10 Highest Paying Jobs You Can Learn (Without College)

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you look 40 how old are you really I look 40 thanks man I'm actually 55 pretty handsome for a 55 year old though now I wish I knew about this when I was in college because this is about the top 10 jobs that pay a ton of money that even your immigrant parents would be proud to brag about where my Asians at you know what I'm talking about but these jobs of course pants on and require no college degrees because let's face it college degrees aren't exactly what they used to be but these jobs will still require some on-the-job training some certification may be licenses but doing this is still way quicker cheaper and easier to do than going through years and years of college now my early 20's were some of the most stressful times in my life because I come from immigrant parents and that means I have to succeed and take the safe route right in order to do that you have to go to college and then you have to get a degree which I totally failed because I only went for one year I was on a scholarship everything was paid for but I wasn't able to keep my grades up lost my scholarship dropped out of college and as an immigrant you guys know as an only child as well that's you're a failure you are done just toss the baby out with the bathwater get rid of it but despite all of that I was still able to save and invest my way to have a net worth of around $300,000 this is my Robin Hood portfolio it's about two hundred thousand dollars but considering my circumstances I'm pretty happy with that if I could do it you guys can do it too so the following jobs are the top ten that pays seventy five thousand dollars a year or more with no college degrees which as you guys know 75 thousand a year is about the threshold with which earning more money is not gonna make you any happier according to research you know how I know because when I get up in the morning I ask myself do you want to be depressed today or do you want to live happy and I choose to live happy understand if you're going to be happy you have to be happy purpose happiness is not going to fall on you we're not going to wake up every morning and think oh wow I want to be happy today you know some mornings we're gonna wake up and think nobody better get in my way I don't feel like going to work I don't feel like cleaning the house I don't feel like driving in this traffic some mornings we wake up grouchy and if we get an agreement with those thoughts and we start dwelling on how we feel what we don't have and all of our problems we may not realize it but we're choosing to have a lousy day that's paving the way for defeat discouragement mediocrity I'm sorry all of my videos have pretty dumb intros but I want to ask you what's the one thing that we all have a relatively equal amount of time right I want you to use your time to invest it into yourself because the money will follow far more than any stock recommendation I could ever give you and I wanted to make this video to show you that while you're in your 20s you should grind it out use those exp points that you earned to boost your education and skill tree points it's never too late to pivot direction to change your career to increase your earnings potential and if you're young you're watching this maybe you're in college right now then I want to ask you to please consider not going into $100,000 worth of debt getting a liberal arts degree please don't do it just [Music] Media and communication equipment workers with a median annual wage of seventy nine thousand five hundred eighty dollars that is roughly thirty nine dollars per hour for those of you wondering with a projected job growth rate of 8 percent per year through 2026 now true story in 2015 I was the lead cardistry consultant for the now you see me films what's a car district consultant you ask you didn't ask I just wanted to show off but I taught the cast how to do that I'm about to tie everything together but also I just want to show off fun fact remember that card when they throw in the white lab and it's like the super computer chip responsible for hacking the world yeah this is this is the card that was used in the movie this is the hero card that they toss around with the microchip so anyway I got to talk to a lot of these guys on set and these people exist all over the world in the film industries and I didn't know this but there are people that are just whose sole job it is to focus the lens of the camera there are other people whose sole job it is to just mount the lenses on and off the camera or to just operate the lights and outside of Hollywood or the film industry these guys are still in demand and they maintain audio and video equipment systems in homes and businesses and they are still in demand everywhere this job is a really interesting career choice and it takes you all over the world potentially number nine power plant operators seventy nine thousand six hundred ten dollar median income with no degree for being a power plant operator what's a power plant a power plant is something that generates electricity and these guys maintain and distribute the electricity amongst all the generators and they also control the flow and the voltage of electricity to meet consumer demand depending on the time of day so I thought CIL that this was an automatic process but it's actually very much a manual and you can bet some of these guys work for the companies whose stock I own a little bit of such as Northwestern Corporation Southern Company Centrepointe energy and a few others in the Robin Hood app no college degree necessary but you do need some experience and on-the-job training and number eights elevator peeps these are people who elevate your spirits when you're feeling lonely they cheer you up and you're feeling down and sad who knew that this was a job right just kidding these are people who install and repair elevators and they earn a median income of 79 thousand seven hundred eighty dollars but you will need a four-year apprenticeship program which is usually sponsored by either a contractor a union or an industry association and you will need a high school diploma and some on-site training which you will get when you get the job you will also need a license to operate in 35 States and fun fact Otis one of the most popular elevator companies is actually owned by one of the companies who I have stocks with which is UTX or United Technologies number seven imagine somebody comes up to you at a party and asks what you do for a living and you respond I'm a powerhouse substrain and electrical and electronic repair alright then so these guys earn an annual median wage of eighty thousand two hundred dollars and they specialize in inspecting maintaining and repairing electrical equipment of the power stations to become one though is not particularly easy because you do need a high school diploma and a lot of employers do want to see some courses in electronics whether that's from a community college or from a tech school and you will usually start out as an electrician to get some experience first but CNBC actually did a profile about two weeks ago about exactly this guy and he's earning two hundred twenty thousand dollars per year just imagine earning almost twenty grand a month without a college degree if I was a college student that could be pretty upset about that obviously it depends on the area and the demand but still crazy and number six detective or criminal investigators do you guys remember that show CSI basically what this is I still binge watch that show if I find it online somewhere you guys remember the guy that narrated it his voice they never found body but they found clues leading to them solving the investigation that was creepy but I always thought that you needed a college degree for this but all you need is a high school diploma though some agencies do require you to have some Cholet college as my russian college coursework prep just to get started but you could probably get it while on the job as well median salary of eighty one thousand nine hundred twenty dollars amazing these guys are awesome and number five commercial pilot come on this has to be a dream job for every kid at one point or another right it was for me in fact if I had my citizenship when I was in high school and applying to US Air Force Academy's my life today would be so different but they didn't allow any Rooskies to enter no Russians I'm the pepper to the salt you actually can get your pilot's license which is not that hard to get you just have to have a little bit of money to go through flight school which you can do at an FAA approved flight instructor school and then get your pilot's license to become a pilot with a median salary of eighty two thousand two hundred forty dollars incredible man I would love a job at Boeing or like Lockheed Martin that'd be crazy and number four power distributors and dispatchers these guys are kind of similar to the power plant operators except instead of operating the machinery these guys control the flow of electricity by maintaining the Transformers the converters and the circuit breakers and you only need a high school diploma as well as a certification from the North American Electric Reliability corporations System Operator certification program or nurse cups worth it though because their median income is eighty six thousand four hundred ten dollars a year and number three first line supervisors of the police these include your captain's your patrol sergeants and true-story one of my best friends he is a police officer here in the Vegas area earning more than six figures a year with no college degree whatsoever he's absolutely loving it amazing benefits amazing pension plan and the median income is eighty nine thousand thirty dollars yes a little dangerous but I think worth it definitely top three number two nuclear power plant operators true story I've got a friend from high school who's doing this the median income is ninety four thousand three hundred fifty dollars but my friend is earning a lot more than that these guys control the control rods that generates the electricity they monitor the turbines and the cooling systems to go along with it to prevent Chernobyl from happening again definitely go watch that series if you have it really really good all you need is a high school diploma and lots of on-the-job training where you will eventually prepare for a licensed exam and the number one job on this list that tops out all the other jobs in terms of income is transportation storage and distribution managers probably the least glamorous job on this entire list these guys manage shipping goods in a way that makes the most sense these guys plan and coordinate how to manage inventory and I always thought this was an automated process but apparently supply chains are an extremely complex manual process and I imagine Amazon employs quite a lot of these people if you guys have a high school diploma and five years of work-related experience you can land this job and earn yourself ninety four thousand seven hundred thirty dollars and that is forty seven dollars roughly per hour crazy now some of these jobs will inevitably be easier to access depending on your location some of these jobs you can appeal to you more so than others but above all the one thing I don't want you to do is submit a thousand applications into a thousand different places thinking that someday if you submit enough applications you're just gonna land a better career that is not how it works you must know somebody like that maybe you're like that where you just keep submitting jobs and keep wondering how do my friends land these like $30 an hour jobs they must know somebody that's not how it works the only excuse you really have is if you're like me and maybe you live in a town like Las Vegas we're actually getting a good job may depend on who you know but it doesn't have to be that way and of course these jobs are gonna require some preparations they're going to take a little bit of your money and a little bit of your time from six months to a year or two years but take that time learn that skill get that certification or that license and start earning a ton of money so pick one of these from the list and stick with it if you're looking at this list and you're like Andre I don't want to do any of this stuff that only this doesn't appeal to me I don't wanna be any of these things just remember your career and your job does not define who you the way that you make money will always change it's always fluid as life goes on I have held so many jobs that I thought I was gonna keep for the rest of my life but then life happened and some of the smartest people I know their jobs have constantly changed and there's some of the smartest and most successful people I have ever met and some people will even tell you don't ever prioritize money as the sole driving force which i 100% disagree with if you are fortunate enough to have a job that's earning you 75 K or 100 K or more cut down on all your costs try to get a 65% savings rate suck it up for five to ten years use the excess that you're earning from those jobs invest it at at least four percent return rate whether that's with dividend stocks like I'm doing or with real estate or whatever you're comfortable with and in exactly ten years your passive income is gonna be the same as your expenses at which point you can quit that job and then spend the rest of your life figuring out what you want to do that is the crossover point that I talked about in my videos and that's what I want for everybody if it was me and I could go back and get one of these jobs I would pick none of them actually I would go into the tech sector and learn how to code within a few months to six months to a year going at your own pace just by learning a coding language and getting certified you can get hired by some tech company to do some backend coding and get paid like $80,000 a year starting salary or higher it's unreal just how accessible tech has become lately and I did so much research before starting my youtube channel about what I wanted to do because if this YouTube thing fails this is still on the table for me I actually have a friend who works in the tech sector who's the tech lead for snapchat and he said Andre give me two weeks and I will make you lethal I don't know what that means but it makes me feel cool I do love cybersecurity though just because you have to think creatively and outside the box maybe even outside of the coding realm and even how to extract information from people but it's a fascinating thing and I think Tech is really where the money is at right now you can travel anywhere work from anywhere as long as you have a laptop you now have a skill that empowers you to be a amazing asset to so many companies that's what I would consider if I could go back and do it again no college degree required guys love each and every single one of you enjoy the rest of your week I will see you all on Friday [Music] you know so baby if you're walking down dog [Music] I'll begin drunk like never before until I can't face [Music] I just want if you are I'll be laser I don't bleep day I've been feeling like I don't recognize myself myself cuz I've been working late nights hoping I can buy some
Channel: Andrei Jikh
Views: 1,544,122
Rating: 4.8605666 out of 5
Keywords: high paying jobs, best jobs, highest paying jobs, high paying, jobs without college, top 10, top paying jobs, how to make money fast, career tips, money management, career advice, andrei jikh, best investment, jobs, investing, how to invest money, investing for beginners, robinhood, dividend investing, passive income
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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