8 Secrets To Being Well Dressed - How To Look Like A Gentleman | Kirby Allison

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Hi I'm Kirby Allison and we love helping the well-dressed take care of their wardrobes. In today's video I'm going to share with you the secrets to being the best dressed gentleman in the room. It's really not that hard or that expensive to be really well-dressed. There are in fact basic hallmarks of a well-dressed gentleman that anyone can follow if you like this video give us a thumbs up and subscribe to our YouTube channel. And remember if you have any questions or comments during this video please ask them in the comments section below. Number one good hygiene. Looking really good and being a gentleman always starts with pride in yourself. And that always begins with one's personal hygiene. Clean clipped fingernails don't have to be manicured but do always have to be clean scrubbed your fingernails if you have dirt or grease underneath them or a shoe polish. There's nothing wrong with the working man but you cannot go out with grease under your fingernails. You absolutely can't do it. If you shave make sure you're freshly shaven and if you have any type of facial hair make sure it's well trimmed. This also extends of course to your nose and your ears. Of course always shower before getting dressed so that you start your day out fresh and do not soil your clean clothes. Your teeth must be brushed which will also freshen your breath. If you find that you perspire heavily or have a strong natural body odor then use deodorant. I prefer the natural salt based deodorant which actually drouth the sweat glands. But you can also use a deodorant with a matching fragrance of your favorite cologne. Once your personal cleanliness is taken care of you can focus on your personal ensemble for the day. Number two clean unstained well mended clothes. Your clothes don't have to be new or expensive but they just can't be ripped stained or threadbare. You also don't have to wear a new freshly ladder's shirt every day. But it does have to be clean and pressed but if it stinks or has any visible stains wear fresh one. Number three well pressed. Now that your clothes are clean they also need to be well pressed. This means a pair of trousers that have a crisp trouser crease and a shirt that is freshly pressed. Having your wardrobe properly pressed just makes you look crisp and together. It's important to avoid that rumpled wrinkled you slept in your clothes. Look. It doesn't make you look organized trustworthy or powerful. Just a simple iron and ironing board and a spray bottle is really all you need to keep your clothes pressed and looking crisp. You don't have to send everything off to the dry cleaning to the dry cleaners and spend a fortune would dry cleaning. It's just a matter of taking the time to pressure clothes to make sure they look good. Number four properly fitting your dress shirt jacket and trousers need to fit properly. And always better a little loose than a little tight. It always looks bad if your clothes are too tight or too small but if your clothes are just a little large they can have their own look just like with Anderson and Sheppard their jackets are always cut to be slightly roomy. But they're never too tight. A collar that is too small is equally bad as a collar that is too large. You don't want to look like a child in your father's shirt. Nor do you want to be unable to button your shirt collar. The truth is that your dress shirt should not be uncomfortable when they are buttoned and you're wearing a tie. You should be able to place one or two fingers into your shirt collar and have it not be uncomfortable. Generally speaking it's also very important to have collar stays to control your collar and to keep this look clean. Now there are exceptions to that but they're very deliberate. Like with a button down shirt collar or if you're wearing a cooper collar shirt with no tie and the same goes for trousers trousers should extend all the way to the ankle without being too baggy. I prefer a slight break pleats are important also because they allow for necessary allowance around the hips and prevent uncomfortable pulling when you sit or stand and whenever you place items in your pockets please also aid in the reduction of wrinkling at the hips when you sit down and suspenders with trousers cut slightly large at the waist. Larger than what you would have on tap trousers. Take comfort to a whole new level. But I saved this for another video. If you're not comfortable in a suit it doesn't fit. I'm telling you the most comfortable clothing a man can wear as a dress ensemble. A properly fitting wool suit where the fabric is matched to the climate a dress shirt whose collar fits properly and a tie is absolutely the most comfortable clothing a man can wear. If it isn't it doesn't fit. That's a fact. Number 5. Well-polished dress shoes. Well-polished shoes with and frayed laces absolutely make a difference in being well dressed. This has been proven. Study after study both men and women noticed the condition of a man's shoes right away. Not only will a well polished pair of shoes make you look better but they'll also make your shoes last longer. A little bit of effort or high quality shoe polish and our Hanger Project high shine shammy is all you need to make your shoes look great. Of course it's also very important that your heels aren't worn down and you don't have any holes in the soul of your shoes. And for that we have our Kirby Allison recrafting program. Of course we have an extensive library of shoe polish tutorials to help you learn how to properly care for and polish your shoes. But it should be said that shoe care is not complicated shoe laces have a disproportionate effect on the look of a pair of shoes worn frayed or broken shoelaces will make even the best shoes that are highly polished look terrible. Taking a little bit of extra time to switch out your shoe laces whenever you're polishing them up a new fresh pair really goes a long way in just helping make your shoes. Look. Good. Of course our Kirby Allison Sovereign Grade shoe laces of the finest made anywhere. And we have a complete collection in several different links colors and styles to ensure that you can find a perfect match for of your dress shoes. Number six. Pocket squares. You can never go wrong with a white pocket square however matching your pocket square to your ensemble in a neutral or complimentary color is always a good idea. However you never want to exactly match your pocket square to your tie with the same silk pocket squares. Just a subtle style detail that just helps make you look well-dressed. Number seven a tie tied to the proper length and with the proper dimple. Most ties look best with a nice dimple. The dimple is simply the indentation that comes out of the middle of the tie as it exits the tie. Now. This isn't difficult to achieve but does take a few tricks and a little bit of practice to get it perfectly. Also the length of your tie is very important the length of a tie should always extend to slightly above the top of the waistband. It shouldn't be too short nor should it be too long. Now you might have to just wear the back blade ends in order to reach that point. But it's always more important to have the front tip of the blade be the proper length than worrying too much about the back depending on how tall you are and your next size your blade may be really short or the back blade may extend beyond your front plate slightly. That's perfectly OK. The most important thing to organize around is making sure that the tip of your front blade is just right at the top of your trousers. Number eight a nice fragrance. It's always nice to top off a beautiful ensemble with a little bit of a nice cologne so that you smell as good as you look. It doesn't have to be an expensive fragrance it just has to Snow good. Just be careful to not use too much so that it's not overpowering. The only way you can go wrong with the fragrance is if you used way too much for a large part of the day people will be put off because you smell way too strong. But in general some cologne is always a good idea. If you're preparing for anything important. You start by taking care of yourself you take a nice hot shower you shave you trim your nose and ears and eyebrows if necessary you put on a little cologne. Shine your shoes. Press any garments that need to be touched up and then dress well. This doesn't have to be difficult time consuming or expensive. Instead it can be a ritual you enjoy and to which you look forward. It is really not that expensive and not that difficult to be the best dressed most comfortable guy in the room. If you're clean and your clothes fit and are pressed with just a little bit of effort you can really be that guy. If you have to make a choice it is always better to be slightly over dressed than under dressed. Everyone will have a higher opinion of you and you'll be surprised how people treat you. You will always always be treated better. If you doubt this just do me a favor and give it a try. Promise you if you follow these rules. Perfect strangers will treat you with the higher regard. In today's video I'm wearing the black jacket from my stroller as a jacket. This was made in London by Anthony Hewitt who actually did my entire stroller ensemble. I have my white Sharpei shirt with a white Simoneau Godard pocket square and I'm wearing one of my favorite ties are Kirby Allison Sovereign Grade tie that we have here at the Hanger Project. What I especially love about these ties is the beautiful dimple that I'm able to get with them. I'm wearing my light gray bespoke Chris Despos trousers with the single reverse pleats and with tabs so I don't wear these with belts. They have a slight break. I'm also wearing my bespoke George Cleverley seamless full cut imitation semi bespoke shoes. These are an incredibly special pair of shoes it's made from a single piece of leather there's no seam not on the sides not on the back. The pattern you see is actually punched into the leather with grogging. But despite looking like a semi brogue it's actually a single piece of leather an incredibly unique and special shoe and one that you can really only get bespoke and then I'm wearing my favorite pair of Kirby Allisons Sovereign Grade grey small dot dress socks. If you enjoyed this video give us a thumbs up and please subscribe to our channel and turn on your notifications by clicking the bell to the right of the subscribe button so that you can learn when ever rerelease new videos. If you have any questions or comments about anything be discussed on this video please ask them in the comments section below. And of course please visit Hanger Project dot com where we have the largest most comprehensive collection of luxury garment care and shoe care accessories in the world as well as many other incredible products for the well-dressed and while you're there subscribe to our newsletter to receive notifications of new product launches promotions as well as a weekly digest of all the videos we publish here on our YouTube channel. I'm Kirby Allison and thanks for joining me for this video on the secrets of how to be the most well dressed gentleman in the room.
Channel: Kirby Allison
Views: 257,522
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Keywords: hanger project, kirby allison, mens style, mens lifestyle, fashion, 2018, well-dressed, gentleman, dapper man, dapper gentleman, secrets, well
Id: 3TqeiSFEuHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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