand going to that part of the house as kid what she said next almost confirmed my childhood fears as she mentioned that she experienced weird things down there her brother had lived in that part of the house and had seen all sorts from doors opening to bookcases being empty real movie style stuff he'd also had extreme night terrors from living there which coincidentally stopped when he moved out unlucky for me around this time i actually started having a reoccurring dream the general basis of the dream was that i was in my bed and the door opened then a figure would come into my room and then i'd wake up the dream progressed every single night each time with the figure getting closer to me in my bed so fast forward just over a month roughly a week after the armchair incident she came to mind to watch a film we were planning on just chilling for the evening then i'd walk her back home this didn't go to plan as we both fell asleep while the film was on anyway the following morning we were downstairs getting breakfast i nipped to use the bathroom and when i came back down she seemed a bit bothered while i was upstairs she glanced from the kitchen to our dining table and had seen a woman sitting there smiling not thinking anything of it she went through to say hello thinking that my mom had come down the woman wasn't there so she presumed that my mom had to rush off for work then she remembered i told her that my parents were both already at work and the rest of my family were out she told me trying to laugh it off as you would so i told her about the armchair incident which had happened about a week prior things all seemed to be fitting weirdly together i had started noticing figures in my peripheral vision not just at home but everywhere i went it made for a pretty unenjoyable time considering i now hated going to bars and pubs due to these figures now being the logical person i am i'm not sure if i've pieced this together to try and make sense of it but over the course of this month i was mentally in a very low point there seems to be some kind of correlation between my mental state and the strange things happening whenever these incidents occurred i would feel low for a few days the dreams intensified and swayed more towards sleep paralysis i got a new job a few weeks later in a different town and moved out for the first time once i moved everything stopped i'm still not sure if it was the house or my lifestyle causing it story two i was working late one night and had told my brother and sister then when i got back we could order pizza i got home at around 2130 and walked through into the front room where they were sat waiting both looking pretty confused they told me they thought i'd already come home because they heard the front door open followed by me running up to my room creepy enough i had a quick check upstairs nothing there so proceeded to order the pizza now i don't fully believe in ghosts i've always thought that there could be something but i'm the kind of person who has to have a logical reason for everything anyway we're set waiting for our food to arrive when one of our three dogs sits up with his ears pricked and essentially watches somebody walk into the room and sit in the empty armchair then dog two of three starts growling staring at the armchair dog two of three is a rescue and is very wary of people he doesn't know and was acting exactly how he would towards a stranger dog 3 then plods into the room chill does anything and goes to jump into his favorite armchair he gets to it and stops staring directly at face level as if somebody is sat there at this point i'm sure you can imagine we're all freaking out he just sits besides the chair growling and he's definitely not comfortable with whatever sat there my siblings and i have all frozen there's a horrible feeling in the room we're all sat staring at the armchair on edge when the front door opens my mom had come home early and the dogs all run through to see her i don't think i slept properly again in that house this seemed to have tied in with a few other creepy things which happened but i won't go into that here about 10 years ago i walked out to my garage to have a cigarette if you were to walk back into my house at the point i exited you'd step up a small concrete stair and from there you go right into the kitchen and the rest of the house or push open the sliding wood door to the basement the kitchen provides ambient light so you can still see inside i watched as the door to the basement slid closed by itself even popping the two halves of the door into its fully closed position which would have taken a good push as it didn't fit the best a few seconds later it flew open no one else was in the house including pets i have no idea how it could have happened no drugs alcohol were involved scared the hell out of me i also walked out one night into the garage opened the door to the backyard and looking left saw something attached to our house fly away so fast it didn't make sense the weirdest thing is it didn't look like it took flight instead it looked like something pulled off along a parabolic curve i can't make sense of that one either and it still scares me to this day this happened about a year and a half ago my family lives in a house with some acreage down a long gravel driveway we have a big yard and the property is lined with trees one night i was out with my boyfriend my parents my sister and her boyfriend my boyfriend and i were living at my parents house at the time but we drove separately to go out my parents had to make a stop on the way home so i knew they'd probably be home about half an hour after us bf and i got home around 11 p.m after going inside i headed upstairs to change and my boyfriend went to the downstairs bathroom within minutes of us arriving home the doorbell rang like i said we lived down a long gravel driveway kind of out in the country so it was very unusual to get unexpected visitors even during the day but this was around 11 pm i had a bad feeling about it so i yelled downstairs to my bf and told him not to answer the door and not to walk in front of the door because there's a window right next to it we both stayed frozen where we were and tried to think who it could be i looked out an upstairs window to try to see the car in the driveway but it was parked too far over so it was blocked from my view i could only see that its lights were still on after about five seven minutes we heard the person walk back to their car get in and drive away my bf ran to the window next to the door to see the car as it drove away and said it was a black or dark colored minivan we don't know of anyone who drives a dark colored minivan i called my parents to ask if they might know who this could have been but they said they had no idea we all thought if it was someone we knew they would have called or texted us it was also strange that this person showed up within minutes of my boyfriend and i arriving home the only explanation i can think of is it could have been a lost pizza delivery driver and the timing was a coincidence bf said there was no logo on the car and also 11 p.m is a little late in our area for pizza delivery since we live out in the country most places close around 9 pm at the time we had never considered a doorbell camera since we have so few visitors but i bought my dad one a few months later we never found out who it was many years ago when i still lived in my shitty hometown i worked in hospitality doing split shifts most days i was young and frequently hungover so on my three hour break i would often go home to nap and refresh during one of my breaks i woke up to a guy trying to break in through my bedroom window i don't think he saw me i hope he didn't because god knows what the plan was if he did i jumped out of bed completely confused and just stared at him kind of shocked he also seemed shocked and ran away the thing i find crazy now is my hometown was such a that i didn't even call the cops because this kind of thing was so common that i just normalized it and had a laugh with friends when i told them about it later that day i live in a much better place now and realize that this is not normal before i went to bed i brought the dogs in locked every door and window and turned off every inside light i was staying up playing on my laptop when i thought i heard the front side door open i could see the living room from my bedroom so i peeked out and noticed that the computer screen was on only way it could be on was if the keyboard was touched or the mouse had been moved and i saw nobody i felt spooked so i grabbed the pistol my dad left for me and walked through the house loudly calling out that i wouldn't hesitate to shoot i probably would have i was shaking with fear i checked the whole house turned on every light grabbed the dogs double check the locks they were still locked ran into my room locked my door and started texting friends in town keep in mind it's like 11 p.m and most everybody i knew was asleep in the middle of texting my door slammed against my door frame three times no warning no prior sounds just bam bam bam i froze in fear staring at my door i know i didn't imagine it because my dogs lifted their heads and ears at my door but they didn't bark i called the only person who was responding in hysterics he did his best to calm me down by a phone because he lived six hours away and that was the best he could do i didn't sleep at all that night next morning i called my mom and told her what happened was she concerned no she got after me for not calling our neighbors for help really it was 11 p.m we lived in a tiny town of 3000 and she wasn't worried that there was something in our house nothing was stolen and i lived in the outskirts of town where the next door neighbor was a half mile away the thing that concerns me is the dogs they didn't bark once one was a golden retriever and the other a yellow lab both would bark at anything unfamiliar and would protect me they heard the door frame but did nothing it still spooks me out thinking about it 11 years later my mom for 10 years worked at the walmart distribution center her clock in time was 3 30 a.m so she was up at 2 a.m friday through monday we lived in farmland upstate new york like that house in signs we had eight acres next to 20 acres of cornfield and a forest in our backyard my mother looked out to the swing set one morning and swore she saw someone on the swings just sitting there watching her come to 12 years later my brother's getting married last summer he talks about how for a whole year in 2007. he would sneak out to see his gf his now wife whom he dated in secret she lived a mile away they would hang out from 8 2 a.m he knew mom would be up when he came home he also knew she never looked out into the backyard during her morning routine my six feet too 145 pounds brother who looked like a hitler youth very pale blonde and blue eyed would sit on the swings and watch mom do her morning routine the moment she left he finally went inside and slept until one day she did look out and he dove into the long grass for years she thought our family had a stalker nope just her dumb son late at night when i was a teenager must have been around 1am and i was watching youtube and on my phones has an alert my phone is connected to the security system and whenever something happens it gives an alert for a few seconds before ringing so that you can cancel if you want to i'm home alone and i decide to cancel the alarm i slowly get out of my room and creep down with a renaissance fair knife i bought a couple weeks ago and i had a thud it sounded like someone trying to quietly jump down from a higher place without making much noise then some footsteps and creaking now coming from my kitchen i slowly inch towards my kitchen adrenaline pumping knife in one hand i turned the light on with the other prepared to fight for my life yeah turns out it was my cat that i forgot had existed because i was so scared i also have a frightening that involved my cat when i was home alone i was like 14 years old so old enough to not believe in ghosts or some but when i went to bed i heard some scratching noises under my bed and i could swear i felt a little push from under the bed when i finally had the courage to sprint to the light switch and look under my bed there was nothing then i thought i was just imagining things and went back to bed i was still very aware and had my eyes opened in the dark out of nowhere something jumped on my face and i screamed and grabbed that thing and neat headed away when i looked after it i saw my cat sitting on the end of my bed and seems to be very upset about my behavior so basically my cat scratched my bed from below then moved so he wasn't there when i looked under my bed and then decided to take a nap on my face out of nowhere he must have played ninja or something because i couldn't see or hear him when he doesn't want to for as long as i live i will never forget this july 2010 staying alone in my grandparents farmhouse built 1885 ontario canada they all left that day and i stayed behind because i was moving to alberta and wanted to have some time to myself in the house before leaving i could take the bus home to the city so it wasn't a big deal plus it was good that i did it as my grandparents sold the farm a couple years ago back to the scene i'm alone in a 125 year old house on 100 acres of land in the middle of nowhere growing up we all heard stories of ghosts in the house and on the property blah blah blah you know how it is for anyone unaware july in ontario farm country is hot so i was laying in my boxers with all the windows open sweating my ass off trying to sleep while spread eagle on my back i was overcome with a cold shiver that ran from my hair to my toenails and i could feel hands on my arms and legs just as i was about to get up those hands i felt shoved my arms to my side and shoved my legs closed i was frozen for a minute or maybe longer i couldn't tell when i could get up i scrambled to close all the windows and turn on all of the lights once i was done doing all of that i ran back up to the bedroom and sat on the bed thinking i met no way that just happened i could hear a noise downstairs so i opened the door and i could hear all of the cupboards and drawers in the kitchen being opened and slammed shut i screamed at the top of my lungs enough and then it was dead silent i mean dead silent i went downstairs all the lights still on dead bolts and locks still on doors and windows still closed i don't remember if i slept that night but i have never been back to the property since grandparents told me it was a ghost named beatrice and she was probably mad i was still there cause she probably enjoyed the peace and quiet after everyone left that's my story mine seems kind of stupid compared to the others but whatever here it is so one day i was home alone and i was just watching netflix with one of my cats keep in mind that i have two cats one loves going outside and one has never gone outside my cat that loves the outdoors was outside at the time i heard gunshots so i looked outside to see if my cat was okay and i saw her she was in my front yard i couldn't really see her because it was late but i could tell it was her it looked like she was hissing at something and she was doing that angry cat pose thing she then started attacking something in the air but i brushed it off and just assumed it was a bug i went outside to go get her because of the gunshots but now i was by her and she continued attacking the air i could tell there was no bug so i got kind of freaked out i picked her up and she hissed at me when i was picking her up i felt some strong wind hit my hand i got really freaked out by all of this and i felt like something was watching me so i ran inside with my cat and locked the doors she jumped out of my hand when i was inside and when i was holding her she was struggling the whole time she looked shocked by something for the rest of the night so i tried to calm her down but she hissed at me every time i got near her she kept staring out my glass door and it really freaked me out i wonder what it was that she saw and it's really creepy to think about it my cat after that day was perfectly fine however she acted like none of it even happened i was 16 years old parents out of town for a friday night to return the next day my older brother off at college it was actually the first time i was ever going to sleep the night alone in my house which actually didn't scare me much at the time we had a break in attempt a couple years before so i turned on the home alarm system really early in the evening as instructed 20 times by my dad i stayed downstairs watching shows on the couch until around 1am and when i am finally heading upstairs to my bedroom all of a sudden the home alarm system goes off siren blaring i freak out i run up the stairs to my parents room to my dad's bedside where he keeps a loaded gun and proceed to stay there with the gun pointed at the still open bedroom door for what seems like forever as the alarm just continues blasting the sound of the alarm makes it hard for me to hear if anything is going on downstairs and i'm afraid to even move toward the phone on the other side of the bed to call 911. so i'm just stuck there in absolute terror holding my dad's gun the alarm monitoring company finally calls and it took a ton of courage to force myself to quietly creep over the bed to get the phone i remember my voice trembling as i whispered i don't know if anyone is inside send help and then it hits me like a ton of bricks the realization that i'm quite sure that when i set the alarm i pushed away instead of home and the moment the alarm sounded was when i was walking up the stairs under the only interior motion detector in the house i had them stay on the line and i tiptoed down the stairs into the keypad at the front door and finally saw the code for the motion detector on the keypad that told me that my suspicion was right that i had royally f ked this up and done all this to myself somehow i was relieved but shaken up for hours and i never slept as good in my life as the next night when my parents were back in the house this didn't happen at my regular home but i work as an emt and our station is pretty much my second home it was super late one night and we had just gotten back from a crappy call we were upstairs getting ready to go to bed when all of a sudden we heard the door open and closed downstairs there wasn't supposed to be anyone else there so we went to investigate we went down to the bay checked all the rigs and rooms no one was there as we were getting the ready to head back upstairs the lights siren and backup alarms all started going off on the two ambulance that were in the bay mind you the battery was turned off on the one and the keys were out of both ignitions no matter what we tried we couldn't get them to turn off until about 10 minutes later when they just shut off on their own to this day no one has an explanation for it our mechanic can't think of anything that would cause it so it's a mystery our station is known to be haunted on several occasions i've heard footsteps had doors open and close even saw shadow figures at one point but that definitely takes the cake for scariest thing to happen there i'm 15 at the time and living on a new house built on the family farm in australia my parents work shifts and on this night they are both out and both of my brothers currently living at home are at separate sleepovers my room had two single beds in case a guest slept over with a bedside table between them on this bedside table was one of those touch lamps that had various brightness settings anyway it's about 11 p.m and i'm on my laptop in my room and the lamp starts to flicker i ignore it for a while thinking it's just the bulb about to blow the lamp goes black and because it's the only light on in my room the only thing i can see now is the laptop screen then the lamp goes on again and instead of going black then switching back on like a lamp with power issues it goes from bright mid dim off with like a second between each brightness change i put my laptop off of my lap and look at the lamp because hey maybe a mock keeps flying into the stand nothing the next thing i remember i'm standing at the end of the hallway looking at my room and crying my mom is home from her shift and is shaking my arm asking me what's wrong i'm confused but it feels like my chest is caving in my heart is beating like crazy and my neck and head is all tingly my mom took me into her room for the rest of the night and i told her what happened in the morning she had come home at around 4am and found me in the hallway so i don't know what happened in the hours between me and my room and me in the hallway anyway the next day my older brother offered to swap rooms and that was that i never went back into that room during the night time and only if i really needed to during the day the house and farm was sold a couple of years ago and i remember when we went to the new house it was so much better i haven't had anything like that happen since i was six or seven months pregnant at the time and home alone while my husband was doing paramedic clinicals i took a bath because my entire body ached and was swollen to really understand my fear i need to describe my house a little the bathroom is right off of the kitchen which has a wall of windows facing the front yard and driveway the front door is also all glass we live in a very rural town and routinely don't lock doors that night as i headed towards the tub i decided to lock it while i was in the tub i heard a knock at the door then again this was at 8 p.m on a weekday and we were new to town and didn't have many friends as i'm panicking slide about someone knocking on my door i hear the doorknob get yanked on now i'm stuck in the bathroom totally naked if i ran to the bedroom to hide they'd see me luckily i had my phone and called my husband who had his co-workers cop boyfriend come check out the area he found nothing a few nights later this time i'm in bed also still home alone and it happens again i get one of our guns get a hold of the co-worker she calls her boyfriend he comes out and finds a couple high schoolers running around playing ding dong ditch when i was about 11 i was a latch key kid i was home alone with a couple of friends and we had gotten a hold of flammable fluids we decided it was a good idea to start letting out liquids on my backyard cement patio and light it on fire maybe because the movie the crow had just released and we thought the scene where he lights a crow shape on the floor was cool anyhow things escalated when we started looking for other things to light on fire like action figures and backyard debris i don't remember who came up with the idea may damn well have been myself but we had a king mattress in the garage and i figured it was trash we drug it out and doused it with every flammable liquid under the sink in my garage we lit it and it was completely out of control the flames were licking up about twenty five thirty feet in the air guessing because it was about double height of my single story house right after we looked at each other in terror my garage door opened up with my mom and my older brother by six years pulled in my garage going out to the backyard patio had a sliding glass door so they could see the mayhem going on they both came rushing out and my brother grabbed the burning mattress and flipped it over my mom screamed at me for a second or two yelled at my friends to leave then once they were gone i got the beating of a lifetime felt a pain in my chest like i never experienced before it was stinging and very uncomfortable my parents weren't home so i couldn't ask them to check me if anything serious was going on i did try to call them multiple times even all i got is voicemail at this point i started to panic at the very least a newfound sensation was hurting me and i had no explanation what it meant i was afraid that i was experiencing a heart attack and felt no other choice to call emergency services to request an ambulance i explained the situation with the dispatcher and answered her questions based on my description i was not in need for a ambulance but i should see my general practitioner right away to investigate i then called my friends to see who could take me there i didn't have a driver's license at the time and even then i would find myself unfit to drive one friend was nearby and he dropped his to come over to pick me up we went to the gp where i was let in right away at the end it turned out to be a muscle between my ribs that had spasms i was told that it might be sore for a while but that i will have no serious issues after that this whole ordeal learned me a few things be reachable at all times you never know when somebody close to you needs help it's true friendship when a friend is jimmy on the spot when you really need it lack of knowledge can be frightening and how valuable it is to take up a first aid class so that i could at least do a primary diagnosis before calling everyone for something simple harmless i was alone about 15 years old with my dog as i let in my dog late in the evening prior to going to bed a huge spider followed her inside not wanting to harm it but certainly not wanting it inside i shoot it with a magazine next thing i saw were hundreds of babies disperse off of its back frantic and nervous i sent my dog back outside and i ran to our shed and grabbed raid and every known spider killer equipped myself like i was in arachnophobia and unloaded an entire can and a half of raid inside the house waited about an hour for it to air out before re-entering every night for damn near the next year i felt like a spider was crawling on me fck the desert and its monstrous creatures i was about 15 16. my mom was at work and she was working night shift at the time and going to school i had a friend over earlier in the night and noticed that our motion sensor light kept coming on when we were sitting in the basement rec room but shrugged it off as a deer or rabbit setting it off because we lived on the edge of town so roaming wildlife wasn't unusual fast forward a few hours later friend went home mom was at work and i was downstairs listening to music suddenly i look up and there is a face pressed against the rec room window looking in except we have that weird blocked glass so i couldn't see details i call my mom and tell her and she tells me to call 911. about 10 minutes later i hear voices in our driveway so i go to look out two police officers are there talking to a woman it ended up being sad my former best friend's family lived three houses up and across from us and her mentally handicapped aunt lived with them for the most part she was pretty functional and could go to the store on her own but on that day night she had a mental break and got disoriented on the way home and had apparently been wandering the backyards on our side of the street for hours it was pretty cold at night so if i hadn't seen her it couldn't have ended up being a lot worse i'm guessing she looked in our window because we have the only finished basement on the street so it was the only window low enough for her to peek into i was sitting home alone with my three dogs two in their own room and one sleeping a little over five feet away at the kitchen table playing geometry dash i was home alone there was no noise inside or out and i could tell cause i had one headphone in my left ear i was just playing some demon levels when all of a sudden i hear a still very soft voice behind me that said i'm still here scared the absolute out of me as i sat there not turning around note where i sat the wall behind me was a foot away and i had view of the kitchen main room and hallway in front of me so there was no way something could have come in without me knowing i turned around a little bit after because i didn't know what the fck was going on and lo and behold nothing was there there was no audio cause i paused the game and that's when i heard it it was very very clear it sounded like a child whispering as it had some resemblance to it it was terrifying as no one was there and to this day i may never know what it was not exactly home alone which made this experience even more terrifying for me i was roughly 9 10 at the time and i had just returned home from school it was a ritual for me to sit in my parents room and watch cbbc during lunch time there's a partition separating the tv in their bed so while i'm sitting on the sofa watching tv i hear something call my name from under the bed and i genuinely thought it was my sister she loved scaring the crap out of me as a kid putting on a deep voice so naturally i just said haha sister's name that's very funny and i hear her call my name again okay sister's name it's not funny anymore so i walk over to the bed and look underneath expecting my sister hiding and i see nothing my arms now has goosebumps all over and i'm frozen in place and this voice starts to laugh at me and i run out the room balling my eyes out to my parents trying to explain myself it still scares me to think about it and i'm 24 now i kept experiencing really weird in that house too i was sitting on my bed and i was home alone of course there was a dog and a cat with me and mind you they always stir when something is around the house the house has cameras around it and the thing beeps when motion goes off at any of the camera if it's the front camera it announces it's the front door my front door is inside a walled off courtyard with a half swing gate that i can see from two of my windows if anybody ever walks in that gate not only do i see them but i always hear the gate which sets off the dog the only other path to the front door is from a larger gate that leads to the backyard i can't see it but it's large and noisy all the walls are covered in thick vine and there is zero way to quietly climb these walls or gates so we have cameras motion sensor alerts animals and myself i'm sitting in my room and the tv is paused now if you are familiar with doorbells when you push in it makes one ding and when you release the button it makes your second ding i'm very familiar with this because i always like to pause three seconds when i ring a friend's doorbell so i'm sitting there windows open and the doorbell rings only once i immediately freeze and the second ding never happens the dog doesn't even look up at this point i feel like i imagined it but i know what i heard for sure i jump up and go straight to the windows and within 20 seconds of the bell i had eyes on the front door nothing at all just one ding not to sound cool but i grab my bat and head out the front door i scope around and see nothing i walk up to the doorbell and it's been pressed in and it's stuck the button itself is also buzzing due to it being smashed in it's literally wedged into itself scary okay well as i'm looking at the bell it pops out in front of my eyes and the lasting goes off and i jumped out of my skin this happened six months ago i'm 29 years old and a male with adequate physical training of sorts i ran in my room and called two people and made them talk to me on the phone for a while when the homeowners were available to speak to the next day i asked to check the cameras and they did they saw nothing i you not i'm not making this up at all but they saw nothing on the camera not even me walking around and investigating i showed them my call logs and had them check the minutes leading up to my phone calls and f king nothing it's the only experience i've had in my life where i was truly afraid and it's the most confused i've been it's actually the first time i've talked about it since it happened and i'm getting massive chills who pushed in the button it has a spring in it what pushed the button i was about 11 12. we had a bird in a cage on our balcony and our house backed onto bushland down to a river aussie i remember the birds started going nuts screeching and squawking and i thought maybe a magpie was attacking it or something so i went out and there was a man halfway up the stairs to the back door i can still picture exactly what he looked like 50s dirty canvas shorts and a faded t-shirt gray hair tandem leathery i freaked out and bolted inside locking the balcony door then i remembered there were two other doors that led to that balcony so i bolted to them and locked them then i freaked out he might have made his way to the front so i sprinted up there and locked those doors then i sat in the middle of my lounge room with an antique hunting knife my stepdad had collected in his travels to africa and waited for my mom to get home a fair few houses had been broken into recently and i had to chat to the police but nothing ever came of it thanks little birdie for potentially saving me i was home alone when i was probably about 12 or 13 and i was sitting downstairs in the family room watching tv when i heard the doorbell ring my parents drilled it into my head that i should never open the door when i'm home alone so i just stayed put downstairs thinking whoever it was would come back later if it were important since it was early afternoon all of the sudden i hear the screen door open and the person was trying to get into the house i was freaking out at this point and just froze with fear our family room is surrounded entirely by windows and i looked up and saw the person coming around to each window looking inside the house i was so scared but all i could think to do was lie down on the ground with that hopes that this person wouldn't see me didn't think to call the cops for whatever reason they came around to the last window which is right next to our back door into the house and they made direct eye contact with me then tried the back door and left i've never been so terrified in my life my mom came home about 20 minutes after this happened and i spilled the entire story to her in tears my parents and sister left to do an errand and said they would be about 20 minutes so just leave the back door unlocked sunday morning pretty safe neighborhood i was 17 at the time about 10 minutes after they left someone started banging on the front door i ignored it thinking if it was urgent they would ring the doorbell or yell who it was the creep ran up the side of the house and came in the back door some homeless dude drugged out of their mind started walking around my house looking for something he didn't seem aggressive i kept repeating this as my house you can't be here he found a bag of mm's asked to buy them for a dollar i gave them to him and was able to coax him to leave about five minutes later my parents came home i was in so much shock i bursted out crying and they helped me call the police never ended up finding the dude and nothing similar ever happened again that i'm aware of i was living in an apartment in a building complex where apartments were connected via staircases quarters etc i remember i was playing ps4 when i heard a knock at my door i opened the door and saw two police officers asking me if they could come in and ask me a few questions about my neighbor after letting them in maya caught something white in the quarter 5 10 meters next to my door it was a white sheet covering a dead body that if my neighbor and four more police officers were standing next to it the police officers asked me if i knew the guy but our working hours were different so i had barely seen him at all a few hours later i went outside and asked one of the remaining officers if i should worry he said they are not treating the incident as something suspicious aka it was not a murder my neighbor had a heart attack and died just outside his apartment door 10 meters from my apartment as the ambulance crew that he had called were carrying him to the ambulance i don't fully know if this counts but basically when i was 7 8 my parents used to let me and my sister who was about 11 at the time sleep in a tent in the back garden as it was a reasonably safe neighborhood so we would be outside on our own and we're often fine with it but one night we were sleeping when all of a sudden we both woke up to a loud helicopter flying over us and police sirens nearby in all the shock we both got up and went to go inside once and we locked the back door when we both saw a man dressed in black jump over our fence screaming for us to open it for a solid five minutes naturally we were shocked and didn't so he shortly just ran away but we wouldn't sleep the rest of that night out of panic and fear i also spent years with nightmares after that the next day we found out from our neighbors that the guy had been robbing local houses for weeks and had just robbed them that night people said the reason the police caught him was due to the fact he stoked to try and get us to open our door for so long and was able to be surrounded in the next garden over also before people ask yes my parent knew that this whole thing happened but by the time they actually came down to check on us the man had gone and was in handcuffs all i can say is thank goodness for my anxiety of my safety as a child as otherwise we wouldn't have locked the doors till the next morning my husband and i had just moved into our house it was in a bad area my husband was working night shift and at the time we didn't have any firearms it was about two or three in the morning and there was a storm outside the dogs and i were curled up in bed when i heard the back door open we kept bells on the back door that the dogs would touch when they needed to go outside i thought the storm had somehow blown the door open so i walked out of the room with one of my dogs i was standing on the steps and could see into the kitchen where my back door was a man was standing there he locked eyes with me and started towards me i screamed for my dog hoping to scare him and she absolutely launched herself from the top of the stairs to the man he bolted out the back door i called the police but they didn't find the guy i was 10 and wanted to do something nice for my mom before she came home from work so outside of doing my regular dishwashing duties i decided to do a deep clean of every nook and cranny of the kitchen as i got to cleaning out the kettle i noticed that there were calcium stains on the inside that couldn't come off with regular scrubbing i decided to use the two products i always see my mom use around the house bleach and vinegar not realizing that these are never to be used together i put them inside the kettle and close the lid so it could soak and continued cleaning i was a very dumb kid so i continued cleaning then heard the faint sound of hissing bubbling and sizzling coming from the kettle from what i remember i opened the kettle and saw this bubbling dark liquid i knew i did something very wrong i looked into it and my eyes and throat were burning and i started coughing and got lightheaded the bubbling began to intensify and the solution was rising i thought something was about to explode and i was too scared to go back to the kettle randomly i hear a knock on the door and although i'm never supposed to open the door for strangers it was either the stranger or the strange demon i created in the kitchen i'm terrified and confused and coughing and my eyes are burning and so i open the door it's my f king father who was passing by and decided to drop and he never lived with us he looks at me and says what the fck is wrong with you i could only muster up saying the kitchen and he runs inside starts coughing covers his mouth and screams what the fck did you do he pours the solutions down the sink and gets me out the apartment waiting for it to air out some other ish happened but that's not really important lol everything worked out i'm alive and had a decent excuse why i couldn't do my chores for the next few weeks that was the scariest moment by myself at home so this didn't happen to me but my mom so according to her it was like 2 a.m and she heard what sounded like footsteps so she got up semi freaked out and she took a certain part of our floor that doesn't creak to sneak into the kitchen to grab a knife to defend herself so she looks around and sees nothing so she goes back to bed a little later she hears the footsteps again so she gets up and does the same thing again and finds nothing so she goes back to bed well she hears a desk third time and is super freaked out at this point me and my little bro are fast asleep during all of this and my dad is at work so she gets up again with a knife and as she's going to the kitchen she hears the noise right behind her so she's scared that she is gonna die well she turns around and sees that my cat is repeatedly jumping off of one of our bookshelves because he's a little demon but let's just say if me or my bro woke up to see what was going on one of us would be in the hospital and would get to see what explanation the doctors would hear sitting on the couch around 11 30 one night playing a phone game light is off tv is on but i have it on my media pc so no sound just a desktop background and someone knocks on my door i have recently moved a few hundred miles all my friends are that far away i'm not expecting any training so i'm panicking a bit i'd know who it is but scared it's about to be a home invasion or something turns out it was the police some had called the police and said i was having a party or something live in an apartment to this day i have no idea what it was about or why someone would do that they called the apartment office and told them that too having someone unknown outside your door wanting it at 11 30 at night when you're all alone is seriously scary i lived in a two-person apartment while working for a university my roommate was a smaller girl who i knew from mutual friends but she often stayed at her boyfriend's place so the place was almost always mine alone i woke up one night to just someone saying hey quietly next to my bed i was super confused what with it being very dark inside and outside as well as having woken up rather suddenly the voice called again hey you gotta help me very panicked looked around and didn't see anything until they called me a third time my bed was directly on the floor so it should have been easy to see any shadows but there were none as i finally traced the voice for the third time i saw some guy laying on my floor looking like he was crawling towards me now i'm not a small guy but i was scared shitless and yelled that he needed to leave right now he proceeded to leave my room and i thought that was it until when i left my room i saw him hiding behind my coffee table he had overturned to use his cover when i eventually got him out of the apartment i was lucky enough that my neighbor was coming home from his graveyard shift and helped me and the random guy calmed down it turns out he was either schizophrenic or on drugs but he was having terrible hallucinations that people were attacking him with bows and arrows from hundreds of yards away i learned to lock my doors that night i am also glad my roommate was not there but it sure would have been nice not being alone right then alright so this thread has about one 5k comment so i doubt anyone will ever see this but this is the first time i've ever talked to anyone about this in over 10 years so let's go way back to middle school i can't remember exactly but my best guess would be that i was like 10 12 years old i was getting abused at home by my father and i was being bullied at school by the other kids my mom was the only person who understood that so she let me fake being sick to stay home from school sometimes just to get a break now i don't necessarily believe in ghosts but my childhood house was weird and we all think it was haunted there would be multiple times when we everyone who lived there would hear occasional voices that weren't there we would just get this feeling that we were being watched we would randomly start feeling just weird and wrong and i honestly don't have a better way to explain that but we all felt it the most common thing though was that we would hear footsteps in the hallway and even see the shadows of feet from the gaps under our doors like i said i don't want to say i believe in ghosts but something about that house just wasn't right so back to the story i was getting abused at home and bullied at school particularly hard lately so i coordinated with my mom that we would fake me being sick so i could get the day home alone to recover rest after everyone left then i was home alone i just felt wrong and uneasy the whole time but i couldn't explain why then later in the day i'd guess early afternoon around 3 p.m or so i start occasionally hearing a footstep or two in the hallway now i'm like 10 12 and i'm hearing footsteps in my house so i'm terrified and i'm not talking faint and quiet footsteps i'm talking a full grown man wearing steel toe boot footsteps so i'm freaking out at this point and trying to reassure myself my thinking was okay this is scary but all that's ever happened is this thing has made noises and made us feel weird so it can't hurt us right then out of nowhere all of the lights in the house cut off and all of the toilets in the house flush at the same time i tried to comfort myself by saying that it was just sensory stuff but then almost like it read my mind and called my bluff whatever it was manifested into physical material action for the first time so i felt exposed and threatened so at this point 10 12 year old me was freaking the fck out since the only source of support in my life at the time was my mom i call her while she's at work and i just start crying and yelling about what's happening and how scared i am then inexplicably after i finish pouring everything out on her and she's finally able to start talking to comfort me it all stopped now i'm 23 so i'm at least twice the age i was when this happened and i still haven't come up with an explanation for it the best i can come up with is this when i was 21 i was diagnosed with bipolar disorder type 2 bipolar mania can sometimes result in psychosis and hallucinations but that doesn't happen with type 2 and i've never had any problems with those things before additionally bipolar disorder typically develops in your 20s so the idea that i could have experienced the worst symptoms of my life and actually started hallucinating an entire decade before i was diagnosed as a serious stretch like i said i don't necessarily want to say i believe in ghosts but this was damn near inexplicable this happened in 1981 when i was only three years old in and i had no idea what had happened until 20 years later my mom told me that 20 years ago she was getting creepy phone calls the call started with silence no one spoke then he began to say he was coming to get her and do some crude things to her he said he knew where we lived she said used to just laugh at him and hang up the phone hoping he would get bored and stop calling back then if a phone call was long distance it made a beeping sound at the beginning in australia every time he called there was the long distance beeping except the last time he said was in town and was coming to get her this was at about seven thirty at night and dad was away for work there was six of us kids at home at the time mom had it enough she was so angry she put us all to bed and got out the air rifle and sat there and waited there was a knock at the door she flung open the door and stood there with the rifle in front of her was a man dripping wet from the rain holding his car keys she asked him what he wanted and he replied shaking my car has broken down can i use your phone she replied quickly no now f off before i shoot you and slam the door she said the guy seemed genuinely frightened but the phone call stopped that very night she had told the police what happened but never saw his car and he was hard to see so nothing more became of it so just a few important points of note here to set the stage for what is to come i used to love just sitting on a swing in my backyard at night and listening to music it was and still is really very cathartic because i live basically right on the edge of a fairly large and densely wooded area also my best friend be lived two houses down from me and went running every single night rain snow sleet sick whatever i could probably count on one hand the amount of days he hasn't gone running in the past 10 years or so there isn't any wildlife where i live that i'm really nervous about aside from bobcats or maybe black bears or coyotes but all of those avoid people and i've never heard of someone seeing a bear where i'm from also i make it a point to try to work through things as rationally as possible and i also make it a point for myself to try not to freak out about random creepy stuff because i hate feeling afraid or helpless and there's always an explanation anyways one night just like any other night around maybe 10 p.m or so i decided to go sit on the swing i gathered my jacket headphones and a beer and walked outside immediately upon stepping onto my driveway i got this really weird feeling like i was being watched thinking nothing of it because it was nighttime and it was probably just my primitive brain i turned the corner by the edge of the house and started walking back towards the swing set every step that i took that uneasy feeling got stronger and stronger until it had almost reached panicky levels i could feel it in my stomach my body suddenly felt very cold and at this point i accepted mentally that i was alarmed about something however i still rationalized it as my primitive brain just doing its job the weird thing is as i got closer to the swings i started getting more and more nervous than i already was i reflexively started walking slower to the point that eventually i came to a complete stop about 10 feet away and accepting that something felt really weird began to look around and at the woods something was seriously wrong it felt different outside than ever before now i'm a pretty big guy and athletic i say that to emphasize that i was in no way concerned about a person walking out of the woods absolute worst case scenario i feel comfortable asserting that i'd be able to outrun 95 percent of people and that's if i couldn't physically best them i just say that to emphasize that the possibility of there being some dude hanging out in my backyard and hurting me wasn't even on my radar also there are no recorded confirmed black bear attacks where i'm from and chances are high that i'd survive a black baron or a bobcat attack barring freak circumstances and like i mentioned earlier there haven't been any bears seen in my town that i know of and i feel like it would take a really scared rabid or hungry bobcat or coyote to just randomly come out of the woods to attack a person i say that to emphasize that i wasn't really concerned about any wildlife additionally i kind of go out of my way to make it a point to not be afraid of stuff even when i am like the concept of being afraid scares me more than most things so i work pretty hard at suppressing that anyways i tried to force the weirdness out of my mind but as i settled down onto the swing i was afraid i had no idea why or of what and i was trying to suppress it but i knew deep down i was scared something was seriously asking wrong now usually i'll swing for like an hour or so maybe going through like 20 25 songs and obviously i jam out so i turn the volume all the way up and i just kind of zone out in daydream so i swung swang through one song pausing the music every once in a while to listen to the night which i never do i literally got through one song stop and go and the feeling just kept getting stronger it wasn't the normal hair standing up on the back of your neck scared it literally felt like there was this overwhelming malicious presence that was just heavy in the air i swear i could almost feel it just pressing down on me from all around it felt hateful and i never use this word because i think it's been cheapened by religious fanatics but it was evil there's no way around it something bad really bad was there something was really really f king wrong so i got up and turned to swing facing the woods which i never used to do because my friend b would sneak up on me from the front yard sometimes if it did that i got through maybe half of the next song and somehow this feeling had continued to get stronger it felt urgent i've read in books descriptions like bone chillingly terrifying and too scared to move and i always kind of shrug them off as hyperbole i certainly had never experienced anything even close to that until that night i was f king terrified and i feel like i can't emphasize that enough light i can't properly verbalize this feeling i swear to god i could feel it in my bones and my muscles i was literally shivering i've never been worried like that before i'm a person i reign supreme of all the animals but in that moment it hit me like an epiphany i felt like prey i couldn't see anything bad out there i couldn't hear anything smell anything but i was completely and utterly horrified beyond all rationality like almost on the brink of tears i didn't know why and i couldn't rationalize it so i tried to just go on with what i was doing like nothing was up but it just kept getting the only way i can think to describe it is heavier heavier and heavier you know those videos of the mice shaking with terror before they're eaten by a snake that's probably the closest description to what i looked and felt like i turned my music off and just sat beer forgotten looking around and at the woods searching desperately searching for anything that could explain how i felt so i could write it off as a stupid overreaction on my part just completely stuck still except my head refusing to surrender to my baser instincts despite everything in me telling me to run it was a warm summer night and i was freezing i know how corny that sounds but i swear i think about this moment several times a week and it was years ago i could feel it all the way to my bones and my stomach was a knot of ice it was seriously the strangest feeling i've ever had i could just feel this sense of impending doom and also this utterly malicious presence it was like a panic attack mixed with that stomach dropping feeling when you know something bad happened but you don't know what mixed with when you hear something in the house that you know had to be a person but your family hadn't said anything about coming to the house that night it was all of those feelings combined and with the feeling that you're being watched and that feeling you get when you know someone doesn't like you but you don't know why it was all of those feelings combined with raw terror and all amplified like a hundred times i've never been more scared in my life i literally couldn't take it anymore physically i just couldn't take it i could barely breathe i was such a mess i jumped off the swing and sprinted back inside closed unlocked the door checked all the doors and windows closed all the curtains turned on all the lights and surrounded myself with an arsenal of melee weapons in the middle of the living room i could still feel it but it slowly faded i didn't sleep that night which never happens to me i can pass out almost at a whim but i was too high strung to sleep or eat or leave the couch i just sat no tv no books just sat thinking about what the fck just happened the next morning i saw my friend be out by his car so i walked over and started telling him about it because i was so confused and pretty deeply disturbed by the experience even after that long body of text i don't feel like i've conveyed how bizarre and terrifying it actually was so as i'm telling him he held up a hand and said hold on hold on stop right there come with me so we went into his house and we walked up to his little sister s he said hey yes what did i say last night when i came in from running why didn't i go running last night and she looked at us weird and said something to the effect of you felt like something was out there and you didn't feel safe she said that completely unaware of what i've been saying apparently and he lives two houses down from me he walked outside to stretch before his run that night and felt a weird vibe as he walked to the end of his driveway it got stronger and he started getting nervous he started running and stopped after a few feet turned his music off and scanned the woods then he started running again got to my driveway and was so scared uncomfortable and freaked out that he just decided to call it quits for the night he never does that when we were talking about it the next day after talking to his sister he said that he literally felt like a prey animal being stalked by something evil it was exactly almost to the t how i felt everyone always kind of laughs it off when we tell them the story or thinks we somehow colluded and matched our stories up but he specifically took me in to talk to us before i spoke so that i'd know there was no i have absolutely no idea what it was and it hasn't happened again since and that was like three four years ago anyways now i only swing facing the woods and i carry a bat down there with me even though i don't feel like i need it but just in case that's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me and i still think about it all the time so i wasn't technically home alone however it was 3am and i was in my room which is the furthest room from my parents room i was 14 at the time i woke up to the sound of scratching i slowly opened my eyes to see a man wearing a ski mask at first i thought it was my dad but then i realized my dad was away for work and would never wear such an absurd mask in the middle of the night also the man was holding a gun he was scratching through my drawer taking my electronics and laptop on the opposite side of my bed was another guy that i heard mumble he said next we go to the small one he was referring to my sister who was 10 and wouldn't have any composure if she woke up in the same way i had to make a choice either i get shot and they run away or my sister gets shot and they ran away flight or fight kicked in and apparently 14 year old me was a fighter i waited for the man to kneel down next to my face to take my phone that was on charge i opened my eyes and screamed as loudly as i could in his ear before jumping onto the man's back i swore get the fck out of my house you while jamming my fingers into his eyes i ripped at his ears i screamed as demonically as possible the man threw me off and they both ran luckily i then ran to my sister's room and pulled her to my mom's room where we waited until the police arrived they never caught the guys the police in my area are pretty corrupt however we did get information on how they managed to get in they had burned cds we were told or something else outside our windows hoping to knock us out which mostly worked they had to cut our burglar bars which would have been very loud they also dropped and shattered a television that they had tried to take from the living room as well as a set of china that was very scary and i'm lucky they didn't decide to retaliate when i was 12 i was home alone upstairs in my house about to start my oval practice oboe has a double reed that needs soaking in a little bit of water to soften before you play so i went downstairs to the kitchen to get a little glass of water as i stepped in the kitchen which had a conservatory attached to it i saw two men by the patio doors talking to each other with their backs to the window one had a brick in his hand i completely froze they didn't see me and i backwards shuffled out so fast i don't deal well in panicky situations my brain goes to mush so i ran back upstairs to my room and rang my mom explained and she told me to get out the house i ran back down to the front door my mom always told me and my brother if we were home alone to turn the alarm on it was one of those alarms where it goes off only if you open a window or door not like a movement sensor one so in my panic state i turned the alarm off as i was rushing out told you my brain goes to mush should have left it so it alerted someone to call the police or at least scare them off silly me i ran down to my auntie who lived four doors down and she rang the police when the police arrived they were the first in the house followed by my mom the men had thrown the brick through the patio doors broke in and turned the house upside down because no alarm had been set off due to me being an idiot it gave them extra time to search the house place was a tip but nothing was taken police said they must have been after the car keys for my dad's company car but the keys were on him so they never found them they'd even search through my room which freaked me out even more i was about 17 at the time i consistently stayed up late so this happened at about 2am i was home alone sitting at my computer which was in the top corner of the house next to the window a car pulled up with a man in it halfway down our short drive with its headlights pointed at my front door this man is just staring forward at our house we lived on a dead-end street at the very edge of town away from any through roads this guy sits there unmoving staring at our house for almost an hour by this point i've had enough it's creeping me the fck out i grabbed my machete i bought one for shits and giggles went downstairs opened my front door and stared the guy down as soon as he saw me he started to back out of the drive never happened again was sitting alone in my room when i heard the noise of the front gate being fiddled with that's a normal enough sound as the gate could be finicky when someone tried to unlock it so i assumed it was just my parents coming home then i started to realize it was taking a bit long for them to open the gate so i went to inspect turns out it was actually two guys trying to break into our house as a somewhat physically impaired female who was about 15 at the time i was terrified about what the consequences of the mentoring would be we had no working alarm system that it was during a work day which meant the neighbors weren't home fight or flight mode kicked in cue me screaming the most obscene string of words i ever uttered at the door that separated the burglars from me apparently it was enough to spook them and they took off they had gotten through the gate in one of the two locks on our door it was only after the adrenaline wore off that the true gravity of what could have been set in and i broke down i still have an underlying sense of paranoia when i'm home alone even years later my neighbors decided they wanted to kill me i heard my neighbors outside fighting one night and looked outside and they saw me in the window i live in an apartment building the next day they were on the porch when my family left to go up to the park i was about 17 at the time and didn't feel like going with them i had left my window open and could hear my neighbor's voices get low i didn't see that with the piercings leave with them there are only about seven apartments here and i'm the only alternative person with a bunch of piercings so i knew it was me her and this dude kept going back and forth about who i was and how i had seen them until i heard them go back inside well when they got into the hallway i heard them coming up the stairs the other apartment on my floor was vacant at the time so there would be no reason for someone to come up here they tried opening the front door but it was locked i could hear one say to the other to go around the back so i ran and locked my back door and hid under my sister's bed i called my family panicking and they came home but my neighbors were already gone a couple of days later they were busted for selling drugs and the fight i had heard before was a deal gone bad right in my parking lot and they were scared i was gonna tell i didn't even know they were dealers when they were busted my mother talked to one of the officers about what happened and i had to file a report apparently one of them admitted to having intentions for keeping me quiet i don't know what happened to them and i don't care too i don't live in that apartment anymore i was a junior in college over winter break everyone in my college apartment went home for the holidays however my parents live in the same city that my university is located in i decided to stay at our apartment a little longer before christmas one friday morning i left my place to go buy gifts and wrapping paper the lock on our door works with the battery and the fob is what you lock it with our shitty apartment complex is supposed to replace them every year to make sure they work i thought i locked the door but the battery was dead i came back from shopping and used the fob to unlock the door it's hard to tell whether it was already unlocked because it's a fob i was gift wrapping for 45 minutes in my living room until a friend called me and asked me to go meet her for a late lunch i went into my room and got ready to take a shower my bathroom was located in my room and my closet was inside of my bathroom i took a shower and grabbed the towel that was hanging then i opened up my closet and there was a man around 25 years old just standing there i don't think i ever screamed that loud ever in my life it was so shocking i asked him what he was doing here and he said he thought it was his girlfriend's apartment and that he was supposed to go one floor up above my room i didn't believe him so i asked him for his id and to empty his pockets and he actually gave it to me he didn't have anything on him luckily i immediately called the cops as the man fled and ran outside my apartment and i gave the cops his id information so they were able to track him down later the cops went upstairs and checked with my apartments to see if there was indeed a girl living there but it was just four dudes lol anyways it was pretty traumatizing at the time but i'm over it now about five years ago i was at my parents house alone i had been up late playing games online with some friends and after a few hours and drinks i decided it was time to have a snack and watch a movie before bed i went upstairs to the kitchen and before i could make my snack my dog asked to go outside i let him out on the deck and decided to go out with him to enjoy the cool night air after a few minutes i heard rustling in brambles beneath the deck this was weird because my parents house is facing a busy road in the back of the house is fenced so they don't get a lot of wildlife in their yard instead of going back inside and locking the door like i should have i leaned over the side of deck and peered into the darkness a moment later a dog a little older than mine but the same size and breed emerges and wanders off into the night though anticlimactic i felt a little uneasy and a little drunk at this point so i opted to convince my dog that it was time to go back inside and made sure all of the doors and windows were locked the next day i told a couple of friends about my encounter but most importantly i told my then girlfriend now wife i had gotten mixed responses ranging from relating to being creaked out by being home alone at night too this belief my wife being in the latter group later that week i had my wife over and when she was leaving for the night i walked her out to her car at this point i thought it was appropriate to make a joke about the ghost dog so i whistled not even a second later we both hear the sound of clicking i immediately recognize the sound of dog nails on pavement but my wife thought i was making the sound to mess with her sure enough there was the dog i had seen the other night but had never seen in all the years i had lived there my wife turns around to see what i had been looking at sees the dog and screams i guess it has been friendly since it came when i whistled but the scream scared it off and i never saw it again on june 3rd i got home from work that morning and did the things that i normally do i had washed down an ambien with a beer like normal and then laid down for bed i had no sooner closed my eyes when i received the phone call knowing that only a few people have my number and even fewer of them are set to ring even if my phone is on silent i answered it and received the worst news of my life my mother had some type of heart issue and had collapsed i made the 40-mile trip in right around 20 minutes with a stop for gas in the middle the next few days were a whirlwind in which i didn't sleep and barely ate while i waited for my verbally and psychologically abusive mother to die we took her off of life support and i spent the next 13 hours holding her hand after the funeral i found myself sitting at home i was playing a video game when i began to feel as though someone was pissed and really ifking me from the doorway to the kitchen an interesting note my mother was always sitting in her kitchen since she was always sewing as time passed the feeling of being stink i'd intensified and intensified until i was shaking the dog came down from her spot upstairs walked halfway out to the kitchen before turning around and going back that was when i began to think that i may have fallen asleep and someone had somehow snuck around me being a self-defense kind of person i called out but nobody answered i did the same thing upstairs with the same result i returned to my chair and brought up a friend's contact in my phone at this point i was beginning to think that i was suffering some type of mental issue and needed to go to the hospital before reality totally broke i began packing an overnight bag when it occurred to me that i have always been a weird woo type of person i made the decision to be really weird for the length of time it took to smoke a cigarette if the paranoia and fear got worse or stayed the same then i would make my phone call i lit the cigarette and walked halfway out to the kitchen and took a deep breath i'm so very glad that you came you're welcome anytime that you would like to come however if this is how you're going to make me feel then you are no longer welcome you will have no thus i continued with a fairly standard license to depart that is commonly used at the end of spirit work after this i sat down in my chair and finished my smoke by the time i was done the fear heaviness and paranoia have left totally i spent a few minutes crying and then left a bit of wine out my husband always automatically locks the front door on his way out so i don't even think to check it anymore one day a couple of years ago the only time he forgot to do this there was a sudden huge banging on my front door delivery people around here seem to always be trying to punch through doors to be heard despite us living in the smallest house ever and so our front door comes right into our living room it all happened really quick but i instantly thought it was a parcel then knew very fast it wasn't two kids whose faces i didn't even get to see suddenly crashed the door open screaming and i was absolutely terrified for the life of myself and my two-year-old who has a tendency to play by the door if she'd have been their head would have been caved in and they ran away laughing when i screamed at them i was shaking for hours a few weeks later a few neighborhood kids i guess all around 12 13 started heckling me when i got out the car at the local shop i knew it was the same ones and their mates because they yelled exactly what i had shouted at them and then rode off it's been two years and i've never felt fully safe since when i was around 10 11 years old i was technically alone inside the house but my grandmother was outside washing the laundry by hand i was playing on the computer which was placed on a table that was against the wall opposite of our stairs to the second floor that detail is very important as it meant that my back was facing the stairs and couldn't really see it now during this time my grandfather had been out for a while i think he went to church and he hadn't come back home yet i was focused on the computer while playing but i noticed that somebody walked through the doorway in the corner of my eyes and walked towards the stairs i assumed it was my grandpa who just came home so i said hi to him but i didn't get a response i heard him going up those stairs made out of wood and it was his usual pace and the normal amount of noise he makes so i was quite sure that it was my grandpa i turned around and called him because i was going to ask him something but i only saw his feet which was my visual confirmation it was him as he had a tattoo on his ankle and he didn't bother going down again i thought he was simply pissed off at something or that maybe he and my grandma had an argument before he came in the house after an hour or so my grandma was done with the laundry so i helped her carry it upstairs and hang the clothes when we got upstairs nobody was there and i was really weirded out i asked my grandma something like didn't grandpa come home already and she said not yet to this day i still don't know what happened and what that was i did have many weird experiences in the house of hours so i just chalked it up as one of those little supernatural things that went on in it when i was a kid it's probably the creepiest one i've experienced but the scariest one is a story for another time p i was watching a movie late at night when i heard a strange scratching sound i dismissed it at first but it persisted i walked around my apartment to notice it was coming from my front door i walked up to the door and peered out the peephole to see two men in masks one with a gun and the other trying to pick the lock i didn't know what to do so i paced back and forth in front of the door for a few seconds before i smacked the door as hard as i could and screamed the most feral gruntiest growliest guttural blast of noise i could conjure i immediately looked through the peephole to see two stunned masked men look at each other and then back at the door and then again at each other then run down the hall and out of the building i had trouble sleeping for months and put an empty beer bottle next to my door so it would fall over and make a sound if someone came in while i was asleep came home from work planning to quickly shower and go out again i parked across the street in front of the neighbor's house since i was only going to be a short while i started everything up and went to the kitchen for a quick cup of water the way the house is shaped i can see the front window from the kitchen the hallway and kitchen lights were the only ones on in the house i thought i saw someone standing looking through the window while i was at the counter so i turned off the light to get a better look the shadow moved and disappeared so i approached the window to peek through from an angle i saw a man walking up and down our front yard a couple times before turning down the sidewalk i figured he was looking for a house number since the porch lights were off and since he was headed down the street i assumed he had realized he was at the wrong house i honestly didn't think anything of it and went back to my shower i thought i heard knocking while i was in the shower but just ignored it since it didn't last long once i got out of the bathroom i could see flashing lights down the hallway i went to go check and the whole front room was flashing in red and blue i looked out the window again to see cop cars crowding the street directly in front of my house i quickly put my shoes on and went outside to see what was going on there were four or five cop cars down the street and a man was being arrested on the other side of the sidewalk i waved a policeman over to ask what was going on and he just said to keep my distance and not interfere i mentioned that my car had been cut off by police vehicles and i was planning on leaving he responded i would have to wait until everything was cleared out i waited 15 minutes before calling a friend to pick me up and take me to the studio while i was there i got a call from my parents saying i needed to come home because the cops were there apparently our front door neighbor had a son who she hadn't seen in years he's schizophrenic and apparently had been living on the streets but that night had done a bunch of meth somehow in his altered state he found his way to his mom's house when she didn't answer the door he decided to bust through her front window and start chasing her around the house somehow she got out without his knowledge and was knocking on my door to be led in so she could call 9-1-1 thankfully a neighbor let her in and the cops apprehended her son i'm not sure what he was doing in our yard or peeking through our windows i'm just glad i didn't open the door to him and he didn't decide to go through our window i got in a lot of trouble from my parents for parking on that side of the street because while his mom was at the neighbor's house he decided to take his frustration out on the side of my car which was in my dad's name and left several sizeable dents it almost looked like i had been t-boned like this guy had been throwing his entire body at the vehicle i also got in trouble for going to the studio knowing the cops were at our house i honestly just didn't know how to react and wasn't thinking properly it was all a very surreal experience for me that happened about four years ago i was 15 at the time and i was living in peaceful neighborhood without much criminality my dad is a police officer so he always has his pistol under his bed so i was home alone cause my parents had gone to visit my aunt and my uncle i was casually playing cod with my friends at 1am when i heard that the door downstairs getting closed with force didn't mention i was living in an apartment on the first floor but no one was living on the floors above then i heard footsteps going up the stairs but no one was speaking i was a bit terrified so i got my keys and locked the door four times security door i looked from the keyhole and i saw two men who had their faces covered chatting outside my door i didn't know what to do i was really scared simultaneously i was whispering to my friends what was happening the i heard one man shouting open the door kid i know that you are in i got my phone and called the police who told me to tell them that i have the police on hold and that they would send a vehicle i did that but they got even more mad and started trying to knock and unlock the door they were shouting my mind was blurred with fear so i took my father's gun and told them that i have a gun and if they knock one more time i'll shoot them silence for a minute then bang they started shooting my door i got down to the floor while the police officer on the line was telling me to stay there and become but i was so scared that i could hear him i took the gun from the floor and shot six times at my door i heard a scream and someone running i looked from the keyhole and saw one of the two men holding his foot and before they could do anything the police arrived in the caught both of them this was the scariest day in my entire life p's if anyone ever asks no i wasn't charged because i was in self-defense and no one died and the officer who was one the phone heard everything i worked a job that required me to be basically working all day even when i got home so i did all my chores late at night at 3 a.m i went to go do my laundry the house i was renting was odd and that there was an attached garage but you needed to go through the garage and around a corner to get to the basement stairs now right at the top of the basement stairs was a door leading from the garage out to the backyard this door also had a slot built into it where you slid it two by four and to keep it from opening this door also had a functioning lock i never used this door as i had doors from both the kitchen and master bedroom leading to the backyard the only reason i used the small one from the garage was to move the mower into the yard so i kept it both locked and kept the 2x4 in place at 3am holding my laundry basket i opened the door leading from the kitchen into the garage i saw the light was on in the basement but it didn't sketch me out too bad as i rounded the corner i saw the door that i never used was wide open into the backyard and the two by four was on the ground i immediately nope the heck out of there locked myself back into the house and called the police no signs of forced entry this was less than a week after a very temperamentally stable dog i was boarding was barking and growling at the ceiling i had never heard him bark at anything prior damn wtf did you ever figure anything out no but that wasn't the end of the weird incidents i got locked out twice once with the oven on i had a sliding porch door that had a locking mechanism on the stationary window panel about halfway up the door it was just a metal rod that swung down and left into place to keep the moving panel from sliding open if it was parallel to the floor i was out in the backyard with my dog and it swung down from the perpendicular position locking the outside however this happened completely independently of me shutting the door i was outside for a few minutes and heard the metal rod swung down and lock into place i took the rod out after that and replaced it with just a wood dowel that you can wedge into the groove at the bottom of the door this was elevated from the floor some learning my lesson i always remove the dowel from the tack completely before i go outside and set it on the floor again i was out in the yard with my dog for a few minutes and when i came back to open the door to my surprise i found the wooden dowel in the track it would have had to be picked up and placed there no way it could have rolled in when i was a teenager my parents were out on a date night when a man broke into my house with a key that he had and stood in my kitchen in the dark waiting for me to leave my room right after my parents had left i had turned on the hall light kitchen light and the living room light because i had never liked the dark especially when i was the only one in the house he had spent the time to turn them all off and instead of surprising me in my room i was playing a video game with headphones on he hung out in the kitchen just walking around for a good 30 minutes i only realized that something was wrong when i walked out of my room and saw that all the lights were off that my cats were surrounding the kitchen doorway ready to fight and that there was footsteps coming from the kitchen i of course called my parents and he heard it which made him run out the back door into the woods surrounding my community what i've always wondered as if it was the peeping town that i had seen through my window and if he had finally decided to try something when i was home alone with nothing to defend myself my parents had taken the guns to storage only two days before this happened my house was built in the late 1880s the original owner died in the house the owners of the house prior to me owning it both the husband and wife died in the house the elderly neighbor i had knew the couple and we would talk about them she always told me they were caring and compassionate people the wife had fallen down the basement stairs while her husband was at work and died at the base of the stairs the husband came home and found her a couple years later the husband had a heart attack in the living room and my neighbor was the one that found him we always hear noises and stuff doors close on their own but a lot of that is because the house is 100 years old then one night i was cooking and got distracted the food i was cooking on the stove top started to burn and the kitchen started to fill with smoke so i ran over to the stove shut the burner off and managed to take a deep breath of burnt food smoke i got dizzy enough that i decided i should sit on the ground before i fell to the ground then i just laid down on my back that's the last thing i remember laying down on my back there was a big block of time i can't recall to this day i still can't recall it it could have been a minute it could have been an hour i didn't look at a clock before i passed out the last thing i remember before losing consciousness though was hearing a female voice say it's going to be okay when i came to and got cognitively active again the windows in the kitchen the dining room and the living room were all open and the ceiling fan was on it wasn't warm enough to open windows and have a ceiling fan on so i know they weren't just open i don't remember doing that i'm a pretty rational and skeptical person but there is a big gap there that needs explained and i can't explain it now when i hear noises i just say hi kind of jokingly kind of not jokingly i've never had a scary horror movie type experience but there are a lot of little helpful experiences that i can't explain either i got evacuated because of a super close bush fire on my learners home alone with three dogs my mom and aunt were both at work on the other side of the city so they wouldn't have been home for over an hour pending traffic so i called my mom up explaining the situation and she had a look on its website just to clarify information for herself she called ahead to my sibling school and told me to go grab them like most other people were doing at the time luckily i'm also an emergency contact so i packed a go bag put the three dogs in my car took down my l plates knowing full well on breaking the law by simply driving without being on my ps grabbed my siblings from school and drove to a friend's house in another suburb there was a heap of cops out and to this day i was honestly surprised i didn't get pulled over our house came off okay it luckily didn't jump the freeway but it was super close major respect for firefighters but that's probably the scariest thing to happen while being home alone one time when i was about 11 i was sick so my mom let me stay at home she needed to do some shopping though that morning so i assured her i'd be fine for an hour or two i was upstairs just got out of the bath and looking out onto the street noticed a white van parking up at the bottom of our drive weird but i tried not to panic as i got dressed i took another look out and noticed two guys had got out of the van and were making a beeline for my front door my plan was to let them knock and just ignore the door my plan failed they started banging on the door so hard when they didn't get an answer opening and closing the letterbox shouting hello i was terrified desperately trying to ring my mom on the home phone but getting no response after it went on for about 10 minutes and i could hear them opening the side gate and entering my back garden which terrified me because my mom was always in and out of the back door and i wasn't sure if it was locked i made the decision to call the police my mom went absolutely insane at me that day for doing so but the whole situation was so creepy eventually they just left not long after i called the police so half of me thinks my mom didn't believe me when i was in grad school i lived in a sketchy area due to cheap rent and proximity to my university had just broken up with a boyfriend and was solo living so one night i woke up startled in the middle of the night to five six gunshots really close i held my breath heard nothing and convinced myself it was a dream now because i had just moved in i hadn't gotten around to unpacking which included putting up curtains for my upstairs bedroom windows my apartment backed up onto an empty very hilly underdeveloped lot at some point i awoke to lights and the sound of movement coming through my window opened my eyes and saw what looked like soldiers and tactical gear crouching through tall weeds turns out it was swat surrounding my apartment block over the hilly area my neighbor got shot by her estranged husband and laid dead in the driveway in front of our joined apartments and he was holding their kids hostage at gunpoint swat then got on loudspeaker and told the rest of us to stay hiding in our apartments and not come out the standoff lasted three hours the next morning i found out my car was part of the crime scene my neighbor as she ran got shot by my car and sprayed my car in blood my other neighbor's car unfortunately sustained bullet holes had to give a statement of what i heard but i thought it was all a dream so i wasn't that helpful not scary scary but scary weird my parents were selling their property when i was about 15. we had a double wide mobile home on site which we lived in this was a fairly secluded california community and we had 30 acres so lots of interest in many visitors while it was on the market one guy atticus immediately gave me the creeps but seemed most likely to purchase the land so he was around several times my intuition proved to be fairly on point because within a few days of meeting our family atticus started calling my parents at random hours of the night and showing up at our house my parents eventually told him they were not interested in selling their property to him and that he was not welcome around around any longer this conversation was pretty unpleasant from what they described lots of hostility on his end fast forward a few days i'm home alone and i hear the front door open i come around from the living room and see him standing in my kitchen he seems like he's on some sort of upper and is yelling at me but about what i still don't know i told him he needed to leave and that i was armed and would kill him if he didn't fck off he didn't budge and kept getting closer to me there was a shotgun behind our couch so i ducked out of the kitchen grabbed it and gave it one pump to try to scare him out of my house which worked when i stepped out into my porch he was standing in my driveway and i fired off a shot into the air he got into his car and left and i called the police paperwork was filed in a lot of what my parents told the police fell on deaf ears one week later to the day he strangled a woman under a bridge in my town he's serving life in prison was sitting at my house alone wife at work kids on school playing xbox heard some noises originally chalked it up to in-game noise and then i heard the back door open grab the bat i kept by the front door and walk into the kitchen to a dude walking in we see each other and both freak out as he backs out the door and that's how i found out my landlord had defaulted on his mortgage the bank had taken back the properties and had sent someone to winterize them because they were never informed someone was still living there didn't stop the landlord from collecting my rent checks though before we found out never got those back or the security deposit actually come to think of it i've never gotten a security deposit back even when the property was returned in pristine condition they've ways found a way to keep it side note i ran into the landlord later at a community event and was like so tom when were you going to tell us you had been foreclosed on also do you have my money he vanished from the event after that i was about 12 13 years old babysitting two of my cousins the older one two years old and the little one was a couple months old i had just fed the baby and was about to bring her back upstairs to put her to bed when something caught my eye in the side kitchen window i didn't see anything so i continued on my way by the time i got to the stairs which lined up with the back door there was a man standing there watching through the window i stared at him for what felt like a million years and then i noticed his hand starting to reach for the doorknob with the baby still in my arms i ran upstairs the back door was locked and rushed into the kid's room by the time i reached the top of the stairs i could hear him saying something in the doorknob rattling my aunt and uncle had an old 1930s cape cod home that had storage built into the eaves i grabbed the baby's bassinet put the baby in it then had to haul the two-year-old out of bed i then shoved them into one of the storage areas and put a dresser in front of it since this was pre-cell phone i then had to go find the landline in my aunt and uncle's bedroom i peeked down the stairs on my way across the hall and he was still there when i reached the phone it was like an ice bucket was dropped over me i realized the front door was still unlocked i had forgotten to lock it up on my aunt and uncle left my aunt and uncle didn't have a cordless phone so i had to make a decision call and 911 the door and then find the kitchen phone i chose option number two oddly calm i walked down the stairs kept making eye contact with the man the whole way down when i reached the bottom of the stairs i turned the corner real quick and booked it to the front door to lock it turning all the lights off on the way the doorknob rattled again and he was talking but to be honest i have no idea what he was saying i head back to the kitchen grab a big knife and dial 9-1-1 when the operator answered i remember saying very clearly i am babysitting my cousins a man is trying to get into the house i do not know him i lock the babies in the attic behind a dresser in case i'm gone when you get here my aunt left the note on the fridge with the number to the theater and restaurant there in case of an emergency make sure you call them i don't really remember much else of the call to be honest but i do remember that i was so convinced that the man who was still standing in the doorway was going to take me i was absolutely terrified but i knew i needed to let someone know i just stayed in the dark kitchen staring at his backlit silhouette clutching the knife in one hand the phone in the other not long after i first made the call i hear a car door shut coming from the front of the house the shadow man then starts to walk away then there is screaming and yelling for him to get down on the ground yadda yadda i am still sitting in the chair when the police are knocking on the door and flashing their flashlight into the house i then go to the door unlock it and let the police in they make me stay with one officer while the other two start searching through the house to make sure that no one had gotten in without me noticing and that is when my aunt and uncle pull up to find five police cars with lights going surrounding their house a man getting shoved into a cruiser me being questioned by police and their babies in the attic i babysat for them the following weekend so clearly i wasn't too traumatized i was six or seven at the time but i remember this vividly i was playing in the backyard on the side of our house while my mom was in the kitchen cooking all the sudden our german shepherd sheba came bolting around the corner and stopped in front of me all teeth showing load to the ground and snarling she was an angel and who i considered my best friend never showed a hint of aggression toward me i'm sitting there frozen in fear and suddenly she charges toward me i throw my hands over my face in fear but quickly realize she charged right past me and down the side of the yard i turn around to hear our side gate clamoring as the legs of a grown man frantically climbs over back our gate as our german shepherd is right on his heels pounding at the gate barking my mom rushed out after she heard the commotion and i tried to explain what happened but truthfully at the time i don't think even i understood it wasn't until i was much older i realized the gravity of that situation and that she most possibly saved my life that day she remained my loyal best friend throughout my childhood and passed away just shy of 20th birthday i'm 23 now and there isn't a day that goes by where i don't miss her i was sitting on the couch nursing a hangover on a sunday morning when the front door swung open suddenly a woman with long bedraggled red hair barefoot and covered in cuts and scars walked in casually as if she was expected my first thought was actually that she needed help so i asked her if she was okay she looked at me blankly and said she was looking for rebecca i said nobody by that name lived here and waited for her to turn around and leave but instead she walked slowly further into the house i panicked and shouted that she needed to leave and she ran out and slammed the door i worked at a bar just round the corner at the time and when i went in for my shift the next day my boss asked me if would cover him whilst he chatted to a police officer i asked if everything was all right and he told me that he'd been upstairs in his adjoining apartment heard a noise in the bar and had come down to see a red-haired woman booting out the door clutching several bottles of booze i told him i thought from the description that she had been in my house that morning too when the police officer arrived my boss told them i had also seen her and they asked me to give a statement i felt like i couldn't really say no as my boss was telling me to do it and saying i could do it on shift the officer took my statement in the bar sitting by a window which even at the time made me uncomfortable a few days later i was woken up at six am by my bed shaking and loud banging noises i was living with my parents in this time they were home i was very confused and couldn't figure out where the noise was coming from i went downstairs and my dad was already by the front door he opened it in a man also with long hair and barefoot immediately jumped forward and started screaming i didn't catch much of it but he did say what did you do she has kids how could you he had been kicking our front door with such force that it was shaking my bed on the second floor enough to wake me up my dad shattered it until he left even though my parents think it's a coincidence i'm convinced that guy saw me giving my statement in the bar and followed me home quick backstory we had just moved up to virginia in a sketchy town and it was my first time being home alone at the age of 12. it was late because my parents had taken my sister to her cheerleading practice and i had just gotten off my crutches i was just vibing on one of the bean bags playing mario or something when i had some loud noises in my parents room the only animal we had was our dog and he was right next to me so i started to panic i grabbed the machete my parents had in the living room in case i needed to defend myself and quieted my breathing the floor was tile so i couldn't listen for creaks but what i could do was move silently toward my parents room i got there and peeked inside and i was horrified because i saw a person hunched over in the corner the window locked broken and window open i silently went back to the bean bag and made sure to not make any noise when i texted my mom about it she freaked and called the cops i couldn't hear anything from the room so i assumed he was still there no he was staring directly at my from the doorway of my parents room i glanced up and saw him and freaked the fck out screaming i'm armed don't come out or i will shoot which i knew was a bluff cause all i had was a machete but it had worked he just kept staring at me though it was unnerving and after about three minutes the cops came and arrested the man it was absolutely horrific we moved out almost a year later back to texas and i've tried to push this incident behind me but it still haunts me as it replays in my nightmares home alone in my little seriously less than 350 square feet house which ironically was built in a part of the california desert that looked like the setting from the hills have eyes nothing around for miles aside from deserted houses and empty desert our closest neighbor was i believe two miles or so away so as if that wasn't creepy enough my husband was running very late with getting home and since this was before cell phones were a big deal naturally i started to worry so i leave a note attached to the fridge in case he returned before me turned off all but one light locked up and went out to my car to go and see if maybe he'd broken down somewhere on the almost deserted eight mile stretch of road between our house and the freeway exit come home about a half hour later and every light in the house is on and the front door is wide open at first naturally i'm elated he's home except his car isn't there our dog is running around the yard barking her head off and i'm just spooked as all hell tentatively enter the house and look around nothing looks amiss there is nothing visibly that stands out except the bathroom door is closed the house just felt wrong and i needed to get out of there so cue me getting ready to run back to the car to wait when my husband appeared in the doorway behind me relief i can relax he checked the bathroom no boogie monsters nothing looked messed with or fussed with he poked some fun at me for being so high strung and we decide to call it a night fast forward to a bit later that evening when i'm sitting in bed and the husband calls out from the kitchen who's bob and i'm confused ask him what the hell has talking about he shows me my note that says went out checking for you it's sex time and i'll be home in half an hour and that the bottom of the note somebody scribbled bob says hi we moved two months later so when i was in ninth grade i got home from school one day i was home alone since my mom was at work other siblings were in elementary school and still had class for another hour i get home and grab a piece of key lime pie my mom made not my favorite but a pie by mom is a pie by mom ya know so i'm sitting in the living room on my phone eating my pie and after a few minutes i heard a loud knock on the back door of course i go open it and it's the neighbor from across the back alley who was extremely frantic for setting the scene and how she saw if you care my house was set on a bank with the front porch on the interstate and the back side of the house has an alley that connects to the backyards of the houses on the street behind us so from my neighbor's kitchen window she can see across her backyard the alley and into my backyard so i answer the door and she's clearly upset but immediately asks me if i'm okay i was a little confused cause i was just chilling and eating pie however she was doing dishes and happened to watch a drunk guy stumble down the alley from the bar four houses down break into my garage and steal my softball bath he then broke my shed doors off cheap ass metal doors and proceeded to walk to my back door and open it my mom's house has a shoe room when you walk in so you enter the back door then there's the shoe room then another door that you can see right through to the kitchen and into the living room specifically the chair i was in was direct view from the second door from what she said he entered the shoe room and walked right back out i'm not sure if he saw me or not but i'm so very glad nothing bad happened to me that day when he left my house he walked a few blocks to the nearby elementary school my siblings attended and while kids were at recess attempted to attack the signs leading up to the schooly no dogs speed zone etc before quickly getting tackled by teachers and arrested turns out he mixed a medication for something keeping his mind stable with alcohol and went a little bonkers he got probation for a few years about two i think years later he broke into a lady's house beat the out of her stole her car and ran over an old lady mowing her lawn who had just beaten cancer he's very much in prison i must have been like 12. my mom was a young single mom and would go out to the bars with her friends on fridays or saturdays i loved it because she always let me sit around and watch tv until she came home at 230 and then she'd bring me taco bell well during this time i was getting what she called growing pains my legs would ache like crazy usually when they happened i would get in a hot bath until i felt better at around 1am one of those nights i got the pain so i got into the bath soaked eventually felt a bit better and got out the bathroom was upstairs so i had to go down the steps walking past my mom's bedroom to get back to the tv i laid back down on the couch because i was still a little sore our couch faced away from our front door and it's pretty unlikely you'd be able to see me from the back where the steps opened into the living room maybe two or three minutes after i laid down i heard a pair of heavy footsteps coming down the steps the best way i can describe it is a grown man in work boots i was completely terrified and didn't want to move i was pretty sure it was a murderer because i was 12 in my mind was working in overdrive i heard the footsteps come over to the back of the couch and it felt like someone was standing over me i kept my eyes closed so the killer would think i was asleep and maybe leave me alone after a moment the footsteps moved away from the couch and headed to the front door which was in the living room as well the wood door opened then the screen door then the person walked out closing the doors behind them i laid there for a minute freaking out and then got up turned all the lights on in my house locked everything and called my mom she came home right away of course but first she asked me which way the footsteps went when they left the house because she was going to call the police i live in wisconsin and it was january and it had been snowing up until about 10 p.m so it was fresh snow but there wasn't a single footprint outside when i looked out the front door's glass our entire porch was covered in snow so there's no way someone could have left from the front door and not left tracks i walked outside and all around my front yard looking for footprints but there was nothing my mom told me to get back inside the house and she was home within a couple minutes after that the cops showed up a minute or so after my mom and they started searching the property for someone eventually finding a guy behind the bushes under the living room window he had left the front door and gone immediately sideways into the bushes to prevent leaving footprints then he had watched me search the yard for him from the bushes turned out he was a 20-something guy who had been breaking into homes on my cul-de-sac for a couple weeks and stealing jewelry he had snuck in while i was in the bath and went into my mom's room looking for stuff too take thinking back on it i wasn't as scared as i should have been wasn't home alone but i was the only person up early in the morning in a student house with entry around the back front door led to a bedroom so was in the kitchen making toast and mug of tea when i see a blur go past one of the windows in the next i saw an old guy peeking through probably casing the place apparently i was in a blind spot or something quasi thought it was a good time to try the door i was thinking he'd fail cause obviously it'd be locked right wrong apparently one of my housemates had come in late the night before and not locked up so the guy opens the door i turn around with a buttering knife as my now weapon of choice and our eyes meet it felt like minutes that we were stood there but thankfully the would-be thief choose the peaceful route and backed out closing the door which i immediately locked for the rest of the time i was in that house i'd always make sure the door was locked when i went to bed and first got up cause next time a butter knife might not be enough to defend my ass thankfully never saw that guy again i came home from school early and my parents still weren't home i spent the day playing games and just cherishing the time i had being alone when my parents got home just when they were about to walk upstairs they asked me why there were footprints on the wall all the way up to the ceiling of course i was shocked i have walked around the house all day and i never saw those footprints and these footprints were big like in athletes they were dark and i don't know if they were dust or something because i was too terrified to touch it the only thing i thought could have done this was the devil we left the house for a while stayed at my uncle's house which was just a few houses away we had our house blessed by a local priest we came back and lived on as usual a year after it came back last time it seemed like it was one person or a demon or what the fck it was but this time it got scarier there were multiple footprints and hand prints as well this time not all were black some were red and they were scattered around the walls in the ceilings we were so scared of going back to the house our neighborhood did have history of ghosts and my mom just say that there is a ghost who lives in our house named rosemarie our neighborhood used to be where people were killed and dumped when the country was still under dictatorship so stories of ghosts wasn't a surprise but that didn't seem like a ghost that seemed like something else for background i have severe anxiety disorder to the point i exhibit symptoms of other mental health disorders with that being said new year's eve i was alone waiting for someone to come back home they didn't have a key with them so i stayed up when suddenly in my peripheral vision i could see this weird creature that sort of looked like a humanoid lion sat on my bed blank expression looking straight at my wall now usually i can just blink and any visual hallucinations disappear because i'm aware that they're not real this one did not go away no matter how many times i blinked or closed my eyes i eventually thought hey if i just look straight at it it'll disappear but when i went to look at it i became convinced that if i did it would brutally murder me i mean disembowelment ripping out arteries pulling off limbs etc so i then had the most prolonged panic attack of my life and started to become more paranoid than usual then the fireworks started as long as i'm aware fireworks and lightning don't scare me that night i couldn't distinguish between the fireworks outside in the auditory hallucinations of someone trying to break my door down when there was a break in the sound of someone trying to break into my house i went down to the kitchen and grabbed a twelve knife and sat back down with a creature now staring at me bearing its teeth at me through a grin that literally stretched from ear to ear after two hours i finally managed to talk myself down and return to reality but i was terrified every minute and it prompted me to go to many different psychologists and a psychiatrist to get more solid diagnosis of my mental health issues as a petite single adult woman living alone i generally never answer the front door when someone knocks and i'm not expecting company well someone kept knocking five minutes go by and they don't stop knocking at the same rhythm with no speeding up or slowing down just knock knock knock knock etc it was late at night behind a reasonable time and dark outside so i was mostly like f kit rolled over went to sleep 20 minutes pass and the knocking continues i'm determined to be left alone and i'm trying to sleep so i turned on the tv to drown out the noise but the knocking continues an hour later it is still going on so i'm pretty irritated i keep a firearm near the bed so i grabbed it and went to the door tried to look out the peephole but i couldn't see anything so i racked the firearm pretty loudly up close to the door then i ripped the door open and took a step back to give some distance kept the gun relatively low at me hi i'm standing there in booty shorts and a bra staring back at some screaming high school kid i felt really bad i wasn't sure what to say so i just said you have the wrong place and slowly shut the door while he was still screaming and i just locked it and left it i don't really talk to my neighbors but i'm out of town a lot and when i'm home i like to party late resulting in my neighbors only seeing me when they're out smoking in the middle of the night so i'm pretty sure they think i'm an undercover cop because they get really quiet and stare when they see me i was living in my family's garage turned studio and i was home alone that night i was 19 at the time and smoked tons of weed i heard my big girl dog german shepherd and sarah destrella mix barking in the garden and heard a little commotion i was smoking weed and watching cartoons and couldn't be bothered to check i thought it was probably a cat it happened all the time i told my dog to shut it and kept smoking the next morning i go to the garden not even thinking about the noise the night before and there's a bloody man's boot and bits of ripped jeans near the fence that the man probably used to escape my good girl had plenty of treats and pets that day when i was 14 some big kid who was about 17 years old we will call him marquis got on my school bus when we made a stop to drop kids off in a ghetto neighborhood apparently the girl i was dating at the time lived in his neighborhood and the guy was just a creep and saw me with her so he figured out what bus i took where i got off and all that well it finally gets to my stop and i get off but the kid stays on i'm in my living room and i shoot you not but my girlfriend at the time gave me a call to not answer the door because marquis was coming to kick my ass and sure enough he comes banging on my doors and windows threatening to shoot me and stab me over my girlfriend who was also 14 at the time lol eventually he got bored and left because i was not going outside to chance it and for some reason never thought to call the police it definitely was scary and a police report was filed when my mom got home because our screens were ripped off the window and he carved fck you in the door with a knife never heard any follow-ups to whatever happened with marquis but our bus driver did get fired for letting him on i was working on a foreclosure we gutted one man had committed suicide by gunshot in the bedroom i was laying flooring in and his mother had passed from cancer in the other bedroom the house had been compelling trashed by the daughter until it was a dump the neighbors had told me the mother kept it pristine before she died it was probably around midnight and i was working alone with the radio on the radio suddenly went straight static hello i asked the radio turned off i kept working in silence until i swear to god i felt someone watching me from the doorway like slowly peeking some the corner all the hairs on my arms and neck stood straight up i was hit with a wave of guilt and embarrassment like i had never felt before and it was so strong i almost gagged don't worry i said i'm going to get it back to the way it should be immediately the radio turned back on and i looked at the doorway nobody was there but i felt immense relief just not sure if it was my relief for the visitors during college i lived alone in a run-down rental house in a shadier part of town and always got home from work at 1am my house faced the street but i would pull up from behind through a gravel alley to park in a gravel patch at the backyard and come in the back door parking my car i noticed movement on my back porch and creeped up in the dark to find my dog i was shocked how the fck had she gotten outside i would never let her outside without my company even on her lead as i was nervous about mare do wells that frequented the gravel alley alongside my house her head and chest were all messy and gross like she'd gotten into some yuck so i hurried us into the house to see what she was covered in she was tail wagging happy eye was home just normal as ever and looking back i made some bad choices but i was tired and confused anyway getting inside and flipping the lights i noticed the front door had been kicked and that's how she got outside and the yuck all over her was actually blood not her own there was a good deal of blood in my dinning room in a trail of one foot's bloody boot prints back out the front door and onto the porch i called the police of course and nothing ever came from it besides landlord putting in a sturdier door that was all eight years ago and i have literally never experienced my dog growl at a human dog or cat and all this time we've lived alone together she's fast friends with everyone she ever meets and especially patient with children being too rough pulling on her etc she's even mothered some baby ducks and kittens over the years it's still hard for me to imagine she fought a robber out of our house but that's the only conclusion i can make of it trigger warning suicide mentioned i don't know if this is too personal to share but whatever when i was around 13 14 years old 10 years ago my parents were going through a pretty rough divorce my twin sister and i lived with my mom and my dad found a new place downtown in the city my sister and i grew quite close in the divorce and in a way we parented each other she was more assertive but i was more protective one day my sister and i had plans with our dad for dinner and my mom threatened to kill herself via hanging prior to us leaving she was struggling with us maintaining a relationship with our dad since the divorce and really didn't care about how she presented that to us not reading too much into it my sister and i left for dinner with our dad thinking that our mom was just being reactive we came home and it was just the two of us i never had home alone time as i always had my twin but something felt off the energy of the house just felt gross the lights were off and it was really quiet for my personality i began to suss everything out as i wanted to ensure everything was all right my sister followed behind me as i went upstairs turning on the lights as we went when we reached the top there was one light on up there despite every other light being off in the home and it was in my mom's bedroom closet you could see the strip of light under the door when i went to open the door i physically couldn't which was so not who i was i got so weak ill and dizzy and i could not stop thinking that i would open the door to find my mom hanging dead in the closet i stood at the closet door for close to 15 minutes with my hand on the doorknob my sister and i were both crying neither of us could go in what we ended up doing was calling my dad back to my mom's place and having him look in the closet on our behalf she wasn't in there she went out and forgot to tell us or to turn out the light hindsight tells me that based on what i know about her now she left it on purposely to scare us i know nothing actually happened but after that night something really shifted for me i was watching wwe friday night smackdown in the living room the rest of my family was asleep so yeah it was during the time undertaker and shawn michaels were feuding sean michaels comes out and he's cutting a promo while i'm waiting for undertaker to appear now i'm watching and i just feel scared because as a kid i felt really scared of the undertaker and that night i had a really eerie feeling so maybe this fear played into why i saw what i saw basically i either felt a tap on my shoulder or i saw it behind me i can't remember but when i looked back behind my sofa i saw this shadow figure hooded person walking i ran tf into my bedroom without closing my tv i don't believe in supernatural stuff so it was probably just a hallucination but still scary about 13 years ago when i was 16 my mom and younger brother went on a camping holiday for the weekend i decided that i'd rather stay at home and invite my friends over for a weekend of hanging out and playing video games a few hours after my mom had left i sent out a group message to my friends saying feel free to come over whenever 10 minutes later i heard the gate to the front garden close so assuming it was one of my friends i went downstairs to let them in at the bottom of the staircase there was a small entrance hall which lead to the front door of the house the door had frosted glass in soyu could just about make out the shape of whoever is stood on the other side of it when i reached the bottom of the stairs i noticed that the person on the other side of the door was too tall and big to be any of my friends i instantly froze in position hoping that they wouldn't see me through the frosted glass the person on the other side of the door then tried multiple times to gain entrance into my house first by trying the door handle and then by shoulder barging into it a few times this was the point when i shouted out hey stop that as soon as he heard that there was somebody inside he stopped and sprinted out of the garden and out of sight i immediately called my friend who lived on the same street as me and they were at my house within minutes calming me down i can only assume that the person knew that my mom was going away for the weekend and thought that the house would be empty and was using that as an opportunity to try and steal some stuff i was 13 when this happened i was home alone when my parents went out to go get groceries it started pouring outside and it was bad i was just watching some cartoons at the time then the phone rang i didn't really know what to do so i just answered it then this voice of a woman started saying hello is this my mom's name number it's urgent so i said yeah that's my mom then she goes dear your mom got into a car accident at this point i got scared as hell so i asked where with who etc then she just gave me very vague answers and asked about my address and stuff so my instinct was to drop it already and phoned my dad at which point i was already sure that it was some sort of scam or fishing then my dad answered saying that they're on the way home and that they're fine weirdest and scariest i've experienced as a kid first when i was about four or five i was home alone my mom used to leave me alone a lot for work or whatever else she taught me how to wash dishes cook myself simple meals and do laundry i used to wet the bed a lot anyway it had been six or seven hours already very heavy rain all day i heard a knock on the door and considering how often i was left alone you think she'd have taught me about stranger danger but i digress i opened the door there were four people all draped in yellow rain jackets they asked if they could come in i said sure even them a grand tour they introduced themselves then walked around took some pictures and told me to lock the door and have a nice day as they left turns out a neighbor called dcf and they came to investigate i got my ass beat when my mom found out they left a letter or something on their way out second when i was maybe 10 or 11 i was home alone at my dad's house one night now i'm not religious or spiritual or anything but i've seen a lot of i can't rationally explain i was in the basement as that was my room at the time it was a nice refurbished one though not like an old decrepit one i kept seeing something moving out of the corner of my vision i turned around towards the stairs and solve a little maybe foot and a half to two feet tall black thing it was just zipping back and forth between the stairs and the laundry room which was my only real way out i ran up the stairs when it went on the laundry room and made it to the front door which was great except we had a door that needs a key from both sides and my dad locked it when he left and i left my keys downstairs in my hurry we had a spare key but it was hidden outside never figured we'd needed to get out i sat there curled against the front door crying while this thing was zipping back and forth between the two sets of stairs up and down and the dining room for a while watching it get closer and closer with each pass i eventually mustered the courage to run into the kitchen and jump out the window a good six feet up as i fell out of the window it felt like that thing was right on top of me i ran for my life to our condos parking lot luckily my dad never actually left he just went to work on his car while i was sleeping we blessed the house that night and everything stopped for a little while at least some guys tried to break into my house when i was in my mid teens i wasn't home alone exactly my younger sister by three years was there too we were so young it definitely felt like being alone at the time my dad a professor had left to teach a night class and my stepmom was working a night shift my sister and i got home from school after they had both left for work we were watching tv when i heard a weird scratching sound of the front door i thought it might be our neighbor's dog as it escaped their backyard all the time and came to visit but when i looked through the peephole all i saw was a close-up of a man wearing a ski mask as a primal reaction i screamed as loud as i possibly could the guy shocked ran back too the car he had came in and got in the passenger side i was still watching through the peephole and i told my little sister who was freaking out to call 9-1-1 i definitely should have been the one to do that at the time but i couldn't take my eyes off the guys in the car outside i watched them sit in their car talking while my sister dialed the phone instead of calling 9-1-1 she called our neighbors whose kids she was friend with our neighbors were a couple of bodybuilders the husband ran over to our house and i watched him run up the front steps to our door he goes to knock on our front door but pauses and looks down into the snow at the footprints in the snow he then turns around sees the car with some guys in it points directly at them and yells something i don't know what he said but the car sped off next thing we know we are sitting in our neighbor's house and the cops are there interviewing us it's been years since this experience but my sister and i still talk about it she made the best call calling our giant ass neighbors first had a few weird things happen to me alone as a kid someone called my name but no one else was home my tv turned on by itself this was one of the old ones that you had to turn an actual knob with a rather chunky detent my radio changed stations also required physical contact to do it all separate incidents over the course of five years or so i don't believe in ghosts but i also don't have any logical explanation for it in the same house after my siblings and i had moved out crayon marks started appearing on the hallway walls outside on my parents room they were about the height that a toddler would make and they always showed up in mostly straight parallel lines of different colors took about three weeks to figure out it was coming from a dog toy being dragged along the wall by the german shepherd i was home alone about two months ago brother off at college mother went to stay with my grandparents i was alone just going to college and taking care of the house and dog i heard a knock at the door it was about 11 pm and i was in my underwear watching netflix wasn't expecting anything so i just ignored it and didn't answer after a bit they knocked again on the door louder still didn't think it worth my time then i hear them try the door handle then walk on the gravel path to the side door and try that handle then to the back door in the porch door aggressively trying each one then they went back around wiggling each window and then silence i'm normally uncomfortable living alone so i keep everything locked even when i'm in the house this made me sure to always lock everything this happened like five years ago or something it was like 1am or something and i randomly heard a baby cry first i thought it was just the baby of my neighbors but then i remembered my neighbors were away for a few days i got confused but didn't think much of it at first now it's 2 a.m and the baby is still crying i was getting annoyed by it since i was trying to rest a bit so i went outside to see where it came from and maybe i could check out what it was it was coming from the back of our garden in the shadow of a tree my idiotic brain of course wanted to see it from a closer look but something else told me not to i ran back inside locked the door and hid under a blanket after like few minutes of pure silence there was a loud noise i don't 100 know what kind of noise it was since i forgot already but it was loud i do know that that's where i lost it and got too afraid to do anything it felt like i wasn't alone anymore which was the worst eventually after a few more minutes i found the courage to run upstairs the screaming continued eventually for 30 more men or something until i heard my parents car i did tell them what had happened but of course they didn't believe me now i still hear the crying sometimes but not as bad as that one time and once i do i will never go check again cause that stuff gave me some terrifying nightmares i had a genuine paranormal experience our family was moving house in the night before we moved the last of our stuff i stayed in the house alone i locked my bedroom door it had a bolt lock for some reason was sleeping on just a mattress on the floor with bedding in my ipad fell asleep with the ipad on charge i woke up at 3 am and my door was wide open which was physically impossible as the only way to open it was from the inside and there were wet footprints on the carpet coming from the doorway and standing by my bed and then leading away from the room again i woke up in a state of total confusion and fear because i was alone in this old creepy house and didn't know what to do i got up and followed the footprints i didn't know what else to do this was a downstairs bedroom the footprints led to the closet under the stairs they had come from there and went back there i had a real horror movie moment thinking fck i need to go in there so i swung the door open and there was nothing there cautiously i ventured in and turned on the light and there was nothing out of the ordinary i turned around and a young girl in a white dress was standing where i was before i had ventured under the stairs the moment i saw her she swished to the side and disappeared and the only trace was an unnatural cold temperature that left my hair standing i absolutely panicked and ran to my room to get my ipad to contact my parents that eerie and unnatural cold was everywhere and even though my ipad had been on charge all night it wouldn't turn on i would get the apple symbol show up on the screen and then it would die again i ended up freaking out and running to our neighbor's house i was 14 and was spending the winter break with my aunt and uncle they were supposedly for a party and so i walked them down to the main door saw them off and watched them both get in the car and drive off i come inside lock the door and go to my room about 20 minutes pass and i hear my aunt's room squeak open and then hear footsteps walk down the hall i literally wet my pants and had never experienced my heart pounding this fast i still have no freaking clue how i muster the courage to peek from behind my door but i saw my uncle walk down the stairs and then run outside into the woods i called my aunt and told her i was going to get murdered by my uncle her husband and as i'm talking to her i hear my uncle's voice in the background and i ask them if they're fking with me she hangs up and texts me a picture of them in the car and then sends her location they were 15-20 kilometers from the house i passed out and remember waking up in the er everyone i tell this story to says it was all in my head but to this day i cannot be home alone not while i was completely alone but while working as a nanny house i worked in was old and my hours were typically noon to midnight depending on the day since i worked for a nurse i was about 16 and the kids were two four and 11 one night after dinner the kids were playing in the living room as i tidied up the kitchen i got everything cleaned and put away and by that time i needed to start getting the kids ready for bed oldest usually hung out with me while the younger kids got baths and she'd help me dry them off and get them in pjs i read the kids a story and put them to bed after they all prayed together oldest goes into living room to watch tv as i go into kitchen to get a drink i stopped dead in my f king tracks i thought i had just been transported straight into a f king movie because literally every cabinet and drawer was open i had been the last one in the kitchen and the kids were all with me the whole time i called all this kid over and asked if she was trying to pull a prank on me she was visibility terrified and not a good liar so i knew it wasn't her i hurriedly checked every door and sure enough all locked as they had been all day i scrambled to check on the kids and the locks on their windows trying not to wake them everything good everything closed unlocked i searched the entire house and nothing this was not the first strange thing to happen while i was there but it was by far the most unsettling because i simply could not believe or explain what i saw that was a long night it was the middle of the night and i was 13. our house was in a middle-class neighborhood that had been targeted for some break-ins prior weeks my parents made sure all the doors and windows were locked before going to bed but me being a teenager didn't think i needed my window locked if i was on the second story my wed was against the wall and window i was a heavy sleeper that used to sleep with my head under the covers and sometimes i would just wake up horribly hot so i would just open the window beside my bed no big deal just the day before my brother broke a light with a basketball that was against the house close to the roof so my dad had a ladder outside i was dead ass asleep late at night when a stranger put the ladder against my window they saw cracked and then climbed it because i was completely covered he couldn't see me i groggily woke up to a hand pushing on my stomach so naturally i sat up and started coughing i scared him more than he scared me at the time he flung himself away from me and we assume he fell from the ladder there was a loud crazy and the ladder was tipped over but when i realized what had happened i ran to my parents room and they talked to the cops and so on moral of the story keep your damn windows locked when i got home i smelled smoke in the air and wondered if someone had managed to set the building on fire again sure enough about 15 minutes after i got home there was a knock at my door i wanted to be sure to thank who went around letting everyone know about the fire this time so i ran over and opened the door wide only to have a gun shoved in my face i wrestled with him over the gun but he was able to force his way in i don't really remember much of the next several hours and i'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing because since then i don't know which nightmares really happened and which didn't i know at some point i was raped and pistol-whipped but i have no memory of any of it anyway eventually he forced me into my car keeping the gun pressed into my hip the whole time we were going to hit some atms but by the second one all of my cards had been locked out due to the withdrawal limit the third atm was one of those walk-in ones and he did not follow me and probably because it was very well lit after my cards were all declined i told him i was not coming out and that he could take my car and drive away or shoot me where i stood he ran away across the parking lot cops arrested him near a dumpster across the street around third grade i was home alone as i had afternoon classes for three days straight i had people come knocking at my door the first day i was playing on my pc waiting for 11 30 to roll around so i start my walk to school i don't know the exact hour but i think it was about two hours before i had to go to school there's a knock at my door i don't answer but instead grab a chair to look through the peephole a lady that looked to be from a clothes cleaning company had some clothes on a hanger in like a plastic bag or whatever i don't answer but she stands there for about 10 minutes at least that's what it felt like before leaving the second day again chilling at my pc knock at the door same thing i don't answer grab a chair look through the peephole an old lady this time with a plastic bag i wait i still don't answer i swear to god she doesn't move for about 20 minutes at some point i climb off the chair and proceed to resume playing on the pc i started bringing a small thin useless knife to school with me from that point onwards because i was so scared the third day same thing i believe it was around the same time of the day as the previous two context one of my grandpa's friends had a hungarian name that i couldn't pronounce so i nicknamed him the good man because whenever he'd come visit he'd bring me something like fruity yogurt etc so on the third day i actually feel a bit brave instead of not saying anything i first asked who is it and i kid you naughty this time it was a man says the good man i freak out because the good man lived on the other side of the city and had no idea where we lived not to mention him not really being a friend of my dad's so he had no reason to even come visit us i bring the chair climb on it and nothing darkness it was weird because there were always lights in the hallway the lights were on 24 7 unless one of them broke in which case there'd still be light on the other side of the hallway i didn't think much of it at the time but as i grew up i realized that man was holding his finger on the peephole so i couldn't see who it was needless to say it was the scariest week of my life when i was 11 i stayed in my house alone while my mom went to a friend's house for just a few minutes to give back something she borrowed from them i have to say that i lived in the rural area of tuscany near florence in italy so my house was not near of any other house i was in my room when i started to listen to a very heavy footprint going up the stairs where my room was i was totally panicking and locked my door i had a small pink rifle on the girl btw in my room because my father was a shoot instructor and i had classes with him since i was seven i had no cell phone of my own and our house phone was not in the room with me so grab my rifle was the only thing i could do i know it was not my mom because i always hear her car when she comes back so i just stayed there with my pink rifle totally scared while someone was running up and down the stairs looking for god knows what then after what felt like 30 years i opened my door slowly and there was it a giant dog looking lost as hell turned out it was my neighbor's dog that ended up in my house by mistake and since it was really a big dog and we had a wooden floor i just thought it was a person running inside my house scariest day ever than the best day ever for me when i was about 14 and living in a rough neighborhood parents were divorced so no doubt or stepped at our trash neighbors were having a particularly wild party and someone in the street called the police the police attended two cops only when the party has 50 people and asked them to quieten down the neighbors decided it was us that called them it wasn't and we got bricks through our windows they broke into our meter box and turned off the power tried to kick in the front and back doors and threatened to kill us all this happened in the time it took the police to come back all they did was board up the windows because they were understaffed and taking direct action would make the situation worse they parked with blue and red lights on in our driveway until the party broke i have never been more scared than sitting at that dining table holding a kitchen knife my mother on the phone to the police crying and waiting for a group of grown men to kick in our door and kill us it's a saturday i was in second grade and had a parakeet named john there were tornado sirens going off it's the midwest so i think nothing of it john on the other hand was afraid of the noise and was banging around in his cage so i let him out to fly around and whatnot my mom calls the house telling me to get in the closet that's underneath the stairs i'm like yeah okay mom and just continue to watch tv next thing i know the power goes out and the house is trembling and then start shaking back and forth guess i will go in that closet now i'm in this closet crying feeling the whole house shake around but was honestly more afraid of having to sit next to halloween decorations in the dark for what seems like hours it all stops and my mom comes home shortly i come out to see the tornado had lifted half the roof off our house and john was never seen again r.i.p john this is when i was about 11 years old it's the weekend and my parents are out i think they went to a spa trip or something and i live on a farm in the middle of butt fck nowhere in finland so it's midnight winter and in the living room watching family guy or something when our front door starts getting spammed like turning the handle aggressively and punching the door i get scared shitless and go under the coffee table this person goes around the whole house knocking hard on every door and every window this goes on for about 10 minutes i think now at this point i'm crying and shocked and my phone is in my bedroom and i sure as hell not going to get out from under the table i probably stay there for like 30 minutes after all the knocking stopped i run to grab my phone and call mom and mom calls the police police come and check and there are a lot of footsteps going all around the house it's winter so you can see them they couldn't track them back to where they came from sadly there wasn't a car either so this person must have walked a pretty long way just for that sleepover party when i was 12 along with five other 11 12 year olds no adults me and another girl take the dog out to the front garden in the middle of the night and while it was doing its business a car pulls into the dead-end street alert but not too concerned we try and get the dog to hurry up and come back inside until the car pulls up outside the house at this point we're freaking out so my friend grabs the dog and we haul us back inside and tell the two other girls who are awake what's happening we decided not to wake up the others so we wouldn't cause too much hysteria and we turn off all the lights so we can't be seen peering out the windows then a man dressed in all black gets out of the car and starts walking towards the house we're ourselves i think one girl had even grabbed a frying pan for self-defense then i remember one crucial detail i didn't lock the door we can hear the door knob turning and we're all crying and stressing so much that the one girl who lives there wakes up tells us not to worry as it was probably her brother coming home from his night shift and falls back asleep sure enough it was her brother would have saved us a lot of stress if she bought it up before we went to sleep i'm late but when i was 36 weeks pregnant my husband deployed i left my home to go to a prenatal appointment i was gone for 56 minutes i came back to my town home parked in my carport and entered the bottom floor via the front door you should know that floor was in an o shape where the center line that made you walk in a circle was part of the galley kitchen and the downstairs half bath i opened the door and walked to my left to enter the kitchen calling out to my kitties i looked forward through the kitchen into my living room and saw a giant dasani water bottle sitting on the floor it was not mine my heart dropped and i silently tiptoed into the living room to see the my airflow window had been wiggled open and the slats removed i had entered my home during a burglary in progress while 36 weeks pregnant alone i freaked out and ran out my front door locking myself in my car hyperventilating and calling 9-1-1 i didn't know it at the time but i actually looked in my rear view and saw the burglars driving by me to get away in my mind they might still be in the house and even if they weren't my window was wide open and i had three cats inside i returned to the entry of my home and called my cats one by one and loaded them into my car the first two came easily but the third made me come back inside and go halfway up the stairs to yogura good news is i had been planning on moving from that property to another one but i had to give 30 days notice and would likely have a literal newborn while moving but when that happened they let me move within like three days so i only had to deal with it while pregnant silver linings they stole a lot of stuff btw so i taken a shower and gone to bed i woke up a couple hours later with that feeling of a drop of water in my ear happens pretty frequently to me where after taking a shower a few hours later a drop of water that got sucked suddenly bothers me so i bang the side of my ear to get it out and it doesn't work i get up go to the bathroom and gently use a q-tip to try and pop the little bubble of water in there i'm careful to not go too far and so i can avoid damaging my ear or making the water jammed in further it doesn't work i bang my head some more still stuck so finally i just resolve myself to tilting my head sideways towards the floor and hope gravity will do after about a minute i feel it finally start to fall out and i'm so excited for that moment of relief relief finally comes as my ear no longer feels clogged and a little head pokes out of my ear i flip the fck out and instinctually move my finger to flick whatever the hell it is out of there i'm suddenly flailing around my bathroom knocking over and making a ton of noise a bug gets ejected from my ear onto the floor and i realize it was just a little harmless earwig i'd seen them so many times throughout my life and thought they were cool little insects i never realized they got that name for a reason the person in the apartment below me comes upstairs to check on what's going on i didn't really know how to explain it at the moment and had that scared adrenaline going so i just said everything is fine i just fell getting that feeling of water in my ear still gives me ptsd over a decade later i was a brand new mom in 2004 and was home alone while my husband was at work my daughter was about five weeks old i decided to take her for a stroll around the neighborhood i came back to our apartment and closed the door and locked it and started breastfeeding my daughter on the couch the blinds next to the door were mostly closed but i could make out a man walking up and down the driveway back to the carport and out again minutes later he knocked on the door i barely opened it about half an inch and asked if i could help him he asked if i was the one with puppies for sale i said no and closed the door a bit freaked out i put my daughter down for a nap and about 10 minutes later he knocked on the door again i didn't open it but went towards it i very loudly threw the door asked what he wanted and he asked if i had a car for sale i said no walked away from the door and made sure all my windows were locked he left but i had the worst feeling in my gut i called the police and told them what happened they came to take a report about 30 minutes later and told me it was definitely suspect and to stay in the apartment or go somewhere safe i ended up driving to my sister-in-law's i know it doesn't sound all that bad but the feeling i got was so eerie like i just avoided being raped or killed my theory was that he saw me walking and followed me back to the apartment then was checking the carport etc to see how many neighbors were around there weren't many in my six unit building as it was the middle of the day i fear if i wasn't so cautious opening the door the first time and not opening it at all the second time he would have forced himself in i still get the chills thinking about it today this is pretty recent but i was sitting at my desk out in the living room thinking on my computer late when i thought i saw something outside the window next to me i dismiss it and resume messing around the next morning i notice a set of footprints in the snow leading up to that window right next to me not only were they next to me but they also seemed to trail to all my neighbors houses down the road trailing off down a nearby alley i snapped some pictures informed my neighbors and alerted the police a couple days ago i was in the bathroom when i saw a man wandering down the alley outside the bathroom and past the backyard flanked by two police cruisers and the officers eventually placing the man under arrest not 100 sure it was the dude stalking outside my window but i still set up cameras to watch the house now with the option to connect to my phone at any time my teenage cousin was living with us and was home so my mom left my brother and i ate in nine at the time at the house while she ran a quick errand he didn't realize we were there and tried to commit suicide by shooting himself in the chest he just missed his heart by 1-4 and decided he made a mistake he ran upstairs no phone downstairs this was in the early 90s and as soon as he seen us he started crying and screaming i shot myself i shot myself he is bleeding everywhere and just lays on the floor i called 9-1-1 and was shaking barely able to speak my brother ran outside to flag down the ambulance my mom came home to this scene ambulance fire truck multiple police cars i was taking to a police officer when she came in and as soon as i seen her all my defenses disappeared and i just began weeping my cousin is okay he has grown kids now when i was four my family lived in an old farm house out in the country it was old enough to still have a coal furnace in the basement one day while my dad was at work my mother and sister were shopping my older brother had our golden retriever puppy in his room playing video games with the door closed i was downstairs playing in ms paint on the computer i thought i heard something upstairs in the living room so i got up to look thinking my sister and mom were back now when you walk up the stairs from the basement directly behind you is the room with a coal furnace this room was completely unfinished and was just flat out creepy it always felt like something was trying to pull you back down the stairs into the room when you would go up them so naturally i had a habit of running as fast as possible up the stairs after my standard panic dash up the stairs i came into the living room and saw a girl in a white dress with black hair sitting on the couch with her back to me i thought it was my sister because she has black hair and who else would it be right i walked up and sat on the couch reached out my hand to grab her shoulder and said amanda the girl instantly was facing me i remember staring into the face and realizing she looked familiar but i didn't know who she was the girl looked at me for a few seconds then just vanished i was in shock for a few seconds then it hit me all at once my heart was racing i ran as fast as i could to my brother's door burst and screaming telling him i had seen a ghost at this point we locked the door and my brother concentrated a bat with holy water our puppy alerted on the door had his hair standing up and was growling my brother and i sat in that room absolutely terrified until our mom and sister got back years later i described the girl to my family my mom and sister freaked out because my sister had been having nightmares about a little girl in white dress looking in her through her second story window i had been under the impression it was my guardian angel because i had seen that girl before during a near death out of body experience now to people who don't believe in ghosts i can give you a logical explanation earlier that year i suffered severe head trauma it is possible that the girl i saw in my house was a hallucination brought on by that head trauma the puppy was picking up on my brother in my own fear and so become alerted and aggressive towards the only entrance to the room to protect us and it was just a coincidence my sister had nightmares about a girl in a white dress hallucination or ghosted scared the fck out of me either way and i get goosebumps to this day when i talk or think about it last year i was 17 my friends and i went on a mini vacation for february break we were seniors in high school to stay in my friend's vacation house in upstate new york we stayed upstate like nine days and for the last four we were planning on going to our friend's cousin's college dorm and partying there the school was about an hour away so while we were at the house for the week we went skiing partied in the house every night her older sibling and his gf were our chaperone but then the day before we were supposed to go to the school the older sibling and his gf went home we lived like four hours from this house because of work and the friend whose house it was went to the college a day early with another friend with us because his gf went to the school too and they said they were gonna come back for us in the morning so at this point it was me and one friend alone in this house in the middle of nowhere this house had no neighbors in sight just woods there ended up being a blizzard that night so they couldn't come back for us and we were stuck in the house longer than expected we weren't planning on being alone in the house that long so all we had was liquor and cereal no joke to hold us over we tried making the most of it and that night we brought out the speaker and played 1v1 beer pong on the island tabletop we were having fun then a huge bang slams on the door downstairs the house was on a hill so everything was upstairs but the door was downstairs and there was a bedroom with a glass door downstairs also we got scared but ignored it then a few minutes later it happens multiple loud bangs hit the door so we stopped the music grabbed kitchen knives and went to the door nobody was there but we were so confused and it was just sketchy because we were alone slightly intoxicated and there was no neighbors we went back up then the loudest one yet happens we were freaking out and couldn't go anywhere because we were snowed in and there was no car we finally went into one of the upstairs bedrooms and locked ourselves in it stopped for a little then out of nowhere it started happening again this time we checked the bedroom with a glass door and outside the glass there was a swarm of deer taking turns charging and slamming into the side of the house not as scary as a person breaking in but we immediately went back upstairs and locked ourselves in a room for the night because if the deer hit that glass door they would get it we looked out the window of the bedroom and there was at least 15 deer we couldn't really call the cops on deer so we slept the night in that room and it went on for a while the next morning our friends got to us and didn't believe us for a while sorry for it being so long lol but that's my story one day when i was about nine my sister ten my dad had ran up to the store to grab milk we lived in an apartment on the top floor and the way our apartment buildings were laid out like a pyramid we were the only apartment on the top floor my sister and i were on the floor about five ten feet in front of the living room door passing a ball back and forth when a very tall obviously drunk man in a long rain coat busted and it was storming but this made him creepier to me ike lol so hard it left the dent on the wall i guess my dad forgot to lock the door which was not often the man stumbled in leaving the door wide open and sat at our dining room table right next to us shocked my sister and i didn't speak for a second he looked slightly up with a heavy head and my sister and i stood up and stepped back i asked what he was doing in our home and his eyes went wide and he got up and just ran out full sprint not exactly a horror story but as a nine-year-old it was definitely scary having a stranger walk in the way he did i don't know how he ended up at our apartment or what he'd been doing whether that be drugs or alcohol but it was definitely a strange encounter was home alone as my boyfriend was working nights i went outside for a smoke came back in and sat down to watch a movie 10 minutes later i heard these insistent thumps at the door and what sounded like someone trying the back door handle literally almost my pants i dropped to the floor and froze i physically couldn't move for 30 seconds while i tried to figure out what to do crept upstairs and looked out a back window but couldn't see anything i rang my boyfriend petrified and he said if it happened again to ring the police and him luckily it didn't the next morning i realized i couldn't find my cat he was about five months old at the time and freaked out i went out the back to look for him and found him hidden under a chair shaking and soaked he had snuck out while i was smoking and it was him throwing himself at the door handle to get back in i felt so insanely guilty but i was so scared in the moment i didn't dare open the door my husband and i lived on the ground floor apartment of a house in a shitty part of town several years ago the kind where you wouldn't walk around alone any time of day and it was common to hear loud and violent domestic disputes out on the sidewalk my husband was working third shift that night so i was home alone i'm in the front of the apartment blinds closed watching tv when someone starts banging on our front door we didn't know anyone in town at that point and it was 11 30 p.m so i decided to ignore it the person bangs harder on the front door several times again and now i'm getting worried after a few minutes of silence i start hearing banging on our back door which continues off and on intermittently for a few minutes and then stops i text my husband to see if he had forgotten something and came home but forgot his keys he answers no and that he's at work the person then comes back to the front door pounding on it and now shouting i know you're in there i can see you after several more minutes he stops gets in a car and drives off the whole situation lasted maybe 10 minutes nothing else happened all night and never had it happen again we had an upstairs neighbor who attracted a lot of trouble so i assume the guy was there for her this happened two years ago before i moved out of my parents house for college i was home alone while my parents were gone for a weekend trip nothing particularly unusual about that i was used to being alone and i didn't believe in the paranormal by the way this one night kind of changed my opinion on that it was a friday night and i was just chilling on the couch in the living room watching netflix and sipping tea i was having a good time we had two cats and they were both outside now what you need to know about my parents house is that they have a cat doorbell installed over the glass doors in the living room that lead outside to the garden this cat doorbell has a motion sensor that transmits to a small audio device in the living room my dad said it to play the chime tune of the big ben in london since my parents love england suddenly this cat doorbell went off i looked over my shoulder and saw nothing through the glass door this wasn't too unusual as sometimes the motion sensor gets triggered by a leaf being blown by the wind or a hedgehog or something just as i was turning back to my laptop the doorbell chimed again and then it went absolutely crazy it wouldn't stop ringing as if something were perpetually triggering at the sound also kept breaking off and starting over which never happened and at this point i was getting a really awful gut feeling i felt that i was being watched and something which i can only describe as a sinister evil presence i was freaking out just imagine sitting in a dark house in the middle of the night in the chimes of this bell echoing all around you i still saw nothing then suddenly it stopped i went over to the door and decided to convince myself that nobody was there so i opened it and at that point i saw both of our cats frantically dashing towards me from down the street eyes wide and they're fur bushed up in terror i'd never seen them act like this they ran inside and i closed the door behind them they didn't stop though and raced out of the living room and up the stairs in the hallway i followed them to the hallway and stood there not knowing what was going on and honestly kind of getting really scared we have two stairs right next to each other one leading down into the basement and the other one leading up to the upper floor where the bedrooms are the cats had disappeared up the ladder we sometimes put empty bottles next to the basement staircase we store them downstairs and until someone has a chance to take them there on their next basement trip we just placed the bottles next to the stairs so that day there were four glass bottles there in the hallway i was standing like five meters away from them and there was no breeze or anything and as i said the cats had gone upstairs as i was standing there still feeling this eerie atmosphere the chimes in the living room suddenly went off again and then all four of the glass bottles in the hallway just fell over in front of my eyes all at once at that point i was frozen in terror there was absolutely no way to rationalize this that i could think of i had to get out of the house so i got in my car and drove over to my friend's place who bless her heart agreed to come over and stay up all night with me when i was younger i was home alone a lot just due to how my parents work schedule panned out which was never an issue with me because we live on the end of a private driveway so we never got any visitors of any kind well one day while home alone i was walking around the house cleaning up things finishing up chores that were left for me essentially when there was a knock on the door now as i inadvertently explained above this is super odd so it caught me pretty off guard but nonetheless i went to go answer just in case it was a neighbor or something important when i opened the door i was greeted to an extremely tall thin older male in a trench coat type of top and black slacks obviously not knowing who this man is and me being younger i just kind of stood there staring at him until he said something the thing is though he never did he just stared back at me no cliche horror film smile nothing just a blank look almost as if he was looking through me instead of at me this at the time absolutely freaked me the hell out so i finally mustered up the courage to ask can i help you and that was it to which he responded by instantly turning around and walking away very fast like i'm talking 45 year old mom walking around your neighborhood middle school's track tight fast but what was odd was when he walked away like that he had zero sway in his arms shoulders his back remained straight as a plank and his head perfectly balanced on top with no movement i just remember closing the door blocking it and standing there scared out of my mind just due to the puriry vibe i got from him in the situation he created i've never seen nor heard of him ever again and i haven't even bothered to tell anyone until now i figured it sounded way too made up and cliche especially with his attire i mean come on a trench coat go figure but to this day it still creeps me out thinking about what he wanted why he came to my house all to say nothing and walk away in the unnatural way he did i only wish you could all witness his walk away talk about raising the hair on the back of your neck when i would watch my siblings i would often hear weird noises sometimes i would hear the front doors knob turned but not open sometimes i would hear someone walk down the stairs but stop before they would get to the part of the stairs where you could be seen from the living room at one point i heard knocking the glass door and that freaked me out at my uncles when i'm in my room either late at night or home alone i would hear knocking on the walls my room is on the corner of the house and one of the walls has a window i have a desk by that window and would often hear leaves crunching under footsteps early in the day or at night but because of the area it could just be hogs or rabbits or something sometimes same place when i'm in bed i could hear footsteps walking around my bed one day i woke up and got out of bed so i was standing on the side of it when i finished stretching i saw my brother on the other side of my bed which was weird because i sleep with my door locked anyways he ducked down which i thought he did that because he thought i would be mad if he was in there i walked around my bed and he was there nor was he under my bed what makes it more weird is that my uncle is christine and has a bunch of those statues around the house the first time i was left at home alone this happened in 2003 there was a storm i was in the living room and upstairs i heard a loud bang i went to investigate and when i got up there to the top of the stairs i felt the saddest feeling wash over me i fell to my knees and started crying when all of a sudden i feel arms wrap around my back this hug was not a feeling i would have when being hugged by an adult but by a child i started crying even more when i realized i was home alone for some strange reason i got up and went to my unborn sister's room and felt the weirdest feeling come over my body i immediately called my mom and asked her where she was she told me she was driving by the gas station and i had an eerie feeling in my gut i told my mom on the phone to stop the car and turn around she asked me why and i told her i didn't know just to do it all of a sudden i hear a loud crash on the other end of the phone and i asked what happened she told me that as she was turning the car around someone shot one of the gas tanks and it blew up causing a chain reaction three years later we were having a conversation and she told me that if i hadn't called her and told her to turn the car around i wouldn't have a sister and she wouldn't be alive so in conclusion i saved my mother and my baby sister's life that night all because of a gut feeling when your gut tells you something you should always listen because you never know it that could save a life i have one i was home alone around 16 years old or so a boom shook the entire house we're talking a bookshelf rattling china breaking pants shading boom i shot up and ran outside expecting a meteor or a bomb or something to have gone off but there was nothing everything was normal except all the neighbors were outside too then a huge black plume of smoke billowed out from a few streets over we headed towards it to check it out a house had blown up like really blown sky-high there was a fire but i'm not sure what was burning because there was nothing left the three houses to the sides of it were damaged or burning bits of the foundation and blown apart insulation rained down on our street i texted my mom about it and she didn't believe me until she left her doctor's appointment 10 miles away and could see the smoke plume the fire department came eventually and shooed us away found out later after a lot of suburban speculation about a meth lab that the man who lived there committed suicide by unhooking the gas line in his basement and breathing in the fumes the house built slowly with natural gas from the bottom up and something sparked it long after he was dead my other half was away for a few days i don't like being alone in the house so i locked the bedroom door when they're gone woke up in the early hours to my wardrobe door rattling and then being pushed open i genuinely thought i was going to be murdered by someone who had hidden in my wardrobe i jumped up to run away and the bedroom door was locked my sleep battled brain assumed i'd been locked inside by the murderer and i backed into the corner to accept my faith nothing happened for about twenty seconds enough time for my brain to wake up and realize that it was the cat that had been sleeping in the wardrobe when i closed the door before going to bed another time she was sleeping under the bed and started scratching pulling the underside in the middle of the night like a demon she's caused me a lot of stress when i was around eleven my parents left me home alone for a few hours i was studying for a bit and then decided to watch tv then i saw someone in the yard through the window i freaked out and tried to see who it was but his head was covered and i couldn't see his face at all so i ran back to the hall grabbed the phone and called my mom the phone was on a little table right next to the window and that same someone came and stood right next to the window just silently staring at me no lie i almost had a heart attack and my mom freaked out too i just hit under the blanket in my bedroom until my parents came back turns out it was just a homeless guy looking for a place to get shelter was sleeping in my bedroom and then started to experience that weird situation where you wake up then drift back to sleep then immediately wake up again finally ending up being half asleep half awake and being unable to move my body but aware of what is going on around me as i lay in bed only able to move my eyes i suddenly was overcome by an immense sense of terror as my eyes shot to my bedroom door where there seemed to be an ore noticeably darker than the rest of the room suddenly a dim light on the other side of the door activated and i could detect the shadow cast from my bedroom door began moving as if the light source on the other side of the door was moving i live in an apartment alone and always turn all my lights out before going to bed as i lay there i repeatedly try to move my but it's as if each limb weighs a ton my terror increases to the point on cold sweating my heart pounding in my chest and my breathing irregular after what felt like an eternity my body slowly starts to obey my commands and i retrieved a handgun and small flashlight from my nightstand the dim light outside of my bedroom is still on but no longer seems to be moving i get out of bed and slowly open my bedroom door and notice the light is coming from my kitchen area while walking through my living room my refrigerator comes into focus and i see that the refrigerator door is ajar and the light from the inside of the refrigerator is what i had observed from in my bedroom i closed the door turned on every light inside of my apartment and cleared every inch of my apartment gun in hand not sure what i was expecting to encounter i made sure all of my exterior doors windows were closed having found nothing i finally return to my bedroom i check my bedroom closet and look underneath my bed nothing before trying going back to bed i made sure to lock the door to my bedroom and finally got back to sleep i am a military veteran marine mid to late 30s who is currently a police officer i've seen more than a few unsettling things but this experience is definitely the most terrifying thing that i've experienced after doing some internet research it looks like there was likely some electrical issues causing some temperature pressure changes in my refrigerator which caused the door to open by itself sleep paralysis and the hallucinatory state you experience when half awake coupled with some rare house appliance situations is so very utterly terror inducing it was very late and i was having trouble falling asleep this was around the time slender man came out yeah i know so i was really spooked whilst i was trying to fall asleep there's something or someone at my door banging really really loudly i remember being absolutely terrified cause i thought slenderman came to kill me and then it stopped and i felt a soft thing near my feet and then meow my mother f king cat broke the door open she used her fking head to bash the door open the house is locked was never fixed because she broke it this dumbass 11 year old cat decided instead of meowing like a normal f king cat she broke the f king door open by bashing it with her head to this day i'm surprised the dumbass didn't die from a skull fracture it was really really loud she's now living in kitty heaven daya grew to be a 15 year old stingy tough heart tough love cat it's my favorite memory of her and i'm glad she had a very long and fulfilling life may the dumb ass rest in peace i was home alone doing homework while my mom and sisters were out running errands i was sitting on the couch in the living room with my dog when i heard what sounded like footsteps up above me going back and forth down the hallway upstairs obviously someone shouldn't have been up there since i was supposed to be the only one home at the time i grabbed my dog and went upstairs to check it out when i got to the landing the footsteps had stopped but my dog wouldn't budge and started growling at my parents bedroom i looked inside of it and it was completely empty so i picked her up and ran to my room closed the door locked it and sat down and listened the footsteps had started back up again and they were going right past my door but there was no shadow to indicate someone was actually there freaked me the fck out had other creepy happen in that house but that event stands out i was home alone when my siblings used to work the night shift i was around 25 at the time of this incident i was watching a movie and i heard someone distinctly call my name i assumed it was my friends as it wasn't uncommon for them to show up at night to have a drinking session i went out to look but i didn't see anyone at my gate for reference my home is below street level so there's a short flight of stairs to take to get up to the gate i look up and take a few steps up to see if maybe there was this car close by but nothing i go back to my movie and again i hear my name called but this time three times in quick succession and i remember the voice almost being slightly hushed like if someone was trying to call out while not opening their mouths too wide if that makes sense so at this point i go upstairs to my gate because i'm certain my friends are there but i see no one the street is empty except for a few cars passing by at this point i start getting uneasy on my way back to my living room i check the yard to make sure no one is on my property when i get inside i close the gate but not lock it and i check my home in the off chance that someone has snuck in i was clear so i go back and lock down everything then i call my friend who would usually pull up at my house and call to ask him if he's messing with me and he says he wasn't and was genuinely concerned so he started calling other friends to make sure no one was playing pranks while waiting on him i heard it again and told him i could hear my name being called but he couldn't hear it i just sat at home hearing my name being called for about half an hour after that until my friends came over and together we looked around checked with the neighbors but i never found out what was actually going on that night my sister's crazy ex-boyfriend and date briefest broken when i was home alone i had gotten out of the shower and was in my room with my dog we heard footsteps and my dog's hair stood all the way up on the back of her neck and she was snarling at the door usually she whooped just bark at sounds i ran over and locked the door mind you this was before cell phones the house phone was downstairs in the kitchen i heard a low chuckle on the other side of the door he was a smoker and i could hear the sound of someone flicking a bic lighter i had a flash in my head that he was going to burn the house down i held my breath and listened to his footsteps go down the hall to my sister's room and then i picked up my dog and made a mad dash downstairs grabbed the car keys and peeled out to my friend's house her dad drove back with me and looked through the house but he was gone my parents said it was my active imagination and refused to call the police did not sleep for weeks the guy went to jail about a year after this for armed robbery and assault was it alone but weird anyway i was at a friend's house and he still lives with his parents they were out for dinner and to meet some friends for a drink he and i were shooting the in his living room downstairs with no line of sight to the front of the house where someone would pull up if they come home at one point during the night we hear the garage door open and close then the door from the garage into the house opens and closes and we hear footsteps upstairs nobody comes downstairs to say hi and we just continue hanging out about a half hour later we hear the garage door again followed again by the door into the house and more footsteps we both look at each other as if to say didn't they already get back before we can do anything his dad pops downstairs to get a beer out of the fridge and stops to chat we ask how long they've been home and he says oh we just got in a minute ago weirdest thing ever as we both heard the garage open twice and someone come into the house twice never found anything had been taken or any evidence that someone else had been in the house with us just real weird when i was like 15 someone was shot in the parking lot of a dairy queen near my house and they hadn't caught the guy and my mom was like i guess i'm gonna go on my date anyways and she left me home alone with seven kids all younger than me while f king suspected murderer was on the loose anyways about an hour and a half later i hear my back door being messed with someone f king pounding on the door and messing with the handle so me being home alone with seven children decides to go grab a gun out of our gun cabinet step dad was in the military really big on all of us learning gun safety and stuff i was the only one who had access to it for emergencies so f king loaded pistol in my hand whoever was behind the door finally f king gets it open i have tried to call my mom 100 times already she wasn't picking up i stood behind the door with a gun in my hand ready to shoot anyone i didn't recognize it was my f king mom she forgot her f king keys to the house i screamed she was like why the fck do you have a gun i turned the safety on and sat the gun down in the cabinet and f king dropped to the floor sobbing when i was somewhere between 8 10 i was home alone after school and someone rang the bell stocky guy with 90s glasses said that he used to live in our house mind you we had lived there for years at that point and he forgot something inside my innocent child brain wanted to help and my hand reached for the door despite my better instincts i don't think i would have followed through because i was already going through it in my head don't let strangers into the house but what really stopped me cold was the guy's eyes you could tell he was thinking ahead to what was coming next and it really wasn't good i stopped he said in that tone open the door i told him i'm not supposed to talk to strangers he said in a lower tone and with hateful eyes now open the door i said i couldn't do it he walked away grumbling and cursing i thought for literally one second then sprinted to the back door and slammed that shut to lock it called my neighbor friends older sister they were two houses down in hindsight my dog was a good girl but i think she would have gone ballistic on it but i don't think i would have left her there to fight by herself so who knows how that would have gone no idea if any of the neighbors were home but i don't know what the fck the guy was thinking probably that he could mind fck me into not screaming my head off i guess either way i think he was into little boys thankfully it was a heavier variety of outer door with decent locks both locks were engaged so he would have had to make somewhat of a scene and tip me off this story isn't mine it's actually my sister's my father's house has always had errors of possibly being haunted whether he strange noises possible shifting figures in the dark even strange voices from time to time for the most part nothing truly malicious except one creature that my sister and i both frequently saw at our youth this creature seemed to be an unnerving mixture between a large black dog and some manner of lizard most of its features were that of a dog but patches of its skin seemed torn and hanging reveling the shining scales beneath it had long claws and razor sharp teeth and it loved to follow my sister around in particular for years on this particular evening she was at home alone and talking to her boyfriend at the time on the phone i wanna say she was about 15 years old when while they were in the midst of talking a small boy appeared in front of her his mouth down shot my sister was naturally shaken and was in a small bit of panic on the phone with her boyfriend as this ghostly child just stared at her then disappeared naturally being young her guy didn't think she was being serious was laughing a bit until from what he said the boy appeared in front of him too my sister listened intently as he described the same boy down to the last detail after a moment of silence he told her that the boy had managed to call his own canine companion over which circled the boy once before sitting by his side the boy then pointed to a wall in the direction of my father's house and the dog disappeared moments later my sister heard in the next room what started as deep growling then turned into what seemed to be a full-blown dog fight she heard barking snapping snarling yelping scuffing she could even hear the rapid padding tapping of their paws on the floor she was glued in our father's chair too scared to move for what felt to her like an hour but in reality was only about five to ten minutes then there was silence even then she didn't have the courage to check the next room but she didn't have to wait long before her boyfriend said that the boy's dog had reappeared they both gave him a nod then disappeared and from that night on my sister nor i never saw that creature again when i lived at my parents house back when i just got done high school we had been seeing two different trucks parked at the bottom of our driveway randomly over a period of a few months we lived in the woods and our driveway was a long hill so you couldn't always see the bottom through the trees one night around nine or ten o'clock i was home alone and all the lights were off except the kitchen like where i was and my room was in the basement so you couldn't see that light from outside so i just happened to be making a pizza at the right time to see a flashlight coming up the driveway i was dumbfounded at first and didn't move cause i couldn't believe what i was seeing it's not like it was a populated road where people are just randomly walking at night you can't even see our neighbor's house from ours that's how unpopulated it was so red flags went up instantly i ran up to my dad's room where the gun cabinet was and grabbed my mossberg 20 gauge cause it's the one i was most familiar with when i came back downstairs i couldn't see the flashlight in the driveway anymore so i went to the breezeway the room that separates the house from the garage to get a better view that's when i saw the flashlight in the backyard i waited to see if i could see how many people were out there and from what i could see it was only one i tried to stop shaking with adrenaline and gathered up my balls to go confront them i was watching the flashlight move around through the big glass door that led to the backyard trying to decide the best time to make my move and notice they weren't really looking at the house which i thought was even weirder they turned their back to me and i decided to make my move i opened the door cocked the shotgun and fired one into the air i think i screamed something like get the fck out of here you piece of or i'll blow your head off but after being dead silent in the woods to a shotgun going off 20 feet away and the sound of him his pants i'm sure the guy didn't hear a word i said but i've never seen a fat man move so fast in my life he ran around the house and down the driveway faster than you could believe possible cause at that point my eyes had adjusted to the dark and i could see he was a pretty big dude about halfway down the driveway i see a truck start up at the bottom of the driveway and he jumped into the bed screaming something and they peeled out of their asap i called my parents and didn't want to scare them so i didn't really tell them what happened cause they said that they were almost home when they got there i told them what happened and we called the police we told them about the trucks we've seen sitting at the bottom of our driveway and i explained the whole night that it just happened the cop is writing all this down and then says do you guys owe any money on any of your cars cause what you described sounds a lot like repo men my parents said no and that they bought their cars with cash from private sellers but come to find out a few days later my little sister's boyfriend had used my parents address on his title for some reason my parents had to call the cops to inform them that there wasn't burglars going around they also hate my sister's boyfriend and for good reason but that's a different story so they found out who was trying to repo it through some of my dad's friends and apologized and said the next time they know where the car is they will let them know cause he had been driving a different car lately apparently hiding the other one i felt horrible that i made a guy just trying to do his job his pants and probably almost have a heart attack but i did learn a lot about myself that night flash forward 12 years i now have a family of my own with my girlfriend and a one and a half year old princess they are my world but because of that night i know i have what it takes to defend myself and my family i will never forget the feeling of pure adrenaline and fear from that night that i felt right before i opened that door i'm just glad it ended the way it did and it wasn't people trying to break into our house p s my parents ended up telling to them where to find the car and they got it i was home alone and was maybe 12 or something i was bored so i decided to sit in this massive wardrobe that was mostly empty in the guest room this wardrobe had the back cut out because it used to have a tv in there and when i sat in there i tilted my head so it was against the wall i could see part of the closet door including the hinges from where my head i had looked at the door several times and hadn't seen anything unusual then when i leaned my head over for the last time seconds after my head was against the wall a completely black figure leaned its head against the wall right next to the wardrobe on the outside and just stared at me i froze at first but then quickly kicked the doors open and turned to see what was there but it was gone it had the shape of a human but was completely black and i knew it couldn't have been a shadow because the location of the windows didn't allow for a shadow to form where it did and i clearly saw it as a 3d figure i never figured out what it was even after many theories and test line making a person stand where i saw the shadow but nothing answered what i saw it's kind of funny to think about but i was so scared after that incident that i only went in that room one time in the last year living there before i moved i was about 13 at the time home alone with my brothers who are about three years younger i've stayed home alone before but after my mom attempted a divorce we moved to a shady part of town i know the rules that she had set in place and i was never to answer the door under any circumstances and i was never to tell anyone she wasn't home a few hours go by and we are enjoying spider-man in the living room we hear someone ring the doorbell and i go to look through the door hole i see an unfamiliar woman who places a letter under a rock on out porch and leaves about 15 minutes later another knock and someone outside yelling for john i've never heard of this person before and figured she had the wrong door about an hour later she shows up yet again this time my neighbor calls the cops on this lady until they show up she is screaming constantly the police restrain her and my neighbors who were aware that we were home alone made sure the cops checked on us to see if we were okay the cop came in and waited with us watching spider-man while we called our mom and had her come home still don't know who john is and still don't know what was in the letter but she was in possession of multiple drugs and a knife so to kind of set the layout of my house i was laying upstairs in my room on my bed it was at the front end of my house just above our front porch the porch itself has a set of really loud wooden stairs when they get even just walked on now when you exited my room you went out to a landing it wrapped around to left to nothing just a nice spot to look out from a couple small windows going to the right the stairs were immediately to the left and did a wrap against the wall down to our front door so now the fun part when i was around 15 or 16 i was laying upstairs in my room on my bed it was late like 11 p.m 12 a.m i'd been up watching youtube and scrolling instagram the usual late night routine my dog at the time always slept downstairs right in front of our front door as i'm laying there my dog starts barking aggressively i'm thinking he's dreaming he tends to do that and gets so loud he wakes me up upstairs except he won't stop barking and he keeps sounding more and more aggressive i get up and walk out my room onto the landing turn on the light above the stairs and lean against the railing looking down at my dog i yell at him what are you barking at i then very plainly and loudly hear someone go running down our front stairs he kept barking and i finally calmed him down and i had somehow convinced myself that i'd imagined it or i'd heard my dog shifting around anything but what i knew deep down i heard i then went back to my room the interesting part came the next morning my parents and i decided that we were gonna go out shopping we're all ready to leave and go to head out the front door i was running behind and my parents left me the keys to lock the front door the both of them were heading to get into the car i'm finally ready to go and head to lock the front door to find that the inside part of the lock was pulled out it was a wiser door handle and lock set that was one of the first at the time that had the smart lock so supposed to be resistant to everything lock pick kicking resistant drill and saw resistant etc it hit me that this had been what they were doing last night i yelled at my parents showed them and told them about what i'd heard the night before we bought a brand new lock and moved out not long after for reference i live in a small rural town in texas and in a forest there is little people who drive down our street as we live right by a graveyard and the only people who ever go down our street apart from the four people who live on it are horny teenagers who want some private place to do it and crack heads who smoke at the cemetery and the only way you can get to our house on foot is to hop a barbed wire fence and walk down a long winding driveway through a forest anyways i was about 12 and my mom was at work and my dad was teaching summer school and i was screwing around on cs go with my friend i think i remember we were in a discord call and out of the corner of my iic movement in my backyard and there is a dude just standing there like just in our yard standing there back then i didn't think it was creepy for some reason but now it is scary as hell to think about eventually he just left but i don't know where he would have gone to because again it was the middle of a forest in a bad neighborhood we used to live in where swat had tated the current neighbors 2x already that was the scariest thing but i wasn't alone i was actually home alone one night i was rarely home completely alone so it was odd at that time i hear the screech of tires out my front window i was in bed right next to the window watching tv i look out the window and there's like 15 cars outside a bunch of rough looking guys start just pouring out of the car the drug dealer neighbor comes out with a bunch of his buddies and they all start squaring off in the middle of the street with guns at 3 a.m and i'm one foot from an open window at window level you bet i called the police after i got below the window level another time it was me and my young son he was downstairs sleeping suddenly i hear voices right under my window whispering urgently i pop my head up in here oh and two figures split off one runs off down the street and the other jumps the fence into my backyard six feet with fence if he kept going that would have been one thing but the fool tried to get on my back porch which was enclosed it just had a screen door with a latch but it would take a normal person a couple good tugs to wrench it out of the old rotted wood on its frame i called out i'm calling the police but if you come in here i'll shoot you then he ran off as i was dialing the police a cop car comes rolling up with a search light on turns out two dumb kids had crashed a car and ran off i told them what i'd seen and they went on their way other happened when i wasn't alone i'm so glad we finally got out of that neighborhood people scare me far more than any spirit ever could this happened to me earlier this year when daylight savings made it turn dark real quick it was a typical school night i was in a call with one of my best friends laughing and doing homework studying the time if i remember was somewhere between five seven don't remember specifically sorry all i remember was that it was turning dark suddenly i hear a knock on my door now keep in mind i was in a call with a friend and had my earbuds and so i noticed that someone had been knocking on the door for a while at first i didn't think too much of it as it was probably my mom who comes back at this time she has keys so if i don't get the door right away she just opens the door herself as i got out of my room the knocking turned to pounding as if someone was checking to see if there was anyone in the house my door has a little hole so i can peek through and see who's there my friend and i were dead silent as i checked to see who it was hoping it was a delivery person the person in front of my door was wearing black pants and a black jacket that covered his face i saw that he was looking around our house and the cabinet up front we have a cabinet to keep our shoes this person started to look around the house for ways to get in at this point i was panicking and so was my friend i went to all possible doors and windows and locked them and for safe keeping i grabbed a knife in the kitchen in case me being the delusional idiot that i am i tell my friend to be ready to dial 9-1-1 in case and i go outside with a knife in hand to investigate yes in hindsight i was being really stupid but i have a black belt in martial arts so i felt overconfident that i could take the guy when i didn't know if he had a potentially worse weapon that i couldn't handle thankfully i think the person gave up after seeing the lights turn on in my house and ran off but like the paranoid person that i am i checked a second time just to be clear and did text my parents about this and they scolded me for putting myself in danger but at least now we have active cameras i wasn't technically home alone per se but my mom had come home to our apartment drunk late at night and fallen asleep in her room about an hour later there was knocking at the door i knew not to open the door so i went to wake up my mom no matter how hard i tried i couldn't get her to really listen to me because she was drunk and only responded with dismissal like i don't care or let them she was drunk and half asleep but the knocking continued more aggressively so being afraid i gave up on waking my mom after several tries and went back to my room suddenly there was knocking at the living room window i plugged my headphones in and tried to drown it out then my mom's window and finally mine i sat in a ball covered in a blanket blaring my headphones and my ears at full volume eventually i fell asleep and the next day i find out that it was my mom's boyfriend who had come home from the bar a little after my mom trying to get in because he didn't have a key i'm a 15 year old girl at our old house one year ago we lived on a 200 acre farm in kentucky i was home alone while my mom was picking up my sister from school and my dad was working at the time i was 14 and really paranoid about staying home alone lol i watched a lot of crime tv shows and they freaked me out haha so i was sitting at our dining room table looking out the big window that you could view our driveway from and a white van pulls up i freaking hate white fans they have always freaked me out i tried to calm myself by thinking they were just a salesperson or something but then a light-skinned black guy not being racist lol get out he was wearing a white tank top tucked into jeans with a belt and a gold chain necklace and was wearing those trendy sunglasses that everyone has you know which ones i'm talking about he came up to our back door not even the front door and started pounding on it i'm not talking just a peck he was like ghetto knocking and then i was ready to run out the front door so he wouldn't see me and i was gonna run into the woods our property had about 50 acres of forest he starts to look in all the windows and i literally had a panic attack ha ha he left the thank god lol when i was 25 i was home alone my wife had been out of town on a business trip i was a doctor she did not take me with them for some reason anyways i was home alone i was quietly watching tv i then heard a knock on something i was like what the hell i went up to investigate it was coming from my room like a ducking horror film i went up and opened the door i saw a man on my window i yelled at him to get lost he then left after that i called my wife and explained the whole thing to her she then went into full shot mode as it turns out there had been a mentally disabled man that was known for attacking random people escaped from a local mental asylum my wife thought that it was nothing to worry about and went on her trip a few days later i saw that the man that was on my window was the same insane guy i still thank heavens that i did not fall prey to whatever that man had in mind for me at the time my bed faced my old tv i was trying to go to sleep it was after midnight for some reason i decided to look at the tv that's when i saw it a little kid standing on the tv with hair over its face i flipped the lights on my pants nearly being soaked from piss so it turns out my mother reorganized my room and she ended up stacking my playstation 2 games on top of my xbox 360 games on the tv it also turns out that the transparency and color of xbox disk trays makes them nearly invisible it also turns out that this bar eyesight you seeing a kid ghost on a tv then there was the time i got absolutely next slapped by a pissed off ghost though i'm sure now that was just a slight neck spasm worsened by the cocktail of pills i took just to see what would happen there was a guy who would frequent my neighborhood at night i'm positive he had some form of schizophrenia or another severe mental illness he would wander around in the middle of the night and scream at the top of his lungs on a summer night a couple years back i was home alone chilling and watching a movie typical you do at 2am when you got nothing else to do when suddenly right outside almost in my backyard i hear this absolutely loud blood curdling scream scared the absolute at me enough to make me jump right off the couch and freeze in place like a scared cat he kept screaming very loud moving around he sounded very angry and frantic in his screams he eventually wandered far away as i could hear his screams far away at this time i wasn't aware of who this guy was so i was pretty terrified actually the first scream he made sounded like it was right for my backyard imagine not knowing what it was scary i told my mother and she knew who i was talking about apparently he was known for screaming at night and having a pretty bad mental health problem too when i was 12 i was home alone for an entire day my parents left the house at 8 a.m and came back at 11 p.m when i was in my bed at 10 pm i heard the doorknob of the main door rattling after a while i heard the door open i could hear weird scratching noises like when you scratch a blackboard after a while at 10 30 p.m i would say the door shut and the weird noises stop then my parents came home at 11 p.m and i asked them why they came home at 10 p.m was it to pick something up that they forgot my mom said we never came home at 10 pm right at that moment i felt an unforgettable feeling the amount of fear that surged through me i will never forget it i told mom and dad about it then they immediately phoned the police when my dad went outside to check the main door there was a claw like mark on the bottom of the door my parents also mentioned how they immediately opened the door when they got home instead of unlocking it i don't know what the fck came into my house but i'm glad i didn't go downstairs the police said it was most likely a burglary but the claw marks and weird sounds are still unexplainable either way i'm lucky i'm alive back in early mid 2000s my house had a small caller id box connected between our landline and phone it had a small lcd display and three four buttons with which you could program in a small amount of names to numbers or at least save numbers i'm not sure how sophisticated it was otherwise it would just show the area code and phone number however some people for whatever reason have their number show as private like my grandmother anyway one day my parents and brothers are out and i'm home alone the phone rings and the caller id display says private so i answer it the voice is like a four five year old girl maybe even younger and she's going i want my mommy and i keep asking her questions like is she okay and where is she etc but she just keeps repeating the same thing eventually her voice kind of becomes muffled like she's moving away from the phone and it hangs up really creeps me out to this day and i hope it wasn't someone in trouble but the voice wasn't in distress or anything maybe more just a kid that wanted to call their mom and got the wrong number i wasn't home alone but i do work night shift while everybody else is asleep so it's kind of the same thing i was watching netflix earlier in the evening when i decided to go downstairs to eat dinner i had paused my show and put my computer to sleep around 3 a.m i was in another room when i heard the netflix show i was watching start playing i went to take a look and my computer had woken up the room was closed so cats walking on the keyboard wasn't an option thinking the show had automatically started playing i paused it again and shut down my computer then walked into the bathroom a minute later i heard that netflix show start playing again it's a good thing i was already on the toilet or i would have feed myself i had to wake my husband to accompany me into the room again so i could shut down the computer again and this time unplug it i should mention my home is almost 150 years old and it's haunted by two ghosts that three of the four people in my family have seen one of those ghosts is not nice and of course he's the one that lives in my computer room also he's always the most active at 3 am so there was no doubt in my mind that he was responsible for this okay finally i can tell this story so my mom had some technicians come to our house to fix one of our outlets except she wasn't home at the time that they came over and she didn't tell me about it keep in mind i was about 12 at the time so i'm home alone when all of a sudden i hear knocking on the door nothing special people come to our house all the time except after i didn't answer the first time they knocked again okay weird but nothing after that they knock a third time except harder asking if anyone was home okay i start getting a bit skeptical they knock a fourth time and this time they're trying to open the door and holy i get scared year old me was thinking oh no they're trying to rob us so i turn off all things in my room and hide behind a wall they full-on open the door now i know it's because they had authorization even though it was locked so i think oh god know they're going to rob us and kill me if they see me so i go to the bathroom close the curtains didn't lock the door because that would be suspicious and hide behind the tub so they wouldn't see me they walk into my house around three of them and looked around to see if anyone was home before they started fixing but i was terrified and they straight up didn't leave for like an hour so there's 12 year old me hiding behind my bathtub because i think three adult males were going to rob my house i feel like that could have been prevented if they had just stated who they were beforehand i was lying on my bed earbuds and when all of a sudden i hear it hammering extremely loud and fast i rip out my earbuds jump towards the door thinking the house must be on fire and they're banging on my door rip the door open the sound stops and i'm alone in the hallway while i'm standing there confused as hell the banging starts again like right next to me presumably from the closed bathroom right next to my room is someone on the toilet needing help and banging on the wall why they don't say anything i called all of my roommates names no answer i knock on the door while the hammering continues and while my heart was racing i slowly reached for the door handle brought as much distance between the room and my body and opened the door empty room and the sound stops at this point i thought i was delusional like it was so loud and directly in front of me it couldn't be the neighbors underneath i knew how that would have sounded my heart was still racing and i felt sick from the stomach shaking because i couldn't find an explanation and i was in panic that i might miss something the sound starts again while i face the bathroom seemingly from my room i jump into my room and the only explanation that comes through my mind is that it has to come from the inside of the old fireplace that wasn't accessible anymore the hammering goes on for several minutes me standing still at this point i thought i have to cry because i felt like imagining things eventually all of it stops after knocking on everyone's door i realize i'm alone i'm going into my room closing the door and trying to calm myself after hours i make my mind up and pay the attic in the basement a visit trying to find anything to help me find a solution for this experience absolutely nothing evening comes i'm tired walking from the bathroom into my room with direct view towards the bedroom window that seemed to mist up completely while i was getting ready for bed completely missed up except for a single handprint on it and you know i knew in this moment that this is simply my own handprint that i must have gotten there at some point while opening closing the window but with the drama earlier the day i sarcastically thought by myself guess i'm one of those white people living in a haunted house with clear demonic evidence that refused to move out and eventually die i just fell into bed completely knocked out and hoped that the house demons would spare me with more drama and just might end it in my sleep one day i have two one a little backstory my mom tried ivf for a long time also the way i was born and had lots of miscarriages one of them happened to be on the toilet of our caravan or camping our caravan has carpet what makes the adjacent rooms hard to open when i was eight two years after the miscarriage i was sitting alone in the caravan watching a movie my mom was about half a kilometer away and die hot the common space on our camping playing bingo i heard the toilet flush and i got scared but i could have misheard it then the magnet with what our toilet was hold closed clicked loose that was weird that never happened i walked carefully towards it to close it again afraid someone was staring at me through the gap then when i was almost there it swung open and i immediately took of running out of the caravan out of the kitchen onto the road and to my mom i ran into die hard and search for my mom i started crying when i found her and spend that night in a tent on the field too scared to sleep in my room two we have a room in our house and we're sure it's haunted we have lots of stories about that room but almost none of them happened when i was alone this one did happen when i was alone though it was two years ago a few weeks before my brother was born we almost never came into the baby room since we didn't need it yet it was just there i sat on my bed watching netflix or drawing or something i don't remember when i heard a door open i walked out of my room maybe my parents came home when i stepped out of my room i noticed the door to the baby room was open i walked towards it and said jokingly can you close it i tried to grab the door handle but it smacked closed before i could i chuckled nervously why don't you open it again the door swung open and i ran downstairs closed all the doors carefully behind me except for the baby room and stayed there until my parents came home me and two friends were at my dad's house late all this must have started about 1 2 a.m we were playing on the xbox and suddenly hear a bang on the window we all turned to the right when that happened and looked out nothing was there and he has a motion light outside the front which wasn't activated weird so we carried on playing next thing we hear a cupboard close in the kitchen we hadn't been in the kitchen for a few hours at this point we investigate and nothing seems out the ordinary but we are a little freaked at this point last thing we hear is a scratching coming from upstairs i decide to investigate again i go into my dad's office as i open the door i hear and feel it knock on something there was absolutely nothing behind the door and the first thing i turned and saw was a picture of my late cousin i don't believe in ghosts but that freaked me out what did the door knock there was nothing there and then i see my cousin's picture all very weird we decided to leave after this as we were reversing off the driveway we look up at my dad's office and we all shouted out did you just see that curtain move the same office the picture of my cousin was we were freaking the whole way home this actually happened a few weeks ago so my mother and i share a house and split bills but she works graveyard so she's gone all night long until about seven in the morning now normally i would be working at night too but due to the virus i've had to stay home this happened at approximately 3 30 400 a m i'm facetiming my friends as they were awake too and as we're chatting i suddenly notice a noise from outside it may be important to mention that when i'm awake i like the windows in my room to be open so i can have fresh air and we live in a rural area i asked my friend to be quiet for a moment and i listened it sounded like an alarm but not one i've ever heard before it wasn't a car alarm and it wasn't a house alarm but i had no idea what the hell it was i asked my friend if he was hearing it too to which he replied that he definitely could and that he didn't have a clue what it was either he told me not to get off the phone with him just in case because it was freaking him out too i tried searching online for different alarms i thought it could be but nothing sounded like it not even close yet i also can't exactly tell you how it sounded it was just so foreign to me it went on for two or so hours before eventually turning off right before sunrise maybe it was because i was alone that was spooking me as i'm a 21 f and i have no real defenses set up if something crazy happens or maybe it's because that time of night feels like a prime time for murder but i'm not dead so i counted as a win so far i held a games night at my house and it wrapped up around 1am and everyone left i had a shower and went to bed my bedroom door opened by itself slowly when i was laying in bed almost dozed off my door is heavy and requires the handle to be pulled down to open and i know for a damn fact i closed it tight cause it makes a clicking noise like it still does when it's closed i jumped up thinking one of the guys had hit in the house to try film and scare me and went into the hallway expecting to see one of them jumping out saying boo or laughing or anything but nothing no one was there i checked the whole house turning on every light and called everyone who was at games night when i couldn't find anyone and none of them had stayed behind to prank me or whatever i tried to open my door from the outside with it being fully closed and it was impossible to do so without turning the handle i stayed up for the rest of the night in the living room every light on and passed out around 10 am watching netflix my grandmother's house was haunted as a majority of my family lived there my dad half brother half sister grandmother grandfather and uncle my uncle is handicapped and chooses to stay home and my grandmother was bedridden for quite some time one day i was in the basement apartment area where my dad and i stayed everyone was gone except for my grandmother and uncle they stayed upstairs it was just me down there and i heard someone coming down the stairs but never heard the door to the basement open went out to check it out and the footsteps stopped obviously i'm spooked as fck and dark back into my room door to my dad's room open checked again no one there for context my dad and i blame the haunting on some ritualistic he did when he was a kid that involved an animal sacrifice we've gotten wild recordings and everything there my neighborhood growing up was pretty cool everyone kept an eye out kids everywhere just a fun place i was in fourth grade just dropped off by the school bus and saw my dirt bike was outside the garage leaning up against the steps and the garage door was up didn't know why it was sitting out but instantly thought my house was being robbed we all thought we were badasses back then so a pack of youngins from the block all had in with makeshift weapons to fight them off coming up the stairs from the garage we see dude taking off out the living room through the kitchen out the sliding door and gone it was intense realized we were all chicken shits that day because any one of us could have hit him with a bat pipe from the top of those stairs and he jetted past a week later three or four duplexes up same thing we get off the bus see my friend's front door open this time we already know we're chicken we head to my house and call the cops they pull up enter through the front door and sure enough someone was upstairs this dude was in his mom's room counting out her f king change jar dump ck got caught counting quarters on her bed when was about 10 i was home alone while my mom and sister were at her soccer practice it was only about 8 or 9 p.m but it was winter so it was already pitch black outside i was walking through my dining room to the kitchen and as i'm doing so i glance at the front door down the hall and see someone peering through the window i literally froze in my tracks and just hit around the corner i peeked back and they were still there my heart is pounding at this moment so i just kept peering around the corner every minute or so to see if they'd left this was still there after like five minutes i said fck it went and grabbed a big-ass kitchen knife and ran to the home phone ready to call the police before i went to dial i peeked around to look again and they were gone so i thought they had left but then i went to the other side of the wall i was hiding behind and peeked around and there they were again but they had moved over to the living room windows next to the front door i was seconds away from dialing 9-1-1 until i heard them call my name in an extremely familiar voice i went to the door and that person is waving to me and it turns out as my asking grandma with her hood up and face completely covered with a scarf i let her in and she tells me in very broken english that she didn't ring the doorbell because she didn't want to make our dog bark like seriously so scaring the out of me and nearly making me call the cops was the better alternative i told my mom the story when she got home and we just laughed about it but seriously i don't understand polish grandmother's decision sometimes this happened when i was eight or nine i was asleep on the top bunk of my bunk beds my brother was asleep on the bottom for whatever reason i woke up and looked across the room at the window on the far wall in the moonlight looking in through our window was a man's face i sat up and we just watched each other for what seemed like eternity until he ducked down away from the window and i heard him crunching on leaves going back towards the front side of the house in the street i didn't know what i saw i was young and i can't even remember what i did went back to sleep or went and got my parents the next day though i'm playing on the street with neighbor kids and i see the man he's a neighbor who lives across the street in an apartment building we were told to stay away from that house but never why years later i find out that he's a registered sex offender who is a rep for young children i have one i was about 17 it just about to get dark when the power in the neighborhood went out so i lit a candle and was reading in my bedroom which is directly above the attached garage after a while i hear a bang on the garage door i didn't think much of it like maybe my brother came home then a louder bag from the garage door it sounded like someone was trying to open it but i had locked it so i look out my window and there aren't any cars out front so i know it was only me it happened again it was obvious that someone was trying to come in i was shooting myself but needed to go downstairs we had a back door attached to the kitchen which was the only way out that wasn't directly within view of the front door i went to the door and looked through the window and see someone walking towards it it was dark and he wasn't looking in my direction so i didn't think he saw me i ducked and slid away from the door made sure it was locked and grabbed the knife off the counter next to me i made my way to a dark corner next to the front door if i needed to run this would be where i needed to be i called my brother maybe it was him and his friends i called him and whispered what was going on he sounded panicked and hung up i waited a couple minutes in the dark with my knife and phone started to call 9-1-1 and see the headlights shine through the front door at this point i already need to change my underwear and an overwhelming sense of fck came over me i ripped the door open not caring who pulled into the driveway and see my brother jumping out of his truck and screaming at my douchebag friends they knew i was home alone and thought scaring the out of me would be hilarious i heard a couple of knocks at the door but i didn't answer because i don't answer the door if i'm not expecting anyone a few moments later i heard the loudest crash in this stranger come stopping through my house i was in the kitchen the back of the house and stood up immediately and kind of froze i remember taking mental note of the closest knife to me which was on the counter across from me the dude seemed startled that i was there as i don't think he was expecting anyone he also looked notably disheveled and my immediate thought was that he must have been in drugs i realized then that the camera i stayed the calmer he would stay especially if he was currently on drugs he yelled where's mike at me and i stuttered that i didn't know anyone by that name he insisted a guy named mike lived at my house and said this guy had stolen something from him and ran into my backyard so he assumed this guy lived here i insisted no one by that name lived here then things kind of took a turn he became almost apologetic he started backing up towards the front door and i kind of followed and that's when i saw that the front door lock was shattered and a couple of pieces of trim were in the floor he asked me not to call the cops and that it was a mistake i obviously agreed not to call the cops and he put the piece of trim back up he ended up running off out the front door and i stood there trying to process what had just happened i immediately called my dad my parents are divorced and he didn't live with us and my mom was out of town and he told me to call the cops close the door as best as i could and helped calm me down i called the cops and it turns out this guy was well known to police and indeed a drug addict he was looking for quick money and had frequented many houses that morning one of the houses was a retired police officer who had a door cam and a massive dog i have a shifuso that wasn't much help basically the mike story was a hoax and that was his cover story in case he encountered someone in the home growing up someone breaking into my house was my biggest fear this incident happened when i was 18 and just this past november my family and i were away for one night in my house was robbed my mom has since sold the house and will be moving soon i used to like the house but now it makes me uncomfortable knowing strangers have been in there it's the biggest violation of privacy and safety i still find myself hyper-aware anytime i'm home alone i live in a house with roommates in a different city now but still the weirdest thing about this was that the night before i had gone on a cleaning spree i had washed all of the floors countertops and for some reason the front door area when me or my mom cleaned the house usually the door handle lock and the trim surrounding the door were never really done but for some reason the night before the incident i decided to clean and sanitize all of it including the very trim that was knocked down and dusted for fingerprints the very next day an odd coincidence this happened around 2009 when i was living in los angeles in a two-bedroom apartment middle of the day on a weekend and my roommate is out i'm hanging on the couch when one of the city's omnipresent helicopters starts hovering near my apartment building can hear people outside too i glance out the slider the whole apartment overlooks a planting area and patios for the two three units in my section ground level but i don't see anything out of the ordinary i head down the hall to my bedroom to check out that window my vertical blinds are drawn so i get close to them and push a couple out of the way to peer outside normal bushes etc and then he pops up outside the window right in my f king face tall skinny african-american dude he's facing away from me thank god but it still scares the ever-loving out of me and i fall backwards away from the window and onto my bed the blinds fall back into place but as they swing back and forth i see the guy try to run a few steps before i hear grunting i bolt down the hall and cautiously look out to the patio to see said dude on the ground with two cops on his back arresting him they lead him off a minute later i looked it up in the police log the next week turns out he committed armed robbery a block over right before my literal jump scare he was hiding in my bushes from the cops i miss la sometimes we had a break in a few months before this like three years ago my parents were at work and all of a sudden i see headlights in my driveway then they turned off and i called my mom saying hey are you home no then the outside door slammed closed and i called the cops because i thought the burglars had returned anyways it was my neighbor he turned into the wrong driveway and a cop drove 100 miles per hour to get to me he wasn't very happy but i was 10 so he understood nearest police station with actual cars is 45 minutes drive obeying speed laws away to my knowledge he arrived in less than 20. i have one more but i will edit it in if you ask for it it's much less scary and more weird so my mom and sister were gone somewhere my dad had forced me his teenage daughter who hated outside labor and heights and my younger brother to help reshingle the roof they left to get some more supplies i stayed home to naturally talk to my friends via dial up cell phones were still newish in the way that very few of my friends had them i'd gotten a pay as you go peanut phone for christmas you know the ones my cell phone rang odd because that rarely happened back in the day minutes cost money still most friends opted for text that did have phones cell phones didn't have caller id for everyone back in the day only if you paid for it a whole whack of other things the conversation went something along the lines of what was i doing it sounded like an older sort of mildly british man with a very deep voice i told them i was helping my dad re-shingle the roof they responded with no you're not i just saw them leave i know you're home alone i immediately hung up and used our house phone to call my mom who said it was probably my dad asking with me i called my dad who swore up and down it wasn't him they called again i answered again they wanted to know if i was scared and what i was really doing and if they should come over i asked who they were they said they'd see me soon full panic mode i called my mom back she didn't answer i called my dad nothing i freak the hell out and grab my dog lock every door and window set the alarm to home hide in my bedroom with him thinking okay this is it i'm gonna die i then called the phone company and changed my phone number for myself no one came as far as i know i stopped watching the driveway and our driveway was very long and tree covered we lived on a 10-acre farm with lots of forest and no one called our house phone which was widely known by my circle at that time no one contacted my new number my parents came home and i just remember being terrified for a week after that that someone was waiting down our driveway for me never know who it was and no friend ever fessed up either i was home alone one night when i was fifteen was somewhere between eight and nine pm i hear a series of loud bangs coming from next door they're shouting and as i peek through the curtains two men run into a van and it speeds off my neighbor runs out shouting i was later told he had a samurai sword but i didn't see it so i presume it was by a side away from me a few neighbors venture out so i do too and there was a meat cleaver in his door we never actually found out what it was about though i guess it was either drug related or prison related he had been in and out of prison before moving in and went from sometimes smoking weed to using every day he had been quite nice to love next door to in beginning and by the time he left he was abusive and threatening weirdly one of the pcsos who attended the call-out ended up a work colleague at my current job this was in the ads i was 10 years old my mother was on date my sister and her friend went to hang out at 7 11. we lived in a ground floor one bedroom apartment the door opened into the living room i was watching love boat and then fantasy island on a wednesday night i must have fell asleep on the couch because when i opened my eyes the rocking chair by the door was rocking there was a man kneeling hiding behind it he stood up and i asked him who he was he said shut up or i'll blow your head off he was wearing a black leather jacket and 501s he was skinny he walked around our small apartment we had just moved in so most things were still in boxes i kept asking him where my sister was it was probably better she wasn't there as she was a teenager he eventually left when he left he said next time lock the door my sister finally came home around midnight and i told her what happened and my mom came home around 2 a.m she called the police and filed a report they asked me so many questions from then on i would leave the door open when i got home from school and run through the place checking for intruders behind shower curtains under beds and in the closets till this day i have to lock the doors even in the daytime and i live in a very safe area before i tell this story to preface i see shadows and hear things a lot i've gotten to the point where i can easily discern things that are real from tricks of the eye and ear that's why this means so much to me and why i put so much weight on it it was a night just earlier this year now technically i wasn't alone but everyone else was asleep which if anyone here lives with people is just as bad especially when there's a newly empty room see my brother had just moved out a couple months earlier so his room the one at the end of the hallway where mine is to the right and separated by the bathroom on the same wall from it has been empty for quite some time nothing but curtains and an old chair in there so this one night i'm coming back upstairs from going to the bathroom and i notice someone's left his door wide open due to the whole seeing shadows bit i'm already afraid of the dark you can imagine a now vacant room pitch black at the end of a dark hallway with the door swung all the way open inwards isn't exactly calming so my mind's first instinct shut the door i lean in to grab the handle and i see something roughly six and a half feet off the ground it's a pair of blinding eyes in the dark it seems normally this is where my common sense kicks in don't worry it's just another trick there's a problem this time tricks of the i don't linger for several seconds i was frozen stiff at the site leaned in with my hand gripped like a vice to the doorknob and that image didn't fade they moved like something tilting its head and my reflexes kicked back in i slammed the door shut promptly bolted into my room shut the door locked and barricaded it and fell asleep with the lights on for the first time since i was 12. to this day as weird as it sounds i've been checking his room for that again it terrifies the living out of me but i've always wanted a reason to believe in the supernatural or unexplained as horrifying as it would be i want to see just what i saw because there was nothing in there that could have possibly made that effect no paintings to glisten off of the fan didn't even have any metal on it it's one of those new ones where it's just a spinning plastic ring the window was covered there was nothing but paint on the wall just thinking back i'm still scared i'll certainly never get over the fear of the dark i was 20 and was on my computer around two in the morning i heard a loud bang downstairs and my dogs went ballistic the banging kept happening i realized it was someone slamming against the door i yelled something along the lines of what are you doing they started slamming into the door even harder so i called the police and grabbed my 12 gauge i let him know i had a gun and the banging stopped a few moments later my dogs went ballistic at my back door sure enough the crazy saab walked through the swamp surrounding my house and hopped the fence he started yelling all kinds of crazy at me so i let my dogs out my good boy fractured the guy's wrist and i ended up holding him at gunpoint tilda cops arrived he was strung out on spice and was breaking into homes trying to find the portal to jerusalem i remember when i was a young teenager babysitting for a brand new couple with a small baby this was in the early 80s and the show tales from the dark side was still brand new i was sitting on the couch watching the show which of course was terrifying to begin with when the door next to me starts squeaking open slowly when i say creaking i actually mean creaking these were old brown stones in brooklyn with the original doors and hinges so pretty much everything creaked i thought it was just an imbalance in the door and it was opening a little bit on its own as doors in these houses were want to do the creaking stopped i relax then the creaking started up again and the door opened up even further and further and further needless to say at this point my heart was racing i could barely breathe and i was pinned to the couch about to piss myself all of a sudden i heard meow the cat that they had not told me about had been slowly opening up the door and scared the living daylights out of me i technically wasn't home alone but my siblings were sleeping and my dad and his girlfriend weren't home didn't find that out until they came back anyway i was 13 and at my dad's house it was really late at night and i couldn't go to sleep i remember feeling really scared but at this point i didn't have a reason i was just laying in bed feeling very uneasy next thing i know i hear my baby sister about a year old at the time screaming out of nowhere from the living room like someone had hurt her or something was scaring her i wanted to get up and check on her but when i felt the fear of god inside of me and two i thought my parents were in the next room sleeping and would eventually get her she screamed and cried for what felt like hours then she suddenly just went dead silent like you could hear a pin drop silent before i go on i want you all to know that i am not lying about any part of this story i'm 22 now and i still don't have an explanation for what happened that night anyway i can't hear the baby anymore and i freeze i was so scared i couldn't move in tbh i don't even remember blinking just staring at the door waiting for something to happen i hear footsteps all of a sudden very light and very slow like super slow i'm talking like a step every five seconds the sound stops right outside on me and my two sisters room the door was closed but unlocked so if anyone wanted to come and there would be no problem what freaked me out though was the doorknob it turned to each side also very slowly but the door never opened i thought it was my parents trying to scare me again but honestly i was even too scared to find out the thing didn't stay there for long i didn't hear any footsteps receding but my sister had started yelling bloody murder again i waited a little longer to gather the courage to save my sister but before i could i heard my parents opening the front door as soon as i heard their actual voices i jumped out of my bed and did a quick search around the house to see if anyone was there not a single soul was was found however the tv was on loud and it was staticky i hadn't heard it during the ordeal and some of the cupboards were wide open in the kitchen i saw my sister and i felt so bad for not making a run for it and taking her back to the room with me her face was so red and patchy anyway i don't know what it was or if someone had snuck into the house or what but that's the scariest thing that's ever happened while i was home alone the summer before i was in ninth grade two men went missing from my town my brother texted me at like 9 00 p.m and said something along the lines of they found people chained to trees be sure to lock the doors i hid under my bed for hours until my dad got home from work as it turns out one of the missing guys had shown up naked with chains around his wrists at someone's home and asked them to call 9-1-1 the men had been abducted and held captive in another man's basement and one of them had managed to get free and alert the neighbors looking back now not sure if i should be thankful that my brother was looking out for me or pissed that he had me terrified over nothing this didn't take place at my home but it took place at my first job i worked at a funeral home in oklahoma i was 16 male and a greeter for grieving families i would make cookies and coffee and have them set out so that the families could have a snack while they talked around the body of their dead loved ones seemed weird to me at the time and it kind of does now i would also help make the funeral handouts whenever a family decided to have the funeral at our funeral home oh and i also had to wear a suit to work anyway i was the closer all of the bosses would leave it about five which gave me four hours to myself to work on homework or read we had a motion sensor doorbell that would go off when someone came in the front door it would ring in the break room which is where i typically sat to read one night i was reading and hear the ding so i walked up to the front of the building and saw no one i took a look around the place to make sure no one had snuck in went back to the break room and heard another day as i walk through the break room threshold i scurry back to the front to check a chill washes over me and as i lay eyes on the front door the doorbell starts going ding ding ding ding while i'm standing 20 feet away from it at night with no one in sight i myself immediately run to the office lock the door call my best friend who lived down the street who showed up with salt two baseball bats and a bible he was a big supernatural fan like me and figured it couldn't hurt we searched the place and decided the coast was clear i quit a week later i like to think the doorbell was running low on batteries or something but the timing was a little too perfect that place saw so many bodies to the point that if ghosts are real one was there two stories from when i was about 10 12 spiders and attempted murder one i've always been terrified of spiders after an incident where an australian golden huntsman the size of a dinner plate ran up on my face as a kid but living in the aussie sub-tropics next to a marshy forest we had plenty around the house all the time we had a large bathroom with these deep porcelain squares for big plants built in and spiders love them there was a huge spider living in one and my mom wouldn't get rid of it because she thought it was a huntsman and they helped kill insects important note it was not a huntsman one day while she was out shopping i went into the bathroom after a nap and my eyes were still blurry i get to the toilet at the other end of the room and feel tingles on my neck suddenly snap up and see thousands of baby spiders all over the ceiling hanging down and walking all over me i scream and turn to run but the mom is literally perched on the door handle i threw something at her and she ran to the wall so i opened the door and bolted the bathroom is at the end of a long straight hallway and i sat at the other end crying shaking and refusing to look away from the door for about half an hour because i thought she was coming to kill me at some point my dumb child bravado remembers these hugs cans of bug spray we have and decides not to wait for mom i walked back in weirdly calm a cannon each hand and let loose on her but all it did was make her angry she ran down the wall reared at me like a tarantula and ran at me the calm broke i scream and ran out closing the door behind me and sat at the end of that hallway hysterically crying until my mom got home she wasn't afraid of anything so she went in there with the vacuum cleaner and just sucked all the babies up mom disappeared for a few weeks and i was so scared i was using the neighbor's toilet eventually she turned up again and my mom managed to kill her that haunted my nightmares for years i've done tons of research on australian spiders and still have no idea what the hell it was to this day story two my neighbor was a lady who liked to date really bad men and her son was my best friend one day we were playing at my house when she comes running in small town always left the door open locks the front door and says her boyfriend tried to kill her we freak out lock everything but she doesn't want to call the police eventually she thinks he's calmed down so she goes back over but tells us to stay safe in my house five minutes later we hear screaming and she runs back over we open the door and she's covered in blood let her in unlock everything down again turns out he stabbed and slashed her with a knife but not badly we call the police and they say to wait but he turns up with the knife and starts banging on all the windows and doors we had these huge cathedral style windows in the front of the house and i will never forget the image of him banging on them with a knife covered in blood screaming anyway he's banned from my hometown for life now after spending several years in jail for that and some other drug-related stuff this was the summer after graduating high school still lived at home we had a crazy old late 80s early 90s woman neighbor that would mess with us over the years stole our cat for months when we were on vacation once she paid some guys to move the fence that divided our properties by six feet like we wouldn't notice etc one morning mom is at work sibling is on a trip i am asleep i hear a tap tap tap i start to open my eyes turn to look out the window next to my bed and wake up to two sheriff deputies with their guns drawn i am ordered to get up and leave the house i am half myself half awake and super confused i go to the front door and go outside the officers still have their guns drawn they start asking me questions what am i doing here do i live here how long have i lived here etc after a minute of questioning they put their guns away and asked me for my license i was 17 and did not have one still and told them this they asked me for some way too verify i lived there i told them all i had was my school id so they had me call my mom she left work and rushed over to sort things out once she arrived things started getting a bit more clear they finally explained that our neighbor had called and told them that a group of young vagrant drug addicts were squatting in our house and that they were there to check it out my mom blew tf up at them never seen her this mad before so mad they had drawn their guns on a child etc for weeks she tried to get a hold of their superiors and file complaints but she just got the run around and blown off after a while she gave up nothing happened to the officers nothing happened to the neighbor this led to many nights of bad sleep happened 18 years ago i was about 11 or 12 and my parents didn't realize they both had to work after school usually they'd tell me if i'd be home alone i let myself in the house and was going about my day when i heard a knock at the front door i yelled something like one minute thinking it was my parents but when i looked it was a man i had never met he knocked for over 45 minutes and i knew the whole time that he knew i was in the house my parents wouldn't pick up the phone or respond to texts so i just sat there trying to be quiet and wondering why this stranger wanted me to come to the front door so badly turns out my dad planned a business meeting at my house that night with someone i didn't know and just forgot but it was terrifying in the moment one time i was at my mom's house home alone i was watching youtube and eating food until i heard knocking on the windows i look out the windows and nothing was there but it kept happening but at different windows every time i looked nothing was there i thought it might be the neighbors but then remembered they were out of town eventually i heard footsteps upstairs this usually doesn't scare me as it happens a lot when i'm alone in my mom's house but this time i hear the steps come down a couple stairs i was terrified so i called out who's there there was no answer except the stair lights going on and off couldn't have been power outage because it was a clean night i made a beeline for the kitchen grab day knife and went to the flashing stairs but when i got there it stopped flashing i looked up the stairs and nothing was there i was freaked out so i turned on every single light in the house not long after i turned 21 i arrived home from the bar rather intoxicated and went to bed as i was laying in bed i knew i heard a door open and then heard some commotion in the living room my roommate at the time was supposed to be fishing at his family cabin so i knew it shouldn't have been him i got up and grabbed a handgun then walked into the living room when i got to the living room i noticed the back door was open i lived on the second story of a duplex and we had a small deck off the side of the house out the back door that gave view to the front yard in the front yard was a random bike but no person i closed and locked the door then start my drunk concealed team search of the house i check every closet room and corner to come up completely empty-handed i ensure the doors and windows are closed and locked and go back to bed the next morning i wake up to snoring from the living room i walk out there and apparently the only place i didn't check for an intruder was literally on the couch there was a guy sleeping there that i had never met before i woke him up to ask what he was doing in my house and he replied it's okay i know john from chicago no idea who john from chicago is kick dude out turns out we had some mutual friends and although he really wasn't supposed to be there i wasn't in any real danger his name was david i got home from school one day and i was home alone my mom was doing errands and my siblings were with her it happened pretty frequently and since we lived in a rural area my mom would usually leave the door unlocked for me since i didn't have a key i decided to take a bath and right after i got and i heard the front door slam shut which caused the doors to rattle small house i thought it may be my family getting home so i called out for my mom to make sure it was her there was no response i then heard someone run down the hallway which is right outside the bathroom i was so terrified i literally jumped out of the tub grabbed my towel and ran out of the bathroom my heart sunk when i got to the front door it was unlocked i decided since i only heard someone in the house and didn't hear anyone leave that i needed to get out i quickly put my clothes back on and ran outside and facetimed my best friend who lived down the road i didn't have a cell phone so i was just using my ipod i also didn't have a way to contact my parents luckily she was with a friend and her older brother who came to clear the house for me nobody was inside and i could clearly see all the exits from where i was standing outside i never saw anyone leave weird occurrences were the norm in that house but this is definitely one of the most unsettling experiences i had i'm pretty convinced my house is haunted it's fairly small but it used to be a little village chapel and after that a doctor surgery and it's always felt very stifling and cold weird never happens when my family's in or when they leave for a short period of time but as soon as they're gone for a couple hours it gets creepy doors start getting stuck locking i see people out the corner of my eye hearing footsteps above me hearing people calling my name stuff like that one time i was upstairs all the doors to bedrooms bathrooms were open went downstairs to say goodbye to my mom as she went to work she was the only one in the house came upstairs again to get something and every single door was locked it's an old drafty house so doors do swing closed by themselves normally very loudly as soon as you leave the room but this was completely silent and happened in maybe 20 seconds move towards one of them and heard movement breathing behind it thoroughly creeped out i went and played in the garden for about 20 minutes with the dog came back upstairs and all the doors were wide open again not the scariest thing in the world but still creeps me the fck out i play overly loud stupid music now whenever i'm home alone to take my mind off it and either stay in one room or in the garden years ago when i was still in middle school i played my rpg horror games in the kitchen behind me in the counter is the door which holds a wonderful window at the very top for decoration i was celebrating defeating this major boss before something complied me to turn around it either by chance or instinct but i realized someone was at the door i couldn't see their face but it was a man judging by the shape of his head he had a funny hairdo weird curls dyed a different color from the roots i then realized he hasn't been doing a thing not a knock not a doorbell he was just standing there i then heard the door jiggle and froze my eyes dart to the alarm which had its green symbol which indicates it was off i was home alone with my little brother who was in his room napping as the older sibling i reached for the alarm but paused isn't that reckless the alarm makes a sound and announces when it's armed he'll hear it that's when i looked back and noticed his hairline was rising which meant he was trying to peer inside and i was going to be directly in his line of sight i threw myself to the opposite wall which hid both me and the alarm i stayed there ears ringing before i quietly clicked my tongue my dog came running barking like the savage he sounded like to everyone the mailman i finally tumbled from my hiding spot checked the doorway from another window and realized he must have run away i slammed the numbers to lock the house with the alarm waited for the adrenaline to finally calm down ever since i always made sure the alarm is on check the windows at night and flat out waited for that dude with the weird hairdo to come back so i can properly call the cops on him my brothers say i'm paranoid since the alarm is on all the time now but they don't realize how close that felt to me nor the protective urge i felt for myself and my sleeping unaware little sibling honestly i get a lot of comments of why didn't you call the cops and frankly i believe it was fear we all claim we should call the cops when something happens but there are many children adults out there who hesitate because several either do not know what's a dangerous situation and the like or are swept in the moment when i was in college i regularly babysat for a family that lived near me they had two younger kids who were pretty close in age a boy and girl probably about eight and ten they were sweet kids but they fought with each other constantly the rule was if they thought they each had to go in their room to cool off when this happened i would sit on a chair in the hallway between their rooms and wait for the time out to be over one day when i was watching them they were fighting so i sent them to their rooms and i was sitting out in the hallway after a while i heard the boy talking to someone i thought maybe he was just talking to himself because he was bored but i kept listening for a bit and it sounded like he was answering questions i can't explain it i just got a weird bad feeling i opened his bedroom door and found him sitting on his bed leaning out his window talking to someone outside at first i thought his mom came home early but rationally i knew she'd probably just come inside i asked him who he was talking to and he said there's some guy out there he wants to know if there are any adults home or if it's just me in the house i told him my mom is grocery shopping i grabbed him by the arm and dragged him off the bed and into the hallway ran and got his sister from her room and put them both in the bathroom i told them to lock the door and only open it for me i called 9-1-1 on my cell phone and went downstairs the front and back doors were both unlocked and the garage door was wide open too before anyone judges not my house or my rules it was also broad daylight in a quiet neighborhood as i'm on the phone with 911 running downstairs i can see him in the backyard coming up the back steps through the sliding glass door as i locked the back door we made eye contact he smiled and waved at me and i almost peed my pants i dropped to the floor and crawled behind the kitchen counter i don't know if i thought he had a gun or something i just dropped out of instinct i could see him through the door still from where i was and he was walking out of the backyard i ran to the front door and locked it and then made it to the garage door and shot and locked that too i ran back upstairs and watched from the hall window as he walked down the street away from the house i went back to the kids who were beyond hysterical totally traumatized and crying i got them out of the bathroom and we waited for the police in the hallway upstairs after they found him down the street they came back and told us that he was some sort of salesman for home insurance i 100 didn't buy it then and still don't he was asking a child odd questions and was trying to come inside even after the boy said his mom wasn't home but they didn't arrest him or anything when their mom came home i flat out told her that she needed to spend some time going over stranger danger again with the kids because the boy was actively talking to this man i also suggested they start locking the doors during the day too i didn't really babysit for them much again after that i think it just ended weirdly for everyone so this one is actually pretty recent having happened to me saturday night sunday morning at around three or four a.m my whole life i've been psychic you the skeptic scrolling down and seen unexplainable things i've learned to come to terms with what i experience but it still always freaks me out anyway i have a good idea of what entities are in my house what they look like how they died what they're feeling etc here's a little background on how and what i go through i never see them as a fba full-bodied apparition only shadows moving in the corner of my eye after a while at least a few days my brain processes what i saw and can create a description of the entity the descriptions get more detailed as time goes by eventually i can figure out how they died and in some cases what their profession was they can't talk to me i know when they are trying because i will hear a ringing or buzzing in my ear that no one else can but i can never actually hear words i can feel what they are feeling and normally go off of that to try and decode what they are attempting to tell me i can figure out if what i assume they are trying to say by saying out loud are you trying to say insert message here and i'll usually sense whether or not it is correct if i have to describe what it's like i would say it feels like when you're taking a test and you're stuck between two answers so you go with your gut and choose whichever one feels the most correct unfortunately i can't figure out what their names are so i give them whatever name i think suits them and that they are okay with a list of the spirits in my house one a tall man with sandy blonde hair and a suit with a tie loosened he's frustrated with himself because of his words not mine how stupidly he died he went to a party got drunk had his friend drive him home and when he went to sleep on his bed he never woke up to a tall woman rocket height why are all the ghosts in my house so tall lol wearing a red sparkly floor-length dress with a large slit in the leg kind of like the real-life version of jessica rabbit's dress and curly shoulder-length black hair like marilyn monroe but black i think she was a dancer cause of death is still fuzzy to me three an elderly african-american woman with salt and pepper hair tied back in a bun a purple floral dress and a white jean jacket on top she is almost always seen with her black cat no she's not a witch she died peacefully of old age in her sleep was loved by everyone was just very sweet in general anyway on to the story i technically wasn't home alone but i was the only person up and the only person in that part of the house it was about three or four a.m and i was watching youtube that night i had been seeing a lot of apparitions which was odd because they normally don't appear that much and when they do it's only once and then i don't see them for at least a few months but this night was different not only had i seen the usual spirits i was seeing at least 10 and they wouldn't stop they just kept walking around and staring at me it was really creepy they all seemed to be in the same place the dining room the living room where i was sitting extends into the dining room so whenever i watch the tv i see the dining room right in the corner of my eye i was kind of freaking out because they are never this active and it wasn't even the usual seeing a blurred thing out of the corner of my just staying in one spot they were full figures walking around and that's not even all of it i kept hearing breathing sounds that obviously weren't mine and i kept hearing things move it was very faint but still there then i heard something get moved in the kitchen and this was not like what i had been hearing it was like a packet of paper or a paperback children's book being moved and that's when i lost i t i immediately turned off the tv turned off all the lights and went to bed but it didn't even stop there this was a few days ago and ever since i've been seeing orbs in shadows and unlike the other figures i've seen my brain can't formulate a clear image of them i've also felt really uneasy and not just because i was scared this is going to sound like some stupid movie or book or something but i think there is something wrong in the spiritual world there have been other extra weird events leading up to this but not as scary i was making my lunch a few months ago and heard a very loud breath next to my ear and felt as if i was being watched then felt something touch my hand at school before quarantine of course i was doing a group project in class and moved my hand to see a pool of blood there again i swear i am not making up any of this the weirdest part is i wasn't bleeding anywhere i've also had really bad anxiety and paranoia lately now i can't be in a room by myself without feeling like i'm going to have a panic attack it's worse if the room is dark please tell me i'm not the only person that's been having extra weird things happening lately i live alone in the upper half of a two-apartment house it is old but i've lived here a long time and i know every sound creek or anything the rattling of the windows from the wind the door opening once i fall asleep on the sleep not much can wake me even in the mornings when i wake up i'm tired and lazy we use the back entrance that's like a hallway between two doors the front door is locked with a board between the door and the stairs i am pretty safe my dad has a key to my place in case of emergency and all that he sometimes stops by unannounced when he does it's usually early in the day other tenants where the bottom house is haunted i know they're dramatic because i've never felt seen any evidence i was sleeping and facing the wall my bed was backed up to it at the time i felt two fingers on my neck as if someone was checking my pulse i felt it i felt the pressure then i felt someone sit on the bed behind me thinking it was my dad i turned around to greet him and there was nothing i left off my bed so fast and was standing up on the couch in the living room my heart beating like a drum i was terrified i had no neighbors below me at that time but the washing machine was in the cold dark wet basement it's creepy as hell in there and i hate going down so i always joking say aloud that if there are any homeless people or ghosts around i'm just here for laundry i had just done laundry a day or two prior i'm scared just typing this i was home alone for the weekend when i was around 17 i was in the living room facing the large window playing some online game after dark nothing with flashing lights or anything exciting it was a text based game at some point i looked up in a bright flash of light hit me for a few seconds it scared me completely shitless i remember my heart racing and thinking it was headlights or a huge flashlight and my grandparents were in another state no way they'd be home early i was terrified when my site cleared there was nothing in our driveway and my computer was still on low brightness i remember very quietly getting up putting my laptop away and hiding away in my room thankfully i had a parrot in the living room that always made noise when someone walked by so it reassured me despite not having a lock on my door still have no idea what it was but i strongly suspect it wasn't an outside source and was something medical i get tiny flashes ever since then and there was a few times after where my vision would go black for a split second whenever i went to the doctor or optometrist since i've forgotten about it till after the visit still the scariest thing that's happened to me while home alone i used to live in a barn conversion in the english countryside very modern nothing creepy about it but always felt unsettled or on edge and that house could never really relax loads of little strange things used to happen we used to joke that the kitchen was haunted because if you open the cupboard things would just fall out and break the kettle used to turn on by itself always heard noises from other rooms my dad who doesn't get creeped out easily started to make comments and he'd experience weird stuff happening i would get so creeped out by myself if i was home alone my mom said she could see a little girl's shadow in the tv once i got the chills my parents had a personal trainer who was into holistic therapy and all that they used to train in the back room and he said there was a spirit of a little girl in the house who was the milkmaids daughter of the barn i would never go in the back room it was always been such a massive drop in temperature and dark anyway one night i was home alone with my baby sister she must have been about four or five years old i was watching tv and i heard a baby crying like quite loud and strong i go to check on my sister and she is passed out there's no way it could have been her it made me feel sick and i still get creeped out by it today our neighbors have all reported strange things happen it wasn't an evil or unpleasant spirit but it always make me feel on edge so i wasn't home alone my brother was home too but it felt as if i was alone my mom has this jewelry case that has several pieces ranging upwards to almost 10k she finds out on a friday night that most of her jewelry is gone she calls my brother and i to her bedroom telling us about the situation and asking if we had friends over recently considering all suspects of theft she was in tears and her voice just saddened me to a point where i started crying my brother hardly cared my mom was certain that her jewelry was all there the previous morning because she uses it daily for work she was off that friday and only found the jewelry to be missing because my parents were gonna head out for dinner that night the jewelry theft happened on thursday sometime between the moment she left to work at 6am to approximately 9pm when she came back from work i myself stayed home that whole day on thursday since i was off and well my brother is a hardcore gamer no job no license doesn't really come out of his room much we have a two-story house with eye and my brother's room located upstairs my parents room being downstairs the thing is there was no sign of forced entry or anything similar to that maybe because my doors were unlocked in the first place i remember catching up on my sleep around evening time or so that thursday i have a feeling the theft happened around that time because i usually can hear the slightest things in my house since it's rather quiet when no one's home besides my brother the police made a report and it really never escalated from there i remember being so scared that friday night because i was thinking god what if it could have been more than just a theft i was thinking that the suspects could have made their way upstairs and killed us both being helpless and all i'm glad it was just jewelry missing i have since acquired a guard dog in the front and back of my house i was eating dinner around 9 00 p.m and watching a video on my phone in my kitchen when i thought i heard some tapping i didn't pause the video as i thought it was nothing and continued watching about 10 seconds later i heard tapping again and realized that it was coming from one of the kitchen windows that faces my backyard i paused the video and looked at the window and at that instant a flash came from that window i believe it was someone taking a flash picture of me as it only occurred for a second i rushed out of the kitchen calling my parents who then told me to lock all the outside doors we usually leave them unlocked which they were at the time they came home shortly later and we found nothing in the area around the window after searching that night in the following morning there have been some small incidents since like my twin sister was working in the living room and someone banged on a window right next to her but that was it we've never been able to find evidence of someone or any traces we're currently in the process of searching for security cameras to buy two things each a few years apart first one was about eight years ago i was home alone and in the kitchen washing my dishes after breakfast plain daylight our kitchen has this large square cut on the wall that's used to serve food to those in the dining room in our dinning room is the door to the garage so when you're standing in front of the sink you have a clear view of the garage door through this window-like square as i was washing the dishes the door of the garage creaks open i honestly didn't make anything of it because i knew i was alone and let's be honest a full belly makes for a happy heart lol i nonchalantly made my way to the door and closed it before finishing my dishes about an hour later i'm now in my living room watching tv when i hear the garage door click and creak open again this time i hesitantly got up to check only to find the door slightly ajar i called out and no one answered so i grabbed a knife and actually went into the garage but of course found no one inside a few minutes later it happened again for a third time i was scared shitless with watery eyes and had instant chills down my spine i ran to the door and closed it shut this time making sure i locked it my mother made it home a few hours later and it never happened again not sure what or who it was and don't care to find out on another occasion i was home alone again we live in a two-story house and i was downstairs relaxing watching tv i was startled like crazy when i heard a loud thump bang coming from upstairs getting chills again typing this my dumb ass like all other dumb asses in movies starts to call out and walk upstairs to see what it was i checked every room and there was absolutely nothing i then thought to check our laundry space and when i opened the doors i find our detergent was on its side on top of the washer now mind you all the detergent softener bottles are fixed on a shelf that's sturdy and wide enough to hold quite a bit of stuff on it it may have fallen on its own but there's absolutely no explanation to how a big bottle of detergent had been pushed off onto the washer causing the loud noise when my parents got home i told them all about it my mom wasn't surprised and only added to my fright stating that she too has heard plenty of noises when she's home alone suffice it to say she thinks our house is haunted at times i don't like to dwell on these things ignorance is bliss right so at the time my man was in hospital and me and my mom was staying a couple of days at a time in her house so it's easier to get up and down to the hospital to see her so at this point when this happened my nan had been there for a while and going up and down staying at her house was becoming a normal thing so on this day i was like you know what i'm tired i just don't want to go to the hospital today since we were with our family staying at the hospital for like five sometimes more hours a day and plus hospital are just training places to be at i just couldn't be bothered with it all even though my nan's house has always kind of scared me especially when alone so my mom and my family left and all was good for a couple of hours i was just chilling in the spare room on youtube and then i started to feel extremely weird like intrusive thoughts and images i felt just like not myself just weird and it was getting kind of late as well it think it was about five ish and it was winter so it was getting dark and i started to hear people downstairs upstairs trying handles doors opening stuff like that and i was like oh the house is being robbed and someone gonna walk in here and i'm going to be murdered now i should probably mention i don't actually think the house was getting now that the house was being robbed i have a history of what can only be described in schizophrenic tendencies but i think in a way that even more terrifying because it's your brain making it up and even if you know for a fact nothing is happening you can't do anything about it because it feels so real and short at f king sucks i've heard people downstairs before in my nan's normally closing and opening here kitchen draws but this was different it was really intense so my little head canon was that a guy or maybe a couple of guys were walking around upstairs trying the doors it didn't sounds like anyone was upstairs but i knew they were you know because i could hear the upstairs doors being opened and tried occasionally so i was panicking at this point i switched of youtube in case they could hear me started completely still for about an hour and like even though it wasn't a robbery i still went through all the emotions that you would go through than if it actually happened like i was in the verge of tears but i couldn't cry or do anything because i was terrified there's probably more details on missing but that was essentially it by the end of it my mind was literally racing i was like sweating so much i think what made it worse is that it was quite dark outside and my mom wasn't back yet so i was like oh i'm going to be stuck here like this for hours but like i said this lasted for about an hour and only ended because i heard my mom downstairs this absolutely terrified me i had the school day off my oldest brother didn't and my younger brother and mother went to my aunt's house they woke me up to tell me and i told them goodbye and went back to bed i then had this awful nightmare in the nightmare my mom calling me woke me up from where i was actually sleeping in real life so i picked up the fun it was my mom and uncle talking and they said this richie we got an alert that the school near you locked down and we want to make sure you're okay at this point in the nightmare i'm on the main level to my house and i look out the window to see someone with a gun staring right at me this whole time my uncle is repeating loudly in a creepy tone we want to make sure you're okay the nightmare ends and i wake up stay still for about five minutes then head upstairs grab a knife and proceed to check the house there was nothing but that nightmare was so vivid it felt like a sign i grew up on a farm with my parents it was a small farm with only ten five acres of land and at the time we had geese ducks chickens and a couple sheep when i was 21 i fed and watered them around 8 p m and then went inside i heard them making a lot of noise around 10 p m so i went out to see i saw them huddled against the house away from the tree and fence line i quickly grabbed my rifle and a bigger flashlight to look for anything as i am walking to the tree line to check it out a stripped skeleton from one of our geese fell out of the tree i saw the skeleton fall some 15 feet out of the tree i saw a movement but couldn't directly see it among the branches i called mom to let her know and then i called a buddy to stay on the line in case this thing thought i was next he was researching trying to figure out what could drag an almost 30 pound goose that far into a tree while i was looking for it mom came home about 11 30 p am and almost the entire time i felt like i was being watched i lost the feeling about three minutes before she came home when she pulled into the driveway she saw something dash across into the neighbor's backyard and into the woods we believe that a mountain lion was out there that night that night gives me nightmares sometimes two years later and never had i had a feeling of being watched so intensely as that night my wife took a trip to visit her parents with our children leaving me at home with plenty of stuff to catch up on on the morning they'd left my youngest had been a little obstinate and we ended up having to go hunting for a hidden toddler we found him hiding in the basement and shuffled him into the car while he was screaming the whole time lots of fun i had an event to go to that afternoon so i immediately turned on some loud music and got to work doing the daily stuff around the house dishes picking up feeding chickens etc finish just in time to get ready and go to the event when i get home around 9pm that evening i realized i've left the music on i go inside get changed turn off the music and have a quick shower while i'm in the shower i've turned on an audible of the poetic edit to listen to when about 5-10 minutes into my shower i thought i heard something i dry off my hand so i can turn the volume down on my phone listen for 30 seconds or so and hear nothing more so i turn it back up a few minutes later i hear something again i was sure it sounded like music i pause the audible and wait the only sound for about a minute is the water in the shower and then it happens someone laughs someone and a small child at that f king laughed from somewhere in the house my blood froze and i stopped did i hear that wrong maybe i was mistaking an animal noise for laughing 4. another minute or so the house was quiet again just the running shower then it happened again clear as a bell it was a child laughing from somewhere in the house i grabbed a towel and as quietly as i could i began to get out of the shower i left it running to try and mask any noises i might make and i made my way down the hall to my bedroom i quickly slipped into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt then crept over to my display case i grabbed my langsax which is like a single-edged short sword or long dagger mine is about 60 centimeters in a hatchet and began to creep around the house i kept hearing it by the time i reached the top of the stairs to the basement i could hear it quite clearly the laughter would echo slightly off the unfinished parts of the cellar i stood there willing myself to go down find whatever didn't belong and correct the issue with as much violence as i could muster over a very short period of time as i began sneaking down the stairs i heard it again and something clicked i set the weapons down at the top of the stairs and started cursing loudly pretty sure i went through the whole gamut in both german and english as i stomped down the basement stairs and hunted around in the dim light of the downstairs i found it it was sitting in the same corner my toddler had been hiding in it was one of his f king toys he must have left it there as we shoot him upstairs and into the car in the mode he left it and it would play a short tune pause for about a minute and then the infernal contraption would say something like are you ready to play giggle somehow i had managed to be creating enough noise upstairs the whole day so that i hadn't heard it so now i'm standing there in the basement soap still in my hair staring at this toy that had been tormenting me my son never realized that it had mysteriously disappeared i was 13 playing on my xbox 360 in my room and no somebody smashed my back door through it was made out of glass i myself and ran into my parents room and grabbed my dad's glock 19 pistol and locked myself in my parents bathroom whilst crying i had knuckle dusters in my pocket as i always get scared when i'm home alone so anyways this guy is already in my house he's opening drawers and i can hear metal clanging together and i start to cry even harder and shout fck off and leave me alone and guess what happened next this guy is stomping up the stairs shouting i'm gonna get you so i've cocked the pistol and i was ready to shoot when this guy starts to pick up my lock with the knife in his hand he opened the door i screamed my lungs out then punched him in the face with my knuckle dusters then proceeded to shoot him in the hip twice just piercing his kidney through with one of the shots i'm scared as fck as you would think so i went downstairs unlocked the front door and ran to my neighbor's house they called the cops and when they came he was already trying to climb down the stairs so they arrested him turns out he had escaped prison two days before he got into my house and they found a machete in the spot where i had shot him so he was going to kill me with a machete and they also found a rope in his boot which he admitted that he was going to hang me with by the way he had been sentenced to life in prison before he had escaped four murdering three children he was 47 and had mental problems so they sent him to a mental hospital my parents and sister were away on a shopping trip since she is about to go to college and need dorm supplies i would have went with them but i had a school project to do so i stayed home it's been about two or three hours and my family still wasn't home yet and i finished my project it was getting late about 7 p.m i think so i decided to call them to make sure they were safe when i picked up the house phone and about to dial my mother's number i heard a voice right next to my ear don't the voice was young man's voice quite deep and sounded like they were from the northern part of america i looked around but nobody was there i even looked around the house but i still couldn't find anybody so i passed the voice as a figment of my imagination i called my mother not telling her what i heard she told me that they would be back by somewhere around 8 30 as they were stuck in traffic our call was short so i hung up about five minutes later after the call i decided to take a shower and that's what i did as soon as i stepped out of the shower i heard noise in my bedroom but i ignored it as i have five cats and thought it was one of them running around i got dressed and entered my room seeing all my cats starring underneath my bed i decided nothing of it since i saw my cats doing weirder things but it did pick my interest i went to pick one of my cats up to calm them down but stopped when i felt a hand around my ankle i froze not knowing what to do as million of questions past my mind i looked down but there was no hand but i can fell one on me i tried moving my ankle but it was like it was chained to that one spot i soon felt another hand on my other ankle i don't know what happened but next thing i know was that i was on the ground looking at a pair of deep wide red eyes underneath my bed as soon as i saw them they were gone i never told anyone of this incident until now 12 year old me asleep in the attic conversion bedroom of our house we've lived here for years and i know every room corner set creek and grown in that house i could tell which room people were in two floors below by the sounds 12 year old me asleep in bed i stir as footsteps come up the first of three sets of steps to my room three steps up pause turn 90 degrees left seven more creaking steps i know these sounds the steps pause i figure it's mom coming to check on me make sure i'm asleep so i say good night love you and snuggle down waiting for a response no response no steps down silence i wait two paralyzed hours in the dark to be devoured by a shrieking beast with razors for teeth before i work up the courage to turn on my light and scream i know you're there to an empty room parents swear blind they never came to check on me that night peter tried to break into my house had a super creepy neighbor always trying to approach me as a child he'd ride his motorbike past me on my way to school and would stop me all the time to ask personal questions him and his wife took our family out to dinner and he kept touching my upper thighs i asked my mom to switch seats with me she did so reluctantly because she didn't believe me we lived on the corner of the street so the neighbor would park his rv next to my bedroom window always found it odd because they had plenty of space on their own property because his rv was parked their head come over all the time to cut the grass as a favor i stopped going outside or opening the blinds because had always be watching me one day i came home from school and was home alone sat on the sofa to watch tv the wooden door kept creaking open the first time it happened i didn't think much of it but i paused the tv when i heard it the second time the door creeped all the time but i got a really bad feeling that day i was silent for a while when i hear the screen door open it would be impossible for it to do that on its own i jumped up and ran to the door i was always told i sound like an elephant running through the house which may be what saved me this day i probably sounded like an adult approaching the door when i got there the neighbor was trying to step back out of my house in a hurry but stopped when he realized it was me he was leaning into the entrance holding the doorknob and had one foot out the door as he had been trying to leave but started to try and come back inside once he saw me i asked what he was doing and he immediately started asking if my mom was home he looked at me super intense so i panic flirted an obvious lie that my mom was asleep he asked if he could talk to her and i said no he said that i could just wake her up and he tried to step back into the house i held the back of the door and put some weight behind it so i could stop him i said she wasn't feeling well and i'd leave her a message at this point i had more leverage seeing as the steps to mine house were slanted and steep so he was struggling to push the door with one foot outside already he got flustered and started looking around for other neighbors because i was talking loudly and making a scene so he floundered and said oh just let her know i cut the lawn and i slammed the door shut practically on his fingers after that had always skull can hide behind his cars when i came out of the house was super relieved when we moved there's a lot more weird with this neighbor but this is when it clicked in my mind that he was a predator i must have been about 15 and i woke up in the house home alone i was getting out of bed when i heard a noise downstairs i checked outside and sure enough the cars were gone and i had messages on my phone from my parents saying they were out and would be back later nevertheless i could still hear the noise downstairs it sounded like someone drunkenly crashing around in my living room which was directly below my bedroom i plucked up the courage and crept downstairs the silence came when i creaked that dodgy step and everything seemed to freeze a lifetime later i continued down into the kitchen where i grabbed a knife i hid in the downstairs bathroom for a while listening out to see if i could work out what it was but all i could hear were the occasional crashing sounds my heart was pounding but eventually i got nearer to the door to the living room i pushed the door open and nothing there was nobody there i was so confused until i looked at the blinds on the window and saw streaks and streaks of poo i looked around and suddenly i saw it a bird perfectly perched on top of the fireplace covered in its own i laughed and felt so unbelievably relieved i took photos of it and rang my parents to tell them what had happened and to ask what the hell i should do i opened the window and beckoned it out where it eventually flew away i noticed stood all around the fireplace and realized it must have fallen or flew down the chimney luckily a lot of the streaks on the blinds turned out to be soot too absolutely terrifying at the time but turned hilarious pretty quickly i grew up by a really informal household my parents had tons of friends most of whom were from our church or went to college with them they also were friends with nearly all of our neighbors up and down our densely packed street we called their friends by their first names a lot of my parents friends would joke around with us if they called to talk with my mom or dad and my brother or i picked up the phone first so one summer day when i was 11 or 12 and home alone the phone rang and i answered it whomever it was and they had a familiar voice but i just couldn't place it said hi my name is your mom there and i said no sorry they just missed her and they said oh that's okay well i know your dad's at work so how about if i just come over to the house and rape you and i said excuse me thinking i had heard wrong but i hadn't because they then very graphically described what they wanted to do and asked if i wanted that i demanded to know who it was and when they laughed at me i panicked and hung up shaking i ran to the front door and locked it and the back door i went around locking all the windows i'm remembering now it did not occur to me to check the basement door and i wonder now it was locked it often was not i sat there shaking wrecking my brain trying to place the voice was it my creepy neighbor the teenage paper boy could it have been the babysitter who molested me when i was little whose parents still went to my church one of my friends dads was it someone else entirely i was terrified whomever it was going to actually come over i kept trying to figure out the safest place to hide where i could possibly get out the back if they came in the front but where i could keep an eye on the side of the street anyone would be most likely to approach from i spent about two hours in terror i told my mom when she came home she told my dad when he got home and they called the police who said there wasn't really anything they could do so i've always wondered who that was husband was out of the country and i was home in a new city with our four-year-old son i was doing laundry in the basement with my son and i heard someone come into the house above my head since we had just moved there we didn't know anyone especially someone that would enter our garage and then our kitchen i hid my son and told him to stay until i or a policeman came to get him i loaded the shotgun and called out that i had a gun and they should leave they walked across my kitchen but stopped before the door and later that scared me most of all they were considering not leaving surprisingly at the time it just infuriated me because of my son so i started up the wooden stairs made a lot of noise and when they still didn't leave i pulled back the slide on the shotgun which makes a very distinctive sound i heard the door open and slam shut i still had to be careful in case they just made it sound as if they left i carefully searched the house went back and got my son from hiding and called the police they couldn't really do anything because i never saw anyone i'm glad they left because i know without a shred of doubt that if i saw them in my house i would have shot them i felt i was the only thing between them and my son since then i have never wondered if i could pull the trigger if i had to i live in the country so my house is probably on some old farmland my house is one story and very long my room is on one end and the kitchen is on the other i was in my room with my door closed and i heard small footsteps in the hall so i open my door and look around nothing so i close my door and a couple minutes later i hear a child like echoey laugh so i'm like wtf and look a second time once again nothing i leave my room and head to the kitchen we have a room where my parents smoke that is at the very end of the house separated from the kitchen by a door that is mostly glass as i'm walking i hear more laughter and tiny footsteps so i start walking faster and i get to the kitchen and open the connecting door in the reflection of the door i see a little boy in overalls and boots he looked to be around four six years old i slammed the door and whip around but there was nothing there so i booked it back to my room head under my covers and slept with the light on i haven't told anyone about it to this day scariest experience of my life this happened back in high school we were a larger family so there were always people coming in and out of our house at that time my bedroom was in the basement and did a great job of blocking most of the noise on this particular day i came home from tennis practice exhausted and decided to take a quick nap next thing i know i'm being woken up blinded by a flashlight i was questioned who i was what i was doing all while barely being awake i eventually realized there were two cops now standing in our dark basement questioning me nothing is more frightening than being woken up to two cops standing over your bed they finished up their questions and walked back up the stairs saying i could go back to sleep i was more confused than anything at this point and still extremely tired i ended up just falling back asleep i later learned that my mom had seen my sister walking up the stairs when pulling into the driveway and hadn't expected anyone to be home she had immediately called the police saying we were being robbed looking back on it now it's pretty hilarious i'm sure it made for a great story for the cops as well this was actually at a friend's house so i might be cheating here but it scared the crap out of me we must have been 12 or 13 years old and three of us were staying at my buddy's place to spend the night we're in the suburbs in a moderately populated area but it's quiet and safe his parents went to bed pretty early like 9 00 p.m and we decided to sneak out to go see some other friends about two miles away or so after about one five hours of hanging with them we head back to my buddy's place so it's around 11 p.m at this point we're walking on a dirt path the fire department had made between the cul-de-sac my friends house sat on and another just below his the path ran just adjacent to his house so we're basically walking along his backyard fence all of a sudden a truck pulls up quickly into the lower cul-de-sac and a guy jumps out without saying a word and my buddies and i look at each other like what the hell is this it's too dark to make out any facial features or anything and then the dude just starts sprinting after us again not saying a thing we all flip out and start scrambling up this path to get into my buddy's house the dude is fast and is gaining on us and of course i slip on a dirt clock fall and stumble getting back up i finally get back to my feet but i'm last and running to catch up with my friends i put my head down and sprint as fast as i can to my friend's front door which he's holding open and yelling get the fck in here come on i sprint inside and spin around just as my friend is slamming the door and i see the dark outline of the guy just outside the door he must have been about one foot behind me my friend locks the door and we all just stare at each other like what the fck just happened my dad is awesome and i call him immediately to tell him everything that happened he comes to pick me up because i'm shook when he got there he just gave me a long hug and takes me home i remember asking him what the fck do you think that guy was doing my dad just shook his head and said i don't know but i'm so happy you got through that door i wasn't exactly home alone i was with my aunt she's about 14 years older than me and i was 13 14 at the time anyways we were in the dining room making dinner the kitchen only fitted the stove sink and one drawer average mexican info navit house when we heard a crash in the hall between my two-story house and my neighbor's house on the right in that hall we stored a bunch of crap-like bags full of empty cans to sell and other stuff i can't remember it had a metal door and connected my front yard which had a cement roof to my backyard a space with cement floor surrounded by cement block walls with barbed wire on top to get to the roof of the front yard and the roof of the house we used one of those long retractable ladders and when we didn't use it we would lean it on the edge of the roof of the front yard but in a very unstable position so back into the story we heard the crash in the hall my dog was in the backyard and started barking like crazy and i immediately thought of the ladder falling but then i heard the metal doors latch opening it was rusty and made a lot of noise when you opened it and immediately i thought someone's there i grabbed a knife without thinking and left to close and locked the inner door that connected the kitchen to the backyard it was a couple meters from where i was then i saw a young guy shirtless shoeless all tanned and dirty messy and greasy hair who crossed the backyard and ignored my dog who was barking and scared as much as i was and sprinted and jumped over the water heater to get over the wall into my neighbor on the left backyard unluckily for him his pants got stuck in the barbed wire and got some cuts in his hands legs and feet and when he broke free he continued going from backyard to backyard he also left blood stains in the wall during all the time the guy was in my backyard he never looked inside nor said a word at all even when he got stuck in the wire his face was emotionless it happened in less than 20 seconds but it felt like hours right after he disappeared my aunt quickly phoned the police the operator told her that the guy was already reported by many neighbors and apparently under the influence of drugs and that they had already sent a unit to catch him tbh we never knew what happened to the guy also i had to clean the blood stains with a hose i was 18 and living in a large-ish house that wasn't still is owned by the family of one of my then housemates it was a beautiful old house with four bedrooms that had their own ensuite bathrooms a formal dining room office and billiards room it was an amazing house but being old as it was it had super creaky floorboards that made it impossible to walk around without making a noise also it was a bit drafty so the front door would slam shut pretty easily if whoever was closing it didn't hold on to the knob and intentionally close it gently at the time there were three of us living there but my two housemates had gone to a meeting on campus for the evening i was sitting in my bedroom which was the room farthest from the front door and i remember looking at the clock and thinking they'd probably be home soon it was late winter so even though it was only around 7 30 it was pitch dark out the house was quiet and i was reading a book so when they came home a little while later i heard them come in i heard the front door slam shut and then footsteps going from the front door through the dining room through the kitchen and down the hallway to my bedroom door which was open but nobody walked into my room so i was thinking one of my housemates my friend who was mostly deaf and likely didn't realize how much noise she made was probably about to jump through my door to scare me or something i was like hey i'll show her so i tiptoed over to hide next to the doorway so i could scare her instead but she never came in after a minute i was like what the heck is she doing out there so i leaned out into the hallway really quickly and she wasn't there i was totally confused i heard the front door slammed shut i heard footsteps walking through the house then as i was looking down the hallway i saw a large black shapeless shadow move slowly and silently out of the laundry room and crossed the hallway into the kitchen every inch of me was covered in goosebumps i turned on the whole light and listened waiting to hear footsteps or something but the house was completely quiet after a few minutes of listening and hearing nothing i went through the house and turned on every single light there was nobody in the house and the front door was still locked my housemates came home about 20 minutes later and scolded me for wasting electricity there were several incidents i witnessed in the time i lived in that house most of them i was able to explain away from my own peace of mind but this one i couldn't come up with anything that made sense and this one isn't even the most terrifying of them here's another incident this was maybe a month or so after i saw the shadow in the hallway i was in my bedroom and the way the room was laid out is somewhat important for context it was a rectangular room my twin bed was kitty corner from the doorway and i had a small sectional couch in the corner of the room next to the door the foot of my bed was pointed at the couch on the wall opposite the bed and couch i had a tv position where i could see it whether i was in bed or on the couch if the tv was off and i was sitting on my bed i could see the reflection of the couch okay moving on it was night my housemate had gone to bed a little while before the other housemate had moved out at this point i was sitting on my bed doing a crossword puzzle i'd been looking down for a long while and my neck was starting to ache so i lifted my head and was stretching my neck when i happened to glance at my tv in the reflection i saw a man sitting on my couch and facing me he didn't have eyes it was just hollow black holes where his eyes should have been it was terrifying i looked at the couch and there was nobody there and when i looked back at the tv the couch was empty my heart was in my throat i got up slowly from my bed and walked out of the room then sprinted through the house and got in bed with my friend she asked what was up and i told her i didn't want to talk about it we had an agreement not to talk about incidents when they happened so we wouldn't freak each other out in the several months i lived there i think i slept in her room more than i slept in my own for the record i did try to figure out what it was i could have seen i went back the next morning and sat in the same spot on my bed to see if there was anything that could have resembled that figure like clothes on the couch or something but the couch didn't have anything on it and i couldn't come up with any explanation this happened when i was walking home alone at about eight or nine years old i lived in the older part of town and it was really safe so my older siblings didn't have to wait for me and walk me home and i think this day they were both at friends houses when i was about 100 meters away from the school i saw a car behind me and it turned into one of the streets which was a crescent not suspicious at all couple minutes later the same car came up behind me and pulled into another street weird he did this a few more times and my eight-year-old self was terrified at this point and speed walking as far as my tiny legs could carry me when i get to the street right before mine there aren't any more that he could go down so he just follows me very slowly and i pretend to be oblivious but there were tears running down my face at this point and when i get to my driveway i sprint to my door to unlock it and get inside and i watch as the car drives away i stood there frozen but didn't see the car come back for the 20 minutes or so that i was there so i went to my room and took a nap and forgot all about it i told my friend about it the next day and she said that her dad was in town to visit her and she pointed me out a few days before so he waited for me to get out of the school and followed me so he could tell my friend what my address was this guy was genuinely nice but had been in and out of jail for a few years on drug cases and fraud and he was just a little nutty but no bad intentions this happened to me when i was like 16. it was about a year after i had moved in i was all alone as my family had all gone out real quick my stepdad and sister went to go pick up our take out for dinner my brother and mom went to the store to go get some snacks and sodas i stayed home since i was working on a school assignment usually i would have gone with them i wasn't scared at all being alone at the house my previous house is a different story so i felt comfortable especially since i had my two dogs with me i was working away on the computer which is on the complete opposite end of the house from my room but the kitchen is in the middle so when you first enter the house there's the living room which has a hallway leading to the rooms take a right you have the kitchen and keep going right you're at the dining table and office i was at the office area i heard an empty soda bottle fall which did freak me out but i had realized that maybe one of my dogs had gotten to it or the air conditioning kicked and i live in arizona the summers are brutal so i go to the kitchen and do see an empty soda bottle i picked it up and placed it on the countertop and went back to work less than five minutes later i heard it fall again i was kind of starting to freak out because i knew my dogs couldn't get to it but was still holding on to the belief it was them i go back once again and just put it somewhere that i knew 100 percent that the dogs could not get to work why i didn't throw it away i go back to work and have one my dogs with me to keep a close eye on them not even a minute later the bottle falls again but sounded like someone literally smashed it to the ground and i heard the stools at the island move i was definitely freaked about the whole thing but i still tried to tell myself it was my other dog but i knew it wasn't so i called her over the stools continued to be moved around roughly and i was crying then i heard my guitar playing the strings were out of tune so i was sobbing and having a panic attack because the house was clearly haunted or someone was messing with me taking advantage of the fact i was home alone i was picking up my phone to dial 911 or my stepdad to get his ass back now but before i could i heard laughter it wasn't any laughter it was my sister laughing after hearing her everything stopped and she came up to me with tears and eyes because she was laughing so hard she began to tell me that when i had called her asking if her and my stepdad were at the restaurant yet she had realized that i thought she was with our stepdad and not at home she decided to have a little fun with me which included to make me believe there was someone or something in our house so that's when she started knocking off the soda bottle and seeing me each time get more freaked out but still trying to blame the dogs she told me she was able to see me behind the island where she was hiding and was trying so hard to stifle her laughter she then began going berserk with the stools and my guitar so i could know it wasn't the dogs she stopped once she heard me dial someone on my phone cause she didn't want my stepdad or the police involved i genuinely hated my sister in that moment because i was a sobbing mess and had no way to escape whoever it was my bedroom has a massive window and door directly to the garden the garden is tucked away from my neighborhood by tall brick walls probably around five meters high where i have an abundance of fruit trees and berry bushes i remember one night what i thought was a dream vaguely waking up for a split second seeing the man standing at my bedroom door in the garden i woke up that morning had breakfast and brought my laundry to the back room in the garden where i keep my washer and dryer i walked back to the house and noticed the handle of my bedroom door is pushed down the spring was already busted so if you push it down it stays in place somebody during the night was actually in my garden and tried opening the door to my bedroom strange things happen in my garden from time to time but this is one of those that confirms i am not crazy i was home alone one early morning around 3 20 a.m just woke up and i noticed no one was there i thought nothing of it at first but then i noticed my father wasn't there in his office he has his own office in a separate room of my house for working at home weird i thought usually at a time like this he would still be on that monitor working i went to the next unit of the house where my grandparents live my dad lived in my unit our house has two units so i made my way over there nothing i also noticed the family car was still there they couldn't have gone anywhere i checked the bedroom nothing our backyard and around the front yard even the workshop nothing but i didn't freak out just yet then i noticed there were a pair of clothes in the bathroom just there on the floor i quickly ran back to the house and also checked the bathroom close again now at this point i freaked out like heart i went to call my dad but he left his phone on his desk then the rapture came into mind was i left on earth did my loved ones just puffed i thought about it for a few minutes before going upstairs deciding to play some steam games to get the thoughts out of my mind an hour later nothing now i was considering the possibility and continued to search for my parents around our home nothing i crawled up into a fetus position on the ground until i heard a gate rattling it was my dad grandfather grandmother and uncle i quickly stood up and asked where they had gone turns out they were loading some stuff in a multi-cab nearby that belonged to a friend of theirs far from where i live legit thought that the rapture happened and i've never been that scared because you know i have a phobia of being all alone we lived in a typical student shared house near a university in a neighborhood full other shared student houses in the uk we get around four weeks off during the christmas period and from the first week onwards there had been a surge in burglaries in the neighborhood a student village is basically easy pickings during this holiday as the majority of students return home meaning not only our houses empty but neighboring houses were also likely to be empty on the second week we had all left and locked up sans one of my housemates he had family drama he desperately wanted to avoid and so decided to remain in the house over the holidays we have two gardens a front and back garden the entrance to the back garden was through a gate in the bushes which led to a narrow hidden path behind bushes leading to a number of back gardens his bedroom was facing the back garden with his bed against the back garden window one night around 2 a.m some very loud banging wakes him up he's a heavy sleeper from the kitchen window this is followed by heavy shouting from an adult male screaming if anyone was home my housemate assumes the knock is from a drunk student city and so this is common and so decides the best cause of action was to continue ignore it and return to slumber he told me he assumed the banging would stop however a few minutes later more banging except this was from his window which was directly on the side of his bed this time he freezes and is concerned the banging was iniated only on our house so it wasn't someone going through the street also more concerning was the fact they knew how to get to our back garden as mentioned above the entrance to our back garden is hard to find for anyone who is not familiar with the street the first gate is hidden by overgrown bushes and is not directly behind our house also the path that follows the first gate is also overgrown and so one could easily assume this path only led to a dead end once past the overgrown bushes you would then have to correctly identify our back gate we never use the back gate as it was confusing even for ourselves however someone at 2am had done just that after going for the front garden the banging and shouting eventually stopped and he somehow manages to fall back asleep i returned to the house a few days after i've decided to return to revise early for my exams and he tells me this story there were two more weeks of holidays left and we made sure to keep our lights on about three four years ago when i was home alone the creepiest happened to me that would literally creep me out this day one night when i was in my room minding my day i hear a loud bang coming from door which already shook my lot which i went to check but to my surprise there was nothing there which literally scared the out of me then about 10-15 minutes later i hear it again but this time from my back door which was creepy enough to convince me that there was a mf trying to break into my room or either a ghost who was trolling my ass right after that i decided to lock my door and call my parents who were out with their friends to come as quick as they can and during the call i literally heard the most scariest i've ever seen in my life which were footsteps and a slim shadow right outside my door with faint scratching i literally froze still for five minutes which felt like eternity and i could hear my parents calling my name from the phone and i told them quietly to hurry up and come in right after i closed the call i called the police and literally told them to hurry as i didn't know who or what was in the house doing this then about 10-15 minutes later i hear the sirens in the distance and the thing that was outside my door started dashing towards the back door and everything went silent until the officers were calling into the house which i couldn't give them a response as i was frozen in shock and about two three minutes later i hear my parents too who let in the officers and they all rushed to my room to ask what happened which i didn't even know how to explain as i was in a shock all i told them were that i heard two loud bangs which came different directions but were sounded almost the same and that the person thing came right up to my door and even scratched it which to this day still have those scratch prints and no one was ever able to find out what that was or who it was technically not home alone but my room was on the main floor and my three roommates were all on the second floor worked at a bar literally across the street from my house walked home after my shift at about 10 30 did some homework and went to bed wake up at like 2 33 and i hear a loud thud i look around my room and see some guy on my floor he looked like someone i worked with so i was like hey whatever and went back to sleep until i realized that even if that was him he shouldn't be at my house so i panic and go in my bathroom and call my boyfriend who is like wtf call the cops i don't want this guy to hear me so i kicked the out of him until he wakes up seriously thought he was dead for a minute and goes into the kitchen i lock the bedroom door and call the cops that's when i hear him breaking a whole bunch of and then i hear the window break the cops showed up quick because i lived a block from the police station and break the door down and come in with guns drawn they go and wake up my roommates with said guns which i enjoyed because i hated two of the three of them and asked us to come identify this guy none of us knew him turns out he was a 30-something-year-old child molester local high school track coach broke in through my bathroom window he broke our tv window cops broke the door and we got nothing to repair our stuff because he was molested himself as a child pretty famous case from central pa so he attributed it to his drug and alcohol problem he developed because of said abuse and got probation and sent to rehab never had to serve jail time even though they charged him with a felony not his first be and didn't have to pay anything for repairs because he personally had no money since he parents took away his settlement money from the molestation case could be worse but waking up to a grown man half dead on your floor is not that fun i was 18. just graduated high school and came home one summer and i still lived with my dad until local community college started i come home from hanging out with friends my dad is gone and staying at his girlfriend's house we lived in fairly large home and since it was just the two of us i occupied most of the basement three bedrooms one laundry room living room and a bar it was a pretty sweet setup so anyway i get home it's around 10 o'clock and not too super late so i unlock the door and head towards the stairs to head to my bedroom to crash as soon as set my foot on the first stair leading down into the basement eye here this god-awful mechanical demon is the only way i can describe it it made all the hair on my body stand up and i ran screaming outside nobody was home and it was late i called my sister who happened to live in san diego at the time picked up her phone and listened to me she believed me and could tell i was honestly scared i've never lied to my sister we're really close so for something to scare me like that something like that had to happen so i go back to my friends and i stay the night i never heard it again until several years later when i hear it in a movie in the theater in 2012 i called my sister and shared her that i heard something that sounded like it i gave her the sound bite and she said it sounds exactly like i described it my downstairs neighbor lost his wife a while back i don't think he could cope very well and he kept getting drunk a lot whenever he was drunk he'd try to come on to me he'd send me delivery food try to talk to me on the streets try to hand me little gifts problem was he hardly spoke a word in dutch so he didn't quite seem to realize that i really didn't want anything to do with him another problem is that i might be a little too polite to just tell him to bugger off one day he showed up asking if i wanted to come over to his place for a drink it took me a while to work out exactly what he meant and i think he took that as a sign that i might be interested he kept gesturing me to follow me to his house eventually i understood what he was saying but i was a little nervous to just turn him down so instead i told him i needed to do a few things first and close the door on him i then proceeded to disable the doorbell and sit in the living room with my phone in my hands in case he'd try something new i don't know if it was actually as scary as my mind made it out to be but in my mind there were a lot of horror scenarios playing of what would happen if i did say sure let's have a drink he's moved out of the house by now and my new neighbors are far more pleasant i remember this one when i was in elementary maybe eight or nine so my memory of this might be really rough i was alone since my brother had gone with my dad to the store and my sister was with my mom to pick up a relative from the hospital they had broken their leg i think anyways i was watching t b and waiting for my mom and sister to come home with my relative for some reason my little self was not all afraid as an adult i'm partially wary of opening the door or being alone in my home i live in a quiet neighborhood and near elementary school my house has a porch so whenever someone walked on it loud walking noises can be it can be very annoying so i heard it and then a banging on the door so i opened the door and my neighbor from right across the street was standing there on the porch she was a really old lady the only thing i remember about her was that she had big frizzy gray hair like it was really big and she needed to cut it i never seen or heard of her but i was still nice to her she asked if daryl was here and if i had seen him i answered no and she asked if she could use the phone i gave it to her and she called someone she was crying and screaming at the person at the end i felt scared and went back inside and locked the door it's a metal door that you see through then i saw someone running in the yard i don't what he was shouting but it was at her but the old lady didn't pay no mind until he grabbed the phone and ended the call now she was screaming at him about this daryl guy he then dragged her away to the house all the while she was screaming and i think was trying to fight back i then remember the person came back he begged me to never tell anyone about this he then left some candy in the mailbox and went back the house i took the candy cause i am a kid i kept his word and never told anyone about it not even my parents i'm not sure my neighborhood even hurt her she then passed away when i was in middle school she died in the house and i remember the ambulances were there to take her away as of right now a family lives that house but it was after her death i told my family what happened my parents were mad at me i'm mad at myself too since i should have understood stranger danger meant for everyone even when typing this i feel so stupid i wish younger self was smarter but my mom told me that the lady was really sick she was never allowed to leave her house because she was prone to screaming and asking people where daryl was daryl was her husband who passed away and was known to leave the house to get groceries or needs for her when she was becoming sick she had her son take care of her the same one who came to get her that day her son told my mom about this information when they moved into the neighborhood he lived with them until his mother passed away i hope he is doing all right now i don't know what happened to him after i don't how i feel about this i've had scary encounters before but this one just comes in out of nowhere i don't have a feel about this right now but i hope she had a peaceful sleep one time my mom went to home depot with my little brother i was home alone doing homework listening to music when i heard the door of the bathroom slam i yelled not today satan i kept doing my homework since i live in a small apartment i kept the door a little open because it was really hot then i heard my mom calling me by my second name when i looked at the door it wasn't my mom that thing looked my cousin with my mom's voice and it told me to follow her which i didn't end it left then i called my mom and told her to hurry because i was really scared i did a facetime with my friends to calm myself down when i was more relaxed i closed the door and locked it and waited for my mom to arrive this is not my first time having this kind of paranormal things that almost when i'm alone or when everyone is asleep i have more stories if you guys are interested this happened years ago i was in my early teens and had set up a cardboard box fort in the living room that i'd been sleeping in for the past week mostly because i could sneak a laptop in there and surf the internet until three in the morning without being bothered everyone else in my house was dead asleep so it kind of counts as home alone around 1am on one of those nights i saw a reflective green eyes flash past the entrance of the fort no big deal probably the cat trying to get in i set my laptop aside and open the door for him expecting to see my black lump of a cat sitting outside the fort nothing i stick my head outside the fort and look around eventually getting out of the fort to try and see if he was around again nothing i settled back into my fort a little spooked but not badly the cat could have just run off or been camouflaged in the shadows a couple minutes go by and i forget about the cat incident going back to surfing through youtube then my headphones cut out just in time for me to hear a horse airy but deep voice that i had never heard before hiss at me what are you doing everything's blank after that i have absolutely no memory of anything that happened after hearing that voice i woke up the next morning scared out of my mind but eventually i was able to convince myself it was just a nightmare jumped to about a year ago when i mentioned the story to my older sister during a road trip when i got to the park about the voice asking me what i was doing she spoke up and said that it had been her asking me that she had gotten up in the middle of the night out of boredom and wandered into the living room knowing that i was in there in my fort seeing the light from my laptop she apparently asked what i was doing before getting on her hands and knees to crawl into the fort with me she relayed the conversation we had that followed which was mostly her asking questions and me mumbling answers looking as white as a sheet eventually the conversation ended she went back to bed and i apparently went back to surfing youtube only problem is i don't remember any of that happening i had an entire conversation with my sister that i have absolutely no memory of i trust that she was telling the truth she remembered details that i hadn't told her previously but that still leads the fact that i don't remember any of it it also doesn't explain why i heard her voice as a raspy out of breath man from hell's voice paranormal probably not proof that i apparently am able to repress memories completely and warp the remaining memories into freakish demonic encounters it would explain why half my childhood is one big gap in my memory when i was about eight or nine i had a large bedroom that i shared with my sister who was a teenager one night i woke up in the middle of the night from a dream where i was reading our english book to a friend from school the dream started to fade away and i was sitting up on the edge of my bed with my feet on the floor and my hands were open like i was holding the book i was immediately spooked and i turned towards my bedside table to turn on my lamp and i couldn't see it it was just black i looked up and there was a black figure the grim reaper hovering between my bed and my bedside table i shrunk back against the wall it was wall bed bedside table a dresser then my bdrm door from rl repeat on my sister's side of the room except her door was a closet and just stared at it it moved slowly back and forth i couldn't move i was so terrified in between praying my mom would get up to use the bathroom and trying to will my sister awake i studied its clear black outline against the gray but visible items in my bedroom after what seemed like hours my mom did get up and i yelled to her and she turned on the light and there was nothing i was hysterical of course i couldn't even talk about it for years bc i was convinced it was listening and they come back to torture me now i'm grown with my own kids and i would definitely believe them if they told me they saw something it's the only crazy thing that's ever happened to me though my home is a mix between an original 50s building and the extension my parents built nothing spectacularly old and interesting here at the time of the experience i was about seven or eight years old my primary school was about five minutes away so i would be the last to leave and left to lock up now the front door the staircase and landing are part of the old building in the wood creeks when walked on it the landing is sturdier though so you can only hear footsteps if they're heavy-footed i used to hear random footsteps all the time when i was watching tv on school mornings but they were so faint i rationalized them one morning though just as i was getting my stuff together for the day at the bottom of the stairs which leads right to the front door i heard those same footsteps on the landing but louder i froze thinking maybe it's my imagination again and then i heard the top step of the stairs very distinctive creek and i bolted out of there through my coat shoes and bag outside and locked the door was the only morning i was early enough for school i had to wait outside the gates so i've had a lot of scary moments being alone at home not home alone but someone else may be sleeping or something and it's just me when i was around eight i woke up and my stepdad was already at work and my mom and sister went to the store and my brother already got up but fell back asleep on the couch watching cartoons so as i was feeding my bunny and waiting for my mom to get home i heard windy noises even though it wasn't windy outside and it didn't sound like it came from outside it sounded like it was in the room with me i woke my brother up and we stayed together until my mom and sister got home when i was 15 this was a few months ago there was a huge storm outside and serious tornado threats and it was just me and my brother home and he left to go to a friend's house in the middle of the storm so i was home alone and had to make sure nothing bad happened everything was fine when i was 13 me and my friend were the only ones home and multiple supernatural things happened from doors being held shut by nobody like lose doors that don't even latch while the other person was in a different room to us hearing each other say something that was never said it was weird and i still can't explain it back in 2016 when the clown thing was going round i lived on a main road so i saw them quite often usually if they saw you they just look at you because you're in your house they chase you if you were outside so i had to go to the shops because i needed some things for school tomorrow because we were cooking something and i was walking back and i saw one way up the road i was scared shitless but stayed calm because it was walking in the same direction as me then it turned around and saw me then ran at me i dropped everything ran to the house got inside and by the time i slammed the door and locked it the clown was at the door i had one of those doors that's basically a giant window staring right at me i then locked every door every window and plugged any entrance like the air vent in the downstairs bathroom now i get really uneasy when i see a clown like at a circus or comic con but overall okay once i realize i'm usually in a massive crowd when i see them it was christmas day late at night at like 3 a.m when i was on my phone and i heard a knock at the door i went to go check it out but no one was no one there so i checked the porch still nothing the knocking didn't stop and i couldn't figure out where it was coming from so in my house the kitchen counter is right across from the door so instead of telling my parents i hid behind the counter with the blow gun i got for christmas and waited right in front of the dishwasher i was like 10 okay so i waited and waited too afraid to get up and get my phone i sat there for about an hour when the dishwasher stopped and the knocking stoked with it so i opened the dishwasher and guess what there was a little fork on the floor of the dishwasher that was getting pushed around by the little water jet sprayer i realized i had sat there for an hour doing nothing but waiting for the dishwasher to stop so i stood up and shot myself with blow gun and died when i was 12 i was at home babysitting my younger siblings it was about mid-morning when i heard a door shut in our back ally i was already paranoid so i looked out the window and saw an old rusty truck parked in the ally the passenger of the truck was looking around outside and then he jumped over our back gate at the end of the driveway it freaked me out so i told my brother and sister to hide in their room and i ran and grabbed a shotgun when i got back to the window by the back door this guy was walking toward the house he looked super sketchy that head type our back door was glass and we had a mesh curtain so in the daytime you could see out but not easily see in i was waiting on the other side of the door a few feet back 12-gauge shotgun propped on a chair and pointed at the door the dude keeps walking he comes up the steps and goes right for the door handle he starts jiggling the handle which was locked and pushing the door in and out he looks defeated and runs back to the fence jumps it again and they drive off that dude was one foot step from being swiss cheese scared the crap out me it was 4pm and an hour ago my parents and sisters were out for the annual checkup i was fine i was watching anime nothing unusual has happened my mom called and told me they're going to arrive an hour later and they're having dinner at home i was so lazy that i told myself i'd finish watching anime after i finished the episode i was watching an hour had passed the door opened the sound reached the whole house reaching the living room where i was watching anime it was so sudden what's worse i had a sudden realization i forgot to lock the door i wasn't looking at the door the voice that called my name wasn't from my family i dare not to look i joked that it was a neighbor so i said oh uh hey sir gooper w what do you need but i knew it wasn't sir gooper sir gooper had a higher voice than mine the one i'm hearing right now is horse deep scary i heard my car pull over and i sighed in relief the man or whatever that was by the door was not speaking but i heard footsteps getting louder and louder i trembled then my mom came in and said are you okay i looked back no one was there but my mom my breathing was messy i was terrified weirdest and i swear to god this happened i was around 11 12 years old when i was home alone both parents had gone to work and i was the only person in a three-story house oddly enough all devices i had were dead any phone ipad laptop all had no charge even more odd i couldn't find a charger either eventually i decide to go outside and mind you it is around 1am there are no cars driving on my street and it was insanely quiet this is strange considering i live in a populated city there was nobody walking no noise and no cars driving so i look around confused and i decide to look up and i see a f king spaceship as dumb and corny as it sounds it was so close that it was i level with my third floor and it was hovering for a while before it eventually hovered away slowly and turned in diagonal direction and just shot up straight into the sky after this i finally find a charger and try to look for it but by then it was already long gone i think about it so i wasn't technically home alone but i was sleeping alone in my apartment i was in the deepest state of sleep you can think of and my apt was on the second floor of a two-story duplex a very loud sound jolted me away imagine someone screaming like two three centimeters from the side of your face get the down or ill shoot him going to f can shoot you in going to f can shoot you get down get down i went from deep sleep at 3am to wide the fck awake in an instant blue and red lights light my room the fck up my first move within micro seconds of time was to roll out of the side of me bed and under the frame heart racing all of this happened within the span of a quarter of a second cannot emphasize that enough if anyone is ever forced to solve a sudoku or kill a room full of people in a second to save their life that's the mindset my brain instinctively went to i could have lifted a goddamn house with the adrenaline that rushed through me turns out some guy had either committed a robbery and or stolen a car which led to a full-blown all units available police chase apparently the chase had been going on for a while and got to the point of life-threatening maneuvers from the thief the thief or whatever he was decided to use the front lawn of my duplex apartment house as his last stand crashed his car and caused as much demolition on as he could then tried to flee the scene again with every available police officer in the city right behind him down the incredibly short alley under my bedroom window and couldn't get over the seven feet fence to our backyard the volume and intensity of the cough screaming and going to f king shoot you convinced me in that micro second a mass murder had broken into my room and was on the verge of decimating me scariest afking moment of my entire life and i've gone to the hospital for emergency surgery because i almost accidentally sliced my left off i had been suffering from mono for a week already and was alone at my apartment which is the first floor of a house in an iffy part of where i grew up in the middle of the night utterly exhausted but not able to sleep my cat was snuggled up next to me asleep suddenly she wakes up and starts going nuts doing things she had never done before in the year i'd had her like scratching at doors running around getting my attention then running around again she kept acting like she was hearing something now i should add that at this point in my illness i had spent the past two days watching cinema sins horror movies because i'm a wimp but i still enjoy the story lines and i swear i could hear his voice in my head talking about how much of an idiot i am to start wandering around without turning on the light so i shuffle as fast as possible to the nearest light and turn it on but now i can't see outside and the cat is still going nuts so i decide at 1 30 in the morning to call my boyfriend now husband to talk me down the phone rings once twice disconnect weird but maybe he accidentally swiped the call off instead of answering he's normally a huge night owl but if he is asleep he is completely dead to the world so i try again same thing now i'm freaking out but i keep enough of my wits about me to try texting him he goes through and he responds right away so i try calling him again two rings then a disconnect so confused and freaking out i start frantically trying to type out what was going on to him remember i have mono and haven't slept enough because i also get really bad insomnia eventually he gets the gist and decides to come over to calm me down when he texts that he is leaving a check the windows are locked and then remember i have window unit air conditioners which prevent them from locking and i vaguely remembered a video or something i'd seen about people gaining entry by opening those windows farther and taking out the units so i frantically look for something to prop them shut fun fact the boomerang i stuck in one of them is still there and i may have just realized what happened to my ruler lol i eventually see lights through the windows and they drive past my house the lights come back turn off and a minute later i hear a knock on the door still freaked out i am in the fetal position on my couch and he decided to just use his key to come in he didn't see anyone and my phone started completing calls again once i restarted it and the cat eventually calmed down but it was terrifying being sick and having her do that my boyfriend was very kind and stayed the rest of the night with me that night as well two stories my family didn't go out much like ever so when i grew up i was always around at least my mom sister or grandma first story they all went out and this was back in the day where the computer connected over the phone so when they went out i jumped on the downstairs computer to go online i lived in a two-story house and my grandmother spent time on the ground level floor which had the computer it was in a living room kitchen type deal but it opened up into what they actually used as the living room it had a picture window while i was acting around online i saw a movement out the side of my eye and saw a dude standing at the window with his back to me we had an average sized front yard so to get there he would have had to walk like 40 steps across the yard and then slip in between the large bush we had in front of that window so he just stood there wasn't looking into the window or anything just back to me keep in mind this was also like five feet from the left of the front door which i assumed was left unlocked he just stood there not moving back facing to the window staring i assume across the front yard we were in a cul-de-sac so i don't know what he would be hiding from looking at i finally got the nerve to run to my front door to lock it and when i came back he was gone out on the road just slowly wandering up the road second time was when they left again i was going to school in the morning and i heard someone in the back hall say come here it wasn't threatening not weird and since i was so used to people being home i automatically just walked to the back hallways then i remembered i was alone in yell deaf cku you come here as soon as it left my mouth i regretted it and ran out the door i don't know if this happens to others but when i stand up quickly i become very dizzy and can sometimes see things that aren't there sitting back down makes it go away fairly quickly anyways my mother and father were out grocery shopping in the evening and it had become pretty dark outside because of the short days of winter i was laying in bed watching some youtube and felt hungry after a little while so i did the big mistake of standing up quickly and ran downstairs for some food i got dizzy while in the kitchen and started seeing things that i knew weren't real but then my parents opened the door and come in the house i was in the middle of my dizziness and stuff so i was convinced a murderer had entered my house to attack me and kill me so i started crying out please don't kill me i have done nothing wrong and then finally collapsed and fell out of consciousness my mother and father knew i was dizzy and seeing things so they tried to wake me up i did wake up a minute later and remembered everything up until the murderer entered the house this experience still haunts my nightmares and i never feel safe whenever home alone anymore for some years ago me and my friend was watching the scary movie the strangers afterwards we went outside the apartment to take a smoke it was late night so it was dark but we have lamps outside every port we were joking about the movie what we would have done if something similar would happen to us i was jokingly saying that i would probably freak out and tear of my clothes and run out screaming and confuse the invaders i was also joking and saying that imagine if the invaders would walk down from the cemetery right now i had a cemetery close to where i lived midst of this while we were all pumped up by this movie the power went completely out in the area i was living in the lamps above us and at the cemetery and everything went out my friend flew directly on me and we were scared and tried to fumble up the key to the main door just to get in and we ran straight into the apartment we were hyperventilating but started laughing at everything after a while because of what a coincidence this was two years ago my mom and my brother went to a friend's wedding i was home alone watching movies and playing games everything went normal my family came back the next evening and nothing special happened until next week when i checked my gallery to find a meme i wanted to share with my friend as i was scrolling up i noticed three really strange images they were really blurry and over exposure i couldn't see a thing but i was still wondering how did they end up in my gallery after a few minutes of investigating i noticed the time when were these pics taken it was at 4am the day i was alone at my house i immediately freaked out i had chills all over my bod the friend who was with me noticed that there was something wrong with me i explained him the situation and he was freaked out as well i was new to iphones and he showed me a feature called live photo it is basically a short video that is taken in prior to making the photo i replayed that short video and noticed really sudden movements like the person was moving all across a place at once while taking the picture really hard to explain this freaked me out even more but i noticed that there was one frame where the photo wasn't over exposure like crazy i transferred that frame to my computer and tweaked it in photoshop so i could see better in the middle of doing that when the picture became better i realized something it was me sleeping in my room somebody took a picture tour of me sleeping at 4am i went nuts i called my mom if she by any chance came home early i called my brother as well as my grandparents these are the only people who have keys to our house nobody was home that night i showed that picture to some of my trusted friend and everybody were genuinely freaked out i tried to think of any possible explanation of how that might have happened but nothing made any sense i did tweaked out few other pictures that were usable and all of them confirmed by theory that it was indeed me in my bed two years later and i still have no clue who took the picture or why they did it no explanation it didn't happen again and to this day i am afraid to open my gallery in the morning my family had just moved into the neighborhood we live on a quiet one-way street with sparse and dim street lights my dad is a bit afraid of the dark so he loves to install automated flood lights and path lights all over the perimeter of the house and yards my sister and i would make fun of him for it while my parents said it was for safety anyway it was about 11 p.m and i was home alone that night minding my own business watching tv in the living room for a moment i was daydreaming and was staring out the window we have floor-to-ceiling windows and i noticed some movement right outside the automated flood lights came on and my heart skipped a beat it was a ginormous adult bear it was less than 20 feet away from me and was just casually walking across the patio if i wasn't protected by being inside my home i don't know what would have happened i probably would have screamed and accidentally provoked the animal we knew bears lived in the area and would come around looking for food bears have razor sharp nails can run incredibly fast swim and climb so you really don't have a chance if you come across an angry bear it was one of the most terrifying moments i've ever been in you don't really know how to feel about bears until they are right in front of you especially while you're sitting in your couch i was home with my brothers all of us under age eleven a guy broke into my little brother's room because it was low to the ground and he always left the window unlocked we shut off the tv and heard the guy stop scrambling and muttering to himself very messy room and after a few seconds he ran back out the window this was before cell phones and our parents had taught us that there was never a good reason to call 9-1-1 they didn't want to get in trouble for abusing us so my big brother went and closed the window locked it and we all sat in terrified silence waiting for our parents to come home they didn't get home until 11 3 hours after our bedtime my little brother didn't learn from this and it did happen again at least two more times over the years we never told our parents because they would blame disproportionately punish us older kids for something like that i still get very touchy paranoid about keeping doors locked and can't sleep if i doubt my own memory of locking something about 20 years ago i had just finished high school and was working late nights so i slept in a lot i was at home alone sleeping in and awoke to the blaring of the smoke alarm my door was closed and i was exhausted i figured somebody else would shut it off as it had a tendency to do that a minute goes by and it was still going i get up and open the door and find the hallway filled with smoke and the smell of something burning instantly i start screaming out for my grandparents but there is no answer i run downstairs and see nobody but the smoke is thicker and coming from the basement level i remember trying the basement door handle to see if it was hot but it's not i open the door and even more smoke is pouring out it was hard to see and breath so i crawled down the stairs in the far corner i could see flames but nobody was downstairs i thought about trying to potentially go further and see if i could put out the fire but it was our gas stove and i knew i had to get out of the house i scrambled back upstairs and quickly called have the phone line 911 out the front door no cell phone yet now i am outside in my underwear waiting for the fire department a couple minutes go by and fire trucks come screaming big down the street they quickly determined that somebody left the stove on in the basement and the pot melted through and the stove caught fire as the fire department were telling me this my grandparents arrived back home from shopping you could see my grandma quickly figured out what happened before they even left the car and she was yelling at my grandpa for leaving the stove on i will never forget the firemen chuckled as my grandma was giving my grandpa and earful in their mother tongue in my late teens i had left high school and spent about a year lazing around the house playing games mainly one day my mother was at work and i was alone was on our computer which was positioned in a small alcove kind of thing in out hallway outside the kitchen and living room just browsing the web after i'd been playing my favorite mmorpg and listening to music this was mid-2000s i decided to go get some lunch walked into the kitchen and started getting stuff then suddenly a woman's voice from nowhere said i can see you in a slight singani way jumped out my skin heart going a mile a minute i meekly asked who's there no reply i grabbed a knife and crept out the kitchen when i was passing the computer i saw something on the screen in the corner of my eye i looked at the monitor and a pop-up ad had come up for something or other can't remember what exactly the ad had a picture of a woman and above her it said i can see you it was the f king ad i was 15. home alone and preparing for exams which were to start in a week doorbell rings repeatedly and i rushed to the door it's my neighbor and all he says is come fast come fast lift her lift her my brains thinks his wife has had a fall and needs some help i pick up my keys and rush into his house he leads me into a room and i see someone who has hung themself i immediately feel like rod shot into the ground from my feet disabling me i froze a few seconds later i get back to reality i try lifting the girl but the body is very heavy then i ask him for a knife to cut the news and a few other folks including a door salesman was called by the man he must have never had a customer call him into their house before with such excitement a few neighbors gather and we try to lift her and take off the noose but it's very tight and not coming off finally the elders cut off the rope and then placed her on the bed and the noose was taken off i get back home and gets real super quick i start shivering uncontrollably in my knees buckle i somehow make it to the nearest landline as i've left my mobile in the room when i ran out call my mom and tell her what happened and ask her to get home asap the girl was my age she had died even before i got to her the incident scarred me badly my brain went through like a hard reset i couldn't be alone for a few weeks i'd have someone just outside the restroom when i went in i could read but it was like reading alphabets and words couldn't really make sense of what it meant exams went horribly barely passed i then experienced a few spooky things and thought the girl was haunting me pretty bad i f 19 then was house sitting i was talking on the phone to a friend wandering around the house like teenage girls or want to do most of the lights were off i came down the stairs into the dark living room and out of the corner of my eye i saw something large deliberately shift outside the window like moving out of the way but subtly as calmly as i could i hung up with my friend who was in another state and couldn't help me call the local one and told her i was coming to her house now i grabbed a flashlight on the way jumped on my bike didn't have a car yes i felt vulnerable and as i sped by shine the light at the bushes outside that window and there stood an ex-boyfriend he didn't try to hide he just stood there staring at me i just peddled like mad to get away the creepy part we hadn't been all that serious and he seemed like a decent chill guy we didn't have a bad breakup we just weren't dating anymore i've no idea what he thought he was doing or what he planned to do i just know that if the living room lights had been on i wouldn't have seen him happened last night was home alone watching tv in the dark and heard footsteps in my yard for context my house is the very last house at the end of a trail surrounded by trees with no street lights you have to come down some stairs to get to my yard which is also surrounded by trees and i forgot to turn on my outside lights if you're not paying attention you don't even notice there's a house down there anywho watching tv i hear what sounds like two sets of footsteps just outside my window i start shaking so the first thing i think to do is yell out my window who the fck is in my yard i start dialing 9-1-1 and then a flashlight turns on and a voice says it's the police were looking for someone i called the non-emergency number to verify and then it confirmed that the police were in my area found out this morning an elderly man in the neighborhood who likes to walk the trails went missing yesterday afternoon and they hadn't found him yet in my bathroom as a kid there was a full-size door to an attic like standing at the sink if you just turned right you could open a door and there is an attic that attic wasn't really used not much in it no continuous flooring and the only light was on a string in the middle of the attic obviously i was terrified of this door and rarely ever opened it maybe once every year in the middle of the day just to confirm it didn't house demons also because i was so scared at bedtime i would close my bathroom door on multiple occasions i would wake up in the middle of the night bathroom door open light on also that f king attic door open and light on the light on the draw string in the middle of the attic room i never told anyone maybe happened five six times over fifteen years i am an adult now and i brought this up at christmas two years ago my older brother stopped cold and said the exact same thing happened to him multiple times we had a jack and jill bathroom so he could see the same attic door f king terrifying when i was around 12 13 my mom and dad left for a dinner with friends and i stayed home alone overnight somehow i got the brilliant idea to watch the grudge in the evening needless to say that i was ready to my pants before i went to bed around 11 p.m then it started that an unknown number called the house telephone around one in the night i panicked run down into the kitchen grabbed a knife and hide in my room with our dog the unknown number called multiple times for 30 minutes it stopped after that till somebody throw rang the doorbell and throw rocks at the windows i no crying tried to hold my dog's mouth shoot so he doesn't bark after that stops i run down again to call my parents who then called the police and also drove home when my parents arrived they found blood on the front door with one all the way around the house to our garden and neighbors front door when the police arrived five minutes later they started to question me of what exactly happened during the questioning the phone rang again and a police officer picked it up on speaker we could only hear heavy breathing and coughing the officer tried to speak to the person on the phone and it turns out it was our neighbor who got drunk and fell down the stairs with a bottle in hand it shattered and he cut his hands really nasty and also broke his ribs still the most scary thing that ever happened to me when i was 18 i was living in a flat with four other girls at university the other four girls were all home visiting family for the holidays in other cities so i was alone in the flat lay out of the flat is front door corridor with bedrooms off the sides and toilet and kitchen and end this is relevant about 3 a.m i get up and go to the toilet come back to my room and lock my door just as i've turned the lock and i'm turning to walk over to my bed i hear the front door of the flat open and someone walked quickly down the hall the opening of the flat door and walked down the hall sounded really quick and confident so in my 3am sleepy brain i think it's one of the girls coming home and was going to open my bedroom door to check they were okay luckily i hesitated a bit as i realized the time and then that i hadn't heard anything else they hadn't unlocked any of the bedrooms etc it was completely silent i stood there frozen with fear at this point for ages just listening and heard nothing eventually i went to sleep i woke up the next morning and felt more brave where it was light and i opened my bedroom door the flat door was open but nothing had been taken or moved in the kitchen that i could see was super creepy was scared for a long time thinking that if i got up to go to toilet later i might have been in there when they came in also the thought they might have come in because they heard the flush they walked straight towards the direction of the bathroom was probably innocent mistake hopefully this happened about four years ago if i remember rightly i've not told this story on reddit cause it sounds too much like a made up creepypasta or horror film ploy but as this is serious replies only fck believe it or not that's up to you my dad died of cancer when i was 15. but before he died he always had a characteristic almost frantic plot when he walked down the stairs you could tell it was him by the speed and weight that he would apply to each step when he was coming down anyway i must have been about 20. my mom was out and i'm an only child so i'm home alone at this point i'm sitting in the living room watching tv at about half seven in the evening when the wall lights flickered and a spark flew out of the light switch before all the lights and electrics in the house went off i obviously myself at this point as i have no idea how electrics work but even my cack-handed knowledge extends to know it could be something to do with the trip switch so i venture to the trip switch box after putting on some rubber sold converses that's a thing right to try and fix it now our trip switch box is in the cupboard under the stairs for non-brits imagine harry potter's bedroom so i've climbed in over the countless bottles of wine and booze we keep under there and just as i'm fully inside this awkward as fck little space everywhere in our house gets icy cold not just a casual ambient drop in temperature i'm talking that cold air blast you feel when you open your freezer door like there were actual goose bumps from the cold at this point i hear a door close up stairs then someone slowly walking along our upstairs landing by now i'm myself and grab the nearest wine bottle as some sort of weapon and pull the door on the cupboard shut this person thing gets to the top of the stairs and when they start to come down i can hear without any shadow of doubt my dad's footsteps coming down the stairs it reaches the bottom a few seconds later i can hear the chain lock on our front door rattling and then like that almost instantly the house warmed up him a proud 20 year old bloke but i remember just sitting hysterically crying under the stairs for like a good 10 minutes before i rang my mom on my mobile and went to get my next door neighbor to help fix our electrics in the end my neighbor concluded it was probably something like a spider or dust or something in the light switch had shorted out the circuit and we had to get it fixed but fck me as an atheist skeptic i went down the local psychic shop a day or two later and is recommended bought about five sage bundles and burnt them all over our house aha creepiest ever i've told some mates and they've said oh it must have been your dad but it remains the most terrifying thing that's ever happened to me and i never managed to take comfort from the idea that it was a family member either i was in a deep sleep when around 1am the smoke alarm went off i was super disoriented and didn't know where i was or what was happening my dog started barking and i rushed out in the pitch black house to see what was happening and nothing seemed odd besides the smoke alarm blaring in the house i ended up ripping out the batteries as i didn't know what else to do to turn it off after calming myself and my dog down i headed back to bed and maybe half an hour later i hear a loud bang and i wake up and rush out of my room to see one of our ceiling vents had fallen from the ceiling onto the living room floor at this point i was so anxious that there were ghosts or something in the house but couldn't see anything that was odd or out of place i gave my parents who were inter state a call even though it was early in the morning just so i could calm myself down needless to say i didn't fall back to sleep after that nothing scarier than random things happening in your house in the middle of the night and no one being there to help you yikes when i lived with my mom she went away on a two-week holiday and i was home alone great loved every second of it until the start of the second week my room was at the back of the house and you couldn't see it from the road the rest of the house based onto the road especially the living room and master bedroom i woke up at 4am because i'm sure i heard someone in the house i didn't dare go out of my room and lay against my door in case someone wanted to come in sat there for an hour or two and waited for the sun to come up before going out into the hallway i searched the house with my little ceremonial dagger and cleared room to room i came to my mom's bathroom and the window was wide open the bath was run and there was a massive in the toilet this freaked me the fck out and i had to ring a mate to come over and double check the house as well as stay with me for a while and check everything was okay i slept in the living room after that so they knew someone was in no one believes me everyone thinks i got drunk and bathed and took a one summer night of 2015 i was home alone with my sister she was too so i was alone practically and it was a little past 11 p.m if i remember right our mom and my dad went out to a bar or something my sister was in the living room passed out watching real old school hello kitty i went to my room i was chilling eating hot fries and watching barbie and the nutcracker i sneezed two times and a deep masculine voice said bless you i was confused and freaked out because i didn't know where it came from i had almost a wall of windows in my room if he was looking in if he was in my closet or under my bed or i didn't know i texted and called my mom to come home cause i thought there's was an intruder and told her what he said after what felt like forever i mustered the courage to get up and go check on my sister also to not feel like i was by myself with whatever whoever that was the being watched and being followed it felt like it was staring directly at the back of my head coming from the hallway got to my kitchen by the bar to peek at my sister to see if she's up and somehow trying to mess with me i looked over to see my sister sitting up on the couch staring at hello kitty extras on the tv she shoots at glare at me and points at the front door i thought she just wanted me to leave lmfao but about three four seconds later mom comes in holding my dad who's drunk as hell he's mumbling but he looks up and he angrily slurs who's that with you and points behind me i stayed home sick from school when i was 11. both of my parents were working so i was home alone i was playing video games likely halo 2 when i saw a car come down my driveway a man in a black trench coat with dark black sunglasses got out of the car and knocked on the front door me being terrified of the most stereotypical bad guy of all time did not answer the door i watched him knock again then look inside the windows he eventually took out his cell phone looked at the screen then walked over to my garage he punched in the coat on his first try and the door started lifting slowly i immediately realized i was dealing with some sort of professional i sprinted through my house to lock the door from the garage to the house as we usually left that one open i you not as i turned the deadbolt i saw the handle of the door attempt to open i ran to my basement balling my eyes out did my best to hide then called my dad explaining that this assassin was trying to break into our house here's the fun part my mom didn't tell him i was home sick from school my dad had asked her friend to come appraise the house not realizing his paranoid son was guarding the house kevin mcallister style the worst part of this was having to let him in through my tears and embarrassment turned out to be a nice guy though i was in a flat chair diring my post-grad but none of my flatmates were in one night and a couple of mates came over to watch the football in the evening we had a few drinks and after the game and some fifa they all left i was pretty tipsy and in desperate meat of some food so start scarfing down some egg noodles suddenly they get lodged in my throat and i can't breathe nor swallow them okay i thought don't panic as you'll use up oxygen faster so i calmly filled a glass of water and started to drink only the water starts pulling just behind my tongue the noodles probably barely chewed had clogged up almost the entirety of my throat my eyes started to sting and water was falling out of my mouth and all i could think was that my friends and family would have to hear from a corner that i died drunkenly eating noodles too quickly with my mouth open drooling like an imbecilic bell end at this point i'm panicking and hit myself in the back and upper chest trying to dislodge the noodles finally i slam myself against the fridge causing a load of things on top of it to come crashing down around me the slightest hole in the noodle seal appears and i feel the water suddenly rushed down my throat i swallowed again and they all went down in one fell swoop i stood there panting holding onto the countertop pissing myself laughing for a good few minutes many years ago i was babysitting my cousin it was sometime between 11 and midnight and my cousin had already fell asleep i was the only one awake in the house besides the dog out of nowhere the phone rings when i checked the caller id it gave me the same number of the house i was at babysitting thinking it was a fluke i just let it go to voicemail no voicemail was recorded about three five minutes later phone rings again same thing same number this time i answer it and there was just silence so after a couple hellos i hung up 10 seconds later the phone rings again same number again but this time the dog is standing in front of me staring at me growling with it's back hunched i pick up the phone to only static again no one answered me after these three phone calls there was no more i proceeded to turn every last light on in that house lay with the dog on the couch and watch a disney movie to try and lighten the mood until my aunt and uncle came back home i was in my room in my halls at uni and my flatmates were having a party in the kitchen you normally need to get through at least two locked doors to get into the flat but my flatmate had propped the doors open so anyone could have walked in i was in a very bad headspace because i was very badly depressed and i have anxiety my flatmates were nice enough but we weren't really friends and i felt very uncomfortable with the amount of parties they held in our flat i was on the phone to my parents moaning about how annoying the party was when i heard my flatmates guests outside my door we didn't normally lock our bedroom doors because we were friendly in the flat was secure i quickly locked my door because at this point i was starting to be worried about what a large group of very drunk guys would want with one girl me i've also had people drunkenly come into my room before thinking it was their friends they kept knocking on my door but i ignored them they went back to the kitchen for a bit then came back louder and clearly even drunker and started trying to turn the door handle and open my door i absolutely freaked out i turned off my light and hung up on my parents so i could be silent eventually they left and i called security i had a massive argument with my flatmate about his guests behavior the morning after and i never felt fully safe in that flat again i moved halls next semester there were other reasons too i used to do speech and debate in high school the tournaments were on saturdays and my brother played football in college and his games were also on saturdays my senior year of high school my parents would go to my brother's games in a town about six hours away and i would stay home and go to my speech tournaments one night i came home after the tournament and all the lights in my house were off it was completely dark and i know i had left the front porch light on i drove down to the neighbor's house to check if they had lights and they did me being the dumbass that i was decided to check out my house alone the front door was locked so i figured no one had broken in again super dumb move on my part i went straight to the furnace room and grabbed a hammer to defend myself with and i called my parents while i double checked the rest of the house they were livid that i went to check it out myself but there was no one there and nothing was wrong or out of place no signs of break-in or anything my brother called some of his friends to come check on me and make sure i was safe and my dad called the neighbor to check the property turns out a squirrel had gotten into our fuse box and decided to have a snack of wires and electricity fried the fuses and cut power to my whole house and also turned him into extra crispy fried squirrel i found out that night that i would be the idiot who died first in a horror movie i've lived alone a few times in my life and i've always been much more cautious after that i live alone in a one person apartment once when i went to use my washroom i could hear faint music playing my washroom is literally just a toilet and the basin is in separate space so it's pretty tiny and empty so if something was playing music from there i'd know the first time it happened i thought i was just hearing things but then it happened a few more times after that it honestly sounded like music that you hear from a horror movie chirpy music that's slowly dying out until you're face to face with a jump scare i was afraid to use my washroom for a few days one day the toilet paper ran out and as i went to replace it i noticed the tissue roll holder had a batter compartment inside turns out the previous inhabitant of the apartment thought having a musical toilet roller would be a great idea and hadn't replaced the batteries before they left hence the music constantly dying out it was just freaky because i'd been living there over a year and just began to hear the music recently took out the batteries after that so my family is pretty sure our house is haunted guy died there before we moved in and there's a whole list of stuff that only happens when you're alone for me i have seen a black shape dart through my sister's room i've heard footsteps upstairs and outside of my room i've hear our glass doors handle move in the middle of the night no one was out there i checked also for context the door has a long handle instead of a knob and is super squeaky for my brother he's hurt footsteps and then was poked in the back of his head in an empty room he's heard footsteps coming up the stairs he's smelled perfume a couple of times we have no idea who this ghost is and none of us were it he's felt someone cup his face with their hands and there was a hole in one of the walls in his room that was too high to be made by accident and he didn't make it for my mom she has heard footsteps she saw a shape dark pasture bathroom door and she had a dream where something i say that because she doesn't think it was human grabbed her by the throat and shoved her against the bathroom mirror and when she told it to go away in the name of jesus she woke up growing up i lived in quite an old house and for some reason when i was very young i hated going upstairs they creep me out so to give you an idea of the layout if you're in the living room sat on the sofa the door to the rest of the house is to your right you can see right out to the other end of the house and the stairs i also had a wonderful cat who i was very close with so one evening my parents and brother were out and as i wasn't feeling too well i decided to curl up on the sofa and watch a horror movie with all the lights out i've always been a fan of horror films and not much really creeped me out apart from those stairs my cat is curled up next to me on the arm of the sofa at this time so i'm enjoying the movie when she gets up and with eyes wide open start staring at the stairs i talked to her and pet her but she wasn't interested next thing i know i hear a bang upstairs and then creaking as if someone is walking down the stairs i look but can't see anything in the dark my cat however is now moving her head as if she's following something while i'm my pants and slowly get up to look put my arm around the corner to switch the light on and nothing for the next 10 years of her life she would often stare at the stairs as if she could see something we couldn't she passed in 2016 and i got a kitten who's just as adorable and sweet guess what he likes to stare at now some context before the story begins i was 14 and experiencing the peak of the syrian civil war in 2013-2014 my parents moved a lot depending on how the war progresses and i usually did not have a wired internet connection my parents eventually settled in an apartment that has been empty for a decade or so the owner didn't think of renting it before but something changed his mind during the war i self-taught myself to hack wi-fi networks i found refugee and gaming and social media and whatnot so one day i'm sitting in the apartment wi-fi hacking equipment all plugged in in a linux distribution running on my laptop the scene is honestly scary for someone who doesn't know what everything is i hear a loud banging at my door it was so loud i didn't even think it was a human arm i looked through the peeking eye not a native speaker and it was four scary-looking military dudes with ak-47s apparently the banging was the hilt of an ak-47 these patrols were very common in damascus but i didn't experience any of them especially home alone all this time i quickly rush inside disassemble all of my equipment and bury them in the pots of our balcony plants i then turned off the laptop and made it so it boots to windows again if someone would turn it on again i didn't even want to know how they would react if they saw linux command prompt my 14 year old ass would be considered a threat to the syrian government lull this process took around 45 seconds usually by one minute the patrol would break the door and enter the patrol remembered that the house has been empty for years and left on their own i was never this scared again in my life i lived in syria when i was 18 years old the town where i lived got a surprise raid from the terrorist group isis about 40 trucks they killed all forms of police and army in the area it was so fast how it happened they started going through the houses to scavenge for women and valuables yes they kidnapped women and turned them to sex slaves i ran to my dad's closet took his gun locked the doors and ran to the attic and called my parents and told them what happened and they must not come here after a while of sitting in darkness hearing gunshots and occasional screams of my neighbors followed by gunshots i was thinking i'm gonna get gang raped and then die suddenly i hear noise someone is in the house they were walking maybe looking i could remember i recognized four different voices they were checking the rooms found some stuff to take and i don't know why they didn't look in the attic the attic didn't have stairs you needed a ladder to climb up to the door or parkour it i was into parkour back then so it was easy for me on the same day the army sends reinforcements they tried to retake that town i was hearing the sounds of a battlefield outside just waiting and waiting i was so scared after two days the national and russian army retake the area they went and checked houses as well they found me laying there in a pile of my own filth they took me outside my parents came we packed and left the country for good i still get nightmares about this experience sometimes i can't sleep thinking about what could have happened had they found me in there i live in a major city to which i moved 10 years ago i was 19 at that time with my then boyfriend in our first apartment we lived on the highest floor that was built on top of the building one day i was at home and my boyfriend already went to work i can't remember why i was at home alone but i guess it was at the time i was able to work my internship from home because i had an injured knee all of the sudden someone comes upstairs you could hear this because the stairs are made out of wood and actually make those creepy freaking sounds i would hear stuff like that more often but didn't mind it anymore because it would stop i thought it would be the janitor or someone who lives next to me whose apartment you could also reach through a weird small floor in the hallway right outside my apartment but this time it was different someone ringed my doorbell i looked through the peephole and there was a young guy maybe 25 years old i know he said something but i can't remember what exactly anymore i remember just saying that i don't know him and that he should please leave right in front of our apartment door we stored an old wooden sofa frame as well as a door we put out of the hinge because we didn't like doors within our apartment but just fabric hanging down and covering the doors so this guy didn't leave but taking the door putting it on top of the sofa frame laid down and slept i told my boyfriend and when he came back he talked to him and allowed him to sleep there on the door overnight the following day i was home alone again boyfriend off to work and i woke up to the message of my boyfriend that he told the guy in front of our door that he must leave as soon as he is awake but well guess what he didn't leave instead he was scaring the out of me when he suddenly started probably when he woke up too aggressively banging on the door ringing the doorbell but foremost banging and banging and banging i was scared shitless yelled at him through the door that he should stop and i called my boyfriend at work told him everything that was happening he could hear that guy through the phone and then my boyfriend called the police on him and sent them to our apartment he called me back and told me the police is on their way and i only had to live through this for a few more minutes the police arrived i told them through the entry phone how to get to my apartment you had to walk through the end of the hallway go right and then all the way up on the stairs they came and talked to him and i finally opened the door as soon as they grabbed him the guy looked me deep in the eyes while they were handcuffing him the two policemen asked me some questions if i know that guy and so on and left with him luckily i am not scarred from that but i was scared for quite some time to stay in that apartment alone with only my two cats tbh every time something like this happens or better said i imagine something like this happening i am mostly scared for my pets that the intruder is going to hurt them or leave the front door to open and all my pets escape and are scared and don't come home anymore i know that is an irrational fear but still that haunts me the most i don't want anything bad to my pets happen at all i was around 11 years old totally home alone minding my own business when i heard sirens lots of them getting louder and louder i looked out my window to what must have been 20 police cars and black suvs parked all over the street in front of my house and tons of people sprinting towards my front door moment later there was a firm knock on my door and a dozen police officers and men with badges were standing there i'm with the fbi the bank down the street was robbed and we think he's here in your house we need to do a search is there anyone else that you know of in your house dozens of agents and officers searched throughout my house under beds and in closets looking for what i assumed to be the worst possible criminal in existence when they finished my house they moved on to the yard and left without a word the 30 minutes between the police leaving and my parents coming home was agonizing as a prepubescent thinking at any moment a masked criminal was going going to pop out from behind an unchecked door and kill me a few days later we heard he was caught that day a few blocks away but had run through my neighborhood dropping dollar bills to throw off his trail there were a few 20s in my yard which is what triggered the search this happened years ago and i'm still not sure what happened i was living with my parents at the time and i was sat at home on my pc playing games it was about 2 30 a.m on new year's my parents had gone on a new year's trip together and we're out of town at the moment my little sister went to some new year's party at her friend's place i'm not much of a partier so i was good with just chilling at home i had all the lights off in the house except for the lights in my room for obvious reasons and as i'm perusing youtube i suddenly heard clear as day banging on the hallway wall right outside my door i had the door to my room open because we have cats that love to come and go as they please but at the time they were both sleeping on my bed they both woke with a start and stared out the door wide-eyed so they heard it too i nearly jumped out of my seat like this sounded like the kind of banging that would be followed by someone shouting police open up it was incredibly loud and incredibly startling in the dark house at 2 30 a.m i was immediately overcome by a sense of dread when i approached the door to my room to investigate and my stomach flipped i am not sure why like sure the banging startled me but there was no one there i shouldn't have feared anything bad was going to happen but approaching that door i felt as if someone had bad intentions i closed the door to my room and called my sister and asked her to come home even now i'm not sure what happened and i can still recall the absolute fear i felt in approaching that door i know it doesn't sound very scary but in the moment it was terrifying i used to be alive and housekeeper in a 900 year old ancestral house that was used as abv and museum in the summer the alarm system didn't work and i was in the middle of nowhere and if there were no guests booked in i was there completely on my own there was a lot of creepy noises between the wind the fact the house was so old and my own paranoia they had an entire room of old china dolls it was creepy as hell but there was also always the fear that if someone did break in there'd be no alarm to warn me since it didn't work i also occasionally got paranoid about the fact that there were no locks between me and the guest areas if they decided to come into my bed two main incidents come to mind from there the first was when we only had one room occupied for the night they'd paid extra for a formal dinner to be served to them which meant outside catering staff cooked and then i served there was just something about the man that immediately set off alarm bells in my head i still don't know what it was i never felt that way about any other guests he kept asking me about whether it was just me and them alone in the house that night and talking about how remote the area was he was just making conversation but it really freaked me out then after the catering staff had left and it was just me and them i came out of the kitchen which was in my area of the house too find him just standing there gave me such a fright he just wanted to thank me for a lovely meal but i'm ashamed to admit i spent the entire night convinced he was going to murder me or something also there was one night when i was completely alone in the house no guests and the other housekeeper was on holiday i was in my room when i thought i heard the main door slam i convinced myself it was just the wind it usually was then i heard the stairs up to my big creek this scared the hell out of me and i was starting to get ready to go and see what it was when i heard something running along my corridor followed by scratching on my door at this point i'm convinced i'm about to die so i grab a makeshift weapon and open the door only for a small dark blur to shoot into my room once i'd calm down from the near heart attack i realized it was my boss's puppy so i went along the corridor with said puppy and found my boss she'd needed to pick something up from the house and hadn't had my number to let me know she was coming technically i was home alone just me and my two babies as i was a stay-at-home mom it wasn't even late at night or anything so mid-morning probably i was downstairs with them and they were playing no one else was home there was no way anyone else could have been there just my husband at the time and i living there and he was at work i'd had suspicions the house was haunted for a while but never anything really huge to confirm it so you can imagine the chills running down my spine when i heard very loud footsteps walking across our second floor bedroom right up above me it was like it was telling me yet i'm hurry i had other experiences at that point but that was the first i absolutely could not explain away we ended up moving because it was such a pain in the ass living in a haunted house not really evil but it's always unsettling feeling like you're always watched or someone is standing right outside the door or watching right around the corner it got old quick when i was a teen i used to spend weekends at my grandparents house countryside rural place one night i was sitting on the porch smoking a big fat joint around 2 a.m watching the sky and stars because you could see them so well due to less light pollution there it was summer end of august some leaves started to fall occasional winds sweeping them and making rattling sounds the frogs on the nearby lake didn't make any sound so it was a pretty quiet night except for the leaves which made it a bit creepy for the stone 16 yo me well when i got to the half of it i was already baked af that's when i heard a loud noise next to the house on an alley like someone stumbled in some steel wires i remained quiet but then i saw a figure moving in the dark looked human so i asked if there's someone there i was scared af and my hair was pounding to know how i was able to screech that without air that's when i saw him stop he stays there still for three seconds and then i hear isn't this leon's in a drunken kind of voice no i replied he says sorry and goes back while i already stood up and ran into the house waking up my grandpa telling him what happened when i went out to pee in the middle of the night and i saw someone eastern europe dears the dubsy was outside for most of households back then taking a in winter time was the greatest i developed a constipation for the majority of my stays there next day i was chilling with some friends in front of the house on the street and this guy approaches us and tells me he's sorry for the disturbance he was drunk and jumped the fence to not disturb his employer he was one of the workers of a man that lived like four houses down the street coming home from drinking with his buddies four security dogs were chilling freely in the courtyard that night none of them heard him or barked or something oh but when a cat goes by they all have a concert when i was 12 my two older brothers emigrated to another country to join my dad i was left with my little sister and mom we were to join them a year later i had always had my brothers around and always felt protected in case there were school fights etc now i felt really alone and vulnerable our grandparents asked us to move in with them as they used to live in a huge house which was like five bedrooms three bathrooms and like lots of store rooms they were elderly and thought this would be a win-win for everyone as my mom would be able to care for them and we won't feel alone anymore the house was an open roof house and every room was joined so you could enter from the first room and make your way through all the rooms one after another without going outside there was a huge veranda in the middle and all the rooms were laid out in a c-shape in the veranda there was a metal staircase that lead to the open rooftop if you went and entered the kitchen there was a door that would get you into the next room and you could work your way around to the last room our bedtime routine used to be to double lock the huge metal gate of the house which served as the main door as well then we would turn off the lights in the veranda and in pitch black make our way into the kitchen as the starting point we would then lock the kitchen door to the veranda and exit into the adjoining dining room lock the door to the veranda and the kitchen and exit into bedroom lock the door to the veranda and the dining room and exit into the adjoining store and so on and so forth at first it was fine having elderly grandparents around i felt a sense of security then my grandmother took ill and my mom's brother moved my grandparents to a bigger city where he lived so he could drive them to their hospital appointments etc and provide better care for them this felt worse than it did in our precious two bed house now i felt even lonelier in this huge mansion i used to sleep in the same room with my mom and sister because both of us were too chicken to have our rooms nighttime routine was either my mom doing it by herself or my little nine-year-old sister and i going through each of the rooms to go from the kitchen to the main gate you had to cross the big veranda and the metal staircase that took you to the open rooftop which was pitch black dark and the scariest thing ever my sister used to be too scared of the staircase to walk with me all the way to the main gate so she used to stand at the kitchen door while i locked the gate and ran to the light switch across from the staircase then i would turn the switch off and it would go pitch black and i would sprint to the kitchen door another detail to add here is that each room had double doors the first set of doors had a mesh kind of netting that you could see through and then there would be a solid set of double doors behind them we had to lock both of them every night i remember the terrifying feeling when trying to reach the top of the door to hit the latch on the mesh doors it always felt like someone could see me from the veranda and were about to burst through the mesh at any point it wouldn't feel secure until we locked the solid doors then exit into the adjoining room repeat i remember at first there was just a feeling of loneliness and being scared but nothing really happened then something happened during the day i used the toilet and flushed the toilet used to have a little diamond shaped notch that he pulled up for it to flush a little while later my mom went in and came out to ask if me i broke the notch i obviously said no she called me over to show at me the diamond-shaped notch was sitting upside down on top of the cistern this really perplexed me i had flushed as normal pulled the notch up and then saw it sit back down in its slot there was no physical possibility for it to have dislodged from its slot and sit itself upside down above the sister this did not scare me but it really struck me as odd as it was not possible i kept thinking about that one all day over the next nights i kept hearing cats crying through the night they used to be really loud and it sounded like a human child or a woman wailing it used to terrify me and come across as a bad omen a few nights later is when the most terrifying night of my life occurred we had gone to bed after completing our lockdown routine there was a pin drop silence as usual the occasional bark of a dog or a motorbike zooming through the street would break the silence but other than there was pin drop silence at some point i fell asleep but not for long i got hit by something and i jumped awake all startled i felt around and my hands ended up on my sister's stupid clown doll i don't know what they are called but it was a pink scary clown looking doll and i used to hate it but she had some attachment to the stupid thing i threw it off the bed and tried to calm down a few minutes later i hear what sounds like someone stepping onto the top step of the metal staircase in the veranda our bedroom was directly underneath this staircase so our bedroom was the closest to it i stopped breathing then i hear another step down onto the second step and the vibration of the whole staircase is used to happen when we went up and down it it used to ring like a bell with gentle vibrations then i heard what sounded like a metal chain dragging across each step and dropping down to the next step then drag and drop down to the next step it took me a few seconds to realize i wasn't imagining it i was now scared i sat up and waited silently for the next step there it was again drag of the chain and fed down to the next step i was now frantically trying to remember if i had locked all the doors had i locked our own bedroom door to the veranda i quickly woke my mom up to tell her someone was outside she shooed me away and told me to go to stop messing around i shook her again and told her i am serious there is someone outside in the veranda and they have just come down the stairs my mother sat up and started asking me where are they what are you talking about i told her what i heard and she quickly got up now here's where the terrifying thing happens she makes her way to the door that opens into the veranda and starts to undo the latches one by one unlike wtmf what are you doing where are you going no no no no she did not care she opened the doors and went out into the pitch black veranda i just saw her disappear into the darkness during what seemed like an eternity i had all kinds of scenarios play out in my head tried to think of which way i would run and how i would save myself i then saw the lights go on in the veranda and heard footsteps coming back to the bedroom by now i am like about to die then i hear her voice going there's no one here you are just imagining it all i was like yes yes imagining it come back and lock the doors quick she gets back in locks and goes to bed i probably did not sleep for hours after this scarred me so badly and stayed with me for so long i still don't know to this day what or who was there and i don't really want to know i am just glad it didn't turn into a robbery or a triple homicide or demonic murder of some sort well alone in the sense that my parents and sister were away but a friend was with me when this happened anyway here goes back in 2013 me and a friend 20 and 22 years old males are sitting in my room it's summer my parents are out of town and my sister's away with her boyfriend it's around 2 a.m and we're just hanging around playing guitar and having fun side note perfectly sober i remember that not having weed that night was our only problem my doors closed and the ac is on so everything's pretty much on point you know nothing's off or anything suddenly we hear a huge bang on my door with my peripheral i actually see the door budging like someone gave it an enormous sudden push right in the middle i freak out and chris freaks out too and we're extremely unnerved we brush it off by saying that probably some windows open in the wind shut one of the other doors on the floor what we heard was probably a door shutting and the pressure of the air moved my door it's the only explanation that keeps us both in our senses we're awkwardly laughing at each other for being so scared and start playing music again not one minute goes by a second louder and more ominous bang on the door this time both chris and i actually see the door budging like someone tried to cave it in this thud was different we instantly stand up i had this blue jays baseball bat and a wooden sword in my room so we grabbed the two and jump out of the room all the doors on the floor were open and all windows closed the burst of wind scenario instantly gets flushed away and we're left with free scenarios either someone's here and f king with us i e my uncle or my sister either there's a murderer in my house who's toying with their victim's burglar scenario makes no sense or this is an actual paranormal experience we run downstairs grab some knives and start scanning and sweeping the place closets drawers toilets were searching everywhere at this point we're eager to see something that made sense at least i am i don't want it to be something that cannot be explained my house has this big u-shaped balcony that goes around the living room and it's the only place we haven't searched i'm about to step outside when chris phone starts ringing it's f king 3am who the fck could have been calling i ask him who it is and he says unknown caller great that's f king great i step out and sprint the whole f king balcony with a knife in my hand my mind in complete disarray praying that this will end i come back inside and chris is just frozen in place holding the phone over his ear who is it i ask and he hands over the phone i place it over my ear and i hear whispers whispers incomprehensible f king whispers of all the stereotypical horror movie material this hellish whispers thing came out to be true and there i am actually going through this and there we are three in the morning listening to whispers in the phone i have never been paralyzed by fear in my life till this very moment i hang up and just stand there i'm teared up and shaking barely breathing and i do not have the courage to lift my head and look around i don't know how long it is that we're standing still and chris mumbles with a broken voice what is going on man i reply that i don't know and i really don't know suddenly the door opens and my sister's back from her wonderful night out all smiles and as soon as there's movement in the room we regain our senses and break out of this jail of fear and start moving again i tell her that something's in the house and that we should sleep in grandma's place which is in the same building she doesn't really ask what is going on and leaves we left too we go to a friend's place near the mountain 10-minute walk wake him up explain what we had just lived through waited for the sun to rise then chris went back to his place and i went back home to my grandma's apartment it is really hard to actually make someone believe this is true but i can only assure you that this is not our no-sleep material this experience is the one thing able that might keep me up at night thinking and knowing that such experiences are real thinking and knowing that one day i might have to go through this again and the worst part not knowing the full extent of the possibilities involved in such events i came home from uni one weekend and me and my family were sat in the front room and the discussion moved on to ghosts in the afterlife now i think it's worth mentioning i don't believe in that stuff but i listened and gave my opinion so my parents go to out to a friend's for the evening and i'm sat on the sofa watching tv and i hear this noise it was kind of like a strong exhale breath and it creeper the out of me i had a quick look around but couldn't see anything so went back to watching tv still a bit weirded out and didn't want to move in case it was someone or something in my house one hour later the noise went off again i left up and turned all the lights on turned the tv off to try and figure out what this was i was strongly considering either ghosts were there or my mom had something set up to prove her point from earlier on that day still couldn't find anything it was only when one hour later when i got up to go to bed i heard the noise again and saw what made it it was one of those automatic air fresheners that was set to go off every hour i felt like a right but it was a good lap the next day didn't happen to me happened to my mother who was home alone in the apartment in chicago with my older brother who was only a newborn at the time a next-door neighbor she and my father who was at work had befriended came over to talk she may have been drunk or high or i don't remember mom's passed away so i cannot ask her but long story short she freaked out attacking my mother wrapping her hands around mom's neck and starting to strangle her all of this while my brother slept in a crib about three feet away my mom was terrified not only for herself of course but for my brother who she could see out of the corner of her eye and was certain would be killed by the woman next just before my mom was about to black out from being choked the woman finally let her go and apparently just left the apartment not sure if she called the police or what happened after that but i know they fled chicago under cover of darkness because the landlord wouldn't let them out of their lease early and that's how i was born in milwaukee i was 15 and my dad was consistently in and out of the hospital before he died one night i was home alone with my dog because of this i kept hearing noises from the basement like bumps and knocks my dog does not like the basement stairs and so she never goes down them and rarely goes near them she also doesn't growl that night after another noise my dog walked over to the basement stairs and stuck her head into the open doorway and growled i instantly became anxious and had thoughts of someone being in my basement she would not stop growling and so i decided that i had to check the basement and walked past her and down the steps at the bottom of the stairs is a wall with the furnace behind it you must choose to go left or right i chose to go left and check the one closed off room down there nothing there were no lights on the other half of the basement and so i had to use what little light came from the stairs i checked under the stairs and in the small spot between the furnace and wall i never found anything and so i went back upstairs and had the hardest time falling asleep i did not hear the sound again and moved soon after this occurrence because my father had to be moved to a long-term facility i have a few other creepy stories of this house but this is the only one where i was home alone i used to look after my neighbor's house every now and then one night they asked me on short notice if i could take care of their house cause they were going out so i agreed and they gave me the key about two hours later i was just doing my homework and watching jacksepticeye and suddenly i started to hear noises in the basement almost like pants falling i tried to ignore it but then a really loud bang in the basement so i tried phoning the cops but my phone was dead so i ran over to the landline and i rang 9-1-1 and told the operator everything can you send cops over to my location i think there's somebody in the house i'm looking after i said the operator said that they will send somebody over in about 20 minutes so about two minutes later i heard a loud knock at the door so i hesitated to open it but i did and a full swat team came charging in and i asked them why a swat team was here and the captain told me they said that after i hung up they heard another hanging up sound somebody was just listening to your conversation with on the landline they caught a man wanted for five murders who was hiding out there this happened a few days ago i technically wasn't home alone but everyone was sleeping it was 2 13 in the morning and i just got off my xbox i dressed my bed closed my blinds turned up my lights and got into bed now bear in mind i wasn't even tired or sleepy at this point anyways i had just pulled the covers over me and then i felt the move i didn't think anything of it then a hand grabbed my side i immediately jumped out of bed and seen no one there being taken of my dresser but nothing like this i have a theory on what it is but i'm not sure so a few weeks ago when this covet 19 thing started my cousin came down to my house for an hour or two we went to the forest up the road from my house at the end of the forest there is an old house i said don't do anything stupid you'll piss of the ghost half joking and being half serious i was in the forest at dark with my friend when we both heard a voice saying our names then he kicks down the boards that were covering a window then a few seconds pastors then we hear the sound of a rock being flung at a wall inside the house instantly we start running we hear a dog barking and growling form the house but there's nothing there we are full on sprinting out of the forest while occasionally checking behind us for the dog because we still hear it getting closer we reach the gate and vault over it and we hear the dog as if it's at the gate now i think that the eye may have angered something and now i'm being haunted i went through my only episode of stimulant into psychosis alone in my house at 16. my parents traveled a lot and were gone when i had the episode i was diagnosed with adhd that year and was prescribed focal in i ended up abusing it to cram and study one day i had forgot to do a large amount of driving school tests and had a large project to finish for school and decided i'd take a bunch throughout the day i think it was around 10 12. spent the whole night up and studying without any issue decided i should try to sleep and got into bed but couldn't ended up hearing a large bang on my door that jolted me back up unsure if it was real or not unchecked no one was around ended up seeing shadowy figures around windows and was convinced someone was outside the house looking in i could never see the shadows directly just out of my peripheral vision it was freaking me out and i thought i was being stuck the whole day i ended up going into my parents attic with a baseball bat and hold myself up there for the day and passed out didn't realize i had a psychosis episode until after and explained everything but that scared the living out of me and i stopped taking focal immediately after this technically didn't happen when i was home alone but still creepy af it was winter in michigan lots of snow on the ground one night when i was a kid probably 11 12 ish i swore i heard noises just outside my bedroom windows houses in michigan had pretty high windows in the bedrooms even on the ground floor so the windows were like 10-12 feet off the ground from the outside if that makes sense anywho morning comes around and i told my parents what i'd heard in the night we went outside and saw a trail of human footprints in the snow leading to both of my bedroom windows looked like the person was trying to peek into them but they're so high you'd need a ladder that creeped me the fck out for years i was 18 in my freshman year of college and was commuting from home one day i went home for lunch during these hours no one is home i open the garage door and see a random vehicle parked inside initially didn't think much of it because i thought it was my stepdad's rental and this was the first time seeing it right as the garage finishes opening there's this guy who comes running out of my house and jumps into this car i froze for a couple of seconds as he reversed out of my garage driveway i sprint inside to find another guy sprinting out the front door without thinking i grabbed my aluminum baseball bat and charged the dude in the car who is still in the alley i bashed one of his windows in and tried to stop him he was trying to cover his face but i got a good look at him as he drove off i was too slow as he drove off i took a mental picture of his license plate he swerved through the alleyway knocking down a few fence lines and then i see my dog running down the street he was run over by the car thankfully he survived with some broken ribs and huge gash at his side he was a full-grown boxer the burglars broke in through the backyard where the dog is through my parents windows they didn't get away with anything as i came home in time to scare them off i eventually had to go to the police station and pick them out of a lineup these two guys were hitting houses in our neighborhood because of that day i never wear sandals just in case i need to make a run for it somewhere also thank god he didn't have a gun otherwise i'd for sure be dead i was an exchange student in south africa a few years ago and my host family left to go to the store while i was working on homework one evening i was always told to never open the gate or door unless a member of the host family was there where my host mother's best friend was there there was a gate blocking the driveway to the house and the doors themselves were made of thin wood with two deadbolts each in the latch regardless anyone could really break in if they wanted to a few years before i stayed with them the house had actually been broken into plus i've heard stories of crafty criminals praying in the front yard while moving everything out claiming they were a moving company and helping the family celebrate their new house anyways that evening two men came and knocked on the door after jumping the wall i went to see who it was and immediately hid since i didn't know them and didn't want them to know i was there i hid next to a window with a kitchen knife in my hands waiting for someone to come home eventually my host mother came back she knew them they were coming by to speak with her and she had simply forgotten to tell me they were actually very surprised to see me i'm a white american and i was living in a former township in a province that was previously a motherland during apartheid black people of different groups were forcibly relocated it wasn't uncommon to blatantly be treated differently good or bad based on my nationality and then race which is yet another reason i had to stay away from strangers i was in my early twenties at a newlywed my husband was at work i had gone to walmart and shopped and was returning home to our little duplex rental it just had a driveway so i parked in the driveway and what i usually do is leave the door open while i take the groceries inside and we'll just set them inside the door then go get more bags so i can keep an eye on the door in the car once all the bags are in i go inside and lock door and put them away so i do this and i am starting to put the stuff away inside shortly after maybe less than 10 minutes there is a knock at my door i don't have a peephole or a window or anything on the door so we always would call out who is it and wait for a response i call out who is it and a grown man says hello i am a bounty hunter and i wanted to ask you some questions about your neighbor i was not about to open the door when i am home alone to some strange man i was like no thank you he starts pleading he says oh it's the neighbors across the cul-de-sac with a white truck well our neighbors across the cul-de-sac do have a white truck it was parked out there at that moment so why didn't he just go over there and talk to them directly then why was he asking me so i say i don't talk to my neighbors i don't know any of them then he starts continually telling me to open the door he says if you would just open the door i can show you my badge i was like i am not opening the door go away he a few more times is like open the door and i never do he finally leaves and just gets in his vehicle and leaves the street completely does not go and talk to any other neighbors or anything well in retrospect i think it may have been someone that followed me from the walmart to my house probably a murderer or rapist or sex trafficker he probably saw me out and thought i was cute i was a pretty skinny cute blonde at the time he followed me to my house which was very close to the walmart may have parked up the street and i didn't notice and watch to see if anyone came out to help me with the groceries saw nobody came out so realized i was probably home alone so then tried to see if he could get me to open the door so he could force his way in and attack me so i am really glad i did not open the door that day this happened when i was about 10 years old every morning i'd go with my mom to drop my sister off at secondary school which was about 30 minutes away and then we'd drive back so she can drop me off at primary school which was only a five minutes walk from home this one day i decided that the yu-gi-oh episode i was watching was too good and told my mom that i'd stay home and watch it and then just walk to school my friends normally just walk right past my house so i thought i'd walk with them about five minutes after my mom and sister left i heard someone at the front door and i never answer the door when i'm alone so i just went to peek through the keyhole there was a lady there who was on the phone and speaking another language so i just assumed some random lady and went back to my yu-gi-oh she rang the doorbell a few more times then i assumed she left at that point i was sat in the living room and from where i was sat i can see into our driveway as i was watching tv in the corner of my eye i saw this black thing go past the window i kind of assumed it was a crow or some bird only because i caught a slight glimpse of it back to yu-gi-oh i went another five minutes passes and i hear a loud bang upstairs this is when i knew something was definitely upstairs or even some object must have fallen from where i was sad if i turned my head around i can see the stairs i turned the volume down on my tv and when i turned around i saw a man dressed in all black and with his face covered i could literally feel my heart beating out of my chest we essentially locked eyes as i was looking at the stairs and he was looking down at me he ran upstairs and i was frozen for a bit then me not being very bright tried calling my dad back on the house phone but couldn't find the redial button instead of calling the police again i wasn't really thinking i opened the door and ran to school and that's where i told one of the office ladies who then rang the police when i was 11 years old and staying home from school by myself for the first time i was sick a man came onto my back deck with the clear intention of trying to break into the house my dog fortunately was on the deck and barked her head off so i went to see what was happening she was a shelter mix and normally was the sweetest dog ever but at that moment she looked like she had rabies with foam at her mouth and everything the guy heard me at the door looked up and was startled and ran down the stairs and into the woods in back of my house the dog followed him i called my mom at work and she called the cops who we knew well because she was an emt in town one of her best friends was on duty and he tracked the sound of my dogs barking to the guy as he apparently told my mother i've never seen anyone so happy to be arrested before the guy saw the cop car and came running over to him my dog knew this cop so she sat and watched as he put handcuffs on the guy and put him in the car then she turned and trotted home i know it sounds completely unbelievable and this dog never did anything remotely like this ever again but i'm 48 years old and i can still see the guy's face in my mind not technically home alone but me my twin sister and my big sister our parents were out i had been cleaning in my room earlier that day and had a big bag on the landing outside my bedroom door full of rubbish as i was too lazy to go out to the bin and just left it there and figured i would take it out later i was downstairs in the living room with my twin sister with the door closed and my big sister was upstairs in her bedroom with the door closed also as we all had the doors closed we could not specifically see what happened but could hear it basically i could hear a noise that sounded like lots of small light things falling or being tipped out i went to see what had happened as my big sister upstairs did the same and i saw that the bin bag was at the bottom of the stairs and there was rubbish scattered all down the stairs i was very confused and heard my sister upstairs also being confused and freaked out i went upstairs and there was a big pile of rubbish on the landing where the bin bag was as if someone had tipped it out and thrown the bag down the stairs we had pet cats and were trying to figure out if it could have been them but therese no way they would have done it i was in my big sister's room with her trying to call my parents cause it was night time and so everything was scarier neither of our parents were really answering and when they did they didn't seem bothered bully what had happened i then said something jokingly like hey ghost if you can hear me tip out the rest of the bag the second i said that we heard the bag move and when we went downstairs the bag had been dragged down the hall and into the kitchen to be by the back door it doesn't seem that bad or that scary but there is no logical explanation other than a ghost and trust me we thought of everything trying to debunk it cause we were terrified but therese no way could have happened otherwise it's going to sound like it's out of a movie my mom and brother left to go to the er because my brother was experiencing chest pain it was around 5 30 p.m they left the sun was going down and it was an overcast day the living room had a large window that faced the street the blinds were halfway open i could see a car pull up at the front of my house cars often used our street to park so it wasn't too unusual another car came up behind it about seven young men in total came out of the car and were on the landing strip out the front of my house i'll add my house had no front fence it was just grass and a walkway to my front door they were discussing between themselves and i tilted the blind so they couldn't see in but i could see out they walked onto my front lawn and pulled out a knife yep cue me running to the bathroom locking the doors sitting in the bathtub crying and calling the police i also called my best friend and asked her to pray for me the police came and the young men had already left they took out the knife to cut up our garden hose that was on the front lawn to make a bong most likely lowell the police were kind enough to wrap the hose up for me so yay that was scary my brother was okay and returned from the er with my mom later that night i wasn't home alone but i heard a nearby farmer fending off some robbers in high school i had a friend who lived five miles from nowhere pretty often we would spend the weekends together since his parents would go to toronto for events and we had run of the place anyways one night we were alone at his house and heard some faint yelling and then a shotgun going off then there was the roar of engines and the shotgun kept going we had already been freaked out because he swore he saw someone outside but i had insisted he was just high which he was turns out what happened was a group of people tried to rob the farm next to his house and the farmer who had been robbed before had fired on them and then chased them down in his truck while firing birdshot his son drove at them the robbers escaped initially but got caught because one of them took a good amount of birdshot to the back and had to go to the hospital the farmer got in a lot of over that and there was a real divide between people in the city where i lived saying that he shouldn't have chased them with a gun and people in the country saying the cops take too long to get there and robbers can kill you in the meantime my mom and dad went on vacation and i was house sitting for them i worked nights so i was sleeping there during the day what they didn't tell me was that my sister-in-law would be coming by to grab her car seat for my nephew i have been in the military for a while and trained in combat i sleep with a gun by my bed every night for protection when i was woken up by the front door being slammed open i grabbed my gun and ran downstairs and was half a second away from shooting my sister-in-law in the face by the grace of god she had dropped something on her foot and it made her audibly say our i immediately knew it was her but i was already turning the corner gun drawn if she hadn't hurt herself she might not be here today and i probably wouldn't be here either seeing as i wouldn't have been able to live with myself my sister one of my brothers and i were sitting upstairs playing games and joking around but we were home alone my other brother got home and yelled up the stairs get your asses downstairs right now when we got to the top of the stairs he was at the bottom and i asked what's wrong and he ran off and called the cops without saying a word to us after they showed up they started searching everything outside like the barn whose doors are where you pull up on the driveway after all was done my brother told us he pulled up and his headlights hit someone's face who quickly ducked down in our barn he freaked out and thought we were playing tricks apparently we missed on the news that night that the escaped felon and murderer bucky phillips was spotted down the road earlier in the night and that was him i don't know how you call it but i remember parts of my dreams vividly and sometimes i feel like i was in that dreams also during my teenage years i often experience sleep paralysis i'm also a sleepwalker now keep these three things in mind as here is how the story goes i used to work in an i.t company we also have sleeping quarters i'm also an introvert but to get along with my workmates and treat them as family i live alone in the city and never grew up with my parents even though all of us in the team went separate ways we still managed to meet up and hang out it was my first job so i was doing the best i could but the work environment there was so toxic and stressful i also never ate during lunch time and opted to use my one hour break to take a nap because i thought nap full belly one time i decided to skip lunch break this was around 2 a.m and go to sleep since i was so tired i went to take one hour nap now i started dreaming that i was standing up from the bed where i was lying down and heads through the door to go out of the sleeping quarters but it gets cut off the dream keeps on repeating over and over again and i can feel like my consciousness awareness of the fact that i'm experiencing sleep paralysis which to me became ordinary since i'm experiencing it more often eventually i heard the alarm and it woke me up i was really groggy because i felt like i didn't sleep at all sitting down and vividly remembering that dream of mine i stared at the door i said to myself wow even the details of the door is exactly what it was in my dream i went to the washroom and washed my face to refresh myself when i went back to my station my supervisor tapped me on the back and wanted to have a one-on-one talk with me i was befuddled i thought maybe i made some mistakes that warranted disciplinary actions we sat down and i noticed his voice started shaking my supervisor believes in paranormal stuff i don't apparently i didn't know that he was there taking a rest browsing on his phone he was in the sleeping quarters several minutes after i took mine he told me that he saw me standing up beside the bed swaying and rocking then walking towards the door then walking back to the bed and lie down he kept seeing me doing it around six times he was super scared he thought i was possessed it made me realize that all i saw in that dream were actually real things happening and i was half awake and thought i was dreaming and felt like i wanted to wake up but due to me thinking that sleep paralysis has become normal to me i didn't bother i assured him that was not the case i told him that i have this case of mine but didn't tell him i don't believe in paranormal stuff since i wasn't asked and it might lead to a lengthy discussion so i finished that day as normal few days later another weird dream happened this time no sleep paralysis involved but this really blew my mind it was another busy and tiring shift so i took a nap again during my break now i perfectly remembered blacking out almost immediately when i lied down that i started dreaming now you might call this bs i can't blame you but this is one of the most embarrassing moments of my career so it's really hard to forget unless i hit my head hard enough to contract amnesia in my dream i remembered i was in my station recalling the same busy tiring atmosphere in my workplace the people sitting beside me their faces their voice everything was crystal clear af as how exactly they were but this time i didn't realize i was dreaming because it felt so real i felt like i was really working that the objects i was touching was real heck even the banter we have with my co-workers are there then i realized wait this happened before didn't it before i concluded this realization my eyes opened out of nowhere i saw the ceiling of the sleeping quarters and i was like why am i in the sleeping quarters i was at my station working earlier then it hit me like a freaking brick in the face oh i ran towards our production area my teammates saw me sprinting like tommy virchetti then immediately apologized to my supervisor and told him all the details yes i was over lunch for three hours i only had one hour left before the shift ends my supervisor believed me because of the previous events that occurred still he told me that it's amazing i can remember details of my dream he even asked me to give him the winning lottery numbers if i ever dreamed one sadly never dreamed about it i was in my living room watching tv and doing some yoga and i heard some weird maybe animal noises coming from the front porch i paused the tv and just kind of sat and listened then i realized that they were human grunting and moaning sounds directly outside the window i texted my roommates telling them the situation and asking when they'd be home they told me it was probably just cats fighting and that they'd be home in about an hour the noises continued and i knew that it wasn't cats fighting so i grabbed my pepper spray and opened the door to bang on the screen door and try to scare it off after that the noises stopped and i sat quietly with my pepper spray for the rest of the hour once my roommates got home they came in and told me that i was right and told me to come outside on the ground right off of the front porch was some naked dude and passed out drugged out of his mind i still don't like to think about what he was doing on my porch i was with my two younger sisters at the mall back in mid 90s and we were just window shopping you know teenagers if they have a chance to hang out together and just enjoy a stroll through a popular hot spot that's what they are going to do well my youngest sibling was only 13 years old at the time and she tugged on my sleeve as we turned the corner together towards one of the mall wings and she whispered that she spotted someone following us and she wasn't sure who they were we've lived in this town for roughly 10 years so it was actually kind of uncommon for us not to recognize people in our usual hangout so i let my other sister know that we should probably make a break for the bathrooms together all at once and dead ass bolted for it i had a tight grip on both of my sister's sleeves and they were hanging on to me like life depended on it luckily for us the bathrooms were being cleaned and the maintenance person was still inside so we dove into the bathroom and alerted the mall worker that we were being followed by a stranger and were trying to evade them now my youngest sister is a very calm and even tempered personality but she was literally shaking when she told me about the person that was following us it was a guy older perhaps mid 20s and they had a hoodie on so she wasn't certain about any more details but the fact they were wearing a black hoodie with ragged blue jeans stuck out in my mind so i told my sisters to stay in the bathrooms for a bit longer and the mall worker actually left to get security because she had spotted the guy doing this with several other team groups in the mall that afternoon i went to check things out popping my head out of the ladies bathroom long enough to spot security taking the guy down and handcuffing him for making himself a public nuisance needless to say my sisters and i were greatly relieved to know that the mall cops were watching out for our safety too thing is the local news picked up a story on the guy turned out he was a predator and had been stalking girls in the mall to try and pick them up and molest them shutters still get the willies over that event i was in middle school and it was late in the night watched some horror movie on tv in the living room i can't remember which so i was already primed at my house we have that classic shitty glass door that is before the main door to the house the one that shakes in strong wind and creaks a hell of a lot so i'm sitting there already feeling weird when in the dead of night there's a sudden bang on the glass door since the thing is so shaky it's quite audible i turn off the tv and wait my parents wouldn't be home that night so it couldn't be them i crept along to the living room window to look at the front door and no one is there after shrugging my shoulders to trick my brain into thinking everything is chill there's another bang on the door i was really confused and scared at this point it wasn't a natural banging noise either it sounded sort of like the palm of someone's hand rather than a knock or shake from wind again a third time the muffled bang at this point i had that weird flight or fight reaction ran up to the door and ripped it open nothing was there and then i jumped a foot in the air my f king cat was hitting the glass door to come inside with a dead bird in its mouth a large dead bird you can imagine my brain's utter confusion at seeing a weird heap of fur and feather i was filled with both relief and new fear at the same moment haha after that i let the cat in without the bird turned on every light in the house and found a kid's movie to put on tv until the initial shock subsided i had my mother and grandmother thinking that i was hearing voices in my head for the better part of a month like enough for my mother to take me to a therapist when i was eight or so years old i moved into a small edition of the house that was previously used as an office because me and my sister were still sharing a room and i was given the option to either move into the much smaller room or continue sharing a room with her easy choice the first night in the room i turn off the tv and go to bed except i can't sleep because there are voices of some sort quietly talking in given my younger age freaking me the ever living hell out so i proceeded to sprint from my new bedroom to my mother's bedroom with tears running down my face saying that there's someone or something in my room she says it's a nightmare and that i can grab the air mattress or something along those lines it's been a while and set it up next to her bed continue process for a week until she says to just sleep on her room for the time being the morning after she says that she and my grandmother check my room to see if they maybe left a radio in there when we were all painting it or some sound producing device of that nature that may have been kept on nothing was found and they weren't hearing anything abnormal that night my grandmother sleeps in my room to see if maybe it was just the local drunks walking past the house on their way home when the bars closed or something like that nothing not a damn sound was heard the next night my mother does the same thing thinking maybe she is better hearing and will be able to find out but to no avail both start getting concerned when they asked what i was hearing and i said something like sometimes i hear a man talking but sometimes i hear this weird thing that sounds like music but the person singing is yelling really loud or i hear a lot of people talking and sometimes all the people are laughing that was the phrase that had my mother calling a therapist went to a few appointments where me and my mother would talk to the therapist separately and then talk to the therapist together therapists said that nothing i was saying other than the voices talking thing was pointing at any issues then like a week after the last appointment it happens some of my cousins came over while their parents and my mother went out for the night a couple of us were in my room watching tv on my old as hell beat up tv until it was time for bed then my mother comes home and asks my grandmother if i'm asleep to which she says that i've been asleep for an hour or so she says that can't be right because my tv is on and i can't sleep with a tv on because i don't like the light or the sound from the tv grandmother says that can't be right because she walked past not long before my mother got home and it was off there was no light in my room both walk into my room and wake me up asking if i was just pretending because i got caught watching tv broccoli assure them that i was asleep and start panicking the voices are loud way louder than normal start sobbing because the voices must be mad my mother looks at me looks at my grandmother and grabs my tv remote and turns my tv and then proceeds to mute my tv and turn it back off then she turns it back on and the turns the volume full f king blast at light midnight and turns it back off except now the tv show's audio isn't playing it's something else grandmother grabs her radio and starts turning the dial while i'm sitting there confused as fking hell then it happens the radio and tv audio both match up my f king old ass tv antenna was picking up an fm radio station while the screen was off leaving only the audio to play as though it were a radio they genuinely thought i was epped in the head for hearing voices for a month because my old hand-me-down beat to help tv basically turned into a radio when the screen was off muted tv every night before bed and never had the voices come back again my bedroom and my parents house overlooks the driveway they live out in the country dead end road gravel driveway i'm home alone after school one day and here tired crunching on gravel look out the window to an unfamiliar car stopped in the driveway it was super rare for anyone to just come knocking but i waited in my room for them to knock so i could ignore it they didn't knock they just came in because i never locked the doors it's the middle of the country and we've never had an issue before it's a really old farmhouse and the stairs creek so i could hear them coming upstairs i had my bedroom door shut thankfully and i think they realized someone was home and quickly left never had an issue again but i damn sure locked the door every day coming home from school this happened about 18 months ago and from that night it is now ingrained in me to automatically turn the lock every single time i close my door i was home alone one evening procrastinating going to bed and just scrolling through fb on the couch while watching some trash on tv i heard a noise outside but because there is a green belt walking track that backs onto my property we always have cats or possums in the yard so i didn't think too much of it at the time now i must mention while my partner or i are home we always have the front door locked but quite often don't worry about the back until we go to bed as we are frequently letting the dog in and out to go to the toilet now i start hearing some noises coming from the kitchen but the dishwasher is running and they can be noisy so that is most likely the culprit right but then the noises started to sound like they were coming from somewhere else in the house either fck it and i got up to check it out maybe it's a mouse surely it can't be anything too sinister seeing as my dog get asleep one meter away from me on the couch and only half paying attention as i was too busy looking at my phone i walk into the kitchen next thing i know some men all dressed in black comes flying past me looking for a quick exit out the back door adrenaline kicks in and i start chasing after him he smashes through my very rotten wooden gate while attempting to jump over it sucked in i hope it f king hurt but before long i lose him to the black of the night as he disappears into the bushes which was probably a good thing in hindsight i'm quite fit in train weights at the gym but i'm a 170 centimeters female weighing about 60 kilograms so just by size alone the aggressor would have had quite the upper hand the next day the police said there had been a string of break-ins in the area that night someone was sneaking into homes while people were there and stealing wallets and purses off of kitchen benches luckily for me i was doing rainos on the house so everything of value was in the room with me where i was watching tv they dubbed him the greenbelt burglar and still hasn't been caught to this day i have a downstairs neighbor who is so well known in our neighborhood for bothering women among other things that when i first moved in and mentioned him to our landlord secretary in passing she immediately knew him by name in a complex that no doubt hosted thousands of people he's the kind of man that women put on fake wedding rings for he had always been a bit too friendly with me but the man has asperger's and most people don't bother giving in the time of day i would always at least try to return his hellos and would often get caught up in a small talk because of the time i was too courteous to break away from the conversation he definitely made off color comments towards me such as noticing when i shaved my legs or making sure i knew he could hear it whenever my partner and i were intimate it was difficult to deal with no doubt but i could bear it an important detail to include is that at the time my partner and i only lived together for half of the week as he commuted for college and stayed with his brother to go to classes so one night i was in my living room winding down for bed by having tea and watching origami tutorials on youtube it was past 9 00 p.m when i heard a knock on my front door i know i shouldn't have opened it in the first place but i assumed it was a neighbor in need in one eye check the peephole i couldn't see anybody when i opened the door it was him my downstairs neighbor i was immediately nervous he had sidestepped the peephole so i couldn't see it was him i asked what he needed and my stomach crimped when he said he just wanted to talk i tried to tell him that it was late and that i was already getting ready for bed but he immediately blew me off because it was too early for bed in his opinion he stepped in to block the door jamb he was over six foot and wide enough to fill the doorway i had pepper spray on my coat hook and an old axe handle propped near the door but he had already put himself between me and them he stepped inside to say i was scared was an understatement i was so visibly nervous that he immediately tried to placate me don't be scared smile for me i'm nice yeah it wasn't reassuring especially when he launched into interrogating me about our relationship to each other he wanted to know what i thought of him what i was to him adrenaline iced my skin as i fully realized the situation i was in alone cornered in my apartment with a man twice my size who wanted something from me i told him he was my neighbor that was where our relationship started and ended he began to ask me what kind of men i liked to date if i liked older men despite the fact he saw me with my partner nearly every single day or at least every time he saw me he began to compare me to his favorite cartoon crushes you look like velma from scooby-doo i really like velma she's so pretty and smart he wanted to know if i liked him if i knew how cute i was if i wanted to hang out it went on like this for nearly 40 minutes a verbal game of cat and mouse while he crept further and further into my apartment far past the point of invitation he could see what i was watching he could see my tea had gotten cold finally the topic switched to art i somehow convinced him that i would do a commission for him and managed to hurt him down to his apartment to take pictures of his action figure he wanted me to draw when i went back upstairs i sobbed i cried and i cried for nearly a week and a half my local friends made sure to keep me company to stand guard it was a horrifying experience but it could have been so much worse i informed his caretaker of the situation and he put a word in with him and he has left me alone since he still lives beneath me it feels like i'm living above a landmine so i'm a night owl who used to work afternoons i'll easily stay up till 5am and sleep through the morning usually just quietly playing games in the dark with my headset on i live alone the house was small it had street access both at the front and the back of the house the front of the house was openly facing all the other houses straight access to the road only a little gate and a few steps to get to my door the back of the house was a smaller more private street it had like all others on the street slated with fence paneling and a garage door so you could see right through the fencing into my tiny backyard and straight into my living room with giant glass windows for privacy reasons i always kept my curtains closed and they did a pretty good job blocking the view in and out it was about 2 am i'm sitting there playing games i hear what i thought was a light knock at the door i thought it was nothing at first because who knocks on a door at 2 am but then i hear it again now i have pretty bad anxiety i never opened my door to anyone anyway unless it was family i decided to creep up and check through the door's peephole it's dark but i don't see anything that looks like a person as i head back to the living room before i sit down i decided to check outside my back door window because i'm feeling a little paranoid what i open my curtains to see is a man who had climbed halfway up my back fence trying to get in he sees me i see him he casually just slowly climbs down and walks away like it was nothing i called the police they arrived quickly and did a search but never found him but i still imagine what may have happened that night if i didn't check outside the back door back in 2008 my mom and step dad were in great financial shape so they bought their first apartment to remodel and rent in the future we ended up living in that apartment for nearly five years time they took to remodel the place mainly because it was a dump when they purchased it during those times both my parents would work until late in the afternoon meaning that after school i would be home alone for hours every pre-teens dream one afternoon after school i went home and found the balcony glass sliding door slightly open for some people that might not mean anything but for my family it was weird my parents have gotten robbed before but were never too smart to install cameras in the house they locked every door and window before we left the house and though me and later my sister to always make sure every door was locked before letting your guards down so yes i obviously locked the front door in the balcony door i went to lay in my room for a few minutes and after i texted my mom she told me that there was no way she left the balcony door open she locked it last night and no one went outside since the next part is kind of blurry because it all happened so quick all i remember was trying to move as fast as possible my mom told me she was on her way home and to wait in my room not even 10 seconds later i hear the front door open then slam close i heard loud footsteps coming my way i threw myself on one side of the bed where i could look underneath and see if anyone came in my room to my disbelief no one came into my room i heard a loud voice say where the f king speakers and the dj set then another voice said i think the might be in the room come on let's check they then went into my parents room and locked around here's the thing my stepdad didn't have any speakers or dj set i in all those was frozen scared i didn't know what to do and running and screaming wasn't an option a minute later the two men come out of my parents room and walk out the door i imagine that they realized they were in the wrong house but no in what felt like forever these men came back into the house with a large trolley and they left the entrance door wide open i was the sun might shine in the reflection of a mirror at the end of the hallway and ran i don't think i've ever ran this fast when i ran out i fell and landed on grass i started yelling as loud as i could help my house is getting robbed a couple of neighbors came out and saw me yelling some even called 9-1-1 the guys came out of my house and pure shook all i could think is yes i got these guys i'm going to be a hero then my stepdad picks me up from the grass and asked me what i was doing apparently the two guys were friends and co-workers of my stepdad and they came in to pick up some work-related stuff but what i don't know is that my step-dad used to own some speakers and a dj set before they got robbed at the previous house they lived in and he had told his buddies at work that he had then but not that he got robbed tldr i was a little scary cat in communication in our family improved once when i was 9 or 10 i was in my room playing and digging through a chest when i heard footsteps in the hallway outside my bedroom i didn't hear my dad and sister come home so i said hello to see if they were actually home no one answered in the footsteps stopped i sat very still for a long time waiting and when i didn't hear anything else i thought it was in my head all the lights in the house were off except for the light in my room so i could not see anything either i went back to playing and heard more footsteps and i sat very still again and the footsteps stopped i looked to the hallway again which was still pitch black so i finally got up to look and i ended up stepping on broken glass from the window the intruder came through i just tiptoed backwards to my room and never turned around in fear of who might be behind me and i laid on the ground very still with my eyes peeled on the open door and waited for my dad to come home my dad eventually came back and the police were called that they never found the guy i'm 21 now and to this day i still don't stay at home alone i was sitting in the living room watching tv with my dog the doorbell rang my dog got up and ran to the door barking incessantly i was 10 so i never answered the door when i was home alone no matter how long someone stayed at the door the doorbell rings became aggressively fast and it was then accompanied by fists pounding as i was terrified in my living room on the second floor i hear my old back deck steps creaking steps that lead to the living room the knocking at the front was still continuing meaning there was more than one person trying to get in i look into the window and see a woman i don't know walking up the steps i started crawling to the only space i could without being seen by the numerous windows we had i heard the back door knob jiggle i made it to my parents closet with my home phone in my hand as i was trembling there was a small window in my parents closet with the blinds closed so i could peek through i saw a car out front with both its doors open and two people standing in it the knocking continued on both doors the man at the front door started screaming we know you're in there i didn't understand and all i could think to do was to call my mom i was too scared and stupid to call the cops no answer i called over and over until she picked up and right as she did four people walked across my front lawn hopped in a car and drove away i think i survived an attempted kidnapping but i'm still not really sure i'm now 20 and i still don't answer the door when i'm alone was over at my friends for a stop over and it was just me him his little bro and their new dog i know not exactly home alone but we were like 12 and his younger brother was 10. his parents had taken the middle brother to the hospital as he broken his wrist while playing in football earlier in the day so it was just us we were sitting in the game's room playing call of duty and suddenly we started hearing weird noises from the front room we ignored it at first as it came and went but then we heard a bang and the noise again except it was louder and constant we put it down to the dog and went to check on him only to find he was just chilling in his locked cage probably woken by the bank we all ran back to the game's room now freaked out talking about what to do our genius young minds came up with the idea to go straight to kitchen arm the youngest with the biggest knife we could find and go around the house to prove there was nothing there we followed him into the kitchen and then sent him into the darkness of the living room the light switch was down the other end of the living room about 20 agonizing seconds later the living room light came on and he came running back now safe in the light using a child's mentality we walked through and found the front door swung wide open and we stood shocked before slamming it and making damn sure it was closed now that doesn't sound bad but when you take into account that door was a security door as they've been broken into before so unless you've got the kita front door handle doesn't actually do anything so only someone inside could have opened it but like i said we were the only ones in doesn't sound too bad now apart from a bit creepy but never figured out how that door got open i was cleaning a friend's house over the weekend a few years ago i stayed the night she lived in a small village maybe 400 people max and it was an hour's drive from where i lived middle of nowhere wales i didn't know many people in the area and the friend was out of town with her family i didn't have a license car or any other model of transportation by around 10 pm i'm tired from working and playing sims 3. at the time i had this whole saga going on all my friends stopped following me on snapchat cause my stories were two hours of sims 3. i hear a noise upstairs and message the group chat jokingly saying i think you've got a ghost friend replies explaining it's probably her cat group chat is on fire for about 15 minutes each of us adding to the crazy backstory of the ghost jokes and bands until i tell them the noises are getting louder i'm too chicken to check if it is a cat or not friend assured me that it is jokes suddenly aren't funny anymore i felt a little sick when one of the noises sounded distinctly human but i did my best to brush it off i tell them what i'm hearing give my last will and testament or whatever if i die someone send my dissertation in i want to graduate still x is carrying my ashes that kind of thing still trying to keep it light irl i'm trying to remember how to breathe by this point i've saved my game and set my laptop to the side i'm sitting stiffly in the armchair alone in the dark waiting for confirmation that i'm not going to be murdered by some alex jones or die i run a list through my head of everyone who knows i'm home alone this part of wales might as well be canada none of the doors were locked and i didn't have access to the keys as a writer and as someone with adhd my imagination tends to take the smallest things to build them into a blockbuster movie i tell friend that something is upstairs definitely not a cat i'm freaking out friends are still joking but friend is saying that i should go to the local pub if i'm really scared i don't want to go to the pub cause the man that's runs it is thrice my age and has a thing for me if he's been drinking i'd rather die from ghost than go near him that's when i see it in the window opposite the armchair i see the reflection of someone running through the kitchen panic another person runs past i'm breaking it my heart is beating so hard i'm sure i couldn't hear anything else i grab a broken curtain pole and immediately call old creepy puff man explaining that two people are in the house ocp man comes running over pub is just over the road with a mate both holding golf clubs ocp runs upstairs i hear screams i'm trying my best not to cry was i the unwitting victim of an attempted murder the unfortunate bystander to a burglary gone wrong worse nah turns out it was the neighbor's kids whose father knew i was on the house alone and thought it would be funny too send them in to mess with me his wife was furious with him and i could hear him being shouted at for not thinking you stupid stupid man though it came to nothing in the end i do remember thinking i wasn't going to see the morning sitting in my recording studio at my old house and the floor would shake every so often almost like a small earthquake well i start hearing under the crawl space and this is making me think there is something down there and this is 11 p.m so the floor keeps doing its little rumble and also this part of the house is like held up by rotten boards and it's on a hill so i'm thinking option b is this house is just gonna break off with me in it so finally after hearing something go bump down there i called the cops two cops show up in afghan military body armor like head to toe and armor and guns and like wtf didn't know cops were the decked out now looking like they are ready to go to a hostage situation everywhere they go i go outside tell them what's going on they go under the house and turns out nothing leaky pipe i used to be paranoid as fck2 since i was living alone in a bad area which nothing ever happened it was just stupid stuff on google saying i lived in a dangerous city when i never even heard a gunshot saw a crackhead or a cop for that matter i ended up getting two dachshunds nothing gets past a weenie dog seriously they are the loudest little things on earth and they hear everything i had the things on the doors where if someone opened at the thing with scream bloody murder but i always was paranoid about something being in one of my closets so that's why i got the dogs never had anything strange happen after getting them i had recently moved into an apartment complex in a pretty okay part of the city some nights out my window i could hear tapping and honking but always chalked it up to people coming and going from the complex one night i was hanging out in my room and thought i heard tapping on my window my bedroom window faced the complexes parking i ignored it at first until the tapping grew louder and headlights began to flash through my window i decided to move to the living room thinking it was probably a drug addict or homeless person we had quite a few of those after a couple of minutes i began to hear loud banging on my door the whole apartment seemed to shake i walked nervously to the door and looked through the peephole and saw a couple of guys holding bats and covered in the tattoos as soon as i saw the tattoos i noticed they were most definitely related to the city's most problematic gang they kept yelling somebody's name and banging at my door and i kept thinking to call the police but i was too nervous to move i gathered up the courage and called back to the men that whoever they were looking for didn't live there anymore i guess they couldn't hear me and i did the stupidest yet bravest thing i've ever done i opened the door once i cracked it open and repeated myself one guy shoved me to get inside he looked around then to me wide-eyed realizing he had the wrong apartment he apologized and left with his partner and that was that i seriously lucked out and can't believe how frozen in fear i was at first i was a first-year teacher still living at home in a transitioning neighborhood in chicago my mom also taught and typically we would arrive home around the same time when i got home our door was unlocked which was weird but i decided to go in anyway we had a landing where you could either go up or down the stairs so it wasn't immediate apparent anything was awry i walked up the stairs to see our living room completely torn apart couch cushions and chairs moved around kitchen cabinet left wide open and our junk drawer sitting on the table was strewn everywhere in a panic i ran outside my house and called 9-1-1 the police were there in about five minutes while i frantically tried to make contact with my mom early cell phone days so she was hit or miss with picking up that motorola clamshell the police clear the whole whole house and agree things look fishy but they tell me i can go back inside and if my mom doesn't show soon to call them back i'm sitting in the house wondering if they did indeed clear the whole house and wonder if there's still someone inside as i call my mom repeatedly mom finally picks up the phone apparently she'd lost her wallet and straight up destroyed the house looking for it i was so relieved it was hard to be pissed at her but on moms amirite one night valentine's day i might add i decided to take the trash out like a good kid would do i completely forgot it was dangerous to go out at dark because nothing bad had ever happened in the apartment complex i lived in and i was too oblivious to realize that it had slowly gotten more and more dangerous over the years i had lived there so this valentine's night i was taking the trash to the compactor which was only across the parking lot so not a far distance from my house walking to the compactor i see a group of boys i don't recognize and i assumed they must have been from the other side of the complex but later i found out that they didn't even live there they just used it as a shortcut they start getting close to me once they see me and on the way back from the compactor they start to surround me asking me a bunch of weird questions but the only ones i remember were how old are you what's your name where do you go to school i lied and eventually they started trying to get me to suck their dicks i freaked out and ran home because it was close by i was too scared and ashamed to tell anyone besides warning my sister that there were creeps out i was an idiot but eventually i told my mother and she very quickly found us a new place to live even if we could just barely afford it because she didn't want anything like that happening to me or my sister ever again i would have to say when i was 19 living with my parents who were out of town and my brother who was 21 i went to bed around 12 30 home alone my brother was out drinking with friends so around 2 30 a.m the doorbell wakes me up but i was tired enough i wasn't sure if i had dreamed it or not so as i'm starting to fall back asleep i'm jerked awake again by some aggressive banging at the door so i get dressed still tired and fuzzy from being asleep and go down to the door in so far peeking out the window like a sane person i just unlock and open the door i'm suddenly 100 wide awake because there are about 20 strangers standing on my porch yelling about letting them in my house i'm a super non-confrontational person so i did not know how to handle the situation where they're holding the door open so i stand there my eyes going wide speechless for about three or four minutes but trying to not let them in my house eventually from the back of the mob of people i hear someone calling my name i'm still freaking out but here comes my brother's best friend pushing to the front of the group i'm sure i look like i'm about to cry so he grabbed me and told me it's okay my brother is about home and he invited all the random people they had met and closed out a bar with back to the house to continue partying again non-confrontational and i trust this guy with my life because i've known him and see him like a brother for as long as i can remember so i silently back up and let them inside shortly after they come in with a ton of alcohol and start partying my brother came home incredibly drunk and i tried laying into him because i was tired freaked out and pissed but my brother has an ability to just repeat himself until you're so tired of trying to make your own point you give up so he laughed off everything i had to say until i gave up and he continued partying with these people i did not go asleep because i was following people around because they were all drunk and just trying to pocket random stuff from our house around five they had finally left at which point my brother forced me to stay up and watch this is the end which i enjoyed even if i spent half the movie imagining how i wanted to smother my brother with a pillow once he fell asleep i rented this big house for a few years because my niece and nephews lived with me part of the year the other part of the year it was just me and sometimes the dog a sweet aussie shepherd retriever mix who i have never seen be aggressive fight or even really bark one night i'm watching tb in the living room around 4 a.m dog is laying next to next out and know where she goes full attack stance growling bearing her teeth and barking viciously at the front door i am super freaked out and get up to go look out the peephole when something light punches the door harder than it seems a human could i don't know how else to describe this noise other than it was one very heavy thud against the door hard enough to shake the house and reverberate for a few seconds and then silence i ran and checked the peephole all the windows saw nothing street is empty and there's no way anyone could hide or get away that quickly without me seeing but both me and dog are on full alert for a good while after did not even try to sleep that night still don't know what that was second story a few years later also involving this dog it's my mom's dog stays with me when she's deployed mom is in the military lives alone in a 100 year old plantation style house just off the base that a small creek runs through the backyard one morning at zero dark 30 she is taking dog out before leaving for work the dog usually just walks and sniffs around on the leash looking for a nice place to do her business but this morning after a few seconds her ears pick up she starts growing and barking and then breaks away from my mom and dives under the porch my mom thinks she is trying to get a bunny or snake or something just lets her go and then watches in horror as dog backs out of the crawl space pulling a man by his pant leg mom runs in the house locks the door and calls the mps and the country cops turns out it was a 70 years old patient had escaped from a some sort of hospital down the road mental or a prison i forget and swam up to the house via the creek and snuck under the porch to sleep once she realized he was old and harmless she came out and gave him a blanket and some food because it was cold and he was wet but who she said she has never been so scared to expect a small animal and get a human person instead she said she walked the dog with a weapon in the morning after that and yeah the dog has a very fancy bed and gets lots of love and treats for her courage in the line of duty for context my house is set up in a way that if someone is home you can tell from outside especially if the tv is on also my driveway is dark and hard to see from the neighbors houses as a latchkey kid i was left home alone at a pretty young age one night when i was seven my parents went to a party and i was left behind i was jay chilling watching tv for a few hours the home phone rings around 11 and seven-year-old me ignores that all of a sudden there's a knock at the door and it's this cop i open the door in retrospect kind of stupid to trust this stranger so quick and he tells me the neighbor called them in because she saw a suspicious figure going up my driveway i show the copy all doors entering the house at a side door we see locking picking stuff in the door that has never been removed and a knife on the ground near that entrance the cop told me to get inside and i called my parents they came home after an hour i listened to the voicemail from the call that happened earlier that night it was my neighbor saying she had a bad feeling and that she called the cops to this day i have no idea how it is possible that she saw the person coming up to the house i want to thank her for possibly saving my life eleven years ago but at this point it might be a little weird all in all i'm very thankful she listened to her intuition and took it seriously disclaimer admittedly i was not home alone when this happened my friend from the neighborhood was over but we were without any adult presence or supervision i was probably around 14 when this happened growing up i had a close group of friends from the neighborhood and all our parents were friends as well so the group the group is what we called our crew of friends most of who i still know and keep in contact with to this day parents would semi often leave us home alone to go to the movies or out to eat or whatever knowing that the other parents were just a phone call or a quick walk away if needed anyways my parents had left me alone and my friend was over and we were doing whatever 14-ish year olds do running around the house doing whatever it's getting later probably around 9pm if i had to guess it's pretty dark outside not pitch blackness yet but definitely dark so we are doing whatever and end up in my parents room we always played in there when my parents were gone because they didn't allow us to play in their room when they were home we are in my parents room sitting on a bench in front of a large window that looks out the back of the house my parents house backs up to a smallish patch or woods roughly 30 40 acres as kids we spend a lot of time in the woods being kids we knew when it started to get dark it was time to go because what kid wants to have to walk home through the dark woods alone so we are sitting there and my friend grabs my wrist and i look up from whatever i was doing and see a terrified look on his face i look out the window and immediately see what has been spooked there is the silhouette of a man standing just past the edge of the woods in my parents backyard as noted above it was too dark to make out any fine details but light enough to know our eyes were not playing tricks on us additionally we had the lights on in my parents room so we know this guy can see us up in the window clear as day so now the two of us are scared shitless and go into complete panic mode we run downstairs and lock all doors that enter into the house run back upstairs into my parents bedroom lock the door into their bedroom and then go into their master bathroom and lock that door as well there was a window in the master bath that looked out into the woods though much smaller than the window in their bedroom after about 15 minutes we got the courage to look out into the woods from our safe haven of a master bath no sign of this guy so my parents arrived home shortly after and everything was fine i don't think we even told them what happened we were just relieved they were home to this day i will never forget the terror that went through my body looking out that window and seeing this guy standing out there i was living in a house share with some friends my bedroom was on the ground floor at the front next to the front door one night my housemates were out drinking but i stayed in to watch comic relief with my friend and smoke a few joints he left around midnight and i decided to leave the door unlocked so my housemates wouldn't wake me up to let them in before going to bed while still pretty high about an hour later i am awoken by a complete stranger walking into my room i sit upright in bed and we start having an argument along the lines of me asking who he is and why he's here there's some back and forth while he unconvincingly claims this is his house and i'm an intruder i'm in my own bed how stupid does he think i am it's around about now that i'm awake enough although still a little high to realize he's broken in and here to rob the house and thought my bedroom was the lounge so i suggest that maybe he had a few too many drinks and got the wrong house he takes this exit i've given him and heads out of my room into the corridor but i realize he's turned the wrong way and headed into the house rather than towards the door i left out of bed hastily pulled on a robe i was sleeping in just my underwear and go out after him i find him in the hallway where i direct him to the front door i head back into my room where i go to get my door keys from my trousers i turn around and there he is again in my room asking me what are you doing i showed him the keys and told him i was going to lock the door after him warily he nodded and headed back out i followed him and saw him through the door which i then locked it's at this moment that the danger of the situation hit me and i realized my heart was beating very quickly i go back to bed and eventually fall asleep about another hour later around 3 a.m i'm woken up by a crashing noise of the front door my first thought is that the intruder is back but no it's my housemates i join them in the kitchen where i find one with a bloody nose after getting into a fight and we exchange our stories of the night to this day i'm relieved my girlfriend at the time wasn't staying over that night as things could have gone very differently if someone had panicked when i was in high school my parents went on a trip for a week or two and left me home alone i got home from school one day to find the power and half of the house not working but it wasn't a logical half one of our fridges worked but the freezer next to it didn't the lights in some rooms were out but the outlets worked every now and then the lights that didn't work would flicker on and off i tried to be calm and move things from the bad fridge freezer to the working ones all the while thinking that my house was haunted by some weird ghost i called a neighbor for help freaking out a few hours later he came by and brought an electrician friend and turned out it was just something wrong the breakers and something about the electrical setup in the house i didn't understand turns out i'm dumb and obviously it wasn't a ghost but i was super stressed for a good two hours 14 at the time living in a third world country because of my parents work i was home alone with our dog and someone tried to break in through the back door window fear struck me at first before a flash of adrenaline took over i simply just grabbed an otf knife that was on the table next to me and opened the front door to let our dog out he was barking at that intruder and the guy was making a run for it our dog was biting and tearing at his legs he clearly knew that this guy was not friendly he actually managed to tear some flesh off his legs by the time he reached the property wall the intruder started scaling the wall but since he was in a hurry he couldn't properly deal with the barbed wire at the top of the wall and it managed to rip and tear his clothes and flesh turns out the man later died bled out from his wounds before he was able to reach the nearest hospital which was actually quite far even an ambulance wouldn't save him since no one in the city actually pulled over for ambulances and rush hour traffic was 24 7. our dog never got injured throughout this scenario the intruder hit him a number of times when trying to get away but no long-lasting or painful injuries occurred to him i was about 10 years old and we had recently moved to a house in the outskirts of town only about nine houses on the street we were latch key kids and i was home alone we had a big picture window in the front in the living room where i was watching tv while sitting on the couch the phone rings and the man on the line asks to speak with my mom and as trained i told the man she's busy right now can i take a message he replied well can i talk to your dad once again i say he's busy can i take a message to which this man replies you know what i think you're lying to me i respond with the what the man proceeds to say i think you're lying to me actually i know you're lying to me and you know how i know that it's cause i'm watching you right now this point i hang up the phone and spend the next 10 minutes on the phone terrified with the police as soon as i hang up the phone immediately rings again this was in the days before call waiting i pick it up and it's my brother asking why the phone was busy i tell him the story and tell him how f king scared i am and he starts to laugh he knew i was home alone and got his friend to call and do that yeah so no real threat but fck for a 10 years when i was around 12 13 my parents started letting me stay home alone for short periods of time one day my mum left me at home whilst she dropped my little sister off at dance class at 1600 and my dad didn't get in from work until 1800 on this particular day i was playing games on the computer in the dining room when a man in his late 40s early 50s approached the sliding glass doors which looked out into the back garden and knocked on the window which obviously made me jump out my skin i mean why would there be a stranger in our back garden anyway he instantly apologized for making me jump and asked if my dad was home yet at this point i kind of figured he knew my dad i told the man that my parents would be home soon and that he could come back later this is when things started to take a bit of a turn the man said that my dad had asked him to come around to discuss the sale of a car which wasn't unusual as my dad did buy and sell a lot of cars when i was younger the man asked me if he could come in and wait for my parents to come home to which i obviously responded with he would have to come back later or call my dad he tried to persuade me to open the doors and when i wouldn't he started trying to force the door open at this point i was really scared and ran to the phone to call the neighbor over the road who i told what was happening and they came running over straight away i let my neighbor in through the front door and he took me over to his house whilst he looked around hours when my parents eventually got home and i went back in the glass door at the back of the house had been smashed i always assumed the guy smashed the door then realized my neighbor was there and ran this all happened when mobile phones weren't really a thing so i couldn't call my parents the police were contacted and i had to give a record of what happened nothing like that ever happened again but it honestly terrified me at the time and i didn't stay home alone for a few years after that i was home alone sick as a teenager just me and the family dog i woke up to hear my front door open and the dog ran downstairs i assumed it was my mom so i didn't say anything i was lying in bed upstairs with my door closed all of a sudden my dog started barking my pulse went through the roof my dog never barks at family i heard whoever has downstairs walk around for a while and my dog kept following them and barking the footsteps started taking the stairs and i was in silent tears hoping to god whoever this is would not come in my room the footsteps continued past my door my dog barking the entire time they went into other rooms from the sounds of the footsteps the dog barking and then went downstairs and out the front door again my dog never stopped barking and growling the entire time nobody tried to calm the dog the footsteps did not sound familiar to me i laid there in my bed for like an hour and a half in fear not moving until my mom did come home i asked her if she had been home and she said no asked her if dad had been home and she said no she also insisted that when she got home the door had been locked i'm still sketched to this day and this was 12 years ago i actually wasn't home yet and it was right before quarantine i was getting off the bus and casually walked up to my door looking down at email i grabbed on the way up the door was open i found out when i opened the smaller frame door in front of it reaches for the main door casually and fell on the breezeway my dad is always the last to leave the house for work and he always locks the door this has been the case the entire ten years we've lived in this house and the door was wide open we had some stakes on the sides of the driveway cause we has taken them out yet from winter so i grabbed one and went straight for the kitchen and supplemented the stick with our largest kitchen knife after i swept the house i called my dad and asked him if he knew anything turns out he was in a rush cause he was already running late for work and bolted out the door it was locked but it didn't quite sit right in the door and at some point the wind blew it open so that was fun when i was around 13 years old i was home by myself after school at the time i lived in an apartment complex and had been old enough to stay home by myself for a while now since no one would be home until five i was sitting in the living room at the time bored just watching cartoons on television then a huge boom came from outside the apartment and immediately after all the lights and electronics in the house got knocked out i was frozen on the couch for what felt like half an hour more like a couple minutes not sure what was going on at the time the area was a bit more on the suburban side so it was something out of the norm i started hearing people talking from outside so i stood up from the couch called my mom on the phone and went to the window to look outside to see the surrounding apartment complexes coming outside and looking around turns out it was the transformer across the street a squirrel had found its way inside the transformer found an exposed wire and caused the transformer to blow still feel bad for that squirrel growing up with six siblings i never got many opportunities to be home alone but i grew up to be quite the night owl and would spend many nights being the lone awake family member my schedule usually would work out that i'd be playing video games on our big crt set for a couple hours go have a snacky in the kitchen and then go to bed now our house was at the time very big and the architecture was very old as well the ceilings were taller than your usual house and as a small five six-year-old the house felt unsettling and out of proportion like the rooms all felt cavernous and i hated walking through the house at night one night i was playing star wars battlefront 2 the original xbox one just like usual but my head started to hurt like not too bad but i was losing my focus and it started throbbing real slow like i could feel the throbbing deep in my head and it began to radiate out more and more it was getting more difficult for me to some clone scrubs on polish masa as darth maul the crt sets high pitched dog whistling noise was really starting to irritate me so i decided to just turn it off and maybe my snacky would make me feel better i turned off the tv keep in mind the tv was upstairs right next to the staircase important information and started my journey to the kitchen i turned around and immediately felt extremely uncomfortable and disoriented the wall seemed a lot larger and they were crooked as i walked to the staircase i felt dizzy and as i looked down the steps my eyes adjusted to the dark man i started to feel incredibly uneasy like something really really bad was about to happen the stairs went down to the living room which was the scariest part of the entire house for me because you could look out into the woods next to our house from the numerous windows opposite the staircase the wood scared the out of me at night especially in my little kid brain all the terrible scary things in my mind lived in those woods you could also see the woods from the kitchen but i felt safer in that room the living room ceilings were extremely tall and it was just not a comfortable room at all the motion detector lights outside would sometimes randomly turn on and scare the ever-loving out of me because every time i expected it to be some shambling lovecraftian horror but it was most of the time just a squirrel or the wind the lights would flood the woods in this white fluorescent morgue light in the shadows of the trees would invite all sorts of disturbing images to enter my spurred head anyway i was walking down the stairs into the abyss and my head throbbing scared me because i didn't know it that point five six years old if the noise was coming from my head or if the sound was from some outside course as i entered the living room the walls began moving around me i remember so vividly how the books on our long wall length bookshelf began to pop out and undulate the woods outside the windows were pitch black and the windows seemed to grow and want to swallow me i scampered into the kitchen and turned on all the lights i stood in the middle of the actual kitchen element the entire room had a kitchen separate cabinetry pantry a dining table and a small desk but the windows to the woods were right next to where i wasn't caught my breath that's i think when got really terrifying i was breathing in and out real rapid fire big mistake i was still so goddamn scared of the living room i started to feel incredibly nauseous and my headache was worse at that point the things in the kitchen were distorting themselves like my vision was a bowl of water and someone put some oil into it like i don't really know how to describe it like when you stand up too fast and everything turns to galaxies in your eyeballs but i could still see i could see everything slowly start to congeal and twist together i you not the floodlights outside turn on and i will never forget what the trees look like they all had faces and all of the faces were moving really fast like if you were making a ton of rapid fire facial expressions all of them had arms and were running towards the house to get me i screamed bloody murder and the next thing i remember was my dad hauling me over his shoulder yelling some at my brother or something i completely blacked out and never felt so sick in my entire life turns out there was carbon monoxide poisoning and if some squirrel hadn't set off the hell light i wouldn't have screamed and we'd be dead probably tldr little kid off plays battlefront gets a headache goes to get midnight snacky starts hallucinating floodlights outside turn on revealing scary cthulhu monster tree creatures turns out i had carbon monoxide poisoning and safe family by screaming and blacking out when i was about 20 and still living at my mom's house i was doing homework on the couch and watching a show my dog ava was right beside me and kept turn around to look at the window that was right next to the couch i'd look but see nothing because it was like 9 p.m and too dark to see out i had the blinds open but still nothing then i started to hear a tapping noise i looked back at the window and it stopped then the tapping started again but i didn't look this time ava started making a low growling noise and was staring at the window very intently after not turning to look at the window again the tapping turned into full-on knocking on the window i was panicking on the inside but decided not to act scared i just watched a few more minutes of my show pretended to do homework and then slowly paused my show and got up from the couch i walked from the living room through the house and got to my brother's room i told him what happened and he immediately sprinted to the back door gun in hand and our two dogs right behind him the dogs freaked out when they got outside and my brother looked around everywhere he said he didn't see anything so he calmed me down and i stayed in my room the rest of the night when we woke up the next morning we found about seven empty natural ice beer cans right outside the window i'm pretty sure it was this creepy neighbor we had that would come to the grocery store i worked at just a hit on me but not 100 sure still very freaky to know someone was probably out there watching me and fking with me by tapping on the window when i was in college i rented a house with a bunch of fellow students because their lease was a one-year affair i stayed there over the summer to work a job in the area i was the only one doing that though one night i wake up to someone shouting what the fck fcku etc no one is responding but he keeps shouting twice i hear some glass break i look at my phone and it's 3am the one man shouting continues now i realize i can't call for help why because it had been very stormy when i went to bed and we had lost power so i had no wi-fi and i didn't use to get cell reception in that neighborhood at all which is kind of crazy right while i'm going through this in my head the shouting walls i look out my second floor window but with no street lights i can't see and the last thing i want is to get this guy's attention by using a flashlight that's when i start hearing someone slamming my front door downstairs let me be fck in i hear the same voice shouting my heart almost stops another fun fact the back door are two l-length glass doors that are seemingly enraged and unassuming intoxicated guy could easily break through a final fun fact for the frightened mind at 3 30 am there are three separate prisons within five miles of my neighborhood so i'm panicked the banging goes on for another minute which of course seems like an eternity to me sitting in the dark with no way to call anyone luckily he gives up and goes away it's now around 4 a.m three cop cars pull up on my road and start slowly circling the block repeatedly with the flood lights trained on everyone's properties searching i never found out what happened or what was going on and my neighbors didn't either when i asked them that was in june and my housemates didn't move in until the end of august i spent a lot of nights with some new found anxiety as a result i lived by myself way out in bfe with my two big dogs my house was surrounded by woods for miles and the house wasn't visible from the road i am pretty small and what some would consider an easy target at about 9 pm my husky decided to chew on one of my fishing poles and got a treble hook lure stuck in his mouth really bad i was panicking trying to get it out but it was lodged and just hurting him worse i called the vets emergency and they said to bring him in first thing in the morning and they couldn't do anything until then i texted my mom about what happened and asked her to meet me at the vet's office the next morning because i had to be at work before the vet opened she would wait in the parking lot with him and i could head to work she agreed i tried to make my husky as comfortable as possible and tried to get some sleep i wake up at midnight to the sound of a car door shut and someone walking outside my bedroom window i jump up and look outside but can't see anything i'm like wtf i grab my xd40 40 caliber pistol and hide in almost total darkness in my hallway both entrances are at the other end and i'd see whomever before they'd see me then i hear my exterior door handle start giggling and hear fumbling around with my door my heart is pounding out of my chest then i hear my door open and someone walks into my kitchen my mind is racing and my hands are shaking i'm in complete disbelief that someone is actually inside my house i'm alone and i am going to have to defend myself i am aimed at the end of the hallway ready to fire then i hear my mom's voice saying jane wenthridge are you awake i go from terrified to total rage as i almost seriously hurt or killed my own mother she got a good come to jesus talk about showing up in the middle of the night unannounced and how she was almost shot she'd come to try to get the lure out of my dog's mouth before you shoot make sure it's really a threat i woke up on a saturday few years ago when my husband and i lived in this really crappy apartment and my husband was still at the gym i luckily put pants on and was walking into the living room when my front door opened right in front of me and there was a random man standing in my doorway the front door was my only exit and i didn't have any weapons near me i asked him who the f he was and why he was coming into my apartment at this same moment my husband was coming home from the gym and saw this random man standing in our doorway so he started running towards our apartment the man in the doorway kept apologizing and finally spat out that he was the new maintenance man we had a really bad mold issue in that apartment due to a leak upstairs and they had called me that monday prior in the week to authorize that maintenance was able to come in on wednesday to cut into our wall wednesday came and went and no one came to fix our apartment i knew the main maintenance man well since he lived in our complex and he had been trying to figure out the mold issue i did not recognize this man so i started yelling at him that he had no authorization to come into my apartment three days after they had missed their appointment to come in luckily at this point my husband was approaching the door and heard me yelling my husband carries a knife so he wasn't sure if he was going to have to stab this guy so he told the man to leave the man turned around and left i did complain to our apartment complex about the incident and told them they need to make sure that they come in the day they're authorized to be in my apartment the man did return the following week to come cut a hole in our wall so i at least knew he wasn't some random person breaking into our apartment not long after management moved us across the complex to an updated apartment with no mold a few weeks after that my husband and i were returning from grocery shopping and when we got into our apartment there was a thermos sitting on our coffee table that we did not own and still had warm coffee in it we threw down our groceries and searched the apartment luckily no one was there so we went went to our on-site management for the complex and gave her the thermos that we found apparently the family that lived in our new apartment before us moved across the complex and hadn't let their family member know that they moved and he still had a key he got scared when he came in and noticed that it wasn't his family's apartment and went to ask management where his family moved to i made them change our locks after that i couldn't wait to get the hell out of that apartment complex i never felt safe when i was around seven my stepdad worked for erickson air crane a logging company in nw my mom and i traveled with him for work in an rv he'd be gone all day and we'd be an rv or taking walks in random small towns usually up one lane dirt roads until a pull-out or camping circle one day we decided to walk down a road and see the views i went to walk down a hillside and about 100 yards more or less down the hill was a mountain lion it looked up directly at me my mom saw and gave me the parent yell to run you know that yell that means business she was scared i started running down the road and she kept telling me to run faster and faster each time i looked back i was crying and running as fast as i could she was easily 20 30 yards behind me at this point i got to rv and saw my mom still running towards rv as fast as a heavyset woman in her 40s can make happen she was still screaming for me to get into the rv far behind i saw the mountain lion about a football field's length running straight for her i had never felt true fear at this time and can't fully remember what i was doing i can only see my memory of her running she made it to rv and got inside his line got to our rv it started pacing around it for 20 minutes or so and then left we stayed inside for hours and hours until my stepdad got home i still cringed thinking about it and if it weren't for this post i don't think i'd have remembered it otherwise once i had a horror movie marathon by myself maybe eight years ago or so i went to bed all things normal and cool i was falling asleep and then i heard something really loud and it sounded like something shattered i walked to my bathroom which is about 10 feet long and at the very end of the bathroom a stained glass statue of an angel that normally rests in my bathroom window normally about 10 feet away all the way above my shower and it rests far back in the window and the angel was completely shattered i don't understand how the angel could have basically flown almost 12 feet from being snug against my window pane scares the pants off of me to this day don't know if it was brought about by watching the movies but it still haunts me i was already an adult but probably still in college and living at home i was on summer break it was a saturday and my parents had gone out of state for a family reunion and i decided to stay home it was around noon when a county sheriff's cruiser pulled into the driveway and two deputies get out and walk up to the back door i'm already standing on the back porch waiting to find out what their bad news is as they did not look like they were there for a social call my first thought is that they are coming to tell me that both of my parents were killed in some sort of fiery car crash that i'm going to have to come identify their charred corpses yes i do watch too much tv that i'm a 20 year old orphan i should mention that i live on a 200-acre farm and there is quite a bit of land that can't be seen from the house it turns out that my parents are fine i am not going to have to manage the sale of a farm in the paying off of huge debts though what did happen wasn't very reassuring either someone had been shooting on our property and had hopefully accidentally shot into one of our neighbors homes the bullet passed right through a window and lodged in a grandfather clock our neighbor and his grandchild had been in the room at the moment it happened i can't imagine how awful that could have turned out i called my dad while the deputy stood and waited no one had asked for permission to do any shooting we asked around for weeks after but never did figure out who it was farm insurance covered the damages at the neighbors so it was summer vacation and my parents had to work so i was home alone i was maybe 15 or 16 at the time i so i wake up and go downstairs to get a bowl of cereal for breakfast where i see the unthinkable a wasp a wasp has found its way inside my home now obviously i cannot abide by this unlawful intrusion by an insect intruder however there is one small problem i was terrified of wasps i've gotten over it now but they still scare me a bit spiders are worse though anyway anyway so i have to get rid of this wasp but i don't want to attack it directly in case i miss and it gets pissed and attacks me but i notice the wasp is on the window trying to get out so i come up with the genius idea to open the window next to it and hope it will go out but it doesn't this idiot wasp is so f king stupid it doesn't even realize the window is open it just keeps slamming its head against the closed window so i open the window on the other side it ignores that window as well this goes on until four windows have been opened and this stupid f king wasp is trying to shove his head through the door somehow so i'm in the corner of the kitchen duck behind the island trying to find out how to get this idiot wasp out of my house when i hear it the sound of buzzing but louder i poke my head above the island and wouldn't you know it four more wasps have arrived through the open windows so at this point there's five f king wasps in my kitchen and i'm freaking out because i can't get any of them out i mean i'm writing my last will and testament in the corner there so i hide behind the island like a french soldier in the trenches and hope the problem solves itself eventually after like five ten horrific minutes four of the wasps find their way out one by one i close the windows and i'm left with the original the f cur that started it all still trying to shove his idiot head through a wooden door so i regroup in the trench behind the island and ponder my next move i can't just attack it because who knows what that tiny wasp brain will do if i miss so i search through the weapon stockpile that is the cabinet under the sink for something to help and at the very back i find it wasp and hornet killer i mean this is the industrial stuff it's got a six foot stream for killing and tire nests outside so i use this stuff to snipe that little left from across the room before finishing him off with a flyswatter i gave him a proper burial at sea toilet so it all ended well but my god i wasn't sure if i was gonna make it out the other side i was 16 and moved out on my own to a really f king shitty part of town i woke up in the middle of the night to flashlights peering in my window so i ran out of bed and closed the blinds by doing so i noticed there was someone on my dresser and he was so so calm he shushed me he had a gun i was naked and alone he told me to open my mouth and made me suck on his gun i was a sobbing mess my knees couldn't support me and i couldn't breathe because my nose was so filled with snot from crying whoever was in the living room i had no idea they were even there really i hadn't heard or seen anything else i thought i was going to be raped and killed said something and i'm not even sure if it was english or another language i was so checked out then he left simple as that i was robbed of i don't even remember and looking back they must have been pissed finding out i was a broke-ass high school student alone and without anything of value in any place that it's normal to keep them my grandma used to keep her jewelry box in the oven and f king so did i they left my gamecube though since then i've taken krav maga wasn't until many a year later and lots of bad choices i never f king slept there again though took my and left the moment i could abandon whatever shitty furniture my 16 year old self had donated to her and kicked it one of the worst experiences ever i've dealt with it mostly but those youtube videos of people being scared through their windows make me laugh nervously instead of genuinely and unknown lights in my window make my heart drop so quickly i had just moved from urban to rural and the country noises seemed very loud to me mostly birds and bugs and stuff but i wasn't used to it and it was disconcerting one night i kept hearing what sounded like footsteps outside the window i tried telling myself if anything was really there the dog would notice and he was totally calm i must have been imagining things but it sounded real after i don't know how long of trying to convince myself there wasn't some stranger lurking about the dog went nuts even over his barking i definitely heard somebody walking around right outside those were some heavy footsteps in terror i called my parents i'd moved to be close to them and they lived right across the road but in city terms it was two blocks away it seemed to take dad forever to get there although it was only a few minutes the whole time i imagined a drunken redneck out there ready to fight him when he finally got to the house with his shotgun he told me somebody had definitely been out there i knew it i hadn't imagined it who was it how did you get them to leave turns out it wasn't a who but a what one of their cows got out of the fence he went to put her back and left the shotgun with me my best friend's parents owned a resort on a lake kind of in the middle of nowhere and when the smaller cabins were empty unrented sometimes they'd let us sleep there by ourselves for the night like a fun sleepover one night when we were like 10 or 11 my friend and i stayed in one of these cabins they were all fairly spread out on the sprawling property and this one was back quite a ways in the woods about half a mile from the lodge and restaurant bar we always brought her labrador retriever with us for protection from wolves and creeps and stuff anyway she had a game boy advance and we were passing it back and forth when the dog started to go all funny pacing and snarling at the windows we turned the lights off and peeked outside and heard some rustling we thought it was probably a coyote or something so we went onto the porch and came almost face to face with a massive black bear standing less than two feet from us i distinctly remember my arms and legs feeling like they were filled with lead and i couldn't move i was so terrified it kind of stood up and growled which was the loudest thing i've ever heard in my life the dog barked and startled the bear who then ran down the drive a few feet and turned back around to watch us we ducked into the cabin locked the door and hid in the bathroom crying most of the night this was before cell phones and we never thought to use the cabin's main line to call her parents i was certain we were going to die that night not knowing that black bears generally won't attack people unless they're threatened or starving needless to say we never stayed in one of the cabins alone again i was 12 years old and my parents went out to dinner for their anniversary just in town 10 minutes away i was watching tv hanging out when someone started repeatedly ringing the doorbell and banging on the door they started screaming and yelling duty to you deuteronomy let me in screaming at the top of their lungs they were twisting the doorknob and leaning on the door it was a man's voice i didn't recognize screaming but they knew my name my parents house had windows on either side of the door but the shades were drawn and i was too scared to open them i called my parents and they told me to call the police but after five minutes they stopped my parents immediately came home and asked neighbors called friends asking if they were in trouble and were banging on our door but we never doing out who it was absolutely terrifying i was home alone reading a book on my sofa with all the lights out except the overhead stove nightlight in the kitchen and the living room lamp i was using to read by when i thought i heard the screen back door it squeaked slowly opening i couldn't remember if i'd locked the storm door so i sat up quickly and without making any noise i tiptoed to the kitchen entrance as i peeked around to look at the back door i heard someone whisper directly in my ear my name shocked i spun around and there was no one nothing was there in the back screen door stopped squeaking scared the doohickey out of me and i ran out the front door into the middle of our street which was unusually very quiet and no cars and sat there waiting till my mom got home when she pulled up she looked worried and rolling down her car window asked me what was wrong why was i outside in the middle of the street in my pjs at midnight i explained then we went in together and double checked everything in that house doors windows attic basement unlocked everything possible i never heard my name called that again but i also never stayed home alone at night again there either when i was 14 my mom was dating this she was also beginning to break off her friendship with this other guy let's call him adrian knows about him and he's very acting jealous but my mom assures him that she doesn't talk to him anymore so on that day she gets a call from adrian he's been desperately trying to contact her and they get into a long argument conversation finally he says come down i'm downstairs apparently he drove here and i say don't go down she goes anyway and i'm home alone for several hours by the second to last hour i'm scared and wondering why she's taking so long i call her boyfriend since she left her phone upstairs at the time i thought it was a good idea but looking back i have no idea why i did that i call him and say my mom's taking a while what does he think she's been doing he suddenly starts talking real stressed and angry he says how could my mom go downstairs with him he's in a car i say what's the matter he says isn't it obvious he kidnapped your mom and who knows what he's done to her it's so obvious and you let it happen you let her go downstairs he went on in that vein aggressively and full of conviction i had a complete mental breakdown and i truly believed that i would never see my mom again and that it was somehow my fault 45 minutes later my mom walked through the door i was too weak with crying to even get up to greet her so yes the scariest thing that's ever happened to me home alone is that some son of a managed to convince me that my mom had been kidnapped because of my negligence and lack of wit i thought my world had ended i forgot about this until i read this post it's nothing extreme but it scared me shitless my roommate at the time was out of state at a rave while i stayed home he told me he would be gone for a few days which was fine whatever one morning i wake up to hear the front door open and heavy boots walking around the house and thought oh he's back cool and went back to semi-sleep the boots came to my thankfully locked door and jiggled the knob before walking away and leaving the house i sent him a text saying something like why did you just come in and take off he told me he is still out of state i thought he was fking with me until i looked outside and sure enough his truck was not there we have no idea who it was but figured it might have been the landlord since all the doors were locked before and after whoever came in it was scary to me because where we lived was on the outskirts of a major desert city with maybe five neighbors spread out my cousin owns a farm in rural kentucky she was taking her family on vacation and asked me and my wife to watch the farm so we gladly agreed it's a nice ranch house they have a few dogs some cows chickens horses etc i'm kentucky born and raised always love the outdoors so i'm always more than happy to take care of the farm and get away from the town plus they have a sweet jacuzzi so one night we are out there just me the wife and the dogs watching tv it's getting really late so we agree to head to bed i begin to put the dogs away and she's already off to the bedroom about 15-20 yards outside the house there is a telephone pole with a light on it that is always on at night as i'm putting our dishes in the dishwasher for the night i look out the kitchen window and there is something sculpting around underneath that light at first i think maybe i left one of the dogs out so i go to check the cages and they are all inside when i look at it the second time i realize it's a bit bigger than their biggest dog a boxer lab mix and it's solid black when i say this thing was black i mean it's a silhouette neither the light from the lamp above nor the light from my maglite got any detail or reflection out of it it had a distinct shape with no distinguishable definition inside the outline of its shape i couldn't see any eyes or nose or collar or anything on it it was just a black void in the shape of a dog my heart skipped a dam before certain one of the dogs started barking when the things started scratching around on the pole and it ran off into the night things shook me up probably more than it should have i've seen black bears at night coyotes coy wolves bobcat dogs of all breeds if it lives in that state i've probably seen it but i have never before seen anything like that and i honestly hope i never see it again i was alone at my parents house in rural texas watching their place while they were out of town i was asleep in bed and was awoken by blazing lights coming through my bedroom window and a car honking i went to another part of the house and saw an elderly lady in a jeep cherokee in my yard about five feet from my front porch looking at my window and honking i went to the front door to see what was up and the lady was screaming something at me i thought that something horrible must have happened to my parents and open the door to go outside i knew i had f top when i could finally make out what she was saying she was directly shouting at me about stealing her cattle i was so confused since i didn't have cattle of hers or anyone else including myself then i came around the side of her jeep out of the glare of her headlights and got that stomach sinking feeling because i saw that this old lady had a f king revolver i just started telling her that i would ask my mom about it and see what happened and then shut to door and locked it luckily our house had a big evergreen bush in front of my bedroom and columns and honeysuckle bushes in front of the doorway and the kitchen on that side of the house because i was terrified she was going to floor her gas and try to ram my house i called the police and waited ducked down on the far side of the house she was honking and flashing her brights and screaming and revving her engine the entire time that i waited the police got their 10 minutes and millions objective years later the car had been stolen from the ladies daughter as was the pistol she had alzheimer's or dementia and was eventually talked out of the car without anyone being shot i can still remember the look in her eyes of just a rational delusional hatred for me shouting out nonsense that she fully believed was reality it was f king insane topic says home alone but my sister was home knocked out a sleep bear with me she did not interfere with anything that happened some quick background both of my parents work swing shift 8 p.m 4 a.m and casino so i would be home alone with my sister from that time frame we had been used to it since we were about five six years old and we weren't phased by staying home alone during nights anyways it was the beginning of spring break of my seventh grade year march 25th 2007 yes i won't ever forget the date this happened because it was absurd and completely insane and i had been playing video games and instant messaging with a buddy all night and enjoying that there would be no school the incoming week my sister was dead asleep in her room and i was alone across the house in another room at around 3 5 a.m 4 00 am i let my buddy on chat know that i had better start getting ready for bed since my parents would be home very soon and i would get in trouble if i was seen awake i told him to stand by so i could grab the remote control for the light ceiling fan in my room and i left the den where our computer isn't headed into my room this is where things start happening for whatever reason as i reached for my remote that was mounted on the wall next to my door i froze and was completely quiet just as i was going to grab the remote as i was standing there i began to hear a very faint yet prominent sound of a little girl humming some weird nursery rhyme sounding melody it had not hit me at the time that this was the same humming sound my sister and i had heard about a year earlier in her room because i was in such shock i'll have to explain that story another time but anyways 13 year old me was freaked out but i was still logical enough to find out what it was having been awake all night i aggressively rubbed both of my ears thinking that maybe i was just tired and my ears were playing tricks on me the humming was still there i was in disbelief that i was actually hearing what i was hearing i made sure my sister was not messing with me and went to check on her she was knocked out cold and snoring i was the only one awake and experiencing something inexplicable i looked outside of the window next to where my computer was the second story of our home to see if there was someone outside since we had a good overview of the street but when i did it was empty and immediately clear that the humming was not something normal i started freaking out and i messaged my buddy that i was hearing the voice of a little girl humming a weird and old sounding melody in my room he disregarded the whole thing and said ghosts don't exist i stayed by my computer for a few minutes and didn't want to head into my room right away and all hell broke loose after a few more minutes i had said goodbye to my friend and was about to shut the computer off when out of nowhere i began to hear a cat moaning and growling kind of like they do when they're about to fight another cat inside my house right behind me we don't have a cat neither do any of our neighbors we also do not have any open windows or doors i froze and i had no idea what to do the sounds of that cat moaning and growling were probably the ugliest sounds i have ever heard in my short life at the time and i had no explanation nor was i able to even turn around to look at what was behind me because i don't think i could stand to even find out i was home alone and there was no explanation for any of this weird nonsense i could hear that moaning and growling behind me sounding like it was in the back end of our den area moving from the left side to the right i faced my computer closing my eyes put headphones on but didn't play any sound and started praying and hoping i wouldn't be attacked by something that was in my house and just as quickly as it made itself known it was gone the sound stopped in the house was quiet all of this nonsense had happened in a span of about 10 minutes needless to say i sat in that chair with the lights on waiting for my parents to come home hoping nothing else would happen 20 minutes later my mother arrived and i explained everything to her with fear in my voice her immediate response was c that's what you get for not listening you know you aren't supposed to be up that late so the devil was messing with you go figure mom that little girl humming has been an odd part of my and my sister's life during our more adolescent years a couple more stories about this but that's for another time still no explanation for everything that happened though a little bit ago my sister and i were home alone she was around nine and i think i was 13 14 ish don't remember my mom was at a work event my older sister was at the mall with friends and my dad was playing soccer with his buddies they should have all been back between eight nine ish it was around 10 30 pm when we heard the front door open and close my sister and i both came out of our rooms at the exact same time thinking it was our dad we called out but no response i knew for a fact that it was our front door because to close it you had to push it against the door frame then really shove it to get it closed it was a very specific sound i was 100 positive that i had locked it earlier in the day two after calling out and nobody responding i took my sister into my parents room because theirs was the one with the best lock then i figured i should look at the driveway to see if anyone was home so we had to run across the hall to go to my older sister's room since hers had view of the front of the house there was no car in the driveway i called my family a dozen times but nobody responded i was scared shitless my younger sister eventually fell asleep around 11. so i was the only one awake in the house no response to my calls yet then i heard a couple of cabinets slamming shot in the fridge closing in the kitchen maybe it was my imagination but i don't know there was nothing we could do and i didn't want to call the police because i didn't want my parents getting in trouble my mom finally returned my call an hour later turns out my sister got arrested for underage drinking and she had to deal with it and my dad was getting a drink or something with friends i eventually went downstairs with a cloth siren in my hands with my mom on the phone i checked every room closet there was nobody and the front door was still locked not super scary thinking about it now but for a 13 year old it was terrifying i worked from my home office which is in the basement of a split level we have hardwood floors on the upper level so i can hear when someone is waking up stairs wife and kids were at work school so i was definitely alone at around 11am i began to hear the wood floors creaking like someone was walking through the hallway upstairs i scoot back from my desks and looked up at the ceiling waiting for the noise to stop it kept going and it sounded like someone walked into the kitchen within seconds i heard the loudest crash in my kitchen that i have ever heard it sounded like someone threw every single pan we own onto the tiled kitchen floor i knew someone was in my house so i jumped up and grabbed my trusty putter eye keep by my desk and ran up the steps expecting to find someone in my kitchen ransacking it as soon as i entered the kitchen there was absolutely nothing nothing on the floor nothing out of place nothing i walked the rest of the upstairs and all entry doors were locked all windows were locked nothing i checked the cabinet that the pans were in to see if they fell down and nothing had moved an inch from where they are normally stored nothing was different at all i decided to call my wife to let her know what happened because i was freaking out she put me at ease and talked me though what had happened after the phone call i decided to go ahead and make my lunch since i was already in the kitchen and it was almost lunch time i made two grilled hot ham and cheese sandwiches grabbed a bag of chips and a glass of water and began the balancing act as i walked back down the first series of steps to make the turn through the landing to head down the second series of steps into my basement before i even made it halfway down the first set of steps after leaving the kitchen the same loudest bang i had heard from the kitchen while i was in the basement happened again this time right behind me in the kitchen i had just left it sounded much louder than it did before and absolutely was coming from the kitchen i sat the plate of sandwiches down on the steps and froze still with every single hair on my body going stiff i didn't even turn around i picked up my car keys that were in the foyer right in front of me and i note the fck out of my house for the afternoon i called my wife in a hysterical state and never wanted to walk back into my house ever again or at least until a priest came through i still live here and i still hear noises on the regular we live in the house that my wife was born in in the house where both of her parents lived in right up until each of them passed i want to not believe in ghosts but i am 100 certain that her parents are still in the house acting with me on the regular when i was a wee young christian lad lab attending private school going to church with parents and brothers building a relationship with lord as you would say it i would often try finding photos of beautiful women this was around the time of dial up our internet speeds were fairly slow and i didn't really know playboy's existed so i would try to find a beautiful woman to look at whenever i got a chance on the computer i was around the age of 12 i believe mind you as a 12 year old pubescent boy those searches made their way from beautiful women to naked women to big boobs and playboy eventually this was a rather innocent time of my life i still had no idea that porn existed so while my hormones were looking for a way out of my body the went through a veil of innocence so you're just a young christian boy that wants to see some ass nothing scary about that you might think but dear redditer that is sin as i was taught throughout my life there was a hint of shame after every time i looked but it only really sat in and scared me when i was home alone ever read the left behind series where everyone good supposedly vanishes one night being a young little sinner and having read these books i would always be scared that god took my brothers and parents at night i would always sneak to my parents room and make sure i can hear my dad snoring that way i knew they were still there this bring me to one sunny afternoon i'm home alone dad at work mom took all my brothers no one but me in the computer and the hormone monster getting more and more creative with each search i don't think i was even touching myself at the time just seeing a naked woman would put me in a daze it was where visual euphoria my session got boring and in dial was slow so i had had enough about 10 minutes into loading this five minute playboy funny clip k rapture anxiety and i decide to give my dad a call no answer my mom no answer my bible quizzing coach no answer my cousin no answer with each phone number going to voicemail i am that much more convinced god came for his people while i was sinning k hysteria because out of the 63 people in my phone book not a single person could answer the phone that's it i'm crying thinking to myself i have to read the next left behind book to find out what to do but the crying and hysteria overwhelmed me a 12 year old not a clue how life works thinking god has taken all the good people in the world and i'm left with all the shameful sinners all i could summon were tears of fear i panicked and ran outside hoping to see a human of sort my thoughts and fears ate at my mind for the next 10 minutes as i scrambled running around those 10 minutes was probably the closest to hell i ever came at that age finally i went outside hoping to see a soul of some sort we lived in a rural area so the amount of people around was small a glimmer of hope came as i saw a little girl riding her bike in the distance and all my fears subsided but holy guacamole was it an emotional roller coaster when i was in college mid-seventies i shared a house with two other girls it was only a two-bedroom house so i put up curtains and used the dining room for my bedroom hey we were poor and in college and it worked for us so i got really sick with sore throat fever etc and one of my roommates said i could use her room to sleep since it was warmer in there and she would be in class all day she was a good friend so i'm sleeping the sleep of the dad and i wake up to find a man standing over my bed he looked like a street person without thinking i jumped up out of bed and started yelling at him to get out of my house yelling is not quite accurate because i had mostly lost my voice so what was coming out was a sort of raspy squeaking rather than an actual yell but either that or my coming at him with no fear scared the out of him and he backpedaled out of the bedroom through the living room and out the front door i quickly locked the door and then collapsed in tears when i realized what could have happened if i hadn't been able to scare that guy out of my house i let my roommates know what happened and everyone was extra careful to make sure our door was locked at all times at 21m live in a small town that's a little over an hour away from a very large city one time while i was home alone for three months while i was working my parents little sister were on vacation at this time i was 18. the large city had a serial killer on the loose they were warning people in the metropolitan area to be vigilant lock your doors the usual mr arm dangerous is on the loose i have a hard time sleeping staying asleep so i go on walks around the neighborhood at odd hours of the night i went on a walk with my dog maggie around 245 a.m got back to the house around 330 a.m i come back to the house a black sports car is parked on the side of the road where i would normally park if my parents were home the engine was running i freaked out is in the big shrub in the yard i dialed my neighbor's number who was a cop because i was scared i wasn't sure if i should call 9-1-1 or not because they were just sitting there menacingly she was a little annoyed by an 18-year-old boy who was freaking out at the site of a strange car parked idling outside of their home she told me to call 911 try to sneak into the house i was too scared to leave my hiding spot in the bush i called tried to tell them what was going on but got deferred to the non-emergency number they said there would be a cop out there eventually eventually felt like forever i texted my neighbor who's a cop and she said she'd go out start her patrol vehicle to see if the lights from her vehicle would dissuade the parked car from staying the lights did scare them off she then came down to my house helped me make sure things were safe unfortunately i couldn't sleep that night because i was so shaken up by the events that transpired so this was actually pretty recently we moved into a new house about a year or two ago and it was perfectly fine for the first year or two i'm 16 and live with my mom and dad one night when we were all home not home alone but still this is a good story my parents were asleep and i was still up watching a movie my mom heard a noise on the back deck which is right outside her window and shrugged it off thinking that it was our cat that always makes noises at night on the deck on the back deck we have a gate that is broken to wear when you open it and don't close it softly it slams back into the lock and makes a really loud noise about 30 minutes later i hear that noise from my room which is also pretty close to the back deck at this point i get up and look out my window because i can see the deck from there but there was nothing my dad who is ex-military jumps up with a pistol and sprints out to the deck i hear him get up so naturally i also get up to just check on him you know in case he gets clubbed in the face by someone while he's still half asleep he sees nothing and about after 10 minutes later he comes back in and goes back to bed about five minutes after he gets back in bed our ring doorbell that we have on our front door goes off on all of our phones and at this point all of us get up and go look me and my dad go outside and see a man walking in our side yard towards the road my dad starts screaming at him and i go back inside with my chicken mom and check the back door to make sure there weren't multiple people trying to come in or anything called the police thinking who knows what this man took on our back porch or something and by the time they got there he was already way down the road and they say nothing we can do we didn't see it and left thanks great protection so we go to sleep all paranoid obviously and the next day we go to see what was out there and we figured out that this man had came up on our porch got inside of our grill and took out the little grease trap in the grill he sat on our porch for at least five minutes and then when the gate slammed he was walking out knowing someone would come out because of the noise he made he hid under the deck and that the grease out of the tray while my dad was outside on top of the deck we found grease all under the deck and worst of all there was grease all under window where he had wiped his hands and possibly even looked through the window i have another story if you all want as well but i'm too lazy to type another lull my parents used to go away pretty regularly leaving me alone in the relatively large house i would often have friends over to stay but couldn't have company the whole time they were gone one time when i was about 19 i came home to the empty house and after hanging around for a bit realized that i had forgotten to close the garage door and that the door from the garage to the house was unlocked i was let's say feeling extra paranoid at the time i closed the garage door and decided to do a sweep of the house just to be sure two of the upstairs bedrooms are connected by an ensuite bathroom when i got to that bathroom i found that it was locked from the inside on both ends something that can only be done when someone is inside i called my friend panicked and she was with her boyfriend her boyfriend admitted that when he had been over the day before he was messing with the lock and managed to lock it from the outside and didn't know how unlock it and panicked and left it as is scariest half hour of my life many many years ago i live in a shitty rental house in college there were always some roaches in the kitchen but we mainly kept them at bay with traps and sprays we might see a few small ones scurrying around but we always washed our dishes and took out the trash so they weren't too bad then one evening i was sitting in front of the tv with a pizza box open just dropped off by the delivery guy i was about to grab a slice when plop two giant roaches dropped off of the overhead light and onto the hot pizza we all freaked out and chucked the pizza box and all into the backyard we cancelled the lease early and got the freak out of there my parents went to congratulate their friends for having a baby and i had this school project to do so i stayed home doing it at 1am this dude comes and starts banging on the door and screaming open the f king door i look through the peephole and see a man in his mid 40s probably drunk holding a kitchen knife looking at the peephole with his creepy ass stare me being scared as fck go to call the cops then find another creepy dude in my glass sliding door he hits it with his leg and comes in the house running at me i have learned martial arts but never expected to use it on someone outside the judo i go between his arm when he f king swings the knife and hold it then i twist it to the back and while keeping his arm straight i punch his elbow to the opposite side and then pretty sure that i broke his hand i expected him to drop the knife but to my surprise he is ignoring the pain and still attempting to stab me i tried to disarm him but he isn't feeling i try to run out of the house but when i reach the front door i remember the other dude and i still hear the f king banging after that i run up to my room and call the cops while that other dude from the glass sliding door follows me i get in my room and lock the door and call the cops then i go to my drawer and get my pocket knife he kicks my door a couple of times and then the door f king falls in front of me the frame of my door was so weak and half broken i run to him and stab him on his abdominal like five times and he falls on the ground and five mins the cops come and arrest the creek banging on my front door and they come in and arrest the knockout and take him turns out they both escaped from a mental hospital and they both had killed multiple other kids raped girls and kidnapped people before this is actually my friend's mom's story but i'm amazed that she leads a normal life after this when she was about 14 years old she went to hang out at a friend's house after school this was around 1995 so they only had a couple landlines in the house the parents were gone so it was just her her friend and the friend's older brother they were hanging out in the basement and talking when the brother comes downstairs with a gun he's being erratic and he keeps threatening to kill himself or kill one of them they don't know what to do and they can't get to the phone upstairs to call for help so they keep trying to talk him down and get him under control he ended up shooting himself in the head in front of his sister and my friend's mom my friend never knew what her mom did right after that it makes you kind of thankful that you go into shock so that you're able to function in the moment i couldn't imagine seeing that stepping over the body to walk upstairs and then explaining to the dispatcher what just happened her mom is 37 now and she's doing good i don't know about the friend but i hope she's doing okay 2. when i was around 8 10 i went to sleep in my parents room i was the youngest of four with my brothers sneaking out to hang with their friends and my sister moved out at the time both my parents worked night shifts so i was home alone my parents bedroom was downstairs while everyone else's was upstairs apparently while i was sleeping some people broke in and were ransacking the house i just remember my brothers rushing in and grabbing me to get out the house since apparently the people were still upstairs at the same i noticed a lot of blood on the walls of the hallway leading to my parents bedroom we had an old chow chow mean son of a that i admit bit me a few times when i was growing up turns out he fought the robber's tooth and nailed to keep them away from me as i slept i must have been dead asleep cause i didn't hear a thing he was okay but had burns on his body which led my family to believe someone close to us or my brother's friends tried to rob the place since only few people know the dog was scared of fire no one was ever caught for it and only a few things were actually taken since most valuables were in my parents room and i don't how long my dog fended them off for and when my brothers came rushing in to get me thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 2,792
Rating: 4.7735848 out of 5
Keywords: reddit paranormal story, reddit paranormal stories, reddit story, reddit paranormal, paranormal reddit, reddit stories, true scary stories, scary true stories, true horror stories, scary true stories 2021, 3 scary home alone stories, reddit storytime, True Scary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 539min 32sec (32372 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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