Selling bird eggs and wild chicken eggs. Robert | Green forest life

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Bring this part back to mom What are you doing Picking vegetables I picked up a lot of eggs in the mountains to bring to the market I brought some back to mom for food Oh so many eggs Yes here is a basket This part to go to the market Mom cut vegetables to cook Yes There are a lot of chickens I'm going to the market soon It'll be late Mao Mao stay home Mao Mao don't go 30,000 a dozen Buy eggs Let's buy some eggs 30,000 a dozen Almost gone, right? Yes , I'm out of stock. I'll go first. Stay behind. 5 pieces are 25,000. One more place is enough. 30,000.
Channel: Green forest life
Views: 1,115,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Dn1BEnVTexw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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