8 recipes for Fish lovers

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foreign [Music] [Music] thank you hello there beautiful people friends and family I hope you all are well and doing fantastic a very warm welcome to you all to the novice kitchen today I am presenting to you a whole red snapper that's fried crispy you can have that in place of turkey or whatever it is you're planning on having the season we're using very few ingredients because we want the flavor of the fish to shine so you know it's going to be top-notch in that flavor Department can't wait to begin let's wash our hands so we can start [Music] first thing we're going to do beautiful people is to trim the fins of the fish and I like to do this for a few reasons safety is number one because the tip of the fins tend to be really pointy and sharp also I like to leave a bit of them on for presentation reasons and they also fry really crispy which is absolutely delicious so why trim it all off but if you don't like the fence you can take them completely off so the fish has already been gutted gills removed the scales have also already been removed and what I have just done is trimmed some of the fins off left a significant amount on because when it's fried they lift up and look really elegant and presentation as you know is everything next thing we're gonna do is score the fish and to score your fish friends you're going to need a knife that is very sharpened as you can see my fillet knife is cutting through this fish like it's nothing or perhaps not nothing but something like a hot knife through butter because you do not want to bruise your fish or disturb the meat itself it can get tear apart really easily because this fish is very very delicate so you want to treat it with tender loving care and I made some really deep incisions and you'll see why when the fish is fried later on it'll be easier to eat and to see what I mean by that please keep on watching and if you're having fun so far please give me a thumbs up I have some kosher salt a quarter teaspoon quarter teaspoon of white pepper that's crushed you can also substitute with black pepper and I have a quarter teaspoon of granulated garlic that's all I'm going to use the spice ice and season this fish up I combine all three in one bowl to create a dry rub of sorts it's a lot easier to work with that way and I proceed to sprinkle the fish with it and the fish today is two and a half pounds in weight so it's substantially huge so you want to season and spice to your preference it is a matter of preference at this point especially when it comes to the Salt so I am opening up those scoring incisions I made and making sure that my dry rub goes into it directly into it so it's going to season this and spice it up all the way to the Bone and I can feel the bone as I go in with my index finger to make way for the Spice to enter the meat of the fish and that's how deep these incisions are very important you'll see keep on watching we're going to need the essence of a herb and today's choice is good old Rose Mary from my backyard we're going to place it in the belly and insert it through the roof of the head and out the mouth to stabilize it so when we fry it it doesn't escape this fish is ready for the fry and I'm using peanut oil to fry today and as you can see the Rosemary I placed in there is sizzling so the oil is ready now I'm using peanut oil because it can take on very high heat levels which is exactly what I need to fry this fish so I place it in gently being careful to avoid the oil from splattering onto me all right so there you have it I'm going to fry it until the skin becomes nice and crispy but it will leave the inner layer nice and moist that's exactly what I'm going for in the peanut oil is going to help us do exactly that keep on watching friends it's looking good already so I have flipped it just to give the same treatment to the other side it's been about four minutes of frying on the one side and I only flipped it pretty much took it out of the oil immediately after flipping it because this is a deep frying after all so both sides were frying at the same time if you're not subscribed to this channel that crispy skin on that fish should move you to do so right now all right so I'm making something called pico de gallo pico de gallo is really chunky salsa and so I have some tomatoes that just went in and I'm also adding some jalapenos that I have seeded and chopped this is some red onion same treatment and I also have some red bell pepper which is not a traditional ingredient to add to pico de gallo but I like the sweetness it brings to the bowl and I'm also going to add my cilantro which you would definitely want in a pico de gallo but you can substitute with any herb of choice if you do not like cilantro also known as coriander leaves and I also have some lemon juice that I am drizzling into the pico de gallo lime is preferred but I didn't have any so you can use that for sure I'm seasoning with some salt to taste a little bit of crushed black pepper as well and the lemon as you know is going to bring us that tank which will balance all the flavors in the Pico de galloplasta Citrus flavor also pairs well with the fish now I have made a Thai chili and garlic infused oil so it's a chili and garlic oil that I am now drizzling onto my pico de gallo that is an optional step but I really wanted that chili and garlic Essence in there mix up our pico de gallo and this pico de gallo has been given some character from that garlic and the chili infused oil so it takes it from ordinary to you know yeah a gift set Pizzazz yeah yeah you see what I mean now this is the money moment I promised from the beginning moist inside we've already confirmed how crispy it is on the outside now this makes for easy eating experience picked it right from the bone that's all from the scoring foreign [Music] the food I grew up eating I remember was always intensely flavorful mostly prepared by my mom and my grandmom who both taught me how to cook I remember a lot of the time when my mom needed to throw flavor at Savory dishes that had a tomato sauce or a tomato base or those that didn't even have a tomato base such as the spinach dip or a boom even jollof rice her secret was canned mackerel and tomato sauce friends today I bring you the homemade fresh beautiful version greetings blessings much love to you all and let's begin so you need some roma tomatoes and I separate the seeds and the juice from the flesh we also need one green bell pepper one large red bell pepper we also need some scallions or green spring onions some shallots Ginger and we also need three cloves of garlic we're going to include some Heats by adding one habanero chili now I'm going to be adding these Peppers which mimic the flavor of petite Bell chilies we call them papuchito in Ghana now I do remove the seeds from these because they tend to be bitter and for the herbs I've chosen to use fresh Rosemary but you may use the dry and also we're going to include four small bay leaves that's it all of these ingredients are very aromatic and they're going to bring amazing flavors so the seeds the juice and the flesh within the Roma tomatoes I separated I'm going to crush them forcing just the juice through this colander turned into a strainer in this instance and all we are left with is the juice so I discard only the seeds beautiful now let's work on the mackerel I picked this up from the fishmonger as usual and they have complementarily clean it for me already so it's been gutted and since there are no scales on the fish all I do is wash them again and cut them into steaks whose width are about an inch and a half thick and so the fish I add some onion powder crushed black pepper some garlic powder some salt to taste and you do need to season it well at this stage now I'm also going to be adding some Worcester Shire sauce I think I didn't butcher the name this time if you agree please drop a comment I have always had a hard time with that one now I'm drizzling some olive oil onto this because it is a marinade after all as I usually say and make sure you stir everything together now with the Worcestershire sauce you can always substitute that with your Maggi sauce that'll work great or even soy sauce now I'm bringing some Citrus flavor here because that freshens everything so I'm using the zest of one lime and you can use lemon if that's what you have and if you have the herb thyme you may use that because that also offers Citrus notes you do need your citrus notes to freshen and lighten the flavors because mackerel is extremely flavorful due to the high fat content it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are heart healthy very important for your heart health so we start with olive oil in the pan and then I add the onions the scallions and the shallots and what I'm doing is just slightly caramelizing them because caramelization as I always say is equal to loads of flavor take those out and then caramelize your onions also just slightly caramelize them because we want to optimize all the flavors here all these ingredients are fresh so we want to kick it up quite a notch with caramelization that's the technique we're using today now after the onions and the peppers I add my Ginger the garlic the Rosemary and also my white pepper corns into the hot oil and cook it for just about 20 seconds until they start blooming until I start smelling them then I go in with the Flesh of the tomatoes and I'm going to cook this down on gentle Heat up until the tomatoes start tenderizing and up until I start seeing some of the juice from the tomatoes separating from the flesh and there is exactly what I'm talking about so you see that the skin of the tomato has become tender it's almost detaching itself from the flesh that's exactly what you want and that shouldn't take more than 10 minutes done take that off of the Heat and let it cool down and then the proceed by blending all of your cooked ingredients the onions the peppers as well as the tomatoes including the oil you cooked it in and all of the juices into the blender and the goal is to blend these ingredients till you arrive at a silky velvety smooth texture if your blender is not powerful enough to do so then you must strain unless you don't mind that texture now pour the tomato juice into the pan with the Blended ingredients and add your bay leaves there to combine evenly and cook on low heat for the next 15 minutes with the lid on now before the lid goes on you must clean the size of your pot if that's applicable to you because that's just going to dry up and become a waste and throw the lid on the lid must be on completely so that it can come to a boil sooner just like so and that took about 15 minutes now you want to go and remove the lid and create event in order for some of the steam to find a route to escape so that the sauce can start reducing just like so so in about 30 minutes after venting the lid you should find some of the oil resurfacing on the top go back and stir it and then season you taste first and then you season after that we haven't added any seasoning at all to our sauce so add your salt or your seasoning of preference to taste and then remove the bay leaf because they are done with infusing their flavor thank you very much Miss or Mr day leaf I think it's Mr Bailey's now we're going to add some paprika now this is regular paprika it is not smoked we need a tablespoon full of it so paprika is really dehydrated red bell peppers that are turned into powder now we did add red bell peppers to start with those were fresh we need that seasoned taste that seasoned sweet taste and you get that when you dehydrate your ingredients the flavors become more intensified and that's what you get from adding the smoked paprika it also helps with the color I have added some more of the Worcestershire sauce because we only added it to the fish in the beginning the sauce needs some of that and if you have your Maggie sauce please add it then all right and keep that in mind when you're adding your salts because that has salt in it all right so now it's time to introduce the fish to the sauce and the sauce is tasting amazing way better than the canned and when you give this recipe a shot make sure it is a huge batch because this recipe is not going to fill you friends it is tried and true those fresh ingredients are everything yes make sure you pour the juices from the fish into the pot as well and then submerge all the fish pieces cover it completely with the lid no venting still on low heat you're going to cook for the next 30 minutes during those 30 minutes the fish will become poached so we are essentially poaching the fish in this flavorful sauce during that time too there will be that exchange very important exchange of flavors from the sauce into the fish and the from the fish into the sauce and it's all going to become unified it's going to become one amazing lovely tasty dish the fish holds itself together that's one thing I love about mackerel and see how smooth the sauce is and a little bit of the oil has also formed on the top so after 30 minutes of poaching you're going to remove the lid and let it continue to simmer down for 10 more minutes on low heat and you're done that's all it took friends and just look at this beautiful mackerel in tomato sauce friends this was so good mackerel is one flavorful fish I love macro so besides grilling it besides frying it this is another approach another rendering of this amazingly delicious fish give this a shot like I said make it in a huge bash if you make it in a small batch you will regret it the best way to store these is by canning them in a mason jar and that is another video all on its own canning is uh yeah another story all together and we can tackle that on another day but on this day what I did was I pour them or portion them into these glass containers with airtight lids and they get stored in the refrigerator and freezer now a few ways to use your mackerel and tomato sauce is to just add it to some Jello fries so I've made my Jello stew already and I have added some of my mackerel and tomato sauce into it so on this occasion what we're using the macaron tomato sauce for is as a seasoning to bring more flavor to the jollof rice believe me it makes the jollof rice so tasty it gives it a special touch a touch of class so add your rice to it Stir It and cook your jollof rice as you normally would and you will be serving an amazingly tasty jollof rice that your guests and your family your friends will always remember they will be wondering what the heck you threw in there that made us so good and so special so this is just one out of the million ways you can use your mackerel in tomato sauce it is amazing now another way is to add it to your abomin or your dips so I have this spinach dip which we call it in Ghana so on this occasion it is not only bringing flavor but also extra protein they are a million and one ways to use this mackerel in tomato sauce and hopefully we can bring you more videos to show you now let's take a look at the texture of the fish itself and see how velvety silky smooth the sauce is the sauce is I mean you can drink it it's so good and the bone of mackerel is naturally very soft and when cooked on low heat for a prolonged period of time it becomes even softer to where it is fork tender now look at the fish my crawl is so delicious anyhow I love it grilled I love it fried I love it roasted and in this mackerel sauce it might just end up being your favorite thank you so much friends for watching I hope you did learn a thing or two and are inspired to try the recipe thank you tilapia is loved very much in my household as I know it is in many others and I have been given that honorable job of presenting it in exciting ways each time I have the opportunity in order to Spruce things up in the variety department so here is one of the ways tilapia stew we're going to start with a dry wrap consisting of garlic powder crushed white pepper cayenne pepper ginger powder cumin all-purpose seasoning and some salt stir together and you have a very tasty dry rub which we're going to wrap onto our tilapia pieces the cumin I added is probably the most overpowering ingredients in this dry wrap so a little bit goes a long way and cumin is perfect for fish like tilapia which can have that algae taste all right now this here is tilapia that is wild caught so it doesn't have that algae taste but if that's the only kind of tilapia you have access to then cumin is the way to go so make sure that you are rubbing in this dry rub into all the crevices of this tilapia which has been washed thoroughly with some lime juice and soaked in some ginger juice and lime zest it really freshens up the tilapia I have showed how I do that in a few videos I have shared previously then you must allow the tilapia to marinade 30 to 45 minutes at room temperature prior to Frying I'm going to be frying it today in some avocado oil that has gone into the wok I let it come to a Sizzle and then I place in My aromatics Rosemary scallions Scotch bonnet chili and some fresh thyme tilapia needs aromatics so bad due to that distinct fresh water character it presents with most times I have added one tablespoon of all-purpose flour which is going to serve the purpose of preventing the fish from sticking while it's frying it will also help it to fry super crispy which is what we are aiming at now the oil is hot enough so the fish gets placed in there safely and then we will allow the fish to fry until crispy we'll have to go in at some point to turn them once the aromatics have done their job of infusing their Aroma into the oil you can take them out before they begin to burn and here we are turning the fish and you can see it is fried super crispy and what makes me happiest is the fact that even though it's quite crispy on the outside it is still moist inside that is win-win every day in a novice kitchen all right so take those out and yes it is important that you fry in batches you don't want to shock the oil temperature by overloading it with too much fish at once okay so go back and Fry the next batch and we are almost there okay foreign to Perfection you can actually see that crunch it is perfect it is now time to cook the stew and for that we're going to need a base which is a fresh blend of scallions Scotch bonnet chilies and Serranos just like that right there and in some of the oil we cooked the fish in we pour in thinly sliced onions red onions that is and fry them until they are caramelized as that will bring us even more flavor which should take about three to four minutes and you want to go in and give it a stir from time to time so you're not burning part of the onions and here is the base we just Blended I love the way it's just so elegantly allowed itself to just descend into that hot oil what's beautiful beautiful coming drop one in that comment section I love that that was the money moment for me so we're going to keep frying this until we have lost most of the moisture and then we go in with our minced ginger and garlic followed by some all-purpose seasoning which resembles your bouillions I've also added white crushed pepper the last thing that just went in is some curry powder which brings a depth of flavor you will adore in this dish right here keep stirring keep cooking for the next two to three more minutes and add your salsa season to taste we have been frying this mixture since adding the onions for 10 minutes and now we're going in with our tomato sauce homemade and canned with the potential to last up to a year sitting at room temperature in your pantry or your countertops with no need for fridge or freezer storage when when again all right so you're going to stir that in to completely combine both mixtures then you're going to place the lid on and allow it to cook on medium heat until the oil resurfaces that should take about five minutes to seven minutes there is what we're looking for now take the lid off and allow it to fry down to concentrate these beautiful flavors that should take another five minutes or so you want to stir it though just to make sure that the bottom isn't catching then you want to turn the heat down to its lowest setting to reduce splatter if it continues to Splatter even at the lowest heat setting then you will need to invite your splatter guard to the party all right so we continue to cook five to seven more minutes from this point on now this dish does have a good kick to it from the Scotch bonnet chilis but you can always adjust that to your taste I am now adding some smoked paprika which is a very clever way of finishing the stew because it brings a smokiness that will help balance that kick that heat and it will also help to round every flavor in the pot up and that depth of flavor I'm referencing is the kind that tricks your mind to feel that this too has been cooked over a long period of time to develop those intense flavors cook two to three additional minutes after adding the smoked paprika stirring occasionally and what you want to see is that key feature when the oil resurfaces it is telling you that a lot of the moisture has cooked out okay and the stew is cooked really so now we're going to start submerging the fish into the sauce we're going to make sure that each fish is smothered with this goodness yes indeed friends please don't let this thing control you you control this face you control the facial you tell the fish where you're going in this too yes I'm placing you right there and then you also there this is where you belong okay smother it yes you are the boss and then cover it and let it cook two more minutes just to marry the flavors and go in with some garnish I used fresh red onions today I cut into rings it not only brought the garnish but it also brought some Crunch and here we go and today we served our tilapia stew with rice and green peas and friends I tell you it went down so well I cannot even find the words to tell you how well it went down right now because my mouth is watering all over again my husband especially enjoyed this the most when we first met he wasn't very tolerant of spicy food but he's hanged out way too long with me now he is into it more than I am um so the spiciness is there that cake is there but it is very very cleverly mellowed by all the other ingredients especially that acidity from the tomatoes the sweetness from the onions and we use a lot of onions and also that finishing touch with the smokiness from the smoked paprika oh absolutely mellowed it and brought that depth in the best way possible so it is tough time as you can see so we have dished some of that rice and peas onto the plate and one piece of tilapia which has clearly soaked in a lot of this smothering sauce and tagging along is some fried sweet plantains that are spiced known as Kelly Willy I hope that you have learned a thing or two and are inspired to try the recipe make it a great day hello there beautiful people welcome to the novice kitchen it is a beautiful day out here today and I hope you are having a fantastic day so what do we have on the menu we are making grilled tilapia oven grilled that is and we know that tilapia is fresh water fish therefore it needs a platform to shine how are we going to achieve that by all the flavors we throw at it so I am here in my garden I have this pot that is sprouting relatively with this fresh Rosemary so I'm going to take a spray on it this will do we have gathered all the ingredients we need of course with the main ingredient being the tilapia I have four pieces of it and they're all whole cleaned already skills have been removed and I just need to remove mouth of that one right there and then we have our automatics these Rosemary have been washed and I also have my spring onions we're going to use a green and the white all together these are going to be all of the aromatics we need including these right here which I have pre-gathered I need some ginger I need some uh shallot onions and also some heat and the fragrance of these chilies these are ripened Serrano chilies and you can substitute with your Habaneros or even jalapenos and then we also have some garlic a few cloves of that now we're going to roast these aromatics and so I have poured in some olive oil into this pot we need a substantial amount of olive oil why because it's also going to act as a nonstick factor in cooking our oven grilled Nutella so first our Rosemary sprig is going to go into the olive oil so I put that in there first so the the rest of them can weigh down and keep it on the bottom because I really wanted to have contact with the bottom of the pot now for our spring onions just chop them roughly now for my Ginger what I typically like to do is cut them into discs okay or times if you want to be really technical here cut them into tiles and it's cutting it across the grain Cross or in the opposite direction of the strands in it that also goes in now we also need our shallots I'm just going to cut them into half just like that and then in the oil it goes now I also have my chilies these have fragrance and they also have heat so you can use the amount that you can tolerate okay those go in and Then followed by the garlic okay friends so we have our pot on medium heat for 15 minutes with the aromatics going to gently Infuse their flavor it's going to be the most aromatic olive oil you've ever encountered stick around we're going to move to the workstation and work on the fish next so our fish is like 98 already cleaned thanks to our fishmonger only thing I need to do is Finishing Touch I like to cut the mouth of the fish off just because that's how my mom taught me how to clean my tilapia so to do that I just use my shears open the mouth and snip it off just like that it's been gutted already and the gills have already been removed so now so I'm going to make three incisions about an inch apart these incisions are necessary to allow all those beautiful aromatics to penetrate the fish to the Bone and cook it beautifully [Music] fish is so firm you know it's very fresh so when you press on it it doesn't leave an indentation it bounces right back that's how you know your fish is firm I mean your fish is fresh alright friends so it's been about 20 minutes total and we have a nice caramelization Happening Here look at those and the oil is well infused with these aromatics so I'm going to turn the heat off and let this cool down give it maybe 20 more minutes and then we'll proceed to the next step all right so our oil is beautifully infused our ingredients are nicely roasted so I'm going to retrieve those and they're going to go into the blender now the oil goes down you can see how infused this oil is I add about half of the oil and the rest will Reserve just gonna sit and rest till I have use for it we need to see and then I have my complimentary homemade chicken seasoning that goes in and you can substitute this with your bouillons okay you need that Umami in this recipe now we're ready to blend foreign do you want to taste this yes all right what do you think Hmm it was tough let me taste it wow roasting your ingredients prior to turning them into a marinade like this makes it all the more special friends you have to absolutely take this route and be sure friends please to use a healthy kind of oil you saw that I used quite a substantial amount and that was done on purpose because extra virgin olive oil is heart healthy and it has the ability to increase your good cholesterol the HDL cholesterol and lower your bad cholesterol which is the LDL so that's like Brilliance and marinade and I don't think I have made marinade as great tasting and as nutritious as this one right here if you don't like tilapia believe me make this kind of marinade roast your aromatics and use your olive oil to have a win-win situation pour it onto your tilapia before you grill it let it sit for one hour as I am going to be doing here and I'm telling you you will have a change of heart brilliance we're ready to grill these beauties so what we're going to do first is pour these vegetables you know how I like to create that bed so my juices don't get wasted they get caught in the vegetables as the fish grills these become nicely caramelized and juicy oh it's gonna be amazing so I just have some bell peppers some onions and that's about it so the fish now gets laid on the wrap and I would like to suggest really quickly that you can substitute the olive oil with a nut oil such as almond oil that's healthy too or avocado oil so whatever healthy oil you have readily available the rest of the marinade I have in here in here you need to go into the oven which I have been preheating um it's on the broy option you all know I love using that because it's going to really create some really great caramelization on the presentation side of the facial Network at some point we're going to retrieve it flip it put it back in so I have left the remnants of the marinade I'm going to use it and coat the fish or baste it when I flip it so let's get going foreign it goes for 15 minutes using the broil option and if you watch my videos you will know usually when I am grilling my fish in the oven I prefer to use the broil option and why is because the heat mainly comes from the top part of the oven which helps it to hit the surface of the item you have in there and that creates a sear which seals in the juices of Whatever item you have inside the oven and that's exactly what we're going for we don't want our fish to dry out we wanted to gain caramelization and still have the juices inside the fish without it all draining out and leaving it dry that will happen if you bake the fish all right so use a high heat mainly coming from the top which is called the broil option and then flip it and you see that the other side is not cooked and once you have flipped all your fish and I really like you to take a close look right now see the juices still retained inside the fish we didn't lose it most people have this misconception that the broil option causes loss of moisture that was your proof right there the moisture is still inside the fish it does quite the opposite try it you'll love it you'll love it it's almost like charcoal grilling your fish really you're going to get those caramelizations and you will have a smokiness ulcer to it it is just going to be nothing short of perfection pretty soon so you're going to baste the uncooked portion with the rest of the marinade and throw it back into the oven allow it to continue to broil for 12 to 15 minutes make sure that you're keeping an eye on it because the oven is extremely hot right now so it might take a shorter time okay so um keep an eye on it and make sure that you get those golden brown bits and that's your indication that your fish is pushed through remove it and it is ready to serve just like that right there you see the fish is nice and plump you can tell it's still juicy no dryness has happened now this um that of vegetables I'm going to throw back into the oven because I really need it to also get some caramelization because caramelization is really flavor I always say that so throw it back into the oven for maybe five minutes only and get those also caramelized and it'll be all complete done ready to serve now take a moment and soak it all in look at the olive oil these crunchy caramelized vegetables the perfect accompaniment and the most gorgeous most comfortable bed these tilapia can ever lay on you know your girl is a happy one right now yes I can't I just cannot wait to serve my family this just perfection wow I have just appeals to all the senses there are I hope you get to try this recipe foreign [Music] greetings beautiful people welcome to nanavis Kitchen today I am bringing you one of my husband's favorite ways of enjoying fried tilapia let's make crispy fried tilapia smothered with a Tangy gravy or sauce inspired by Swahili samaki wakupaka you're going to need Tamarind for this and this is tamarind that is still inside the pot so I remove the shells and we're going to soak it next with some hot water the soaking process helps to soften the Flesh of The Tamarind making it easier to release it or remove it from the seeds this should take about 30 minutes after you cover it with a cling film after 30 minutes the water should also go from hot to workable or you can go in with your hand and remove the fruit the fish is ready cleaned and ready to go so we're combining some crushed white pepper all-purpose seasoning and some salt and that is all she wrote to coat the fish before we fry it all right so we're just going to season and spice it up with just these three simple ingredients the all-purpose seasoning can be substituted with your bouillons for this recipe you're going to need three medium sized tilapia cleaned and gutted I have also scored them with just three squares on each side so the dry rub penetrates it to the Bone before we fry them okay so I'm just coating it nicely and generously and evenly on both sides inside the gut and also the head area making sure that the a dry rub also goes into the scoring incisions I have made I also cut the mouth of my tilapia off we just were taught to do it that way by our mothers in our culinary instructors okay whomever those people might be you have to cut the fish's mouth off all right you don't want this fish talking to you all right so there is that they are all coated nicely don't forget to go inside the belly that is a very important area to coat with your dry rub also we're going to mince some ginger here and here's how I go about doing that all right I thinly slice them into thin slabs first and then I turned them around and mince them finely [Music] and I do likewise with some shallot onions some garlic and also one scotch bonnet chili this is all being prepped while the fish is marinating and I just let it sit out at room temperature for about 30 minutes our Tamarind is done soaking the water is cool enough to where I can work with it without it burning me and also the fruit or the flesh is nice and soft so it's going to be easy to separate the seeds from it now let's talk about why I think this recipe is so perfect for us fish like tilapia tilapia can either come from the ocean or from fresh water the fresh water as I've mentioned on several of my tilapia recipes I've shared on this platform can have a distinct fresh water taste because the tilapia in fresh water feeds on algae so they end up tasting like that algae and the great thing is that that algae taste can be masked depending on the ingredients you choose to use and Tamarind is one great way once your way so achieve that I have strained the fruit through the strainer and here now we have a silky smooth Tamarind sauce I'm not going to use all of this because that's just way too much tank I'm going to use a couple of tablespoons for the recipe and set at the rest aside in the fridge I will use for other recipes now we're going to fry the tilapia so here goes some oil and I'm using avocado oil I have some scallions on hand which are about to go bad so I use them as aromatics into the oil before I place the tilapia in now we're going to fry the tilapia one Tilapia at a time so that we can get the skin to be nice and crispy leaving the inside and the meats moist and juicy that was the third and last piece of tilapia they all look so good it is now time to prepare the smothering sauce or gravy and for that I'm using some cold pressed coconut oil and I've also placed into the oil some fresh Rosemary cook that for a few seconds or until the aroma of the Rosemary becomes appearance in the air and then go in with your finely chopped shallowed onions and you want to cook the shallot onions until they are translucent and then follow up with your minced ginger stir that in the goal is to just sweat these ingredients you don't want any caramelization just yet all right so now we're going to add the minced garlic followed by the minced Scotch bonnet and then also you want to season with your salt and all-purpose seasoning or your bouillons chicken bouillon will work perfectly here stir that in as well we are cooking on medium Heat by the way at this point we have been cooking for under two minutes and I go in with some curry powder just a small amount of it I really enjoy the flavor of the Scotch bonnet chili in this recipe it must not be confused with habanero they are both chilies and they are both from the same family however the Scotch bonnet chili does have a fruitier sweeter chili taste than the habanero so if you have that please go for it you'll love it in here Here Comes our Tamarind sauce I've added two and a half tablespoons of it into the wok and I'm gonna stir that in I'm going to cook it a further two minutes or until the sauce starts drying up a bit and then I'm going to add some homemade tomato sauce the tomato sauce is sweet so it's going to help to balance the tanginess from The Tamarind sauce it's also going to bring some color and of course some volume all right which we need here now you want to cook a further 10 minutes of adding the tomato sauce or until you see the oil resurfacing that should be your indication that the flavors are now perfectly married and the sauce is ready to be smothered onto our perfectly fried tilapia fish foreign s we've all been waiting for is here smathering this crisply fried tilapia into this mothering sauce oh my gosh friends this was good delicious friends yes and you want to flip it over and take your time with this don't rush it all right even cover the pots and let it cook on medium heat for about two minutes that will help to seep the smothering sauce into the very flesh of each tilapia and do one at a time we served it with some cassava couscous when my husband was eating it he was wearing a grin at the same time friends imagine that a grin while eating yes this recipe will make you do that it'll make you do that it was quite lovely friends I hope you give it a shot my take on samaki wakupaka friends and family this is worth trying so please make sure you try it all right this what you get from this here is that Tang it's a unique sweet tank that literally makes your mouth water because that's what acid that has been expertly meshed with Umami and sweetness and savoriness will do to your taste buds and your mouth will water guaranteed just because scientifically that's proven okay and just look at it visually mouth-watering the smothering sauce must be used for exactly that Brand's don't digress make sure you smother this fish okay take every drop of this sauce and place it on the fish where it belongs friends and family I hope you have learned a thing or two and more importantly are inspired to try this smothered tilapia another exciting way of enjoying your tilapia served with achecke or cassava couscous some fresh thinly sliced onions tomatoes and Serrano chilies make it a great day and have fun especially in that kitchen foreign thank you for joining me today on this exciting cook lunch with me episode what I have on the menu is one of my family's favorites we are oven grilling some Snapper fresh Snapper smells like the ocean and I have some fresh vegetables to complement it let's Jump Right In first let's wash our hands I have some bell peppers in different colors red yellow orange as well as some onions all of that goes onto the sheet pan I also have these Serrano chilies which I love in here for some heat so that gets poured on as well and just chopped everything up now I'm going to mix it up and then I'm going to drizzle some oil onto this as well and for the oil you're going to need a couple tablespoons of your favorite oil to cook with I am using extra virgin olive oil which has the beautiful Olive fruity flavor and that complements all of these fresh ingredients very well now to season and spice things up I have my homemade lemon pepper seasoning if you don't have the homemade version please get some over the Shelf because it brings you the saltiness the sourness the sweetness the savoriness everything you need in here and also the cake from the peppercorn so I have put about a tablespoon of that and combined everything now I'm scoring the fish so I have two large pieces of fresh very fresh red snapper and I have scored it all the way to the Bone so that my lemon pepper seasoning which is also what I'm going to be using to flavor this fish up penetrate it to the very bone and taste the deliciousness all the way down there so you will need your lemon pepper or any seasoning blend of your choice also don't forget to pour some oil onto the fish all right and also into the belly and the head as well we're going to season with some lemon pepper now mind you the fish has already been cleaned by the fish manga so the skills have been removed and it's been gutted obviously I have trimmed all of the fins off and left a little bit of the tail on I also cut them out mouth off as well and that is just how my mom taught me how to clean fish make sure you're patting the lemon pepper seasoning and Spice blend into the meat of the fish and make sure that you get enough of that spice blend also into the belly of the fish we want the fish to be delicious at every corner and angle now in the belly you're going to place a sprig of fresh Rosemary and some Serrano chilies or you can also use any chili you like to cook with I have cut the serrano chili into two so that the flavor and the aroma as well as the kick can be extracted much swiftly now I'll be pairing my fish today with a dip inspired by Ghanaian traditional roasted peanuts so for this dip you will need three Tomatoes some Serrano chilies and onions that you have wedged then sprinkle them with some salt and drizzle some oil onto them as well our fish our fish in five minutes and ready now to go into the oven we're going to broil it for the first five minutes and go back and check and I'm placing everything on the top rack I have my oven on broil at 500 degrees Fahrenheit so after five minutes I'll go back and check what I want is some Char on all the top ingredients including the fish in the meantime I'm preparing the other components for our lunch today which is ripen plantain and we're just boiling it so I've peeled them added a little bit of salt just to pinch and some water and onto the stove it goes covered with the lid for about 10 minutes and that is all she wrote there we will need to drain it when it's done cooking and keep the lid on the Pan um until it's serving time now five minutes later I think I have enough Char on these vegetables so I'm going to remove my tomatoes the onions and the Serrano chilies for preparing the dip the fish is going to get flipped and placed back into the oven still at 500 degrees Fahrenheit using the broil option so get some more Char on the other side and it will take about 10 more minutes foreign delicate fish that it doesn't take long at all to cook especially when using the broil option to make it so here are my roasted peanuts for making the dip I pour that into the blender and added the tomatoes the onions and the rest of the tomatoes I'm just going to cut them up I didn't do that with the first one and I realized that I was running out of space there so hey do what you need to do to make your tools work for you and that is a pro tip from your sister Madame now I'm adding some fish sauce and that is actually replacing our traditional momoni are cured fish and that's just the ingredient you need to bring a ton of umami that literally makes your mouth water so blend till you have a smooth hummus like texture it is gorgeous it is luscious it feels good in the mouth and it tastes even better so 10 minutes later our vegetables or the bed of vegetables are nicely charred and caramelized as well as the fish which is done and cooked to the Bone so set that aside still in the oven until serving time to keep it warm I poured a little bit of olive oil onto my dip and the plantains are done they are drained and they're still hot ready to dig in now take one good and close look at the Char on that fish the crunch from the vegetables and the Char they also received and the dip with the charred vegetables as well as the Umami you need on this plate from the fish sauce a complete work of art Friends cooking as I always say is an act and an art of love you have to have love real love in your heart to cook good food and this is evidence of that I really hope that the special recipe inspires you to gather these easily and readily accessible ingredients to perform this art and act of Love which I know you will always return to when you need to put something balanced together for yourself and your family look at the colors it is visually appealing and inviting and it is a balanced pleat you have a lot of protein from the fish and the dip which by the way you can substitute the roasted peanuts if you're allergic to it with roasted almonds or any roasted nuts that you love to cook with what a beautiful plate that is Art on a plate kindly give me a thumbs up if you agree to help promote these videos as I know you appreciate the heart the love and the hard work that goes into bringing them to you make it a great day and foreign I will not miss the opportunity for the world to share another pescetarian recipe with you all so here I am again friends and family welcome to the Navas kitchen I hope you all are doing absolutely great I got my hands on the most beautiful red snapper and was going to make my quick and simple fish and chunky gravy salsa I thought I better share it so let's start first with some white peppercorns into my grinder I'm going to add some red pepper flakes for a little kick followed by some thyme for citrus notes and a little bit of paprika this is not smoked it's just regular I also add some garlic powder followed by some onion powder and some salt and we're going to just crush this into a powder and that is all she wrote under two minutes friends we have a tasty well seasoned dry rub so here is that gorgeous red snapper scales are already removed as you can see and it's Super Fresh let me show you the eyes are red and there is no cloudiness going on so that tells you it's Super Fresh it's also been gutted and when I open the belly like this to show you it has no smell at all no fishy smell going on the flesh is also nice and firm so when you press on it it bounces right back so those are your very important indicators of fresh fish all right so when you go to buy a fresh fish you're looking for the eyes to be nice red shot no cloudiness it must not have any smell if anything it should smell only like the ocean all right Briny and also the flesh must be firms where when you press on it it bounces right back all right okay so that is a pro tip from your system a dumb why the heck not all right so I've cut them into my preferred sizes which are thick steaks about an inch so you determine how you want them cut it's all up to you you can cut them small color or bigger hey you never know you might get a smaller piece of fish or a bigger one than I did all right the head I removed because I don't need it in this recipe however I will use it for my fish stock when that time comes now I am dusting the fish with the dry rub and making sure it is well and evenly coated thank you and your fish must be evenly coated for obvious reasons I don't even need to say why right we want to make sure every bite of this fish tastes good and now you can do one of two things to allow this fish to marinate and take on the flavor of the dry rub I placed it in the fridge that's one option and I left it uncovered so that it doesn't pull moisture out of the fish remember that the dry rub has salt in it so it is potentially going to do that if you leave it at room temperature which is your next option only do it for 15 minutes now I've removed it from the fridge and allowed it to come back to room temperature just before it goes into the hot oil and that took about 20 minutes I am now dusting it with a light coating of all-purpose flour and see how dry the fish remain just because I also left it uncovered when I went into the fridge so if you do choose to leave it at room temperature like I stated earlier 15 minutes is all it needs because fish really doesn't take that long to marinate now the purpose of the all-purpose flour wow that's a tongue twister determined to twist my tongue let's talk about that but prior to that I just place a very small wedge of onion into the hot oil to perfume it and in turn prep the oil for deep frying so the all-purpose flour will prevent this fish from sticking to the pan when it's deep frying I move it around a few times just so that I can start developing that beautiful thin crust on the fish which the all-purpose flour allows for as well and that's crust will eventually become the receptacle for the sauce so the sauce doesn't just sit on the fish but becomes part of the fish's flavor so there's an actual absorption of both flavors the fish into the sauce and vice versa when you are creating a recipe that involves more than one components you must always think of how to ultimately arrive at a unified dish this is one of the ways that our culinary Educators taught us to create unity in the end if our dish involves more than one component whomever there might be our parents or our cousins uncles our aunties our friends our culinary instructors at a culinary institution just whoever they might be now you did notice that I also did not overcrowd the walk that I am deep frying in so that our fish can fry sooner than later I'm frying the next batch remove the first and once we're done frying I place them on a paper towel our lined platter to absorb any excess oil we're done with the fish preparation now let's move on to the next preparation which is a chunky vegetable gravy and for that we're going to need green and red bell pepper without their seeds and one jalapeno chili also without the seeds and we're going to use our food processor today to create that chunk foreign and that looks perfectly chunky to me I reserved about five tablespoons of some of the oil I fried their fish in and I have placed in it a tablespoon of finely minced garlic as well as some Thai chilies also minced I am revitalizing the fragrance in this oil by infusing the two ingredients in there and the next ingredient is some shallow onions a whole lot of it I had eight of the shallot onions like thinly sliced the more onions you have in this recipe the happier you will be that sweetness is everything in here all right now I add some salt and crushed black pepper and pretty much that's all I used to season this because this recipe does not require too much it's not high maintenance the few other ingredients the tastier it is I promise you and the only way you'll know and testify is by giving this recipe a shot I hope you do now the chunky peppers are going in I've also cranked up the heat at this point so I cook the onions for about two minutes and now the peppers have gone in because I've already seasoned with salt I really don't want the moisture in the peppers to start getting pulled out so I've cranked the heat up to the highest point so I'm basically stir frying these ingredients right now at this point you can taste and if you need more salt please season to your preference because you just included a whole layer of fresh ingredients so you might need to season some more so I've just added some more salt all right and it tastes perfect now so the fish pieces are going in and I'm just going to toss everything together to create that marriage we were talking about we've created unity in this walk and it's ready to serve it is visually inviting it tastes scrumptious very satisfying delectable very simple to put together everyday ingredients clean flavors can go wrong with that and here is that yellow buttery rice I share this recipe a while ago and I have linked it below it's in a video where I also shared uh four other recipes with rice so just find it in there and enjoy it or watch the entire video you might learn four other ways to cook your rice and look at this gravy ah it was good it was satisfying my children my husband they love this dish it's so easy to put together it's quick it's nourishing it is satisfying it's so enjoyable and there is a little crunch still in the vegetables I mean who doesn't love some crunch just saying thanks for watching make it a great day and have fun especially in this fish too or fish gravy will blow your socks right off and will send those taste buds of yours into a dancing mode for a hot minute friends I took a simplistic approach to this one and you'll love it seasoning our group of fish with salts curry powder vegetable bouillon and crushed black pepper I'm using grouper fish for this recipe however you can use any fish you like I just recommend that you avoid fish that is too oily so fish like mackerel salmon you know fish like that I don't recommend for this recipe so a great substitute for the grouper would be Snapper or Bass sprinkle each fish at a time with your dry seasoning mix to ensure that the distribution of the seasoning is evenly done across the board the more onions in this recipe the better and I've chopped them real small versus blending because blending can make your onions harsh in taste especially when you're using a lot I'm using cold pressed coconut oil for this recipe and those are Curry leaves you can replace those or substitute with basil or Bay now fry them on gentle heat until fragrance then go in with all of your onions now season this layer with some salt and crushed black pepper and continue frying on gentle heat until the onions become a golden color which should take approximately 10 minutes now there is a color you're looking for a very light golden color now add your ginger and garlic paste right now it's a heaping tablespoon full off equal parts ginger and garlic stir that in and fry for an additional minute still cooking on gentle heat and then add your tomato paste now with the tomato paste you're going to cook an additional five to six minutes and when the tomato paste has disintegrated into smaller pieces and the oil has also turned color just like so now go in with your curry powder which is a One-Stop shop for the spices and Seasonings you need in a recipe like this now the rest of your seasoning can go in at this point I have vegetable bouillon so that goes in you want to fry this now for about an extra minute it looks well fried and it's giving off that inviting Aroma you want to go in now with your tomato sauce homemade is best however store-bought will work just as well I had a quick batch of homemade tomato sauce I recently made which I hit with a lot of chilies the chilies though I remove the seeds so they have that beautiful chili flavor we all love without the heat Now cover with the lid leaving a small vent to allow the stew to fry down it's still cooking on gentle heat now gentle heat to my stove is three okay so my stove the heat level goes up to 10 and I'm cooking on three now you want to go in after about 10 minutes and stir it all right now because I'm using tomato sauce that has been cooked down this sauce will be ready in no time now I must say if you end up using strawber tomato sauce then you want to add at least one habanero chili or chili that you can tolerate if you don't like the heat then just remove the seeds but you do want that chili flavor in the sauce it has been frying for about 10 minutes the oil started coming back onto the top which is a great indication that your stew is frying perfectly now we're going to fry the fish now I'm going to coat the fish very lightly with some all-purpose flour I will season the flour with some salt and crushed black pepper now it may seem that this fish tomato gravy is being prepared in the reverse because I'm now frying the fish we typically would fry the fish first and then cook the gravy in that same oil but I use cold pressed coconut oil to cook the stew because I want that coconut flavor in the stew it is amazing cold pressed coconut oil though you want to not use to deep fry why because it doesn't have a high smoking point on the other hand however if I was a shallow frying or pan frying the fish then I could definitely use the cool pressed coconut oil but I am deep frying so I have to use cooking oil that has a high smoking point so make sure that you're dusting off the excess flour from the fish before it goes into the oil the flour is just to help the skin to become crispy and for the fish to fry quickly leaving the inside nice moist and tender and that's it it's done golden brown is what you're looking for it is crispy outside just the way you should have it and the stew has been frying for about 30 minutes since adding the tomato sauce on very gentle Heat and so now the oil is on the top indicating it's ready we can add whatever else to it including the fish so I've added some more chilies I left them whole with the heads on because I love that chili fragrance it's like perfume to your stew and it also serves as a garnish it is a thing we do in West African cooking and it's gorgeous now the fish is done we're taking them all out of the oil and now they're going to go into the stew this was tasty that coconut oil if you like coconut flavor you must use your cold pressed coconut oil okay to make this sauce this gravy this do however you want to call it but in Ghana we'll call something like this gravy tomato based gravy insert your fish or submerge them into the stew so they can take on the flavor of each other and let me tell you friends this fish gravy was groovy quite exciting and taste friends and you must try this recipe of course this goes very well with rice although you may have it with any pairing of your choice I also had a tomato and cucumber salad on the side and it was amazing each bite was Heavenly friends just take a look at this fluffy rice with your gravy and your fish and your salad ah the salad was lightly dressed with a very simple vinaigrette recipe coming up very soon thank you so much friends for watching I hope you enjoyed this video and we'll be trying this recipe and returning with your feedback and you see what else yes zobo Sorel So Below drink freshly made represented at this mini party and all of it was quite exciting most times the simple things are the best things and this one does not fall short of that statement now on this day we had this beautiful dish for lunch it was also lunchtime for my daughter for ra who is a freshman in high school she made the cut for her swimming team and she is killing it in that swimming team friends and you know athlete needs they need to eat well and properly so we packed our plates and my husband and I surprised her in school with it and she enjoyed every single bite thanks for watching make it a great day and have fun especially in that station you beautiful person for watching the video all the way to the end kindly leave me a comment and subscribe down below and don't forget to share the video as well also watch more videos it is tough time and here in another's kitchen shop time is always yes friend so pull up a chair we are all friends and family here
Channel: Nanaaba's Kitchen
Views: 1,569,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fish Stew - tasty tilapia, red snapper stew, fried snapper, fried tilapia, mackeral stew, whole fish fried, 8 seafood recipes, 8 fish recipes, Recipes, 3 recipes, 2 Recipes, 5 Recipes, 7 recipes, 10 recipes, seafood lovers, the best fish stew
Id: hn7YG2gdGBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 26sec (5126 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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