8 Free and Open Source Blazor UI Libraries

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I have been exploring blazer for a few years now there are many beginner tutorials about Blazer on this YouTube channel I also have built internal applications but I never made them look great it finally made me look for a user interface library for Placer applications that comes with predefined great looking and easy to use components and controls and let me tell you there are more projects than I could believe there are so many options that I'm yet to decide however it's the perfect time to record an overview of all the available free and open source user interface libraries for Blazer development this list with a blast Retson is a company but their component library with the same name is open source and free for commercial use the component Library offers more than 70 native places UI controls with more than 3 million downloads and more than 2 000 stars on GitHub it's fair to say the Reds and Blazer component library is well known and widely used the component Library ranges from simple input fields to more advanced components such as a feature-rich data grid and a scheduler Retson also offers a professional license as a paid subscription including premium themes additional tooling and most importantly 24-hour dedicated customer support it makes redson a great choice for individual developers and companies Blazer rise is developed by megabit and offers more than 80 modern native UI controls for Blazer blazeri stands out of its support for multiple CSS Frameworks we can use bootstrap Tailwind material and design or pulma placerize offers everything you'd expect from a user interface controls Library like Retson Blazer rise is free and open source but offers paid subscriptions including professional support placerize is a few hundred dollars cheaper than Retson however be aware of the Dual licensing of place arise you can use Place rise for private projects non-profit organizations and small businesses but you must purchase a commercial license for one million dollar per year or more in gross revenue or with more than 5 employees read more about its license on their GitHub page Blazer sounds almost the same as Place rised but is completely different Blazer is mainly developed by Chris saintt Microsoft MVP speaker author of Blazer in action and well known for other massive contributions to the Blazer Community there are also a few packages within the Blazer organization on GitHub that other developers maintain Blazer has a package for every component making it very simple to include only pieces to the application you need Blazer is developed by the community and doesn't have an Associated business entity the number of components is limited to 15. it includes a package to access the local storage and to show toast notifications or model dialogues to name a few the controls are genuinely open source and free to use there is no commercial license or commercial support Matt Blazer was one of the first Placer UI controls libraries for Blazer it currently has around 30 controls and lives under the GitHub account of Vladimir samolanco better known for his social handle at Sam Prof matte Blazer has been actively developed from 2018 to 2021 there was a break in new versions from 2021 until April 2023 matte Blazer was very early and is now a widely adopted Community project primarily led by Sam Prof today it accumulated over 1.4 million downloads similar to Blazers matte Blazer is Community Driven free and open source and doesn't offer a commercial license or professional support mud Placer is a material design component library for Blazer its focus is ease of use and clear structure the goal is to free the developer from writing JavaScript or css using the mod Blazer components you do not need to know or use CSS even though you can if you need it matte Blazer contains more than 50 controls and comes with theming support with more than 5000 stars on GitHub mud Blazer is one of the most popular control libraries for Blazer there are more than 200 different contributors listed on GitHub even though Johnny Larson and mine Rod recys offered most of the comets the Microsoft fluent UI Blazer components Library allows us to build applications with the look and feel of modern Microsoft applications some components are wrappers around Microsoft's official fluent UI web components others leverage fluent UI Design Systems but are natively implemented there are many components available and they really look like Microsoft applications if that's something that is important to you Microsoft fluent UI is probably the way to go I have to admit that with around 1 300 stars on GitHub and about 450 000 downloads this library is way more popular than I assumed it's an active project with more than 20 contributors with a Microsoft employee leading the charge and design Blazer is a set of UI components based on Ant design and Blazer the ant group is a Chinese subsidiary of the Alibaba group that created its own design system I'm neither an expert in user interface design or Design Systems so it's hard to judge the difference between those Design Systems for me however anti-signed Blazer has its own look and has almost 5 000 stars on GitHub as well as 700 000 downloads on nuget and comes with an MIT license Blazer strap makes bootstrap components available as Blazer components instead of using the bootstrap CSS classes that come with the default Blazer templates Blazer strap makes them available as components it's a much more convenient and maintainable approach for me the library is an active development and supports the latest bootstrip 5 version and as far as I can tell all bootstrap components are available as Blazer components with over 700 000 downloads and 800 stars on GitHub this library is also a very popular choice for developers using bootstrap as their CSS framework there are probably more community-led user interface control libraries for Blazer than I could find in my research I included all actively developed projects I could find if your favorite user interface controls Library isn't included it feel free to post it in the comments to give it some credit I purposely didn't include any paid products in this video first of all this video isn't sponsored and second I wanted to spread the message for community-led projects that don't have an advertising budget like those companies have what user interface component Library you choose depends on many factors for example depending on the application type you build you might need a different set of user interface controls also do you need professional support or is a Community Driven project the right choice for you some libraries offer many components but come with a bigger package size others have fewer components but faster loading times it's best to try a few libraries to get the feel for them and compare the options that fit your use case the best in the end you'll have to make a decision and go with that choice I wouldn't advise to have multiple user interface control libraries within the same application first of all they could interfere with each other and second they will upload your application however no rule without exception maybe your use case is a prime example of when combining two different user interface libraries is the best idea to get the best out of both whatever you choose there are so many high quality options for Blazer development what is your favorite user interface library for Blazer development let me know in the comments below and tell me why your favorite over other options see you in the next video
Channel: Claudio Bernasconi
Views: 18,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UI Libraries, UI Library, Blazor UI Library, Blazor UI Components, Blazor User Interface, Radzen, Blazorise, Blazored, MatBlazor, MudBlazor, Fluent UI Blazor, Ant Design Blazor, BlazorStrap, What UI Library Blazor, Blazor UI Library Overview, dotnet, .NET, Blazor, Blazor Tutorial, Claudio Bernasoni
Id: bsu0cCjeVaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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