.NET 8 | Everything you NEED to KNOW!

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net 8 is finally here and it's a long anticipated release by the Whole Net Community including myself and I'm most happily for all the net developers out there limited to using long-term supported releases with net 8 and C 12 we get so many new features and improvements to the platform we all use and love now let's take a step back and get an overview of what changes are new in net 8 I will mostly focus on what's important for everyday net developers like you and myself there are also areas of net that I'm currently not using and therefore we'll skip in this short overview video let's start with something almost every developer will benefit from using in net 8 Frozen collections introduce immutable collections optimized for read operations once created you cannot change the content of the collection the Frozen dictionary and Frozen set types are a bit more expensive to create but once created they allow for much quicker read access in scenarios where you populate a collection once and use it in a long running service such as a Singleton in an asp.net core web API project it will provide much better performance speaking of performance the performance improvements we get with net 8 are astonishing it seems like we get more and more improvements when it comes to Performance between one version to another it seems like after so many quick iterations from one net version to another performance improvements should slow down however the opposite is true we get more and more performance improvements from one version to another Steven to's legendary blog post about this year's performance improvements has again exceeded the limits of the previous version we got for net 7 the benchmarks shown in today's session at the netcon 2023 show performance improvements of 18 to 24% when it comes to asp.net core requests per second Blazer has massively evolved from Net 7 to net 8 we got a new blazer web app project template for visual studio that I already demonstrated in a dedicated video a few weeks ago in today's bler session Microsoft engineer talked about a 20% faster UI rendering from Net 7 to net 8 it doesn't sound like a lot but it also won't hurt static server rendering makes Placer a viable option for many more scenarios not just building single page applications or spars it allows us to build web applications that do not need a signal R connection or download web assembly making them load very quickly last but not least least stream rendering allows us to stream data to the website as it becomes available meanwhile a placeholder will be shown to the user making it an overall better user experience without any additional HTTP requests I will also record and upload a dedicated Blazer video where I show handson all the new features that come with net 8 in Blazer it will be out in a few days on this channel ahead of time compilation is a net feature that can have a significant impact on the overall performance of your net applications it compiles the code ahead of time into maching code instead of Intermediate Language or IL code the idea is to get rid of the just in time or chit compiler basically we're shifting part of the work from the client machine to compile time aot apps contain the application code and a. net runtime with a a single executable file the three most important benefits of aot compiled apps are a reduced memory foodprint improved startup time and improved battery life with net 8 a sample app from the netcon presentation had the initial app size of 100 megab reduced to 25 megabytes using aot the minimal app size using aot is just below 10 mbes according ing to today's session I will also record a dedicated video about aot in net8 within the next few days I will show you how to build those aot apps and everything you need to know about them also I will happily check if the 10 megabytes call from Microsoft is actually true let's find out consider subscribing to the channel so you won't miss out on this video primary Constructors are probably the headline ERS of this year's C 12 version collection Expressions will also be a feature that we will see shortly in most code bases I already recorded and uploaded a video where I show and explain primary Constructors in great detail if you want to learn more about it make sure to check it out collection Expressions allow for a more compact syntax to Define collections I will show a few examples in this video about you best try it out yourself it feels a lot like defining arrays in JavaScript or typescript we also get the spread operator that allows us to conveniently add items from one collection to another I don't plan to dive deeper into collection Expressions on this channel however if you think this topic would be interesting please let me know in the comments and I will record a dedicated video about it a completely new stack to build Cloud native. net applications has been announced at the net C 2023 keynote net Aspire comes with orchestration and admin panel and much more I've yet to dive into it and to understand its full capabilities however since I know David Fowler has been working on it it must be a great tool what we saw from today's session is that we can addit two existing projects or create new projects using net Aspire it will help all our services together to make them work together seamlessly for example configuring connection strings and URLs can be hard to do manually net Aspire is a new option to help us solve this issue net Aspire comes with a dashboard that lets us Trace all HTTP requests and shows us all errors and details it allows us to gain many insights into our Cloud native applications it's defly worth checking out net Aspire especially if you plan on building net Cloud native applications I haven't had the time yet but I'll sure I'll do it in the future I have been using net 8 in the preview and release candidate versions for a few months now yet I'm happy to finally see its official release and what we all will build using it in the future the performance improvements are nice to have I personally don't work in an environment where I absolutely need every last millisecond of performance Improvement however getting free performance improvements just by upgrading from Net 7 to net 8 I'm happily taking it and also it will help reduce cost for all applications hosted in the cloud because you will use less memory and less CPU when upgrading from Net 7 to net 8 for me the new static server rendering opportunities Blazer introduces with . net8 open up so many new scenarios to use bler for implementing web applications Beyond single page applications also the per component interactivity open up so many new opportunities I'm gladly explore bler more in the future I'm sure bler can now be used in many more scenarios and in many more and broader use cases as stated before I will also create a video about bler and what's new with net 8 where I go more handson and show code and I will also record a second video about aot in net 8 stay tuned for more if you want to learn more even about things I haven't covered in this short overview video please go down to the video description where I have links to today's sessions at the net con day one as well as the official blog post announcing net8 on the net blog thanks for watching let's enjoy net 8 and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Claudio Bernasconi
Views: 17,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: .NET 8, dotnet 8, .NET 8 release, .NET 8 GA, What's New in .NET 8?, C# 12, What's New in C# 12?, Frozen Collections, .NET, dotnet, .NET 8 Performance, Blazor Full Stack Web UI, Blazor .NET 8, Native AOT, .NET Native AOT, Primary Constructors, Collection Expressions, Collection Expressions .NET, CSharp, .NET Aspire, Claudio Bernasconi
Id: 311SmuoJpPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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