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eight great tips for survival at Sea Most of us adore visiting Beach resorts at least once a year However, you shouldn't forget that the sea is as attractive as way worse. Do you know how to swim and behave in the open water? Here are several rules that might save your life one day The most important trick is number one as it works wonders in any desperate situation number eight calm down It's not surprising that people who find themselves in the open water have a wild fear for their life However panic definitely won't help you it can cloud your [judgement] and make you lose the rhythm of breathing Therefore the first thing you should do is to calm down Number 7 choose the right swimming style in this situation Sooner or later You'll have to move in the water the style of swimming you choose determines how long your strength will last Remember these two rules one in calm water It's better to swim on your back in this case You'll get the opportunity to relax as [much] as possible and breathe evenly - if waves Splash around you it's better to swim on your belly for instance try the breaststroke Take a breath of air then lower your head into the water and exhale If you don't keep [your] [head] above the water surface all the time you will save more energy number 6 find something that [slows] if [you're] in the open sea as a result of a shipwreck or an airplane water landing There must be plenty of things around you that perfectly keep afloat it will be even better If it's a boat or a raft with which ships are equipped Number 5. Take care of clothes Remember that open sunlight can be extremely dangerous So don't remove your clothes they'll protect you from the sun if you're half-naked Try to find something [that] can shelter you from the sun's rays Ideally build a tent that will create shape Number [4] decide what you'll eat It's good if you have an emergency food ration on your raft however You won't necessarily starve without one if you have rations divide them into small daily portions This will make them last for a long time And you won't have problems with digestion If you don't have one you can make a fishing Rod from lace and it can as a hook and try to fish If you last such items try catching seaweed small fish can get stuck there Try to fish even [if] you have stores of food after all fish contains some liquid Never eat spoiled foods no matter how hungry you are number [3] Provide Yourself with liquid During [1/4] sailing water is much more valuable than food After all you almost don't move and you are wasting little energy you have to consume the liquid Constantly but never drink seawater Here are some simple ways [to] get drinking water once Condensate you'll need a box [two] containers Waterproof material and wait take one container and pour seawater inside place the other in a box next to it Secure some waterproof material such as polyethylene above both Put a weight over the empty container soon the container will be filled with Fresh water To rain water try to ensure that you always have a couple of empty containers left for collecting rainwater Don't worry according to studies drinking untreated rainwater is safe for your health number two save yourself properly It's no wonder that in such a situation. [you'll] want to step on solid ground as soon as possible however You should consider all your rescue measures carefully Remember these simple rules if you have no idea where you are don't row Rely on the current it has more chance of carrying you [to] land Don't rush into the water if you see a ship in the distance Don't try to catch up to it. It's almost impossible. It's better to give a signal with a mirror or can Don't try to signal by fire so as not to endanger your temporary shelter in the form of a raft If you were lucky enough to get a few players don't send the flares up and Avoid Wait until the ship appears at a distance if you found Fluorescing resolve it in the water when you can see an airplane or ship it Forms a bright spot around you which can be easily seen from the air and from a farm number one don't Lose hope Despair is your most dangerous. Enemy. Don't give up. Hope of being safe There are many stories of people who are found in the open sea months after their [disappearance] For instance 25 year-old sailor poon Lim who worked on a British merchant ship survived alone 133 days in the open Sea after [a] shipwreck he managed to find a raft with fresh water cookies Flares and a flashlight Every day lim ate only two cookies and made three sips of water To Avoid muscle atrophy he even floated around the wrap twice a day as you can see human Possibilities are endless [the] main thing is to keep calm and hope for the best If you enjoyed the video don't forget to hit them
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Keywords: Open Sea, Save yourself, rules, Calm, swimming style, floats, boat, raft, liquid, sailing, seawater, water, being saved, don’t panic, bright side, brightside, bright side videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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