9 Bizarre Cryptids from the British Isles

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from the remains of a legendary c7 to the fearsome Irish crocodile here on nine bizarre cryptids from the British Isles welcome to crypto fun Fridays and hey before we start shoka joke gaming writes to let us know that crypto fun Friday is the favorite type of video and that they love the channel well thanks mate we really do appreciate that and we really enjoy Fridays - for so many many reasons appreciate those crypto comments and kiss number 9 the Blue Men of the Minch these creatures are essentially mermen and are thought to inhabit an area of water between the Scottish mainland and islands of the Outer Hebrides referred to as the mich they have human bodies with large fish tails instead of legs although some accounts describe the blue-skinned critters as appearing completely human but said to have the power to generate storms but during nice weather though often sleep while floating of the water surface and when swimming they make twisting and diving motions not unlike porpoises it said the blue men's teeth will shout lines of poetry at a ship's captain if the captain cannot complete the best the mermen will seize the vessel and possibly drown the silence Kelpie this cryptid is usually referred to as a water spirit and is associated with rivers and logs of scotland and ireland it's often described as a powerful force colored white and sky-blue but some accounts describe them as being black or gray and having smooth skin similar to that of a sealed accounts of the creature vary by region but most tend to agree that kelpies are shapeshifters capable of assuming a human form that form is often used to lure unsuspecting people into the water where they are drowned by the creature appearing as a water horse the Kelty encourages people to ride on its back once the victims are in position the creatures skin becomes that hasten and then the kelpie drags the prey into the water where they devour the body except for the heart of liver did you know that almost every body of water in Scotland has a kelpy associated with it including yes Loch Ness tales of mythical monsters and spirits have been associated with that famous Loch since at least the 6th century each you visit I'll tell you I'm not totally a hundred percent on that pronunciation but that's as close as I can get it well anyway this is another variation on the Kelvin but this creature is said to be far more vicious this water horse is found in the Scottish Highlands and it's said to be the most dangerous water dwelling creature in the British Isles it lives in the sea usually disguising itself as a fine force a huge bird or a handsome man if a human mounts the creature in its horse form its skin becomes adhesive not unlike the kelpies and the victim is carried into the deep water to drown the body is then torn apart and eat but the living is allowed to float to the surface and that's kind of like the kelpies modus operandi as well right this creature also preys on shape of cattle but only the smell of roasted meat is said to lure it to the session [Music] the big gray man he's said to have four times the height of an average man and is located on Scotland's second highest mountain peak not unlike the Yeti or Bigfoot this humanoid creature is Kevon inferred but is regarded as more of a supernatural being it's also been described as an invisible presence in the region that has sometimes distracted mountain climbers reports of primitive gray men living in Scotland along with creatures of a similar description elsewhere in Europe have been documented since the 13th century leading some cryptozoologist to beliefs they might represent a lost species of primate but skeptics say that sightings of the big grey man are the result of hallucinations resulting from isolation or exhaustion [Music] the more tack while this Scottish sea monster was first documented around 1887 it's not as well-known as that more famous cryptid in Loch Ness the more tack it's found about 70 miles away in lochmara the creatures appearance presents a bit of a paradox it has been described as resembling a mermaid but it's also said to appear like a demonic creature whose very presence foreshadows impending doom legend tells us that the Mourdock can appear similar to a shadowy heap after slowly rising from the water it'll drift along not unlike a waterlogged boat more recently though the more tax description has matched that of Nessie accounts refer to it as a serpentine creature with humps the best sighting of this cryptid occurred in 1969 when two men accidentally collided with the critter in the boat the men described it as having three humps of brown coloration and an estimated length of some 30 feet despite expeditions to locate the moor tack no definitive evidence of the creature is yet been discovered the Beast of Bodmin more this phantom Wildcat allegedly prowls around bodman more of Cornwall England and the term has applied to other alleged alien big cats reported in the region evidence of these critters was found when farmers reported livestock that had been mutilated a long-held theory suggested that the strange critters might have been imported to the UK as part of private zoos or private collections now in 2016 a story broke that may have corroborated that hypothesis to a degree anyone the owner of the dart mizue located about 60 miles from Bodmin Moor admitted that a pack of Pumas was released from that facility into the wild during the 1980s the animals somehow managed to survive and multiply over the years and preyed on livestock and fed off rubbish to survive so it's now thought that these animals could have helped inspire stories of the cryptid Beast of Bodmin Moor and other alien big cats so do you think that finally solves the mystery of this cryptid let us know in the comments the Beast of Tunbridge Wells this critter has been likened to a UK version of Bigfoot it's described as an ape-like creature covered in thick brown fur and stands around eight feet tall with demonic red eyes and long arms it was first sighted in the town of Royal Tunbridge Wells in Kent around 1942 and in 1991 a sighting was reported by territorial soldiers who claimed to have encountered the Beast witnesses said it had warlike tusks and exuded a foul odor the encounter was said to have lasted several minutes during which the creature roared at the soldiers and drove it away by throwing rocks at it and then in 2012 the Beast made some news when a resident of Tunbridge Wells claimed to have seen a creature matching the beasts description the encounter took place in the woods near the town's common but many people thought it was a prank what do you think the more Tagawa in Cornish the name means sea giant and it refers to a huge creature said to resemble a plesiosaur that inhabits the waters near Falmouth Bay in Cornwall England the serpent-like creature was first sighted in 1906 although some sources played the initial sighting at 1876 it's been described as being more than 20 feet long with greyish green skin small flippers and an enormous mouth while not as well known as Nessie though more gawa is thought to be sighted around every five years or so in fact we found a report of the creature in 2017 the remains of a purported sea monster washed ashore a beach in Cornwall in February the man who discovered it said the credit was around eight feet long and was beginning to rot so far there's been no positive identification of what this creature may have been and the remains would seem too small to belong to the legendary critter but many are convinced this is indeed the caucus of the Mogao what do you think and before heading to this week's number one cryptid we have a few honorable mentions to pass along now of course we could hardly have this sort of list without including the Loch Ness monster famous cryptid from the British Isles and arguably the most famous cryptid in the world but Nessie gets a lot of and we've given her a lot of attention here on crypto fun Friday as well enough so that we're going to give her a break this time out but we still had to acknowledge it and of course leprechauns are a staple of Irish folklore and although they do not necessarily fit the description of a cryptids we're going to give them a shout out here for the sake of Saint Patrick's Day now if you have a catch one they'll usually grant three wishes in exchange for frame them which sounds magically delicious the irish crocodile that this cryptid is also known as dobar - that's the pronunciation that popped up most often anyway and depending on the account it was either the size of the fearsome reptile or the size of a big dog now we found quite a few descriptions for this credit some say it resembled an otter with a long neck and smooth black skin with a long tail other descriptions claim it had the hindquarters of a greyhound with large paws at fair some details did remain constant though reports of the creatures living deep within Irish lakes and rivers date back to around the 17th century it's said to rapidly cover great distances on land or in the water and is known to have a taste for human flesh they attack by grasping onto the prey and dragging them underwater to eat now the artist Sean Corcoran claimed to have seen one of these creatures in 2003 on Umi Island and County Galway he described it as a large dark creature that could swim fast and had feet similar to flippers that were colored orange he said it leapt onto a boulder and let loose with a haunting screech before disappearing you
Channel: Epic Wildlife
Views: 100,437
Rating: 4.8068614 out of 5
Keywords: bizarre, cryptids, from, the, british, isles, britain, england, cryptid, creature, strange, mysterious, unexplained, evidence, caught on tape, weird, strangest, weirdest, mystery, leprechaun, irish, ireland, famous, cool, amazing, awesome, you have to see, you won't believe, english cryptids, british cryptids, explained, true, fake, real, legendary, legend, mythical, beast, mythical beasts, epic, wildlife, nature, crypto fun friday, insane, shocking, must see, british bigfoot, kelpie, grey men, morag, beast of bodmin
Id: dv1uEl1ULIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2017
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