9 Best Highest Paying Jobs You Can Learn (Without a Degree)

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i bet you wish you were as lucky as this guy hey sir congratulations on winning the jackpot lottery here's your check for one billion dollars oh finally man thank you so much i just want to say that i wish i saw this youtube video with this asian guy with glasses that talks about the nine highest paying jobs without a college degree because if i saw that and i wouldn't be riddled with student debt right now um but it's fine i have a i have a degree and i'm working a minimum wage job still everything's fine and this this check this check is going to help out a lot by the way with my student debt hey friends vincent here and my goal is to make personal finance accessible through bad jokes and puns and the reality of the matter is that the cost of college is too damn high people are drowning in hundreds of thousand dollars in debt even before they start the first day of work so if you don't want that to happen to you but you still want to make a ton of money then good news you don't need college to make a boatload of money did you know that the national median salary is a little under 40 000 so i went ahead and i hand carry the top nine highest paying jobs that pays double what the national median salary is and there's even a couple of jobs that pay well over 100 000 and all these jobs do not require all together now without any degree without any degrees really guys that was that was really sad and horrible they don't require a degree there that's that's what i get for trying to have a little bit of pizzazz now although i went to college a lot of my friends didn't and they're still doing great in life and yes some of them even have the jobs that i'm going to be talking about and some of them even make more than me if you're on the fence of going to college or if your immigrant parents like mine are pressuring you to go to college by saying you won't make enough money without a degree definitely check out this video first to see what your options are and although these jobs don't require degrees some of them may still require some certification or training but still all this in the grand scheme of things is a lot cheaper and a lot quicker than going to college electrical repairs have a median annual salary of eighty two thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars and on the high end one hundred and ten thousand one hundred and ten dollars before i tell you what they do did you ever wonder what those little sticks in the ground are called well this is called a tree but this is called a power line and these guys carry electricity all to your home and if one of them snaps well then this happens okay guys seriously can we turn the lights back on i just watched paranormal activity electronic repairers are responsible for testing maintaining and repairing power equipment around the city because modern infrastructure is entirely dependent on electricity so you'll be going around and inspecting electrical equipment to make sure everything is gucci and if something breaks down then who you gonna call ghostbusters no no no guys come on get with the program who are you gonna call electronic repairers there we go this job is a good fit for people who can read and digest work information because you could be working on different equipment every day you also want to be able to solve problems very quickly on the spot and have some really steady hands and if you don't then well you should probably check out the next job to be making that sweet 82k salary you'll need a high school diploma and potentially complete an apprenticeship or other employer training program which could last up to three years power plant operators have a medium annual salary of 84 650 with a high of 129 530 dollars and if you ever watch homer simpsons then you pretty much have a day in the life of a power plant operator minus the nuclear part you'll be working in a control room just like homer to monitor and control different systems that produces electricity basically you'll be managing the source of the power before it gets to the city for the electrical repairs that we've just talked about previously this job is really good for people who are good at communicating and solving problems because if there is an issue then you'll need to work through it with your team since the entire city or the entire state is dependent on you for power you should also be comfortable working in high pressure and really stressful environments which now that i think about it is the complete opposite of homework maybe that's why he wasn't very good at his job you'll typically need a high school diploma or equivalent for this job or even be certified hold on even be certified through the north american electric reliability corporations system operator certification program or nyers ska cup nice scop next up is elevator installer and repairs and fun fact one of the scenarios that i play over and over in my head that gives me a ton of anxiety is going into a crowded elevator with a bunch of people where you're shoulder to shoulder and you really have to use the bathroom and then all of a sudden the elevator stops working that gives me so much anxiety just thinking about it so elevator people please do a good job here please the elevator folks would be maintaining installing and fixing elevators and escalators and you'll be working with different components from brakes control systems and even repair cables and for this you get a wonderful median annual salary of eighty eight thousand five hundred and forty dollars with a high of a hundred and twenty eight thousand 500 this job is a good fit for people who have a good grasp of wiring and machinery are persistent have a high attention to detail and are really good at problem solving to be an elevated person employers typically require at least a high school diploma and potentially an apprenticeship program and all the job training and depending on your state you might also need a license to operate computer programmers have a median salary of eighty nine thousand one hundred ninety dollars and on the higher end one hundred forty six thousand and fifty dollars now true story in between jobs for a few months actually taught myself some computer programming languages like python html and css thinking that it'd be nice to be a computer programmer and have all that flexibility but fast forward a few weeks i finally landed my first interview and you'll never guess what had happened i was prepping for a few days you know i was trying to get confident and i was feeling good but on the day of the interview i was super nervous mom spaghetti and i had a complete brain fart a brain freeze and literally forgot everything and i had to leave the interview super embarrassed and i was apologizing profusely now you didn't ask for the story but i wanted to share the lesson that i learned which is to never give up because and you won't believe this again a few weeks passed i got another interview different company and i did so well at this programming interview that i got the job and i was promoted to the chief technical officer on my second day i'm just kidding i never applied to another programming role after that again i was scared for life and i closed that chapter sometimes there's just no lessons to be learned computer programmers create write and test programming code that allows applications to be run in in order to be a computer programmer you'll need to learn some languages and no english doesn't count it has to be a computer programming language like c python or java to be a good programmer you have to be really good at problem solving being able to understand technologies and systems and logic and having a basic understanding of math like add subtract divide multiply despite what you might think you actually don't need any degrees you can learn everything you need to know online for free or you can go to a paid coding bootcamp which are much cheaper in short in college and i actually had several friends that went through boot camp and they actually really really enjoyed it and they said the best part is at the end of the bootcamp they actually bring in companies that are looking to hire computer programmers so a ton of them actually graduate with a job already in hand next is distribution manager and they're in charge of coordinating planning and directing the transportation of all goods for a company like if your company sells sofas then you're responsible for getting the sofa from china to retail stores in the united states efficiently and cost effectively so you're basically nick fury where you coordinate plan and direct avengers to kill evil things and protect earth but just a little bit less cool in real life now i always thought that this was automated but it's actually pretty manual and hey i can't complain it pays really well with the median salary of ninety seven thousand three hundred and forty dollars and a high end of a hundred and sixty nine thousand five hundred and ninety dollars you'll be a good fit for this job if you have really good problem solving skills have high attention to detail you handle your stress well and you're able to cooperate with a bunch of different people you don't need a degree for this 97k job but you should have a high school diploma have multiple years of working or managing a warehouse and have a really good understanding of shipping technology today next up is database manager with a whopping median salary of 98 860 dollars and on the high end 155 660 database managers organizes and stores data which is immensely important nowadays when everything done is based on data you need to make sure that the company data is available to those who need access and not accessible to those who don't need it and at the same time you need to be able to strategize disaster recovery plans upgrade databases and constantly test new software because this industry is a growing at unprecedented rates this job is really good for people who have a really good visual understanding of things they can see hidden patterns they have some basic math skills and are just super dependable people similar to computer programming although you don't need a degree employers do want to see at least a high school diploma and at least some classes or courses in database development however the most important thing that they want to see is you having experience in database languages such as sql or sql construction managers will be planning supervising and coordinating entire construction projects from the flow of workers materials budget to scheduling and construction workers is a really perfect blend if you have a general interest in building a design and this blended job has a absolute crazy median salary of a hundred and two thousand nine hundred eighty dollars with a high of one hundred fifty nine thousand four hundred and seventy this job is a perfect fit for people who have great communication leadership organization and problem solving skills because you're pretty much going to be using that every single day but the absolute most important thing for a construction manager is to have extensive extensive on-the-job experience or be heavily specialized in the trade you can also make yourself more attractive by getting a certification in construction management next up is a computer security analyst reporting for duty security analyst your mission is to briefly protect your company's networks from outside intruders think of yourself as gatekeepers where you'll be monitoring and responding to data breaches and cyber security attacks thank you sir and for being a protector of the internet your median salary is a whopping 130 590 and on the high end 163 300 although some companies prefer a degree many don't require one and they just want some prior experience and some certification and the last highest paying job without a degree is an air traffic controller with a median salary of one hundred and thirty thousand four hundred twenty dollars and on the high end 184 thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars air traffic controllers direct air traffic from the ground and the air and make sure that people take off and land safely and efficiently to minimize any delays this job is the absolutely ultimate domino effect because think about it if anything is delayed in one airport let's say jfk if flight is delayed then that will disrupt air travel throughout the entire country and even parts of the world this job is a perfect fit for people who have really good communication and organization skills they can pay attention to details and they're able to very quickly think on your feet now you don't absolutely need a degree but it is preferred to have an associate's degree from an air traffic training initiative but you can also be considered if you have three years of progressively responsible work experience you'll also need to pass the air traffic controller specialist skills assessment battery as well as take the air traffic controller training course at the faa academy as you can see a college degree isn't necessary to make a high salary in fact these are only some of the highest paying jobs out there which you can get out of high school and with some additional training and maybe certification there are a ton more high-paying jobs out there and depending on where you live you may or may not have some of these opportunities like i know some of these jobs like the air traffic controller you might need to relocate to a city that actually offers this role one thing i want you to take away from this video is that there are a ton of options out there there is no right or wrong path and i don't want you to feel like going to college is the only right path out there maybe some of these jobs speak to you and maybe they don't and that's okay if you're still searching there is absolutely nothing wrong with that just make sure you're constantly exposing yourself to as many things as possible so that one day you can be expired to choose the right path for you and just the fact that you're even watching this video is a fantastic start you don't need to follow the traditional path from high school to college to make it nowadays you have a ton of options available now and if you're immigrant parents or just parents in general are pressuring you to go to college maybe you can show them the list these lists of jobs where you can earn a ton more than people coming straight out of college and you won't be riddled with debt and remember just because these jobs don't require a degree it doesn't mean that they're easy to get they will require a lot of time a lot of preparation and even maybe money to get started because you need to get certification and go through training getting these jobs is not easy but nothing in life that's worthwhile is normally easy but one thing is for sure if you do successfully get one of these jobs then your return on investment will be huge already especially with the median salary that's already double the national median salary now for me if i didn't have this youtube channel or if i didn't go to college if i had to completely start over from zero i would have chose the computer at the same time with all this flexibility i would be working on my own little projects that hopefully would become bigger and
Channel: Vincent Chan
Views: 246,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top highest paying jobs without a degree, best high paying jobs without a degree, top high paying jobs without a degree, best highest paying jobs without a degree, jobs that dont require a college degree, highest paying jobs without a degree, high paying jobs without a degree, high paying jobs that dont require college, high paying jobs no college required, highest paying jobs without college, highest paying jobs, best jobs, high paying jobs, best paying jobs with no experience
Id: bynWmFkVIkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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