$85 Teppanyaki Set Meal for 2 in Phuket Thailand

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Located at a hotel in Phuket Thailand Is a Teppanyaki restaurant We be ordering the set meal for 2 person Along with drinks A plum flavor alcohol with soda Mmm, this was tangy and refreshing Next would be our appetizers There was Gyoza (dumplings) And Jellyfish salad They were pretty tasty and not too heavy on the stomach Next was Miso soup It came with the usual seaweed Chef Pulp will cooking for us today He got a few tricks up his sleeves! First on the grill is some vegetables They are mushrooms, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini and red capsicum Next we have the Phuket Lobster Salmon steak And Scallops Chef will be making our garlic fried rice next This smells so good! Wow it is dressed up with gold leaf! Another luxurious looking dish Wow this is really beautiful! We can now feast! The fried rice was packed with garlic flavor! The scallops were fresh and sweet The gold foil though pretty didn’t add to the flavor The Salmon was really moist and delicious! The lemon butter went very well with it A close up of the edible gold leaf Can say the Lobster was the best looking dish! You can dip it with salt and garlic chips at the side It was firm, crunchy and succulent! Very nice! And lastly the vegetables were well cooked and buttery Ah our dessert turned out to be this chocolate plate It is Nama chocolate, the kind you can get at Royce So wet, dusty and chocolately! Very unique!
Channel: DancingBacons
Views: 559,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, japanese, thai, thailand, phuket, teppanyaki, gin teppanyaki, cooking, fried rice, lobster, scallop, salmon, egg, fire show, asmr, dancingbacons, dancing bacon, relaxing, satisfying
Id: 9jiHsxrm2gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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