8 Frames in 16ms: Rollback Networking in Mortal Kombat and Injustice 2

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If he spent less time saying "Again, I don't have time to talk about that", he'd have time to talk about it.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/b4ux1t3 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is scaring me out of thinking that I will be able to make a rollback system for the fighting game I am developing.

Should I run and hide? I am 80% through my first C++ course.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PandaTheVenusProject 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] all right it's about that time if everybody could mute their phones and please fill out evaluations that would be great I'm gonna get started because in my dry runs I fill the whole time so I'm gonna try and finish early for questions I'm Michael Stallone I'm lead software engineer on the engine team at NetherRealm Studios we ship injustice and Mortal Kombat what does this talk about the how why and lessons learned from switching our network model from lockstep to roll back in a patch this is not a rendering talk I know it says eight frames in 16 milliseconds I am NOT a rendering engineer I will not be talking about the GPU this is also not about the network transport layer I won't really be talking about packet loss and how to cover it up out of order packet delivery and that sort of thing that's a thing that we're all doing I'm just not going to talk about that we are not the first or only people to do rollback networking but I haven't seen any GDC talks about it so I thought I would give one and this is mostly about our experience the things that we went through when we did this maybe some of this is applicable to you guys just to give you guys a sense of the scope of what we were the time we invested in shipping this thing was about four to twelve concurrent engineers for nine months roughly seven or eight man years of work for the initial release and then ongoing support is part-time work for about six engineers although by now all the engineers understand how this works and everybody gets to contribute our deadline was the mortal kombat ten game of the year patch just some background terminology things that I'm going to end up saying throughout the presentation just wanted to make sure everybody was on the same page RTT is round trip time it's how long the packet takes to get from you to your other your opponent and back network latency is the one way packet travel time just from you to your opponent net pause is the game is pausing due to having not received data in and QoS is quality of service it's a measurement of connection quality and if you cross over the QoS boundary for some length of time you'll be disconnected a couple more input latency this is basically what the entire talk is about injected delay between a button press and the engine response you press a button how long until the engine actually responds to it the confirmed frame it's the most recent frame where you have input from all players ad sync that's when both clients disagree about game state leads to a disconnect and dead reckoning a super-deep topic that is a very common networking model used in games all over the place and has been forever I'm not going to talk about it a lot there's a lot there rollback networking has similarities to dead reckoning it's usually used in a server authoritative model I'm not going to talk very much about it some basics we are a hard 60 Hertz 1v1 fighting game we do not drop frames that leaves you sixteen point six six milliseconds per frame that is the game tick that is our render tick everybody is running at 60 Hertz nobody's running at a reduced rate we are a peer-to-peer game this is core to this talk and our decision on the networking model if your server authoritative this you know your mileage may vary here a network packet is sent once per frame I only call that out because we have not unhooked our networking from our main thread it is simply serviced at the top of the frame we may unhook it next game standard networking tricks to hide packet loss this is what I said before you know there are plenty of people who make a career of this handling packet loss out of order packets and all of that sort of stuff I'm not gonna be talking about it even though I keep saying it determinism this is hugely important for us I'm not sure how hugely important it is for everybody but the vast majority of our game is bit 4-bit deterministic we fencepost many values at various points in the TIC any divergence is a desync this is the foundation that everything is built on that means that when we run in development every single bit of every of our thousands of fencepost in the game is exactly bit for bit identical that means if you're doing floating point math you're doing it in the right order on every machine every time that has a lot of implications but the important part there is the game will play out exactly the same every single time provided you've ceded your random stuff in the exact same way the problem the whole reason we switched our networking model our online game play suffered from inconsistent and high input latency the players were not happy we are a fighting game that means that responsiveness is extremely important and predictability is extremely important people will execute a combo they'll they'll input a button or a string of button presses with a given cadence and expect that it works every single time that's not how it worked prior to us switching network models we had dynamic input latency meaning that depending on your network latency that you were experiencing the cadence of your button presses would change this is bad for the players I'm not going to talk about a ton of things on here this is just an overall latency diagram you press a button the hardware injects latency the operating system injects latency we inject latency input latency and then we have one frame at 60 Hertz for the game sim our render thread and our GPU present so that's like an overall latency diagram lockstep this is what we used previously before we switched over this is very simple but it's what we used for years we only send gamepad data we are not sending any game state at all the game will not proceed until it has input from the remote player for the current frame input is delayed by enough frames to cover the network latency a little diagram to show you how that works future frames are coming in from the right side there and there's just frame by frame for each guy on frame one we get a pad input somebodies pressing X for frame eight this is what I mean by lockstep this is what I mean by input latency that button that was pressed on frame 1 will be executed on frame 8 so the if you look at Batman Superman they're not moving right they're just standing there because even though you press the button we won't respond for seven more frames player to received this input on frame six still nobody moving they will respond to this on frame eight and they'll do it at the same time the effect is pretty subtle but Superman's started to punch so that's lockstep that was lockstep with a seven frame input delay because we had dynamic input latency that could vary it could be five frames it could be 15 frames depending on the network latency you're experiencing 15 frames is extreme the present this is where we are today mortal kombat x and injustice to have three frames of input latency and support up to 10 frames 333 milliseconds of network latency before pausing the game the online experience is much improved and the players are happy so it's three fixed frames of input latency we do that to help cover network latency it's you know if I haven't made it clear it is constant which means it is completely predictable to the players and our previous title would fluctuate between 5 and 20 frames the next question would be why 10 frames this is a latency curve this is the graph of a percentage of matches played at a certain RTT bucket so on the left the numbers are the labels are very very small but on the left you have an extremely low latency connection on the right you have 300 milliseconds plus you can see that the vast majority of matches are played under 300 milliseconds RTT what's not actually shown here is there could be even one more bucket there for like 300 to 333 and we capture that bucket as well by supporting 333 milliseconds round-trip time we support over 99% of the matches that are being played quick definition or background on what rollback is we only send pad data that's still true I keep calling that out because a lot of dead reckoning solutions will send a lot of game state back and forth we don't we just said and pad data the game will proceed without remote input and when remote input is received we will roll back and then simulate forward same diagram as before for lockstep this time for rollback pretty please switch sides alright so yeah this is the same thing but for with rollback networking so on frame 1 input is generated for frame for the idea here is that we're seeing this with the same Network latency that I showed you with the lockstep so the packets coming across for frame 4 player 1 already hit frame 4 so his Superman started punching but player 2 doesn't know that yet so he's not moving by the time that gets received on player 2's end it's frame 6 already he's 2 frames behind he just got data for frame 4 so frame 4 here is our confirmed frame we have input from both players for frame 4 so we take that back to frame 4 we would call that a rollback that's a rollback or a restore to previous state will simulate frame 4 will simulate frame 5 and we will simulate our real tick or our render tick frame 6 we will do all of that within one frames worth of time that's sixteen point six six milliseconds will simulate all those frames because we're supporting seven frames of rollback that's eight total frames simulated in sixteen point six six milliseconds in our worst case so both guys are doing the exact same thing Superman is punching on both screens and off they go they're synced up little comparison between roll back and lockstep again dead reckoning is another super common approach just don't have time to talk about all of them lockstep is very very simple because input is delayed you really don't have to do anything you just play your game as normal every frame will start you'll have input for every player it's simple it's visually smooth as well you've delayed things so much that there's no hitch when you receive input you don't have to go back you won't glitch anybody's pose online and offline play looks identical it is performant because you don't have to perform roll backs we had massive CPU overhead when we were performing lockstep networking that's a very good thing if you're not latency-sensitive lockstep is great robust they're both robust which seems a little silly to show you on the slide here but our experience in the past with peer-to-peer dead reckoning solutions was that they weren't wildly robust they were like it was just constant whack-a-mole fixing problems so once you've matured you're rollback system and your whole engine is converted over it's a very robust solution same as lockstep low bandwidth they're both sending only pad data you don't have to worry about sending game state so that's fantastic lockstep is not responsive at all rollback is responsive it's the whole reason we switched and this last line is not self-explanatory single frame latency what this means is when we were in the lockstep approach I said that your dynamic input latency could vary between 5 and 20 frames if we waited for one of your frames to bog over the network or be delivered late we would have to pause the game in order to not do that we would keep an eye on your RTT over the past several seconds and we would change the amount of input latency we were experiencing so you would basically rubberband your input latency over the course of a fight which meant that a spike in your latency would actually persist for quite a while impacting your input that's not the case with rollbacks on every for every packet sent that is the only latency that matters you will essentially like if you did spike for one frame drop enough packets that you bogged you would immediately recover assuming the packets started coming in again a very relevant for wireless connections what do we do first when we bit this thing off the first goal was to get an idle character rolling back just two guys standing on a fight line doing nothing we turned off almost everything even essential things that we would have to use for shipping we would turn off physics and I K and particles and the entirety of on line actually which sounds kind of nuts but we wanted to make it work locally before we hooked it up online so we started doing serialization because we knew that was going to be you know the tentpole of this basically you have to save every single frame and you have to be able to restore to those frames in order to rollback and we had a debug mode called set rollback frames I say 7 because that was our decided number of rollback frames we would support I guess as a point of clarity I keep saying seven earlier I said we support ten frames of latency that's the three frames of static input latency plus the seven frames of rollback which gets us the total of ten frames so this rollback set rollback frame debug mode was something that we ran with constantly everybody did it it was it was like the number one debug mode that we used from day one all the way till today we still use it I'm sorry I really don't think I explained really what was going on there the set rollback frame seven is every single frame of the game will roll back seven frames and simulate forward in the case of no divergence or no remote input from your opponent visually this does nothing like it looks like nothing has happened even though you rewound seven frames and play them all back forward so that's how you knew it was working was nothing was happening and that was success so a quick breakdown of the TIC timeline this is a diagram i'll use later in the talk all I really want to call out here is we service our input and our on line like the network stuff right up at the front of the frame it's basically a fixed cost a restore is restore to previous state it's one of the first things we do in the frame in the event that you've detected that you have to roll back the simulated frames are the ones that you simulate forward with a stripped down version of the game to get back to the current tick and then we perform the real render at the end the full tick with all procedural systems and non gameplay affecting things this is all one tick right if we're doing our job right this takes 16 point 6 6 milliseconds and no more so one of the things that I talked about was that we did serialization first serialization is a tentpole of this I'm not going to talk about it a ton but here's some it's the rollback framework it was a ring buffer size to the rollback window meaning it's a ring buffer with one entry per frame we support seven frames so it's a seven entry robot ring buffer there's an object serialization interface you can see it down in the bottom right it's probably a little bit small just a basic virtual interface for some of the various edges that we have during serialization saving and restoration there will be entries for object creation and destruction this is a huge problem if you go the rollback route you have to handle rolling back to before an object was created and rolling back across the destruction edge as well done naively this is going to create and destroy objects all the time we only save mutable data if something doesn't change don't save it if at all possible and it is not Delta based although maybe it should be restoration is the opposite edge this is when we have to rollback and restore the previous state we did this in parallel don't use shared pointer shared ownership for serialization purposes is really bad basically you would have to have two concepts of ownership both the shared ownership but then a singular owner that is in charge of serialization so we moved away from that we just heavily move towards using unique pointer for that sort of thing the serialization restore edge was a simple load balancing and priority scheme there's a large perf win compared to the single threaded version so at the very start of this approach we were simply doing single threaded restoration and it was it was a small amount of work because we didn't know the full set of everything that we needed to restore and it took about 1.3 milliseconds at the end of it I'm sorry 2.7 after we parallelized everything it went down to 1.3 milliseconds and that was for twice as much data also just a point of note waking threads is slow we're using condition variables we found that to be slow largely on both platforms that's something that will look and do in the future maybe keeping threads warm maybe using simple spin locks it's a very small amount of performance that we lose in there we also have single threaded post serialization fix up so after you've done the relatively naive or simple serialization restore work we would do a virtual pass over to link up various pointers and systems that weren't amenable to being serialized maybe that's because it was an asymmetric serialization relationship where you would serialize the object but you'd have other systems that you really didn't want to pay serialization cost for so you would you need to hook those guys back up yeah bulk serialization and immutable data are hugely preferred yeah mmm copy all your stuff or don't change it and therefore don't have to serialize it I'm not gonna read all of this it's object lifetime the slides are here if you guys want to pull down the deck after the fact deferred deletion and delete and recreate you have two choices for your objects object lifetime management if you do deferred deletion you don't really have to handle the creation and destruction of every object every time they die and you roll back across that boundary delete and recreate is what you get out-of-the-box naively it's you'll just constantly delete and recreate your objects which maybe I'm making that sound bad like sometimes the basic approach is exactly what you need recreate Able's this is another thing we did to avoid creating objects all the time the gist of it was you would hatch that object and every time you rolled back and played through the creation edge again you would check the hash of essentially the situation you were in and if it was the same you would reuse that object this is great for sounds and particles they can be non-deterministic especially for GPU particles and since they're non-deterministic if we were to destroy recreate and re simulate these guys we would likely end up with a different result what this would mean is this would be chronic like visual popping debatably audio popping if you're doing anything dynamic there as well recreate Able's it's a relatively simple thing but the concept was very powerful just the ability to hash an object and say this is the exact same guy don't remake it don't Reese emulator we saved a lot of performance this way what about gameplay script we have a proprietary script system called MK script it's C like this is what our designers work in we did have to support fibre stack unwinding fibre stack serialization and objects on the stack that contained dynamic allocations were a pain we wrap them up in a type we registered them we clean them up separately because the stack was just getting zeroed out roll back artifacts this is one of the downsides of roll back networking you will pop your visuals if the divergence is large divergence is usually minor in fact divergence usually causes no visual artifacts at all most of the time when you're receiving remote input from somebody it doesn't actually affect your game we treat all input as significant and we will roll back every time we get data from the remote player you may not have to if you have a more well guarded input system that knows whether input is valid and gameplay affecting then you may not have to roll back all the time but since we need to support divergence and roll back every single frame of the game it doesn't really save us that much so I have a video coming up here with this it this is just a fight with roll backs on it's an online fighter so I mean see if you can pick it out one of these players is local and one of these players is remote so this match was played at the absolute top of our latency supported so this match was played at like three hundred and twenty milliseconds RTP basically had any worse than this and we would QoS the players and disconnect them so Deadpool is the local character and Starfire is the remote player so she's the one rolling back constantly I'll play it one more time she if you look closely she's got some glitchy err motion than he does and it has everything to do with her being 300 milliseconds behind as you can see if most of the time it just doesn't matter look this is a terrible connection and the game plays fine as far as the players are concerned it plays great like visually there are artifacts but from an input standpoint the game is smooth how was performance when we switched over naively performance was terrible it was really really bad prior to switching over to rollback networking we were idling at 9 or 10 milliseconds on the CPU after we did the rollback support we initially idled at 30 milliseconds remembering we have to fit into 1666 here the Headroom due to the console generation jump was gone we'd been playing it fast and loose with our CPU resources since ps4 and Xbox one came out and and we had to pay the piper so yeah we had tons of free cores this is just a quick capture I'll have more like it this is from our tax graphing system which I'll refer to as job graph but this is just a performance dump of the various Hardware threads and what was going on yellow is something that's called an exclusive resource which is essentially anything with that exclusive resource cannot run concurrently all of that empty grey space is free cores we have some performance tools I'm not sure what I can I'm allowed to say but Sony and Microsoft performance tools were incredibly valuable we used them all day every day the job graph visualizer which was the threading layout that you just saw as well as a tree like structure which you'll see later roll back loops super pause this was we had a mode in the game that could roll back to the same frame over and over and over again what we would do is we would set thresholds in the game that if he went above 16 milliseconds or 15 milliseconds we would sudo pause the game and just roll back and Reiss emulator the same frame over and over and over again to catch our bhaag scenarios let you late attach a profiler and dig in the pet profiler there's other GDC talks about this but basically it's a CPU profiling tool written in-house that allows you to set thresholds for various functions and performance bots so that we can see when bad things happened this is that tick timeline from earlier I'm gonna go break this down a number of times over the next couple minutes this is a seven frame roll back on the ship version of injustice two at idle it's about 13 milliseconds same thing that you saw previously I'm gonna break it down into various sections which is our game play execution our engine execution and green for saving and restoring this is 21 milliseconds this is also the ship version of injustice - it's a spiked frame this is where Green Arrow did a bad thing and he spiked out a frame and we actually ship this we probably fixed it later but some spikes do make it through I call out high thread contention basically we we usually do cooperatively multi-threaded work but early on we also have other things that are non cooperatively multi-threaded like our render thread our UI thread and our audio thread so they tend to bog us a little bit early in the frame this particular spike is due to mesh spawning particle spawning particle attachment and a whole bunch of gameplay processes that run and I call out here spikes can persist for 8 frames if you're doing something heavy here like spawning a whole bunch of stuff and you're not cutting any corners to do that you're gonna roll back and replay this frame up - you might do that eight times right you might keep crossing this boundary and keep bogging your game for eight frames this is a this is one of the early captures from Mortal Kombat 10 it's a 32 millisecond frame I just wanted to call out that the the first block is a fixed cost block its input processing and online handling that doesn't change at all we had our restore it was single threaded and very heavy the simulated frames 0 to 6 here took up a large percentage of the overall frame larger than what we shipped obviously and the real render tick is substantially similar to what it was before rollback networking what I'm trying to call out here is the majority of our costs were in the simulation frames not the final render frame that one continued largely to be what it is today and it's it's been optimized but not not necessarily systemically it's about multiplicative wins if you can do something that works for 8 frames you should do that if you put in an optimization that only works for your render frame you know your gains are commensurately smaller frame 0 is the confirmed frame this is the frame that I received input from my remote guy and that's why I rolled back seven frames we're gonna run our seven lightweight simulation frames and then one render frame will render once at the end of this I'm gonna break this thing down just lit add that across all the different frames restore is a large green single threaded chunk there first thing we did here we turned off everything cool physics and cloth raycast psych a particle effects online desync so we turned off everything and I don't mean like hey we turn this off for purposes of development what I mean is we run these systems only on the render tick or some of these on the get run on the confirmed frame but we only run them once per tick stop running them eight times they're very expensive so that reduces our engine tick on the simulated frames you'll notice it doesn't touch anything on the rendered frame then some easy performance wins don't do string compares don't do things eight times like controller polling or garbage collection don't update certain systems or whole sloughs of objects our environment is not gameplay affecting don't update at eight times and realistically death by a thousand paper cuts tons of dynamic Alex pointer chasing or my personal pet peeve is walking sparse lists this pattern happens everywhere you've got these massive lists of objects and you're iterating over them to do work on five percent of them right you've got some virtual function that you're hitting on 100% of your objects that are actually it's gonna do work on five percent of them that's a thing bulk allocation and serialization of all of our animals in the Animas a verse a half millisecond that was a nice win and use your profiling tools they will tell you what you're doing wrong so the engine tick got even smaller game tick hasn't really changed and we haven't touched serialization yet this is the more difficult performance wins I'm not going to read the whole slide to you guys I will explain the promotable reese emulation behavior because that doesn't explain itself basically you would have objects that would be latent in the environment that are not gameplay affecting right up until they are so instead of paying for them all the time we would them only when needed the the thing to note there is you need to know that you're going to need them before you do because if you wait too long you're inside your role back window and that's not going to be coordinated on both machines so you need to see this coming seven frames in advance you frequently not an issue aggressive parallelization and graph optimizations that is a heck of a bullet point we spent a ton of time optimizing our task graph and then yeah we a sync tick our UI and audio emitter parallelization is a big deal animation priests am playing wasn't a huge win but ended up being fairly painful to implement job priorities yeah makes our engine tick go faster still like obviously you're seeing this in serialization is taking up a massive amount of time for us so this is our task graph here you're only as fast as your critical path initially we had that graph that I showed you earlier I keep calling it a graph it's because this tool generates graphs that we'll see in the next slide but the one on top here is a very sparse very wasteful graph and the one on the bottom is the one we actually shipped there's still a little bit of waste at the end at the end of the day you're only as fast as your critical path this is just a capture of a full job graph tick this is the render tick you know we can dig in here and see if we our dependencies are all meaningful and if all of this makes sense all I really want to call out here is that our simulated graph is much much simpler there's much fewer actors much less complexity and I mean you can see how ludicrously sparse it is the total time scale for that is I think half a millisecond to run one of the simulated frames that's pretty normal so yeah I mean you can see we're largely bound by animation sampling there so about that threading thread contention is a real thing as I mentioned earlier our non cooperatively multi-threaded portions of the engine do conflict with the rest of our engine they do slow us down a bit manage your priorities manage your affinities you want to stick on the same core don't over subscribe your threads drop thread priority for low priority or latency tolerant work and be careful of priority inversions starvation that's kind of a no-brainer at this point but starvation can sneak up on you that's very much a thing threating primitives can cost more than they're worth this is kind of another of my pet peeves it's very common to insert basic threating primitives all over the place to guard critical sections of work I'm a huge fan of our cooperatively multi-threaded system the task graphing that we do because it avoids all of this and use move semantics to avoid unnecessary atomic operations you don't want to increment and decrement this stuff just move it so our serialization time went way down do you have to save eight times this was a big deal for us we figured it out you only actually have to save the confirm frame you don't actually need to save every frame of your simulation you can only ever roll back to a frame that you actually had input for everybody what this does mean though is you will on average roll back further than you technically had to this is a great optimization for your worst case but it makes your average case better oh sorry your worst case gets much better your average case actually gets worse we just happen to not care because we have to fit in to sixteen point six six anyway so we we heard our average case and we optimized for our worst case so we pack it down twelve milliseconds particle performance they were special naive approaches were way too expensive particle systems were the largest cause of performance spikes we solve this largely with heavy caching reduce tree simulation and cutting corners on serialization all over the place we would do deferred async initialization of our particles and we would automatically parallelize the emitters initially that was manual we would actually have an artist and an engineer sit down and break up the emitters into figuring out which ones could go wide but it turns out you can just figure that out offline we burned about a hundred Meg for a runtime cache of our particles so that we don't run time spawn our particles it was just too expensive these are the particle Reece emulation modes in the initial rollout our designers would have to flag every single particle they made with one of these modes either yury simulate always in which case in a seven roll back you'll actually risa me late these particles eight times you would do this if essentially if your particles couldn't support variable time steps so in that case you actually had to simulate them every single time every single frame to get a predictable result out the other side Rison ever which is I'm only gonna simulate you on the render frame recent predictive this was by far our most common mode what it leverages is the fact that the particles generally support variable time steps we would simulate twice once on the confirm frame and once on the render frame what this effectively ends up doing is giving you this like midpoint thing where you're you're doing a seven frame roll back and you're gonna simulate the guy on frame three as well as on the render frame giving you sort of a midpoint and an end point so that you get predictable particle playback this ends up becoming our default and we almost never opt out of it and then recent track this is for stuff that gets spawned into the environment we're never gonna undo it we're just gonna let it go this is the predictive particle cache we call it the pprs but I don't remember what that stands for so it's predictive ticking and serialization it may cause visual discontinuities the important part here is that what we do is we hash with really really loose constraints on these particle systems and the constraints are like is the player in roughly the same spot and have you done roughly the same thing in the gameplay script if so let's reuse this guy don't touch him don't simulate them don't serialize them asterisks that's not exactly true we do put a special serialization buffer that sits on top of the rest of the rollback system for use here if the particle system a simulation inputs match the cache entry use the cache this was extremely effective it's a good template for areas that don't have to be perfect where you can use this lightweight serialization and very loose hashing algorithm to figure out what is close enough you can't do this for anything that your game actually relies upon this is only for like visual discontinuities or maybe audio a quick video of what I'm going to show here is I'm going to show particle systems on the local machine as well as on the remote machine and you'll see some divergence here you'll see things where we mispredicted these are particle systems that are input sensitive so as you're doing this move you can you know press the right stick or something and cause the particle to do a different thing I'll play this multiple times so it's a little hard to see but if you check it on the remote machine there you'll see the laser miss predicts all over the place so this is firestorm same story this particle system is sensitive to your input so you'll see that the remote player sometimes shows it as a distant move and then it corrects to be closer this one you'll see almost no divergence the reason for that is the input that actually mattered to the game occurred very early on in the lightning ball like he executed the move before the particle was ever created so those two particles look basically identical what I'm going to show you coming up here is that was with our pprs the predictive particle system with the separate state cache on this is with it off so that's with a particle system that can't like the reason that pprs is saving us there is because it's reusing the exact same object instead of attempting to Reese emulator if you re simulate that object that's what you get it's because it can't I'm flicking up but the the pprs system there allows us to reuse that particle effect and keep the exact same visuals it has a non deterministic simulation so when you actually Risa meu late at the eight times necessary you get a different result so it's visually inconsistent I'll do it one more time because the the first two there are a little bit hard to see [Music] so it may go without saying I'm showing all of these under massive latency right this is these are these are connections that are right before our POS cutoff 300 350 millisecond trip time so this this one that's about to show here is a demonstration of why you have to reuse objects that simulate non-deterministically [Music] [Music] so checking our work we we thought we were in trouble we were we were due to ship the game in a month or so or the patch for the game and we kind of thought we were screwed we didn't think like we were still bogging and the problem was we had been so focused on set rollback frame 7 which was taking every frame in our game and running it with seven simulated frames we were basically running our worst case scenario every single tick because that was technically possible turns out that's actually not realistic at all QA picked up the game and said this is fantastic you have to ship this I know you guys think that your performance metrics are all wrong here and that you were bogging and like this plays leaps and bounds better than any online experience for Mortal Kombat in the past you have to do this so basically our benchmark was completely wrong we were so focused on seven frames of rollback that it turns out a human button press cadence is like maybe six times a second usually much less than that so the number of times that you actually roll back seven frames is really bad connections and only whenever your opponent presses a button and getting those scenarios to occur in the very few situations that would actually bog the game it turns out this is incredibly rare and it doesn't actually impact the actual player experience we were still bogging occasionally and we were net pausing in our worst cases so basically as you reach the latency cap if you hadn't received a packet inside the 333 milliseconds that we supported we would have to pause the game turns out pausing the game feels terrible right it injects these herky-jerky moments where the game gets hitch's it does screw up your button cadence quite a bit it turns out that actually just extending the frames a little bit will smooth that out so this is a slightly contrived example because this is injecting 34 milliseconds spaced out over 10 frames which is actually more than we would ever do the the most we would inject is about 2 milliseconds per frame and we will only do this if you're right up at the top of our latency curve right so I mean as you can tell we spent a ton of time I'm optimizing for the worst-possible-case the vast majority of our matches never hit any of these cases and the game plays extremely smoothly we were just so focused on the the worst possible experience that we spent a lot of time optimizing for that so we had all this internal data QA is telling us everything's great but we were about to pull the trigger on a pretty large change to our code base in a game that had been live for nine months so we ran a beta we had about 20,000 users the public was extremely happy about it we were watching all the streamers play locally and they were they were loving it right it was a big deal and it really solidified our performance and network targets again our benchmarks were all wrong we were chasing the wrong thing curveball beta telemetry demonstrated unexpected results most matches had one player rolling back seven frames every single frame of the game ironically it was the crazy benchmark we'd been chasing the entire time turns out we had a bug and I don't know that it was a bug but it was something that had to be addressed it was basically a performance feedback loop somebody would start rolling back seven frames which would occasionally bog them which would cause their frames to take longer which would cause them to bog more and constantly roll back at the maximum possible distance so the players loved it anyway that's that 95% people said this is awesome we had a horrific bug that caused the absolute worst case scenario and it was still way better than anything we had before what we did was we artificially slowed down the player who was ahead to get them back in sync we kicked this in anytime somebody gets more than about a frame and a half ahead of the other player and all you have to do is inject just a little bit of latency to get people to sync back up fine tuning we analyzed our roll back counts and we use speck saves to reduce roll backs previously I'd said you only have to save the confirm frame that's true but that causes you to roll back further than maybe you have to if you simulate forward and the input does not diverge you get the remote input that you expected to get if you had save that frame you could use it meaning you don't have to roll back all the way now the extreme of that is save every frame but then our performance goes down again so we have this speck save system where we will save the confirm frame you have to do that in order to always have a consistent thing to roll back to save the simulation midpoint if we have time we know we're gonna have time because the performance is relatively consistent if you're rolling back seven frames you may not have time to save this mid frame but if you're rolling back maybe five frames you can bias the save closer to the confirmed frame which is actually further in your past this makes it more likely to actually be confirmed by remote input basically saying your prediction for remote input is more likely to match the less time that passes save at the end of the frame if you have time and thresholds are tweakable without patching so we could slide these things around in the live environment try and find what works and these speculative saves reduce the total rollback count by 30% so the reason this dis gets a little bit complicated but the speculative saves reducing rollback count kind of sounds a little non-intuitive the main type of rollback that they were saving us from was what we would call it an rb2 it's a buffer exhaustion rollback it's a my confirmed frame is about to fall off the end of my buffer and that's the only thing I saved therefore we have to roll back into the past to another frame where I actually have input for save that guy and and then we're good but I just performed a seventh frame rollback even when no input diverged you really want to avoid that if at all possible what about all the D sinks yeah we made our game a lot more complicated and therefore we had a whole lot more D sinks not running procedural systems ended up being a big cause of D sinks turns out our game code was reliant on a whole bunch of procedural things that we had turned off I KB a you know main culprit there luckily our tools got better offline D sink detection because we're deterministic if we play back our pad input with the exact same network cadence you get the exact same match meaning I actually don't need to be online in order to D sink the game for debugging purposes that's fantastic because not every developer wants to have two kits on their mission at their desk people don't want to set up online sessions to reproduce this thing being able to do this with one kit was fantastic we would capture the remote input with network delays you could replay the match and since you could replay the match every single time deterministically you could also krumin after-the-fact so you could inject new desync fencepost new prince whatever you want and you could replay that match as many times as you needed to zero in on what your problem actually was this was completely invaluable that was our normal debugging process when a decent happened it was hey give me the replay I'm gonna look at it locally I'm gonna take a look at my logs if that's not what I want I'm gonna inject more debugging information and keep doing that until I find the problem final D sync rate was less than 1.1 percent I'm I'm fairly certain it's actually less than point zero one percent so what a decent log looks like it's nothing fancy it's a text if so d sync tools general D sink detection and logging which is basically what we just talked about the replay files I talked about this but I just to mention it one more time it was incredibly valuable you don't get this unless your game is completely deterministic end to end and ad sync utility which you can see the small screen shot there the most useful thing that that gave us was we can grab D sinks from the wild any developer can click a button and go grab all of the D sinks that occurred in the past day or week from the wild so when the game launched everybody sitting there clicking the you know give me all my logs let's find out why the game's D sinking and fix that and we got to respond very quickly because of that we didn't have to wait on first party for that and I just call out NRS soak we soak online matches on every kit in the building every night LOD sinks get logged to an internal server and we can debug it that way so you catch a lot of this stuff way before it gets out into the wild some low-level lessons learned limit your mutable state handles over pointers wherever performance allows handles are inherently a double bounce usually it depends on your implementation but they cost extra performance but what they can allow you to do more easily than a pointer is basically if you're using a handle when it comes time to fix something up post serialization you basically don't have to also they can allow asymmetric rollback relationships where you have an object that you're referencing via a handle and your system is not serialized but the object is or vice versa with a raw pointer that's much harder to do you end up having to have these strange post fix-up calls where you go and fix up all the pointers in the whole wide world avoid shared ownership beautiful mutable resources again this is what I talked about very early on shared ownership you would end up having to inject another concept of like serialization ownership which is super dirty and to be avoided avoid work in your constructors or destructors again if you're preserving object lifetimes across these creation and destruction boundaries you can't trust your constructors and destructors to trigger when they normally would lean on mem copies and buffer swaps instead of dynamic fix-up yep yep do that high level lessons learned this is a huge one this is a big deal this feels like of course this is the way it should work design your game systems to drive visual state not depend on it we have a whole bunch of code that says tell me where my right hand is oh you know where is the head and it does all of these things and it's literally saying tell me where the joint is but if you stop running your procedural systems those answers are all wrong so we end up having to cut a whole bunch of corners to make all of those answers right and if we had done a cleaner job up front of segregating these two systems we'd be much better off design systems to update with variable time steps it is extremely convenient when you don't have to run something eight times and you can run it at intermediate points and still get effectively the same result if you can update parametrically that's even better because you probably only need to update once every one should work with debug rollback systems enabled it's the fastest way to find things that go wrong when your designers are not running with debug systems enabled they think everything they're making is just fine only to find out later because you know QA happened to find a bug defer processing until after the rollback window if reasonable what this means is I don't have to actually roll something back if I don't respond to it until I'm guaranteed for it to have actually occurred what I mean is if an event occurs and I don't respond to it for seven or eight ticks I'm guaranteed by the time I actually respond to that that event has actually happened on both machines it will not be rolled back this doesn't have to be rollback compliant at that point we do that for our pause menu we do that for our cinematics we will never roll back out of a cinematic we will never roll back into a cinematic so we didn't support our cinematic tool for roll backs although that causes our gameplay guys some headaches because they have to put these boundaries on either side I'll also say in the cinematic vein there we just categorically don't allow anybody to roll back across a camera cut that's not for a technical reason that's just incredibly jarring to the player so I mean it's also in mortal combat if you cut a guy's head off we don't want to roll back before that boundary like you just showed you ending the fight and it's terrible for the players so there are certain boundaries that from a technical standpoint we could support but from a user standpoint we should never allow bhaag is also no longer a function of a single frame if you've done a terrible thing it will likely persist for the duration of your roll back window future work multi-thread our gameplay script we have three cores there we can fill them with arbitrary work or we can just multi thread our game script that effort is underway it seems to be going well extend state based serialization we do have something in the game where certain objects will enter a state serialize that state and then not not serialize the object until state changes again that's a great idea we should do more of it simplify particle serialization or simulation if we can move our particles in a parametric Direction everything gets easier and cheaper separate the game state from the visual state and add roll back for more roll back support for more systems largely just to ease the burden on our gameplay teams any questions we're hiring I'm just gonna let a video loop hi there I work on a lockstep fighting game so first of all congratulations I'm blown away that you were actually able to pull this off how how close to the 16 millisecond performance budget were you before you started this process yep so the question is how close were we to the 16 millisecond budget or limit before we started the process we were in my opinion we were a bit lazy due to the console generation jump we were running at about 10 milliseconds in an idle frame which gave us plenty of room to spike and generally stay in frame I see so the the exercise was basically making sure that you could run the deterministic portion of your game within whatever budget you had left and so you were paring down how much was in the deterministic segment and optimizing at the same time as that yep that's just a bit and from a user experience standpoint if you are rolling back you didn't blend into the corrected frame you just went straight to it is that we tried so the question is did we interpolate into the corrected position corrected pose we experimented with that the short answer was it felt worse the our response from QA was that they they wanted to see the frames immediately as soon as we could correct it we should correct it also the interpolation led to a lot of foot sliding and that sort of thing right so the user would essentially lose like between three and eight frames of execution from the other and they didn't really complain about that or care about that I'll also note that I'd have to rewind all the way to the beginning of the slides the latency curve that I showed the vast majority of our games would be played under four to five frames of latency and we had three frames of static input latency which meant only one or two frames of rollback and that would cover 60 or 70% of the game so most games are played in super smooth so you rarely would run into problems where someone would like hit confirm and then it would be undone and then they'd be pissed off yep I mean it is a thing yeah it is rare as you said that's awesome congratulation was unexpected frankly it was blue naman it would be much more visually jarring I don't know how you did the serialization thing - that's like super daunting even considering how to go into that it's not bad start by serializing a lot and then optimize it that's the gist of it cool thanks thank you so for this new system compared to the older system it seems like the user reaction time might be a little different yeah were there what did this drive gameplay changes where maybe moves that needed to be reactive all had to be made longer or things that shouldn't be reactive all had to be made faster yeah I'll repeat the question because I was told - although it sounds like you're super clear here the question is basically there's reaction time implications to this right moves have warmup time it's a highly reactive game people want to respond immediately and and your concern is is spot-on so did we make changes for mortal 10 which is where we initially patch this in know the basically that was 100% an engineering effort that's 99% engineering but we didn't touch the gameplay for injustice - yeah a little bit the designers didn't change much though as I said the vast majority of your matches will be played with one or two frames of actual like rollbacks like three frames static input latency one or two frames of rollback so yeah you're shaving off about one or two frames there so I don't know that our designers adjusted the moves a lot you're right in that some seven or eight or nine frame punch is incredibly quick and shaving off one two three four or five frames of that is the thing comes out like lightning but the honest truth this is somewhat my opinion but it's confirmed around the building is fighting games are about footsies right it's I know when I'm in this position I'm in danger right and if you're within jab distance of a guy the vast majority of your player base largely including professional players is unable to actually react to that right it's generally anticipate Ori so that's the gist of it we do shave off you know the front end of the attacks with some of these rollback frames though yeah I mean it seems like you could lose seven seven frames on every single attack theoretically that is technically possible yes if you're playing up near the latency cap that will happen how do I had a like there's an anecdotal thing we would receive reports during the beta for a guy who was like in Brazil playing on McDonald's Wi-Fi across the ocean raving about how awesome it was like is he a super competitive professional player like almost certainly not for everybody else this is this is fantastic I mean the pros love it too right like when they like their input cadence is identical when they show up to a tournament their online practice is actually valid and at the same time all of their truly competitive events are played on a land oh no this is clearly better I was just curious if they needed to balance anything thank you so much yeah thank you Kri talk two questions number one major engineering effort seven to eight years can you give me at least a rough idea of the breakdown of where most of that time went or was it just sort of evenly spent the question is seven or eight man years how the heck did that how did that break down man good question you know certainly we lost a man year to decent chasing no doubt several man years if that would have been spent doing raw optimization of you know graph optimization that sort of thing so I would say we probably spent four or five man years of that doing optimization work and we probably spent the balance on correctness and I we probably had one or two man years just building infrastructure of serialization systems and trying to serialize the whole darn game but a lot of it was optimization and D syncs super interesting and then the second question I have is you a lot of that work was making particle effects work and you straight up called out that of course you ideally want to separate visuals from gameplay to have gameplay Drive visuals what prevented you from just never Reece emulator articles ever just keep their orientations and rotations you know and maybe they vanish if that confirm doesn't come out right or maybe they move they interpret often yeah so the question is hey particles are a visual thing why the heck are you rolling them back the gist of it is I I was trying to put a number on this mentally here but it basically some portion of our roll back is done for gameplay determinism purposes and some percentage of it is done simply to make the game look better so a lot of the particles I I hesitate to say all the particles but a lot of the particles were rolled back purely for visual purposes and visual correctness not for gameplay determinism also that pprs system prevented us from rolling back the vast majority of our particles so by the end of it we really weren't rolling them back much that pprs thing really sort of saved our bacon there I'll try and knock these questions out real quick and then I'll talk outside I think I have like one minute left or two minutes hello on LittleBigPlanet we used a very similar system and our biggest issues were performance and out of syncs you've covered really nicely the performance tips but do you have any tips for a structuring your code to avoid out syncs and be detecting and tracking down the cause of the out of sync yeah so the question is distinct so a real pain do you have any tips and tricks there oh man deep topic we lean so heavily on the fact that we were fully deterministic and we could replay those matches I know that's not going to help you architectural II necessarily but being able to play them back and being able to breadcrumb it if you can't do that you have to do that it was just a complete lifesaver I'll talk to you afterwards it's a I'd love for the whole room to hear it but it I just don't have time to dive super deep on that I believe you guys aren't PC as well right we ship a PC client yeah okay so with respect to variable Hardware when some players on actually hitting 16 millisecond no seconds how does your system work if one person is running at like 30 FPS or something yeah my understanding I we don't ship the PC client in-house we outsource it but my understanding is that they the short answer is they not pause more frequently like a lot of these safeguards that we have to ensure like a certain latency footprint they exist but on PC they just it's a lot fuzzier so they do end up pausing the game more so with variable Hardware and variable I guess the network experience is probably basically identical but they'll net pause the game more frequently one very interesting thing to note is that if you are bogging maybe due to hardware or whatever that does impact your RTT because your networks end rate is changed and your network receive rate has effectively changed that can lead to like really weird feedback loops I'm not sure what's being done there cool thank you thank you save state each time you're saving it isn't it the question is how BIG's the save buffer it's small measured in K you know maybe maybe a Meg per frame probably less you
Channel: GDC
Views: 59,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gdc, talk, panel, game, games, gaming, development, hd, design, mortal kombat, injustice 2, netherrealm, netherrealm games, mk11
Id: 7jb0FOcImdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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