Blazor: Why 2024 Is The Year Of Blazor 🚀

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there's been a lot of talk recently about the laser so what is Blazer and why should you use it to build web applications it is a framework built and maintained by Microsoft and Blazer has been under development for several years so it's not like a new framework so why all the buzz well.net8 has some really robust enhancements that from Microsoft's point of view we'll push Blazer as their Flagship framework currently Microsoft builds and supports multiple Frameworks for building Dynamic web applications they have web forms razor Pages MVC and now Blazer if you've been around for a while like me and you've been building apps on top of Microsoft Frameworks you start to notice some trends They will announce a new framework and slowly deprecate or remove support for the older ones for web forms while it is currently supported it will only receive critical updates I believe over the next few years the same thing will happen to razor pages and in VC blazer from Microsoft view is the new flagship framework for building web applications this means the documentation being produced for Blazer will be featured on all of its websites most of the Innovation will be poured into Blazer and not as much into Razer pages in NPC does that mean these older Frameworks are dead no but going forward Blazer will be the flagship so what does that mean for you if you have learned the older Frameworks your skills can be transferred to Blazer rest assured for many years there's going to be work in these other Frameworks so if you're learning MVC or regular pages today they are still in demand however if you're new to web development you can start with blazer in 2024 along with the release of net 8. so what is Blazer Blazer is really the name for the next version of Microsoft has been building on for over 25 years they have a rich history of building server-side application Frameworks Blazer is the latest version of this that truly delivers a first class client and server-side framework as David Fowler distinguished engineer at Microsoft said this version feels like we're completing the full stack puzzle meaning we can now build applications that are rented from the server or the client and many times a little both we can outdate the client without a form post back as you see with react or angular Blazer utilizes two-way binding to achieve this let me show you let's talk about two-way binding with Blazer and what you're looking at is a loan calculator that we build in the cohort normally a bit of a JavaScript now hit calculate here it calculates a monthly payment for a simple interest loan so look let's look how we could do that inside a blazer now right away the one thing you'll notice is that we're using plain old HTML to build our uis and our front end that's very important and where we need Blazer we have special components here input number but this magic statement here called at buying value binds it to an object or a page model loan and then it has the property that we want to see purchase amount now the other thing that you want to bring your attention to is the button here and we have a standard button here and it has an on click event things you've seen inside of JavaScript and so when this button is clicked it'll run this method called handle submit if we look down in our code behind here and it is worth noting that our code could run client side or in the server this one's running in the server it doesn't really matter on or on initialize this when our page loads we set up values to load up purchase amount loan dot term the properties in a loan object to give it defaults let's look at how that can work real quick and if I refresh the page here notice that the values still are still being persist tested inside of these controls and that's because the loan the underlying loan object has changed now what I want you to know is I didn't write any JavaScript Dom manipulation to do this I didn't have to write get ml by D or anything like that to make sure that these have values it's totally coming from the lone object now when I hit calculate notice here this payment changes and this is because handle submit was ran and it called a method we had and it changed the new loan came back and now the loan has changed and therefore the page changes and if I look right here up here and the payment here you can see here all I'm doing is referencing the lone object and passing in a formatter so loan dot payment has now changed and that's called two-way binding there's no JavaScript to change the Dom on the page and we think that's very powerful when building front ends and super easy to do inside of Blazer Blazer is also a component first framework meaning everything is a component you don't really create Pages you create components with a route components allow you to build reusable blocks of code with their own CSS markup and c-sharp this is a major enhancement for developers and Blazer is a first class component framework let me show you now let's talk about components here and notice here when I hit the click show payment schedule this generates a list of payments for my loan let's see how we could have done that inside of Blazer now in here you can see down here in our UI here I have standard HTML and then I have this thing called a payment schedule this new HTML element I have really what it is is a component and all a component is is more HTML but you can have your own code behind your own CSS and you can run your own logic in here to run the payments now what's important about this is I've got all this HTML but I also have this parameter my code behind and I'm passing it a parameter called loan and if I go back over here to the the front end here I want you to understand as I'm passing a reference to this loan inside of here okay now when this runs um if this changes this will change over here so let's look at how this could work and so if I change the down payment notice all of my component is also rebinding itself and showing the payments and also if I hide this I also have some logic here that hides it from the page this is not hidden it's just not in the Dom at all and then when I hit show payment here it puts it back in the Dom and rebinds it and no matter what I do here this is always in sync with the current loan object that's because it's passed by reference so we have parameters being passed into UI components this component first framework in Blazer is super powerful and this is another reason why people are really going to adopt Blazer next year so the big question is whether Malaysia is going to be the market leader or just another one of the many available Frameworks the answer is I think it's going to dominate the market and why do I say this mostly because Microsoft is building off the already great Foundation of also Microsoft has some built-in advantages no one else has so let's talk about the major advantages Microsoft has when building out Frameworks for developers first they have visual studio and as this goes to Blazer you have things like hot reload and all of the niceties that are built in the visual studio to support the framework Blazer or asp.nbc or web forms for that matter but these things go hand in hand so if they have an issue that a developer faces Microsoft has the ability to address that if it need be inside the IDE or they also can address it in the framework itself on top of that they also own the language and so if there's something that the language needs to do Microsoft has ability to change c-sharp to support the developer which goes in hand in hand with the IDE the framework and now the language and finally they also have their own ecosystem with new get and nuget is where Microsoft will build packages as well as open sources other vendors as well that allow you to bring these packages into your application to support things like identity building secure applications your RM framework with Entity framework your support for almost any database known to man so there's a lot of packages that go into this ecosystem that supports you as a developer when you're building things and they're the only company that owns all four of these a lot of companies may have a framework some may have a language but none of them have IDE the framework the language and the ecosystem that supports developers and this is why Blazer and Building Things the type of Blazer is going to be a very compelling reason for companies to adopt this Blazer is going to be Microsoft's Flagship framework Microsoft will push this as the way to build web apps this means if shop is looking at a new project or rewriting an existing one they will more than likely adopt laser of that project if companies are looking to rewrite an app from another framework Blazers should and probably will be on the board for discussion and what does this mean for you more jobs and more opportunities with the release of net a Blazer is set to dominate in 2024 hope this helps good luck and keep coding
Channel: Coder Foundry
Views: 8,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coding bootcamp, learn to code, dotnet, .net, c#, programming, software developer, coder foundry, coding bootcamp in north carolina, blazor, web dev, web development
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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