87: FIVE signs your Bread Dough is Fully Kneaded, Before and After - Bake with Jack

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hey home bakers is Jack here bacon with Jack dog coder UK bringing you your weekly Brett making tip every single Thursday and this week his five signs you can look for to let you know that your bread dough is fully needed let's go hello to you and welcome back it's Thursday that means it's pretty plain if you're brand spanking new here my name is Jack and I'm here on a mission to help you make amazing bread at home if you fancy that if you like this video how to think about clicking that subscribe button let's get into it shall we so we can all be very confusing when you're deciding whether your bread dough is fully needed or not and this I wanted to share with you today is advice that I share with people in my bread making courses the steps we go through to determine whether or not our bread dough is ready there are five things that we can look for in our dome to reassure you those done so then you can get into the resting stage and feel confident this already and everything else will be smooth cut to the table so for the purpose of this video we're going with a straight up white yeasted doughnut in my bow I've got 500 grams of flour 8 grams of salt goes in in here and this jug I've got some yeast actually 8 sorry 12 grams of yeast out of this box already dissolved in some water 320 grams that if you're interested is a hydration rate of 64% let's get it into the bowl and then we mix okay all mixed up and up and dry left in the bowl let's get it out and then so let's clean up as well okay so now I always recommend people to have a look at your dough now cuz then you appreciate what happens when it changes seriously have a look at it now it's so a little bit lumpy and bumpy there's a wet bit there and there's a dry bit that's really quite firm it always looks a bit dodgy a little bit ropey but the most important thing is this when you pull it break it hold like this it will just break itself off it's really delicate and it's really fragile it doesn't take much effort to break it into pieces and if you have a good look at your dough now you really appreciate what happens when it changes or what the changes in what we are looking for what miss never put flour down at this point if you're sick of me saying never put flour down never put flour down at this point we need straight on the table and take your watch off I'm gonna need this in the traditional sense with is with the heel of my hand pushing across the table and bringing it back on top for around about eight to ten minutes okay so it's been 8 to 10 minutes now and if you ever look at the top of it you'll see that it's not quiet smooth a lot of recipes say knead until smooth and supple on elastic but it never really gets smooth straight away what's really important thing to do now after all the stress that those been under it's just me assist less sit sorry and lay rest up nicely for like 60 seconds and then we go to town and check up as ready or not okay it's been a minute that I was rested and relaxed up and the first thing we can look for this stage is it comes off the table nicely if you see it comes off the table really nicely you no longer sticks everywhere like it did before even if I really push it down it comes off the table nicely now this second thing now that the dough has had that little minute to rest up I can give it a little bit of dust the top I'm really then backups my down and give it a few more folds a few more ghosts and it will become that nice smooth bolt they were all expecting to see see that much better than before it's definitely got a smoothness to it and that's point number two now point number three is the fact that it's got some structure now some elasticity and some bounce and if you have a look at it now right if I did what I did earlier which is let it dangle it doesn't break off into pieces anymore it's got some real resistance if I pull it this way it's got some real resistance it goes so far and it says no no more won't go any more if I pull it really art obviously it's gonna tear it's got some real resistance and if I put it here in a book and give it a good squeeze it wants to come back it wants to come back into that ball it's got some real elasticity and life to it now now for point number four I'm gonna shape into a nice ball just by folding the in on itself we've done this before and turn it back over into that nice ball this is what I like to call the wedge test they'll give it a little dust so it doesn't get what stick it to me and I cut a nice wedge a bit like this you cut a real nice wedge of it it stays as a lovely wedge and it's moving right wants to stay is that where'd you get a real nice clean cut here on the side it stays as a wedge as you've cut it it's really really got some nice structure to it now to hold that wedge and the fifth part is the windowpane test if you want to see this in more detail did a whole video about the windowpane test is when you take a piece and you stretch it out under its own weight making it nice and thin and you get a really nice really thin sort of layer of strength when you get down to that thing bit it becomes really really strong and you can hold up to the light which I won't do now but there's another video about it here you can see it's really really thin and holds that strength still now your dome may or may not look exactly like mine and as a slight disclaimer that coming down to a few things one is the recipe the amount of moisture in the recipe the type of flour your using and - it's down to your technique the sort of technique you are using when you need in your dough may not look exactly like mine did at the end of your 8 to 10 minutes but don't worry let it rest up that minute and look for the five signs one it's not sticking like crazy to everything anymore it's not sticking to your table it's sticking to your hands it comes away a bit more cleanly than it did before it's the second one is about the smoothness on the outside after you've let it have that little minute and you fold into a ball it's a nice smell smooth round ball like you're expecting to see just like what you see on the TVs who is about strength and structures about that bounce give it a good bounce in your hand give a squeeze up and let it come back to where wants to go that's a really good sign of developing really good structure as is number four which is that which cut in a wager of a nice tight ball and it stays in which you cut it it stays as a wedge and it returns to where it was and so does the other piece is a nice clean cut there's evidence of nicely worked though and the final one number five is the windowpane test I will link up a video on here that you can find if you want more information about how to do them in their paint tests but basically stretch a nice piece of dough good sized pieces don't nice and thin hold it up to the window you can see something light through it before it breaks a really good thing to do though I always recommend in my classes is do all these things try all these things before you've kneaded the dough try the windowpane test try cutting out that wedge try that bouncy bit at the beginning before you started kneading and then you really appreciate the difference after eight to ten minutes of hard work and what exactly you are looking for thank you very much as always for being here every single week to witness one of my bread making tips if you've liked this video please click that thumbs up if you haven't subscribed already and you fancier please click that subscribe button if you've got any thoughts about today's video put em in the comments underneath as always if you've got a question to ask just ask thank you very much I look forward to seeing you next week for another bread making tip bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bake with Jack
Views: 509,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kneading, how to knead, when is my bread dough, ready, worked, under, over, kneaded
Id: rHgtvDMrffc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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