What SADLY Happened to the MUNSTERS Mansion???

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[Music] well good morning everyone holy Christmas it's here it's here I just got out of the shower opened up my door and it looks like a major award for GLA must be Italian I mean there's no question I've needed extra lighting in this apartment many times now we're gonna have it I figured I had a couple of Amazon gift cards from Christmas and I've been to the house I think it was appropriate for me to get the leg lamp now what do you think oh yeah it's starting to come together there we go actually has a few settings you can turn off the leg turn off the bulb up by the lampshade you can leave just the leg on just that bulb on top gives you a few options I love it well good morning gang it's your old pal tor in the line how are you doing today grippy you know I'm doing great I just got a Christmas story leg lamp delivered to me straight from the gift shop you can actually get those on Amazon and they send them right from the gift shop right across the street where the house is so save me having to haul it back from Ohio so I'm excited to have it now what I want to do today is I want to have a fun day I want to go to I think what I'm gonna do anyway is go to Universal Studios and I want to take the tram tour again because I did it a few months ago and when I posted the video my friend out of the blue said wow man you got really lucky they took you down some places that they don't normally do and I go oh really it's not like a set Tory said no they change it up quite a bit so it's been a few months I want to go see how they change it up and what our tour is like today so days with Jordan the Lion backlot tour of Universal Studios begins now it was kind of funny last night when Breck was getting up to leave I looked at John I said do you want to go stay with Breck you want to go to bricks house and he started gritting his teeth and tail was going crazy and I said okay okay you can go so he didn't he didn't seem bummed out until I walked him out to breakfast car and then once they got to the car and I said goodbye he turned his head away from me so I think he thought we're going to Breck's house or you're going to Breck's house man we're all going I do love seeing this it makes me feel like I'm in Mexico again yeah I never have regretted getting the pass to here I I do love coming here I haven't gotten sick of it yet if anything I should come more often a little red carpet action they do still have some of the holiday decorations up all right per tradition wish us luck Hitchcock yes just a little bit of hints a Christmas left in Los Angeles I love it so one of the main reasons I want to do this today is because last time I took the tour they kept saying Wisteria Lane hey we're coming up on Wisteria Lane I didn't know what that was I didn't follow that show so I didn't realize until we got up to it that that was the Munsters house it was actually the Desperate Housewives neighborhood and so I didn't get it on camera I'm hoping to get it today we've definitely seen this one before but worth taking a look at from the mummy I love old cars 1931 Duesenberg model J and I kind of want to get something to eat in the French neighborhood here I don't think I've ever put that on camera I'm really shocked I really you know I noticed all over Los Angeles they've taken every bit of Christmas down and I can't believe they've kept it up here I love it yeah I can still feel like I'm in the holiday spirit even frosty hasn't melted away [Music] I do notice that the entire entrance into where we went to Whoville for the Christmas Spectacular to see the Grinch that's all covered up so they're tearing that all down that's the one thing that is happening by the way I was going to mention if anybody needs some extra money I think I might have come up the solution find an ogre get a reward or an evil fairy simple see what donkeys up to is really that girl look like you're going through the Kentucky Derby that is really nice perfect comment at the perfect moment the park is relatively empty so that probably means that the tour weight won't be an hour or 45 minutes or anything like that cut through Springfield to get there Springfield Elementary how cool is this place God you have to endure the Simpsons music though that is the one downside notice the bathroom signs you got Marge here and Homer here just go Sue's is closed until disco comes back sorry well that's all right we're at the studio tour anyway ten minute wait let's do it so if you didn't take this tour with me last time it is hosted by Jimmy Fallon the trick for us is to get one of the inside or outside seeds of the the tram and usually they have Doc Brown creeping around out here so wonder where he's at today we've kind of got the same positioning we got last time which is the studio out there is private property so something falls off please do not jump off my tractor retrieve it pull the cord myself or Diego we'll go back there to get it for you but please and I jump off my craft but they create a whole city dedicated it'll be begging and that city that he wanted to create is still thriving today you look like your right hand side that's fire station 51 you are gonna look at it and think that it's a fake firehouse or a TV show or movie it's not that's a real fire station there's a real fireman real fire at Rockville City so we have everything of the hit city competition The Voice this is where they built the voice when they're on the air so we're gonna be making a right-hand turn bear with us and bear with Diego there's a lot of trucks where the old phantom of the opera stage used to mean age 12 it is they said that Frankenstein filmed inside stage 12 you guys are currently entering right now from on up Universal Studios Hollywood we have definitely officially as I go by to the theme park and now you're on the real working studio guys it is a film day today so keep your eyes peeled you never know who or what you're gonna see out there people you see walking around golf carts going by if you see you know dark-colored SUVs and the doors open up always look you never know who or what you're gonna see out here it is a real working studio like the interviews and stuff they always shoot those up here and they also have this first one stage 20 stage 20 is usually used as a pill to help build the sets the problem it's like to have to take over to the sound stage though stages here that's where they're going to show superstore of America forever of the development mark McKinney if you watch that show it looks like they rented out a Walmart or a target they did they actually built the entire store and put it right inside there take a look at your screens here it isn't a string right here stage 21 looks a little bit different you guys might notice that stays 21 has corrugated metal the outside and then the other sound stages they're going to see are all concrete the reason why is that's the oldest cell stage on our property it's the oldest and it's also the second to largest okay and if you ever wonder where the stars go with these trailers these trailers are we gonna lift an aside that's when the stars go to get their hair their makeup done the rest of the livescribe a lot a big weight with the red hair to plump it up and go to set they go outside and they start going okay so this next area we're gonna be taking you to is called our TV alley we have lots of TV shows that have built on this property and you guys this a very busy area of our frog lot all that construction I don't know if you guys know this or not we're getting ready to build super mario world so get ready for that that's what they're doing we also have the boys film and they're here we have a super store construction bottle TV shows because like I said they do have a long history of TV shows on our property but from the right-hand side I'm gonna hop off the microphone because the red light is on they were filming to show the girls that you guys are fans of new girls the Christina Hendricks read of a women they filming in their night your first celebrity stars sighting is coming up at the left look it's Ted what's up Ted Ted is standing outside of these babes bundle those that have you look like your left hand side those bass buffaloes those used to be dressing rooms where stars like rock cuts at Doris Day Lucille Ball they're still standing today but now they're being used as production officers for writers producers directors some of the top production companies in all of Hollywood are right out here and if you look at the parking spots and look at the names you might see something do you recognize I'm gonna point a couple these things out to you right now the first one Elizabeth Banks from the pitch-perfect films and Hunger Games here's our parking spot out here bring up a lot to go in sign would our office give her think you guys might also notice on the left hand side Jennifer Lopez's parking spot right there see that so that is the Jennifer Lopez so when she's here on property he'll pull and park the car he speaks at different efforts out world of dance also look to your left hand side down this corner you'll see a sign that says MP productions that's large black productions that's a guy that Ronnie wicked on Broadway he's currently working on wicked abuse both the movie it is a pre-production and the most popular bungalows the last one vocal Oh 5195 has a very player profile out in the outside that's mr. Alfred Hitchcock that was his bungalow back in the 60s now if used by the wonderful market a leftist Anarchy with the DiLaurentis company to Brandon's house stages over here on the left-hand side Leo stage 22 at stage 23 these two South States the first production of film and there was hairspray live the musical Jennifer Lopez's show world of dance films in there America's Got Talent ensnare me once in a while and it's currently being used for will and drinks so what various folks there and from Hawaii audience every other Wednesday right now they are a little bit of a hiatus they got good stuff over season as you guys know so they're coming back when it's time but right now they're on a little bit of a break things they might look real they're not these buildings are literally made out of plastic wood last year styrofoam foam rubber fiberglass chicken wire that's all it is nothing is real out here okay we're gonna get you guys we're gonna loop around this on wall here we're gonna beat you guys hit a little bit closer and you can see them but not one real brick over there on the left-hand side that a big wall full of brick not one real brick it's all plastic now the man responsible for this entire area that you're about to see it's none other than Steven Spielberg because in 2008 we had a fire out here fires are very common on that class as they happen all the time but this fire for us happened 2008 and when the fire happened the next day he said I'm gonna rebuild this for you guys and he did it took up two and a half years to do so we now have one of the most detailed one of the most elaborate metropolitan sets of movies to go back on history so thanks to him these buildings used to only meets when it meets home and now you give that guy a job in there 50 60 70 feet off that wall is a hand-painted 3-dimensional bureau club employ that's a French word meaning pull the eye so when you're filming on the opposite side it looks absolutely real so look at that all three dimensional looks real on camera but take a look at your right hand side look at these buildings all things to see miss Gilbert and if you go up to these buildings and you tap on them they're all hollow they're all faked all plastic these four columns here in front of the church if you go up to the church you touch those columns literally plastic cut they're Hollow not much going on inside you can see some of the paint is peeling off and during productions during filming they would paint over it and kind of touched it up before they start filming but also you guys I want you to look down this road right here you're gonna see down this road a row of houses with steps coming down that's brownstone Street that's Kevin McHale says uncle's have us at home alone too lost in New York number he gets up top he throws the bricks out his Joe Pesci off the head it's also where this guy lived at Bruce Almighty take a look at the end of the movie we're Shia LaBeouf's character Sam was running down the street at Megatron is chasing him the buildings are blowing up this is it and those Hydra agents are chasing him this is where we dropped out if they could blow these up they can light them on fire they can make it snow and they can make it rain they have full control over the environment they don't have to worry about dealing with real residents so we teamed up with an amazing director for the name of Peter Jackson and he bought us this big building right here King Kong 360 3d here he is to say hello before we go in I wanted to become a film as I like those that just take you away from your real life mm planning your onboard ship is sailing to a lost island you on camera mobster so I was futile on all right you guys we're surrounded left it right hand side he's to go away Oh guys watch out the right hand side right hand side here he comes [Applause] happy birthday Back to the Future Part 2 remember Barty goes to the Future 2015 he sees all these Carberry there they are the lights are holes for photos 2008 we even helped it we are come Nightrider to see 20 roubles car they said this is actually a VW with the for a shell from magnum purchased himself a sports car Tiff's car is if you guys are pleased at the fast and furious bottoms these act of the future two stars from those movies that's one of my favorites is the gyrosphere you guys saw the Jurassic world of gyrosphere you're gonna see it here but you're not gonna see the glass around it you know why you're not gonna see any glass on it because there never was it looks kind of like the like the same cars we saw last time right here so all the glass in those scenes it was all CGI it was all digital it was they master the various look at this tank at the end this take that's not a real tank that's a brand like world the military uses but they put a fake tank shell on top and that's all plywood paint it to look like metal now I'm gonna ruin Hollywood before you guys get ready gone and if you're a fan of America's Got Talent what's this yeah alright so in this next area but guys it wasn't equipment costa rico is actually one of our parking structures here at Universal something of you guys probably parked in it today and over on the right hand side there's dinosaurs in these cages these dinosaurs are the same dinosaur that you saw and I promise you guys there were dinosaurs in these cages the last target I'm not kidding okay there they are sorry guys my bed my bed okay so guys agree with either that the Jurassic Park comes every time the two got me it was raining think about it you know when they do that it helps set the mood it helps intensifies I've seen every single time the helpless victim comes running out of the house there's a guy with a chainsaw weather both days out of the year yeah it's a little chilly right we're going to Mexico through but once in a while I get some rain only to fill it be raining or snowing with a sun is shining you can create the weather so look your left hand side it's one of my favorite parts of the tour I hit this button here and this button those two points that I just hit are gonna create thunder and lightning the thunder is a soundtrack and we hide this because on top if you look over there you're gonna see the lightning that light guys is just a strobe light now my favorite part is this watch I'm gonna hit these three buttons one two three there we go comes our rain three it turns the water on it's used to water up with the air fold right back down naturally just like so that's so cool right so go ahead and get a picture get a little video and guys watch what happens when I hit the puck man that sorry bills would want to come brush it down to Hill my bet they're using a screen a big fat wire Westworld anybody watch Westworld if you're a fan of Westworld season 1 episode 5 there's a scene where they go searching for the town of pariah we had short cowboys back in the days who'd put the little guys in front of the smaller doorways and what do you think happened on camera they're bigger and brawny and they actually are real life the funny thing is to this day we still use illusions like that with some of your favorite action star superheroes and Hollywood honks ladies yep if any of you ever bet one of your favorite stars a person you might have been like old you're not as tall as I thought you faint Rome Germany is also the birthplace of those monsters but if you're a fan of the good place on NBC welcome to the good place I can't risk going to the bath what is the bad place like well here also driving to the fictional country of Genovia for Princess Diaries to oil engagement Stark Anne Hathaway oh my adults on board you might remember a movie called city slickers of Billy Crystal the opening of that movie he's in Pamplona Spain with the Running of the Bulls this is the weather Running of the Bulls seats in place but I wasn't kidding about the the history here this is a piece of Hollywood history these sets have been here since 1923 then it will be much back to nature dog the late 20s and 30s all those classic mobsters like Frankenstein monkey the Wolfman Dracula on track they got their start over here on the right-hand side [Music] where you going on their filming that was Joey Fatone [Music] Genevieve your city it's really expensive here it's a lot cheaper it's one pencil vu we rent top this building you do whatever you want Nicki Minaj was in here doing a music video two years ago [Music] guys feel that we're having an earthquake [Music] back there hey hey hey stop drop and roll that's a good job everybody to Tahoe head to the chopper Oh first car watch off right inside my gosh guys this is the thing when they get the gun ass attacked by dinosaurs King Kong flash-flood comes to the beaches Podesta they have the great white shark up there we'll listen what you guys don't know about me it's all from Hawaii I think I gotta I caught the shark he was 27 feet we'll look at that thing it's like a 10-footer right big whoop so my buddy George he helped me catch the shark this morning he's still in the water he wants to make sure there's nothing going on so he's gonna do one final sweep of the harbor and guys if you look out there you're gonna see him pop up in just a second George is that oh my gosh wait a minute whoa whoa whoa hang on that fin is way bigger than that fin I don't think I caught the white shark there's George George dude get out of the water right now get back in the boat reading tax the right shark George towards get out of the water man seriously wait what I can't hear you what say it again Oh yikes okay well have a good night see you tomorrow bye you guys the shark could be anywhere he could be on the left-hand side there's trees over there guys that she's up there alright everybody look on the right look at that yellow barrel in the water say yellow barrel why he put shark lead on it he's gonna take it right now there he goes oh my gosh wait a minute is that gasoline the gasoline is going all over the place oh okay the whole gears off butter that's not good cuz we're on the pier guys yikes that police boat back there he's gonna chomp down on it look out it's a shark look out it's a shark whoa one more time look that's cool we didn't get to see this last time oh man Bruce the mechanical shark yeah that wasn't supposed to happen the shark was actually written into a lot more scenes but this is what happened it's actually one of my favorite stories they never tested the sharks and want her they tested the mechanics and the movements of the shark on dry land they got a giant hose and they squirt the top of the shark to make sure the paint didn't rub off they did it several times and it all worked but then they they like okay that starts working let's go to the east coast let's try to go for this thing so they took the cast accrue the Sharks and everyone to the East Coast and put those sharks on gimbals they place those Gimbels into the Atlantic Ocean on the very first day of filming and they all broke all three of those sharks stopped working so they had to stop the movie great the Sharks back to California open them up and redo the inside and except that tire would be back a hundred and fifty nine days miss Gilbert was 27 years old making a movie and meet pop his career was done so the best little whorehouse in Texas but dolly partner Burt Reynolds that was also LMFAO's Party rocket house Rob Zombie's House of 1000 corpses as well because you're gonna go oh my god this is Wisteria Lane home to Desperate Housewives that's right welcome to history lank eyes look hand-side evil on different color they changed it once they left next door is 1313 Mockingbird Lane home to the Munsters right there mixed order those airs the Munsters house click my Teri Hatcher nightmare the Hardy Boys up one time if you look across the street leave it's a beaver house right over here then of course we have Marcia Cross his character Bree van de Kamp's house and then a left hand side this house here with a red door that's what ass Bo's house played by Emmy award-winning actress Felicity Huffman but do me a favor and take a close look at that house it's really interesting that you can go inside that house and if you make a right-hand turn there's a clip it's a full-size house but we only build the Front's of the sides there's literally nothing behind that you go inside it's just a giant clip all right as we make this roundabout I'm gonna play you a clip look at this clip that I want you to pay attention in the background to all the flour is all especially this shot wrecking green raise somebody flower isn't beautiful but if you look around right now there's not one flower anywhere the reason why every single flower I'll not show was a hundred percent plastic and silk it were home fake they learned real quick that the flowers being real it was to be ready to replace so in this case is something felony murder so they always team up and help each other us know this road was also featured I said this was Matlock's out here like the birds number the burbs oh here's the birds allow the workers in every she lived in Casper now Lee's dilemma music video featuring Kelly Rowland and there it is again invest for housewives so that's part the main movie a shoe decorating class who doe does it so well every year and the hell isn't that you're looking at on your screen or coming up on the right hand side one time in a large portion of our back lot but you guys the residents of Whoville they had to be careful because their next-door neighbor wasn't just the Grinch and his cute little dog backs now here Universal their next-door neighbor around the corner here was a site go oh the incredible Bates Motel and cycle house are still standing on our lawn to this very day this is a piece of Hollywood history they're still standing since 1960 there's one of the cars look at the top of the hill you can see the house up there hey guys raise your hands if you've seen psycho how many of you have seen cycle the originals one of my favorite movies do you know that after centers because his film featured a flushing toilet do you guys know that they just write down the top part okay don't look at him because it's a bit of a cycle I didn't know he was home guys I'm really sorry honey whoa okay we don't want no trouble hey fourth car you're on your own oh my gosh fourth car hey alright so from what classic sense of this colossal set welcome to the incredible airplane crash seat for more of the world's top cruise Dakota Fanning adjust a chat with what you're looking at out there is an actual 747 airplane steven spielberg purchased this airplane from an airplane junkyard of the Mojave Desert for about fifty thousand dollars in one piece he spent in total eight months purchasing destroying transporting and filming but if you go back and you watch that movie you see it on screen for literally four minutes and 23 seconds all of this for four minutes take a look at your screens guys and here is a little bit of what it looked like something you don't see look on the right-hand side right past these trees if you look over there you can see that works during filming we can put a picture of clouds on that wall you can fill the entire basin with water numbers Sully there's the great outdoors house evacuate and the house of code looking at is real the airplane the water the people that's all real will look closely in the background see the trees the buildings in the clouds that New York skyline right there that's all fake those are all CGI those those clouds are CGI to help fake those buildings are fake the only thing real is what you're looking at in front the airplane people in the water it was also featured in Dunkirk portions of the English Channel we're done out there Hunger Games Catching Fire what you're looking at are a lot we're four hundred acres we go all the way from back there all the way through here all through the front lot that's all city walk over there that's the theme park so we're the biggest the busiest the most historic studio in the entire world well I'm happy we got to go see the Munsters house Leave It to Beaver house the whole neighborhood that I wanted to see so this tour was about half of what we saw the last time and Taff knew look who's coming up Oh doctor I told you before we took the tories usually over here I am definitely missing French food and French culture so I guess this will have to do we'll see what they have down this little walkway [Applause] they did get a lot of the signs right like that sign up there that's exactly how they are in Paris [Music] [Applause] [Music] like a lot of these aren't open oh there's Lucy Lucy's in Paris oh my god [Music] I'm glad that Ricky was finally willing to bring you here oh mama word oh boy so it sounds like she might be stepping out on Ricky I guess that's a little payback for you know history there's the Moulin Rouge it's kind of cool if you can't go to the real Moulin Rouge this is a then it looks pretty similar you get the feel anyway alright let's go back to that French bistro it looks like it's one of the only places that's open for food oh this is from the movie Public Enemy from 2009 Paris police car [Music] [Applause] how cool I've never been in here never even knew this was back here how cool is this [Music] let's see what they got inside here that is really the way Paris is a lot of Bistro sandwiches but I don't know if I'm in the mood for that today well my friends I think I'm gonna call it a day here that was an amazing tour and tonight I am gonna take off I am gonna hop on a plane and fly somewhere so come back and see me tomorrow to see where we end up have a great night everyone we'll see you all that from somewhere else have a great night [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 831,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel vlogger, urbex, golden age, hollywood, travel advice, abandoned, old hollywood, history, tourism, cinema, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, jacob the carpetbagger, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, daily vlog, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, scandals, film, comedy, los angeles, wolters world, anthony bourdain, tourist, Universal studios, Studio tour, The munsters, Leave it to beaver, Psycho, The burbs, Matlock, Jaws, travel vlogger, travel vlog
Id: SgqVK_4o32s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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