8 Proven Ways to Boost Your Self Confidence

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[Music] hey everyone I am Peter from top Fink and today we are going to learn about eight proven ways to boost your self-confidence now let's begin number one you celebrate yourself many people with low self-esteem have a hard time celebrating themselves even when they accomplish something amazing they tend to focus on all the things they did wrong this can be a huge hurdle for even the most motivated individuals imagine you spent months on a project you poured your heart and soul into it but when it finished you wouldn't let anyone see it despite caring so much about your work you feel embarrassed you might compare yourself to others in their field which can breed feelings of inadequacy you might be incredibly talented and ambitious but still lack the confidence to realize your goals to overcome this obstacle you have to learn to celebrate yourself when you accomplish a goal take time to reflect on all the hard work you put into it a few months ago you might have thought you'd never finish but you did be proud of the simple fact that you followed through because most people can't a little celebration can break you out of that paralyzing cycle of over analysis and perfectionism sometimes you need a little fun to realize how much you have to be proud of number two learn something new how often do you try new things do you like to learn or do you just stick to what you're good at people with low self-confidence tend to hide within their comfort zone they rarely take risks because they don't believe in their ability to succeed but your comfort zone might be the reason you're lacking confidence learning a new skill gives you a sense of accomplishment and purpose when you overcome an unfamiliar challenge you gain a very different kind of pride which will stick with you for years to come it's so powerful because nine times out of ten you expect yourself to go down in flames but by succeeding it's something new you develop faith in yourself this belief will give you the confidence to keep pushing even when you fail who knows you might just discover a new passion along the way number three smell great smell is easily the most underrated of our senses most people don't realize the mental and physical role that smell plays in their lives your sense of smell can for example completely change your mood one smell might make you excited while another leaves you scared or angry we even link certain smells to memorable times in our lives say your mom used to make brownies when you were younger when that familiar smell hits your limbic system those nostalgic memories can come rushing back all of the sudden you feel warm and safe while reminiscing about your childhood home because your sense of smell is so powerful you can use it to boost your confidence a 2009 study from the University of Liverpool discovered that different smells affect both self-confidence and self-esteem researchers gave a sample of male participants to different types of deodorants the next day they assessed each groups self-confidence they found that the men with better deodorant had a much more positive self-image now the best part about this technique is how easy it is by caring just a little more about your scent you can give yourself a quick and easy boost of confidence number 4 watch less TV watching too much TV cripples your confidence by lowering your self-esteem in fact one study found that the number of hours you spend watching TV directly influences your self-worth and it doesn't matter what show you're watching whether it's reality TV dramas or sitcoms too much TV is a confidence killer why because too much TV lowers motivation people who watch tons of TV are less likely to exercise and maintain long-term goals it can even worsen cognitive skills like concentration and memory so instead of binging another series on Netflix limit yourself to an hour of TV a day you'll start feeling more clear-headed and confident in no time number 5 playing music the most powerful aspect of music isn't the music itself it's the emotion a musician infuses into every note it's the ability to express complex feelings through layers of sound many people who lack confidence also struggle to express themselves they don't value their emotions or they might belittle their own ideas when opportunities arise they give way to the people around them it might feel like everyone else's opinions matter more than yours by playing an instrument you learn to recognize your own worth you become more in touch with your emotions you gain the ability to express them in a way words never could as you begin to understand yourself you develop two vital pieces of confidence self-respect and self-esteem a recent study which took place over three years had 250 teenagers undergo either musical or non musical therapy they found that musical therapy improved self-esteem and confidence more than any other type of treatment but why did music work so well playing an instrument lets you be vulnerable you may not know why you're frustrated or scared but you can channel those feelings into the music you make over time you'll start to overcome the negativity that's been holding you back number 6 exercise daily daily exercise can skyrocket your self-confidence by affecting everything from your physical health to your sense of well-being to put it simply when you look good you feel good daily exercise helps you meet your fitness goals which in turn strengthens your body and fills it with energy after a good workout you'll feel mentally and physically capable like you can conquer anything this natural euphoria is what's called an exercise or runner's high when you experience physical stress your brain releases natural painkillers called endorphins these chemicals improve your mood and self-esteem if you're having a bad morning as little as 15 minutes of exercise can completely turn your day around you'll be more motivated to tackle new challenges you'll feel more courageous in the face of adversity your brain will even feel more focused and efficient you've probably heard about the benefits of exercise many times for good reason there are a few things that simultaneously strengthen your body sharpen your mind and help you accomplish your goals and all you need to sacrifice is half an hour of your day so if you want to develop self-confidence make working out a part of your daily routine number seven make an avatar for years video games have been associated with a particular negative stereotype some people assume that if you play video games you're unhealthy sad and insecure but is that really true a study from the University of Missouri found exactly the opposite they asked nearly 300 people to play a simulation game and interact with its online community the goal was to see whether this form of socializing could help boost their self-esteem in real life after surveying each player they discovered something surprising not only did playing this game make people feel better it actually boosted their confidence turns out creating a virtual avatar function kind of like having an ideal self ideal selves are projections of who we aspire to be they have accomplished our goals overcome our obstacles and can do all the things we wish we could well many people did the same thing with their characters but inside a simulation it feels much more real people argue that this type of game distorts reality but this study shows it's just the opposite many players were inspired to close the gap between their real and virtual selves they wanted to become more like their avatars goals like losing weight seemed more attainable because people could visualize that ideal version of themselves of course there is a catch like many forms of entertainment playing too much can be mentally and physically dangerous make sure to always practice moderation that way you can use this type of game to build self-esteem without losing sight of your goals number 8 be helpful you can also inspire self-confidence by helping people when we do something nice for someone our brains release three different neurotransmitters dopamine oxytocin and serotonin otherwise known as the happy trifecta these chemicals give you that warm energetic feeling that comes with a compliment or a hug they boost your mood when you laugh and help you feel proud after a long day of work they shape what you like and what kind of person you want to be they even motivate you by rewarding your brain and helping you learn on each of these flashes of happiness will help you feel capable safe and valued who knew that a few hormones could all do that one of the easiest ways to flood your brain with these feel-good chemicals is to help someone in need humans are naturally social creatures so we feel good when we make an impact in someone else's life by relieving their stress we can actually relieve our own why because we have the unique ability to change our perspective no other creature can put themselves in someone else's shoes you can imagine how you'd feel if you were struggling and no one came to help you when we spare someone these negative emotions the altruism center of our brain lights up we experience that rush of positivity which makes us feel valuable and significant some people would say this isn't charity at all you're not helping people just to help people you're doing it to make yourself feel good but that's how volunteering should be it's something that should benefit everyone involved in other words there's nothing wrong with helping others to find the self-worth you've been lacking thank you for watching Top think and be sure to subscribe because more incredible content is on the way
Channel: TopThink
Views: 1,105,788
Rating: 4.8912978 out of 5
Keywords: boost your self confidence, how to become more confident, how to become more confident in yourself, how to be confident, how to build self confidence, boost your confidence
Id: JgjntmIZm_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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