8 Random Video Game Enemies Harder Than Any Boss Battle!

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i'm not redoing that dan that is that is it hello all of you little demons jules here for whatculture.com back again with another episode of the awesomely named and awfully hosted choose your own adventure the weekly medieval theme format where i the crown jewels of whatculture.com tickle is chosen by you yes you the person who survived the epic heat wave of 2022 melted down into a puddle only to reform themselves in this exact visage because i was perfect the first time around yes you get to decide what list i dole out to you i was a bit self-indulgent and uh egotistical that wasn't it yes you get to decide what list i dole out to you each and every week and this week we have none other than thank them elliot granger for their suggestion of random video game enemies that were way harder than any actual boss now while some video games pride themselves on boss battles to the extent that it becomes one of their main selling points let's not forget about the goblins grunts and household goons that back up these big evils because you know what without them not only would there be a lot of heavy lifting for those in charge but it would also make for some pretty sparse and boring video games and sometimes you meet a video game enemy that is really just over qualified for the job and end up proving to be a much greater challenge than might first appear with unblockable attacks ambushing tactics or the ability to just absolutely wail on you these enemies are angling for a promotion and your head is what they're writing their cv on so let's look at the goons that were destined for greatness as i'm jules this is what culture.com and these are eight video game enemies way harder than any actual bosses and you know the drill by now say hi to me here in the live chat and put your suggestions for next week's episode down in the comments section below but with that in mind let's get on with this list shall we number eight the lesser roon bear elden ring if you go down to the woods today you're sure of a big surprise if you go down to the woods today your bear is clearing my eyes such as the little ditty that you'll end up singing to yourself over and over should you come a cropper of the one and only lesser roon bear which while having the prefix of lesser really couldn't do more to make you feel like a wee boo-hoo baby now while there are arguably harder enemies in eldenbring and indeed there are many many boss battles in this title that will utterly embarrass you the fact that these massive mountains of fur and hate can be encountered within about 30 minutes of playtime really does beg the question of why why do you hate us from software well the answer to this seems to be just because i don't like you as these lesser room bears present a challenge unlike anything that you'll face in this opening segment rocking huge health pools a horrifying ability to dish out insane amounts of damage quickly and of course are able to sprint after you meaning that not even torrent can save you this time now i would make a joke about these video game enemies being unbearable but you know what by the time that would have even got that pun out of my mouth my avatar has already died twice number seven parasites alien swarm if you love your twin stick shooters with an isometric perspective then i've reached a uh cowboy singularity just their who howdy boy dang do will you like this game oh yeah that game is alien swarm as a team of up to four your goal is to simply survive against a horde of alien foes i mean technically there are other missions and objectives to complete but survival will most definitely be your overriding goal as some of even the regular enemies are ridiculously tough and yet of all of the gruesome and multi-limbed monstrosities you'll face one of the most unassuming can end up being the most dangerous i'm speaking of course about the parasites that will often crop up at the worst possible time during your mission run and uh let me just check my notes here oh that time is anytime what makes them so utterly deadly is the fact that they are small and live enough to avoid most regular gunfire and should they so much as touch your marine will infest them and begin draining their health it's here you're faced with two choices either let your friend die in agonizing death more on that in a moment or use a precious and scarce healing kit to remove the parasite now here's the thing the latter option seems like the most sensible right but as i've said before the medic resources are pretty scarce in this game and it also comes with the fact that should you actually heal somebody there's a good chance they'll get reinfested again if you don't clear out the multitude of parasites that are already accompanying the one that infected you in the first place now if we go back to the other one of letting your friend die i mean it's a pretty tragic way to go but still you could choose to let them die and sold on to those resources but here's the thing they will then explode into four more parasites that will go and infect the rest of your team this is less like being stuck between a rock and a hard place and more like being stuck between two industrial blenders that are both set to frappe number six inferno craft godzilla monster of monsters okay i won't lie to you dan um who is editing today's episode i won't lie to you dan godzilla monster of monsters is not a good game it's not even a competent game so put down your wallet don't even think about buying it i've saved you some money in fact use that to buy me a present later come on why don't i i say this because the game basically requires you to hold down right and spam punches to make it through pretty much every level all the while you're bombarded with so much enemy fire that the term bullet hell really comes to take on a new meaning and that new meaning is that this game is i mean imagine trying to carry your shopping home up a long hill and there's just like this annoying kid in front of you just firing pebbles into your face with a slingshot does that sound like fun of course it doesn't plus the boss battles in this game are utterly pathetic pitting you against monsters from the kaiju cannon in which you can just once again spam as many punches as possible until your breath attack is charged up two button slow down my head spinning mate as such the only real enemy that presents a true challenge is the inferno craft or as it is known amongst other players the croissant of doom also necron players will get that reference as well and this craft possesses the horrible ability to shred your health in seconds and it does so by simply flying into your monster and burning a hole right through them with each second it touches you causing damage it's the only enemy in the game that ignores invincibility frames meaning that it can just stick its way right through you and you're just like oh cool i literally cannot stop this from happening sick i love this woo what a ropey piss factory of a game this is number five eggplant wizards kid icarus now sometimes a video game enemy doesn't need to be necessarily hard or have a huge health pool or just have stupidly devastating attacks i don't know why i slowed down there but there we go in order to be counted as being more challenging than any boss battle in the game sometimes they just need to be well an absolute dick now let's get the juvenile jokes out of the way first yes the eggplant emoji is often used to represent a penis although if yours is ever this purple please go and seek medical help and yes the connection between the eggplant is an obvious connection that i've already made but here's the thing you'll ironically be made to feel a right tit should you be converted into this digital thirst message as your suffering is only just beginning for you see being an eggplant and all your combat abilities and platforming skills are limited to say the very least and it does mean that in order to cure yourself you're going to have to go back through levels avoiding enemies that will maul you in a fashion that is similar to well an aubergine at veganfest 2020. poor bastard never stood a chance and in order to get to these healing areas you'll have to backtrack avoid enemies and work around these sludgy controls only to then make your way back to the eggplant wizard and pray it doesn't happen again thank you thank you so much for this i tell you what uh dan can you just pull up an image of the eggplant wizard i just i need to do something right now got him right good then got him right good number four iron maiden slash regenerator resident evil 4. oh what's that what's that is that the sound of impending doom yes it is it's also the calling card of one of resident evil's most terrifying enemies ever which when you consider the rotting rogues gallery this franchise sports is bloody well saying something i'm speaking or in this case screaming about the regenerators and the iron maiden enemies that pop up throughout the game and before you start hammering your keyboard with messages like jules you stupid idiot you absolute stack of pennies inside a sock of a man you cannot include these two on this list because they are technically mini bosses well i would argue with the fact that a shut up and b also there's more than 10 of them that appear throughout the game in different pairings so i would put that as being a regular enemy over 10 get in the pen that's what it is that's unfortunately that's the rule i don't make the rules i just enforce them but i hear you ask another question how are these horrors more difficult than some of the bosses in this game well for a start rocking a one hit impalement style kill will definitely put you further up the no thanks i'm good list but also because if you don't happen to have access to powerful rifles or are a crack enough shot with a heat vision these can and likely will be your very bloody end while some of the bosses in this game can definitely be challenging most are just one-on-one encounters with leon here though you often have ashley in tow meaning that you have to protect her height as much as your own and if you've ever played the amazing game that resident evil 4 creates which is entitled no ashley honey baby please don't go towards them they are not offering you free hugs we'll be able to tell you that it's not a good time ashley you stupid idiot love her really she's great oh you pervert number three malboro final fantasy 10. now how could you have a list about video game enemies that are tougher than some bosses without talking about the one enemy in the final fantasy franchise that offers a pink slip to your soul and that is the big sh thinker himself melbourne a reoccurring enemy across the franchise this multi-eyed and massive mouthed horror will crop up randomly during your quest and spew what i imagined the phrase you should definitely invest in nfts would look like in video game form as its bad breath attack definitely causes a litany of terrible status effects to be applied to you and your party and trust me trying to manage a group that has zero chance to hit are enraged enough that they won't ever stop attacking and are confused enough to attack their own partners definitely makes for some of the most frustrating video game experiences going it's like being in charge of a bachelor party that is powered purely by carling and well bath salts it's not a fun time and definitely will mean that the melbourne will often be the last thing that you see on your runs in some titles this absolute lump was bumped up to become a mini boss or even a full-fledged boss battle but in some titles like final fantasy 10 these could be encountered on the fly and would dump all over your chances of having fun with this game number two literally any enemy god hand god hand is such a brilliantly weird game it's got an utterly ridiculous approach to combat its characters are off the wall insane there's chihuahua racing and of course you can even nut kick your enemies to death however for all of the wonderfully weird positives this game has there are some significant difficulty spikes that often hamper the fun more than is fully acceptable as alongside a mechanic that makes enemies more and more challenging the better you're doing there's another wrinkle in the fact that at any time any enemy can be possessed by a demon and become an absolute oh i've just seen what i've written here in the script i don't want to say i'm barely recovering after the bruises from last time i tell you what we didn't get dan to do this dan here's the script mate and become an absolute beef gate sorry mate you got to share the pain sometimes these specters will show up at random and only after a set number of enemies have been killed and if you're not in the absolute zone they will wreck you like a bull in a china shop where the shop itself is also made of china therefore a sense of panic will set in with players on lower health actively avoiding combat where possible for fear that the specters will burst forth and thus it creates a situation where any enemy can potentially be the most threatening enemy in the game oh and also the amount of specters per level changes each time that you die so you'll never know how many are just waiting to burst forth it's the two thumb seal of approval it's back again and number one the chrysolids xcom2 so unless you've been living under a rock or as is probably more the case are not a masochist who likes having their shins slapped with rubber hoses for fun the x-com series of video games are pretty difficult okay that's actually a bit of an understatement some of these games are like climbing up a mountain made of broken glass using only your eyelids and of course that's partly down to just how utterly punishing some of the enemies present in the series can be floaters will make you go belly up cyber discs more like cyber dicks am i right and then you've got the chosen uber boss characters who relentlessly hunt you down with powers and abilities that seem so beyond being fair that you'd think that you personally slighted the developer's mother however all of these extraterrestrial ass kickers kind of pale in comparison to one of the most common and most frustrating enemies in the entire franchise the chrysolids while lacking any form of ranged combat the one edge that this horrible beast has over its allies is well that it's covered in edges horrible bladed edges that carve through even the toughest armor with ease and because they spawn in groups of around three to four at a time can easily overwhelm players oh yeah and they can also infect civilians that then in later turns become more chrysalids oh that's great and then they can also jump underground and move without being shot in a game with an already pressured time limit and enemies that can utterly obliterate you from a distance the last thing you want is a million razor clawed bugs right up in your face but xcom 2 has never ever ever been about giving players what they wanted which is weirdly enough for xcom fans exactly what we wanted we're a weird bunch and there we go my friends those were eight random video game enemies way tougher than any boss battle i hope that you enjoyed that and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comments section below as well as your suggestions for next week's episode as always i've been jules you can go follow me over on twitter at retroj but the o is a zero and you can follow dan durkin here my friend i wonder if he's also sort of adopted james downes's weird meme approach to the end slates here either way give him some love he is a great person through and through but before i go i just want to say one thing speaking about great people let's talk about you my friend watching this video because you are a good person you deserve love happiness and success all right and do not let anything or anyone else tell you otherwise you are a massive ledge and i want you to go out there and absolutely smash your life goals today i believe in you and you need to believe in yourself as well all right as always i've been jules you have been awesome never forget that and i'll speak to you soon bye
Channel: WhatCulture Gaming
Views: 176,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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