8,9 Billion Broiler Chickens In America Are Produced This Way - Chicken Farming

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hello my friends today we are going to a large-scale chicken farm in Indiana to see how thousands of chickens here are raised and in the next part of the video we will visit an organic chicken farm in Ohio according to statistics released in 2021 there are about 825 commercial chicken farms in Indiana these Farms currently provide about 6 250 jobs and generate about 2.4 billion dollars in Revenue thousands of chicks after hatching will be moved here for health checks and vaccinations eligible chicks will be beat using infrared technology big trimming is a must on large-scale farms which helps prevent chickens from pecking each other or damaging eggs and of course ineligible chickens will be discarded and transferred to another production process [Music] after the inspection process is complete thousands of chickens will be brought to this Farm to start a new life with a large area equipped with modern equipment this chicken farm can raise about 13 000 chickens at the same time this is a broiler farm so these chickens will be kept in cages for life until they are eligible to move on to the chicken processing Factory currently in the United States there are about 25 000 Broiler farms and about 9 billion chickens are slotted each year the feed for the chickens at this Farm is mainly corn soybeans and mixed feed in 2021 up to 1.2 bushels of corn and 500 million bushels of soybeans were used to feed poultry Farms across the country these are one month old chickens and their daily job is just to eat sleep and walk around in these cages thousands of chickens raced on this Farm will never see the Sun for their entire lives at this Farm the chickens are considered mature when they are three months old at which point the average weight of each bird is seven pounds [Music] this is a conveyor system that helps transport chicken manure to the outside of the farm each day this chicken farm produces about 1200 pounds of chicken manure [Music] after about three months of being raised in captivity thousands of chickens at this Farm are eligible to be transferred to the chicken processing Factory currently in the United States about 23.7 million chickens are slaughtered every day and the state that produces the most chicken meat is Iowa meanwhile the number of chickens slaughtered each day in Indiana is about 2.3 million thousands of chickens will be transported by conveyor system to the outside the truck will then take them to the chicken processing plant this is what goes on inside a chicken processing plant where 175 chickens are slaughtered each minute currently there are about 5 300 chicken processing plants in the United States at this Factory thousands of chickens will be dipped in boiling water before moving on to feather cleaning this device will clean chicken feathers in just 30 seconds next the chicken legs will be cut off and after that their internal organs will also be cleaned [Music] the chickens will then be placed in a brine tank to clean for three minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the process of filtering chickens these workers will separate the thighs wings and breasts [Music] thank you [Music] foreign next we'll visit an organic chicken farm in Ohio the number of chickens with eggs on this Farm is always maintained at 500 chickens every morning hundreds of chickens we release into the pasture so that they are free to dig and eat small insects according to statistics of the United States Department of Agriculture the number of organic broilers in the country is 19 million and the number of organic laying hints is about 15 million most organic chicken farms are concentrated in States like California Virginia and Pennsylvania [Music] the nests for laying hands on this Farm are designed very simply every day this Farm harvests about 485 eggs and the eggs are always sold out immediately after harvesting [Music] thank you in the evening these chickens will be fed for about two hours before going to bed their main feed is corn and soybeans in the form of tablets [Music] at the end of this video we will see how building a chicken farm works [Music] thank you [Music] thank you thank you foreign hello my friends Australia is one of the country's most famous for large-scale grazing on this continent we can see herds of cattle or sheep which number in the several hundreds roaming the vast grazing lands process of grazing large herds the rotation of hundreds of cattle from one location to another is an important factor to regenerate and maintain the growth of pastures [Music] to maintain stability in large herds and always keep them together in addition to the skill of shepherds or Farmers we cannot fail to mention the contribution of herding dogs foreign [Music] ly the most popular dog breeds used by Australian ranches for farm work include Border Collies Kelpies and Australian cattle dogs in particular the Australian cattle dog or blue healer is the most famous working dog breed in Australia it is often bred to support work at most cattle farms in the country two other working breeds Kelpies and Border Collies are often bred to assist with work on sheep farms [Music] a report in 2021 says there are more than 273 thousand herding dogs in Australia and they are considered an icon in the continent's agriculture [Music] this is an Australian Cattle Dog and Its six-day-old puppies at this stage most poppies are white and their coat color will change as they grow older on average each Blue Heeler dog usually gives birth to about six puppies per year and the puppies will breastfeed for four to five weeks before moving on to be fit with other Foods [Music] at about five to six weeks of age the colors of Australian cattle dogs will change and the blue dogs are usually the most popular this is also the reason why the name blue healer is more commonly known than red healer when talking about this intelligent working dog breed [Music] according to report from the national kennel Council of Australia here in this country around six and a half to seven thousand Blue Heeler puppies unduly registered in fact the number of Blue Heeler puppies born each year in Australia maybe nearly 47 percent more than reported foreign to work on farms a job that requires a lot of physical activity the Australian cattle dog is a very energetic breed from an early age blue heeler dogs need stimulation to keep their spirits up which makes them able to continuously play run and exercise every day without adequate mental exercise and stimulation this working breed will become bored and their behaviors can be more difficult to control an Australian Cattle Dog usually only sleeps about seven to eight hours a day instead of the usual 10 to 13 hours of other breeds in order for these dogs to be able to work effectively on livestock Farms the diets used for them also needs to contain higher levels of fat and protein than those intended for other breeds in recent years Queensland and New South Wales have always been the states with the largest number of working dogs raised in Australia these are also two states with large Pharma communities and a high demand for this breed to be a good herder blue heeler dogs are usually trained when they reach 8 to 10 weeks old at this stage these working dogs will be taken to livestock areas where they will get used to the job by imitating the actions of adult dogs in addition trainers will train these dogs in a variety of other skills such as concentration communication skills loyalty and obedience skilled Australian cattle dogs often participate in agility Trails or field trials organized by working dog associations or clubs to be selected to work on cattle Farms an adult Australian cattle dog needs to master such skills as serious work ethic high endurance good communication skills and the ability to dodge the kicks of livestock [Music] in addition to hundreds of thousands of blue heeler dogs the Border Collie is also a working dog that is preferred by many cattle ranchers in Australia to use in the breeding process foreign [Music] s of Border Collies are commonly kept on cattle farms in Victoria and this working breed is often trained to work on smaller livestock Farms unlike the blue healer breed Border Collie dogs often have less insurance and are not suitable for traveling long distances however the intelligence level of Border Collie dogs is more appreciated than that of Australian cattle dogs Border Collies are often trained to move herds of livestock over short distances from one location to another in addition they can also be raised on poultry Farms to manage the daily activities of the flock it is estimated that there are currently nearly 57 000 Border Collie dogs living in Australia and more than half of these dogs are raised in Victoria they are not only raised in farms but this breed is also raised by Dog Sports enthusiasts or families who keep dogs as companions this is a sheep farm near the town of deniliquin in South Central New South Wales here a working breed called Kelpie was raised to help farmers hurt sheep it is estimated that there are about 45 000 Kelpie dogs being raised in Australia and about 60 percent of them are raised to work on sheep farms [Music] thank you which working dog breed impressed you the most if you are a working dog owner please let us know how you feel about your dog in the comments section of this video [Music]
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 1,261,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, agriculture, chicken farm, chicken farming, chicken, harvesting, agricultural, chicken raise, farm, farm life, america farm, farmer, cultivation, poultry farming, agriculture technology, modern agricultural technology, #tony98discovery
Id: k7gvYlDrFdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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