8 Paint Brushes Every Mini Painter NEEDS

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hey man let me borrow some brushes are you going to use them to clean out your ear wax again darryl no i'm squeaky clean on every orifice now all right what brushes do you need yeah i'll take uh grandpa's nose hairs uh fickle tickler uh gentlemen walrus uh kamehameha quintuple zero and uh chris pratt's popsicle stick [Music] i probably don't need to tell you that painting miniatures can be a spendy hobby indeed paints brushes tools blades models terrain bits everything that's out there costs money and if you're anything like me you don't want to be wasting your money on stuff that doesn't cut the mustard but i'm sure you don't want to sit through a four hour video covering every possible tool and miniature painting so today we are gonna focus on one the most important one the humble paintbrush what are the tasks we need our paint brushes to do in miniature painting and which tool is best for that job that is what we are going to discuss today oh and instead of just looking at my stupid face for 12 minutes as i talk about paint brushes today we are actually going to paint something as well we are going to show the techniques and the different uses for different brushes today on this amazing sea dragon eel creature thing today's sponsor and the creator of this amazing dragon eel mini is cobra mode miniatures cobra mode strives to create unique miniatures and they really care about the design form and pose work together to tell the story for each miniature each sculpt is unique so each model has its own personality even when it's a part of a larger line within the same species all the models come pre-supported and include d d fifth edition stats as well as lore and story and if you join the patreon you also get access to their discord where you can talk to the artists and designers themselves as well as get all the 3d printing help you may need you can get cobra modes miniatures one of two ways one you can join their patreon campaign and get awesome files each and every month as well as some awesome thematic bases to print off as well you could also visit their my mini factory page and pick individual models like this sweet moire eel for you to print out and paint yourself thanks cobra mode for supporting the channel now let's get back to painting this eel and while i'm not including an airbrush in my eight must-have miniature paint brushes i did start with one i just primed the model in this dark neutral gray and then sprayed a base coat of navy blue over the whole model we'll see the reason why we did blue for everything later on i also gave it a slight spritz from below with a magenta color we'll use that kind of as our guideline for our first steps in painting this model so let's look at our very first brush that makes the list of top eight and that brush is simply known as the dumper the dumper is the brush that does everything else that you don't want your good brushes to do it scoops paint out of the pot and mixes it on the palette it grabs texture paste it mixes up pva glue and applies it for your base textures you use this one when you don't want to use anything else my preferred dumper brush is an old cheap synthetic brush that i originally used for slapping on base coats or even wet blending on my models it starts with a nice tip but that tip curls and goes quickly so after a couple of months it becomes a dumper i just take a scissors and chop off those top bristles so it's kind of flat on top and then i can use it for stippling as well stippling is naturally really hard on brushes you are literally jabbing the model with the tip of your brush you don't want to do that with a nice brush but with this one we have a nice wide spread of bristles that we get to create this nice texture with our old brush and our second brush which is the one i find myself using more and more recently is simply known as lil smush lil smush here is an old little detail brush a synthetic one and his tip is long since gone i think this one was a pretty cheap one but eventually once the tip gets gone it becomes a perfect little stippling tool again i may snip off a bit of the bristles so it has a blunter tip instead of a nice sharp point little smush is great when we need to dry brush or stipple in a nice tight area but still create that texture we're looking for it gives me a lot more control than a big wide dry brush it also spreads the bristles really well so every time i dot that miniature i've created eight 10 12 little dots of paint with texture and as i keep tapping i'm building up and creating layers of depth of color in just a mere moment nice high quality sable brushes are wonderful and we're going to get to one of those later but they're also quite expensive especially for a really good one that's gonna last you a while and that's why we need a tweener the tweener is a nice sharp tip brush but it's a cheap one that means that over time it's gonna die and when it does die then i get to turn it into a little smush or maybe a brush for oils or maybe something else entirely the point is i'm not putting so many hours into my expensive brushes because this one can do a lot of detail work just on its own in fact when you're starting out i'd rather you own a couple of tweeners than spend way more on an expensive sable hair brush and to beat you to the punch in the comments section i am going to put links to all the brushes as well as other things that i use like this brush case in the video description below you get to support the channel with no extra cost to you and if you buy anything through monument hobbies you even get an additional 10 off for anything you buy there also if you're from north america i have exciting announcement that i am partnering up with michigan toy soldier my favorite place to order all my hobby needs if you think of it they can get it if you use the promo code ninjon 2021 at checkout you get 15 off msrp anything you buy check them out now those of you that succeeded your perception check will notice that my brush case here has 10 brushes in it but the list only says eight there's good reason for that our next brush is known as the workhorse this is a high quality synthetic round brush i have two that's why there's an extra brush in here i've got a bigger one that i use for bigger flat sections of a model maybe even something a larger scale like a 72 millimeter or a bust and i've got my smaller one that works great even on 25 millimeter models these things are your daily drivers these are the brushes because they're a high quality synthetic they'll go a long time before getting a curled tip or fraying but they have the precision to do most of the detail work as well in general for me i could do seventy to eighty percent of any model with just a good solid synthetic brush well you'll notice here that i hop back a little smush for a moment after doing some daily driver workhorse action on this belly of the eel this way i can kind of blend back in my textures as well as the colors naturally and the thing important to note while you're stippling is just like dry brushing you want to remove most of the paint from the brush before you actually start stippling on the model otherwise you'll leave these big globs on there that are obvious and a little bit distracting when you need precision when you need to draw a thin white line across that cloak when you need to dot every tiny detail and sparkle of light there's one tool that you turn to and that's excalibur excalibur is where we spend our money excalibur's is our expensive kalinski hair sable brush i know people are going to ask what are my preferences for this right now i've got two brands that i love first of all is broken toad and their new marc series three sable brushes they are a thing of beauty and i also love the monument bomb wick igniter series they have a nice big full belly with still having a tiny tiny sharp tip meaning i can get big areas of a model in little areas of a model again part of why this whole brush setup has eight brushes is to prevent us from burning through our 15 brushes every month or two now dry brushes often get a bad wrap in the mini painting community especially for those that are trying to get better and better and look down on them but a good dry brush is an amazing tool as long as we understand that just like anything it requires finesse and practice to get better at my favorite dry brush is simply the poof ball the poof ball is a nice big dry brush used for makeup application i buy them in cheap packs on amazon and it gives me a nice round top that allows me to stipple as well as dry brush and have a bit more control over my application i wanted the navy blue base coat on this model to act as the shadow color that unifies the entire piece by building up this color with thin coats from our poof ball we can cover the large amounts of space on this model gradually building up the mid-tone and highlight in a controlled manner and do it way faster than simple layering and glazing would do once that mid-tone is established i can use the brushes i've showcased so far to boost the saturation and highlights based on the task at hand for smaller textured areas and ripples like the eel's back i can use little smooch for fine details around the face i bring out my excalibur to push the highlights farther while still staying crisp and i can even use the dumper to stipple select larger areas building highlights while keeping a textured feel for the eel's high [Music] you'll probably notice i'm using my three different stippling brushes all quite a bit in this video and then this model there's a couple of reasons for that first of all it's a bigger model with a lot of large surfaces and those things tend to be boring unless we build in some kind of texture or pattern to the piece and so it really helped me get an interesting looking model a lot quicker by using stippling and secondly lately i've been really inspired by artists like dave colwell who are amazing painters create some of the most insane miniatures that are being put out today and he uses almost exclusively stippling techniques and i figure if he can do it i'm excited with what he can create maybe i should practice that as well and add that to my kit of techniques that'll make me a better painter overall there's these big weird organic orb kind of things on the side of the eel's neck i don't know if he's got like a thyroid issue or something but i wanted them to stick out they're really interesting and i want them to be a secondary focal piece for the model again we're not covering all our blue that's our unified shadow color we're just taking our dump brush and smooshing around in a circular shape to kind of accentuate the orb shape and that's how we're going to build up our highlights don't fight the shape that you are painting embrace it and use that same shape in how you paint and based on how orbs catch light it wouldn't have the strongest highlights directly on the top it almost be on the halo around the side of the orb and that's how i worked a rough highlight of this to create almost like an eerily golden glow globe thing neck goiter [Music] and as we're getting to the final part of the model which is the eyeballs we are going to bring out our final brush he is lovingly known as the little bastard little bastard is a triple zero kalinski sable brush probably only has about six seven eight hairs in the entire brush he's tiny and he is named little bastard for a reason if you've ever used one of these tiny tiny brushes you realize that working with acrylic paint it likes to dry really fast one tip that i have in using a little bastard is don't thin your paint with water i use either a flow aid a paint retarder or a magic mix by yo sonia they thin the paint but they also give you a longer dry type and there we have it those are my eight go-to paint brushes as well as how i use them so what do you say are there any other kinds of brushes that you use that i wasn't naming here that you find are your go-to's let me know about them in the comments below also if you name your paint brushes like me let me know the name of your favorite paintbrush down there as well thanks once again for hanging out especially since you made it all the way to the end of the video if you like what i do and you want to support me to make more videos the main way that you can do that is consider joining my patreon campaign you get a lot of cool rewards like helping me decide video topics like today's topic that was suggested by j balboa24 thank you j balboa also you get access to my discord we can chat about anything mini painting and otherwise and my weekly vlog so until next time take care of yourselves be good to one another and get out there and slay that gray weasel nightingale shogun shotgun peninsula piledriver infamous two hair hurricane susan sarandon salami tray take a primo primerino i mean that seems that about cover it
Channel: Ninjon
Views: 55,952
Rating: 4.9812121 out of 5
Keywords: miniature painting, mini painting, warhammer, painting warhammer, warhammer 40k, painting warhammer 40k, painting age of sigmar, best paint brush, best miniature painting brush, learning miniature painting, miniature painting 101, beginner miniature painting, miniac, painting D&D, painting board games, how to paint miniatures, miniature paint brushes, painting 3d printing, age of sigmar, warhammer 40000, painting space marine, painting games workshop
Id: Up-AzLfL59o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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