10 Most Competent Rebels Officers

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hello there friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is alan we recently looked at some of the most incompetent and competent military officers within the galactic empire's military structure the natural progression for that series would be for us to now look at the rebel side of the equation but unfortunately because the rebellion would go on to win the galactic civil war and control all future information about the war and so for now the best thing we can do is take a look at the most confident individuals within the rebel alliance most of you might remember antagonic as leader of blue squadron who sported a big smile on his way to what essentially was a suicide mission when half a blue squadron entered the atmosphere scarif and the shield gate closed behind them antoine merrick knew that escaping from the planet would be next to impossible yeah he's still stuck with the mission which was providing ground support for rogue one on the ground but what makes him even more impressive is the fact that he was actually a full-blown general and not just any general mind you he along with garvin dreice you know red one both left their home planet of viewer johnson after retiring from the planetary defense force and volunteered for the fledgling rebel alliance starfighter corps these two individuals brought experience to a very inexperienced military force and soon they rose to become leaders of blue and red squadron anton merrick would play a huge part in developing the training doctrine for all future rebel alliance starfighter pilots the general was also a huge part of the reason why the x-wing and not the a-wing would form the backbone of the rebels starfighter command apparently the x-wing which was created by income had very similar flight characteristics to the small bush hoppers that anton america used to fly back on his home planet i'm guessing what he's talking about is the income t16 which luke skywalker was also very familiar with another thing that antoine would do would be to cycle the ewing out of escort duty and turn it more into a troop transport merrick was a huge supporter of the ewing program and he showed the ewing pilots a lot of respect despite the fact that he was an elite star fighter pilot and not just any elite starfighter pilot merrick had over 22 542 flight hours which is ridiculous and over 24 confirmed kills in the modern u.s air force a pilot will be lucky to get a few thousand hours of flight time throughout their entire career which can span multiple decades merrick had the same amount of hours that you would expect from a very experienced civilian airliner pilot and remember he's getting shot at most of the time here somehow he survived this entire time and the general was always busy when he wasn't running his squadron he was helping rebel intelligence decipher information on the empire's tie line of fighters including the new thai defender but more importantly antoine merrick wasn't just an ace pilot and a great commander he also truly cared for the men beneath his command and he showed them his compassion as much as possible whenever merrick would appear over the battlefield the troops would rally to his cause his loss on scarif was a huge blow to the rebellion [Music] wedge antilles is in my opinion one of the most underrated rebel heroes the ace pilot from corellia has a very long list of achievements he started out the war as one of the top cadets at the elite imperial flight school sky strike academy even at that young age wedge antilles had an extremely strong moral compass he decided to defect from the empire into bby after hearing about the massacre of a surrendered crew of a rebel transport near the tarlof system still wedge was a smart individual and he would stay within the academy long enough to get a terrific education before leaving say all you want about the empire they knew how to train pilots better than almost any faction in stars history it was former imperial pilots like wedge antilles who formed the backbone of the new rebel line starfighter corps in those days most of the squadrons were made up of bush pilots someone as well trained as wedge antilles even if he was just a cadet gave an instant boost in experience and skills to a rebel units wedge would become famous for his lectures about trigger discipline which apparently was like a huge problem amongst the rebels starfighter corps he would also be involved in almost every major battle during the galactic civil war the sky was everywhere this included the battle of atlan the battle of scarif the battle of yavin the battle of hoth the battle of endor the liberation of kaishik and finally the battle of jakku heck this guy even came back out of retirement to fight against the first order and the eternal sith and was seen in one of the turret guns of the millennium falcon during the battle of mexico and then in legends wedge antilles would go on to fight for the new republic against many other different factions including the extra galactic yusung van he also apparently had well over 200 confirmed kills and one of those kills was the second death star now as the most decorated and talented starfighter pilot in the entire alliance wedge until he's actually had a lot of opportunities to move up in the chain of command and while his abrasive and telnet telenolized nature and tendency to operate unsanctioned missions and squadrons made him unpopular with a political elite that ran the military that still doesn't explain why which utilities never rose above the rank of captain i mean he clearly had enough combat experience to be a rear admiral well it turns out that wedge and dilly's was promoted to a higher rank several times but he actually refused to accept those promotions because he wanted to stay in the cockpit of his x-wing or whatever bird he was flying at the moment wedge antilles had no desire to be a rear admiral but he was actually a terrific flight instructor he would go on to teach many of the resistance's best fighters including poe dameron commander we heard you're looking for some good pilots indeed we are welcome to the rebellion saw guerrero was never really an official member of the rebel alliance one could argue that he was loosely associated with the lines to restore the republic though his partisan unit which we've mentioned on multiple occasions had a very different ideology and goal compared to the mainstream rebel movement saw guerrero wanted to strike against the empire and strike hard in every opportunity he was concerned solely with tactical victories which he believed could open strategic weaknesses in the imperial armor he was also known for executing wounded imperial soldiers and also targeting imperial citizens but what do you expect of a man who has been fighting an asymmetrical battle against various factions since the clone wars started sa guerrero's body was scarred and his view of the world was quite radical and extreme which is why the wider rebellion rejected the partisans but one cannot argue with saw herrera's abilities as a leader of a guerrilla movement the difference between us ezra is this i will do whatever is required to be the victim the empire feared saw as partisans more than any other rebel unit and that was because they followed no code no regulation and they were focused only on killing as many imperials as possible so aguero's partisans would be one of the first rebel units to aid the wookiees in the resistance against the empire his many attacks against the imperial kyber crystal supply chain which severely delayed the construction of the death star project he even managed to uncover the empire's genocide of the gene notions but by the end of his life saw guerrero was probably too close to the front lines to see that the empire was slowly closing in around him and his men which was fine though because old warriors like sargeras welcomed their death without fear or hesitation one could argue that he was tired of fighting anyway you can either adapt and survive or die with the past the decision is yours harrison doula comes from rebel royalty and by royalty i mean a long line of resistance fighters starting off with her father champs and doula who fought against the separate destroyed army clone army and also the galactic empire and harrison doula was a lot like her father it's just kind of funny because she would actually rebel against him and leave the twilight resistance movement and join the mainstream rebel movement most of us know harrison doula from her time as commander of the spectres this was a small resistance cell based out of le fall and they were extremely successful at tying up a massive amount of imperial resources on the planets under her command and with the help of phoenix cell the lothal resistance movement was able to kill the grand inquisitor take out tarkin's flagship derailed the thai defender program and eventually they even destroyed the seventh fleet and more importantly disappeared ground animal throne to the unknown region he was probably one of the most dangerous individuals within the empire and he presented a true threat to the rebel alliance and she did all that before the battle of yavin even started oh and i also have to mention the fact that she was an exceptionally skilled pilot like wedge and tilly's level as a matter of fact she was wedge's commanding officer on many occasions and even taught him some of her tricks unlike wedge antilles though harrison doula would eventually rise up in the rebel ranks after serving during the battle of scarif harrison doula would be promoted to the rank of general and be given command of the lucra hope battleship luke or hulk prime she would set up a flight school there to train the future pilots of the rebellion once the school is more or less operational harrison doula would get involved in more rebel operations after the battle of endor should be placed in charge of bomber battle group she would use another clone wars era vessel an accommodator class assault ship named the lodestar as her flagship this acclimator would actually be converted into a starfighter carrier the lodestar would be sent after the feared 204th imperial fighter wing which had a central role in operation cinder arrow syndulla would also play a big part in protecting the starhawk program this was a new republic battleship designed specifically to counter the imperial class star destroyer harrison doula's record during the galactic civil war makes her easily one of the most impressive officers of the war i am not wasting my life i help people i lead ships into battle i am part of something bigger [Music] anti-merit basically liked everyone but he did have a little bit of beef with one individual and that was david's draven his main complaint about draven was the fact that he often failed to take into account the human elements of many of the rebel operations but that was because david stravin was in charge of the rebel alliance's intelligence services he actually originally served in the galactic republic's military intelligence but soon after the new order was created he would basically defect the rebel alliance it was before there was even a rebel alliance actually so it would be the alliance to restore the republic military intelligence is all about clearing up the flag of war and then using what knowledge you have to aid the military's actions or the intelligence service's own direct action forces in their operations since the rebel alliance was completely outgunned and outnumbered by the empire i would argue that rebel military intelligence was the most important branch within the military simply put the rebel alliance could not afford to take a chance on any of their operations they need to know that they could get their troops in and out safely with minimal casualties and that was of course davitz draven's main job and also without david's draven there would be no cassion endor who he personally recruited there would also be no successful retrieval of the death star plans which would deliver the empire's first massive defeat draven alone understood the price the rebellion had to pay in those early days in order to survive the massive imperial war machine now draven wasn't without faults of course he ordered cassian endor to take out galen erso the imperial scientist behind the design of the death star's main laser this move would almost alienate rebel operative jen erso who was galen's daughter but it's also the type of rational decision that draven's was famous for we're up against the clock here girl so if there's nothing to talk about we'll just put you back where we found you davis just never got along with jin and he didn't trust the former street criminal although later on he would regret not believing in her of course now anyone who would call dravens a cowardly spymaster would be proven wrong during the assault on the makota space docks during the battle when princess leia and draven's are cornered by darth vader on a starship draven's has every opportunity to run and save himself but instead general david stravins would attempt to stop vader and buy time for princess leia to escape instead one of his last words before he engaged vader was would i give for a flamethrower which just shows us how smart of an individual he actually was june sato was the type of commander that the earlier rebellion desperately needed he wasn't the flashiest commander he didn't have the piloting skills of syndulla and he didn't have the strategic knowledge of admiral ackbar but what he was good at was getting his unit phoenix cell through one battle at a time in those early days the rebellion didn't have a main base and so they were on the run all of the time and everything was extremely difficult even simple tasks like securing fuel for their command ship phoenix home was extremely difficult to do the rebels really didn't have that many resources during this time period and so june sato would only authorize missions that would bring more manpower or vehicles and ships to the cause or usually he okayed rescue missions as well it's because of sato's command of the spectres would join the wider rebellion he also managed to save the rebel cell known as iron squadron from being destroyed june sato also was somewhat of an escape artist whenever he was cornered and trapped he usually managed to find a way to save his crew first and then himself and even when phoenix home was destroyed by darth vader himself june sato managed to regroup the rebellion and convince them to continue to fight on israeli june sato's tenacity and courage and refusal to give up that help phoenix cell make it through those very difficult early years but finally during the battle of atlanta grand admiral thrawn would manage to trap the rebels with two interdictors june sato would make the greatest sacrifice by piloting his command ship phoenix nest directly into one of the imperial interdictors this would open up a hyperspace lane for rebel ezra bridger to escape and call for reinforcements which would eventually allow the rest of general dodonna's fleet to escape from ottawa if you take a look at how june sato named his command ships phoenix home and phoenix ness it shows us a man who always understood that war was about the soldiers and sailors that fought beside you it wasn't about the ships it wasn't about the territory it was about keeping his men alive long enough so that they could actually inspire the wider galaxy to rebel he was a very important figure in the early rebellion and now you know admiral until we meet again yes until we meet again [Music] when it comes to mon cala heroes younger generations might only know the bold and impulsive admiral raddus who died as a hero on scarif but the original mon cala badass commander was the salty fish man known as gal akbar akbar had served as the captain of the king's guard on mancala during the clone wars he had defended his planet from the separatists and corons during his planet civil war and like many leaders on this list he would continue to oppose the empire when it transitioned from the galactic republic like radish akbar would eventually escape his home planet and bring along with them several mc80 cruisers after king lee charr died and asked his people to join the rebel alliance it was admiral akbar that led the rebel alliance fleet in support of the mancala mutineers without his decisive action the rebel alliance would have never gained the moncala cruisers that would become the backbone of their fleet unlike the other rebel commanders that we've mentioned on this list admiral ackbar was really one of the few individuals in the rebel high command who had the experience and skill to command larger fleets he also had an uncanny ability to detect traps apparently it's a trap when the rebel alliance finally grew large enough in size to challenge the imperial fleet in conventional battles it would be admiral akbar who would take command and lead the rally into victory at decisive battles like endor and jakku admiral akbar was a permanent student and also a master of warfare he would be responsible for constantly upgrading and reforming the rebel lines as it evolved from a guerrilla movement into a full-fledged military force i mean people oftentimes underestimate how big of an undertaking this was the rebel line started off the war as just a handful of fighters but by the end of the galactic civil war the new republic navy was several times larger than even the galactic empires it's a trap [Music] princess general senator a lot of people laugh when i call her that but she really was an individual who deserved multiple titles while luke was great at swinging his sword around with his father and piloting an x-wing it was always more of a weapon that needed guidance especially in those early years of the war it was actually leia who really helped keep the rebel alliance alive and running smoothly in those early days the rebellion was basically just her father bail organa and her running supplies and setting up weapon stockpiles across the galaxy while using their diplomatic status as cover as a royal aldoranian it was a huge deal when leia joined the rebel alliance she was a charismatic and beautiful individual and she inspired the rebels far more than a bunch of moncala cruisers ever could david stravins knew exactly what he was doing when he gave his life to defend hers the princess was also an excellent general she fought from the front lines and led the rebels in several different conventional battles like the defense of naboo during operation cinder and many special operations like the battle of rogue vas where the rebels attempted to kill darth vader she also led a small unit to rescue rebel general han solo from the gangster known as jabba the hutt the only reason we don't think about princess leia as a general was because she was famous for so many other things but she was truly a very competent and disciplined officer you stuck up half-witted scruffy-looking nerf herder jane o'donnell was a kindly old-looking man who might not seem like much of a military officer at first glance but he was actually one of the most important founding members of the rebel alliance military force he had served as a bridge officer on a vendor-class star destroyer during the clone wars and he would actually be one of the first captains of an imperial class star destroyer but shortly after that he would actually defect to the alliance to restore the republic by five bby general jan o'donnell was in command of the masasi group one of the largest rebel fleets during this era dodana was known for being calm and wise even when placed under great stress it would keep calm when the death star approached the main rebel base on yavin 4 and would be the one who would devise the plan to strike the death star using the station's schematics delivered by rogue one this day has been a long time coming hopefully we can finally deal a blow to the empire and show the rest of the galaxy what we're capable of lastly we have the smuggler han solo former imperial cadet and mud trooper and apparently everyone's favorite rogue also happened to be a reluctant hero when the galaxy needed him the most like when luke was making that trench run on the death star han solo showed up into everyone's disbelief including his own he would eventually reach the rank of general and be appointed to unit pathfinders during the battle of endor their mission was not easy han solo had to infiltrate a heavily guarded planet and take out the planetary shield generator that guarded the entire second death star the special forces platoon was completely outnumbered by the 501st legion but luckily han was able to broker a alliance with the native cannibals there and gathered sufficient amounts of manpower to take on the imperial forces without his quick thinking and leadership skills admiral ackbar's fleet over the forest moon would have been picked apart while waiting for the battle station's shields to come down han solo would go on serving the new republic although he would usually create his own independent chain of command and create his own proxy forces to fight with when his french rubaca needed his help he would actually assemble a small ragtag team of mercenaries and smugglers and friends to aid the wookiee in the liberation of his home planet han solo was not only a very capable leader but he was also a true rebel to the core you know sometimes i amaze even myself so there you have it guys those are 10 extremely competent individuals within the rebel alliance uh let me know in the comments section below if i've missed your favorite also don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification down there so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual my name is alan reminding you that my allegiance is to the republic to democracy [Music]
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 207,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars
Id: Be4l97xpd0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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