8 Hunting Rifles I Regret Buying

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one thing you don't see on youtube very often is complaints about different firearms and the reason is that most youtubers their business model is trying to get sponsored by these different companies and they want to be able to show up at their booth at shot show and say oh i did these wonderful reviews of this and that and the other and so often we don't hear the real story about some of these guns in addition to the fact that usually when the guns are launched they do these press junkets they bring everybody together and everybody gets a view of these cherry-picked examples of the firearms and not any long-term information so these are guns that backfire owns and we have used a lot and some things that we just don't like about them in fact we're ditching most of these guns they're going to be consigned at the local store and we're going to talk about why first one is the savage axis this may come as a surprise because it got number two in our review of the best firearm under 350 bucks or the best rifle and for the price point man there's a lot to like about a savage axis i would recommend some people to buy a savage axis but there's a butt of all the firearms i have in my safe there are two of them that have rusted barrels only two have any rust at all on the barrel and both of them are savage axis rifles i own two of these and both of them have rust on the barrel now i don't claim to be incredibly gentle with my gear but also um i mean i own a lot of other rifles that aren't rusted and so that's an issue the bluing that that savage is doing on these rifles i don't think you can see i'll try to get some b-roll so you can actually see the rust on here it's really tough to get see against a black barrel but the bluing that they're doing is just not adequate to protect these things now one of these we did have in some light rain while we were hunting and it just the next day i mean it was just rust everywhere the other one i don't remember ever having in any kind of rain and still just that tiny bit of moisture it is just the bolt handle the barrel everything is really really rusted they're just not building uh a durable metals with good bluing on there next is the mossberg patriot this surprises no one if you've been watching a channel for a while this gun is beautiful floating on the bolt great butt pad i thought for sure this would win the best gun under 350 bucks um no it just doesn't shoot our particular copy i know other people have had a better experience ours just does not group so everybody says okay put it in a box ship it back to mossberg they'll fix it we did that send it back to mossberg they sent it back to us with no note at all of what was wrong what they had changed um we shot it again three different kinds of ammo three different shooters it just doesn't group at all not even close we reach back out to mossberg and say hey you say you fixed this but it's not shooting and they said oh yeah here's the a picture of the target we shot at the factory and we replaced these parts it's working and we're like okay but but it's not like i can for sure shoot better than a five-inch group right i'm capable of that um and the gun just isn't so we're keeping this one because we're gonna take it to a gunsmith and see what exactly is wrong and show you guys this step by step of what they do but we gotta find the right gunsmith to work for i work with i just moved to st george utah so i don't really know anybody in the industry here next the tc compass this is an incredibly cheap hunting rifle we shot this one uh with another gun or you remember we set this 50 yards down and then we shot a bullet straight through the barrel of this gun you can check that out as well it's just not very well made the stock is super cheesy has a the trigger is really heavy and not very well made it wasn't accurate just had a lot of problems now for a very inexpensive hunting rifle you can't really blame it at all it's extremely inexpensive but it's just not the kind of quality that we would want to to have that confidence in getting out and hunting with this one makes me sad that this is on the table this is from pws they're a company in boise idaho uh this is an ar-10 chambered in 6-5 creed this is a slick gun pws makes a good gun and this is no exception and so why is this on the table well really because who wants a semi-automatic gun in 6'5 creed right man now with this ammo shortage i mean it's like three bucks plus per shot you know you you shoot off one mag and it's like oh well that was fun i just burned 35 right a minimum so i mean we're seeing ammo going crazy prices right now so i don't want to be too short-sighted about it i mean the ammo prices in theory will eventually come down even though i saw a quote this week that it may take some of the biggest ammo manufacturers two years to chew through their back orders right now so i'm not trying to be too short-sighted about it but um i i it's a great gun we're just trying to free up a little bit of space uh in the safe some people are gonna get mad at me for this this is the kimber mountain ascent well this one's the sub alpine it's incredibly light sub five pounds this is in 280 actually improved and a lot of people this is their dream gun it's that kimber 84 l action controlled round feed incredibly light carbon stock but it's not one that i want to take into the woods and there are a number of reasons the butt pad is super super stiff i mean it's basically an effective on 280 ackley i'm in for a 2 000 gun can we get a good bat pad in there it's just a chunk of rubber um the grip here is very horizontal instead of being more vertical like you'd see on a on a target gun and so you're you're reaching for that trigger and you just barely get your finger in there now you can readjust your grip but then you're just not in a good spot to be shooting i don't like that reach than the shape here also the front of the gun i mean this is basically spherical here and so when you rest this on a tree limb whatever you're hunting you just get no stability whatsoever the trigger is not great and also i mean in order to get it thin uh to get it light they have to use a very thin barrel the problem with it being this thin is you i mean sure when you're hunting two shots fine you're gonna be okay but how are you ever gonna get a practice session in if you can't even group five shots you can't it's gonna be too hot by the fifth shot and it's gonna start kicking and kicking them out i mean it's just really hard to practice with this gun unless you're gonna just shoot a couple times before your hunt the next two are a message to the ceo of remington you gotta up the quality we all know the story we've seen the bankruptcy the everything happening happening at remington we get it right and i i saw a message from the ceo of remington showing their their ammunition division anyway they've kind of sold off some things showing that you know they're pumping things out and getting ammo out that's great but if you want to survive the next hundred years we gotta erase the last twenty we gotta move on and i still don't know of any product that remington makes that i could say is good quality right now i i don't know what they are maybe you guys can correct me maybe there's some make i can't think of something i mean it's just when you think of remington ammo you think core locked right you think just the old cheapy ammo that whatever it works great um but you just don't think of pushing the industry and doing great things you look at the very very famous remington 700 man this is the industry standard everything's built off remington 700 for years decades but now nobody would say hey the best off-the-shelf rifle under 750 is the remington 700 no way nobody's saying that right now they're using cheap cheapy stocks here uh butt pads the trigger's not good we had issues with the action sloppy it just it's just not a well-made firearm people still buy these they're buying them basically as build guns because they're so compatible with stuff but this isn't even in the ballpark of the quality that atika is putting out for the exact same price point that a pagara is putting out for the same price point it's just not even close so remington if you want to survive the next hundred years you gotta turn around the quality too and i you know i'm lumping remington together they're 783 same thing you compare a remington 783 to a similarly priced ruger american it's not even close the ruger american would beat the tar out of it the savage axes would beat the tar out of this gun i mean the chamber had weird stuff we were getting ammunition stuck in there the stock is like dollar store quality just everything about this it wasn't shooting accurately and so dang remington fix your guns we want to be fans we want to support you but not like this you got to show up and build us a good product so you may be wondering though what are we clearing space in the stock in the safe four two guns that i'm really excited about reviewing one the revolutionary sig cross and two the springfield model 2020 waypoint baby those are good guns uh really looking forward to seeing those i've been shooting the sig cross quite a bit springfield's still in the mail so those reviews are going to be coming up very shortly they are some hot commodities in the hunting industry thanks everybody for joining us on backfired and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Backfire
Views: 890,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Backfire, Hunting, Outdoors
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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