10 Asian Cryptids Explained

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ten Asian cryptids explained and major thanks to USMC 4503 who gave us the idea for this video if you have an idea for a video let us know in the comments number 10 the Alma's they're said to be a hominid species inhabiting the Caucasus and Altai mountains of southern Mongolia and Pamir mountains of Central Asia usually described as bipedal and humanoid they supposedly measure up to six and a half feet tall and have reddish brown fur covering their bodies their facial features display a pronounced brow Ridge a weak chin and a flat nose cryptozoologists think the Alamos might have resembled Neanderthals in fact some theories speculate they are a lost population of Neanderthals I almost figure in local legends and there have been sightings that date back to the 15th century but there's still no hard proof of their existence the yerin this is a legendary creature said to live in remote forested regions of Western who Bay in western China witnesses say the creature stand close to eight feet tall although specimens as tall as ten feet have been reported they usually covered in reddish colored hair although some of the creatures have white hair speculation includes that they could be a new species of orangutan one native to mainland Asia and is a ground-dwelling biped they're often compared to Bigfoot due to their quiet nature and tendency to avoid people they also sound a bit similar to the Armas we mentioned in this list [Music] Izzie like every country seems to have its version of Bigfoot the Loch Ness monster seems to have its counterparts around the world as well Izzy is a Japanese lake monster that supposedly lives in Lake Ikeda on Kyushu Island she was reportedly photographed in 1978 and twenty other people allegedly spotted the monster that same year it was described as black in color and having two humps each measuring around 16 feet long video footage of the creature moving in the lake was reportedly shot in 99 but we couldn't find that video but a video of Lake Ikeda that supposedly shows izzy was uploaded to youtube in 2007 now in that video we could not see much except for the lake but maybe your eyes are better did you know Lake Ikeda is home to some of the largest eels in the world think that could be an explanation or is that just too easy [Music] dragons usually possessing reptilian or 17 traits dragons pop up in the myths of many cultures worldwide the creature is known throughout China and has variations in Japan Korea and other Southeast Asian countries the Chinese dragon is usually depicted as snake-like regis with four legs and covered with scales in contrast to European dragons the Chinese variety rarely has wings but they can fly and breathe fire when cryptozoologists consider accounts of these creatures they look at the land-based variety of Dragon which are often thought to be either giant lizards or living dinosaurs counts of flying dragons are divided into two categories those with wings and those without those without wings are usually ignored but winged Asian dragons are generally investigated as giant bats or pterosaurs the prehistoric flying reptiles other sources say dragons started off as totems and evolved into mythical animals do you think there could be a connection between dragons and pterosaurs or some other creature [Music] Tsuchinoko descripted from japan is a snake-like creature that is described as between 30 to 80 centimetres long it's central girth is said to be much wider than its head or tail and has fangs and venom not unlike a Viper if that sounds scary how about this some accounts claim the Beast can jump nearly a metre in distance according to legends these creatures can speak although they do tend to lie a lot maybe that has something to do with the fondness for alcohol Tsuchinoko are also said to occasionally swallow its own tail and then roll along like a hoot which is similar to the hoop snake a cryptid that shows up in the US Canada and Australia did you know the name Tsuchinoko is used only in western Japan in the northeastern part of the country it's known as bocce he be the Bechet these cryptids are sometimes referred to as forest people and are said to inhabit the vu Quang nature reserve in addition to wilderness areas of Vietnam Laos and northern Borneo tracks of these creatures was said to have been observed in 1970 because the vu Quang has yielded many newly discovered mammals this speculation these forest people might be a lost population of Neanderthals the creatures are described as being 6 feet tall and covered with hair ranging in color from grey to black except for the face hands and knees they are bipedal and are often cited foraging for food during the Vietnam War US soldiers reported seeing a 5 foot tall creature with reddish fur during the Vietnam War and North Vietnamese troops conducted an expedition to locate the creatures but returned unsuccessful [Music] man and angle this is definitely one of the scarier creatures on our list from the Philippines it's a vampire like blood sucking and man-eating monster or witch it's usually depicted as a hideous female with the ability to sever its upper torso and sprout huge bat-like wings it uses to fly into the night in search of victims that must be a neat trick basically splitting yourself into two but what about the bottom half of the torso it's simply left standing and is vulnerable to having salt crushed garlic or ashes sprinkled onto it those substances are fatal to the creature and prevents the upper torso from reattaching itself in which case the monster would die by Sunrise hello everyone this is your guide to all things supernatural Krypto clean we're doing a little collab action with epic wildlife here's our top three for Asian cryptids explained hob again are said to resemble a gorilla it's described as a black creature standing around five feet tall more detailed descriptions claim that it has deep glaring eyes is covered with brown to black worsley hair and emits a rotting stench sightings of a hip again have been reported since the 1970s often in the forested mountainous area of mount Heba in the her Oshima prefecture what could it be as mentioned some think it might be a gorilla other theories suggest the creature could be some sort of wild man or even a mutant created when the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima got any ideas about this cryptid you know what to do number two siberian monster mummy workers in a Siberian diamond mine discovered a different kind of treasure in the icy ground the mummified remains of an alien looking creature were found in the sediment of mine located in you dashi the so-called money has baffled the miners and locals who think it might be a new species of dinosaur but experts noting the animals pause long spine and mix of canine and molar teeth think it is more likely a mammal that somehow became preserved in the sands the temperatures that can plunge to minus 46 degrees Fahrenheit the cold dry climate likely helped preserve some of the creatures body do you think this weird mummified thing could really be something from another world let us know in the comments number 1 the Yeti also known as the abominable snowman they're said to live in the himalayas of tibet nepal and bhutan they're said to weigh up to 400 pounds and stand anywhere from 6 to 10 feet tall depending on the source well often depicted with white hair Yeti are usually reported to be covered with long reddish-brown to black hair except on their face and chest they were sometimes worshipped as glacier beings or gods of the hunt and were depicted as a plight creatures that carried large stone weapons countless sightings of the Yeti have been reported since the 19th century none of which have been confirmed the Tibetan Blue Bear could approximate a yetis description and they can walk upright or on all fours did you know that earlier in 2016 Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed he and his entourage saw a Yeti family while visiting a remote mountainous area of Siberia an adult male female and child Yeti were observed before they vanished into the trees the creatures were allegedly covered in thick grey fur and could take far bigger steps than a human do you think that's just propaganda from the Russian President or could it be proof that the Yeti really is out there check out my video 10 shocking mythical discoveries and don't forget to Like and subscribe
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Views: 144,514
Rating: 4.8215222 out of 5
Keywords: Asian, cryptids, explained, crypto, mystery, mysterious, explain, caught on tape, asia, monsters, cryptozoology, fun, crypto fun friday, mythical, history, proof, weird, crypto queen, collaboration, comment, awesome, amazing, interesting, shady, cryptic, epic, wildlife, nature, critters, creatures, almas, yeren, issie, dragons, tsuchinoko, siberia, russia, unknown, new species, discovered, discovery, unearthed, incredible, yeti, snowman, india, mongolia, china, batutut, manananggal, hibagon, most amazing, asia's weirdest creatures
Id: ej4vLZ82BrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2016
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